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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter H: Page 10
House Shaking Ghost by igowako
I had lived in Japan for 6 years. It was when my family and I decided to move back to Australia and live in our sweet little home that we used to live in 6 years ago. Just so you know, while we were living in Japan we were renting the house to other's and our house was built in the 1800's. It too...
House Shopping by IwonderY
Many years ago I was shopping for my first home. A family member was with me along with the realtor. I was pleasantly surprised that the realtor found a beautiful house in my price range that had more than I hoped for in size. A few steps into the front door was the staircase to go down into the bas...
House Sitting by Fergie
For the second time within a month, I was asked to do house sitting duty at our eldest daughter's home. No problem. She lives in a secure townhouse complex in the Johannesburg region where she presides as chairlady. Her second in command, (I shall call her Kay) would look in on me on a regular basis...
House Sitting 2 by Fergie
This seems to be an annual event now, or maybe even bi-annual, as I found myself house sitting once more. Nicky, our eldest daughter, had accompanied her long-time friend to a seaside resort on our sub-tropical East Coast. Both were celebrating their birthdays, both are Sagittarians. The first f...
House Sitting For My Neighbor, My First Real Scare by TheDon
Back when I was 21, a former neighbor who is a good friend of mine came over to ask if I could house sit and care for the family dog while they went out of town for the weekend. I agreed considering I had the weekend off from work, besides my buddy always having the up to date big screen and stereo ...
House Upon The Gallows by sameeca
If you have read my previous post, you will know that I used to live in an old fisherman's cottage, which I thought was haunted. My family moved from there in October 2002 from the beach to the town. It is in a housing estate, on a hill on the outside of the small town. It is about ten years old, wi...
House Visitors? by cyndit
I'm not very good at telling stories by writing them, but I will try my best to describe what happened without rambling on too much. My husband and our two children moved into our newly purchased home approximately three years ago. We were so excited and absolutely loved it. I had been very sick s...
House Where You Cannot Consume Alcohol by VijaySachan
Location - Viman Nagar, Pune Date - Early March 2005 This is one of few experiences which I have witnessed in Pune. Often I wonder why my 7 months stay at Pune has so many numbers of unexplainable experiences. Sorry, no offence but I often find this city to be witnessing lot of visitors from pas...
House Wight? by SparklinBurgndy
I live in an enormous old farmhouse in West Central Indiana. The house is surrounded by 2000 acres of grain fields, interspersed with old family cemeteries. I outlined it with more detail in my story 'Not So Quiet Neighbors'. Someone asked in the comments of that story if the activity could have ...
House With Bad Vibes Or Something More Sinister by tiktokangelscpt
After my last car accident story, we came back to Cape Town and moved into our own house in Table View in May 1998. The very first night I felt very unwell. I had nightmares and sleep paralysis, and I couldn't sleep by the window in my room or in the living room. Many things disappeared and reappe...
House With The Purple Porch by hannagrace2017
When I was about six years old, my family and I moved into a five bedroom home in south Omaha Nebraska. This part of town was well known to be super sketchy. In all honesty it wasn't the greatest place to raise a family, however my family wasn't the richest and the rent was cheap and the house was b...
Household Prankster by Crystal717
So this is my first post, and it's also the most recent of any of my experiences. I will post the others as I get them written out. My Husband and I, and our 2 year old son, live in an apartment in a good neighborhood in central VA. I've never worried that this apartment was haunted. I've lived...
Housekeeper's Worst Nightmare by TallyAndJinxie
Over the winter, my neighbor asked me if I could be their housekeeper for the weekend. My jobs would include feeding the family dog and making sure the house was clean. One afternoon, my best friend and I went over to the house to feed their dog, Ellie, and clean the upstairs. When we walked upsta...
Housekeeping Ghost? by Dogwoman91
This is the earliest memory I have that involves anything supernatural related, and it is also the most... How would you describe, vivid, maybe even solid evidence based? From my memory I was around 4 years old, just before I started school and mum was heavily pregnant with my little sis...
