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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 15

Mysterious Poltergiest In My Room by keirlaird

I came home from a casual night in the city centre of Glasgow, Scotland with some friends. I am a keen cyclist, and in my bedroom, I have a bike rack, attached to my wall, in which I hang my bikes. My bed faces the bike rack, and I could clearly see that both of my bikes were still on the bike r...

Footsteps, Voices And Slamming Doors by Penelope200

I am in my early 20's. I live in north London with my sister and dad. I was between 10 and 11 years old when this happened. My mum and brother also lived here then too. We had been in our house a couple of years already and nothing spooky had happened previously. When we moved in the house it had no...

Shadow Person by Nettie

When I was around 13 years old I was lying awake in bed, my sister asleep in the same room. I was restless and feeling increasingly convinced someone or something was watching me. As I squinted my eyes in the darkness I could make out a shape similar to a man standing at the foot of my bed. There we...

The Stairs, The Kitchen And The Little Girl by Nay-95

I'm only 14 years old and I live at home with my Mum and Dad. I never really believed in ghosts until we got our Dog (let's just call her P, to protect my identity.) One night (at around 8pm) P sat up in her basket, which was in our living room, facing the stairs, and she ran towards the stairs bark...

New House, Strange Markings... Help by peeko

We recently moved into a new house 3 weeks ago. When we first moved here everything was fine but after a few days my mum and I began to see shadows across the hall, seeming to walk from my bedroom which is downstairs, to the kitchen. My brother and father live here too but they haven't experienced t...

Am I Going Mad? by Gabrielle21

I have decided to join this website in order to discuss these unexplained occurrences that do happen from time to time. I am unable to talk to my housemates about these incidents due to their rigid belief in that 'science explains everything'. I am not denying that it does explain most things, howev...

Evil And Angry Barking On Baby Monitor by P_Venkman

I am new to the site so hello everyone. Due to the recent goings on at the house where I live with my girlfriend and our 4 month old baby boy, I decided to post this in the hope of maybe someone else experiencing the same thing. I have googled it and the only similar story that I can find is the Enf...

Disorientation by ALBA-GU-BRATH

I've never really thought of this as much of a ghost story until recently. This incident happened whilst I was living at my grandparents' house. Not long after I had moved in, so about 3/4 years ago I was sleeping in my uncle's old room, who had unfortunately died a few years previously. I woke ...

Incubus Or Imagination? Help by FrankieRawrr

So I just wrote this and my internet cut off before I could post it and I lost it all. Not happy! So basically I always feel like I'm being watched, it always feels like I'm with someone. Sometimes I'll find myself having a full on conversation with myself as if someones talking to me... Through ...

Health Farm Apparition by ashleigh_may_xx

This is my first story! If you met my family, the first thing that you would probably comment on is the appearance of the females. All of my aunties and cousins are absolutely stunning. It can be very intimidating at times, but there is always someone that can sort you out if you have a bad hair...

My Family And Our House by Han

I am 20 years old and I live in Heswall in an ordinary house with my family it's a small house it's not big or scary or that old. I moved to Heswall in 1996 with my family, I have 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters a mum and dad and my dog. We moved in to Heswall in 1996 and it was about a y...

The Walk I Shared With An Unexpected Guest by ShucksCrossroad

It was sometime in the Spring, I remember because the days were rather warm and the house martins flew around the timbers of our secondary school, me and my friend Anna were sitting in our arts class chatting when she received a text from her mother saying that because of work she was un able to pic...

Has My Baby Been Here Before? by lankyloo98

During a previous story I submitted I explained that I had walked in on my youngest daughter talking and playing with a ghostly lady on the bed. Well during the past weeks she has been telling me things that have made the goose bumps on my arms rise. My youngest is a twin (which may not have any t...

Mentally Ill Or Possessed? by AgatheFielding

Note: I have not used my real name for identity reasons. I am not using my friends real name, I am going to call her "Lily Rose" Me and my friend are very close and have been since we were children but recently she's been acting very strange. It all started when we both began using an Ouija board,...

