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Ghost stories from Massachusetts, United States: Page 1
Disturbing Audio Evidence by AnonMirrorBoard
I'd like to start off by saying that I am a fan of this website. Seeing there was a recent update in the town I grew up in, I had to dive in. I researched a bit and eventually, my girlfriend and I decided we had to check it out for ourselves. I don't intend to bore you, reader, with my background or...
The Creepy Yellow House On North Main Street by virulentpeach
I have experienced many events I believe to be paranormal throughout my life, and I hesitated to write about this one because my memories of this house are very dark. I have tried to block them out over the years, but I am unable to because I have such vivid memories of this house and my experiences...
1750s Horror Home In Historic Massachusetts 2 by virulentpeach
Several years ago, I had posted an account of my experiences in my stepbrother's childhood home, titled similarly to this one. My stepbrother is visiting for the holidays and it led us to recount our experiences in this home. I also found photos of the inside of the home, which I can share if anyone...
Angel, Or Something Else? by DreamBird
Back in the early 1990s angels were all the rage. You couldn't go into a store without finding a stand on the counter with guardian angel pins. Everyone wore them on their jackets. In fact, I still have one attached to an old sweater. At the time, there were many books out about angels and some of t...
Little Ghost Girl Trapped In My Friend's Apartment by virulentpeach
I have always been very attuned to the spiritual realm, and my earliest memories from childhood include sensing spirits in various homes I have visited. I have not experienced anything recently, until a recent visit to my friend's apartment. She lives in an apartment on the second floor of an old...
My Ghostly House by Jordan_hunts_ghosts
My home was built in the 60's, meaning that stuff probably went down there. When my parents were looking at the house, there was just bottles of holy water (and possibly sage) in the basement. They were all from the years 1996-1999. We knew something was off about this, and we wanted them to ju...
Noises And Unexplained Happenings In Old Victorian: Year 3 by virulentpeach
Side note: I have many photos of this house which I can post if anyone is interested to see any of the rooms in the house, up and down, if you have read my other installments. This is a continuation of a three-part story. I neglected to write this when I wrote the other two installments because ...
Halloween Terror On Captain Ellis Lane by virulentpeach
It was Halloween night and I was a small child of 8 years old, preparing to go trick-or-treating with a group of neighborhood children. I was going with my friend Jenny, her friends Haley and Allie, and Jenny's older brother who would be supervising us. We had just gotten our costumes finished and w...
It Watches Them Every Day From The Upstairs Window by virulentpeach
On one of the main residential streets in my town, there is a burnt out home which suffered from a fire in June of 2019 which consisted of three "stacked" apartment units, one on each floor. No one knows how the fire started, but the home is beyond repair and is likely to be torn down in the next ye...
Historic Seaside Town Haunted House by bella333
I live and grew up in a famous, historic seaside town. It is beautiful doted with historic sea captain's homes from the 17th and 18th century. I recently bought a home that was built in 1760. It was renovated about two years ago. I am the first to live in the unit that was renovated as we bought it ...
A Mother's Final Goodbye by Overlordundead
S o at first I'd like to say that this story is a little foggy to me so I don't have the detailed specifics of the story. Also I have to explain a few things in order for a few of you to understand where I'm coming from first of all I am currently an adopted child living with my aunt (my mother's si...
Multiple Shadows In Room At Night And Other Phenomena by joe090306
My name is Joe, I hope my first name will be sufficient. I am a 33 year old man living in Massachusetts in my own home. Along with me is my son, age 8, and my girlfriend and her three children, ages 9, 7, and 4. The children are with us a little more than half the time, as we both share custody with...
1750s Horror Home In Historic Massachusetts by virulentpeach
NOTE ON CHRONOLOGY: I refer to everyone in this story as what they are to me now: stepdad, and stepbrother, even though at the time they were family friends. It makes it much easier to tell the story. My mom and my stepdad married just one year ago, but we have known him for many years, since I ...
Overwhelmed By Sadness by adove
This happened late Autumn in Massachusetts. We were living in an apartment building with about nine other families. One night we heard the sound of breaking glass and the smell of smoke. Our apartment was on fire. No one was hurt, but everyone lost all they owned. Later we found out it was arson. ...
