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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 54

The Other People Living In Our House by Chrissy_Bee

When I was twelve years old my family and I moved into an old house in the town of Conception Bay, Newfoundland (I won't give the exact address as we no longer live there). It was to be our home for the next ten years and for the most part, we were very happy there. However, very soon after we moved...

My Son May Be Seeing Spirits by khaunani

I'm not sure this is a story so much as it is asking as to what others think might be going on. The house we live in was bought by my husband about 4 years before we met and married. Upon moving in, he said he had odd things happening, like the radio or lights coming on during the night. He got r...

Planchet: Went Wrong? by mangadanga

I have always preferred to stay away from planchets and Ouija board sessions. I avoid the forum meetings when any related experiment or session is planned. It's not that I do not believe in it. In fact I have seen quite a few examples that point towards success of the whole thing. But the main probl...

The Tall Friendly Man Is Back by michaela9923

I have previously posted this story on psychicexperiences.com under the username songstarpsychic but found this was a more appropriate to continue this story. I have experienced psychic things like dreaming of the future and hearing what someone is about to say before they say it but it all started ...

My Other Family by vquinones5

When I was about 5 years old, my parents purchased there first home. After we had settled in I began to see a tall dark figure, which looked to be a man standing in the doorway of whatever room I was in. This only happened in the night, all he would do was just stand in the doorway and stair at me, ...

Is My Apartment Haunted? 2 by sher2164

It's been pretty quiet in my apartment. No strange or weird stuff has happened since my last post, but on July 29th my boyfriend and I were home and my boyfriend was going to go to work at 8 pm. His friend called him around 6 pm and told him that he was going to be in town and wanted to go hang ou...

Old Hag Experience by miso_curious

This happened to me when I lived in Los Angeles a couple of years ago. I worked at a club, so I usually got home at around 2:30 in the morning. I was dead to the world until ten or eleven am. I woke up suddenly, not from a dream or anything in particular, to find a haggard old woman floating abo...

Native American Drum With A Beat All Its Own by montanagurl

This is the first of many stories / experiences that I have had in my life up until this point. I will give a little background information which, I promise is relevant to this story. I am half Native American and half Norwegian. About 9 years ago my mom, who is also Native American, made a r...

Weird Breathing In The Room My Grand-grandma Died by Chiharo

In winter, when I visited my grandma's I had a really unexplainable experience occurring at nights. I live in Croatia, and my grandma is in Bosnia & Herzegovina. My grandparents have a house that is connected to another one, which was where my grandpa's sister and her family lived. But since the...

Prankster Ghosts by nenjnyks

When I was in sixth grade my family moved to a rental house in Sidney, Iowa it would have been early to mid 1980's. It was about 4 miles out of town on a blacktop road. The only thing that I can figure that might be significant is it was down the bluff from an old cemetery. Also, people say in the w...

Whistling Dixie by NewsBys

This is sort of a ghost story, and sort of just a really creepy incident without a good explanation. Sometime during 1992, my father's company did a promotional campaign to celebrate opening new offices in southern Georgia, USA. They sent each employee a special greeting card featuring southern ...

Hauntings In A Small Texas Town 2 by jazzeyjay

I want to begin with some updates. I was talking to my mother on Sunday, 9/13 and we started talking about our family home and the fact that she needs to sell it and I just came out and asked her about the lady that used to live there with my stepfather. I asked her if they were married to one anoth...

Paranormal Experiences Run In My Family by Zeno_ama

First day first story. Allow me to first say that paranormal experiences run in my family, each of us has had numerous experiences, but this one has me a little confused. In my home there is one hall with all the rooms in it, most located on the side but one particular one (which is now mine) is a...

Ghost Lamp Returns by Spazztasticgirl

I wanted to have some help with this haunting. I am not sure what to do. It is not a scary haunting, but it is very curious. As I said before in my other story, Ghost Lamp, Kitten, And Demon In Graveyard, the ghost lamp is only heat sensitive and will only turn on if your skin or a cat paw touches ...