Housemaid's Last Goodbye by Panini18
Before the doppelganger incident, my cousin experienced another scary event after our housemaid died. This housemaid of ours has taken care of her since she was a small child, and luckily I got a chance to see and spend time with her until I entered 1st grade. This housemaid of ours, ate Saling (...
Housemate by daunsntein
During work week, I stay at my mom's ancestral home (owned by her parents) in the city because our house is too far from my job. I only go home on weekends. There are some occurrence in that house that makes us believe that we do have an unseen housemate. We don't really mind because it's not bot...
Houses Are Evil Too by bryandavid019
My name is David and I am from Delhi. I am happily married with a beautiful and loving wife and a loving kid. I have read a lot of stories here on this website, after a lot of discussion with my wife and after a lot of consideration I want to share my personal experience with you all today. I know m...
Hovering Face by dashmasha
I have never experienced any kind of supernatural or paranormal experience before, except this one time... When I was 21 (I'm 30 now), I lived in my parents house with my 3 brothers. My room was in a kind of basement down stairs. We lived in Melbourne in the suburbs. There is no history or anythi...
Hovering Ghost by Kya1994
I've remembered this recently, I definitely forgot about it for quite some time. This happened years ago, my step mother would take naps every once in a while on my bed, in my bedroom. She was still taking a nap in there one night, and I saw a shadow of a man hovering over her. It was creepy, but he...
Hovering In My Bed by MMeeks
When I was in college, things would randomly fall off the wall. The shower would randomly turn on and my roommate thought I was always playing pranks by scratching at the walls. I didn't think too much about it but thought "OMG, we have a ghost living with us". 4 years later, my husband and I mov...
Hovering Vacuum Cleaner by lian01
I don't really like stories that are posted on behalf of someone else, I think it often damages the credibility. I'm only submitting this story because I believe 100% that it is real. It is an encounter that happened to my best friend Max. He's the kind of best friend that you consider more to be fa...
How Can A Brand New House Be Haunted? by dhudson123
In 2002 the house that I am currently living in was built and there was no one living in the house before me. But not long after me and my parents moved in very strange things happened in our house that we cannot explain. My cousin who was around four at the time was sitting with me at the breakfa...
How Can I Communicate With A Ghost? by MysteryPup
I have lived at my current apartment for almost 2 years this coming July. For the past month or so there has been an increase paranormal activity... At least I believe it is. The house was built in 1938, it was the estate house on a huge lot with servants on the property in (I believe) their own sma...
How Can I Help My Husband by mbernsen
We been living in our house for a mere 9 months or so and immediately upon moving in we knew there was something here. Within about the first week, I was taking a shower, and when I got out and looked in the mirror there was a woman behind me with long, tangled hair, and she was VERY pale. Most ...
How Did He Get In My Dream? by darkbunny209
My story happened when I was about 10 and my sister was 13, I and my sister shared a room. One night I was in my room when I heard a person say, someone will die. Which when your 10 is really scary. About five minutes later I heard a scream I ran around the house to try and find out who it was. Lat...
How Did I Survive? by peripeteia
This story begins at my cousins' house. I remember it just like it was yesterday, but I still have trouble trying to figure out how I ever made it out of the pool alive. Well, my family decided to have a BBQ out in my uncle's backyard. I was about four at the time, and I remember that I didn't k...
How Did This Happen? by NibbleOfZeCookie
It was an average night. I don't think it was a full moon, but it was close. I had gone to bed without putting on my necklace, I keep it on the wall hanging right next to my bed. It's a long chain with angel wings in the form of a heart with a red gem inside. So I went to sleep and I had this weird ...
How Did You Find Your Courage? by Katiekhaos
I posted a story a few days ago involving all of the paranormal experiences I have been having my entire life. Since I have posted that, the dark feeling in my home has become more apparent. I would like to think that a good part of that is paranoia. However, my grandmother was here babysitting ...