Odd Energy by Karla
So our story begins 7 months ago. 4 days before Super Bowl Sunday. My husband and I went to bed as we normally do. I had a very quick nightmare about a man in a dark doorway. I was walking towards the door and just as I was going to enter the room. This man yelled "No, Stop!" But it was too late. I ...
Spirit Of Roo by adove
I was about eighteen and we had recently moved to Boston Massachusetts. I was stressed out about it, I didn't want move to a larger city. There were more people than I was used to making it crowded and somewhat suffocating at times. To cope I clung to my Cat Roo. We called him that because He stood ...
There Is A Canadian Man In My Closet by msforgetmenott
I will explain beforehand, when I could remember, I wrote the details of this event over 58 years. Eventually before conclusion, I had scribbled (filled) three black and white composition booklets. This will be a long read. Please note there have been name changes and some incomplete info for privac...
My Creepy Final Visit To Our Haunted Family Home by virulentpeach
My great-aunt, who has lived for years in an 1890s Victorian home, which has been in our family for generations, recently was moved to assisted living. The home, which was featured in my first story posted to this site and is where I was choked by an unforeseen force by an old necklace, is falling a...
Many Many Deer, Why? by msforgetmenott
My husband and I have always enjoyed nature. We feed the birds in our yard, and yes the black bear came, likes sneaks in the night. We didn't care, only upset that we didn't see them. Then came the evening a she bear came just when I had put out the kitchen light. "Bob! Bear! Bear!" He runs for his ...
Winking Twinkling Charlie by msforgetmenott
I recently read a story on YGS about an experience while very young. In my opinion, many if not all speak and baby talk about seeing someone or something. Unfortunately the young children are easily dismissed as their words are hard to understand or the adults are too busy to listen. Then for most c...
Interesting Visiting Nurse by msforgetmenott
While in the Hospital, after a serious surgery, I had some strange encounters. What I am writing about today, had an impact on me. I was given a private room at my request. I have had other events in the past, and you do not want to disturb the other person right next to you, when you see something...
Darker Than The Darkest! by msforgetmenott
Often times when writing, the words just flow as my mind recalls, but not this time. You have no idea how many times I have endeavored to put these words to print. Each time I would end up deleting the whole mess. Here I am again, still not willing to give up. I will skip over the earlier details...
Do You Mind If I Sit With You? by msforgetmenott
I am Brian, msforgetmenott's Son. As many of you know she is hospitalized for an extended stay for a serious ovarian cancer surgery. As the day approached for this surgery, it became very hard for us as when ever in conversation with my Mom, she would mention some family item that we must take h...
Attached Entity Or No? by Stephanie16
Ever since I can remember I've felt to be sensitive to paranormal experiences. The house I grew up in was said to be haunted I was told it was built on an Indian burial ground, not entirely sure that's true or not since I've searched the properties history online and couldn't find anything to match ...
Please Send Good Thoughts by msforgetmenott
This may be the most believable story you will ever read. Unless this sickness takes me before, I will, on the 31st of this month, at 7:00 a.m. Be undergoing a nine to twelve hour surgery. I feel it may be unlikely that I will survive and that is ok, but I am much saddened it will leave my husband o...
Our House Came With An Addition by msforgetmenott
We have owned our home for thirty-nine years, as of this May 2018. Our home has been witness to our lives and all our changes through time. This house I speak of, was purchased by us as a fixer-upper, the best we could afford back then. The home came with history, built in 1962 by an older woman'...
Noises And Unexplained Happenings In Old Victorian: Year 2 by virulentpeach
This is a continuation of my previous story about a home in which I rented a room for 3 years. The first year, I was on the first floor. The second year I was on the second floor, the one where I had previously been hearing footsteps up and down the stairs. The second floor of the house and the atti...
The Man With A Gold Tooth by msforgetmenott
Reference: Memories and a pad of paper by Msforgetmenott This happened nearly two months ago. He is here again, that man with a gold tooth, just as he appeared when I was a young child. I was nine when I last saw him, now I have had my 70th birthday this past May. While I have aged each year, ...
