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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 112
I'm Being Drained by xBRabbitx
This event that I am about to tell you is recent and very different then what I experienced in my previous "Episodes" I had or so says my parents. Anyway this all started with the dreams. I would be walking along the trees behind my house and for some odd reason I had no shoes on so I felt the groun...
Dreamsharing? Or Apparitions? by Unexplained
In late January of this year, I woke up in the middle of the night and had to go to the toilet. To get there, I had to go down a flight of stairs. As I reached the top of the stairs I looked down and saw two young girls in naval uniform playing with each other - they looked as if they were playing n...
The Cigaret by Cafelelion
THE CIGARET I've recently come across this site and was interested in reading stories and people's experiences. I myself had countless paranormal experiences in my long life and would like to share them. I'm a retired engineer from the sugar cane industry and live in Mauritius. Sorry if my Englis...
Gwrach Y Rhibyn by WelshmanTrezise
As I get older, I am realizing more and more that ghostly things to and around me all the time as this I just realized was a one of them. It's about the Gwrach y Rhibyn the harvester of the dead in Wales. When I was young, I remember in the countryside of northern Wales near Blaenau Ffestiniog, ...
The Shadow: My Worst Experience by SoullessMuffinz
When I was 11 years old, my family moved into a 30 year old house in the countryside. From the start, I constantly felt like I was being watched. I was always left alone in the house because my parents were always working and my sister was always at volleyball practice, but I have never felt alone f...
When The Bell Tolls One by satellite7
Sadly, my older sister passed away December 2010 from a 2 year battle with ovarian cancer. In her will she left me her condo in San Diego. About a year later (last December) my fiance and I were staying at the condo to pack her things up and to decide what got donated and what we would keep. A beaut...
There Is Not Always An Explanation by Lauren1989
I will admit that I have never been a religious or spiritual person. I tend to not believe it if I can't see it, and whenever something odd occurs I try to find a reasonable explanation to make sense of it. Over the years though, it has become harder and harder to try to find explanations for odd th...
A Twisted Wish by LeEarlPearl
I know I'm not the only one when I say this. Since I was young, I've always dreamed of having a paranormal experience. I'd watch all the horror movies, and I'd enjoy them even if they gave me the worst nightmares of my life. I'd read stories on how these people have seen ghosts or were attacked by d...
More Than A Dream by Redellefleur
So I wasn't sure where exactly to post this, but I thought this would be the closest so here it goes. I don't remember exactly how old I was but I was still in lower primary school, so I would have been between five to nine. We just moved to Australia from Alaska (mom married an Australian man, I...
The Voice In The Attic by 1spooky
This incident happened in Astoria, OR. I was about 9-10 years old. I was dropped off at my cousin's house. It is a very large house. Four stories including the basement, which is half in the ground coming out of a hill. This place always scared me. The feeling of being watched, seeing fleeting image...
A Haunted Childhood by HomicidalLust
Note, some of this comes from what my sister and mother have told me. When I was four years old my family, which consisted of my mom, my father, and my little sister who was almost three, moved into a beautiful two story house in the suburbs of Las Vegas, Nevada. This must have been wonderful for...
Chosen By A Succubus by Visited
Author's Note: This story might seem a bit disjointed. It involves incidents that take place over many years that did not appear to be related until recently. There is a significant amount of back story that is needed to frame my recent experiences. I have chosen to tell the events in chronological ...
Ex Boyfriend's Ghost? by mslees
I have many experiences with the paranormal. I have nothing to gain from making them up, the earliest I can remember hearing or feeling strange "things" was at the age of about 6 or 7. I come from Zimbabwe where tokoloshis (African trolls) terrorise the locals, wizards, warlocks and witch doctors...
My Mom's Boyfriend's House by DawnOak16
I used to live at my mom's boyfriend's place. I loved the area, it was beautiful but I just didn't like being in his house. When my mom went to college and her boyfriend went to work, I would be the only one looking after the house. Nothing happened when I was alone when I first got there, but a...
