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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter S: Page 1
Sa Military Museum by triden07
I have now realized that what my medium friend, Tim, told me from the first day I met him, that I am much more sensitive than I can imagine, is 100% true. This being very clearly demonstrated on Sunday, 4 October 2015. My boyfriend and I took the twins to Johannesburg Zoo, and as we were driving ...
Sacramento Theater Company: Meet Pinky the Ghost! by PaulDaleRoberts
Let's go to downtown Sacramento and stop at a building that is 66 years old. That building is The Sacramento Theater Company on 1419 H Street, Sacramento. The place has a reputation. It's reputed to be very haunted. On October 23, 2007, Tuesday, I meet up with HPI paranormal investigators: Shannon '...
Sacred Ground Corrupted by BadJuuJuu
A short history of my current home. The house itself, I know very little about it's history. My parents purchased this house in the late 70s. I was raised here, and my parents gave Brad and myself the house as a wedding gift as they were moving. Free house, even a haunted one, is not something to t...
Sad Airman by JoBee
I joined the Air Force when I was 18 and was whisked away into a new life. I went through the normal basic training as any other airman does, and then proceeded to Mississippi for my technical training, to learn my actual job. I turned 19 while at that location, which was easy to do because I was th...
Sad Boy With A Yo-yo by chesski
I have first saw this ghost about 3 months ago but my family see this ghost all the time. This ghost appears on the top floor of the old house (has 4 floors) just before the attic. He is a little boy who stands in the corner and plays with a yoyo, but when you see him he disappears. When I fi...
Sad Hotel Spirit by notjustme
This story took place in 2011, in a hotel room in Mui Ne, Vietnam. My then fiance and I, plus 7 others, went on a 3 days trip from central Vietnam all the way North until we reached Nha Trang. This trip was for our wedding photoshoot, as we wanted all real scenery. My cousin (who owns the bridle...
Sad Little Boy, Who Could He Be? by Suzii
Even as a child I was convinced there was something/someone in my house. When I was younger I would never go upstairs alone or into my Nan's bedroom because I would get goose bumps/pimples and I didn't like how cold I felt. I still don't like going into my Nan's room and I still feel cold when I do....
Sad Voice by achabel
This happened two days ago, at around 7:00 am. My bed is against the wall and I was sleeping facing towards the wall. Out of nowhere, I woke up and looked at my phone for the time, after seeing that it was 7:00, I laid down to go back to bed because I still had two more hours to sleep before getting...
Sad, Scared, Angry by BadJuuJuu
This happened a couple of weeks ago, beginning on 8-18-10. It was dark, cloudy, and windy, but it just wouldn't rain. There was a ton of excess energy in the environment, which I think played a huge role in this. My husband and I had been busy that day, and had been driving all over running errands....
Safe Ride Home by Rebecca
I had been living in Santa Barbara back in 1993 when I found myself suddenly unemployed. After several months without luck finding a job, I started going to the local Temp Agencies for work. One by one they turned me down, telling me that, with my Engineering degree, they weren't going to be able ...
Saint Seraphina? by exit51wareagle
I'm pretty sure my daughter is "friends" with St. Fina. She talks about her and Seraphina all the time and tell us that Seraphina is a princess. What an odd name for a 4 year old to randomly come up with. I didn't know anything about Saint Seraphina until I googled it. The only thing I came up w...
Saipan Airport WW2 Bomb Shelter Soldiers by AzulWater
In May of 2008, I went to the island of Saipan. Saipan is near Guam and Japan. Before World War II, Saipan belonged to the Japanese. The Japanese had an airport there that had military buildings and bomb shelters. In WW II, the US military fought for the island of Saipan and took it away from the Ja...
Sal by trademarkamanda
Ever since I moved into my house 10 years ago, I have been experiencing the paranormal here and there. I was unaware at first seeing my first encounter was when I was still in elementary school. Now, almost 18, I have researched and what not about the paranormal and who it could be in my house. S...
