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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter T: Page 25
The Offer by Luke Smith
WARNING: This story may contain religious bias. My view of the events have been influenced by my religion. Please don't read it if you think you may be offended. My name is Luke. I am a Christian. The reason I state that first is because I believe this event that happened in my life is because o...
The Office by exorcist
This is a like a story within a story. I am an architect by profession. Soon after graduating, I landed a job in a small firm. How small? Think ten people altogether. We worked in a building that was reputed to be haunted. To make matters more interesting, the office was on what was supposed to b...
The Office's Stories by deyanna
The Office This is about the events that have been encountered by different agents and staffs in our office before Roma saw the headless person in my previous story. *About the Office* We have wondered why most of the companies did not rented this part of the floor when in fact this is the mo...
The Old Adamsville Elementary School by lindsaysmom
I have recently met a woman through my husband named Cheryl Weismantel. He has helped her do some renovations to her home. She bought and moved into the old Adamsville elementary school on Arter Ln. In Zanesville Ohio. This old school sits across the road from the former R&R speedway. Cheryl ha...
The Old Asylum by xXToDieForXx
I just want to share my experience with the paranormal, and maybe get some help with a problem. Thanks in advance. Well, my grandpa owns this old insane asylum in California, and in April, 2005, I use to go there as a kid to help him fix leaky roofs, broken windowpanes, etc. I was about 13 years ...
The Old Bar by blondie004
When I was eight years old, my family bought this old bar. The man we bought it from sold it for about half the price it was worth. My family didn't care though so we bought the place. We unpacked our stuff and started to make the place a little more like home. On the main floor was where the bar wa...
The Old Barn Scares Me And My Friends. by ZeppelinChriss
Welcome Everyone and thank you for taking time to read this. Hope you enjoy it. I'll answer questions if I can, so ask if you have any I won't be upset. I have questions myself. Back in 2017, a farm came up for auction in Milton Keynes, UK. Family estate sale. Furnishing included, Farm equipment...
The Old Blue House On Dalhousie Street by old_dude
If you have read any of my past stories you will already know that as a kid I grew up in a small town named Amherstburg. It is about 20 minutes south of Windsor Ontario (next to Detroit MI). As a kid I had many experiences with ghosts, especially as an older high school kid. Amherstburg, in my opini...
The Old Boarding House by Lilwolf
This happened about three years ago, my friend Jessica had called and wanted to hang out for awhile watch a few scary movies because it was a stormy day and she is just kind of cliche like that. I instantly got a warning gut felling that said I should wait a little bit but I was bored and didn't wan...
The Old Brick House by fanman_1988
I'm from South Georgia and personally I feel that the south is filled with the paranormal. This story comes from my childhood and it is an experience that I'll never forget. When I was 12, my brother and I decided to spend the weekend at my grandmother's house. This had been the first time that w...
The Old Businessman by Hexotericka
Here I will give you another account of my brush with the supernatural, as it were. The account is rather lengthy, so please bear with me. During the years between 1997 and 1999 I worked as a DJ and hosted the karaoke events at a karaoke bar in Sunnyside, Pretoria. We would usually close up in th...
The Old Charleston Jail by austinje
My mom and I went to the old Charleston Jail, which was made in 1802. We went inside with about 25-30 other people, and we went to the first room on the left. Everyone was standing together in a "U" shape, and my mom and I were in the back of the group, right in front of the doorway, listening to th...
The Old Church by Akatsuki07
The old church in our "barrio" was made years after World War 2. It is dedicated to Saint Joseph the husband of Virgin Mary. That's why our parish patron saint feast is celebrated on March 19. There are church buildings that are made before the present one but are destroyed during the war. Many of t...
The Old Civil War Hospital and the Old Indian Burial Ground by Ceary
Well Hello Everyone! When I was 14, I had a friend who experienced a lot of supernatural experiences. She used to tell me she experienced them both in her dad's house and her mom's house and once before she moved to the houses she previously lives in. When she was 3, she used to see her dead grandfa...
