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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 52
Am I Psychic? by Pangie
This is something that gets too met all the time. Even when I was little I was knew things before they happened and I always had weird dreams of the future. I never took notice because I thought it was normal but as soon as I moved to Poland it got worse. There are tons of people who have the sa...
My Best Friends Visiting Me? by iKaaren
Ever since two of my best friends passed away this year, I've been having some... Experiences. As in cold spots, feelings of being touched, things falling etc. I remember approximately a week or two ago, I was sitting on a couch in the living room (which is located downstairs; we have another ups...
A Feeling Of Being Watched & Scared In Our New House by EllasMommy
My husband and I recently bought our first home. It was a bank owned home, so we didn't know much of the history of the home. When we bought the house, our neighbor told us that people usually don't stay in this house for a long time for some reason. And that also, 15 years ago a car ran into it and...
Ghost Beside Me by Harold
Several years ago at my apartment, I woke up at 3am and felt something around my neck squeezing the life out of me. I gasped for 10 seconds then it stopped. Never saw anything though. For a whole I would wake up in cold sweats at 3am as if someone was torturing me. I would get nightmares and they wo...
The Girl With The Short Black Hair by braxtoncw
My name is Chris and I am 16. About 5 months ago me and my family moved in to a house into the middle of the woods. The house we moved from was haunted by a little girl's ghost, when we moved we thought we got rid of it. But after about 4 months in our new house my Dad started seeing things. I didn'...
Started Seeing Shadows by corie128
First time poster here. Love the site but anyways I have got a story to tell. Ok so recently there have been some strange occurrences happening around our house. We moved into our house in 1993 and bought it brand new. Nothing paranormal ever happened until recently some strange unexplainable th...
The Man In My Room by vicuttie8
It all started when I was 5 or 6 years old. This was in my father's house in St. James NY. I was sleeping in my room when I was suddenly awoken by what sounded like footsteps walking down the hall. It was around 1.58am. My door opened and a man walked into my room. I could see the outline of him, bu...
White Human Silhouette In My Door by underworld_ghost
I apologize if I miss spell some words my English isn't the best. 1st story: The weird white human silhouette in my bedroom's door Date: 2005/10/13 It was around 11pm and was in my bedroom that had my bed faced to my bedroom's door at that time. I was getting ready to go to bed when; I clos...
My Cat Kari by bumblebee55
This happened just last night, and I don't know how to explain it. So I have a cat named Kari (pronounced CAR-ee) and sometimes she likes to play in the bathtub. (I don't know why, she just does.) So here is what happened. Last night I was reading some books, and I had to go to the bathroom. So ...
When I Was A Boy by Masbro
When I was about 12 I lived in South London, this was in the late 70's, we were a poor but happy family, and my knowledge of ghosts was almost zero. A friend at that time came and stayed at our house for a week, we went to school together and shared my bedroom. We used to smoke in my bedroom. One...
An Ancient Protector by 4d
I went to an art museum on the island of O'ahu for study one day. I was there with a group of other students in my class at around 8:00am, awaiting the docent to take us on a tour. The morning was cool and the air was filled with excitement. My classmates were grinning in anticipation to see differe...
Flying Tape by march2
I was sitting in the living room with my girlfriend at my mother's house, which is right next door well not next door, but like right by this huge cemetery in Spring Valley Park. My parents were out somewhere I don't remember where. It was late I'd say between 11 -11:30 were downstairs watching love...
Presence In The Bedroom? 2 by tk421
First off, the title may mislead you, as I am sticking to this website's submission procedure, so bear with me. So ever since I informed this community of the happenings within the bedroom a few days ago, things have got more or less 'touchy', depending on what way you would like to put it. When ...
Melanie by chunkygut1
As some of you may know I have recently been in a very dark place quite recently. This is because of many reasons, which I would still rather not talk about; the main reason was the death of my best friend Melanie. We spent almost every moment together, mostly just relaxing and talking to each ot...