Bad Ouija Experience by newhunter30
I am going to give you a short background of the things leading up to this experience. Myself, my friend, and his girlfriend all shared a condo together. I moved in after they did and they were always telling me of things that were going on in it (we all believe in the paranormal). I moved in and...
Family Members And The Unknown 2 by falling_feathers
I'm not sure if you've read my other story, but I think this is connected to those events. I'll start with the least prominent but most common occurrence. When I roll over to go to sleep, I'll feel like someone is sitting at the end of my bed, and I often feel some one in the room watching me. They'...
The Boy With The Mad Eyes by Wonderless94
When I was about 13 years old so about four years ago my parents had to go out of town for a couple of days I can't really remember why. Well I had to spend the night at my grandma's house. They had just moved in to a new house and had been living there for about a month. I always had a strange feel...
The Verdict by aussiedaz
I thought I would come back here and share another story with you all, three different accounts, all of the same nature over a span of 30 years. Two of them I can talk about now and with the other one, unfortunately laws provided in this country leave me unable to comment on the matter until the cou...
Between Nightmares And Reality by siya
At first I thought they were mere nightmares, until I could feel and see him. I rarely had beautiful dreams... But a month before my wedding, my nightmares started become more realistic and violent. It was a Wednesday night. I felt I opened my eyes and saw my curtains getting seeped in my window. I ...
Burlington, Vt Specter by reddysteady
So, I'm a traveler. I've lived a lot of places, and as a result I have friends in all of them. I also keep a journal, so this is written based off the entry I had made on July 23, 2008, the morning after the event below. It was summer 2008 that I found myself homeless, as a matter of fact, and sort ...
Natalia's Grandmother by MickeyN
This story is the first time I ever encountered a ghost. Lucky for me, it wasn't in my house, but it was still enough to scare me for quite a while. I was about 11 or 12 at the time. Growing up, I believed in ghosts like you would believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy-- it was something I tho...
Her Death, Then I Was Possessed by xBRabbitx
First off this is the first time I'm sharing some of my experiences with the internet. Anyway I am a decedent from a medicine man, which could explain the stuff that's happened to me in my 17 years of living. Well, today I am going to tell you about what I call the "shadow man." It all started w...
Ghostly Goings On by Valentine19
Haunted Stereo? When I was around 14 I was playing a computer game called Alone in the dark (if any of you played these games years ago you'll know how scary they could be). My computer was on the landing at the top of the staircase and the only people in the house were me and my friend who was s...
My Experience With Ouija Boards by Valentine19
When I was 17 me and a group of friends found out about an old abandoned building that was near to an old unused mental health hospital or care home (I can't really remember which it was but the name was Winterton and it was in a village called Sedgefield). We thought it would be a cool place to han...
A Bad Visit From My Great-grandmother by YoungBee
As a little child, when my great-grandmother (grandfather's mother) was alive, I used to be scared of her. Only reason I was scared of her was because she had these spots all over her skin. I was little so I did not know what that was. Every time my mother took me to visit her, I would cover my eyes...
Ghost Breath - My First Experience by anonymous
NOTE: The following ghost experience happened when I was about 11 or 12 years old, so only a few years ago. It was my first ghost experience, but my whole life I have felt different. I think I might be some kind of psychic, or something of that nature, because I always sense things, physically, and ...
Visiting Pets by Valentine19
During my life I have had a lot of pets but had never been "haunted" by one, until I moved in with my now ex-girlfriend. She had a pure white German Shepherd that I had met a few times before my ex and I were together but sadly she died. After my ex and I started living together we bought a pool tab...
Running Water Mystery by enyapcire
My wife and I live in Lincolnshire, UK. In the following tale please don't expect any ghostly figures, or people walking through walls, etc. Nevertheless, I would like to relate the following, as yet, unexplained mystery. Back in 1996 my eldest daughter, who at the time was living in a small v...
Possible Incubus Disturbing My Sleep by Beanie
Hey everyone, this is my first post, so please bear with me here. A few days ago, I got back from a summer camp which was four weeks long. I had not been in my house for a while and I was dying to get some sleep. Before actually falling asleep I was laying in my bed for a while playing on my pho...