The Old Cotton Mill by warby1
Back in the 1990s I worked in an old cotton mill in my home town of Oldham in the city of Manchester. One night I decided to go and have talk to my brother who worked on the floor below mine, so I went out onto the stairs to go down to visit my brother. The building was quite old about 120 years...
The Old County Home by elpe12
This is actually my friend's story. Let's just call him Rick. He told me a few years ago that he and his mother both had heard different things in their home, and I asked his permission to share. Before I go off into the story, I want to give you some background on our town and his house. Rick an...
The Old Creepy Closet by blosomes
I am not sure if I have delete my previous account or what, I used to be Roy Enowaki Lynx, and was in Brazil. I had moved to Sapporo, and felt I kind of need a Japanese name by my look and so now I am called Ryujin. Oh, we do have hot summer now a days but for a short period, its pretty cool here. ...
The Old Family Hill by The_Lost_Voyage_11
The story I'm submitting here was partially inspired by a recent poster who described the feelings of dread and anxiety, of being watched by something or someone unseen lurking in the shadows of a haunted home. It was also inspired by my recent trip home to see family, wherein the subject of family ...
The Old Family House by NicholeNightmare
I have some stories to share, some from me, my father, and my friend (who I did not know lived there until like 3 months ago) who also lived in that house after me, which was the first time someone other than my family owned that house. My family has owned this house since the late 1800's, it is ...
The Old Farmer Is Still Hanging Around by BriFischer05
It was been a while since my last post. I have recently divorced and now live alone in a historic district of town. My new place was built in 1925 and to my surprise I haven't encountered anything...yet. My story actually takes place at my friend's grandma's house. My friend's dad and other relat...
The Old Farmhouse by Suzy2
This story takes place in a very old farm house where my best friend, Sassy, grew up. The house is still in her family but no one lives there full time. This house is on an old dirt road with an old red barn and sometimes a few of us will go out there for a bonfire or cookout. I had my son's graduat...
The Old Fire Department Chief by Antionette
I was 8 years old when I first saw a spirit that I can remember. We were living in one of the fire department houses. I was sleeping on my stomach and as you all know when you sometimes turn around to sleep on a different side you sometimes wake up. Lucky me! I woke up as I turned to face the window...
The Old Furniture Room by Jessbcr25
Out of all of my experiences, I'm surprised I haven't thought to write about my grandparents house until now. Currently, they are living in a retirement home but for 27 years, they lived in a beautiful home in the woods in North Raleigh. 10 or more of those years I had spent nearly every weekend a...
The Old Garage by Louise21
This is just something that was happening in a place I used to work in. I've no queries about the goings on I just thought I'd share it with you. I use to work in a garage or filling station some may call it back in 2006 for 6 months. It was owned by a well known family in my village and has bee...
The Old Goat's Head &the Visitors by SheWolf
In my room, I had an old wild goat's head that hung above my bed where I slept. I had always been a nature lover, but I always loved hunting also, so I decided to hang it there. It had never given me any trouble, until one odd week in the spring. One night, I had a strange dream, I was in my room, a...
The Old Graveyard by freespirit43
My brother and i, plus our daughters, decided to have a weekend away in an olde worlde village staying in a 200yr old inn, whilst there, we saw a notice board with a ghost walk advertised on it, we thought it would be a bit of fun, and agreed to go on it. When we turned up at the alloted time at th...
The Old Hag Got Me Too by devildogx
If someone I knew confided in me what I am about to write, I would have thought they were crazy, or at least making things up. Don't get me wrong. I have had several minor unexplainable moments in my life that could be described as paranormal. But I have always wanted to logically explain something ...
The Old High School by TheCrone
I work in an old converted school building. The township was mostly farms in the early 1900s. By the late 1930s most of the farms were gone and the population was growing. They needed to build a high school. There was a long wall mine that had shut down. The land above the mine was available so it w...
The Old Hospital by katie100
I am actually submitting my mum's story because she hasn't got an account and even is she did it would take her 1 year to write down the first sentence so anyway... My mum was looking for a job and she rang The Job services, she told them she would be happy to have a job anywhere as long as she got...
