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Ghost Stories in Category: Misc: Page 10

The Ghost That Loves My Money by roger3625

2 weeks ago, JAN 29th, here in BiƱan, Philippines, I was to buy a used car. I need some money and go to the bank to withdraw 20000 pesos (500$). I put it in my wallet with another 5000p. I go meet my wife and we come home. No one comes near me, no one touches me, I always hold my bag that holds the...

From Ghost Cats To The House From Hell by lunamaria

Since I'm a newcomer I guess this will be a bit of an introduction to me and my experiences. This might end up being rather long. All my life I have seen spirits and creatures of Faerie. It was something I came to terms with years ago after my first obvious encounter. When I was little I would a...

The White Dress by japnemz

This actually happened long years ago, when I was in grade 2. In our school, we are assigned as sweepers, meaning we will be the one to clean our classroom. When we finished our work, my best friend and I decided to stay for awhile. After one hour, I decided to go home because it was getting dark al...

That's... That's Me? by teneki

This is the next event in chronological order, meaning it happened way before we ever had the cabin. It happened in the same bedroom as the first event, but on the front part of the house facing the road instead of near the back facing the neighbors as the first was. The way the room is laid out tak...

Ghost In The House by h2oified

About a year to a year and a half ago, I lived in a nice sized home in Pennsylvania with my mother, three dogs, cat, iguana, chinese water dragons, and step dad. We decided that it was time for a move. My step dad left us to go to another state and took all our animals but one dog, and most things f...

Can Ghosts Follow Or Am I Mad? by Cookiedough41

I must admit I feel pretty mad for even considering posting this; but I'm afraid my curiosity (not to mention my general waxing anxiety) has not been satisfied through any other more rational means. I have, as of late, been experiencing a set of rather peculiar sensations (for lack of a better word)...

Was It A Sign? by jzinck

Just this past Thursday, my boyfriend, son and I all took a trip to visit my parents who live about an hour drive away. It was just a regular visit. We had stopped in to see my grandparents, went home to put my son to bed and then sat back to have some good ol' conversation. We were all downstairs i...

The Locket With The Girl In White by PatientListener

So today. At school. 1st period. My friend comes up to me. She seems sad. Her eyes seemed a little clouded, her skin was pale, and...glowing? I ask her if she's sick, but she storms out of the room, without even asking for a hall pass. I quickly ask for one and chase after her. She couldn't have gon...

Shuffles In The Kitchen by unknown_madness

The following experience was encountered by my ten year old self and my older brother who was thirteen at the time. My brother and I are good friends though we do, like normal brother and sister, fight loads and it wasn't often we got to be friendly towards each other and not tearing each other's he...

Lucy by luckkyme

I have had one other experience that I really want to share. As I mentioned in another story, I work at a retirement home and although I work in the kitchen I am still able to get to know many of the residents. I have met some very sweet, loving, and interesting people and I love it. There was one...

The Night I Spoke With A Demon by sarge82

I had been working late on my computer; it was close to about 3am when I had finished. About five minutes later I heard a knock on the door and thinking who this was I got up to open it. What I saw shocked me in a way I will never forget. It was my friend Mike. Now the reason this shocked me so muc...

A Demonic Figure? by MattyDude2009

This story goes back many years! I was probably 5 at the time and I am 25 now... 20 years ago, Eeeek! Anyway, this story is about me seeing something that looked like a dog standing up. The day was normal, from what I can remember. I had been into town with my father, buying some shopping, I thin...

The Entity That Possibly Entered My Body by PatientListener

I'm just going to jump into this because there's no easy way to put this. I was at my friend, Mackenzie's house, along with another friend, Lisa. We were just hanging out, being normal girls, when we decide to watch a movie. Shark Night, in fact. Not the kind of movie I'd like to see after seeing S...

Demon Car? by Casper_the_ghost

This took place roughly 2 years ago and I was sitting in the back seat of my parents' car. They were parked in the grounds of a mountainy foresty lakey area (can't think of a name for it.) I had a newspaper, so was busy reading it. Next thing, I noticed a movement out the window to the left. The car...