Incubus Troubles by gcecelie

There are a lot of Incubus stories buzzing around. Some lead to confusions or questions about what was going on, some people find resolution, and some people simply are seeking help to get it to stop. Not too long ago (a few months ago), I was one of those that just wanted it to never happen again. ...

The Historic Lawrenceville Jail by Lawrenceville_Ghost_Tours

When the Lawrenceville GA Ghost Tours began in 2005, I was one of the original guides. I have been director of the tour since 2008. Lawrenceville is in the metro Atlanta area and is a 35 mile drive from where I live, but I keep with the tour because I love the stories and the charm of the historic c...

Do You Think I Have The Ability To Contact Ghosts? by kmarie

I am 17 and have always been interested in the paranormal. I may sound crazy when I say this, but I think I may have always been able to contact the other side. I remember when I was really little, right after my grandfather died, we were all at the zoo and I was holding my dads hand and I looked ov...

Tricksters, My Worst Nightmare by BYLUYSTER

Since June of this year, people around me and my family seem to be fighting with an unseen force. The challenges have been quite intense and now have escalated to almost causing bodily harm. I am scared that something bad is going to happen to those I care about the most. After some research on w...

An Extra Guest In The House by jennie1042

I was a small child, about 3 or 4 years old, living with my parents, older brother and our German Sheppard in a small town in Southwest Pennsylvania. The house we were living in was owned by my Uncle Pat (my mom's brother) who bought it as an investment. It was a simple 2 storey house on the main ro...

Collection Of Events 2 by Hopeful23

I said that I might add a second part onto my last story and here it is. All events are true and all events happened at random times, on random days. My house is not haunted, but I may be. See what you think. Shadows - Always out of the corner of my eyes there's something quickly darting away. I se...

Silent Lady In My House by ZUKISMOM

It has been awhile since I was able to post a story, (forgot my password). There has been a new addition to my household a lady that two of my guy friends and my boyfriend have both seen on different occasions. My boyfriend I think believes in the supernatural but he does not like to talk about it i...

Possible Succubus And Other Stuff by 8auxilia8

This is all just speculation, I'm not sure if these are ghosts or what. I'm not a religious guy (used to be into Christianity, but religion is no way for me to live my life at the moment) and I'm a lusty 22 year old Black American male (I guess a part of me follows the stereotype). Anyway, I've alwa...

The Urgent Knocker by ChinaDoLL_09

I rarely had any of these types of experiences until lately, just about two weeks ago... I was heading home (I'm on the late afternoon to midnight shift so I go home by 1am), when I got out off the cab, it was already pretty dark and quiet around in our neighborhood (as usual during that time of the...

A Statue In The Night by Hanbobs

I'd never think this story would be one I'd be posting on here - I am still baffled now and was very shook up at the time. Me and my boyfriend were driving home from checking up on my Mums house while she was away on holiday with my Dad. We drove up to a set of traffic lights that were on red, I ...

The Water Demon In The Mirror by lightheartedmystic

My mom told me when I was young never to mess with Ouija boards as they open a door to the other side and it can let things in. However I was and am stubborn always choosing to learn the hard way. I and my mom are pagan and I like my mom have gifts I often see things that do not exist in a physic...

A Genie? by soul

You all read about the magical genie of Aladdin. Well, these genies do exist. But they don't live in old lamps and they also are not magical. But they have some supernatural powers like they can go through walls, change forms, take over human bodies etc. They are related to angels and demons. Some o...

The Haunted Holy Book 3 by youngdz79

It has been a while since I last updated or even submitted a story, and there has been good reason for that and here they are. So after my last posts things really got hairy around the house constant smells of cigar and pipe tobacco, the scent of burning rubber and also sudden wafts of smoke tha...

Ghostly Children Playing At Night by montanagurl

Our house is about 9 years old and we are the first and only people to ever live in it. There is a cluster of 15 houses where our house is. They were all build within the same year and occupied within the same year. Our houses are built just outside of town and the street is shaped in a horseshoe...

Native American Boy In My House by montanagurl

I will tell a little back story that I promise is relevant to this experience of mine. As in my previous stories, I am Native American and live on an Indian Reservation. Long time ago, years and years ago, the original "Agency" or central hub for the reservation was about 25 miles south of the to...