How Do I Get My Normal Life Back? by MPS
This happened to me when I used to live in Varanasi. As I had mentioned in my previous posts I live with my husband and son. My husband is in a transferable job so every 2-5 years we shift to a new city. We came to Varanasi in 2017 and were living in a government allotted bungalow. Everything was fi...
How Do I Get Rid Of Black Magic That's Been Done On My Body? by Anon20
I've been hearing noises in my ears, like there's something inside my body. I've felt parts of my body twitch and am actually hearing voices in my ears that disagree with me. Someone placed a spell or something on me. I've done some searching online and read into this type of thing and I read its bl...
How Do I Get Rid Of It? by NightKunoichi
I've posted a story previously, I'm not sure if this is the same spirit or something different but here goes. Things had quieted down for a while and then I got this new phone that I downloaded this app onto. It's called Ghost Detector and it, essentially has a detector radar (I'm not sure how accur...
How Do I Tell Others About This? by MissY732
I am seventeen years of age and I have started watching a program on tv called Ghost Whisperer. It teaches you how to communicate with ghosts, and since I have watched this program, I have been seeing black shadows in my house. I have told my boyfriend about this. I don't want people to think I am m...
How Do You Like My House? by frenchpoet
My parents weren't sure if they wanted to sell their beautiful bungalow for a cement brick ranch on Mulberry Street. This house belonged to my Uncle Al who had recently passed away and the family offered to sell this house to them at a very low cost. I wasn't too pleased at first. I was always afrai...
How Does A Haunting Affect Our Relationships? by MNPROPHET
How does a Haunting affect our relationships? Team PROPHET was asked to consult on an alleged haunting a few days ago. It was a little disturbing to me and my wife... A fellow investigator... The story starts out as a special occasion for a husband and wife... An anniversary? A special occa...
How I Became An Achluophobic by benhur
I was confused. Whether to write or not. I felt the guidelines not so persuasive for anybody to write it up. Even though I am a grown up now, I was a teenager when this incident occurred in my life, the incident which turned me into an achluophobic, erytophobic bloody boy. Still at the age of 25, I ...
How I Broke A Gandharvas Head by AzraelX
This experience happened when I was doing my High School or 10+2 in India. During my time, it was called pre-degree and it was in a proper college. It was only later that they separated Pre-Degree from the College and added it to School and it is known as +2 or the two High School years. My Mo...
How Interested Is Too Interested? by ashville
I have a question that really needs an answer. Just to sum it up, I want to know, "how interested is too interested in the paranormal?" I'll tell you why. In a nutshell, I am sensitive to this parallel around us, but not to the point of bragging about it. I believe in all things haunted, out of p...
How It All Began by GhastlyGloria
Being born into a heavily military based family, I was quickly stationed with my father and mother in a small, two bedroom apartment right outside of infamous Freihung, Germany. Growing up, my father was very busy, so me and my mother traveled around the cities, looking at castles and reveling in th...
How It All Began And How It Never Ended by Toxmax
When I was 4 years old I had my first paranormal experience. I was playing around in the cafe which my mother and father were running at the time. We heard a ring and my mum picked up the phone. She stood as still as still could be and began to cry. I had no idea what it was about at the time but I ...
How It All Started by Cirdan
When I was around 3-5 years old, I moved too this new house on the country side. I was really young and looking for fun all the time, and lucky for me the neighbor boy next door was at the same age as me (I'm just going to call him Mike) and had the same interests as me at that time. One day Mike...
How It All Started For Me by BlackDiamondRattlesnake
For Everyone. I am long time reader and first time (so very nervous) writer who is a very big fan of the page. I regularly check for new stories and have got some of my friends interested in the page too. I've been a sensitive since I was around 12 years old. Just little things at first like flas...
How It Happened by Tuesdey
The summer of 2012 may have possibly been the most difficult months of my life. A chain of unfortunate events had led me homeless and family-less, giving me few options for living space and basic necessities. Upon learning street smarts and how to protect myself from those around me who want to do m...