Shadow Person Touched Me? by harleyhalfmoon
I grew up in haunted houses and I've also been very sensitive to the paranormal, so it doesn't usually freak me out, but what happened last night, left me a bit confused and wondering if I should be alarmed. I've seen/felt shadow people before in my room, always in my room, once in a while in the...
Noises And Unexplained Happenings In Old Victorian: Year 1 by virulentpeach
For three years, I rented different rooms in an old Victorian home in suburban Massachusetts, built in 1890. Due to changing roommate circumstances, and the fact that the house was split up by floor for different family sizes and the two units were separated from one another, I was required to move ...
My Closet Door by NEGuy
My story is pretty simple, although it might be a bit long-winded, so please bare with me. In the summer of 2002 I moved into a little apartment in a small town in Massachusetts. With the exception of the previous few months (thanks to lease complications with my former landlord) I had been out ...
My Great-grandmother's Secret And The Ruby Necklace by virulentpeach
My maternal great-grandmother was by all accounts a kind, but very unique, woman. She had an aversion to the sun, believed in Old World superstitions, and washed my infant grandmother's hair with lemon juice to keep bad spirits away and, of course, to preserve its infant blondness. She was fiercely ...
Many Experiences In Different Locations by deefrao
I have had many experiences, after reading the guidelines I feel it best to put them all together in one story. My first experience was at my parent's home when I was 21. I had gone out on a date with someone my parents truly did not approve of, we had actually argued about me going out with the p...
Phantom Statue In Salem, Ma by Butterflyguide
I grew up as close to my grandmother as I was to my parents. She lived only 15 minutes away in Massachusetts; we lived in New Hampshire. One day, my grandmother and I were driving through Salem, Massachusetts for some reason. I don't remember what the reason was. We were talking as we usually did wh...
Stange Occurrences/spirits Talking Through Texts by SilentAngel
Theres been quite a few issues revolving around me and the spirits that surround me, that issue being that they are so damn talkative and love talking to me and my girlfriend through use of my phone's messenger. I have grown used to it being able to see a spirit's presence (has faded over time) ...
My Doppleganger Was Visiting My Mom Before She Passed by leahbee
Let me just say before you read this that losing someone you love deeply changes you. It rocks your core and brings you to the edge of your faith whatever it may or may not be. This is me rocked, raw, and spilling my soul. Take it for what it is. She was young, I am young and this was a tragedy alwa...
One More From Stoughton by waltrow1274
There was one more incident that happened, this occurred in the living room. We have a fireplace in the living room and on the back wall of the fireplace there is what looks like a face, a guy with long hair and a beard. That's not the story, it's just a cool effect of the ash buildup on the back wa...
Stoughton, Spiders, And Other Shenanigans by waltrow1274
My sister P had, is having, a rougher life than most people. She is a single mother of two and has been diagnosed with this illness that requires her to be labeled as 100% disabled. She's a workaholic, so this diagnosis was especially upsetting, not only will her body not let her do what she loves, ...
West Newton Weirdness by waltrow1274
After my parents divorced, we moved in with my moms parents. My mom and sisters shared my moms old bedroom, and my brother and I shared my uncle's old room. My grandparents were the second owners of the house, and to my, or anyone's knowledge, nothing ever happened in that house. Back in the 60's...
Strange Occurrences In Our Billerica House 2 by waltrow1274
After the events of D E Red and the young woman in the white dress (See: Strange occurrences in our Billerica House) J had enough of the Ouija board, and got rid of it. For me however, things just got weird. We had a 20' round above ground pool, I took to swimming as if I were a fish in a human b...
Strange Occurrences In Our Billerica House by waltrow1274
For what it's worth, I am the left handed youngest of four, not that that means anything, it's just that my Uncle (my Mothers brother) is the youngest of three and he is also left handed; I heard somewhere that, that was a thing. From the time I was born until I was 8 my family lived in the north...
Metallic Manifestations by Bibliothecarius
It has been a while since I posted a story on YGS, and I've seriously considered not submitting this one. Oddly, I haven't finished typing up a different story because it sounds fake to me, even though my family all swear to the truth of it. (It's a weird habit to have: writing out YGS stories and *...