Now She's Showering, Now She's Not by Vintage
Just a few days ago, I was babysitting my 4-year-old cousin, Cameron. I looked on my aunt's list of things for me to do (she sometimes leaves me a list of what she wants me to do when I baby-sit) and the second to last thing to do was give Cameron a bath. I filled up the bath just a fourth of th...
Sex With A Blonde Ghost by Rachel_33
My name is Rachel English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes up front. Last week I woke up feeling like someone was trying to jump over me, or hold me, I felt something holding me down in the bed, or holding me around with its arms. I am so scared I now only sleep w...
An Angry Girl And A Little Boy. What Do They Want? by eveelinaa
Sometimes I feel like it's all in my head when I feel a presence in my room or see something that I think is paranormal. I'm sixteen years old and I know that I've always been sensitive to these kinds of things. Last night I had trouble sleeping. I usually fall asleep after 2 hours being in bed,...
A Ghost On My Chest by march2
This is not a dream. I could be having a dream about me being rich or it could be a nightmare. When I awake from my dream and try to get out the bed I can't get up. I can't move I can't roll off the bed it feels like something is sitting on my chest. This is very real when I finally get out the ...
I Miss My Grandpa by eveelinaa
One things for sure, I am a huge believer of ghosts and the unexplainable paranormal. I have my share of experiences in my home and it's safe to say that there are ghosts in my home. However, on April 6, 2006 I experienced something so incredible. My grandpa had a stroke and he was in the hospital f...
My Ghostly Childhood Friend by CameronY
I was born in California, but moved to Washington with my family around the time that I had started first grade. Soon after I began seeing dark figures in my room at night. You couldn't really make out any particular features other then that they were shaped more like adult males (tall, broad should...
The Ghost Named Boo by -RalphsGirl-
This is my first story, and this has happened to me and my friends a few years ago, about 2005. Just to be clear I have to change my friend's names, because I do not have their permission. My friends will be Anna and Kaitlynn. I was at my Anna's house, with Kaitlynn who came to visit, sitting on An...
Night Terror by Leela
I live in central Europe, the Czech Republic. My family owns an amazing weekend house in the countryside near German borders. We are there very often from spring to autumn. It was probably built in 1890, no one really knows now. I love the village; it has 15 houses, mainly temporary inhabitants and ...
Does Anyone Else Have Experiences Like I Do? Help by lala123
Oh I'm new by the way. Since I was young I have been able to see things that I know none of my friends have. It all started when I was probably about 5. I woke up to be surrounded by numerous amounts of floating heads around my bed, like faces, it freaked me out so much. Ever since up until now (...
A Little Green Man by archangelwill
This might get long so get comfortable, it happened when I was 5 years old which is really young I know but I remember most of the details like it was a few days ago. Till I was 6 we lived with my grandmother in a old 2 storey school house, which was converted into a home in the 1960's,from what I'v...
Seeing Nuns by PysicicSceneKid45
Here it goes for my first story, Okay this happened while I was in school last year, I'm not going to mention the schools name, but it has a history with nuns and nuns living and dying in the main building of the school. Okay, so I'm sitting in music one day and I'm facing the door to the class r...
Little Ghost Girl In My Mam's Room by princess123
I have 3 stories and they all involve the same girl and people. 1st Story - One night I was in bed at around 11.30pm, and my mam and dad were coming to bed. I shouted "Goodnight." and my Mam replied "Night night." I was just about to turn over and go to sleep, when my Mam shouted, "Adele?" I did...
The Feeling? by Fragmaster
This is more of a strange feeling I get whenever I go to sleep. My parents and I sleep near the woods in some campers. My parents get there own and I get my own, but whenever I go to sleep alone I get a strange feeling unless I got the T.V running and the light on. Sometimes I sleep on my stomac...
Touch Of A Ghost? by Nats282
I had an experience about 4 years ago where I was asleep alongside my boyfriend of 7 years. He lived in a small house, but with his room on the opposite side of the house to all the others. It may have been about 2 am in the morning; I lay asleep on my stomach, when I awoke with an excruciating burn...