My Dad Got The Shock Of His Life by Andy24uk

I don't remember this happening as I was only three and a half years old. This story is what my parents have told me happened and they would never ever lie to me. I, my mum and my dad were living in a small house in Scarborough, north Yorkshire. The house wasn't very old and to my mums knowledge no...

The Old Schoolhouse by HannahLouise1

When I was around six years old, me and my family moved into a beautiful Victorian house known locally as 'The Old Schoolhouse'. It was built in the 1820's and was used as, surprise surprise, a school, until the 1960's when the school was closed and the building made into three separate properties. ...

Presence In The Mirror 2 by TheGirlInWhite

As the title says, this is a follow up. This happened on the 1st of October. I was getting ready for bed, it was around 11:30, as soon as I got half way up the stairs I felt a chill, and thought to myself "another tough time sleeping tonight then". Well I got into my room, and yes, the strength of ...

The Face At The Door by Beyond-Death

This keeps happening a lot lately. It's either a face or a hand. Yes I may be a teenager and no this is not fake. Unfortunately I have no pictures of these experiences, I have tried but it's never there when I look at the picture. Here's my story. I was sat in my living room watching TV and my dog ...

Return Of My Night-time Stalker by Surya

It has been a long time since I posted anything on the site. To tell you the truth all went very quiet for while with the exception of a few bumps in the night as well day and the odd silhouette passing by the window in the garden. In between my last submission and this one, my beautiful tabby...

Black Shadow And Angel by ghost777

I'm Jayne, age 33, also profoundly deaf and have been seeing ghosts, spirits and poltergeists all my life since age 4, and I have been seeing orbs of white and blue. Don't know what it means. Also sometimes poltergeists when I'm sensitive or moody! Also a lot of different kinds of ghosts too! I a...

Presence In The Mirror by TheGirlInWhite

This happened around a month ago, at night in my room, and is the reason I have started believing in the presence of ghosts. From a very young age, I felt there was always something weird about my room. I could never explain it, but I always felt that someone was watching me, like there was a pre...

Early Doors Phone Call by mxpoppy

I live in a small village in Derbyshire, with my two daughters. Last night when I got into bed (27.09.2010) at approximatley 10pm to read my book, I heard noises from downstairs. It was the sound of my dog's bowls being moved. This has happened before. On Sunday one of the bowls fell off the side on...

Is It A Ghost? 2 by JLKC

This is an update from the last few days. (Is it a ghost?) After the power went the other day, I went to bed that night to see a poster and card folded towards the ceiling, so I ripped them off, nobody has a clue why they were like that... I woke up a few nights later faced my reflective war...

My Black Shuck by Spooner

This experience happened to me at the age of 13, I was moving close to the Thames River in London. Me, my mother, and my older brother, whom was 18. We had two dogs, Chewy our Chow Chow, and Marco our black Labrador. After a few weeks of moving into our new home, we had neighbors knock at the doo...

Haunted Family Home - Or Am I Haunted? by kaylz274

I lived in my family home from birth until I was 21 years old and have had strange unexplained experiences in it my whole life. I now live in my own home with my fiancé and have not experienced a single thing there even though a young boy died right outside our door. I have never felt any spirit ac...

It All Started As A Joke by Nukey

I had been going to see my friends brother for a while and when we were pretty drunk he used to joke and say his house was haunted at first he scared me and then it just wasn't funny anymore since I had seen nothing and didn't believe him boy was I wrong. It was late one night and we were sleepi...

Am I Haunted Or Is It The House? by Fluxed

This is probably going to sound quite vague, I wasn't sure if it counted as psychic or ghostly experiences, I was afraid if I submitted it on the psychic sight they would say it was meant for the ghost sight. Oh well here it goes. I am agnostic (I think) I have never ever dismissed any beliefs an...

Is It A Ghost? by JLKC

I am 19 now, but when I as around 11 years old I could sense something in my room, this is after we had a loft conversion (my bedroom was below this one). Weird noises in the night like shuffling of feet and small whispers could be heard in the night. One night it felt as though somebody was breathi...

