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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 34

The Little Black Imp by Spockie

This story takes place when I was maybe 4 years old. I was raised by my paternal Grandmother, my Great Aunt, Bet and her daughter, Lena who was my grown cousin. Growing up in that old cotton-mill house I didn't have a room of my own, but would take turns sleeping with the three adults. This happ...

The Man In My House by Sean

Today is October 22nd 2008 and yesterday was a bit weird but today takes the cake. I returned home today from dropping my daughter off at high school. I am 34 and have a no mental issues and have no issues of any kind. I am very skeptical of anything out of the norm but today proves me wrong. I ...

Visions Of Spirits by Kira

Lately for the past month or so I have had visions of demonic faces, Names of people, snippets of newspaper articles and hearing my name be called. THe most recent thing I have found out is that a word I see in my visions usally within the day to the next day I see that word. The most recent one is ...

The Ghosts On Ligoneil Road by conorcorbett

Living as a young boy in Belfast (Ligoneil road), I awoke one morning to see a young girl dressed in Victorian clothes playing with toys in my bedroom. I wasn't afraid by the sight just slightly confused by the experience. A few months later my mother also heard children's voices playing late at nig...

The Dog Didn't Bark by thewhiteknight92

I remember when I was thirteen I had my first ghost experience. It couldn't have come at a better (or worse) time. It was just me and my dog Zeus. Like most Thursday nights, I was at home, either watching a movie or surfing the Internet. If I can remember, it was probably 8 at night. I was in my roo...

The Big White Ball by dreamshappen

One day I was working at a local hospital and it was early in the morning. I can't remember the time or date but I was walking down the hallway. I was taking the big brute containers we use to put the trash in and as I was just about to leave the one door area when I seen a big white ball. It was re...

The Ghost I Keep In My Heart by Hankules

I want to apologize for the length of this submission, I can't tell an incident by just relating facts I'm a writer at heart and as such I feel that it is important that I relay everything. I believe in this case it's important to give you the background to it. I ask you to believe me when I say tha...

Roberto by Hankules

Normally the holidays are a special time for everyone, with gifts and parties. Well New Years Eve 1996 was an especially good day for me. Not for what you would normally think. On my side attached to my belt I'd been carrying a pager for almost three years, There was nothing extraordinary about i...

The Knocking Tree by Sapper

While on vacation last year (2007) my wife and I went to Ashfield, Ma. To visit her family and relax. We took are to pups Sapper and Kiki along for the trip as well. We drove from Florida to Mass camping in the State parks and forests along the way. It was a long drive which my wife decided to take ...

Phantom Inmate by Sapper

In 2007 at the facility I work in we had a suicide. A young inmate hung himself in his cell and was unable to be resuscitated. The coroner's report would list time of death on the way to the hospital by suffocation or more general, lack of oxygen. In the short amount of time the inmate had, he manag...

A Visit For A Little Girl by Ghostgirl24

This story was told to me by my mom, When I was 3 years old my Uncle Gary and Aunt Lorraine took me to spend a night at their house, They made me a bed at the bottom of theirs and there I fell asleep. In my Uncle Gary's house there are two doors one on the right side of the house and one on the left...

Haunting At The Great Sand Dunes? by killingkilgore

This is less of a story, and more of a question. A question as to if it were a real haunting. I'd say I've experienced my fair share of paranormal things, but I'm still very, unaccustomed I guess when it comes to determining if something is actually supernatural or not. I suppose it also doesn't hel...

My House On South Franklin Street by Jim565

Back in the summer of '87 I purchased a house on South Franklin Street in Janesville, WI. It was an old Victorian 5 bedroom built sometime in the 1880's. It had been empty for several years and was in quite a state of disrepair. Other than the roof, It didn't appear to have ever been updated and nee...

Being Followed From School by LILRED

My first experience with the supernatural was 3 years ago, in the suburb Sunnybank, Brisbane. I and three other friends of mine were out for a night walk in the neighborhood around 9:00 PM. A few hours later we decided to head back home. We were 15 minutes from home when we decided to take a shor...

A Lesson In Shadows by whitebuffalo

I have been known for saying that we never know who our real teachers are. We have an idea on who is qualified to teach us on a variety of subjects, but surprisingly, the one who gets the lesson across is usually the one that we least expect. A few nights ago I had such a lesson. Those of you who h...

Back To School by whitebuffalo

One of my closest friends asked me a question here lately about visions that he had been having. Some of the pictures confused me a might, so I asked for another family members opinion on them. What came out of it was a lesson. A beautiful one at that. I learn best by two methods. One being LIVING t...

The Rest Home by cband

I submitted a story about the haunted trailer, and this is what followed after that one. We decided to move in with my aunt, my mom's sister. She lived in what was once a rest home for the elderly. She was a wild person, she liked to drink and spend most of her nights out on the town. She had 10 kid...

Potters Bar Zeppelin Ghost by leeebling

In Hertfordshire, England, in a small village of Potters Bar, during the first world war on October the 1st 1916, a zeppelin (a German airship) was shot down by an english pilot called lieutenant Tempest. With a crew of around twenty also included a notorious German pilot called Kapitan Hendrich Mat...

Cryptic Wake Up Call by Shia453

I want to put down as much detail as I can remember. I don't think that I have any particular gift for sensing spirits, but I believe that there's a human spirit haunting my home. Unlike some ghosts, though, he's not a very active spirit at all. I'm not sure who this ghost is or what he looks lik...

My House On South Franklin Street 2 by Jim565

This is a continuation of my first story; "My House on South Franklin Street" Please read it first if you haven't already so you can get the whole picture of the story. In the first part, I left out an important part by mistake. Remember, I said there were 4 metal chairs, 3 tan and 1 spray painte...