Salalah Experience by Bliss006
Oman, is known for its history in black magic, spirits & jinns, recently I had the opportunity to experience this first hand. My boyfriend, another guy friend and myself decided to drive to Salala which is in Oman, Salala is a beautiful part of an otherwise dry mountainous country, it known for t...
Salem Black River Church by AugustaM
My family first made landfall in North America in the 1730s. They soon settled in Sumter County, South Carolina and very quickly established themselves there. Ever since I was a little girl, I have devoured stories of ancestors' exploits and old stately family estates long lost to time. I believe ...
Sally Ann by Cheryl Mee
Selling real estate is an adventure unto itself. Sellers and buyers are always full of surprises, but occasionally the homes hold a few on their own. In April 1989, I did not believe in ghosts. No real reason to. It wasn't logical. But unfortunately, this story is true. That spring, I listed...
Sally Got Me In Trouble All The Time by ashleylesley
As a child I had an invisible friend, who I have come to believe was a poltergeist. I was abused as a child so there was a lot of negative energy. I was also very sick. I think sally was a culmination of that energy. One day in particular stands out for me though. Even as a pre-teen Sally was ar...
Sally Mae Hatfield by Ambi
I got a phone call this morning from Stan (the security guard in my last post). He told me that after the incident with our nurse-ghost that he was too freaked out to stay on nights, and that he had switched to a first shift position. I was wondering why I'd not seen him over the past few months. He...
Sally, my Friend by Morgan
I am going to tell you about a very odd and disturbing story of mine. It all started on November 5th 2006. Hope you enjoy it! I was up in my bathroom brushing my teeth when the toilet flushed behind me. I was all alone in the house. My mom ran out to the Grocery Store. I turned around but no one was...
Salt And Pepper by kec92
Since I was little strange things have happened to some parts of my family. It started before I was born. When my older brother was about two or three my mom would say he would talk to thin air. They thought it was our great grandfather. Since my brother was named after him. It turns out she was wro...
Salty Water by miley
This is actually not my story but this is my cousin's personal experience. My cousin Amber (not her real name) who was still 16 years old and a first year college of one of the Universities here in Cebu was watching a TV show after doing her homework. She was alone in the living room when my other c...
Salvation - Doomed Or Not by Valhalla
Being new to this forum, I thought I would fill you in on my story. I must warn you that it is somewhat long, but this is essential for you to understand and possibly help me. I was blessed with life in 1976, by a miracle. My mother suffered cancer in the uterus years before and was told that she...
Sam's Home by whitebuffalo
Our five-year-old got to choose where we spent Halloween night, as his sixteen-year-old sister was going with friends to an organized Haunted House. After giving him the choice of a few neighboring cities, he chose Middlebury. We parked the truck on to Main Street and headed out to gain some treats ...
Samantha's House by JustanotherTori
First of all I will apologize for the length of this story, but there is a lot to tell. These events take place in Harrison, Arkansas. It's a small town in Northern Arkansas. I currently live in Missouri but my best friend Samantha lives in Harrison. This is her story: Samantha is a single mother of...
Samantha's House 2 by JustanotherTori
First off, I'm sorry it took so long to do an update on my original story "Samantha's house". Also, thank you all for the comments. If you haven't read my first story, you may want to read it before this one. Now on to the update: A couple days after I wrote the first story I contacted Sam and ask...
Same Old Lady by Elina_ghostly
Greeting to all my fellow ygs reader. Its been very long since I have posted any story/incidents. This incident recently took place with me and my brother. There are 2 parts of this story. Apologies for the length of the story. INCIDENT:1 This was experienced by my eldest brother who lives in a...
San Antonio Haunting by ILee
This story is told on the account of my sister. We'll call her Irene. My sister Irene lived in San Antonio, TX with her boyfriend, Matt, while she attended UTSA. I've heard him tell stories of his place being haunted before and I wasn't quite sure I believed him. That is until my sister started call...
San Diego County Dark Roads by mainardo_flores
Just want to share a very recent ghost experience I just had a few days ago. I live in Escondido, California. There are plenty of dark rural roads here. I happen to frequent one such road due to my girlfriend living 30 minutes away from me. I often come home from her house very late. On the ...