The Haunting In My Room by jtmist

When I was three my dad committed suicide. We don't know how, never have, never will. However I will tell you a story on how it was. When I was three my mum went to go and see a medium called Ginny, and she was shuffling the cards and she said, "what's your name?" So my mum told her and the address,...

My Child Sees A Spirit That Doesn't Like Me by colls2211

From being pregnant with my daughter Kellie, I have endured many ghost encounters as well as evil spirits. When I was 7mths into the pregnancy at 2am every morning I was woken with someone sitting on my bed and my Yorkshire terrier would go crazy. When I was full term I was woken the same time but t...

I Have The Potential To Become A Guardian Angel? by clarz

For the past couple of months, me and a few friends have been contacting the spirit world via home made Ouija boards. Every session we do we seem to find out more stuff about how it all works via my friends (Hannah) spirit guide, Ben. I first started to be able to 'feel' spirits during our third...

Life With Joyce My Incubus by pinkyispink

To introduce the story I have to tell you some things about myself and where I am. Female, aged 16, location is irrelevant but I will not go into detail as I have been though a lot in the last 3 years. This is a true story, I know because I am still living it. A little personal background to start; ...

Footsteps, Showers And Dogs by Hanbobs

It's been 11 weeks since my boyfriend and I moved into my Grandma's home that she had lived in for some 50 years maybe even longer. She is now in a home and my dad and his sister own the property. As a temporary arrangement we currently live in the house along with our American bulldog Bella. My las...

Since My Sister Died by emma_92

My name is Emily, I'm 18 years old and I live in England in the UK. This story isn't really a continuous flow; it is just everything that has happened, that I can remember over the years. All of this starts from when I was 7 years old to now at 18 years old. 11 years ago, when I was 7 years old, ...

Bedroom Ghost 2 by lifeleech

It's me again this is part 2 of my first story Bedroom Ghost Part 1-Face on the curtain. Hopefully this part of the story will be more interesting then before. At the point the activities started happening again I was 13, the start of it all was a simple 'Knock Knock' on my window, which my bed was...

The Tickle Monster by steph_western

It has been a while since a last posted on this site and I have to thank all those who commented on my last story. The garage does no longer scare me too much. I think as I have got older, I've let go of the fear I have of that room that is unreasonable and the feeling that I'm being watched/crept u...

The Ghost That Walked Over The Floorboards by Tessadragon

My home is in Surrey, England. It's a three story, semi-detached in a nice neighbourhood. The land's believed to have been used as farmland. The house dates back to 1930s. When I was a kid, I had the big bedroom at the back, with the nicest view over the garden. I had a cabin bed and on one of th...

Experiences In Our House by TBMassacre_fan

There's been a load of things gone on in our house over the years, and still things are continuing. There was a time when me, my mam and my sister were in the house and we all heard the front door slamming, all of a sudden we heard my dad shouting "Hello" so we went out to see him and there was nobo...

Guardian Angel And A Possible Succubus? by theparanoidhunter

A while back I think two or three weeks ago (maybe longer) I was just sitting in my room, nothing out of the usual, and I started to feel like something was holding my shirt, tugging it slightly. So I brushed the feeling away slightly. I started to feel a little tired. So I decided to take a shower,...

Cubed Shaped Green Orb by Karlos

I'm 45 years old and always tried to keep fit, when I was around 20 years old I used to do pull-ups from my parents loft ladder. One day I set the ladder up across the hatch as usual, did a couple of reps and as I looked up I saw a green glowing cube shaped orb - this looked just like a green dice h...

Demonic Haunting - The Abduction by Rob27

Thanks to you all once again who have supported me through my experiences, I feel quite relieved to read your comments are actually agreeing with me and that I'm not just going insane. This post comes more or less straight after my most recent one; as I did mention I would tell you about this experi...

1:50 A.m. by bexscowz06

This post is another example of things that happen in my house in England. Though as I have continued to read other posts on this site I have begun to wonder if there is more than just Geoffrey in the house. I would advise people to read my other posts if you have a chance as I think this on...