The Haunting On Deer Park by FredisFred
In late 2006 I finished my time in the US Army. I was young and wanted to enjoy my newly found outlook on life outside the Military. This new outlook was indicative of me enjoying some family time. This was family time that I had not had in years. So I moved back to Massachusetts to be closer to the...
Ghosts Of Little Girls Are Haunting My House by CaitlynW
Since I was young, I was able to see shadows and spirits, but I shrugged it off, thinking everyone else saw them. That was until I told my mother, and she said it wasn't normal. I grew up in a non-religious house, so my parents don't believe in ghosts, spirits, and hellspawn like demons. But the...
A Clash Of Personalities by Bibliothecarius
In the very late 1990s, I was renting the basement of my parents' fifth American home (they do move a lot!) while I sorted out my post-Bachelor's Degree plans. I'd been accepted to Grad School to earn a Master's Degree in Literature, but I needed to find a place to live in Worcester, Massachusetts. ...
Hearing Voices Under My Pillow by LuzR1956
Moved to a single family house in West Springfield, MA over a year ago, from the first night heard noises all over the house. In the past 6 months while in bed sleeping or awake I am hearing voices under my pillow, first it was an women's voice crying under my pillow and then it changes to a male vo...
Footsteps In The Day by mrmonty
I haven't written on this site for a while (I have checked on it from time to time), but something happened this past Saturday and I was wondering if anyone had experienced anything like this happening. I was walking home from the grocery store with my groceries hung over my shoulder, now it was...
The Playful Paranormal by karss13
Being a person who is extremely afraid of paranormal activity, this moment gave me the chills. At the moment I was 12. It happened around summer of 2014 in the middle of July. My dad was at work, my mom was out shopping and my younger sister was down the street playing with the neighbors. I call...
The Growl by JessieB
I swear everything I'm writing here is 100% true and in one case I have another witness who would back all of this up. This took place in a small town near Boston, Massachusetts. It takes place in my mother's house, which is about 30 years old. We were the first owners. The land was an apple orchard...
Shadowy Figures by JustAnotherPerson
This is a story about another encounter I have had with some form of spirit. This happened when I was 12 years old, about five years ago, around 2010. I was still living in Traverse City, Michigan at this time. I had just gone to bed. I was still uneasy about my room, so I would constantly look a...
Someone Else's Memory by mrmonty
I am not really sure where this fits in, not sure it there is anything ghostly about it, but it is definitely paranormal. I would begin by saying I have regular medical exams and nothing unusual has appear in any tests, and I am in reasonable health but this is something that is just so strange I ju...
The Chiming Clock by lbs2011
In 1992 Hurricane Andrew went through Homestead, Florida and my unit was then temporarily stationed in Tampa, Florida. During this time I flew my son back and forth from Tampa to Miami to be with his Dad. Due to this I had many "frequent flying miles" and was invited up to Fitchburg, Massachusetts f...
Woooweeeaaawwayyaaa by msforgetmenott
We inherited a sizable chunk of land in 1999 at my hometown, that had been part of my family's farm, where I grew up. It is nature at its best, I believe that the animals would prefer we were not there. All this time we have been bringing our camper up in the spring and back to our home in the fall....
The Big Old Tray by msforgetmenott
After sharing events from my childhood, I thought I would move up about 40 years and tell you of an event that I had with an old antique. Now all our parents are gone and we are empty nesters, the year 2003. I had become ill with ovarian cancer, and left my place of employment, needing to rest for ...
Memories And A Pad Of Paper by msforgetmenott
As a child growing up in the 1950s, there was nothing I liked more than drawing. Money was short and so was drawing paper, my Mother improvised, even the inside of a cereal box would work for me. My Uncle, working for a printing company, brought me scraps. As my Mother was still living, I could not ...
