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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter T: Page 4
The Baseball And Mirror by Trilinkinn
This event occurred about 2 years ago. I was at a friend's party and his basement is haunted or at the time so he claimed it to be because, allegedly while the house was being worked on one of the workers had died. Here is how we proved that his house really was haunted. I was with my entire group o...
The Basement by Kest
I was always interested in ghosts even as a kid. I am not sure why. I liked ghost stories, and loved to hear about other people's stories, and eventually had my own story. I have had quite a few as a teen/adult and I hope to put them on here. However, my experiences never started until we lived in a...
The Basement by ghostlover13
I go down the basement steps to bring supper upstairs for tonight. It was a little colder than usual, but I did not think anything of it. I opened up the fridge door and then closed it. I thought I heard something beside me so I looked. A transparent white human figure walked right through the wall ...
The Basement At 426 by TennesseeDawn
Just a little bit of background information before I start my story. My boyfriend and I moved into this little basement suite in December of 2009. It was a cute place and I had never gotten a bad feeling about it (usually I get the feeling if something is there or doesn't want me there). So all was ...
The Basement Dancer by ScottRuiz
The year, I think, was 1992 in December. I was 8 years old. On this day my mother and father had gotten home from shopping. I was excited to find out that they had gone Christmas shopping! So as I was looking through the already wrapped gifts, I saw that I had less then everyone else. Being a kid I ...
The Basement Hall by sushantkar
Few days ago, I was stuck late in my office because we had a P.O. (Purchase Order) to open in order to purchase some license. Before continuing, I would like to provide you brief description of my professional life. I work in a Micro finance (please pardon me for not mentioning the name). In it I wo...
The Basement Hall-2- The Outcome by sushantkar
As I had mentioned in one of my stories named as 'The Basement Hall' that I would soon come up with the history of it; I fill satisfy that I my hard work had paid me off and I had finally dogged out the history of my office's archive room situated at the basement. The ghost of which I had encounter...
The Basement Incident by moonpie_peaches
The basement is split up into two large rooms, it's not that dark down there, but it's pretty cold. Dani and I were halfway across the first room, when from the corner of my eye I saw a bag, with something in it, land on the bottom step with a loud boom. We both screamed and Dani asked what was that...
The Bath Tub Ghost by Anonymous
This story was not actually experienced by me, but told to me by someone I am close to. It happened two years ago. One summer day, when I was out swimming with my cousins, my Great Aunt told me a strange story about her house. It happened a long time ago when her son, my Uncle, was still young enoug...
The Bathroom & The Yellow Girl by MissyMissy101
I was about 7 or 8 years old. I was in the girl's bathroom in my elementary school. It was as big as a normal size living room. It had two bathroom stalls, two sinks, and one paper towel dispenser. I was in the smaller bathroom stall, while my friend, let's call her Micky, was in the bigger stall. W...
The Bathroom Disturbance by PlaydoughMaster
It was like any other day just sitting with my step dad, watching TV when we got a call that my mom was sent to the lock up. My step dad left to place bail while I waited. My younger sister was at a friend's house so I was happy that I had the apartment to myself. I got a call on the house phon...
The Bathroom Door by cynthia
I'm Cynthia, and my grandparents house has been where I've lived until I was about 11. My mother and I had lived with my grandparents in a wonderful house in Blue Bell. One day, I was around 7 years old, and I was sleeping in my mom's room because at the time, my room felt very eerie. In the middle ...
The Bathroom Ghost by ghost_hunter997
This all happened about a week ago I was brushing my teeth, when I heard a knock on the door. Thinking this was my sister, I opened the door with my toothbrush still in my mouth to find that no one was there. Thinking this was just a prank my sister usually plays on me, I turned back in to the bathr...
The Bathroom Is Taken by josh_cabral
I've always heard of stories from my wife and her cousins about their grandparents' house being spooky and haunted, and never really took any mind to them. I did always feel a dark heavy feeling visiting this house though. I figured it was the tension of the family because they had a rough histor...
