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Ghost stories from Iowa, United States: Page 1

The Haunting Of My House by I_love_ducks24

During the first 8 months of me living here in this house that was built in the 1800s. I saw a black shadow figure of a girl that dragged my dog under the bed. My dog was held under my bed for 10 minutes. My parents didn't believe what I saw until they had their own experience. One night my sister...

Unfortunate Events by I_love_ducks24

I'm sorry but this is going to be a long story. In 2017 my family moved into a new house that was built in the 1800s. Our first 8 months were fine even though I felt really uneasy. My parents got me a little dog to help calm my nerves which helped me. Until one night I was bringing food to my room a...

Gaping Black Holes For Eyes by Different444

My first paranormal experience happened when I was around 7 years old. I was in my mom's bedroom, snooping through her things. I looked up into the mirror of her vanity and standing in the corner facing and watching me was a young girl, she wore a white dress that was torn. The thing that truly f...

The Haunted Moving Dog Statues by Wandering24fox

My cousins came over 3 years ago from Lowa to visit us and decided to tell us about a story when they caught a ghost on camera and about some dog statues they used to have that moved on their own. They said that they got them from a sale at a flea market or yard sale, I forget but the original o...

A Visit From Two Legs by RavenRain

Around the year of 2010 a friend of mine called me asking if I would be interested in house sitting, and watching his two cats as well, for about a month as he was going into the hospital for medical treatments. I accepted immediately. When I first entered his place I felt a heaviness but kept that ...

Just A Regular Dog Walk by AngieJo

I recently discovered this site over the summer when I was off work. It has intrigued me to the point where I have spent several nights that have turned into early mornings reading people's experiences! Two days ago I was walking my Boxer, Gigi, when a gentleman was approaching us from the other ...

Something In The House With Us by Mulder182

This experience dates back 20 years ago to when I was only 8 years old. Still I can remember it better than I remember the hike I took with my dog yesterday. First to help paint a mental picture, this occured on an old farm in Iowa. Just outside of Sioux Center, if anyone knows where that is. My old...

Weird Forest Encounter by Kaitlyna93

I have a lot of encounters from ghosts, but this one is a little different. Different because I'm not sure what exactly was encountered, but I'm hoping maybe someone can read this and shed a little light on this experience. So, this was when I was probably about 17. I was out hanging out with my...

Pushed by Angeleyez78

It was a day like normal. I was heading down to the basement to do some laundry and cleaning next thing I know my cats started to freak out. I didn't know what was going on I have gone in the basement hundreds of times but nothing like this. The next thing I remember is I was at the bottom of the st...

Roseman Bridge by Iowahaunting

On June 1, 2019, at approximately 7:00 PM, I was returning to Indiana from a vacation that I had taken to Wyoming and South Dakota. My all time favorite movie is the Bridges of Madison County. For years I had said that I was going to visit the house and the bridge that were the focal points in the...

Shades Of White by herman

This incident happened about 1 month ago. It had been a long day and I was about to fix supper for my wife and I. She was in the bedroom folding clothes and I walked into the kitchen. We live in a "open environment" apartment. This means the counter with the sink runs between the kitchen and livin...

A Friend In The Woods by indiglo

I grew up in an old farm house in the country - off the highway and kind of in the middle of nowhere. It was the house my grandmother grew up in, and it stayed in the family since. I even had the same room she did. The house was surrounded by a big grassy yard, which was bordered by a wood - or smal...

The Haunted House That Gives Me The Heebie Jeebies by Lacie1990

I live in the country and have for several years. I live on one of my dad's rental properties. Next door to me is one of his properties that has stayed empty since the former owner died 8 years ago. My brothers stayed there one night 5 years ago and swore up and down that the house we call "Rudy's"...

The Hooded Specter by KymEChimera

My friend and I love to go on long walks, to be outside, and we also love to try to communicate with spirits. So when we saw the opportunity to do both, we jumped on it. It was a place that we went to rather frequently when we were in high school. We always felt this odd pull to this place, and a...