Sanchez's Ladder -1st Floor South D Storage Hallway by SkufuiS
Old friends from my hotel childhood My name is Christian and I am 24 years of age and currently work at the Comfort Inn & Suites in the city of Long Beach, CA. My job is pretty cool and I have been here for three years. I come here everyday with a smile on my face and enjoy the company of our gues...
Sandbridge Cemetery Trip by lazria
This submission is the first ghost investigation trip me & a group of my friends did the latter part of last year. We are still trying to get the group up & running, but we most definitely want to go on many more trips. Aug 20, 2010 - Sandbridge Cemetery (Unknown name) Time = roughly 1 am to 2 ...
Sandra by Nephele
Near my town is a town called Elizabeth. In the town there's a road with 3 bridges that you go on. They're all named based on the order you pass them (1, 2, 3). (I don't drive yet so I don't remember what road, honestly) 2nd bridge is apparently where teenagers were supposedly drunk and got in a c...
Sane or Insane? That is the Question by SeeminglyInsane
I don't really know how to start... Or what to say. My story isn't as interesting or long as most on here. I guess I'll just start off with an introduction. I'm 15 years old, I know I'm young but I seek an answer. I know none of you can give it to me, but maybe guidance to it. I don't just have one ...
Sanlang Tira by MonGapo
First of all, I want to take this opportunity to share with you guys my story. It's quiet a bit long and I apologize for it. I just want to share every detail of it. My cousin's family (wife and two kids) had just moved to this newly renovated house that he got from his co-seaman as "Sanlang Tira"...
Santa Barbara Trip by alisaprune
I worked in Santa Monica at a salon on Wilshire Blvd. While I was there a manager from a different location was getting married. The stylists from the salon wanted to go to their boss' wedding. The salon was in Santa Barbara, about 1 hour and 45 minutes away. The owner of both salons decided to pu...
Sapi (possession) by mac_mac
I remembered when I was still eight or nine years old, it was May of 2004 when my uncle (father's side) told me that we are going to the province (Pangasinan) tomorrow because of unexpected things happening in their house. I heard him talking to my grandmother that one of our cousins there suddenly ...
Sarah And Her Stranger by Icarus_Blakely
This is the first experience of many that I will be posting to this site. While I was only a spectator of sorts, it revolves around the daughter of a friend of mine. My friend, whom we will refer to as Nicole, has a daughter that was 15 years old when I was staying with them. This girl, Sarah, is...
Sarah's Haunted Apartment by Fallenangel100680
Let me start off by saying that all my life I have experienced many paranormal events. From the time I was 5 up until now and I am 30. I am of sound mind and realize that the things I have encountered have been real and not my imagination. My husband and I rented a really nice apartment in Covi...
Sarel by SquishySwart
I have been reading the stories on here for the past couple of weeks and find them fascinating. My story begins on the 1st of June 1995. Now firstly I need to give you a little bit of a lay out, my room and my sisters room are on the other side of the house, with the kitchen basically splitting u...
Sarel 2 by SquishySwart
So if you have read my previous story you should have an outline of what we have been living with for the past 17 years. This is a more detailed event that happened around the time I was 13 and been living in the house for 3 years or so. My mom and dad have been divorced for a very long time and ...
Sat by a Ghost by Choua
I don't remember what month it was, but I remember I was only 8 or 9 years old, and my father had to leave town for the night. Since I am the youngest child, I was chosen to sleep with my mother for the night since she can't sleep on her own. That night, she slept on my father's side while I slept o...
Sat On And Choked By Something Unseen by lilpeachyghost
This experience happened around five or six years ago, I was in a pretty bad place in my life and struggling with some things. Mainly my religion and my love life; the two didn't mesh well and I was stuck between wanting to be a perfect disciple, if you will, and the need to be completely and utterl...
Satan's House by Nate365
My name is Nate and I am living in Las Vegas, Nevada. The story I am about to tell is based on a childhood home I grew up in and the encounters I had in it in Elkhart, Indiana. I have never posted this on the Internet before and have discussed writing a book on the incidents due to how unreal it all...