The Bathroom Light & The Tall Thin Shadow Man by kelsea159
It was about 2 in the morning on a Saturday morning, and my family and I were headed to my older sister's rugby game in Toledo. We were all really tired and needed to rest before the morning, so we stopped at a tiny motel in the country, about 30 minutes from a town. Upon walking into the tiny room,...
The Bathtub Ghost by eberkhols
I had never experienced anything paranormal before, but I wouldn't say, at the time, I was a diehard skeptic either. I always wanted to believe there was life after death, there's just no validation of it. Until something you cannot explain happens to you. I was over my friends house one night, ...
The Battle Of "good And Evil"... by pamelapetersen
So much prior to this experience I'm about to share had happened starting 20 years ago. The battle over my mortal soul was at stake and still to this day it is. How do I know? Because not only did I loose my sanity that fateful but miraculous day, my experiences in the spirit world entered my life i...
The Battle To Come by CPTBlood
I like day trips, just getting in my mustang and driving. This weekend in December 2018 I decided I'm going to the Hofbrauhaus German Restaurant in Cleveland and since I'm going I might as well explore the local legend of the Rockefeller gravesite. In Lakewood Cemetery, Rockefeller is buried with ...
The Bbc Studio's Are Haunted by BlackDiamondRattlesnake
This is my second story I've put in to be published after the story of my early life and how I started to see and later communicate with ghosts and spirits. This starts a few years ago now. I work at a stage and set designer for BBC London Studio's. I love my job and have met many interesting and...
The Beach House by mrdeagle
My grandmother owns a beach house in Lincoln City, Oregon. My family has been staying there for vacation since I was born. It has always been my favourite place to go in the world. The house is very small and old. It was built sometime in the 50's and has undergone many repairs in the past. I person...
The Beast by fourthgeneration
When I was in college in the early 1990s, I had an experience driving home around 1:00am-2:00am on Interstate 694 in the eastern suburbs of Saint Paul, Minnesota. It was late, and I was essentially alone in the middle lane of a multi-lane south-bound freeway (no other cars within several hundred yar...
The Beast At Lake Merril by AndreaRC
This story isn't actually my own personal experience but is a story that I'm posting on behalf of my dad (he's not internet savvy but wanted to share this when I told him about the site). It was a few years ago, he and my uncle were driving up to a place called Lake Merrill in the mountains across ...
The Beast On The Road by Carlos
Six years had passed since the events from "the green house". I knew that since that experience, my life was going to change for ever. Now, getting into the story, I was on summer vacations-my father has a house on Puerto Cayo-so I went with my sister and my dad for a week. Puerto Cayo is locate...
The Beautiful Lady In White by Cappy
I had been visiting the Queen Mary in long beach frequently. My girlfriend at the time was an entertainer and we use to go to their cocktail lodge after her performances. This was back in 1984/85. I've wanted to share this story for many many years. It wasn't until years later when I was watching a ...
The Beautiful Unknown Voice by Ali Luna
When I was around 6 or 7, me and my family were up in Texas visiting our relatives. We were staying with at our grandparent's house during our visit with them. We would all stay in my grandma's room because she had a huge king-sized bed. I was the one who slept next to the window and well, at that t...
The Beautiful Women in our Driveway by pinkroses
When I was nine years old in the late 1970's, my twin sister and I were playing in our long driveway at the very end near the back side door and garage. Our house was big and old with two stories. My parents only used the front part of the driveway to park their cars and sectioned it off by putting ...
The Bed by TJS
It was a few years back when I decided I needed time away from home and needed to visit some friends. I was 17 at that time and just needed a break. First I visited a friend in Krugersdorp and from there visited a friend in Fourways in Johannesburg. Let me first explain what the premises looked ...
The Bed Was Shaking by StaceyRe2003
This will be my first of many many stories that I will be entering on this site, every word I write is true and I have witnesses on MOST of the stories you may read from me. Now that I got that out of the way, I can begin... It was late last August, (2007), my now fiance and I lived in separate c...