The Old Hotel by XSmoky
In North Texas there is an old hotel that was built in the late 1950s as the tallest building west of the Mississippi River at the time of its completion. My grandfather worked there until the day he died and my father worked there for many years before passing the baton to me. I was in the A/V ...
The Old House by Bm1993
When I was a little girl about the age of six, me and my sister would lay in bed and we could hear noises at night going up and down the stairs of our house. Our brother would be sleeping and our parents would be too. We always slept in the same bed together, so we wouldn't be as scared at night. ...
The Old House And Her Many Voices by girlheldtightdown201
In the year of 2001, I had just got married and was pregnant with my first child. My husband and I had just moved into his parent's house which was built in the late 1800's. This house had closets made of newspaper and to get upstairs you had to open the wall which was like a secret door. The origin...
The Old House I Lived In by ParanormalLover345
The old house I lived in, between the age of nine and ten, was unforgettable. I am fourteen now and I have decided to share my experiences with all of you. The first happening was when my mom dated this guy (and later got engaged, then separated the day before the wedding) who seemed very nice. ...
The Old House On Hampton Road by tanna8107
To start this off, it happened a few years ago when we first moved in (2-3 years). I was about 10 years old when we first moved into the house. It was over 100 years old and was the house of my mom's boyfriend's family for years and years. Almost his whole family lived here including his grandmother...
The Old Kentish Pubs by Dan_Paranormal
I've been on this site for some time now and I've read many stories on here and commented on some of them as well. I thought to myself that it's time to share one of mine. This isn't the most potent paranormal experience in my life but I thought it'd be good to write it down. I am a student who live...
The Old Lady by Astral184
This story takes place many years ago, where I was born and raised in Spanish Harlem, in New York City. I was a child of about 4-5 when before me, I saw an old lady or hag, she never said say anything to me, she stared at me in a creepy kind of way. According to an older sister who is now deceased, ...
The Old Lady and Her Little White Dog by frenchpoet
My parents bought a small two-story ranch just a few cities over from our old house (The House on Buckingham Street). I was just nine years old at the time, so I spent the remainder of my summer after the move in our backyard playing on the swing set or setting up my new bedroom. My parents had give...
The Old Lady And The Little Girl by unforgivenangel
I have a little cousin who's the age of 9. Her name is Jessie, she's smart and has no understanding for a child. Her parents bought a new house lately, sadly they weren't there to share Jessie's first night in the home, her parents had to sleep at their old home and come in the morning due to the a...
The Old Lady At The Gate by Indie101
Just a quick sum up - this story has been told to me on a few occasions by my grandmother and it's her story. This does mean I know the story well and won't miss out on anything. As a young girl my grandmother lived about a mile away from her school in a small town in East Anglia with her grandmo...
The Old Lady In My Dream by failedcuriosity
I currently live in Manila and whenever I go to my hometown, I don't sleep in my own room and this is the reason: Back when I was a teenager, we had to move to a new house because my grandmother whom I was currently living with that time decided to sell her house because she wanted to live near m...
The Old Lady In The Back Room by TheFatalSoul
As you probably already know, me and my family have had quite a few paranormal experiences. (Quite surprising really, considering that I'm only 13!) I have already told you about Tiger, so now it's time to tell you about the old lady in the back room of my auntie's house. My auntie used to live i...
The Old Lady In The Living Room by Georgeyboy
This is my first time sharing an experience on here, but I wanted to share a particular occurrence that I remember clearly and see what sort of feedback I get. This happened about 10 or 11 years ago when I was 11 to 12 years old. I lived in a fairly big house with my 4 brothers and mum and dad. T...
The Old Lady Of The House by zerocool_29
This is the second story that I have for you guys. These happened to me and couple my office mates. After work KARLA invited us to have a drink at their place, we agreed because she said that it's her treat. When we got to their house, we looked around. The house is pretty old (not old as in it's...