Paranormal Experience In A Dream Come True? by DeviDevil

My name is Shruthi and I'm 16 years of age and the paranormal experience that I'm going to share may not be paranormal because I'm not sure, so that's why I'm here to share my story to maybe find out. This incident happened in 2015, when I was sleeping in my house. During my sleep I got a frightenin...

My Mom's Reaction To My Experiences And What Happened To Her by pagankitty321

My mom never believed me when I would talk about hearing voices call out my name when her and my other family members would go out. She would say it was in my head because I was scared of being alone. She also didn't believe me when I came running up from my room in the basement one night because...

12 Years Of Fear by pagankitty321

When I was around eight, my family moved to into an average house, with three bedrooms, one bath, and a basement. Like most children in a new house, I had trouble sleeping that first night. The next night I seemed more aware of things and heard noises in the vents. This kept happening until one nigh...

Guardian Angel? Possibly by Angelspawn20

First, as far back as I can remember I've always been fascinated with the paranormal. When I was around 8 I believe (been awhile), I started seeing a blue lady out of my bedroom window. She always seemed to be walking towards our house. I thought maybe I was imagining things at the time. One nig...

The Girl With The Black Eyes by bearded_dragons

Earlier this week, my little brother (age five) was in his room talking to someone, so I went to see who he was talking to. There was no one there when I looked so I asked him who he was talking to, and he said the little girl with the black eyes. I was instantly freaked out. Nothing happened fo...

Ghost Not Looking For Conversation by EB

This story I believe took place in 2003. I wasn't 21 years old yet, so it wasn't 2004. That's important information to this story. Because that's the reason I went to this house that contained a ghost instead of a bar! I'll provide a little background to the situation here. I used to live in th...

Willow Park by ulvenNixie

I have been digging through my past and I have insisted on submitting my memorable ghost experiences to this website. My intention is to have a record of the past stuff so that I can write about the future stuff with comfort and ease. Last year I tried to write down every single ghostly or just ...

Dancing Heads by ulvenNixie

Before I begin, I would like to share something that happened while I was typing this up. I use Word to type out my experiences so that I can double check the spelling and whatnot as I go and before I submit it. I was in the middle of typing out this story, in fact I had just gotten to a part in whi...

My Earliest Ghost Experiences by ulvenNixie

My very first post on this website was about my most recent paranormal experience at the time. I mentioned that I wanted to add more about my experiences, so I decided to break down the big experiences in my life and submit them to the website as well. Naturally, I would like to start with my ea...

The Baby Cemetery by kjw2202

In this story I'm going tell you one of my many real life experiences. I was about 16 when this event occurred and I'll never be able to explain how this happened, or exactly what it was that I experienced. I remember falling asleep in my blue waterbed the night this occurred. That being said, let m...

Did My Soul Visit Hell by kjw2202

For as long as I've known I have always had unexplained experiences along with my mother, grandmother and siblings. I'm starting to think this is a genetic trend, although I feel I have these occurrences more often then they do. I'm now at the age of 29, most of these experiences happened when I...

Personal Ghosts Haunting My House by VampireGirl20

So, since I was five years old, I've been able to see the paranormal. Up until I was five, however, I was never able to do that. It all happened when I was walking home from the park with my older brother, Jacob Thomas. We were about a block from our house when a man staggers out from the alleyw...

Danger On Plainview by SRtopaz

Today is day 3. On day one, Saturday, November 7, 2015, I was riding my bike home from work when my problems all began to start. It was roughly 10 PM and I was in a hurry. I pass through some pretty scary places, and not as in high crime scary (I live in a rural town, nothing ever happens here), but...

The Man Upstairs by smbrum

I live in a small town in the great state of Iowa. Anyways, my house has five bedrooms and is larger than it needs to be. It creeps me out and has since I've lived here. I like to sit with the TV on for noise because if it's too quiet at my house, I hear footsteps and the floor squeaking upstair...