The Bedroom by DelzLdy
For Christmas when I was about 10-11 years old, my parents bought me an electric blanket. I don't know how they function now, but back then the controls would click on and off to maintain the set temperature. I have always been a light sleeper, and this constant clicking on/off kept me wide awake. ...
The Bedroom Set by bluesman9669
I come from a large family... Shared a bedroom with 2 older brothers, so I was often put to bed in my parents bedroom since my bedtime was much earlier than my brothers. And then after I would fall asleep, I would be put in my own bed. One night I remember when I was about 6 or 7 years old, not ...
The Beer Can by Kawaii52
We had a party for my Grandma's 60th birthday, and I was up at 2 am with my uncle and his friend, Angel. We went to his house where his parents were sleeping in their room. I had invited my boyfriend, so it was my boyfriend, my uncle, Angel and me. My uncle went into a room to get the DVD case so ...
The Begining by texas_gurl_vip
Where to start well I guess I should start at the beginning. To start off I come from a family of very special people. We are Native American. Some in a family think we have shaman in our family history which is what makes us different. Let me explain how we are different we can see and speak to spr...
The Beginning by skitchblade11
I would like to share some of the strange experiences that I have had whilst living in my father's house in my late teens. It's a hot topic in my circle of friends, and I'd love to see what you all think. It all began when I was sixteen or seventeen. My father had decided to redecorate, so the ha...
The Beginning - Incubus And The Hypocrites Cry To God by morambo85
It was the end of my summer session of college in San Francisco at my Art college. I was staying in the dorms on Van ness and Broadway. I remember being really lonely and depressed and had decided that day to kill myself. I was just so down and alone. I walked around the corner to a wallgreens on Po...
The Beginning Of It All by karengm
I have been thinking a lot lately about the very first paranormal experiences I had when I was little. I am 24 and I live in Texas now, but I was born in El Salvador. I lived there until I was 13. This story takes place there. I was about 6 years old and I remember I lived with my mom, dad and s...
The Beginning of It All by skeptical81
I've told you before how my Ex Mother in Law's house was a little, ummm "creepy", so I figured I'll tell you where it all started. My ex mother in law was cleaning out the attic of her new house before she officially moved in. There were some strange things left behind by the former owner who was mo...
The Beginning Of My Living Nightmare by MissPanda
This is my first story on this site and I apologize if I'm not the greatest storyteller. I just wanted to share what has been going on pretty much my whole life. This may have to be done in multiple stories but I'll get what I can into this... Just some background info, the house we live in was d...
The Beginning Of My Paranormal Experiences, Age 3 by MusingsGrace
As this is my first story shared on this site, I felt it makes the most sense to begin at a beginning. I'm a rare individual who has always known ghosts, and therefore has never doubted them. I'm also a lucid dreamer; this is also a part of me that is hard wired. Unfortunately, when one is under 4, ...
The Beginning Of My Uncle's Knocking by spiritwaiting
This took place when I was 14 years old. It was around 3 years after my uncle had passed due to suicide. I hadn't mourned him yet so around this time is when I did. One afternoon while I was alone in the house, this took place during summer break and when my parents used a lot of their time worki...
The Being In My Closets by Maryr
When I was 9, my parents divorced, and my mom bought a house across town. I don't remember much about the house at that age (it was almost 11 years ago), and I spent most of my time outside. When I turned 12 or 13, I don't remember specifically, I started feeling very strange in my bedroom. It wa...
The Bell by Surya
I know hardly anyone read my story The Temple, so before I write this story, in my previous story I mention the bell in the temple ringing but no one there. That is all I will say. The temple we have in the flat is the one we took from my then marital home. The children wanted one when they were ...
The Bellevue Haunt by Krom1987
Recently I posted my first paranormal experience that affected my life ever since, and it's posted on here titled "Playing With Fire". I'm explaining that to you if you want to know where my paranormal experiences started, and that this is a different experience altogether, hopefully unrelated to th...