The Old Lady that Never Left her House by Nebmom
When I was in Junior High my dad's company had him gone 3 weeks out of the month. As a teenager it was great for me not to have my dad watching over my shoulder all the time, but it got pretty tiring for him! His company was out of Nebraska but they had another location in a little town about 45 min...
The Old Lady Was My Great Grand Mother by Psychicsenses
This is my fist submission although I have been an avid reader of this site. Am from Hyderabad,India. Am a Tamil Brahmin whose day starts with puja and we are all very specific about every single ritual. Am the only child to my parents. This incident that am going to share happened to me when I was ...
The Old Lady Watches While We Sleep by WithNoRegrets
A couple years back, I was trying to go to sleep but for one reason or another I opened my eyes and looked at the edge of my bed. I noticed an old lady dressed in white sitting at the edge holding something in her hands (it looked like a small candle) but I was too frighten to analyze the item. I fr...
The Old Lady With A Smile by ChasingDownTheDawn
When you're young, you're shielded away from the nasty world that's around you by your parents, so no wonder at some point you start to become curious about everything. In need of answers to the many questions you have. One of the many questions for me was what does and doesn't exist? Back in the...
The Old Lady With The Blanket by TechnoDawg
First, this story was told to me by my father and is 100% true and second, this happened in Philippi, West Virginia. This happened in my father's house, in his bed room with his friend. My dad was a teenager and one night he decided to let his friend (boy) sleep over at his house. So after hangin...
The Old Lady With The Pale Blue Eyes by Jackashton
This story took place in the early summer of the start of the year 2000. I was going through an emotional time to say the very least. It was less than two weeks since Id buried my mother and just over a week since Id celebrated my birthday. After two weeks of unpaid leave, I was heading back to my t...
The Old Lighthouse by Manafon1
The following account took place in the late summer of 1982. This is a long story but I felt background information on the history of the location helps create a clearer picture. I wrote down details of these events the day after they occurred which has helped, over the years, to keep the incidents ...
The Old Man by bobdylanrock2244
This is my first experience and my first story so it might not be as good as some. I am very scared of ghosts and have never thought they were this scary but, I always try and be brave so let's start. I have a king-size bed and it fills a lot of my room. One night I was just falling asleep when I...
The Old Man And Little Boy by Piperasc
This happened many years ago as my son was only 2 1/2 years old. I believe that he had a connection with my Gram who passed right around the time I got pregnant with him. He knew things that he shouldn't have that only my Gram would know. Anyways as I was saying, He was aroung 2 1/2 years old an...
The Old Man And The Lamp by The_Vexer
I just want to start off saying that this is my first time posting a story. This happened a long time ago, sometime in the 90's. I can't actually say I know the exact date, but I must have been around four or five years old (either 99' or 2000) well this is how things would work in my house when it ...
The Old Man And The Little Girl by ParaTeen95
I've lived in this house since I was 3 months old, I'm 19 now and really it's only been in the recent years, maybe since I was 14/15 I began having strange experiences that started in my house and now I find are starting to happen everywhere, for instance when I visited Auschwitz with my old school ...
The Old Man and the Young Boy by Tmetsfan31
This is true. My brother and I are being followed by a ghost each. At Long Island (our summer house), my brother was climbing a ladder to his bunk bed. The ladder fell back... And I felt a gush of wind and the dresser he was going to hit (it also would have paralyzed him) suddenly shot back, and I s...
The Old Man At The Door by Nady911
This happened to my cousin two summers ago when she went to Morocco since she lives in France and she wants to know what happened. She went to sleep early in our grandparent's room because she got mad about something. She went to sleep and since there was a wedding party going on at a neighbor's ho...
The Old Man in a Wheel Chair by Shenny
This happened to me just a few days ago, I would have posted it earlier but I didn't have enough time. Me, along with 3 of my cousins, plus my aunt and uncle (they're researchers in paranormal activities here) went to check out this old mansion, the couple living there said they heard noises, always...