Grandma, Or Something Else? by bwilson03

Let me start from the beginning. My mom, brother, and I lived with my grandparents from the time I was born until I was about 4 or 5. I grew to be very close with them both. We lived on our own for a bit, then when my mom and her then boyfriend split up, we moved back in. I was probably 11. Over tho...

Haunted Apartments In Knoxville Iowa by Darkstorm360abe

My name is RJ, and I am about 13 years old. Me and my family stayed at my grandma's apartment for a while. Now when I was a baby we lived there, things always fell off shelves and things would move around and roll around randomly. The first thing that I remember is that we had a cat with a capita...

Dark Haired Lady by RoseMandrack

Last year my mother was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of someone climbing the steps in our hallway. The steps would make a creaking noise on the fifth step, and everyone knew not to step on it in the night if we were sneaking around. Well she shot out of bed to see what was going ...

I Can Hear You Breathing by AUSTRIA

I never went to my Aunt Helen's attic after that day. It was the first week of December. My parents and I had come to visit my Aunt Helen for Christmas. She lived in Salvation,Iowa. Aunt Helen was divorced, and lived with her three children (one son and two daughters), Mike, Judy and Linda. I was...

Paul...the Friendly Ghost by Supernatural_lover1

I am 13 years old, my name is Caitlin. My story isn't really a scary story, its more of like just normal experience with a spirit. I moved into this house June 2013. It's an older house. My mom is a single parent, so we had to get something cheap. My mom knows our landlord. I have to stay alone from...

When Jerry Attacks by luckygirl8387

I believe in God. I believe there is a heaven and hell. I thought because I believed in God and prayed every day that nothing could ever enter my home. Little did I know... A little about my house first, the house we live in is my husband's great-grandmother's and has been in his family since 194...

Antics In My Car by psychicmama

I grew up in the bluffs of Marquette, Iowa, a very historical place as far as Native Americans and their burial grounds, Lewis & Clark, Ringling Bros. Circus, fur traders and more. I loved it there. We kids ran the hills (yes they were spooky), swam in the Mississippi and generally were all over bet...

Starting At Ihop by mwbddh2

My wife and I were about to go to a friend's place but since we hadn't eaten dinner, we decided to stop at the IHOP, in Ankeny, IA. It was about 7 pm. I forget what month but it was somewhere between March-May and it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly and the IHOP was busy and full of...

My Fellow Spirit by SheytheNotsoBrave

Ever since I was a young child, I have been terrified of the unexplained. I would see shadows and hear footsteps in my kitchen, bedroom, and guest bedroom. I would tell my parents what I would hear and see, but they always told me it was nothing but my imagination. As I got older and into my teen...

Is A Ghost Following My Baby? by AverysMommy

Before I get into what I saw about an hour and a half ago I will let you know a little bit of the events leading up to this. My son will be 3 months old in about a week and ever since he was about 4 weeks old he will smile at nothing. I hold him laying on my chest and talk to him and he will loo...

Harlan, Iowa's, Haunted Funeral Home by dign4it

From the very first day I moved in, I saw the spirits walking the halls of this old funeral home. Back in time this was one of Harlan's main funeral homes. My Grandfather on my Mom's side had "gone through" here back in 1950. Now it's an apartment building, and in August of 2011, I moved into one of...

Scary Pictures by Rocker0897

First off I want to say sorry my friend's sister deleted the pictures for some reason. O.k. So here it goes it was about a year ago I was staying the night at my friends, and we both are believers of paranormal so he would always tell me stories that his sisters and sister's boyfriend would see stuf...

Figures In The Dining Room - My Imagination? by briannaruby

About five or six years ago, when I was six and seven, I lived in this country house. It wasn't old, it was actually made when I was just a baby. We owned that land, and our previous house had burned down... Under mysterious circumstances. But that's not the point; my story is one of which I'm co...