Strange Happenings Nowadays by isabella8

Hey guys! I want to let you guys know about a few minor happenings in my house. Nothing unusual happened in my house until lately. My exams were on so I had to stay up all night all by myself. I haven't seen that feet again until now but still when I stay at home, alone, I have this really creepy fe...

Chilly, Silly Ghostie by zzsgranny

I thought I'd submit one for the "workplace ghostie" thing we have going on. I honestly don't know if it's paranormal or not, but one thing's sure: it ain't normal! At the time this event took place, I was the bakery/deli manager with a "major" grocery chain here in Las Vegas. Shortly after coming ...

Breezy Bathtime by missberry

It was new years eve and I was with my dad on a business trip in Savannah, Georgia. It was about 6:30 p.m. And I decided to take a hot bath before we went out for a night on the town. Half way through the bath, with the bathroom all steamed up I might add, the hairs on the back of my arms stood up, ...

My Grandma's House by pilz-e1

Since I live in my grandma's house I cannot really make decisions on what happens in the house. I have talked with my mom about cleansing the house and she wants to do it but wants everyone out of the house first. This is hard since I do online school and so does my little brother, Jacob and we are ...

Attack Avoided by Mykah

I've had many ghostly events happen to me since I was a very little child, and unfortunately most of them were malevolent or had the intent of scaring me (successfully, I might add). So it should come as no surprise, that I have struggled with standing my ground when something supernatural happens n...

Maybe A Succubus? by MattyDude2009

This is the second story I have written for this website. This story is about me when I was 14. I have had experiences in the past regarding the spiritual realm, never had anything so significant though. On a daily basis, my sister used to always bring my dog into bed with me (she doesn't like it wh...

The Aaah Voice by Yoshian12

This is my first story on this site. I am a new member here. Now, I will tell you my story. I remember hearing it and I have heard it going on since August 2009. I would hear this voice go "aaaaahhhhhh" and it sounded like a mans voice whispering. I only heard it whenever it was quiet for a while...

Things On The Stairs by hanna1460105

My aunt got a new house about a month or so ago, and I went to spend the night. She has three kids, all of which I am very close with. Well, I was passing the stairway to the kitchen (That's the layout of the house, they made the stairway like part of the wall to the kitchen), and as I pass by I thi...

Ride Of The Valkyries by CF

Over the past few days, I gained some useful information. Since the entity was picked up at the castle Neuchwanstein, the possibility arose that the entity could be a valkryie. 'Mad' King Ludwig, as people call him, based a lot of Neuchwanstein's rooms on his favourite musician, Wagner. One of h...

The Room On The Other Side Of Reality by BenjaminCreech

My name's Ben. I'm 22 years old and I live in Albert Lea, MN with my parents and two ghosts. I've already submitted a story under the name hauntee describing my experiences in this house. That was atleast a year ago and I haven't had anything to add since. Nothing new has happened. Until now. I thi...

While They Were Gone by D-Bautista

This was my first possible encounter with the paranormal, happening when I was still in elementary school. The house to the right of mine had been vacant for some months after its owners left. This had been the second time that my neighbors move out during the time I've lived next to that house. Eve...

Noises In My Room by Bure

It was a hot summer night in my town (near Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina). I was alone at my home - my dad, sister and mom went to Ostrog (a monastery/holy place) in Montenegro. My family and 99% of population in my town follows Christian Orthodox religion. I (being an atheist) refused to go with...

Strange Experience by XxTwistedAngelxX

This is my first voilent ghost experience. The other night I was trying to get to sleep. It was about 12:00AM and I suddenly felt really cold. This was a little surprising as, even though I have a cold, I had a thick dressing gown on and a water bottle with me. Then I leaned so I could itch my back....

This Is My Life by crazy13lark

I'm writing this because I've done everything else and this seems like a last resort if you know what I mean. Basically my life revolves around ghosts and I-can't-identify-wtf-you-are things. If you have read my prior story which I do recommend you read, you will see that for as long as I can rememb...