My Ghostly Saga 2 by bozoe6
I had not experienced any paranormal activity since I was a teenager, until I moved to Layton, Utah. It all started one night when I was coming home late from work; I had walked into the back door and went to the bathroom in the utility room. As I walked into the utility room, I heard footsteps abov...
Can Ghosts Really Physically Touch You? by Lynner
I know this may sound crazy, because believe me I know how it sounds in my head and when I've told my friends, but I really need to know if anyone has had any similar experiences and if so what have you done about it! I believe that I have been physically touched by a ghost even though I've never...
The Dyed-in-the Wool Skeptic by libertybelle
In spite of her experience as recorded in the incident I titled "Mr. X's Story," my mother was a die-hard sceptic when it came to paranormal phenomena such as ghosts. This was the major reason that I kept to myself my experience with the Revolutionary War apparition in the back door of our house in ...
My Ghostly Saga 3 by bozoe6
After leaving Utah, I moved back home in my mom's house. For a while I felt like I was being watched, I had that feeling I wasn't alone. One night, I was home alone, my mom and sister took off for the summer. I was painting my bedroom, and I kept hearing rattling noises in the kitchen. I tried to ig...
The Little Man by ashly
I have had many experiences throughout my life, but this one happened last night and has absolutely stumped me. I had a horrible headache, one that was dull and lingering, and it seemed to keep me awake. I watched television and worked on the computer until about 3:30 in the morning when I felt ...
Pain 2 by Hopeful23
Not many days had passed since me and Alissa had tried the Ouija Board. I didn't know what she did with the Ouija Board and I didn't care. I had gone to the store with my mom to get some photos from a disposable camera developed after I discovered it in a drawer. The camera contained photos from a c...
The Haunted Holy Book 2 by youngdz79
Here is an update on my story the holy book, So things have gotten a little crazy around my house since the last time I posted about it, to start I have turned over the history of the family in the book to my uncle. He took the bible with him to his house and ever since then, it has been lik...
Quiet In The Library by Phoenix77
I was searching for a very small book in a rather large library. I had been looking for a good 30 minutes and I had wondered into one of the back sections of the world history section. I didn't mind, I am usually in a library of some kind and being alone is something I have been used to for years. ...
Poking From Under The Pillow by EpiphoneMariachi
This is my first submission. I hope you enjoy it! This is something that happened to me when I was a small child but something that I remember quite clearly and do not easily accepts to be a concept of my over-active imagination. I was spending the night at my grandparents' house. It was one ...
Ghost Cat Upstairs by blueeyedlightning
My family moved into our home 10 years ago. The people we bought the house from only had a dog when we bought the place and yet I found a litter box in the closet upstairs and some cat food. We had 4 cats so I cleaned out the closet good in case there were fleas. Soon after we moved in, I would ...
Monster At Lake Worth by tasgea
First and foremost, understand that two people share this account. It is written on our bio, but just to reiterate we are best friends that have experienced some pretty strange things, together and alone, and have finally decided to share those experiences (anonymously) with other people. One nig...
A Deli Ghost by konkboy
This happened in 1978 in lower Manhattan. I used to work at a gourmet deli on West Broadway. I worked nights and we closed at around 1 am. For an extra $20 I had the job of buffing the wooden floors with a buffer machine every Friday night after we closed. Above the deli was a sort of a club/resta...
My Paranormal Life And A Long Time Mystery by _edana_
I have had paranormal experiences since I was at least three years old (I'm 23 now). To start with I have 5 shadows that walk my walls when I get nervous or before something happens (such as the night my Aunt died of cancer). They look like shadows of men. I have never been afraid of them, I conside...
Dream Or Premonition About Mum's Death? by Belle85
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. My mum is ill will Emphysema and COPD both lung conditions, she is never going to be better and I have a horrible feeling this year is going to be the one where I lose her. I have always had experiences with the Supernatural and I believe God has...
Princess Diana by Hanbobs
This is my mum's story, but she doesn't mind me putting it up. I can't remember the exact date of the sighting but I know it was AFTER the death of Princess Diana. It was within the week that her funeral took place. My mum claimed she was sat in our living room watching the T.V when something ca...