The Old Man In My Bathroom Mirror by mercedes97
I have to wake up in the morning everyday for school, and the routine is usually always the same, but one morning something happened. The memory of this completely plants itself in my mind. I had walked in the bathroom one morning one day to brush my teeth, leaving the door wide open so that the b...
The Old Man In The Car Parking by Aarti1988
This happened last year in the month of December when I was working in Sohna Road, Gurgaon. Like everyday I reached office at around 10:30am and entered in my tower's basement car parking area but, as I was late that day so couldn't find the parking anywhere. The guard asked me to go to the other to...
The Old Man On The Road by sds
This has happened during the year 2002. My friend, Augustin, was studying in Noorul Islam College on the outskirts of Trivandrum. The college is situated in the border of Kerala and Tamilnadu. He was staying in the college hostel. I visited him sometime during September of that year and was staying ...
The Old Man that Stands Near my Bed by Teshiie
Before I tell you my story I would like you not to judge me of my age, as I am only 14. Well, about 2 years ago I moved into a new house not far away from my old house actually. I didn't really like it because the windows are almost standing height. I had never liked my room and still I stay in that...
The Old Man's House by zoeee15
First off, I'm from Adelaide Australia, I'm a 19 year old girl and I can be a little skeptic about ghost stories and such because they can be blown out of proportion all too easily. But this is my story and I hope you can help answer some of my questions. When I was three years old we moved into a ...
The Old Mansion By The Side Of The Road by Linjahaha
A very long time ago in the Summer of 1966-67, we were visiting with my grandparents, and other family members that came in from Louisiana. My Uncle Eddy, and Aunt Rosemary came with six of their twelve kids for an overnight visit. We were there for a weekend hiatus also. Of the six of the cousins,...
The Old Maternity Hospital by Linjahaha
This particular account took place in the mid to late 1970's. I was still a relatively newlywed to my first husband, Bill. Bill worked on and off, but 'mostly' off. Therefore, I 'had' to work. I found employment as a Nurse Aide in a fairly large hospital (leaving out the name) in Willoughby, Ohio. I...
The Old Maternity Hospital Part 2 by Linjahaha
This is a continuation of my last post regarding a very old maternity hospital, built in 1902, and was operated by the Salvation Army named after their founder, William Booth. The hospital operated until it closed in 1991. I worked there as a housekeeper in 1977. They, apparently, had a female gho...
The Old Mill by Tom
I was working an overnight shift in an old textile mill. The mill was 117 years old. I had to stay overnight to keep an eye on a leaky water main where it entered the building. By 11pm the building was empty. I made a quick tour of the building just to satisfy myself that I was alone. Security had g...
The Old Mill In Utah by AmberMoonPriestess
Another story shared with permission. Both my Mother and Aunt worked at the haunted house that used to be held in The Old Mill, they also helped with a movie filmed there, Teen Alien. When they worked in the haunted house they were most often what is referred to as a "plant". The scared girl who get...
The Old Nun by AussieRedDog
The story I actually thought I've put story, again, takes place in the late 1970s, around 1978 when I was ten. I went to a small country town Catholic Primary school that was taught by nuns. It was an old school, maybe dating back to the very late 1890s as it had an old church on the...
The Old Packing Shed by AussieRedDog
This is a story that goes back to my childhood in the late 70s. My friend's (who I'll call Luke) family owned a huge amount of land that included owning half of a mountain. This property used to be an old banana growing area that once dominated the hillsides of this area (name is withheld) so you ca...
The Old Parma Train Station Secretary by Linjahaha
This event didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 15 years old, and I have no reason to doubt the validity of his account. He and I have, both, had paranormal encounters throughout our lives. He was quite psychic himself, having gotten that ability from his mother's side...
The Old Peasant Woman 2 by xGhostBustersx
This is the next part of my story with more events happening. I have told you about the feelings of being watched and the sightings of this woman in my home, but this wasn't just the end of it and more was to come. Items then went missing and it was getting absolutely ridiculous, we had some r...