The Beast At Lake Merril by AndreaRC

This story isn't actually my own personal experience but is a story that I'm posting on behalf of my dad (he's not internet savvy but wanted to share this when I told him about the site). It was a few years ago, he and my uncle were driving up to a place called Lake Merrill in the mountains across ...

Ceiling That Dripped Blood by Mreaglesfan127

One time when I was young, me and my cousin were visiting my great grandparents in Pike County, KY. My great grandparents live in an old two story house that to me, looks a little creepy. Anyway, while we were all eating dinner, my great grandpa told us about how many years ago, when they first ...

The Blackness by SpiritKid

First off I want you to know my name is Jacob. And let's face it we all have stories. You have them. I have them but we all have our fears... Mine is the blackness. The blackness is what I see everyday. Out of the corner of my eye and even in front of me. But on a particular day in December, we ...

Real Experience With Bloody Mary by Fang14

I was only seven at the time, a few friends and I went to a bowling ally. Now our parents belonged to a bowling groups so we just chilled at the arcade part. One of the other kids told us a story about Bloody Mary. My friends and I didn't believe them. So me and two of my friends went to the mens ...

George The Ghost Or Demon? by meg-meg

I first started experiencing George's presence when I played with a Ouija Board. He talked to me through the board telling me he was here to protect me and he meant no harm to me or anyone else. I am not sure if he really is here just to protect me. He has very much made his presence known to me. I ...

Heard Someone Say Hey! by zapamay

I have of course had some more creepy experiences since last time I wrote. 2 in total actually. Now, this one isn't really an experience, but I take my brothers word for it that it scared him. Anyways, one day me and my family were talking and landed on the topic of dreams. We were taking about t...

Howling 2 by Alfie

Many years ago when there was only land, this particular site was ridden with practices of dark craft. I then did my research on the crafts at hand, as there were different kinds. But for over the years of research I soon discovered that demonic callings were practiced on this land. A ritual for cal...

Water Ghost? by lexis1996

My first experience with unexplained water was when my husband (however, he was only my boyfriend at the time) and I lived in a two bedroom apartment. We lived there about 3 years on the second floor which was the top floor of that section, so no one lived above us. The apartment came with its o...

Entity Becoming Unpredictable 3 by CF

When the sun went down, that was when the entity started to do some weird things such as pulling books out of the bookshelves and opening and closing them, but all relatively minor occurrences to what happened what everyone was asleep but me. Once I saw a deep blue light shining in the middle of the...

The Strange Noises by RoseThorn7

Two weeks ago I was at my friend Carlynn's house spending the night with her. It was just me and her there because that day was her parents' anniversary and they had gone out for the night. It was around 11 pm and we were in her room watching tv. She was painting her toenails and I was laying across...

My Grandfather Died In The Vietnam War by TheMostScariestStories

My name is Arshdeep, I am new to this so don't give me foul comments thank you. I will start out with very strange things happening in my home. I live in Kent, Washington. I really don't understand why it's happening because my house is like 4 years old. Also to mention my Grandfather died on a ...

An Incubus Attack Or A Dream? by Claws

I've been questioning this situation for almost a year now. I've asked for advice from many psychics, but none have returned with answers. I hope I can find closure on this site, and find out if what happened was actually real or not. To start off, I'm a very deep sleeper. I've even slept through e...

Entity Becoming Unpredictable 2 by CF

Finally, the hauntings stopped, and I thought it was over, that it wouldn't disturb me any more. But, after two short weeks, it came back. I should have known better that this entity always returns after a short period of time. Once, I was in the room that the entity was inhabiting, (read my story t...

Howling by Alfie

In all my years I've always thought that ghost stories and beliefs were all fictional. Until a really peculiar event happened. One of my friends had just bought a new house out in Kibbler Park. He had to go out on business to the coast and asked if I could look after he's place for him until he re...

Just A Big Bird? by casper39_caz

Do you believe Manananggal or Aswang exists? I was skeptical at first of its existence but now, because of what I have experienced, I'm not so sure. It was in the year 2002 or 2003 and I was living in Aklan. My mom sent me and my younger siblings there to live with our relatives. We stayed in a t...