The Bells by Poppett91
Ever since I was little, I have come across many strange things; I've felt things, seen things, heard things and even smelt things that are sometimes very familiar to me. Ever since my grandma passed away, which was about 10 years ago in June, my experiences have weirdly increased. I will post many ...
The Best Friend's Haunting by DancingInTheDark
My name is Keri. My best friend Tasha and I met in the 7th grade, we're now in the 10th. We had both had weird things happen before we met, but when we actually started hanging out, that's when things got really bad. The first incident was when Tash was sleeping over at my house. In my old house...
The Bicycle Light by Trix
This happened in the early 1980's in Natal. My family was very close. We used to gather every Christmas. My uncle and my aunt were renting this big farmhouse in Natal. That year all the family was invited to spend Christmas with them. We were all very excited when we saw the house because it was suc...
The Big Black Things Pt.1 by skullyturtle
Everything I mention in these entries is true, I will not exaggerate. This starts back in 2011, when I was twelve. I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a few neighbors, fields, woods, and with a creek that runs in front of my three story house. I was home alone at about ten o'clock a...
The Big Black Things Pt.2 by skullyturtle
This takes place not too long after my previous story. I was downstairs in my neighbor's basement/game-room as both of my parents were at work, and after my previous experience with the black thing out by my barn, I refused to stay home alone. I probably would have taken my house over this one had I...
The Big Blue Orb by Indie101
As a small child I would normally be left in the care of my elder brother while my parents went out on a Friday night. My brother was 16 at this time and always had friends over, not just one specific type either, the goth, nerd, prep and a few chavs. At the time I was 5 or 6 but this specific m...
The Big Haunted White House On Kinloch by Nikki1990
When I was about 3, my grandmother lived in this big white house. I lived with her and my mother. My mother and I shared a room and my grandmother had her own. One night my grandmother heard a voice say "Can you hear me now?" so she got scared and went downstairs to the couch. The same night a littl...
The Big Man by Kayla_Lynn
In a previous submission, Held Down By Unknown Force, I mentioned an encounter in a comment about seeing a man in my grandmother's living room. I said that I would share it, so here we go. This took place perhaps about a year ago, give or take. My ex-boyfriend and I had just returned to my grandm...
The Big Man And The Little Girl by SuperAust88
This event took place in Qiudersbach Germany and was in a very old house there. This happened when I guess was 13 and it scared the living crap out of me. So sometimes I would wake up in the night not a big deal right? Use the restroom and maybe to check the computer to see if it was off. The wa...
The Big Old Tray by msforgetmenott
After sharing events from my childhood, I thought I would move up about 40 years and tell you of an event that I had with an old antique. Now all our parents are gone and we are empty nesters, the year 2003. I had become ill with ovarian cancer, and left my place of employment, needing to rest for ...
The Big One by Wish-Not
I left my last story "Just a Handful..." with the late night visit. Whatever it was came into my room and stopped on the other side of my bed. This story will pick up from there just a few weeks later. I had been on my guard since the last visit. It was the first time I felt threatened/scared. At...
The Big Shadow by deyanna
This story is shared by Ate Angie (if you can remember who she is in my other stories). For those who don't know her, she is our neighbor/relative in some way. Their house is the only one standing on the corner back part of our house and she tends to see or feel spirits/entities. She is in HS during...
The Big White Ball by dreamshappen
One day I was working at a local hospital and it was early in the morning. I can't remember the time or date but I was walking down the hallway. I was taking the big brute containers we use to put the trash in and as I was just about to leave the one door area when I seen a big white ball. It was re...
The Biggest Mistake I've Ever Made by Klore
So I know many people have asked if I've had a second experience with the same entity from my previous story, but I feel it is best to move this whole thing in chronological order so that is what I'm going to do. I have never been the religious type, despite my experiences when I was little, but...
The Bingham Light by Dee-J
NOTE: I copied and pasted this story from my personal blog. Even though the events first took place a few years prior, the actual story was written back in 2013-2014. However, earlier this year (2015) I made an updated conclusion on my evolved thoughts regarding the nature of this phenomena. Now ...