Can My Computer Read? by Tricaro

I am really puzzled. Today in work (Liverpool, England), I took a confidential file out and put it on my desk. It was about a pupil of mine called Roxanne *******. One side of my desk is clear for working on; the other side has a keyboard and monitor on. When placing the file on my desk it was clear...

Me And My Daughter by assie

For years now I have always been able to pick up on some spirits, like they are drawn to me. I have had awful experiences with it all which I will post on here later), At the moment my 18 month daughter keeps waking in the night screaming and when I see to her she looks terrified of something. I ...

Paranormal Phenomema by kezza14

I've been trying to sleep at night, but when the room darkens and I hear someone in my room. No one is awake in the flat. I live with my daughter and my cats. The cats will not come into my room. When the room darkens I feel a presence of some kind. I close my eyes hoping it will go away, but whatev...

My Second Home by Jalk3

My name is James and as of writing this I am 22 years old. I come from the North of England and currently live just outside a small city called Lancaster. I have always had an interest in the paranormal from a very young age. Something handed down by my Mother and Aunties who have seen spirits all t...

The Man In The Cemetery by ginny

My story isn't actually my story, but that of my best friend Margaret. It is so perplexing that we haven't been able to find an explanation, but I wanted to share it here. Margaret goes every Saturday to lay flowers on the memorial to her mother in the local crematorium grounds. Nearby to this sp...

Our Last House by Froobz

My boyfriend (now my husband) and I moved into our first house together 6 years ago. It was a normal, unremarkable, small semi detached in a cul-de-sac and was about 10 years old. We started to notice that the house was quite "noisy" soon after we moved in (a huge bang in the loft awoke us on the fi...

Geoffrey The Friendly Ghost 2 by bexscowz06

So at the end of my last post I told you guys about the one and only time I used a Ouija board. It was still the Easter School holidays and again my parents were "conveniently" at work. (I say conveniently because whenever something happened to me or my sister they were always out). My sister and I ...

Haunted Farm by LewisR

When I was in my teenage years my parents moved to a new home just outside of the border between England and Wales. It seemed like it had been unoccupied for a number of years when I first saw it. We moved from our old house because it was too small. This new house however, was massive. The woods we...

The Apartment After The Split by Lucy1

Since my last story (My Haunted Childhood) had great comments and ideas all from really nice people, I'm going to post an account of some of the paranormal events that took place in the brand new apartment my mother and I lived in from late 2001 to early 2009 in Surrey, UK. It was a beautiful pl...

Demonic Haunting - The Taunting by Rob27

So it's my third post on this site - not bad for someone who never believed in ghosts. It's been a while since I last caught up with you guys and shared my experiences. I guess before you read this you'll need to read my last two posts to get the general idea of what's been going on in my world. ...

The Dancing Children by RoseRed10

I have previously submitted a story here about a haunting in the small village where I lived. In this village is a very old retirement home. Most of the small village is new, and it is currently expanding. However there are a few very old houses and buildings including an old church, graveyard and t...

Good Ghost Gone Bad? by RoseRed10

When I was eleven years old my mother, younger sister and I moved into a new house. We were there alone for the first year as my father was still working where we'd previously lived and trying to find work where we had moved to. Where we lived was a small village in the countryside about five miles ...

Haunted Cottage by biblefreeme

I must tell you about this house I used to live in, about 15 years ago. My ex partner and I had to find somewhere to live in a hurry and even though I had an uneasy feeling about this place we took it anyway not sure why I didn't like it I just didn't like the stairs. After we had been there a w...

Creepy Fire Alarm by StrongBeliever2010

I have lived in the same house in London for all my life, just a small little 3 bedroom house... Really normal looking, really normal neighbourhood, normal family but sometimes in my home strange things happen... One night in mid-March it was about 3:30am when I heard the fire alarm go off, I wok...

The Woman In Ryde by reaper95

It is a regular thing for my family and I to go on holiday to the Isle of White. Everytime we go we rent out a place in the small seaside town of Ryde. Ryde has been known to contain phantoms in a lot of its churchyards. However, the paranormal phenomena that I experienced was not one of these phant...