My Guardian, I Think by tabi_20
When I was younger around three or four I used to climb up on everything in the house. Like dressers, counter tops, anything there was when no one was around or watching me. One day I was playing around in the bathroom and climbed up on the counter top where the sink was so I could look at mysel...
A Head In The Fireplace And Other Hauntings. I Need Help by Emily-R93
I've lived in the same house all my life. I'm 16 in a few weeks. I am not an expert on these sorts of things like you guys seem to be after reading some of your stories so bear with me, as I'm not very knowledgeable on the subjects of ghosts/demons and things. My house is pretty old, about 80 ye...
Scared Little Boy by Shawna
I was 14 years old when I woke up in the middle of the night, it was storming badly. I woke up on the opposite side of the bed, which was very strange. I had a swivel chair in the middle of my room with the seat part facing me. From where I was laying it was straight in front of me. My bed was again...
Odd Voices And Weird Images by XxSadistic_SatanistxX
Now I'm going to get to the point of this I can hear ghost all the time its quite amazing how many can be in one place its interesting to have this abilities but also annoying and frightening some are evil and some are kind but most are confused they ask what happened? Where am I? Can they see us? S...
Room 300 by ashly
I went to Flagler College in St. Augustine for a while in 2007. I stayed on the third floor in room 300. As some may know, the dorms there were once a famous hotel that had a chequered past. The third floor was the workers floor where employees would live during their work at the hotel. I shar...
The Pearl Cross by Soldier1
In 1996 or 97, we moved into our Great-Grand parents house after my Great-Grand Mother passed away and my Great-Grand Father moved in with my Grandfather just to join her a couple months later. It's an old mill house from the mid 1800s among many others in a 10-20 mile perimeter. Our Great-Grand...
I Am A Half Believer by hurchu
I come from China. The story that I am posting here is not my own but my father's. I believe it's true because it's my father. I have to go back almost 16 years. My father was caught in a car accident when he was on a business trip. He was paralyzed and couldn't walk or take care of himself in m...
The Sad Little Boy by Skitterbug
About a year ago, I was babysitting my 1 year old nephew. I wasn't feeling so great so I decided to bring him to my parent's house so they could watch him for a few hours while I got some rest. My parents lived right behind me down a little path, so I could see their house from mine. I checked to ma...
5 Second Sleep Paralysis by amkoreann
My name is Alex; I have already submitted a story when I was in Korea about my sister and her sleep paralysis. Now I will be telling my story. Right now I am in Argentina, and I want to tell a story which happened 3-5 months ago. I was sleeping in my bed, around 10, I couldn't sleep so I just clo...
Broken Glass by loveyou_beb
This is a real story about my friend, Brianna, and I. This has practically changed the way we view the thought of ghosts. We were hanging out at Brianna's house, using my Ouija Board, talking to 'Satan'. 'Satan' was telling us to slit our throats, and kill ourselves, so we decided to go to bed. We ...
First And Perhaps Only Seance by Jester3609
My name is Shaun Logue and I am nineteen years old. At the time of the following event, I was eighteen. The house of the event is in West Hills, CA. The date is early 2009 at 3:00am. I have always felt that there was more to the world than we saw. For many years, my mother's house has had spirits...
Father Christmas Ghost by Magda
I am Magda and now I am 14 years old. When I was seven, I was in Poland with my family (that being where I come from!) I couldn't sleep that night because it was Christmas Eve and like many other children, I was too excited to fall asleep. My mind was going crazy! But after midnight passing by, I de...
What Are They Trying To Tell Me? by lankyloo98
For as long as I can remember when ever someone I know has passed away they always come back to me in dreams to tell me they are alright or with messages to pass on. I tried to tell my parent's this once when both my Nan and Granddad passed away, but both were horrified and said it was a dream. O...
Our 100 Year Old House by blue_raven80
If you have read my other stories please read this one as well. Believe me or not, this all happened to me in our old Spanish era house. To begin with, let me give you a brief history of our house. As we know (some may not), Philippines has been under the Spanish regime for 333 years to be exact....