The Bingham Light Continued by Dee-J
Not too far from my hometown is a small community out in the bush (or "boondocks" as many of you may say) called, 'Bingham'. For almost 200 years it has been known that Bingham has had a paranormal phenomena popularly known as the, 'Bingham Light'. No one as of yet can explain what it really is but ...
The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2 by Dee-J
Hey guys! I will be taking you back to my "Bingham Light" encounters. To give a bit of backstory on the history of this "ghost light" and my very first encounter with it, you can check one of my past stories titled "The Bingham Light". The Bingham Light is something that I've been going to se...
The Bingham Light On Halloween Night by Dee-J
I haven't posted on this site in a long time, mainly because I haven't had any recent experiences aside from maybe one earlier this year or last year I think. However, that changed just this past Halloween so I just wanted to give an update on another experience with the Bingham light! (Read my p...
The Black Butterfly by Taylor
Let me start off by saying that I did not feel threatened by the "butterfly" that I saw, and am posting this story because I wish to see if anyone has any ideas on what it could of been and if it was a spirit, why it would take said shape. About a month ago, I was just finishing up my nightly Sc...
The Black Cat by Elahie
When I was younger, I liked to go 'under the cocoa' (Creole Engish-Back Yard Garden). I still do. There are many trees up there, but there is one that blossoms very often, twice yearly. This is the plum tree. I love plums. One day I went to pick some, I think it was a Sunday and plum season was c...
The Black Cat And The Girl by TrueNubbeh
When I was... Around about 11 years old, MAYBE 10, My door, which was shut, popped open, and a black cats head popped around the corner and the cat walked into my room, climbed up the wall and sort of, danced gracefully around stuff on-top of my chest of drawers. It may seem like a weird sort of sle...
The Black Cat, The Pulsating Shape, And The Growl by Valkyrie_Thorn
I've been lurking around the site for a few years now, but I only recently got an email address, so this'll be my first post on the site. My experiences with the paranormal are rather limited and all took place during my childhood. I decided it would be best to sum up all my experiences here, rather...
The Black Cloud by AlexandraMD22
On an early September morning before school, my mom was brushing my knotty, unruly hair. She was sitting on the living room couch and I was standing with my back to her, directly in front of her. I was looking blankly, sleepily at the rest of the living room, not thinking about much of anything. Bei...
The Black Crow by Jaiicee
The experience I am about to share is something that happened my mother and grandma. Now I can't say for sure if what happened was paranormal, but it was definitely a very creepy experience. The story is based in Australia and happened about 25 years ago. My mother and grandmother are not really...
The Black Dark Figure by Karen123456789
Even when we started to move in, I kept seeing dark figures. Especially in my room at night. If you know why does this happens, please help by writing it in the comments. So here is the story, Last night when me and my 11 year old sister named Kate was watching a movie, I felt thirsty so I went ...
The Black Dog by sherbielynn
For more than five years I've kept this story to myself. I grew up in a small town called Union County, South Carolina. I had the day off due to the snow and was across the street wasting time with my neighbor. A little after midnight, I grew tired and decided to walk back to my house. As I appr...
The Black Dog - Padfoot by Sidonie
I remember when I was very young growing up in Sooke, Vancouver Island, I used to play alone in our 2 acres of woodland. I always knew there was something with me, I familiarized it with a dog, but it was not until much later that I found it was more than just a figment of my imagination or some "in...
The Black Dog With Red Eyes by RufusMador
When I was between 10-11 years old my family was going through an extremely rough patch. My parents were breaking up and life really wasn't a happy time for anyone. I remember the last night my parents were together a terrible fight broke out, pots were thrown, screams and cries echoed through the h...
The Black Figure by Bo
I live in a beautiful little house, every one I know thinks of it as a doll house. It's located in a nice neighborhood, or so I thought. Two nights ago I was putting my little girl to bed, I went to my room and was laying down. looking out the opened window. I just got relaxed when I was startled. I...