What Is My Son Seeing? by ChildOfTheLotus

If you've read any of my other stories, you know that I live in my childhood home now, with my husband and son (my daughter will be born this January). This series of incidents involves my son. Sorry it is going to be rather long, but it is a few things that happened in a short amount of time. The o...

Eddie by miso_curious

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I knew no one. I ended up meeting my friend Jason (and his roomates) through an acquaintance. It was in his house that I had the following experience. The house was in a neighborhood called Echo Park. It's a bit run down in parts, and not really the kind of pla...

Something Touched Me by vicuttie8

Ever since I have submitted some of my last stories I have been experiencing more. Last night, I was lying down in my bed reading a book, when I felt something touch my arm. For a moment I couldn't move it at all. Then I could move it again. I knew that there was something grabbing me because I ...

Hands On The Mirror And Feathers On The Floor by Ashes_2_Ashes

My cousin passed away due to suicide at age 14 in August of 2007. Sadly enough, it was right before the beginning of the school year and her birthday. I have been shattered from this and believe many of my paranormal experiences may be related to her. A few months after her death, my Aunt, (her ...

Nursing Home Visitor by Jennai

I'm new to the site, and after reading some of your stories I have to say mine sort of pales in comparison. However, it is completely true and the most startling paranormal experience I have ever had. I am a nurse aid, and I work at a nursing home attached to a hospital in Sylvania, Ohio. I work...

My Sons Encounters by paranormalpest

I just read Sebastian's story and thought this might help. I am grateful I found this site; it's a good source of venting. I enjoy the positive feedback and thank you all for reading and not judging me. I've mentioned encounters I've had, but I wish to share with you an incident my second oldest...

A Real Ghost by joedirtrider

This is a true story. I saw a real ghost. I am 100 percent sure about this. There really are ghosts. The house I grew up in had a ghost. A lot of things happened in this house. But I was not a true believer in ghosts until I saw it. And I do not want to ever see another one. It scared me very ba...

Voices Downstairs by StMikal

This happened to me years a go while I was staying the night at my grandma's. If you have read my other story you might think that this is the same grandma but this time it is my mum's mother. Ok here it goes. When I was younger, my cousins and I used to have sleepovers at my grandma's house. For...

Encounter With A Burnt Child by Anjali

I experienced this when I came to Hyderabad for a job interview. I stayed at my brother's friend's house. This friend used to stay with his elder brother (not blood but very close) and sister-in-law. Both elder brother and sister-in-law had gone out of station for few days. The day I reached th...

Sleep Paralysis Or Demon? by FireyRose

This happened to me quite a while ago. It was still close to summer, or just after daylight savings time, because it was around about 6 in the morning and light was flooding through the windows. I posted this story on another website, a few weeks after I had this experience, on experience project...

A Pull On My Hair And Tapping On My Shoulder by neverfear360

I live in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan in a well-populated city. My house was built in the 1950's; it's a one level home with a basement and a small attic. I am the only one that as had strange things happen to that I know of in my house. I live with my one brother, mother and father. We have a ...

The Little Indian Boy And His Dad by xAdiiBabyDoll16x

I never really believed in ghosts. I always claimed they were fake even though I never experienced one. I started believing right away in the year of 2007, fall, and of course it was around my birthday in October when I was a preteen. We had just moved into our dream house; it was in the perfect nei...

Iron Hide by jonjon272

It was about 3:30 in the morning and I was driving down Highway 402 from Clayton, New Mexico to Nara Visa, New Mexico. I was hauling an empty trailer to Tucumcari, New Mexico. There was nobody else on the road but me and maybe two cars that passed me. I began to hear a lot of static on my CB. Then I...

Noise At Night Followed By Paralysis And Trouble Breathing by leighdrinkstea

Last night, I had logged off my computer around 1 AM. Being the insomniac that I am, I was up until around 3 AM before I finally was able to fall asleep. I would have been able to fall asleep much earlier if something didn't happen around 2 AM. I was lying in bed about to fall asleep when I hear...