Freckles And A Big Smile by msforgetmenott
A small town and a small school. I attended this school, grade one through twelve with one or two leaving and one or two joining, a class of 22 children. Growing up together, more brothers and sisters than friends or classmates. We shared much in common, moving from room to room, from teacher to tea...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 3 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Please take a look at my previous events, it will help you to understand this third and final printing about this unusual voice. I was getting older now, in my teens and dating. It was during this time, and only this time, that I did not get along with my Dad. His lack of understanding, compiled ...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 2 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Thank you all for the generous and kind responses on the first of my events with this deep frightening voice. I now shall tell of the second time I heard, sensed or felt that same voice. After the tremendous fear from first hearing the unearthly, deep, thunderous voice, I found I could not speak of...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 1 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Growing up in the hill towns of Western Massachusetts was at times very lonely. The view of rolling green hills and rich thick woods of sugar maples, oak and pine, so beautiful. However, if you lived there, farm life was filled with responsibility and chores. Neighbors were often as far away as a ha...
My Horse Saw Him First by msforgetmenott
I am currently sixty-seven years of age, and have some ability to see or hear what others cannot. What I am telling of in this writing took place when I was about ten years old, one of the earliest events I recall with detail. We lived on a farm that was in our family since 1791. First I must ex...
Shadow People And Ghosts For 15 Years by bretta_walker
I have been experiencing what I call "visits" since I was 8 years old (I'll be 23 in a week). I was born in caul* so from a young age my mother has always joked that I am witch, but according to myth I supposedly have the a "deeper awareness and understanding of the world in which we live." I do...
Three Sets Of Hands - Part 2 by pumpchick15
If you haven't already read part 1, please look up the story Three Sets of Hands and then come back here. After making the first story, I decided it was time to take action and relieve myself of the three girls who have been following me around. Helen, the protector, I decided to tell her that I...
2 Year Old Daughter Seeing A Baby by oxomadelineoxo
Last year, we moved into our home in West Boylston, MA with our two children who are 8 and 2. My two year old daughter seems to have trouble with nightmares and sleeping restfully if we don't use her essential oils. Usually, her essential oils were working for her to sleep through the night. Before ...
Definite Feeling Of Evil by mrmonty
I've written about a couple incidents that have happened to me, some could have been explained, others I'm not to sure of, there is one incident that has always made me wonder. This happened after I had move into an apartment in Somerville, MA, back when it was know as Slummerville, not the best nei...
Doppelganger Cats? by Nightwish13
This time I will tell two stories in one since they are short and related. I do not remember specific dates nor do I remember what time of year they happened, so I will just say they happened a few years ago. I know it wasn't more than 6 or 7 years ago. One night I was laying in bed listening to...
Black Cloaked Figure by Nightwish13
I have had lots of experiences with the paranormal in my life. They have mostly been little things. More stick out in my mind than others. This one is one of the many that do. This is not my first, but it's the earliest bigger one that comes to mind. I think this occurred over a few months when I wa...
The Dishwasher In The Kitchen Is Coming Up The Stairs by greg84ae
When I was about six years old I lived in a rented house in Framingham, Massachusetts for about a year between 1970 and 1971. I lay awake in bed one morning fidgeting because I couldn't get back to sleep. I clearly remember staring at the ceiling and watching the light of morning start to fill t...
Dover Demon by mrmonty
I just wanted to post another incident that happened to me when I was much younger. I don't know how many people are from the area I grow up in, the Town of Westwood, Mass, which is right next to the town of Dover, Mass. In fact, we lived less then a mile from the Dover dump. I don't know how ma...
Cats And Spirits, Demon? by mrmonty
Not sure if I'm a truly a believer in all thing paranormal, I think a lot of it can be explained if it's look at, let's say, in the light of day. I have had a few strange experiences but I can't say for certain if anything paranormal has really happened to me. I just happened across this site with t...
Pond Street by PapaPitufo
I was raised in Essex Massachusetts and our family lived in the same house for 214 years (1770 to 1984). I called my mom one night in 1982 for a glass of water she left my room I laid back in bed then looked at the little alcove near my window where I kept board games and saw a little boy who th...
Ghost Of Kitty Past? by lol_death
So, I still live with my parents and get up relatively early, for school and such. We have four cats. Their names are Mango, Martini, Pye, and Cosmo. One morning I woke up pretty late. There was one cat on my bed, Pye. I closed and latched my door firmly. When I close my door, I can put my full ...