Dough Boys by Soldier1
I was on patrol in Ft Lewis, WA just a couple meters outside the old Madigan hospital. It was 0213 (I had to do time checks) and I was humpin it toward the new hospital when this sobering incident decided to find me. I was on the road that runs alongside the old hospital when I stopped to look at...
Mary Prefers Charmin Over Angel Soft by TXGRL210
Working for a major dental company has its perks. I receive great medical, dental and vision benefits, not to mention work with great people and get along with mostly everyone, but let me tell you a mischievous spirit who was not what I had in mind when I applied. Shortly after I started I began ...
Past Encounters by Altec
When I was little between the ages of 4 to 7yrs I lived in South Carolina in a house I don't ever want to see again. I was not the only one that saw things, for my mother too even if she won't admit it to people not related to us. The house was just like every other, yet I was too young to understan...
The Ex, The Man, And The Shroud by YaniAraujo
This is my first story. I'm fourteen years old. This may not be credible to you, but I'm just telling you what happened to me. The order will go time, title, story to prevent confusion. There are three stories here. Bear with me. This actually happened today in the afternoon. 8/19/2009 The Ex ...
What Or Who Was It by FallenBeauty
This is my first and only experience with the unexplainable, it happened Christmas of 08 when I was living with a couple of mates. I was living at my mates house with his mum, little sister and my boyfriend at the time and we would have regular parties and mates over very often. We would sit up a...
Who Was He, Why Was He So Angry? by hestiak
One of the times I had the experience of my ghost/spirit was when I lived in this house that was more garage than house. We moved their when I was five. I did not feel or see him until I was maybe eight or ten. He would follow me into the master bedroom. When he followed me he would frighten me so m...
Is Anyone There? by deannah
I spent a lot of time with my grandmother over the years. My parents and I always went "home" as often as we could. Her house used to sit up on a hill all by itself, and from the road it looked a little spooky especially at night. When I was younger I spent my summers with her and I would hear noise...
Odd Occurrences At The Old Victorian by caspertheghost
About five years ago my family and I moved into a 179 year old victorian house. When we got there the house was a huge wreck because nobody had lived there for 10 years. The previous owners were librarians that used to foster ungodly amounts of animals including dogs cats and birds and because of th...
Death At The Door by vicuttie8
A few years ago my dad told me the story of how my great grandmother saw ghosts. It was only a week ago that I found put the stories were true. I'm wondering if this might explain why I have seen & heard things. These events occurred in my dad's childhood home. My great grandmother was a very rel...
Creepy Encounter by SteggyAU
This happened not so many months ago, at about 7am in the morning. I live with my dad and his job has working hours from about 3am to 9-11am. So during that time I am alone. Usually I'd be asleep at this time, but this particular morning I was awake on msn chatting to a friend. I noticed the sun ...
The Baby by darshan9209189691
This is a story about my neighbour's baby. Her name was Celine, she was a 3-year-old sweet girl and at that time, I was 17 a teenager and very fond of toddlers. I used to play with her during my spare time as well as teach her new words as she had just started talking so it was absolutely fun with h...
The Wolves Of Mourning by NiramLuap
This event happened to me last year, when tragedy struck our family. I'll try and make it short, but I feel I have to give this story some background to do it any justice. I am a happy part of a huge extended family here in California. I grew up on the east coast, away from this part of my family...
The Dark Shadow by SweetDeanie
Throughout my life, I have frequently seen a dark shadow creep slowly up my wall and across my ceiling coming towards me. When I was younger I would just hide beneath my covers and hope it would go away or that it was just my imagination. However the reason that leads me to believe the shadow is a r...
The Boy And The Old Lady by SweetDeanie
I'd visited the doctor 3 days earlier to have a morning after pill, I had taken the correct dosage at the correct times and suffered no apparent side effects, no headaches or nausea etc... I was staying at my boyfriends house that night and we were downstairs in front of the log fire. My boyfriend l...
Old Woman Who Sits On The Stairs At Night by chesski
I first saw this ghost when I was 5 years old in my auntie's house and my mothers growing up place. This ghost is known to my family as the ghost of the toilet, I know, cheesy but I'm calling her woman in black. Well one night I needed the toilet so I went, as you do and I heard the stairs creak...