Satanic Cult Encounter by Brad
I don't know where to start. Let me just say that I am a strong Christian and you should never mess with evil. Just over 2 years ago in early October, me and a few of my friends had been toilet papering people every week. It was sort of our little rendition. We had always heard of a supposedly "sata...
Satanists In Savannah by Zander
The year was 1986. I was dating a young man from a little town outside of Savannah, Georgia. Ours had been an immediate attraction but no one comes without a past. In his case his last relationship still haunted him, I could tell. It was never completely clear why they were not still together becaus...
Sathyamangalam Forests by PSN
This happened to my and a close friend back in 1987. We were at college in Bangalore city, on Karnataka district of India. We are both from the Kerala Dist and were staying at the college hostel. One late night my friend's father who at that time was working in Kuwait telephoned him and asked if he ...
Saturday Morning Cartoons by bogienova
When I was a young child the best thing in the world was waking up early on Saturday morning for cartoons. At 6 o'clock on Saturday the first thing that they would show was "Mr. Peppermint" along with his right hand puppet Muffin and after that was over, they would start showing the good stuff like ...
Savannah Ghost Tour by youdontknowme88
If you haven't read Juliette Gordon Low's House, then this won't make sense. Please read that first. So, after we left Juliette Gordon Low's House, I was relieved. I couldn't have been happier! We drove back to the hotel to rest and then went out to dinner a little later. After dinner, we went on...
Saved By A Premonition Just In Time by chel
This experience was one of my first and most memorable experiences with the unknown. For a little back story on me, I have a family history of "psychics." My maternal grandmother was a fortune teller and tarot card reader, and my paternal grandmother came from a family of Irish gypsies. Despite that...
Saved By An Angel? by Sar-osity
I was reading a story on here and it made me think of one experience I had when I was in 3rd grade, so I was around 8 or 9 years old. I lived in a white building that had been made into apartments. They were fairly large apartments, from what I can remember, and I remember it very clearly. It ha...
Saved By Little Girl by Elgin
I've got a lot of stories to tell from my own experiences and my family but for now I'd like to start it off with mine. Here's a little experience I'd like to share that happened to me while I was still working for a call centre here in Baguio. It happened on the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2009 I forg...
Saved By The Saviour by Rasmibandana
I am Bandana. The incident which I will be narrating happened to my Father in 1978 when my Father was 28 years old and was working in State Bank of India. Now we stay in Cuttack that's our hometown in Odisha. Relating to some work my Father had to go to a town named Balangir which is almost 500kms f...
Saved From Danger by Rafaelo11
This is a short retelling of a ghost experience I had a few years back. I've had experiences since then but this was the most vivid one, which occurred when I was 15. Me and my friend were home alone, and we were into watching wrestling at the time. So, we decided to have a 'play fight' in the kitch...
Saving My Mother's Life? by HSDB816
Just some background information: I reside in Pennsylvania, I am 20 years old and I have always been "sensitive" to the paranormal. In fact, I have had many experiences happen to me other than the one I am about to tell you. On the day after Christmas in 2011 my dear MomMom passed away. She was my...
Saving The Living After Death by Takishima
This story takes place about a year ago when I was in high school second year. The school which I am studying in is famous for its paranormal experiences. The new school was built over the old school. Many have had seen ghosts in the school frequently. I did not believe those stories until I had exp...
Saviour In The Storm by valkricry
This happened to me this morning as I was walking to work, so I'm still puzzling it out. First off, I wasn't feeling that great and it was raining. It was also very dark out. 5:30 in the morning, the sun is still sleeping, and there is very little traffic. In fact I hardly see anyone out that earl...
Saw A Dead by Akshayy
Even today, when I think of that night, I still get Goosebumps, I'll never forget that night... I was 14 years old then, living with my parents in a city named Noida. One day when I came home, my brother told me that a girl died last night in the house alongside ours. He said "She hung herself b...