The Old Peasant Women by xGhostBustersx
I have been living in my home for less than 5 years now and a lot has gone on since then. I have always believed in spirits and ghosts from a very young age and was interested, but I never thought very seriously about them until now. Our house is a very old Edwardian to be exact and a church fro...
The Old Prison Pub by MissKawaii83
I previously posted a story about a strange chant that I heard and I have received some good feedback, so I thought I would also share another story with you. It makes for an interesting read! Three years ago, I got a job in a pub in my local town. When I told my dad, he told me some history abou...
The Old Schoolhouse by HannahLouise1
When I was around six years old, me and my family moved into a beautiful Victorian house known locally as 'The Old Schoolhouse'. It was built in the 1820's and was used as, surprise surprise, a school, until the 1960's when the school was closed and the building made into three separate properties. ...
The Old Tree Topper by number2ark
I am 41 years old. My experience was back when I was 13 years old. On my way home from school the last week of the school year I was stopped by an old man on the side of the road, who asked me if I wanted to make some money helping him to top a tree at the end of his driveway where he parked. I...
The Old Wing by Bump
These next experiences are not mine but those of my mother and occurred during the period of time she went sent to work in the Kookaburra wing also know as the old wing. It is a 5 story structure that houses the morgue and the tunnel to the old cremation building. This occurred around 2 years after ...
The Old Witch by Gurleen
This didn't happen to me but it happened to my grandma. My grandma was a teenager, like 16 or 17. This happened in India and indian girls used to make cotton with something called "charka". They came back from making cotton and it was late at night. My grandma and her village girls were walking back...
The Old Woman by ZackandChelsea_forever
We moved about five years ago. I was nearing the end of grade six at the time. We didn't move very far - about a 10 or 15-minute drive away. The new house was not in fact new. It's about 40-50 years old (I think?). I'm not sure of the exact age. But apparently there was an elderly couple that liv...
The Old Woman - Elsie by mandalyn05
This was my very first experience with the paranormal and it happened when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I lived in this old house that was built in the 1920's. One night while I was sleeping, I awoke and looked towards my wall and saw an old woman standing there; she disappeared after about a minut...
The Old Woman And The Ancient One by FRAWIN
While Abigail is by far the most frequent and personal favorite of my unseen visitors, I do have two more, three if you count the cat. The one we call The Old Woman pretty much stays in the kitchen/living room and concerns herself with the condition of the house. The other one we call The Ancient On...
The Old Woman in a Nightgown by Nikita
About 6 or 7 years ago, I came out of our bathroom and I was not expecting what I saw. I had not been thinking of ghosts or anything scary earlier in the evening and I never believed in ghosts. I do now. I was sitting in the kitchen with my parents and brothers and I had to go to the toilet. When I ...
The Old Woman In My Room by kaykay27
Recently, I was woken up by a feeling that someone or something was walking next to my bed. I woke up around 3am to find that an old woman was walking towards my dressing, then standing next to my dresser, looking up at the ceiling, or at least it appeared she was looking at the ceiling. I recently ...
The Old Woman Watching My Son by old_dude
I am going to break my chain of stories from my past and tell of a recent happening. In my adult life I have had one paranormal experience. It is not as in your face scary as the events of my childhood, but is disturbing on a higher level. For those of you that have read my other stories you probabl...
The Old Woman Who Haunts Underwood Baptist Church by Ghost_Girl93
There was an A.A. Meeting every Thursday night in a very old church not far from my home called Underwood Baptist Church. My dad would attend these meetings every week, so to support his recovery I would come in about an hour early to set up the room for the meetings every Thursday. I would prop the...
The Olde Angel Inn by Kindly_refrain
This is my third story submitted to YGS. I have previously submitted occurrences titled, My Blackberry and My Mom, and also Eldon House Shoes. In 2004, my wife and I were at the (now discontinued) One Minute Film Festival in Toronto, Ontario, where we had a couple of video entries up for public a...
The Older I Get The Worse Things Seem To Be by hersweetestdesire
I recently submitted a story and had gotten lots of comments on it so thought I would share what's happened after my D. It may be helpful to read my first story to some. So after D had kicked me out of his house I met a man we will call M. We were together about two years before I realized he mad...