Sleep Possession by B_sis15
This has happened to me quite a few times and I'm really unsure what to do. It doesn't only happen at my house but anywhere I might fall asleep. Every once in a while when I am trying to go to sleep, I start to feel this pressure that doesn't allow me to move. Immediately I try to get out of the...
This Old House by theshedcrew
In 1972 my grandparents bought a house in South Attleboro, MA. The records show that the land was owned by a Peter Martinson and his wife Anna starting in 1890. The records also show that Peter built a house in 1902. This house was owned by the couple until their deaths and was left to their daughte...
Entity With Unknown Intentions by decemberruby
I'm not sure what I'm dealing with. To start off, I live above my dad's workshop in a large studio apartment. My parent's house is only a few yards away. I moved into the studio apartment when I began college. That's when things really began to get strange. Mostly it was things being knocked ove...
Everything Shook by hazeleyes
Hey everyone. First off I just want to say I am addicted to this web site! I love reading everyone's stories! I've been a reader for a long time and this is my first and probably only story. I'm not writing this with the expectation of comments or feedback, I'm just simply writing for your enjoyment...
Three Sets Of Hands by pumpchick15
This is my first story and this is basically more then one encounter but that all lead to one thing. This is still something that happens now in my life. It all started in Boston. I lived in a green house with two floors. The first floor was where me and my brother and mom lived and the second i...
Hope, No Hope by danielabella92
There's a place of yoga/meditation near my home. Hope is in the name, but I will not divulge more. I believe it is on a ley line because it emits a strange... Power. One night, I went to visit it with two male friends (I'll call them J and C). C had tragically lost his brother recently and was d...
Ghost Getting Too Creepy by Deebee2013
Since I was a child I've grown up in homes where the prior owners died in them, so I'm used to the residual ghosts and they have never scared me. A man who chopped wood in the basement of our first home, a husband and wife who died in another home, the wife fell down the stairs to her death and I he...
Strange Unknown Feeling In Certain Rooms - Need Help by DaemAesthetics
I may be posting this in the wrong section but I am desperately in need of answers. I am 17 and live in Massachusetts. For as long as I can remember, when I walk in to certain rooms (or parts of rooms) my head begins to throb and I feel light headed. The majority of the time this happens in rooms wi...
Shadow In My Bedroom And Someone Outside My Door by girlymadness
Shadow in My Bedroom: This happened when I was really young. I'm not sure how old I was but it was before I started school. I was so young that it was probably one of my first memories because it was so vivid that I still remember it even today, years later. One night I was asleep in my room wit...
The Fairy, The Girl And My Sister by PrincessWillow
When I was 7 years old, I lived in Ayer, MA with my mom and her boyfriend. I had always been a pain to get put to bed because I hated it. I was petrified of the dark and being alone. I would often be awake listening to the TV downstairs until Mom and Frank went to sleep. My door was always left open...
Ghost Of The Woods by Brendon1997
Growing up as a child in Western Massachusetts, I have always been interested in nature. Most of my afternoons are comprised of feeding the squirrels and birds on our property, occasionally taking wildlife photographs, and spending hours at a time alone observing the activity in my backyard woods. I...
The First Time by TannerRae
I've been seeing ghost since I can remember. So I'm going to start with very first time seeing a ghost and the experiences that my family had as well in the same building. This one I remember specifically being in a big red apartment on High St. My brother and I shared a room; however, my brothe...
My Pets Visiting From Beyond by Nikky597
I don't know if anyone has read my other story, Hauntings at Work, but this falls under a completely different category than that, and I would like to say a much happier one. My family has always been very pet oriented. At one point, we had seven cats and two dogs, not to mention the other variou...
The Blue House by Kay4
In September 2010 I bought a house in a suburb north of Boston. The gentleman who I bought the house from had built it in 1948 and had lived there since. The house was sold because he was in his 90's and could not live on his own any longer. His wife had passed away a few years earlier. The hous...
A Haunting That Came And Went by Unknown2015
I was a senior in high school about ready to graduate. It was April 2010 and never had an experience of any paranormal activity what so ever. In my mind they only existed in movies... Little did I know what I was in for. It all started in my room. I have a big house and my room is pretty big as well...