Night At The Library by darshan9209189691
During my college days, I used to stay in hostel. I was an active member of reader's club of my college library. During winter season, our college headmaster assigned us the task of cleaning the library, as every month team of students does it. I was along with 4 other guys and we all were close fr...
Our New Whistling Pet? by Dio
My story actually begins in Oregon City, OR. It began a couple of years ago while my husband and I were on vacation, visiting my sister and her husband. We were staying at their house for the weekend. On the last night of our visit, my husband and sister were standing in the front yard chatting, w...
Click, It's 3 Am by Hopeful23
As a child I hated the dark, it brought about scary shadows and monsters that were of course all in my head. I had to have a nightlight in my room or else I would not be able to go to bed. When I got older I slept under the covers so that no ghost or monster could see me. Getting older still--around...
Did A Ghost Save Our Friendship? by galleygal
This happened at my parents' house when I was a kid in high school. I have to give a bit of background and house layout information first, though; it may seem unrelated, but it IS relevant to the outcome of the tale. My best friend in high school was over for a visit one day. We were just hanging...
Spirits In My House Getting Worse by maddiebooth
I'm Madeleine; I am 14 years old now. We moved into our house when I was 3 in Reading (England). A few years later when I was about 8, I started to get this feeling of being watched everywhere I would go in the house. When I was about 10 I woke up from a normal dream to find a Labrador Retriever o...
Old Man In Bedroom At Night by chesski
If you have read my other story about the woman on the stairs I think that this may be the husband of her! Every time when I stayed at my aunt's house I stayed in the back bedroom of the old house and at night something occurred in the bedroom. I first recall seeing this ghost when I first st...
Indian Burial Ground Haunted House by CorradoGuy21
The story starts out like this, I was a small child at the time, only about 5, and the other person in this event is my brother, he was about 16 at the time. My family had bought our first house in Bartlett Illinois, and we were vey excited to move in. The previous owner had all of the windows cover...
Strange Things by live_laugh_love
My family moved into our newly built house about four years ago. About a year I began to notice some strange things happening. At night I would be laying in bed and I would hear pots and pans rattling. And I can't tell you how many times I would come home from school and the attic light would be on....
Sexual Presence by cline1986
It's been a while since I have written any story. What happened to me took place in my bedroom about two weeks ago at 2:00 am in the morning. I woke up and my heart was beating very fast I was scared and was short of breath. At this time I wasn't sure if I could move as I thought it was a form of sl...
Make A Wish by aldizzi
I live in Cancun, Mexico with my sister; I've been in Mexico for 5 months. I had several encounters with ghost, shadows, and what you can call "evil entities" back in Houston, Texas. My family is sensitive in the sense that most of us, my 2 brothers, sister and dad can perceive ghosts. Since movin...
Mirrors Playing Tricks And A Face Above Me by miri_chan
Miri here again, this one might be a bit short. Lately, my mirrors seem to be playing tricks on me again. If you read one of my other stories, you'll see that the images in my mirrors would shake while the mirrors themselves were perfectly still. I recently put two more mirrors in my bedroom, be...
Ghost At My Dad's House by miri_chan
I seem to be having a lot happen to me lately. This story took place last month, in the summer. I recently went away to visit my family in Nova Scotia, so I stayed at my dad's house. My dad and I don't talk often, and he was in and out of my life when I was a child. Put simply, I don't like to b...
It Wants Inside by minx69
My mother has always told me not to worry about the things in our home. She tells me good spirits are here who won't harm us, yet I agree and disagree at the same time. I do believe something is here on the property and it wants to get inside our home. For years I've always gone walking into the ...
The Weird Entity And My Experiences by gmadi84
When I was about 3, we used to live in a big house. There was my sister, Raven, my mom, Deanne, my stepdad, Uha, and my two brothers, Neil and Tyler. I was the youngest out of the family. So, here's my story. I'm just going to come straight out with it. It was one certain room, downstairs. Neil's...