Pershing Ave by Mrshoshigaki

My name is Sari and this is the story of the house I used to live in. Growing up, my family and I had always lived in apartments and town homes, so when my younger brother and I found out our parents were going to try and buy a house, we were over the moon. We looked at probably 50 houses, none o...

The Lady In The White Dress by bonjovilover98

Growing up, I knew that there was something else with us. I knew that not everything in our world meet the eye, but it didn't bother me. I wanted to know what this other side was, and who was there. Me and my friend decided it was a night to sleep over at her aunts house, and see if we found anythi...

Just Skip The Ouija Board Entertainment by Acultofpersonality

After my parents long and bitter divorce my mother lost custody of me for child abuse and neglect. The court awarded full custody of me to my father. After the dust settled on the divorce decree, my dad bought this old house in a small town in Southwestern IA population approximately 323. I'm convin...

The House That Didn't Like Children by Acultofpersonality

When I was 8 years old, my mother and father were going through a nasty divorce and I was staying with my mom in a house she rented from some friend of hers. I want to mention this; my mom's friend was an older woman who was married but didn't have any kids and she didn't really like kids and she ha...

Entities As Orbs by Patricia

We moved into our house in 1989. My daughter was in a serious motorcycle accident in 1993. While in the hospital, a voice was behind me and said in my ear, "HEY!" Ever since that day I have had numerous unexplained happenings. For the most part I have lived with and tolerated all them. Then Christm...

Wall Banging, Growls, And Children Playing by smixie

I have always had an interest in the paranormal but never expected anything to happen to me. That changed when we moved into our first house. We lived in a trailer park for the first 12 years of my life. My parents went and looked at a house and fell in love with it and made an offer before us kids ...

Mildred And The Footsteps At 2:20 Am by Medial

Seven to eight years ago, my mother and step-father had just divorced. We moved into a new house, the place that my mother still lives in today. It was a rough time for the both of us, and moving into this new place was incredibly refreshing! A very old woman had lived in the house before us. Her...

Brighter Than Light And Darker Than Black by Medial

I'm a very new member of this site, and I'd like to say that I'm very grateful for the kindness and empathy from the members of this community. I am a 22 year old male from northern Iowa. I was born in Minnesota, went to college in Florida and currently live in New York City, but all of my exper...

But He Was My Friend by SemiComma

Everyone loves a good ghost story. I know I do. I also love sharing them, which never used to be a habit of mine until I moved out of a house in the fifth grade. Ever since we moved out of that house, I have had many, many experiences in my life. I'll start with a few. When I lived in this large...

Why Is This Ghost Bothering Me? by ColorMeRed

Let me start by saying we live in a duplex, a pretty nice one might I add. We have lived here for about 5 or 6 years. During those years my mom and older sister have experienced things. My mom has had the feeling of being watched and my sister has woken up to a woman standing in her doorway staring ...

Is My Mom Still With Us? by Gsmwoolery

Most of the following events occurred in my family's house in Iowa. The first odd thing that happened was a couple years after my mom died. We were at my brother's band concert and my dad was above us standing on a balcony. I was sitting with my grandma and a family friend. I turned around and looke...

Jonah Cullet by Deaths_Stolen_Angel

I've read a lot about ghosts, and people who have had paranormal experiences. I believe that I actually have had a paranormal experience. Almost a year ago my good friend Jonah Cullet died at the age of 16. The night I found out I felt so terrible, I couldn't stop crying because I felt guilty. T...

Spirits In A Mobile Home? by risingstar

I live in Waterloo Iowa and have lived in our mobile home for 8yrs. Almost from the beginning we have experienced what was thought to be "odd" happenings. My husband and I have 3 children and each of us has had things such as being touched, our beds, sofa and chairs we are sitting or sleeping in l...