My First Encounters With Ghosts by RedWolf

I have known since I was young that I had psychic abilities and been able to sense ghosts. The first time I was touched by a ghost I was about 12. I wanted to go to a local store and being 12 I was running. I was about to cross a road when all of a sudden I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned ar...

The Cop Car by LizzyBoo

One night my mother and I were driving home from my grandmothers house. It was late (about eleven p.m.) and I was curled up in the passenger seat looking at the rear view mirror to watch the scenery pass by. We were driving on a country road with nothing but grass, ponds, old run down barns and tree...

A Pinto by halfchewed

I should have known something wasn't right before I bought the car. The teenage girl I was buying the car from was selling me her 1966 Chevelle Malibu so she could get a Pinto. A PINTO. I didn't care, the car was cool, and I was a teenager in the mid 1980's. It took a while before my girlfriend a...

Is My House Haunted? by lizziebee1992

my name is Elizabeth. I am 19 and I live in Michigan City, Indiana. I live in an old house built in 1968. It was built a little after this horrible snow storm (a blizzard.) People called it the School House Blizzard, because this blizzard traveled from California to New York. Which means it passed t...

Where Did She Go? by unknown_madness

About a year or two ago, in winter it was really, really snowy and I just coundn't wait to get outside and enjoy the snow. It was so deep and me and my brother had even got our own sledge that we coundn't wait to try out. Near where we live is a massive hill that is ever so fun to sledge down in the...

My Experiences In Our First Home by Vanessanda

My first experience, as far as I can recall, was in our first home in Adelaide, South Australia. We were renting in the city centre. A lot of the buildings in Australia in those days had been built by English convicts. I don't know if that's relevant or not. In the old flat there was a small livi...

Entity Becoming Unpredictable by CF

If any of you have read my stories, you all know that I have 'a haunted life'. However, this entity is getting worse. Once, I was looking for my workbook that I usually did work in. However, I could not find it. The next day, it was on my bedside table, even though I already checked it! A chill ...

10 Year Long Black Demon Haunting by openbook

My story begins around 1987. I was a somewhat normal 11 year old boy up until that point. My parents were separated and it was a rough time for us. We lived in a tall apartment building on the 19th floor. I was interested in things like dungeons and dragons but my mom never bought me that kind of st...

First Move And Footsteps by my_favorite_number

I have a couple of things to tell you about. 1. It was somewhere in 2007-2008 when my family moved to a new house. It is the house we currently live in now. The house belonged to my father's friend's brother who had a heart attack, fell down the stairs to the upper floor and died. I don't really ...

The Footsteps On The Stairs by KaiWolf

Quite a few months ago in June or July, my grandparents took a trip to Florida for a quick vacation. So my mom and brothers were house-sitting for the time they were gone. I go to my grandma's every other Friday to spend the night with my mom (My mom and Dad divorced two years ago and this is where ...

Screaming In The Pool by Melody00

This happened recently at my house. I am 13 and I live near Brisbane, QLD. This happened with 2 friends in my pool. We were diving underwater, when we heard a short, cut off scream. Suddenly, my 2 friends came up and said "did you scream!?" It wasn't me and I told them that. From then on we went u...

Unknown Spirit In My House by Sf49erLaLa

I have always had an open mind to the paranormal world, but until recently I never really understood what contact with this world could cause! To start off, I live with my grandparents in a decent sized two story house. I have pretty much lived here my whole life and have never really had any experi...

Strange Occurance by AngelusExMortis

I wouldn't call this a ghost story but I would say it's making me feel like I'm going a little bit crazy and wondering if this has happened to anyone else? Strange things have been happening around the house and I've noticed it has started ever since my dad decided to re-do the house. I mainly he...

Kayla's House by 8baw

My best friend Kayla used to live in this 3 bed/2 bath house near my mom's house (this was 2 years ago now). It was an old house and looked a little creepy on the outside. Her house was haunted like my mom's. Well both of her parents argue a lot, smoke, and drink. Her mom knew that there were spirit...