The Oldest Church In London by deecro
When I was in college, I spent a year abroad in Brighton, England. A roommate suggested I come back the next summer to stay with him in London, for free. I jumped at the chance; at the time, Mattie was a nursing student. When I went back to London in Summer 2002, he'd switched careers to being a Vic...
The Oldman On The Staircase by Amchi1986
Friends, today the story which I am telling you is a very strange supernatural experience which happened to my uncle (let me mention here, once again, not my maternal one). My uncle (now dead) used to go for his business trip to Ahmedabad (a city in Gujarat, a state in India) . Whenever he used to ...
The Omen by blackcat73
When I was 20, I met up with an old friend from high school. We soon started dating. I was crazy about him. He was such a happy, vibrant person. We were together for 6 months when one night in December 1993 I had this dream. We were together at a work picnic, area unknown. The next moment an angel c...
The One And Only Time I Tried An Ouija Board by YouAreMySunshine
My brother went to Toys "R" Us and bought a Ouija board. At first I thought we shouldn't bother it because it may be evil, but they talked me into it. That night it was me, my brother and 3 other people. We set up the board, placed a coin on it and said a prayer before we started. These are the q...
The One In My Dreams by minx69
I don't know how it all started out, because if I did I would tell you. I've had these dreams for the past 3 years of my life. In them their is a man with long beautiful black hair, blue eyes, black trench coat, pale white skin, and in my eyes he's absolutely perfect in every way. I have very vivid ...
The One Inside My House by basketballlove7
It all started in the summer of 2009. It was my uncle, aunty, a friend, and I home. My uncle was down stairs in the basement playing video games and I was upstairs with my aunty and my uncles friend. I was watching TV when I felt something hit my head... It was my uncle who asked me to come with him...
The One That Looks Like My Son by Trix
I am very worried and troubled about what happened to my son's girlfriend's mother a few weeks ago. That is why I'm writing hoping that someone on this site can help with the meaning of what happened to her. This involves my other son who is 18 years old. She is a very dear friend of ours and we ...
The One Time I Got Scared by beckyr
I have always seemed to attract ghost/ paranormal activity/spirits whichever phrase or word you prefer to use to describe events. As a young child the one place we lived my best friend was a ghost of a 5 year old boy who had died in the house. Growing up there were always things happening sounds, si...
The One Who Keeps Me by kuroneko52
It started shortly after I started openly saying that I thought that the house my parents and I live in is haunted. It's just this eerie feeling I got while we had a temporary bedroom built in our garage, which served as my bedroom throughout high school. At night, when I was getting ready for b...
The One Who Was Spying On Us by chuckz_21
I use to work inside a warehouse and I had three incidents when I saw someone who actually wasn't there. The first time I saw someone I thought it was our boss who was real pain in the butt. The managers inside the warehouse would wear a red vest, he is Caucasian, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...
The One With The Smile by Leen3808
This goes way back in 2004 when my family was involved in a charity organization. We used to receive presents from the missionaries and my Aunt (lived with us), who was ill that time, got a a scholarship for one of her daughters who was still in primary at the moment but was to be sponsored until co...
The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1 by wolfsnow916
Before I start, let me just tell you my views about the paranormal (ghost and elemental, etc). I am a believer that those things/entities really exist but I haven't really seen, feel or have any contact with them. I am now 27 years old, married and have kids and not one single experience with them (...
The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part2 by wolfsnow916
Before you start reading Part 2, I suggest you go back and read the first part of this story for you to better understand everything. The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1, here's the link to it: Thank you. Okay, now re...
The Only Ghost I've Ever Seen by jarretswifey
Now since I was 9-10 years old I've felt ghosts, they've touched me and I've heard them before but I hadn't seen them until a year and 1/2 ago when I was 18. My family and I had just moved out of our house which we had lived in since I was in kindergarten to about 12 years. In this house I was sure ...
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