Villisca Axe Murder House Tour by Chica22

My family and I went to the Villisca Axe Murder House in Villisca, Iowa this past weekend. It's a small house, quiet but creepy. It's very sad what happened in the house. Eight people, two adults and six children (two of them being friends with the daughter) were brutally murdered, hit with an a...

The Darkling by Zorforler

I am 20 years old now but the story I will tell you is when I was I think 6. My Family moved into a nice white house on a hill in Riverside. (This is now torn down) Every night I would hear a faint female voice call to me from up stairs. (I slept down stairs in the living room) This happened every...

Saying Goodbye In A Dream by mellyanne

First I would like to say, thank you for reading my experiences. I have had many but these are the two that mean the most to me. Second, here are my experiences with Nate. Nate was my best friend. We lived down the road from each other and any time we needed someone to talk we were there for each...

Pool Time by jojean78

My grandpa died in 2008 march 7th. It was a very big tragedy. My mom and I were just about to start volleyball practice, and we got a phone call from my grandma. I answered, and she was crying and then I knew exactly what had happened. She asked to talk to my mom, and I saw that tear run down her fa...

New House by mickijwat

I bought my first home less than a year ago. About two months into living there I woke up and and turned around for some reason to look at my bedroom door. The door was completely open (which it never is I always sleep with it closed) and there was a kid maybe late teens early twenties with a punk r...

Prankster Ghosts by nenjnyks

When I was in sixth grade my family moved to a rental house in Sidney, Iowa it would have been early to mid 1980's. It was about 4 miles out of town on a blacktop road. The only thing that I can figure that might be significant is it was down the bluff from an old cemetery. Also, people say in the w...

602 by Mandz23

I'm twenty three years old I have never really been scared in my life until recently... I moved into an old apartment building that was built around 1920 until last year I didn't live alone and hadn't really seen anything. I would say that it started out just odd things happening here and there... I...

Why Do They Try To Connect With Me? by amanda8876

So I have experienced a lot of weird things in my life. But none of those really scared me, until recently. I have been hearing voices when I'm lying down in my bed at night. Sometimes, they sound so angry that my blood pressure itself starts pumping, I feel outraged for no reason. These voices aren...

Will The Spirits Ever Let Me Rest? by Maliceb

As I left off in my last story I was to be moving since l a lot of stuff happened in my other houses. I was beginning to wonder if it would follow me. Would the spirit world ever let me rest? We finally sold our house and moved into a small two bedroom apartment on the other side of town. Trust m...

Quick Trip To Mississippi by DPez

I'm currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend whose serving in the U.S. Air force. It's hard being away from each other, and it really consumes my mind. I often find myself thinking about him at night when I'm trying to fall asleep (sappy, I know, but it's true and an important not...

Abby Called Amy And Her Dolls by DPez

When I was younger, my mother was always convinced that I had some kind of clairvoyance for the spirit world. At rare opportunities of my life do I get to hear of when I was younger of the invisible people I would hold conversations with or how I was able to predict with clarity some happenings. I p...

The Possessive Entity by DPez

A few months ago (November) I was viciously attacked by an entity which I've posted already on YGS (The Night Strangler). Since that night nothing of such prominence has happened in our house that would warrant extreme worry. I've been wearing a medallion as some users on YGS have suggested, so that...

Night Strangler by DPez

This happened very recently, just this past November of 2008. I'll start off by saying I'd been restless because of the June 2008 floods. In September we learned that my mom was losing her job as a result of the floods which resulted in a stressed induced insomnia stage. I fell into a good sleep in...

Duplex Haunting In Waterloo, Iowa by auhma

I was watching my granddaughter at her house and late that night I thought I heard someone walking around upstairs. My four year old granddaughter was asleep in her room and no one was upstairs. I went downstairs and heard footsteps this time on the open staircase but again no one was there. I w...

Following One Another To Bed by Amoriz

I keep feeling as though I am being watched. Not just that, even. I'm an empath, and as one, I have also been feeling something's emotions even as I type this. I believe it may very well be a ghost. It started sometime a few months back when I actually started picking up on this. At night, if my sho...