The Hotel's Ghost by Dalian
I work as a night shift receptionist in a hotel. I used to hear stories from the staff about a ghost of an old man with black coat and a hat who appears sometimes. That was when I was not working at night (working shifts day and evening). I used to make fun of it and tell my colleagues that I don't ...
How Did I Survive? by peripeteia
This story begins at my cousins' house. I remember it just like it was yesterday, but I still have trouble trying to figure out how I ever made it out of the pool alive. Well, my family decided to have a BBQ out in my uncle's backyard. I was about four at the time, and I remember that I didn't k...
Poltergeist Nightmare by lissy86
Growing up I had a troubled childhood, but the years between 12 and 14 years of age was the worst and that is when the following incidents take place. My mother, stepfather and I had moved to a new house on the edge of the countryside. My stepfather was mentally and physically abusive to me and ...
A Mid-summer's Night Hellhound by Lucivar
It has taken me quite a while to work up the resolve to type this story. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jedidiah. I am 28 and I live in American Canyon, CA. This story is not a ghost story, at least I don't think it is, but it is an account of my first brush with the paranormal. I am a firm...
The Woman Is The Doorway by sarah84
NOTE: This is my first story so please bear with me on this. I was born with the third eye just like the rest of my family so the paranormal is not new to me nor is it unusual. I have paranormal experiences on a regular basis. They do not scare me as I am used to them. I was once even haunted and as...
Sarah And Her Stranger by Icarus_Blakely
This is the first experience of many that I will be posting to this site. While I was only a spectator of sorts, it revolves around the daughter of a friend of mine. My friend, whom we will refer to as Nicole, has a daughter that was 15 years old when I was staying with them. This girl, Sarah, is...
The Soldier At White Brook Road by reddysteady
As I mentioned in a previous story, "Goodbye Tessie", I started working for a small book publishing company in South-Western New Hampshire early 2009. The main business was run from the owners' attic, while we had a warehouse in the nearby city. When I started working there, I was enamored by the hi...
Unexplainable Scratches by BrianaTaylor
It was a friday night and I was staying the night with my best friend at the time. We went to sleep and not long after that I was passed out. In the middle of the night at some point I don't recall a particular time I felt the right side of my face burning. I remember waking up and rubbing my face n...
Shadow People Or Mind Trick? by xoxorissaoxo
I know a lot about ghost but I don't really know much about shadow figures. Ever since I was younger I believe I have had expierences with shadow ghosts. This story started when I was 10 and I lived in my yellow house. My old house was built like a square and had two floors. The first floor all...
Camping At The Mountains by NellyPerks
This story happened when I was 21 and I used to go climbing mountains during the weekends. By that time I don't remember anything I liked more than climbing, so every weekend I took my gear and drove to the mountains one hour away from home. I also used to to take my tent because I loved sleeping in...
Trip Gone Wrong by Kiittiie
I'd travelled to see a friend who lived in one of the main cities here in Aus. The building we were staying in had no strange history and by all accounts seemed perfectly normal. Please bear with me as the house has a very strange lay out so it may be slightly difficult to describe for you. My f...
My Strange Experiences At School by unknown_madness
This story takes place about one or two years ago when I was in my primary school. I was in year 6 and I was about 10/11 years old. My primary school years were pretty strange. I disliked most of my teachers and the only two I actually did like were last year's. The school was pretty old, it had ...
She Never Left by cherryblossom101334
For years now there's been a little ghost girl in my house. She's rarely seen but heard. I can feel her staring at me in my basement, like that feeling you get when someone's watching you. I had to go upstairs once because the feeling was so powerful and I felt like someone was staring right at me. ...
The Green Key Hole by sakks
Everybody loves spending their weekend going out somewhere. So do I but what if something thing creepy happens...? It once happened with me and my cousin. We both just freaked out but it wasn't a big deal to a person we met there. SO THE STORY STARTS LIKE THIS... I live in Mumbai, India. Once...