Saw A Ghost, Alarm Going Off, Flickering Lights by littleluv
I am just looking for some answers or just some help with these few things I have experienced. So I would really appreciate any feedback that you guys have. I just moved out of my old house less than a week ago. I had a few things happen in that house. I had a lamp in my bedroom that was constantl...
Saw A Shadow by seemayadav
I am here to share some paranormal experience this is happened to me when I was 16 years old. After completing my 10th standard on summer vacations I went to my mom's mother's home with my mom. My grandmother's house is in peaceful place. I played with my uncle whole day and at night I slept wit...
Saw An Imp In My Friends House by ashville
This is my most recent "experience" that happened about a year or so back. A friend and I were staying with one of friend's for a month in her old house, as we were all in the process of moving to a new house together. This house is in a well-known complex in lower Tableview in Cape Town, and con...
Saw Dark Shadow Men by corydoor
When I was younger I was living in Trinidad and I saw Running Dark Shadow Men moving really fast at my house in Madrass Road, in Trinidad and Tobago. It was a strange encounter at first. I didn't know what to make of it. I saw it multiple times and I saw many of them it was like after one came anoth...
Saw Him For The First Time by Narmada
This is actually my first story. First of all sorry for my bad English. I experienced this 3 years ago. It was my grandmother's 1 year alms giving. My mom wanted me to help with dishes. I remember everyone was talking in the TV room and I went to the kitchen alone and I remember I was holding an emp...
Saw It For First Time by Shrush
This is a very recent experience but nothing scary as compared to my previous experience. On my birthday, that is on 25 August, I remember that I was alone in the house at around 7pm. My mom and dad had gone out to buy new pressure cooker. As our Unit test was going on in school so my friends had re...
Saw My Old Friend, But Had No Idea He Had Died by ashville
I'm Lauren, from Cape Town. So great to see locals here too! I'm new to this site, and am enjoying reading all the stories and experiences. Here is my experience of not seeing a ghost, but rather a visit from an old friend. I was around 12 years old (24 now). My dad had fetched my from school, in...
Saxophone Terror by JoeEspinoza
It all happened in Mexico, to be exact I was only 17 years old when this event happened, it was during 3 o'clock p.m. So there I was playing my saxophone in my room. I was practicing a new song, just learning it to improve a little bit, weeks before this happened my Grandma had passed away. I was le...
Saying Goodbye by MELIB
In June of 2004 my father was diagnosed with cancer. After his surgery they gave him 3 months to live. My husband went through and made a big production of asking for my father's permission and taking to my family and making them a part of his proposal (which my dad missed completely because he was ...
Saying Goodbye by gingirl
This is a true story about a man named Dick. I had been dating Dick's son for about three or four month's, when Dick passed away. He was an elderly man and had lot's of health problems, my boyfriend was very close to his family. We went to his parents house two maybe three times a week, dinners, out...
Saying Goodbye In A Dream by mellyanne
First I would like to say, thank you for reading my experiences. I have had many but these are the two that mean the most to me. Second, here are my experiences with Nate. Nate was my best friend. We lived down the road from each other and any time we needed someone to talk we were there for each...
Saying Goodbye Or Was I Dreaming? by Will0w
This one is very hard for me to write as my aunt was taken from me in the most awful way. It happened over 11 years ago but I miss her everyday, I'd always been close to her and was with her right until the end. My aunt passed away from cancer 11 years ago, it was a shock to the family as I suppo...
Saying Goodbye To The Ouija by Aliviashae
This incident is one that occurred about a month ago. Everything I write here will be portrayed in the exact way it was portrayed to me. First off, I am really sensitive to energy and whatnot; Everywhere I go and every person I'm with, my senses are on high alert. It has caused serious anxiety si...
Saying Hello by Squeegie
Soo, this is my first post on here. This is my only personal experience I don't doubt was paranormal. This happened in 2007. My great grandmother Delphia had passed away from complications with alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, I never got to know her very well. We lived very far apart, I only k...
Saying Hello To Mark by gstar08
If you have not read my previous stories I ask you read them first as it gives you a lay out of my house and a better understanding of who lives in my house. My cousin no longer lives with me as she needed a bigger living space for her and her son as he has lot of toys. During this experience it is ...