Strange Things Happening In My House by Crissangelfan22

Lately in my house there have been some strange things happening. When I mean strange I mean things that I can't explain. One thing that happened was: It was early in the morning and I was just waking up. MY mum was up already I could here her talking to my brother in the lounge room. Talking really...

My Old Town by KaiWolf

I've always loved and believed in another, spiritual world. Even though it sometimes scares me. Nothing big happened to me, not really anyways. Not something that would scar me for life. Of course, they could happen after I write this. Maybe I hear a voice calling an hour after this, or maybe someth...

Is Someone Or Something Really There? by pebhmoob

I live in this one condo, 4 bedroom, 4 bath, near the university, during my college year and afterward. My sister and 2 of my friends, we live together. Everyone has their own bathroom. Next to the bathroom door, I have a shelf and on that shelf I have a CD/Cassette player. One night, around 3-4...

As A Child, Could I Have Had Help From A Spirit? by Kuhlmad

When I was less than 2 years old I gave my parents and family a heart attack. My mother and father had laid me down for bed like any given normal night. We lived in a first story apartment at the time, and I can't remember it at all, so I can't really give a layout to it. Well after everyone had ...

Creepy Girl, Or Imagination? by Paigey

At my house in Yorkshire UK, we have always had strange things happening things like pillows been moved, doors slamming, things such as the kettle and tv switching on or off, and banging on the front and back doors. We have had strange messages left on the answering machine and the dog goes crazy in...

Will It Get Worse? by Meg1011

I think I started noticing strange things happening when I was younger. It started by seeing shadows and hearing my name when no one being there so I didn't really worry about it at the time. Now I'm older I think its started to get more frequent. It started when I changed the room I was staying in...

The Pink Man In The Bedroom by BUNbrunette13

I hope anybody will be able to help explain these strange happenings. Around the year of 2003, my Brother Alfie was 3 years of age and was sitting on the top of the stairs of our house. All of the family: Mum (Wendy), Dad (Barrie) and Me (Sister, Mollie) was sitting downstairs, watching a film one ...

Sleepwalking Friend - Connection With Ouija Board? by ashley4444

I just need some advice or perspectives on what people think. About a month ago, my sister and I decided to try an Ouija board. We both didn't believe that anything would happen. We figured, how could a piece of cardboard contact spirits? So we decided to try it, and it actally did move. At first I ...

The Coughing Man And The Scissors by shellzy

I moved into a rented house by myself over a year ago and I have had some very strange occurrences happen in this time. The activity can happen any time of day or night and happens in all different areas of the house. I love the area that I live in and I actually do really like the house but a coupl...

They're Messing With Us by jrose1967

I'm going to relay this story exactly as it happened. You can draw your own conclusions. When I was in my third year of college, I befriended a guy named Mike who was an archeology major. Over Christmas break he and I came down to the Valley from Flagstaff to work on a construction project with m...

A Haunting In North Bengal by dodon94

This unforgettable incident took place in October this year when we (my father, mother, sister and myself) were on my way to North Bengal to celebrate the Durga Pujas (a festival of Bengal). . We boarded the Teesta Torsha express from Sealdah. It was going good until night when my uncle called us u...

Something Is In My House by ShanMindfreak

I moved to my current house back in 2003. The house I'm staying in is a double story house. The first day I stepped foot into the house, I knew something was wrong. However, when I told my father about this, he said it was nothing and asked me to go unpack in my room. Well for your information, I di...

Just Moved In To A New Very Old House by iain

Let me start off by saying that I am not sure if I do or don't believe in ghosts, I believe in vibes, actions, environments and people can give off good or bad vibes which tend to be right more often than not. Myself, 3 friends and my girlfriend recently moved in to a house we are renting, a cou...

My Girl by Karlijoe15

My name is Karli and in the last 7 months or so I have been visited by a girl. Now, most people would probably brush this off because I'm fairly young, 15. But this is real and it happens to me. I just want to share my story and know that I'm not alone. It first started at about 9:00 P.M. My mom ...