So This Is The Thanks I Get? by AppleSauce27
Just a few facts before I start the story. 1) Rob (husband) and I have only been to Minnesota 1 other time, and that was farther south to the Mall of America. 2) The township we live in here in Ohio is called Bethel Township, so it could explain why I might have been drawn to it. 3) The cemetery is ...
Increase In Activity by Ycharley
I have lived in this house for the past seven years. It is an older house and has seen a tragedy, (someone committed suicide in the garage). Even with this there hasn't been much phenomenon until recently. There have always been the strange noises, whispers you catch, odd shadows you see in the corn...
Watching Us by pringles
My story begins 2004, my boyfriend had moved in with me. I was renting a depressing council house on an estate called Kendray. Nothing ghostly or creepy ever happened to me here before he moved in, but once he did all kinds of taps, bangs and voices came out. Whenever I was falling to sleep I'd h...
Experiences In The Complex by LeEarlPearl
Since that day I finally told you all my story, more and more things have been happening. It somewhat involves the shadow that my dad had seen, and a few other things which are completely unrelated to that topic! I don't know if it's just me imagining things, or if I might have some sort of sixth se...
A Red Swirling Creature by dollface_x3
Most of my most interesting encounters with spirits or other entities happen when it is nighttime and I fall asleep (almost like being unconscious) and wake up a few minutes later and there in front of me I see things I never thought possible. The most amazing thing thus far happened to me a couple ...
Green Glowing Eyes by dollface_x3
At night time when of course I fall asleep then have waken up at 2 in the morning I see these glowing eyes (just the eyes). They eventually vanished and I was left with a confused look on my face. A couple days later the same thing happened only except this time I saw the whole figure, it was a man ...
Weird Knockings by Gastrick12
First of all, I would like to say that I have always been a little inclined towards the paranormal. Also, when I sleep, I either have a nightmare or a blank night; if I've ever had a good dream, I am unable to remember it. And at last, before starting the actual story, I usually feel like someone is...
The Lady In A Night Gown by Cafelelion
Here is another story about my early paranormal experiences. Unfortunately, the end was tragic for one of the persons involved. It was in 1956, I was staying in the town of Rose Hill when I was young and I had friends staying in the town of Curepipe which is in the center of the island. I was I ...
Hand That Grabbed Me In The Dark by ganda_cnd
Before I narrate my ghost story you must first know our family profile. This is relevant to my story. I have 3 sisters at this time, my two other siblings are not yet born. Basically my father is the only male in our family. We don't have any other relative living with us so it's just us staying in ...
The Treasure by Cafelelion
I posted a story recently. Here is a second experience I had when I was young. It was in 1966. I remember it quite well because it was during the harvest of the sugar cane in Mauritius in November. I had decided that year to go to the cemetery on the 1st November in order to clean some family tom...
The Ghost by sky4net
I'm 33 years old, and all through my life I have been haunted by an event which took place in my childhood. More so by the fact that I do not believe in ghosts; however, this leaves me conflicted as to what I saw. When I was 10 I lived in South East London on a council estate. My cousin had come ...
My First Hospital Experience by ivory
There are two places that I try to keep away as long as I can. It's dark and closed spaces, and hospitals. Why? I got claustrophobia but not the kind that can cause asthma or something fatal just plain fear of closed spaces. The other one are hospitals. They are something in hospitals that mak...
Whoopy Underneath The Table by NellyPerks
This story occured to me 2 months ago, when my husband was out on a business trip. He really travels a lot. I should start by saying I've always experienced stuff like this, so now when it happens I just say "oh well..." This house were we live now (we've been living here for 5 months) has a big ...
Doppleganger Tells Me To Shut Up by HolyCow
Here is a story, so I was in the living room watching TV and right beside our couch is a chess table. Two of my cousins were playing chess and were both getting angry at each other so they decide to shout at each other. Being the mature teenager I am, I go up to them and I also tell them to shut up,...
School Hauntings: Sunny Hill School by HolyCow
When I was in grade one, we had this fashion show or a runway show. I participated in joining the formal fashion show. My mom had decided to buy me an indigo-ish or dark-blue-ish gown that would glitter from a mile. It was late morning and we were having a last practice for the whole event and a...