Figure In My Bedroom by _edana_
If you've read my previous story, you know I have always had paranormal experiences. As I've gotten older I've come to be more attuned to the world around me. Lately I've been seeing some things on a daily basis, well a nightly basis. Starting at dusk I get this feeling I'm being watched, but o...
One Summer Morning by wertona9
This is probably the third or fourth most vivid encounter I have had, even though it really should be number one, seeing as it is the most active. This only happened about two months ago. It was summertime, and I had nothing to do from when I woke up at 10:30 A.M., so I just sort of woke up, and...
Strange Shadows by fernsclint
Myself and my elder brother started seeing strange things happening in our bedroom only during the night after all lights were out. I was only 9 years old and my elder brother 10 a one year older than me. We started seeing strange shadows in our bedroom moving around. Personally what I saw was reall...
The Man In The Mist by vicuttie8
As I have said in my other stories, I continue to see things. Some of you who read my other story think that I have a gift. I'm not sure but I think I do. Because ever since I submitted that story some strange things have been happening... A few nights ago I was swimming in my pool in the backyar...
The Howling Dog by libertybelle
The summer of 1969 wasn't a very good one for me. I was sixteen and my mother was dying of cancer. I'd known since May that she was terminal, and it was pretty harrowing. It was hard on everyone, of course; my brothers were only eight at the time and this was pretty hard to take, especially as sh...
Crying Girl, Moving Furniture, Scary Looking Double & Things by Cat
From the time I was young I always noticed weird things. I always passed it off as my over active imagination as I was taught to believe that ghosts don't exist. Nothing strange has happened in a while but I recently (almost a year ago) moved out of a house that I believe was probably the most haunt...
The Old Asylum by xXToDieForXx
I just want to share my experience with the paranormal, and maybe get some help with a problem. Thanks in advance. Well, my grandpa owns this old insane asylum in California, and in April, 2005, I use to go there as a kid to help him fix leaky roofs, broken windowpanes, etc. I was about 13 years ...
They're Everywhere by Hanbobs
Over this past 3 months I've seem to have become more aware of the paranormal. I have always had a slight fascination as to what happens after we die the afterlife and ghosts. But since the incident from my story 'Dead Relative Protesting To Ashes Being Scattered?' I have either noticed things more ...
Confusing Hauntings by Angel-Kels
Over the past year, (approximately,) some odd things have been happening to me, and my sister. I'm 16, she's 12- I know we could have an over-reactive imagination, but I don't think that's the case. With all the things we've been through, I've checked out the house- nobody has died here, and the ...
Large Ball Of Light by snakecharm
I'm writing this in hopes that someone out there can shed some light on what it is my girlfriend and I might have seen last night. Let me preface this by saying that growing up I've had several experiences with the supernatural in my house that was about a hundred years old. Things such as toys bein...
The Haunted House I've Been Living In by -_Syeetaque_-
Firstly, I would like to apologise if I've made any grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is not my first language. This is my mum's story. It happened back when we lived in our previous home. I was lucky not to meet or experience anything though. I could still remember when my dad told me ...
Sad Boy With A Yo-yo by chesski
I have first saw this ghost about 3 months ago but my family see this ghost all the time. This ghost appears on the top floor of the old house (has 4 floors) just before the attic. He is a little boy who stands in the corner and plays with a yoyo, but when you see him he disappears. When I fi...
Rupert's Return? by libertybelle
This occurred a week ago Sunday night, when I was gathering the trash to be loaded into the roll out for the Monday morning collection. I was replacing the plastic bags in two of the trash cans that we keep in the laundry room and in the kitchen for paper trash. I'd left the roll of trash bags ri...
The Dark One In New Mexico Hotel by SapphireRain
It was about the year 1989 and I and my then fiancé' had gone on a camping trip. Well, the winds were so bad they tore a hole in the tent and we had to go to a hotel. Personally, I had no problem with that. When we first got there I had a really odd feeling. I saw a bunch of leaves spiraling in ...
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- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
- Getting A Sak Yant In A Haunted Temple
- Always Close Your Portals Kids
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- Waikumete Cemetery
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