New Comer In The House by September13

I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, but there are few events stand out to me and some have me a bit confused. I don't remember it much myself but my family swears to it. My Grandfather passed long before I was born so I didn't know him at all. However when I was around three yea...

Night Terror? Or Demon? by becky-campbell

I am 14 years old and I live in Runcorn although I am originally from Liverpool. I have used a ouija board once before this experience, but I am positive I used it and closed it properly. Although I realise that sometimes experiences like mine are called "Night Terrors" this one didn't feel right, h...

Linked Events? by GodlyGirl

I don't exactly know where to start. I'll give a bit of background first. My name is Kennedy, I'm from the United States, and I'm a 13 honors student. My parents are split up, and I have a step-dad with my mom and 2 brothers, ages 1 and a half and 4, and my dad has a girlfriend with 2 girls ages 6 a...

The Unknown Ghost by lillriff

My name is Samantha, I am 13 years old and I definitely believe in ghosts. I have experienced some crazy encounters with them. I live in Akron, Ohio; which is in the United States. My house was built in the late 50's. I think that my room is haunted. I have heard the usual footsteps and heard the ...

My Bed Started Shaking 2 by SoniaMary23

I made a previous story that is connected to this one. I'm not really good at telling stories but I'm trying my best. This is beyond my control and I just want it to stop. A few weeks ago my bed finally stopped shaking but after a week thing began to change. I feel like the entity is getting s...

Norm Nutman by Kuhlmad

I would like to start by saying that I really do believe in ghosts. They interest me, but at the same time scare me. Call me a coward if you wish, but ghosts are really my only and biggest fear or phobia. This happened to me about a month ago and has really stuck with me. In my room I had this 1...

Ghost Playing With Magnets by ktc96

Let me just say I'm young and this is not just my first expriance with a ghost. So I am going to tell you a little about myself. I'm 15 years old. I have had people in my life pass away. But this story right here I don't understand. For the past couple of weeks I have been babysitting my niece. Sh...

Poj Ntxoog Or Little Girl Monsters by bossymum

One night, I heard little kids laughing outside my window. There's a picnic bench outside of my window (live in an apartment). I awoke to their laughter and gibberish talk. At first, I was pissed because they woke me up and because it was still dark. I didn't know it was 4am, I assume it was 6 am be...

A Ghost In My Room by carot82

Five months ago I moved to this new townhome with my family. At first I was the only one experiencing weird things in this place so I remained quiet! At first I couldn't sleep at night and I would stay awake looking around in my room since I had this feeling of being scared, and now every time I am ...

Two Dark Apparitions In One Day by cyclo8999

My fascination in the paranormal began when I was, eight years old, alone in the cottage during the afternoon. Out of nowhere appeared a large-dark apparition that floated still-like at a short distance from me near the front door. I was immediately frozen in fear by staring at something I did not u...

The Christmas Gift by netnix0

Thanks to all who commented on my experience with the ghostly black cat I used to talk to on the stairs when I was a small child at my family's big old house. I have been waiting to post the next installment, but until now this site has been down most of the time and not accepting new info. Hope thi...

I Saw Things No One Else Could See by eholmes

When I was a kid, my family and I lived in a house in DeQuincy, LA. I was probably in the second or third grade at the time. I would see these strange things that no one else could see. I would repeatedly see a black mass in the shape of a person run across the opening of the hallway going to my roo...

Bad Dreams Or Worse? by LG1986

I have been reading stories from this site for awhile now and have finally mustered up enough courage to write about something that's been happening to me. I want to start off by saying I am not 100% sure that this is actually paranormal or something more explainable, but at this point I just want s...

Paranormal Activity Has Recently Picked Up by hales3

I haven't updated in years! I have so many new stories, so many new experiences. I will briefly summarize and get into detail later, you can email me for more info about a certain one if you'd like. So, usually paranormal activity in my life picks up dies down randomly. Lately, things have picked ...

Strange Music by Hellhound

This happened about six months ago in a share house near the uni. This house had a lot of strange happenings, but that is another story. I was in my boyfriends room (who lived in the same share house, before we were together) going through a really hard time, we all do at some point in our lives, I...