Saying My Name by karla_08
The past couple weeks or so I've had four people I know pass away. Death is a natural thing and I accept that. But, ever since my Grandmother passed away things in my dad's house have gotten more active. When we first moved in here at night I could hear a person walking through the house. They'd wal...
Scar by Amor
This story was shared by my mother. She has so many paranormal stories, being sensitive and all. But this struck me the most because it involved me, even before I was born! In the Philippines, it is common for pregnant women to call for 'hilot' or what you may call a therapist in modern world. Th...
Scared And Confused by TrueRain
I am a 16 year old girl, I have lived in my house for 5 years now. Things started happening when I first spent the night at my new house. At first, it was just footprints, which didn't frighten me. But then things started to get worse, I would hear someone call my name, heavy breathing in my ear, an...
Scared And Confused Child by what_is_around_us
TThis story takes place in Jacksonville, Florida. I was around 9-11 years old (not sure which age, but in higher elementary school). We had just moved into a new house maybe about 10 minutes away from a cemetery. The events I will tell you about, I thought were caused by that, but later found out an...
Scared And Needing Help by JennaK
My name is Jenna and I live in a country town in NSW. I have always had a interest in the paranormal and when things would go *bang* during the night, I was always excited to find out what it was. But now lately, things have been starting to creep me out. For the past few weeks, when everyone is in ...
Scared Cats by mrsullivanniall
I am new here so I thought I'd share my story of when I was younger. When I was 11 years old, my family and I moved to the small bay of plenty town of Kawerau. The house we rented there would of been built in the late 1980's. We were all excited about the prospect of moving into this house becaus...
Scared For My Son by Acultofpersonality
You know, being able to write about these experiences I've had in my life is somewhat cathartic. It's difficult to talk about these things with John Q. Public -the average bear who doesn't believe in anything unless they can see it. I found in life that it was just easier to keep it to myself and ma...
Scared Half My Life by LadyTam
When I was eight I experienced death for the first time... When my baby brother passed away. Every since then I feel like I've be tortured. The first time it happened to me I was nine. We lived in Caruthersville MO, I had just taken a bath and I was reading before I went to bed. I put the book on my...
Scared In Tuticorin by preethinotscared
I have come to india for vacation and this happened while I was on a trip to tuticorin. Along with me were my mom, dad, sister, thaatha[grandfather], aachi[grandmother].we all enjoyed the trip but I and my mom felt that it was a bit creepy too. It was nearly 11:30 when we stopped by a roadside resta...
Scared In Tuticorin 2 by preethinotscared
This is a continuation of the last submitted story. I had to stay in aunt's house in Tuticorin. I had my bedroom which was just opposite to my cousin. I have two cousins. One of them studying in college second year and one more in twelfth. I stayed in my aunt's house for a couple of days. The first ...
Scared Little Boy by Shawna
I was 14 years old when I woke up in the middle of the night, it was storming badly. I woke up on the opposite side of the bed, which was very strange. I had a swivel chair in the middle of my room with the seat part facing me. From where I was laying it was straight in front of me. My bed was again...
Scared of a 10 Year Old Girl by evieleaf
It was somewhere around 9:00pm in april when I went to sleep normally. I was in my normal room and I have never encountered anything like I did until that day. When I closed my eyes, all of a sudden my body went colder and colder, I opened my eyes and looked all around my room for open windows, door...
Scared of Clowns by sasi3489
Have you ever had an experience that was so unexplainable, that even after twenty years, you still pull that memory out and examine it, searching for answers? That is what happened to me, and I am still grappling with this experience. It all started when I was ten years old, in the summer of 1982. ...
Scared Of Fridays by MaybeADreamer
I was born in 1976 and my younger sister Anne was born in 1979. I had another sister Emily who was born in 1978, she only lived for a few months & died of SIDS in 1978. I also had a younger brother Paul. We lived in an area called Eltham in London. This began back when I was 9yrs old (1986). It w...