Two Shadows And The Dream by themurph

Friday night walking back to my room, my roommate was gone for the night. When I walked in my room I just felt something was wrong. I was getting a strange vibe. Never felt it before. I ignored it so turned off the light and went to bed. After couple minutes I saw two dark shadows standing by the wa...

The Brother-in-law From Hell by jazzeyjay

While living in Dallas, TX. Back in 1971, my third to the oldest sister met a guy from a small town in East Texas. He had served in the military, but I don't remember which branch. They started dating and she brought him home to meet the rest of us back in West Texas. Our family just had to meet thi...

Road Boy by lastletterz

On the night of September 27th, my friend Jordan and I were waiting at the bus stop to get a ride home. We had been talking about psychology, psychics, spirits, and things of the sort. I was facing her and I suddenly felt something wrong...There was a slight chill in the air and out of the corner of...

Is This Sleep Paralysis Or Him? by Surya

It has been a while since I posted not only on YGS but also my site. Many things have occurred, many seen, many felt, many heard. As busy as I have been, as much as I have tried to ignore what is going on around me, I have not been able to blank anything out. There are some days and some nights when...

More Footsteps And A Strange Light by Confused

During the winter of 2003, I experienced something very strange, and somewhat frightening. I was spending Christmas with my grandparents, at their Kansas farm house. My grandparents had recently renovated the upstairs, and my grandma wanted me to be the first person to sleep up there. I agreed to sl...

Ghost In The Machine by hobbyholly

A few interesting things have been occurring in my home the past month or so. If you are not familiar with my home, I suggest reading my two previous accounts. Victorian Flat Two and Victorian Flat Three. With that said: In August I noticed some strange things happening here. Currently my fiancé...

Old Man In The Ditch by Confused

My grandma recently shared one of her ghost experiences with me, and I feel the need to share it with others. My grandma was driving home from a friend's house late one winter night, when she says she saw a car wrecked in a snow drift in the ditch. She stopped to see if anyone was still there an...

Do Ghosts Follow You From House To House? by PCT508

My husband and I own a two-family home in southeastern Massachusetts which we lived in until October 2007. There are too many details to write about concerning the otherworldly goings-on in that house which eventually led to my calling New England Paranormal Society, and in early 2005 they investiga...

Sleeping With The Haunted by Pete16

I have always been afraid of the dark. When I was a little girl, one of my parents would sit in my room until I fell asleep, just so that I could feel safe. Although I am an adult now, I still struggle with the same fear of the dark. I place night-lights throughout my house, and I purposely try not ...

Grandma The Friendly Ghost by riotgrrl

My grandmother died in April of 2002. My uncle inherited her house, in which she had lived for close to 50 years. In early 2003, my ex-boyfriend and I did some renovations to the house and quickly moved in, renting it from my uncle. I believe the ghost of my grandmother haunted that house for a shor...

My Daughter's Dad by zzsgranny

My daughter's father was killed in a motorcycle accident three weeks before she was born. He has visited me in dreams when something, good or bad, was about to happen that would have an impact on her. Here are a couple of the most significant. We grew up in a small town in Ohio. Everyone kne...

Very Frequent Spirit Experiences by Luminari

More often than not, when I am alone in my home, I can feel presences in my house. I feel, and know that I am not alone. At times when I'm watching the television in my living room, I hear rasping noises coming from the kitchen, and I thought it was one of my two dogs. However, I turned and realized...

The Guy My Baby Talks To by unplanejayne

I live in Graysville Alabama which is a small old mining camp community. The house we live in is like 50-60 years old. We have been renting for about 3 years. I have only been in this house in complete darkness once because when it happened I could feel breath on my face like someone was right there...

Sounds Of The Past by BleachFreak01

My family had the computer in the living room but due to remodeling, we moved the computer to the back of the house. We have a room, it's called the family room, and it faces the backyard. One night, I was on the computer doing my homework. It was around 11 to 12 midnight because those are the hours...