Frightening Ouija Board Experience by xnikkibobikkix
My second most frightening paranormal experience happened with my ex boyfriend's brother. We were having a campfire at their step-dad's place; he lives on a farm so there is lots of forest around us as well as a large barn. The campfire was in-between the forest edge and the barn. My boyfriend at th...
Guardian Angel Experience by xnikkibobikkix
This paranormal experience was a very positive one unlike my last few stories. It's funny, I actually do have a lot more experiences with good spirits than negative ones but it seems like people like reading/hearing about the scary stories most. Anyways, so my first paranormal experience ever wa...
The Abandoned Cottage by blondiexisxmex
This happened a few years ago and it's always made me rethink my thoughts on the afterlife and the paranormal in general. It all started when I was in school and I was sitting at a table with some friends in a lesson. One of my friends started talking about when she went to this abandoned house ...
Let Me In by Monkey99
This happened just about a year ago. My mum had gone out to pick up my brothers from school and I was alone in the house. I was sitting drawing at the kitchen table when I heard this really loud knocking. Then someone called out my name, and then said "let me in", in a really cliched thin waily ghos...
The Man's Friend by MissEmoVampire
You need to read my previous experiences to understand this new experience. It is all about the man I have encountered twice in my experiences, and I have found out more and more things which are good enough to explain. This man I encountered months ago has now decided to follow me everywhere I g...
Strange Happenings In A Hotel by alisonclare
Note: This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's not well written. I recently quit working at a local B&B, but before I did some really strange things started happening. The first few months of working there were fine, nothing out of the ordinary but then I started getting the feeling that I w...
My Freaky Yet Cool Gift by Sarah92
Many people don't understand me at all. The thought of even posting this makes me somewhat go crazy, but I need to know if I'm alone or not. There have been times in my life where things have happened. Maybe it's just because I want to be close to the ones I've lost, but it seems to be way more than...
Room 358 by shamby
Earhart Dorm Room 358 Experiences Fall 2011- Spring 2012 Dani (my stepsister) and I started researching paranormal things online. Anything really, out of pure interest and my past experiences. Found some creepy pictures and videos, really had a good time with it but nothin...
News From The Clairvoyant by Unexplained
A little over ten years ago I lived in a maisonette with my ex-girlfriend (a visual artist), and her pet cat. My ex never talked about the supernatural back then. Before she met me, she had an experience late one night, while cycling over a bridge, that terrified her. So, knowing that, I rarely brou...
A Demon, A Poltergeist, Or Plain Nuttinesss? by galleygal
Some stories I've been reading here lately remind me of an incident experienced by my sister Marie* back when we were kids. There were various factors present that made it difficult then (and now) to figure out exactly what happened, and I wonder if you YGS kids want to give it a shot. Marie was ...
A Lovely Visit In The Cemetery by Kara1211
This story is about my first experience with the paranormal. I was about three years old at the time. My family, which at the time was my papa, grandma, mother, and younger brother (who was one at the time), and I were in my papa's car driving down the little pathway in the cemetery. I remember I...
A Cry For Help? by SoullessMuffinz
This is the story of the little boy that I mentioned in my last story. For years, I have gone without any real, solid encounters until this incident. I've seen things fly by me out of the corner of my eyes. I've had pictures of Jesus and crosses in my old room fly across the room and break while I w...
Tv, Light Bulbs And The Man With No Face? by Zac804
This happened about a year ago. It was late, around one in the morning, and I was in the basement watching television. Although my room was upstairs, I decided to just sleep on the couch in the basement. After my program, I turned the TV off and put the remote on top of the TV and went to sleep....
The Bag Of Bread And Flower Pen by 4d
One March evening, after dinner, my wife and I rested in the living room enjoying a show on T.V. While we sat, from the corner of my eye, I saw a dark shadow moving freely around in the kitchen. So, I turn to my wife and tell her "I just saw some movement in the kitchen, a large shadow by the sink."...