The Black Figure And Other Experiences by josh2010
I Moved to a Town called Casino (NSW Australia) in 2006 with 2 mates and because we didn't have a house to move into, we had to stay in a Pub. That's where the experiences started to happen. It started with me waking up at night around 2am and seeing glimpses of a black figure in the room. This w...
The Black Figure And Strange Occurrences by KatherineLinien
Let me make it very clear now that I thought most of the things happening to me were things that happened to many others. As I will explain in a little bit, these black figures and weird occurrences that have been happening in the house I have been living in have never happened in my friends' houses...
The Black Figure And The Head by Lild0ggirl
I was visiting my mom (let's call her Cheryl) recently. She told me she sees a black figure in her room a lot. I don't think she is scared of it. Here is the story she told me. Cheryl was going to sleep. She was also the only one in the bed. The dogs were with me in another room, for I was stayin...
The Black Figure And The Pigeon by easyforcheez2
This experience happened near Spokane, Washington in the early fall month of September in 2020. MY fellow user on here who goes by easyforcheez and has already submitted one of our experiences before, (which was the ball that started all of these experiences and problems) decided to go for a drive w...
The Black Figure At The Table by NicoleLynne23
Since I was about 10 I have had a few encounters with ghosts or whatever it is they are called. Nothing violent or dangerous ever happened, but I did have them and it always left me a little shaken. My first ever was when I was 10 and arrived home from school one Friday, my mom was at work while my ...
The Black Figure Following Me by Tessalittlechief
My family moved to a small town into a very new house. I left this house for 4 years to live with my father. When I came back, I had to stay in the basement and I was totally fine with it until one night. I was watching a movie in my room and I noticed my cat (she's an old cat) looking at the wall i...
The Black Figure On The Road by anne4884
My uncle's friend was driving down Killahgintober Road, Ballycumber. He noticed a black figure on the road about 7-8 feet tall completely black. He didn't want to drive near it so he tried to reverse when he looked over his shoulder and then looked back the black figure was right in front of his car...
The Black Figure That Hurts Me by ghostgirl96
Ive been seeing this black figure since I can remember. When I was little it used to just be a blur, but now it is getting clearer and clearer. I can now see that it never wears clothes, it is very muscular, and it likes to show itself through mirrors. I have been seeing it outside of the mirrors fo...
The Black Figure, And Hovering Orb by maria30
I moved into this apartment a little over a year ago and every since day one I have felt that something has been watching me. I have felt it hovering over me when lying in my bed to the point where I would jump up, and switched the light on. It wasn't until last summer that I had a friend stay o...
The Black Figure: The Worst Sleep Paralysis by KXNGSD
I live in Las Pinas City, the southern part of Metro Manila. There is nothing spooky from where I live or my house but, I have experienced sleep paralysis. The way I see it, it is more like a tormenting, extremely unpleasant, haunting and dark type of sleep paralysis. It was around October-Novemb...
The Black Glob by Jessicqqqq
Hey guys! This is going to be my second story on here. I'm going to give you a little background. I live in Vegas (I don't know if location has anything to do with this). So I moved back into my parents' place a month ago. Ever since then, I've been hanging out with one of my friends who's very pron...
The Black Goglet by Chiku
Folks, this is my first story here. I have been reading stories in this site from last few months and this gave me strength to submit my own experience for the general readers. This happened few years ago when I was attending my close friend's funeral. He along with his twin babies had passed away...
The Black Haired Man Says I Will Die by elizabethbath0ry
I got off work yesterday at five, came home and took a nap. I awoke an hour later to see a dark figure, a young man with shoulder length black hair sitting in the computer chair in front of the tv. I closed my eyes, thinking it one of my room mates friends wanting to play video games. I didn't think...
The Black Hairy Man by gelique
This happened when I was 16. It was around October 2008, I was a freshman at a University in Northern Samar, Philippines. My sister (on her Senior year) and I had another row. She was crying (as she often does when we argue) and I really felt guilty yet still angry towards her. I want to stop our fi...
The Black Hand And Other Strange Things by esther91
The first experience happened when I was about 8 years old. Two of my sisters one younger, and one older and I all shared a room. The night this happened we were all reading. It was late at night probably 11:00 pm or so. Anyway all of the sudden, a completely black hand shot across our bedroom and t...