Darth Vader by johnsastar

About three years ago I elected to sleep on the recliner couch because my sinus had been bothering me. Exactly 3:10 am I was awaken, (no I was not dreaming). I looked in front of me and there for lack of a better description was an outline of Dart Vader. No visible identifying marks only an outline ...

Evp: Telephone To The Dead - 3 Ghosts by EVPResearcher

I have many stories to relate. I have not been on here for a while (my apologies, I have been busy). I have been reading the stories however! If you ever have a question or I am late getting back to you on your comment, please email me. I check this daily. THE STORY: Lately I have been recordi...

The Doctor by peterpeter197

My family, girlfriend at the time and myself were on a week-long trip to Tasmania. We were mainly staying in Hobart but were traveling around a bit. We visited Port Arthur a couple of times in that trip but surprisingly enough that is not where our experience took place. On our last day in Tasman...

The Headless Horse by misti_dawn

Back in 2003, my friends Dawn, Ben, Chuck, Lisa & I decided to go investigate at this old cemetery that had both a new and old section. When we first got there, it was creepy and VERY ominous looking. We brought along a Ouija board (against MY better judgment) and planned on making a night of it. ...

Reapearing Shadow by JaviMtz

This started back when I was 6. I never really found out why or what it really was, but a shadow appeared to me, and the curious thing about it was that only I could see it. This was the first ever experience I had with a ghost or anything of the sort. The first time I saw him or "it" was when I ca...

Do Incubus Really Suck Your Energy? by StarlaDee

I've experienced all types of ghost/demons encounters my whole life. It used to terrify me. I would cry, scream, and yell whenever I would encounter a ghost or a demon. Eventually, as I got older I've convinced myself that it was just Sleep Paralysis after doing a research paper on it for a class at...

White-robed Figures by Oli

Wow, it's been over a year since I last posted a story. Anyways, I had to come back because my friend Grace (name changed) just told me about an experience she had the other day. Just to let you know, she's very religious (her father's a pastor). Grace said that the other night she had just gott...

Who Was That Man? by MissSensitive

I had just gotten all of my songs on my newest hand-held music player and finished with all of my chores. So I was pretty stoked about getting some nice cold sweet tea I had in the French door fridge. I didn't notice how late it was until parting from my room and turning from the living room, and in...

Mummy Ghost by hamsterboy12

Beginning of the winter I had the scariest night ever. I was sleeping at my friend's house. I woke up at around 03:00am I saw something really weird, it was sort of a mummy but it looked like a ghost I'm not so sure, that's why I call it mummy ghost. I refreshed my eyes and looked back again and I ...

Ghosts In My Old House by eeyorelloves

When I turned five, my mom, sisters, dad, grandma, and I moved into a new house at the top of a hill in Sherman Oaks. The house was a little too big for us. It had five bedrooms, five bathrooms, library, large kitchen, large playroom, and an attic. Not to long after we moved in, my parents divorc...

Stone From The Tomb by mangadanga

Occult related folklores, associated with the rural areas have always fascinated me. The incident that I am about to narrate, took place near a well known hill station. There are couple temples built in the 18th Century in the same district and tourists who visit the hill station mostly go to the te...

My Strange Paranormal Experiences by ghosthuntersfan101

My name is Anna. I am 13 years old and I live in Denver, CO. I would like to share some of my own personal experiences with you. One time, I was on my computer ready to go to bed. So I shut it off, walked in my room, and lay down. At night time, you can see the glow of the light from my window (...

The House On High Street by divinedivine1212

There is a house on High Street in Franklin KY that apparently has a permanent resident. One of my good friends rented the place out and settled in. She came to me one day and said that there was something in her house that seemed to be a spirit or a ghost. I am fascinated with the paranormal. So I ...

Haunting In Flint by ehuffman11

My name is Eric and my house is haunted. I recently moved into my grandparents old home. My grandfather passed away several years ago. My grandmother has now moved to an old folk's home down the street. The paranormal activity began the day I moved in. There was a note my mother and I found tape...

Is It Nana Or Someone Else? by L0VEPiNK07

I just moved into a mobile home this past Monday with my best friend Laura, of 13 years and her seven month old, Emily. We've been hearing creaks and moans, but just figured it was the house settling, until the front door opened by itself. We just blew it off, because it's happened it other mobil...