How Many Ghost Do We Have? by ghostmomma
My story really began seven years ago. When Jim my husband, and I brought our brick house. It didn't take much time before we started having things moved or just taken. Jim would just be watching TV and he'd yell out, that something just scratched him. I could watch the scratches grow deep red. We n...
How Many Ghost Do We Have? 2 by ghostmomma
When I left you last, I was telling about the tea pot I was looking for, for my granddaughter, Ashlyn. I thought I handed it back to her, the night she stayed over, and wanted to have a tea party with Jim and myself. So I went into her room to look in the toy box. I found it and handed it back to so...
How The Spirits Entertained Us At The Old Nick Theatre by Simplyghostnights
What a night of paranormal activity, no superlatives can describe the amount of paranormal phenomena that occurred at the creepy Gainsborough Old Nick Theatre. In the group séance at the start of the ghost hunt, everyone heard unexplained banging and tapping from within the main theatre room in...
How To Help My Daughter by trueckl
I am just looking for some insight into how to help my daughter with her fear of ghosts. I know it is a normal reaction to be fearful, because I too am frightened when I see things that I can't explain. She often sees images in her mind's eye of ghosts, one in particular I believe to be my grandmoth...
How To Help My Daughter 2 by trueckl
Recently I posted a story reaching out to anyone that could help me with what my daughter is experiencing, and for a while all of the suggestions seemed to be helping, until recently. Yesterday she informed me that she has been hearing more voices. She heard someone calling her name and also someone...
Howling by Alfie
In all my years I've always thought that ghost stories and beliefs were all fictional. Until a really peculiar event happened. One of my friends had just bought a new house out in Kibbler Park. He had to go out on business to the coast and asked if I could look after he's place for him until he re...
Howling 2 by Alfie
Many years ago when there was only land, this particular site was ridden with practices of dark craft. I then did my research on the crafts at hand, as there were different kinds. But for over the years of research I soon discovered that demonic callings were practiced on this land. A ritual for cal...
Howling Ghost by missy1992
I have had my house well over a few months. The house was built in 1951 and a very beautiful brick home. The first night of moving in here my two year old had looked into the bedroom where we were sleeping and took off running holding her arms up to me. Then after that about a week later I had saw s...
Howling Shadows by RubberBandBall
There are times in my life that I just get a feeling. I do not mean that I have premonitions or experiences I just mean to say that I have gut feelings. I'm sure that it is a universal thing; just imagine the feeling of falling on a roller coaster mixed with a car crash (that is the closet as I can ...
Hpi Chronicles: The Ghosts Of San Juan Bautista by PaulDaleRoberts
HPI gets a call from Mags. Mags is actually the lovely Margaret Clara Baker. She lives in San Juan Bautista and she lives with ghosts. Holly DeLaughter will be the lead investigator for this case and sets a date for the HPI core members to investigate. Mags was kind enough to set us up with plenty ...
Hpi Chronicles: The Many Ghosts Of Sonoma by PaulDaleRoberts
HPI Chronicles: The Many Ghosts of Sonoma By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter The date is August 9, 2008, Saturday and I am getting prepared for a big scouting mission in Sonoma. But, before I prepare for this scouting mission, I also have to say prayers for a good friend of mine. His name...
HPI Chronicles: The Oakland Cemeteries Scouting Mission by PaulDaleRoberts
I am getting up at 6am tomorrow (Feb 9, 2008 Saturday). I am meeting a bunch of HPI Paranormal Investigators-in-Training/Scouts at Starbucks on 15th and Broadway at 8am and then we are headed over to Starbucks at 420 West Grand, Oakland to meet up with Anah Denzeiberg, HPI Paranormal Investigator an...
HPI Chronicles: Tree Ghosts of Vietnam by PaulDaleRoberts
I have been to Thailand and Burma. I have never been to Vietnam, even though I flew over Vietnam and Laos to get to Thailand. I hope to one day visit Vietnam. Vietnam has become a friend to America and tourists are treated graciously. My half brother Andrew Somprise Soyo remembers a different Vietna...