The Black Humanoid by tendo_pain
This is the first time I submitted a personal paranormal experience. It happens way back in 2003 in a remote island in Quezon province. Me and my girlfriend decided to have a vacation in their province (Quezon) because they will having a clan reunion. When I first arrived there, I think it was o...
The Black Lady by FNoblesse
This Story happened in year 2006 when my grandmother on my father side died. I was still in elementary and was 11 years old back then. When my grandmother died, my father's family decided to move her to province called Aklan in the Philippines. They want to have her funeral there. In the Philippi...
The Black Lady And The Girl by czamantha
I have been reading real ghost stories for quite sometime. I don't know why, but I found it very interesting though others think it's weird. But this is my first time to post my own experience which happens 8 years ago. I was born and raised here in Baguio City and all those years of staying here...
The Black Lady Figure by Sami2x4
Let me start again with some more info. I do live in the same place as mentioned in my previous story. For those of you who haven't read "Little Girl: Jane" I'll let you know that I can and very often do see spirits. This story starts off 2 days before I actually see the Black Figure. One night,...
The Black Lady in the Window by stillwater
It was past midnight when a necessity woke me up from bed. I was feeling really tired because of the whole day band practice. I searched for the switch of the lights in the living room. I had to cross the living area before I could heed to the comfort room. When I got there, I was awaken by the sudd...
The Black Lady of Sitio Bungol by stillwater
It was the third week of summer when me and my two friends, Drew and Josh, decided to take a break from our usual days. By the way, we are a three-man, struggling, hopeful band trying to make it in the scene. Our destination was my Uncle Jun's house situated in a small village called Sitio Bungol, 1...
The Black Little Figure by Nely
Something totally strange and scary happen to me. It was sometime in January and I just got back from a long day at work, I took a long bath and went to bed. I turned off the lights and went to sleep. Suddenly I woke up, I didn't move at all (could not move at all!) I was lying on my stomach fac...
The Black Man In Acacia Tree by Terrence
Way back 1996, I'm just 7 that year. We're living in small house in Baliuag, Bulacan. We're just simple and happy family way back then until something happened. One afternoon my mother and I walking at basketball court. That time I felt something weird because the court was surrounded by many Ac...
The Black Man in Little Falls and Old Lady in Ilion, NY by youmaysayimadreamer
When I was little (around 2 or so and still small enough to be in a crib) my mother and I lived in an apartment in a house that had been converted to a four family home. This house was on Church Street in the small "city" of Little Falls. I used to tell my mother "the black man" was there to see me....
The Black Man That Loves To See Me Suffer by MoniqueNicole620
Hey guys... Well I've never been pinned to my bed, and god forbid because it must be a horrible experience but I have been followed for a long time now. I'm 21 years old and from New Jersey. I moved here not so long ago, but before that lived in long island. All my life well around 12 13 have fe...
The Black Mark by Christa
I would like to share a story my mother witnessed, for it happened to my mother's aunt in the 60's. I don't really know how to define what happened and what really happened. I will be pleased to have your point of view and knowledge on this subject. My mother's aunt ("Betty ") was living with he...
The Black Mass by nkyghosthunter
I've had experiences with the paranormal since I was quite young. The first experience, that I can recall, was when I was 11. My grandpa picked me up from school as he always did. My friends and I had come with the idea to do fake tattoos for money. As soon as I got home I went to the kitchen to beg...
The Black Mirror Ghost by twichie
Today I am writing this on the account that I have in fact seen a ghost, if I had taken a picture and was able to post it along with this story, I would, and please if you do not believe me then do not mock me, I am posting this story because I need help! About a few months ago, I was staying up lat...
The Black Mist by CuriousDee
I have already posted a few stories involving the house I grew up in and the resident spirit nicknamed "George". My two brothers and father still live there. The following incident was experienced by my brothers about 3 years ago. A quick description of the house location and layout: The hous...
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