Scared Of The Toy Room by Melisande
I want to share something that happened a few years ago that has, to this day, baffled me. My ex-husband and I dropped off our three children at his sister's house to spend the night. We were going to a party and were going to be late coming back so decided it would be best for us to pick them u...
Scared Out Of My Mind by paranorma123
My name is Sophie and this is my first try at telling my terrifying story. It is the first time I have ever told anyone except my parents my story, as I have always been terrified that people won't believe me or the ghost I have been seeing will get revenge for me telling people what happened. ...
Scared The Hell Out Of Me by spookyONE69
Most of us today are working from home. Some, on site but not as many than the usual. Everybody is afraid to go out because of the pandemic but sometimes, we have no choice and we need to earn money so we need to go to work. With that being said, I am one of them. I am working in a BPO company somew...
Scared To Death by moira850
Over the last 4 months I have woken up 4 times in the middle of the night scared to death and actually screamed out with horror. I am a very light sleeper normally and can wake up 2 or 3 times on some nights, checking the time and then going back to sleep. Over the last few months I have woken up...
Scared To Make Eye Contact by Whitemist
I was about 10 years old, on a family holiday with my two sisters and my dad, my mum and dad are divorced so my dads new girlfriend was with us. We stayed in Spain, in a building divided into 3 flats and a shared pool. The holiday was pretty bad and my little sister had really bad chicken pox. My ...
Scared To Sleep by hillary81112
When I was about 5 years old when I first seen her we lived in a house from I believe the 40's. My mom grew up in this house and she never experienced anything. When it first happened I was in the basement with my dad he was looking at baseball cards and I was colouring on the floor right next to hi...
Scared To Sleep Alone by Snezypop
Months have passed. And still happening. I have been dating my partner for over 4 years now, and to be honest he keeps me a lot safer at night... Lately, around 12-4 in the morning, it feels like someone/something is watching me sleep, I felt something pushing my head down into my pillow and when...
Scared... Teen by Splyex
I am a fourteen year old teen and I live with my father and his girl friend. My dad and I have been moving around a lot and rented cheap old houses and my dad finally saved up enough money to live in a decent home. Throughout my moving I have seen pretty weird things and I didn't want my dad to ...
Scares With A Little Girl by LexiBlue
I was 13 when my parents finally told me what happened when I was little. I had recently thought that maybe our house, or me was being haunted. This is my story. I'd been a little girl about maybe a couple of months old. My dad and his friend Brad had been home with me while my mom was out. My mo...
Scarf Noose by NyghtOwl
I am new to this but I felt I should submit my experience. I just graduated high school in a little neighborhood right on the city outskirts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Earlier in the year, my cousin committed suicide by tying a slip-knot noose, attaching one end to the door-knob of his closet an...
Scariest Experience by clearemotion
This is the first time I am telling my story on internet. I am 25yrs old and I live with my boyfriend and my 1yr old daughter. My boyfriend and me have been doing nothing but fighting and we are always tired. I work and go to school and am a mom. One night I got off work, I didn't get home until...
Scariest Experience 2 by clearemotion
I was hoping more than anything that the experience I posted about two weeks ago would be the first and last I have to talk about but its not. Two nights ago it happened again. The strange thing is that it almost repeated itself the same way... Let me explain better, I again worked until lik...
Scariest Foot Pursuit Ever by daveslod
September 12, 1989 I was on routine patrol in Blackford County, Indiana. I was on Lake Blue Water Road outside the city of Montpelier when I pulled into the parking lot of the Erie (real name) stone quarry. I observed someone standing near the building, I ordered the person to stop and not move. The...
Scariest Night of my Life by Eric
It was October 12, 2007 around 9:30 pm and I was on the computer. I was alone in the house (except for the cats) and was getting ready to watch a movie when all of the sudden one of my cats started hissing and scratching violently at the corner of the room that was completely empty. His hair was str...
Scariest Sleep Paralysis Episode Ever by multinathan911
I recently learned about sleep paralysis a few weeks ago, until then I thought that I was being tormented by a ghost or a demon as the things that were happening could not be shrugged off as a dream. I have had a few episodes but none of them this realistic and scary which made me research into it. ...
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