Hub Bub Bub Bub by Mannerizms
I know, I know it has been a while and I have not had the time between University and work to be able to sit down and write. However, here is a new one for you: Now I know you have read my stories before (A child will always be afraid of the Dark, They just need to learn boundaries.) I've got a g...
Huddled Together by demonboy
I'm back again with another experience, its been some time but this one wasn't as spine chilling as my other ones, this one to me seems as if relatives were trying to get my attention. I was deep asleep when my English home work pages were swept to the floor of my homework desk. I didn't want to los...
Hug From A Spirit by ANGIELJ09041968
I live in Savannah, Ga. I'm a single mom of five. I often give my bed up to avoid the fights between my boys. This particular night I was sleeping on the couch, I encountered what appeared to be a male whatever it was behind me on the couch. He wrapped both of his arms around me as if he was huggi...
Huge Black Figure by Crystal
I am 23 now, this occurred when I was 16. I lived at my parents house, about 12 miles or so from where I live now. From the time I was a child until now, I always read myself to sleep. This night was no exception. I had been reading by lava lamp (since its a dim light that makes it easy to fall asle...
Huge Black Mass In The Shape Of A Man by jzinck
My name is Jenna and I am 23 years old now. When I was about 9 or 10 I used to have "SCARY DREAMS" as my parents would call them, even thought I swear I was not sleeping. I had woken up though in the middle of the night and there in my room doorway was a huge black mass in the shape of a man. He fil...
Huge Shadow Being Toying With Me by spiritwaiting
This experience happened to me, 4 years ago. In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This occurred in the duplex, and here's a description. There were 4 bedrooms each that could be entered from the long hallway. My oldest son's room was directly across from the living room, diagonal was my middle and younge...
Hulking Shadow Figure In My Room by tommyparanormal
This happened to me when I was 15. I was woken up around 3 or 4 In the morning. When I looked in front of me, I saw a 7 to 8 foot tall shadow. The strange thing was it looked almost like Bigfoot. Naturally I came screaming out of my room. I told my father but he told me it was probably a dream. Th...
Human Spirit Or Demon? by JustMe2008
Summer vacation started, and I live in town, close to school. I walk with my friends as usual, and there's a house we always see in when we walk by. The house looks very old, and nobody has lived there for 4 years. I was wondering why nobody would buy the house, because it's nice and big. The entire...
Humanoid And The Candle Thrower by CDubber
Since my last story my mother and I have moved to a nice modern flat a block away from our old house. Here's me thinking "Ah, a nice new house. This surely won't be haunted!" Well, I was wrong. Though I can say activity has definitely decreased since living here, I believe we have some residents her...
Humming And The Drums by acm_92886
When I lived in Richfield I had lived in a house that was really old, built in maybe 1970, there have been no deaths or anything else I am aware of. My room was in the basement so I had my own little living room and my own bedroom. Every morning when I would get up to shower the house would be de...
Humming Hitchrider by curiousmind
This is my first time to write and share some of the experiences I had from the past. I am not actually seeing ghosts but my other senses are active in feeling and hearing them. This one I'll share might not be that scary but I do hope you will still appreciate. This happens a year ago in some part ...
Humming In Baby Monitor by Janny3000x
I have lived in Ny for 14 years now and have moved to several different houses in the state. My family never experienced any paranormal occurrences in NY until the last apartment we moved into (where we have currently lived for 3 years now). The story I am about to tell is one of MANY paranormal thi...
Humming Voice by eltimur
First of all, I would like to thank YGS for accepting my story. Back in 2003, I worked at a piggery farm somewhere in Bulacan. It's too far from the market and it was very remote (liblib in Tagalog). The pig's houses there were buildings made up of concretes and metal and other stuffs. It contain...
Hunchback Ghost (s) by Markle
My first experience occurred about 3 years ago, when I was 24. I was working at a facility for mentally disabled individuals where one of the residents had previously died. The people who worked the overnight shifts at my job used to tell stories about seeing the resident's ghost. I personally did n...