Know One In The Room by ghostmomma

It was after my daughter picked up my 6 year old granddaughter, on a Sunday morning, that I had my spooky experience. First I need to mention that Ashlyn that is my granddaughter, stays the night with us every other Saturday. Some times the activity will start before she even shows up. It is like wh...

Little Black Shadow, Touches And Floating by themurph

I was 17 years old when my mom, step dad, my brothers and myself lived in IL. In the house we lived in strange things would happened One night we all went out for dinner and we came back around 8 or 9pm. I unlocked the door and I was the only one that saw it. It was so short like a tiny little g...

My Golden Retriever: A Man's Best Friend Or A Sensitive? by kiralynn26

I received my Golden Retriever, Rusty, as a present for my 7th Birthday. Quickly, she became my best friend and could read me like a book; she knew when I was having a bad day, and knew exactly what to do to. She was always there to protect me from strange, odd noises we heard in our house and other...

My Mother's Entity by jonalyn

This happened three years ago, I think that was a week ago after my mother died. Our home was filled with deep sadness, we all grieved for over a year...when my mother was alive before, we used to have fun! The one we usually do is videoke, we all love to sing...we used to have a home sweet home...b...

Hallucinations Or What? by podefui

I have lived at my current home since 2001. Nothing strange has happened until recent years. Three things have happened that are strange to me. The first experience was around 2006. I was sleeping down stairs my cousin was over and we just usually crashed downstairs where there is a larger TV. H...

Haints At Traci's by Ramzey

Ghostly Appalachian Paranormal Professionals ~ Traci, Dustin, Greg, Olivia This particular Friday night was fun. The date was September Fourth of this year, 2009. My team (G.A.P.PS.) had scheduled an investigation at a home located in Sylva, North Carolina. The investigation was scheduled because...

Being Called A Liar by Jessalynn

This is hard for me to even start because I was always told I was a liar when came to this subject. As far as I can remember it all started when I was five. I just started going to Victory Baptist Church with my neighbour Barbra. My Mom and Dad never truly believed in the same things I did when it c...

Five Years Of Horror by snowycooky

My names Amanda and this is my first time I have ever written a story on here about my experiences with ghosts throughout my life, so here it goes. Ever since I was three years old I remember seeing, sensing and sometimes even talking to spirits. My mother recalls a time when I was four years old...

Our Six Legged House Dweller by emilyhunt

In 2008, I discovered that a friend of mine has a sixth sense. She sees ghosts on a regular basis, usually unhappy ones, and the occasional demon. I was curious to see what would happen if the two of us scanned my house for ghosts, so we turned all the lights off and searched. We didn't find any...

Vision Of Unknown Dead by Kirsten_pax09

On Christmas Eve morning of 2008, I had slept in until about 11:00am but I remained in bed because it was rather cold this one morning and I lay in bed unable to fall back asleep. I was laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling fan when I decided to turn over onto my left side and I had only b...

My Ghostly Experiences by clover

I have a few pieces in one, so I'll start from the beginning. Last year I was at my dad's house. It was summer and very still and warm. It was night time. I was taking my hair out looking in the mirror on the back of my door. All of a sudden a really cold breeze blew under the door. I was really ...

Dogs Watching Over Me by PestedForFun

Back when I was 7, I had two dogs. One of them died when I was 8 and the other when I was 9. Since then, we bought three new ones. Things have really gotten weird since then. It all started on 4/10/2005 (My mom kept track of the date in case something weird would happen on this day). It was right...

Ghost Or What? by Jopuppylover

Before I start telling you my story, let me just say I'm NOT sure what it is. I just want to know. Okay, so here it is. My house used to be my grandparents. My grandparents did not die in this house, just moved away, so we moved in. My best friend lives two doors up from me, and my mum says that ...

Basement Encounter by EnergyTwinkles

It was October in the mid 1980s and I was still living in a very old (built in 1889) home in Chicago. The neighborhood kids volunteered to help me put together a yard sale so we were all in my basement rummaging through old stuff to sell. As I was standing at the laundry sink washing some old dishes...