Spirit In The Kitchen by Vikkayy

So starting a few months ago when I was speaking to my boyfriend on the phone some really creepy things started happening. My boyfriend, Andrew, was in the kitchen making food and I was in my car driving home. A couple minutes into the conversation I started hearing a static on my end of the phone a...

The Reed Organ, And The Charred Arm by SumGuy2

So, I love collecting antiques, and vintage items. I was at goodwill, and bought a 1969 Magnus Reed Organ. When I brought it home, it looked like it had ash on it, and dirt on it (like it was taken from a fire). I wiped it off and began to examine it for safety to make sure it is safe to play. It is...

Monks Graveyard? by AzzyBeh

This is a story about my paranormal experience. I was at my grandparents house, she has been living by herself for many years now as her husband left her. Anyway, I am 14 and this 'haunting' happened when I was about 10 years old. I had heard a lot of stories about my grandparents house before th...

Various Paranormal Happenings With My Family by Smokex12

My dad was twelve or thirteen when this happened. He was hunting with his dad and his brother in Vermont, and the mountains they were hunting on were believed to be haunted. In fact, the book Green Mountain Ghost Tales was based off those mountains. Anyway, he got lost and came across a beaver pon...

I'm Being Watched by Lauren_A

I am 13 so I don't have much experience with this sort of thing. I have been on this site for only a few months and have read lots of your stories. I am a believer in the paranormal and my 'experience (s) ' only started this year. Ok onto the 'experience (s) '. I live with my mum, dad and 2 older...

My First Ghostly Experiences by shadow7221

So,a real quick say, Age: 14. I'd say about 3 or 4 years ago I finally had my experience. I don't know which came first, but I do remember them. One night I was just sitting on the computer watching the popular ghost story shows Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal State. I had a fear that ghosts would ...

The Angels And The Shadow by mzreis315

My story begins when I was 16, young, dumb and sick, I guess you could say. At that point in my life I was starting down the wrong path. My father and I never got along, and as I got older it got worse. We had gotten into an fight, and I decided to commit suicide. I don't remember what kind of pills...

My Ghostly Experience In Texas by pebhmoob

I just want to share one of my experience that I had while I was living in the middle of Fort Worth and Dallas, TX in 2008-2009. I rented this one room apartment in Hurst, TX. The price was reasonable. Not bad at all. I thought I was not able to afford but turns out it was a good rate in that pa...

Strange Sightings At The House by Cogstee

I've been going to this site for a while now and just got around to publishing my story. I hope you enjoy it and can tell me what happened during this time of my life. So now, I'll begin my story. My parents are separated. But they weren't always. They separated when I was about eight, and due to...

Something In My Mother's Bed by Steve07

I don't know if you will find this experience interesting as it wasn't really in retrospect very dramatic but it is by far the freakiest thing I can say has ever happened to me anyway. It happened about five years ago my brother and I were in our room we share. It wasn't very late we were watc...

My Night In The Woods by SirAader

After the harsh review of my last story I figured let's write a new one. I do not know all of what had happened that night. But I do stand by the fact in it that they are all true. I will not use the infamous filing system I invented instead it will be more straight foreward. Recently I decided to...

Between 11pm And 3am by NightFear21

I live in a rural area of Ohio called Hopedale and we rent a two-story house from a very elderly couple who also own a funeral home next door. I do not know if the events I am about to describe has anything to do with our house neighboring a funeral home, but I need some insight, and maybe even some...

Weird Happening In My Friend's Backyard by LaLaGurl

During Halloween, I went to a friend's house to spend the night along with 4 other people. In total, there was five of us that were outside after dark when we were done trick-or-treating (we just wanted free candy). Well, we made a haunted house for my friend's, who I will call H, sister. When we ...

The Ghost From The Camera by SumGuy2

Just earlier today, I was at an antique store, and purchased a gaf SS 250 XL camcorder. It is from 1977, and uses Super 8 film. So when I got home, I did some research on it, and got some information on it. I went downstairs to watch TV. Suddenly, I felt as if I was being watched. All of the sudden,...

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