The Dog Didn't Bark by thewhiteknight92

I remember when I was thirteen I had my first ghost experience. It couldn't have come at a better (or worse) time. It was just me and my dog Zeus. Like most Thursday nights, I was at home, either watching a movie or surfing the Internet. If I can remember, it was probably 8 at night. I was in my roo...

I Am Not Alone by thewhiteknight92

It was about a year and a half ago, the time was 10:30 p.m., I remember. I was in my room watching TV, when I realized the time; I decided to go brush my teeth. I got up and left my room, where I entered my dark and quiet hallway. I was and still am afraid of the dark, but I remained calm and walked...

Weird White Crypto by bluebelgianbeer

I understand that this Website really prefers personal experiences with the paranormal. I will provide my personal experiences at a later time, as they are by no means as interesting as the story I am about to relate. I've been lurking on this site for a while reading peoples' posts so Deathcipris, ...

Was It A Spirit Sent To Help? by Maliceb

Last Sunday I had stuff happen for three nights in a row. Sunday started with voices of three people in my room arguing-two male voices and a female. I sleep with my TV on and my I-pod on to drown out the silence. My i-pod turns off when I'm done listening to a play list and my TV was on mute so...

My Haunted Life Continues by Maliceb

Well ever since my dad's old house in Missouri I have had experiences. I'm now 20 years old living in Iowa with my mom, my step dad and little sister. I still have experiences. I can name a few. For instance while reading a prayer I found out loud in my room (The Lord's Prayer) I heard a loud k...

Bumps in the Night by Snowcaps01

I was in my room when all of a sudden I hear this thumping noise over my head that sounded like a cane hitting the floor, but we don't have an attic so there shouldn't be a noise above my head. I called my mom to come into the hall, she was in her room, but when she did, the noise would stop (this h...

Cursed Family by hurley21

First of all my girlfriend and I moved into this house about 4 months ago. It is a old house built in about 1915! When we first got here everything seemed nice and pleasant. But there is a bedroom which is connected to the master bedroom. That gives me a strange feeling! I have 3 cats and always kee...

Meeting the Deceased at the Wake by KimSouthO

My dad had 7 sisters and 5 brothers, making 13 siblings in his family. As they grew up things were pretty rocky, financially. Some married pretty young and began their own families, moved to other parts of the United States and began their own lives. Having said this, needless to say I have many, ma...

Ghost in the Dark by Omniscient

I have always been a believer in the supernatural but never really had what I would consider an "experience" until I was 15. I was working in a nursing home as a dietary aide, my mother also worked there and had her own office, I had heard many stories about people seeing things or hearing things fr...

Harassed by an Evil Entity by jmj1987

Last night I was up late, I didn't get to bed until about 1 in the morning. I was lying in bed and thinking to myself a lot about life and I heard an unfamiliar voice in my head but dismissed it to being so tired and thinking so much. This voice as I recall, came along with a fluttering noise and se...

Poltergeist at my Sisters by tskinner

This story isn't about me. This happened to my sister, Stef and her husband, Pat, and is still going on. I am terribly afraid for both of them. My brother-in-law has an ability to see and talk to those not with us anymore. Because of this he gets a lot of unwanted visitors. This latest one is the st...

The 1817 Place by 12gaugeheartbeat

Me and my sister called it 'the 1817 place', that was the address, but it was over 150 years old. I was 12 and Jess was 14 and we were scared shiat-less of this place. My mom never believed us but we know she saw things... Here's the thing, we always slept together even though we had our own rooms b...

The Thing We Couldn't See by Amber LaStrega

I'd taken Dynishka to my mother's for a weekend visit. I'm not sure on the year, but I'll guess around 1987. Mom lived in Iowa. Dynishka and me were visiting from San Francisco. For years I'd promised Dynishka I'd someday take her for a trek through my 'haunted' neighborhood. This particular time...

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