Ghost Grabbing My Feet by Toni0217
I have read a story about someone grabbing his feet. The same thing has happened to me for about two weeks already. The second time that I felt someone grabbing my feet, I saw a what looks like a ball rolling up my bed under the covers. I screamed and jumped out of my bed and ran into my son's room ...
Giggling Little Girl by Marypatricia
I am a 19 year old girl and I have been having some paranormal experiences. I think it is kind of cool except when I am alone and hear it. I sleep in the living room with my boyfriend (our room is being redone) and we start hearing strange things. We were watching South Park on my laptop and we both...
Angel Or Just A Person? by Cerberus7
This story happened a short time after I had just turned 4 years old. This isn't specifically what I would call a ghost story. Maybe it could be called an angel story. Doubt it was a mermaid. I'll stick with unexplained encounter. LOL It was the 4th of July 1982 and my whole extended family w...
A Night At Grandma's by LeafGirl
My name is Lexi and I am 16 years old. Ever since I was a child, a small trip to Grandma's always ended up in a night without sleep. Her house felt evil. Like every corner I turned someone was there waiting to jump out at me. More specifically, the back of her house. The further back you went, the h...
The Light In The Attic by LindaG
Like many of you, I grew up in a Victorian-era house which, like many of you, came with it's own resident spirit. My father, a big non-believer, was told about the "lady" who was there when we first moved in. He immediately pooh-poohed it as a bunch of hogwash. I didn't find out about this conversat...
Experiences Of Me, My Mother, And My Sister by Blackmoonmage20
This is my first time to submit a story in YGS so I do not know how to start it. Okay, now to the main topic: First, let me tell you the structure of the house. In the living room, beside it is the dining room. At the front of the dining room there is the kitchen (there is no door between them), ...
Help From Beyond? by brokenbabygirl
My best friend tragically passed away on November 29, 2001 after being hit by a drunk driver. She was 13 and I was 10. I have only seen her spirit once since her passing. I was at summer camp the summer after she passed and I woke up in the middle of the night and saw her and I let out this bloodcur...
Is That You, Dad? by mazza123
This is just an experience that I want to share with you when I was younger. Ok, so when I was around five or six years old, my father was sent off to war. I never really saw him much. Mum always told me that he loved me so much and that he was a strong man. However, every night I would see my mo...
The Man Coming Through My Wall by tarr
Some teenagers post stories that are not true. I'm 14 and this is most definitely true. I'll get on with the story now. My house has been in my family for years. It was my great-grandmother's mother's house and it's been passed down throughout my family. Anyway, there was a family living next do...
A Dark Crying Shape In My Bedroom by lenaS1991
First, I want to apologize for all sorts of mistakes. I'm from Germany and this is my third language. I hope you can understand what I wrote. I don't clearly remember all paranormal experiences I had since I had some when I was just a kid. My first childhood memory is actually the encounter with ...
Black Shadow Wolf With Yellow Eyes by MidnightDarkstar
First I would like to say about my encounters, I only remember somethings and sometimes things come back to me the more I write it down. This first story is of my childhood "imaginary friend". I know at this point you are probably saying what the heck, but just keep in mind this is very real to ...
The Little Boy And Tapping Walls by teenagewitch21
This really freaked me out the night it happened and still does when I think about it 7 years later. When I was a teen I lived with my dad but stayed with my mum a couple of nights a week. When I was there we would be more like sisters or friends, act silly have drinks watch films and so on... One...
Sexual Ghost by pablo_sanchez
I am a 25 year old male and for the past few years I have felt there is a ghost who lives inside my apartment who is sexual. Many times I see the hair stand up on my arms and feel a tingling sensation around my thighs, back, hips. When I'm in bed it sometimes touches my private area, giving me an er...
New Apartment, New Life, New Spooks... Or Are They? by Reaper666343
I have moved out on my own with my beautiful girlfriend and we are due to be married in about a year, we bought this sucky basement apartment. Anyway enough about my life here is my story in our new apartment there have been a few odd occurrences... One of which stands out in my head. I was in th...