I Think I Saw My Cousin's Doppelganger by GlamGirl

Although this experience happened many years ago I just have been thinking about it lately and wondering if what I saw was in fact a doppelganger. This happened to me when I was about eighteen I am now almost twenty four. At my grandparents home my mom was holding their surprise 50th anniversary...

Haunted Dominos by dukeofwhelmsley

Back in 1998 I worked as a driver in the Dominos in Cartersville, Georgia. Several drivers, assistant managers and the store manager had experienced several things that always happened on a Thursday night. No one wanted to work late on that night. I heard from my co-workers that they've had everythi...

My Mom's House by zzsgranny

My Mom lives in a semi-rural area of far north east Ohio. Her house is quite old, but I really don't know the age. It's three stories high, but has only 2 and ½ floors. (Very high ceilings) It's the greatest house I've ever seen. Half of the second floor has been converted into an apartment; the ot...

The Strange Dark Figure by Banana-Bender

This is my story and I swear this is completely true. Well when I was 16 my family moved into new house. When we were moving in, whenever I went to the house I got this strange feeling, like I was being watched, but none of my siblings felt it, so I brushed the feeling off. So the first night we sta...

Not Attracting But Repelling by Hopeful23

The date was January 1st, 2008. I had recently been babysitting my neighbor's children while they were out celebrating with friends. My older sister was also babysitting at the time, for a different family further down the road. At the time I was in the car with my mother, she hadn't even pulled out...

Was This A Poltergeist? by mangadanga

I am not sure what the exact translation of the word poltergeist is in Hindi language. But in one of the local languages there is a term called "bhanamati" which is almost the same but used in much wider perspective. The chain of events that I am going to narrate can be loosely related to the same t...

How Many Ghost Do We Have? by ghostmomma

My story really began seven years ago. When Jim my husband, and I brought our brick house. It didn't take much time before we started having things moved or just taken. Jim would just be watching TV and he'd yell out, that something just scratched him. I could watch the scratches grow deep red. We n...

He Wouldn't Take No For An Answer by CJ

Despite the fact that I have seen quite the amount of negativity towards the use of Ouija boards on this site, I still have decided to go ahead with sharing what I experienced several months ago. It is something I have struggled with sharing for quite sometime, as it has already been a difficult thi...

Dachau Concentration Camp In Munich by bamastrick07

I am in the Army I am stationed in Germany. My wife and I recently took a trip to Dachau Concentration Camp in Munich. I watched Ghost Hunters a lot and was really interested in paranormal activity. When we arrived there you could feel a strong presence in the air. The camp was really big and it...

Andy's Ghost by kaay16

Hey all, I'm Kayla, first of all. I'm really confused about something so any comments are welcome! Let me take you back a few years. My friend, Andy, and I were the best of friends. He was 2 years older than me so I knew him literally since the day I was born. Growing up, my dad wasn't really ar...

Knocking At My Apartment Front Door by photoguyp

I hope I'm not jumping the gun here and posting this story when I haven't done enough investigating first. But still, here it goes... I just moved into a new apartment with my girlfriend. So far, it's been great. A couple nights ago though, while my girlfriend and I were horsing around on the sof...

Feeling Of Evil In My Home by jshef

My mother passed away on 15th April 2009. I decided to move into my mother's home and did the following month. One week after moving in I began to feel really sad, very scared, depressed and anxious. I never before really felt like this. I also felt this deep dark evil feeling inside of me which is ...

A Smart Ghost by everlong

This isn't a scary ghost story, but it is a story of unexplainable occurrences and a ghost that disliked my step-dad as much as me. My mom bought a house after her divorce from my dad. The previous owner had died in her bed in that very house. We knew this because we lived in the same neighborhood t...

Angel On Nephews Forehead by Kirsten_pax09

I have been debating with myself a very longtime on whether I should talk with others of what I had seen on my nephew's forehead when he was born. Without endangering his identity or privacy I will not give out too much personal information. My Nephew was born on June 6th 1998. I went to the hospita...

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