Ghost In Bedroom by karen1111

I am very new to this, I have to admit although very interested in the paranormal, although very skeptical that is until 4 days ago when I saw a man standing at the side of me and my partners bed in the night. He looked like a normal guy (could not see his face) dressed in modern dark trousers a...

My Paranormal Encounters 2 by SpookyStar

I said in my last story I'd let you all know if any other paranormal happenings occurred. Firstly I'll start with a very vivid dream I had about 6 months ago, I dreamt that there was a demon of some sort attacking me and the only way it would go was if I let it bite me. I had a fight with it ever...

Uneasy Feeling In House - Smoke Like Apparition? by beccarosie

I know this might sound stupid but I have always been extremely sensitive to the 'paranormal'. When people discuss with me paranormal experiences they have read or heard about I will often unexplainably burst into tears. When I was a baby my Father worked away in Germany, my Mother would spend a...

Who Moved The Chair? by SFE11795

I like reading the stories on this site (although they sometimes freak me out). I've only really had one paranormal experience that I know of and remember well. Ok, this story is not very big, but I'd like to tell it anyway. This happened about 8-9 years ago when I was around 6-7 years old and I ...

Dark Figure Or Void In The Fog by Northie

This is a very short story (so I've fleshed it out a bit), and I am wondering if anyone has witnessed anything similar. In 2004 I moved to a small village south of Chester, England and worked in another village in Chester, some 20 miles away. Late in the year, November / December time, I was driv...

An Omnipresent Evil? by Northie

Spooky Times in Exeter - An omnipresent Evil? This is going back a few years, so I can't remember exact dates and times. Between 1999 and 2003 I was studying at the University of Exeter, Devon, England. In my second year I got a new flat mate who had a part time job at a local pub (The Red C...

Geoffrey The Friendly Ghost by bexscowz06

I have always been fairly open minded about all things paranormal. When I moved into my house at the age of 14 I never could have expected the things that happened to me and my family. There are countless incidents I can tell you guys about. So I will start today with what happened within the first ...

Mums Unusual Departure by biblefreeme

This is my first post but not in order of experience it is rather long and will be posted in two stories mums' story then dads. It begins with me when I was 28 and in hospital in a small town in Sussex in the South of England, I was staying in hospital as I was expecting my first baby but due to ...

Nana's Always Watching by ghostfox96

Last year my nana passed away in her sleep. Knowing my nana is now in a safe place gives me some kind of comfort, knowing she is always there watching me and protecting me is another. I think she's my guardian angel... When my nana passed, we moved closer to my granddad as we lived so far away. In ...

Ghostly Attacks? by the_original_fallen_angel

I do not know if these descriptions are that of paranormal doing or extremely lifelike dreams. The first time I experienced anything was in 2005. I was staying with my brother on the Isle of Wight at the time sleeping on his bedroom floor. On the night in question I had returned home after work ...

Door Opening Ghoul by ParanormalSofia

Where do I begin? As a 15 year old teenager I was really interested in paranormal activity and Ouija boards etc. I was never really scared when we had contact with a spirit, I found it quite exciting. One day me and my 17 (At the time) year old brother (Edward) planned do use the Ouija board tha...

Bedroom Ghost by lifeleech

This is my first story I've submitted to this website it's based around my paranormal experiences, age 6-14. I know some of you may think I'm a bit young and may not trust me because of it but I could really use some advice about the presence in my house. The story starts when I first moved to the ...

My Exorcism by DJ

When I was 13, I was living in Northern London. We lived in a small flat at the time. I was happy because I had a pretty good life at the time. One of my very best friends, Cristina, loved to stay over, and was over often. One night, I took off my necklace, a present from my mother, and started to ...

My Haunted Childhood by Lucy1

This is my first story that I've written here. It's about the house I used to live in as an only child with my parents from the age of 2 - 13. During this time, I had a number of weird and wonderful experiences, a lot of which I still talk about today. My parents and I moved into a converted sta...