Hungry Ghost Festival by dithium
For those who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture, the Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the 7th month of the lunar calendar. It is the month where all the ghosts are released from Hell, like a spring break. So as tradition goes, every start of the 7th month, we will prepare offerings like rice, ro...
Hungry Ghost? by moodyblue4
I've actually had a couple paranormal experiences. But the one that really sticks out to me is something that happened over my sister and brother-in-law's house. I was spending the night because I was supposed to be helping my sister with Thanksgiving baking the next day and it was much easier for...
Hunted By A Child Soul After I Witnessed His Death by Risoli
It was a cold night of November, I stayed up late studying for my exams, I was only 16 and I made my own private room at the balcony of our home at 5th floor. In front of us there was 2 buildings and a famous hotel with swimming pool just in its 4th floor where parties held every night and people t...
Hunted By A Demon From A Ouija Board by superstroop53
My girlfriend and her friends played with an Ouija board a couple years ago. My girlfriend told me the Ouija board told her it was her grand father that died years back from a freak accident. She began asking it questions that only he would know and the spirit answered them all correctly. Ever since...
Hunted Job Corps by esha
When I was 16 years old, I attended Cincinnati Job Corps, (in of course Cincinnati Ohio) from the years 2002- 2003. Now let me explain this to you, this building that all of the students, including myself resided had a lot of history. The Underground Railroad ran under it, nuns lived there, it was a...
Hunter Or Spiritualist? by Valicity
This is about my background leading into future demon hunting, and revenge for the past. Sometimes I can feel something watching me. I don't know what it is, but I can always tell where it is. It makes me nervous and paranoid. Even if I'm with other people, it'll come. It doesn't feel like a goo...
Hunting Camp by islandD
Here is some background information about me. I was born and raised in the south. Hunting, fishing and being outside is what I am all about. I have been lost alone in woods and have been in places that if one would allow it to happen, would scare anyone. 1986-Woods around Tignall Georgia. I was ...
Husband And Wife Experience by isa
I found this site after having a strange encounter of my own. If anybody has any suggestions or comments. Please speak up. I am VERY new to all this. Thanks. During the past several months there have been numerous instances when either my husband or I have been suddenly woken up by loud noises. U...
Hush by SarahBell
I'm sure we've all realized in our lifetime that when you're alone EVERYTHING seems more scary, and things that normally wouldn't happen, happen. Now this is not a story to read in the dark to scare the pants off you, or to make you unable to sleep tonight. That is NOT the reason I am posting, but i...
Hush Little Baby by imyoproblm
I have always heard that babies see things different from adults. And the reason I think people believe this is because at an early age, babies don't know how to lie. They always tell the truth. The reason I think babies can see this stuff is because they can't really be expected to tell it to the m...
Hush Whispers by breezy5794
I live in South Carolina now, but this story took place in my hometown New Jersey. Anyways, I was about 12 years old (17 now) when I heard these voices in my room at before I went to sleep. Now let me rewind to what happened at the begining of that same day. My grandma usually has these Jehovah Witn...
Hypnagogia by Cazouillette
I'm a newly minted member to this site; all in all, I've found a lot of the experiences told here to be entertaining, scary, and even a bit funny (in some cases, not all). This is my experience. (And I have to preface it by saying that I'm NOT a believer in the supernatural, even after what happ...
Hypnagogic Hallucinations? by Self
I have had many different types of "visitations" from my point of view. From dark figures in my bedroom doorway that I couldn't really see no matter how hard I tried, to being picked up off my bed by an unseen person/entity, having someone or something grab my ankles while in bed and try to pull me ...
Hypnosis Encounter by vanelle22
This true encounter once again happened to me while I was living in Bangkok, Thailand. To know a small background about me I would suggest everyone reading my first submit. I was in the 5th grade at the time. I had a sleepover with two of my friends Mary and Tasha. Now mind you, I was always int...
Hypnosis Scare by Pangie
This is the major story I'm going to type about it and I don't want to write this but I guess I should. In my last story I wrote about all those weird things happening but I left out something that I should've written but didn't because I feel all weird typing this. About 2 months ago I had a sl...
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