Ghost Encounter At Ruins Of Old Mansion by Jasonypw
This story happened to me on January 6, 2011. I heard through a mutual friend of a reporter in Penang (neither wishes his name to be revealed) that this reporter had discovered evidence of a crime that had happened in the Cameron Highlands on February 1, 2003. He never told me what this evidence was...
Conversations With A Deceased Classmate by shamby
October 2011 This is an update on Dylan (D) dreams, again. At this point (Fall 2011) he had now been dead for more than a year and it has been more than 5 months since I'd had a dream about Dylan. I now feel comfortable using his first name online as a few people in my hometown now know ...
White And Black by Sti
We never experienced on ghosts-nor do we actually believed in them but there's only one experience that I had found puzzling and possibly-a connection to the house and my family. It was three years ago, I brought in my dog, Ai-chan home as a family member to the small house. We had a cat that is ...
My Haunted Story by chels54321
My name is Chelsea. I have grown up in a small town, Auburn Massachusettes and I have lived at the same place for nineteen years now. Recently I found out that my house is 100 years old and that it was one of the only houses on my street back in the 1900's. Everything surrounding my house before I l...
My Haunted Story 2 by chels54321
My story, continued. After seeing that dark figure in my sister's room, I sat awake, wondering what it was. I knew it was after me that night, but I couldn't figure out why... My sister ended up moving out a few years later after that experience. She lives at her college campus with a few of ...
Samantha's House 2 by JustanotherTori
First off, I'm sorry it took so long to do an update on my original story "Samantha's house". Also, thank you all for the comments. If you haven't read my first story, you may want to read it before this one. Now on to the update: A couple days after I wrote the first story I contacted Sam and ask...
Finding Out Jakob Lives Here Too by AliceRenee
My story starts when my mom, her boyfriend, and I moved into our new house. We live in a very small town in Ohio that has been around since the late 1800's. Most of the houses in this town are older homes and each has their own history. This house used to be a bunk house for miners along with every ...
Turn Off The Television by CronishaxGurl
A few key points before I begin. The TV in my room doesn't have a remote so to shut it off and change the volume etc. You have to do it manually at the TV, and the power button requires a lot of pressure to respond. With it being summer I don't really have a balanced sleeping schedule, so I stay u...
A Shadowed Encounter by Parapowerless
I'm not entirely sure where to begin as I have no extensive knowledge of the paranormal nor its relative terminology, though I'm hoping to isolate what exactly I experienced many years ago at the age of 6. Straight off the bat I understand it's a rather young age though what I experienced one aut...
Ghost In My Basement by Shadowclaw777
It was a week ago, August 4, 2012, when I began to notice some things that were off about my house. Everywhere I went I felt like was being watched. I had never felt like this before. When I brought it up to my parents and siblings, they thought I was joking. They didn't feel like this, and yet, whi...
Ouija Board Regret by hjairag
Two weeks ago, my friends Ryan, Jose and I played with a Ouija board. The board belonged to Ryan. When Ryan and Jose came to visit me in my apartment in New Jersey, they had the Ouija board with them and we decided to play. Ryan has played with this board before and, hence, he was the one who wa...
Yunker's Farm Investigation by Shadowclaw777
Me and two of my friends absolutely love ghost hunting, even if we've only gone on one investigation, which was over a year ago. This is what I can remember, from that investigation. Yunker's Farm, a child's museum that's in Fargo where we live, has been known to be haunted by some of the kids an...
Classic Ghost by Blurple
At the time I was living in my second childhood home, previously my paternal grandmother's home. My bed was directly in front of the doorway to my room and the door was usually left open. The doorway to my mother's room was directly across from my own and it too was generally always open. I was abou...
Demon Or Violent Ghost Scratches My Hand by Shadowclaw777
In one of my past stories, I talked about feeling like I was being watched, and also of a man that I had seen in my basement. Me being a very curious sort of person, I waited until my parents went out on the night of August 12 and for my two sisters to leave. Once they did, I turned my laptop's micr...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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