Did I See My Grandad? by RoniS

I always use to stay at my grandads and my nana's every weekend. Until my granddad passed away in 2006. I couldn't stay after that I found it too hard. My nana was really down and upset and low one day so I thought that I would stay and keep her company and it was a few months after he passed away, ...

Following, Watching, Touch, And Attacking Dad? by LauraTenshi

I think a spirit seems to like following me, and I also can't tell it to leave because I'm shy (and not confident) and I really want to help it crossover and I don't want to offend it. I've started to hear voices that come from thin-air ever since late winter 2009. And more recently I've began to f...

Haunted For Years Or Just Paranoid? by sammi993

I am 17 years old and female, for a while I have been aware that the block of flats I live in is very old. I am not sure how old but I do know it has been rebuilt. Due to being bombed in World War 2. I also know an old man lived in our house before us. I have always been very interested with history...

Ghosts Or Madness? 2 by Rengor_Ifield

First, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who commented on my last entry, and I'm so sorry I haven't done anything before this, but I haven't had the time, and when I have, the internet has been down. Right, I've been doing my research on the area, and as far as I know, there where no asylums. T...

The Shadow In The Living Room And Voices In The Bathroom by starfish

In November 2009 my boyfriend and I moved from our rented flat to a rented house. It had originally been quite difficult for us to find somewhere we were happy with (well, that I was happy with) until we stepped into the house we currently rent. As soon as I stepped across the threshold I knew I wan...

Paralyzed, Dragged & Whispering by manxgirl

The latest experience freaked me out, but I'll mention the first one. I've always found an interest in spirits and ghosts, I wanted to do the Ouija board but my mum won't let me after her experiences with her friend and advice given from her church, so I'm off the idea for now. Anyway my first pa...

A Night Time Visit by Valencia_Rose

It was a hot summer's night and everyone was fast asleep. I was having a nightmare and woke up to get a drink. As I was about to go downstairs I saw my dad walk up the stairs and said "I came home early from work today, so just go back to sleep okay?" at first I went along with it and went to bed th...

Lights Have Voices by Valencia_Rose

It had all started when I was all alone in my room, I was happily reading my book when I heard someone called my name, and I ran over to see if it was my parents. It called me 3 times, saying "Valencia,Valencia,Valencia!" (note: not my Real name). That's when I realized, my parents had gone to buy...

The Ouija Board And The Baby by Nikita

This is my mothers story, so I will tell you the story as best I can. When my mother was young, she use to live with her parents in a house in Manchester with her three sisters and two brothers. On being brought up in a family that was very much interested in the paranormal, she too became hooked an...

The Move - Woken Spirits by Hanbobs

Me and my boyfriend - and of course our American Bulldog Bella have just moved out of a house we were renting and into my Grandma's house which is on the road behind where we were originally staying. My dad had suggested this to us only a few weeks ago as my Grandma is now staying in a home and the ...

Ghostly Visitors - Where Do They Come From? by lankyloo98

I have seen many strange things over the years and the odd person who others can't see. Over the past 5 years this seems to have increased. I decided to take advantage of any early night as my four children where fast asleep and my husband was busy on the computer. (With four children this is rare i...

Shadow Wears A Hat by thefabulouseggs

Over my life I have always "seen" figures- little boys' old ladies just all walks of human life appear and are gone in a flash. Never has this caused me any problems and never have they interacted or lasted too long. They are not a corner of an eye experience either but quite clear visions of people...

Cemetery Experience Which Will Go To My Grave by Rolly

Around ten years ago when I was 18 I had an experience that I have been unable to forget or to explain since. I'm not sure what relevance this has to my story but my friend had recently committed suicide aged only 15 years old. As you would expect this hit our group of friends very badly and we were...

A Summers Ghost Story by harrywelsh

It happened on a very hot June day in the summer of 1976. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was sitting in the living room with my dad. He was watching the horse racing (something he always did on a Saturday) while I was more interested in the football results. It was quite a large living room, or...

Flames Of Hell by chelchel10

At the time I was sixteen and it was a week after my mums funeral, I had to sleep in my nans room due to the fact that I just felt strange in my own room. I am now twenty four and can still remember it clear as day. I was sleeping in my nan's bed when I woke up and just could not go to sleep, I w...