Walking The Dogs And Caught A Ghost by jcforsure
I was walking my two little dogs through the Fairview Cemetery in Hyde Park, Massachusetts. I had a small camera with me to see if I could catch something. I was walking by a friend's grave and I called his name. My two dogs started looking in that direction so I snapped a picture. We kept walking a...
My Haunted Story 3 by chels54321
Recently I met someone. He is mysterious and it's almost as if he knows everything about me. He is a medium and so am I... Today we did something special that I never thought I could do with someone. We sat on his bed together and stared into each other's eyes. Out of nowhere he looked at me and ...
My Haunted Story 2 by chels54321
My story, continued. After seeing that dark figure in my sister's room, I sat awake, wondering what it was. I knew it was after me that night, but I couldn't figure out why... My sister ended up moving out a few years later after that experience. She lives at her college campus with a few of ...
My Haunted Story by chels54321
My name is Chelsea. I have grown up in a small town, Auburn Massachusettes and I have lived at the same place for nineteen years now. Recently I found out that my house is 100 years old and that it was one of the only houses on my street back in the 1900's. Everything surrounding my house before I l...
Sexual Ghost by pablo_sanchez
I am a 25 year old male and for the past few years I have felt there is a ghost who lives inside my apartment who is sexual. Many times I see the hair stand up on my arms and feel a tingling sensation around my thighs, back, hips. When I'm in bed it sometimes touches my private area, giving me an er...
Ghost Grabbing My Feet by Toni0217
I have read a story about someone grabbing his feet. The same thing has happened to me for about two weeks already. The second time that I felt someone grabbing my feet, I saw a what looks like a ball rolling up my bed under the covers. I screamed and jumped out of my bed and ran into my son's room ...
Demon, Ghost, Or Am I Crazy? by Scaredofthedark
Here is my story. Let me start with saying I live in a town that has many ghost sightings and haunted places. Every house that I've lived in has been haunted from what I can tell. Anyway, the house I currently live in an apartment in a nice little neighborhood. My landlord has told my father sto...
Hauntings At Work by Nikky597
I started a new job about a month ago. It was okay at first, being kept fairly busy with customers in the restaurant and guests at weddings. There were a few times that I felt as though I wasn't alone in the room or I was being watched. A few times I saw shadows from the corner of my eyes, but I gen...
Made Me A Believer by SkepticUntilNow
I was on a school field trip to Boston, Massachusetts and New York City, New York from June 15-18, 2006. It was our 3rd night in Boston and we were heading out for NYC in the morning and my friend JoJo and I decided to do some laundry so we could have clean clothes for the rest of the trip. We w...
Black Robed Figure From The Closet by Mstjohn91
When I was a young boy around 7-8 years old I shared a bunk bed with my older brother, he slept on the top and I on the bottom. My room was about the size of a walk in closet with a small closet of its own in the very left hand corner of the room. Vaguely do I remember which month of the year this s...
Was I Possessed? by Nicapol
About two years ago I moved in with a friend, Curt, fully aware that his house was haunted. I had stayed the night a few months prior being woken up to singing and muffled conversation. At first we thought it was his mother, but upon further inspection she had already left the house for work. Ha...
Michael by MrMcmigedy
I've been experiencing paranormal encounters for as long as I can remember. But this one is probably one of the most unique experiences I've ever encountered. This one is recent, so I will be taking advantage of this encounter, while it's still fresh in my memory. My mother had a friend named Mic...
Max Wasn't Ready To Leave by Bloodstone
Growing up, my mother had a cat named Max. He was only a year old when I was born, so I grew up with him. Even as a baby, he wouldn't stray far from me. When I reached out toward him, he would merely move just far enough away that I couldn't reach him. As I got older, we grew closer. I loved my kitt...
The Hooded Shadow Figure by sord0111
I grew up with my Grandmother and Mother in a little blue house right near the ocean. While I was growing up we had a neighbor named Ray. Ray was a really nice and generous guy who helped us in many ways, like caring for a baby kitten we had taken in and could not care for because of my Grandmother'...
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