Sad Little Boy, Who Could He Be? by Suzii

Even as a child I was convinced there was something/someone in my house. When I was younger I would never go upstairs alone or into my Nan's bedroom because I would get goose bumps/pimples and I didn't like how cold I felt. I still don't like going into my Nan's room and I still feel cold when I do....

Do I Have A Ghost In My House? by bethanJay

First things first I have always had strange things happen around me. Strange dreams of people who have died and I have never known or seen before like my mum's dad who died when she was seven. I grew up believing her step dad was my grandfather, in my dream I was in a room and a name was being writ...

A Girl In The School Toilets by Leia-SummerJones

When I was in year 3 (aged 7, 9 years ago) I used to be scared of going into my primary school toilets alone, this is because every time I was in there by myself I would see a young girl standing in the shower with the old St. Maries uniform on. She wore a grey school skirt, long white socks, black ...

Spooky Doll by red_white_and_blue

These incidences happened about the year 2000 in our old house in a town called Wigan, in the north of England. I must have been about six years old at the time, and each event happened one after the other within the space of six months. The first: I went upstairs for something, but I don't remembe...

My Gran's Ouija Board Experience by princess123

This is my Grans story, sadly she passed away about 3 months ago and she told me this about a month before she died. When she was working in the courts with her 5 friends she was working a night shift. One woman suggested playing with a Ouija Board. My Gran at this time was not quite sure about t...

Strange Things Are Happening Here by MolloyUK

SCRATCHING NOISES: Most nights between 2-3am there is a distinct scratching noise coming from the other room, it's as if a cat is scratching the corner of the room. KNOCKS: Again at 2-3am there's loud knocking but you can only hear it from this particular room, just last night there was a sound ...

Unwanted Company Again by EMMA-M

If you have read my first story, you will know that it is related to a sleep paralysis experience. I have had another few episodes over the past week but maybe not as scary as in my first story. Last week I got the typical "old hag syndrome" of SP. I woke from my sleep in a panic to feel that someth...

Scratches & Loud Bangs by pinkmagic1989

We moved into our house nearly 2 years ago, it was great for a while but about a year after we moved in we started noticing that our youngest child was speaking to something in her room at night. Then one night while we were in bed we heard this scratching noise outside our bedroom door but as my fi...

The Incubus by anita1

I had just moved into a rented house with my 3 kids in 2005. We have been in there 4 weeks. The dogs are acting strange and are not their usual selves. They kept peeing all over at night. There is a cellar as well that the dogs hate. This one particular night in November I went to bed but could ...

Does It Want Anything From Me? by eleanoranne

I'd like to tell you a few of my stories, as they are all kind of short. My very first experience happened when I was around eleven years old. My parents are divorced, and I was at my dad's for the weekend, he lived in a cottage at the time. This cottage was a bigger than normal, it had two floo...

The Harsh Hushed Voice by A7XFAN09

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been hearing strange 'voices'. Always upstairs- well at the moment. The first voice I heard was when I was in my bedroom, I cannot make sense out of it, and all I can hear is a gruff voice saying something. I have heard this twice in my room. The second time ...

Someone Is Always Listening by Hanbobs

It's been a while since I posted a story as to my disappointment not much has happened, on the paranormal side of things anyway. But now I have something to tell you... I don't know if any of you guys have heard of a Medium named Lisa Williams? She is from the UK but currently lives in the USA an...

My Daugher Is Frightened Of The Man In Her Bedroom by Shoe-Gall

I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter. We have lived in the same house all of her life and my husband and I lived here for a number of years before she was born and to be honest I can't really ever remember any "strange" things happening before now. She is a very happy little girl and normally will...

Just A Couple Of Odd Experiences by spookymoo

I have lived in my current home for 5 years now and had a few strange things going on. Firstly, over the cold winter months I use the gas fire in the living room and close the door to the hallway and front door to keep the heat in. This one particular day I was sat in front of the fire, TV on low...

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