Ken by hauntedbytheliving

When I was younger my Mother and two Aunties all worked as barmaids and cooks in the same pub in the town we live in, for many years the pub was run by a couple called Ken and Doreen, I took a particular shine to Ken, I found him to be a very kind, caring and loving character, as was his wife but th...

Ghostly Face In The Window by Leanne

First off I would love to say I am very grateful to have found this wonderful site. I had many unexplained experiences through out my life and have always been a seeker to explain what I've seen personally and heard from others. The only time I have experienced a ghost/apparition when I was fully aw...

Ghost Dream Wakes Me Up A Lot by amanda28

I have been having strange dreams. These dreams happen early in the morning when I am in a dream state. When this first happened I felt something pressing on the bed next to me. At first I thought it was my husband getting back in bed but when I opened my eyes nothing was there. I would feel thi...

The Demon In Alien's Clothing by Hankules

I will honestly admit this is going to be hard to believe as I write it. I find it hard to believe myself and wonder if perhaps I dreamed it, but in no way can I convince myself that I did. Even today as I think about this incident I still get a cold chill down my back. If I recall it at night I clo...

Baby's First Ghost by Hankules

n my lifetime I've seen ghosts approximately 7 times. Of those times there only 2 experiences that I have doubts about, this is simply because I can't trust my own recollections. I've heard many people speak of seeing ghosts when they were children. Of the many cases I hear of concerning this sub...

Looking For Rum by Ghostgirl24

My Uncle Gary bought the home his grandparents once lived in. My great grandfather Michael built the home back in the early 40's. Michael and Nelly were my Grandmothers parents and in this house my Aunt Mary, my Uncle Joe and my Grandmother Teresa were born, My grandmother had 3 siblings the younges...

Candle Reading by alexxxx

I myself cannot explain this. My grandma had been up for a visit, and we of course had to bring out the Ouija board. Even though it was rare that we ever got much activity from the Ouija board in my house, we had to try anyway. We had it on our kitchen table, and we lit two candles. The first spi...

Double Vision by deadbolt

y sister and I have always been very close with each other, we tell each other most things, but when it comes to me being scared of something, I don't tell her. When we were younger, we liked to play, play, and play! Our parents would put us to bed, but we would go to each others rooms and conti...

He Was Here, The Devil by curiousgal99

Once again I'm catholic, although not a very good one. Needless to say, I make a lot of dumb mistakes. This Saturday I called up one of my friends and decided to go out drinking. I'm very lightweight and I'm extremely buzzed/slightly drunk after four drinks. I had my four and we were sitting out by ...

The Dead That Followed Me Too Many Times To Count by ghostseer

I was born in Panama, but when I was old enough, I left for the USA. I didn't want to go back there. Not to see family, not to reminisce. I never felt homesick. I just didn't want to go back. My fault... My choice and I had a good reason. I still have many family members in the old neighborhood, but...

Ghost Picture by mulder81

I was in a treatment center in the early eighties, 1982 to be exact. I was taking photo's of people that I was getting to know. I was using the Polaroid camera, and was taking one of my two roommates that I shared a room with. After developing I noticed that picture was a double exposure and forgot ...

Spirit Girl by Sparkie

After posting my other story, I did research on the house. The history is not good at all. Later I was thinking about it when this strange light came on in my room. I got freaked out. In my mind I said "Show your self". Well... It did. It was a little girl. She started giggling then this burst o...

Not Many Experiences But Baffled By The Ones I've Had by Angelsma

As a young girl (about 8 or 9 in 1967) my family drove to Hamilton, Ohio from Englewood, Ohio a suburb of Dayton to attend the funeral of my stepmother's father Paul Wenning. We called him Poppy; he was originally from Germany and didn't speak much English. We loved him dearly - he was extremely kin...

The Myrtles by ABFine

My wife and I left Natchez, Mississippi the morning after my encounter with Madeline. (This story is related in my first post-entitled "Madeline".) The next stop on our road trip was New Orleans. We were traveling south on Route 61 and not long after entering Louisiana I saw a sign for the city o...

Demons In My Head by Itsme

I'll start with my 1st encounter with an actual ghost figure. It was late, about two or three A.M. I woke up and went down the hall for a glass of water. As soon as I was going to turn on the light I hesitated because there was a black figure with a top hat on. I was very frightened and settled for ...

A Friend Indeed by Trizi_808

I can still remember her name, Mary Grace. She became like an older sister to me in High school, she was 2 years older than I was but she always had my back. She was originally from the Philippines (this information, will come in handy later in the story). I remember for our secret Santa thing that ...

A Touch On The Face by ElinaIoneki822

It started last night, (10/26/08), when my friend Chad* and I were watching TV in his room. It had been awhile since I had seen my best friend, let alone come over to his house and hang out. My friend lives in Long Beach and I've been to his house many times before. I have felt a presence in his hom...

Grandma's House In Ewa Beach by Trizi_808

I'm 25 years old now, but I remember growing up in my grandma's house in old Ewa Beach. It was a typical 3bedroom house until they renovated it and it turned into a duplex house with 10 room, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, 3 1/2 baths (go figure) we lived there for about 13-14 years. I guess we should ...

A Haunting In The Wild West by ghostseer

Texas is a big place!, I don't have to tell you this. Everybody knows the history of the State.It's also famous for huge cowboy hats, spurs and longhorn steer. Some of the best chili I ever tasted, came from folk who wear western wear and cowboy boots. I grew up with country music, and my dad was gr...

Grandad by Lex

I was nearly 13 when my granddad passed on after being sick for nearly a year. I hadn't seen him in about 3 years before then, as us grandchildren always made turns to go visit our grandparents as they lived far away at the coast, Cape Town. My granddad and I had always been close-he was a teach...

A House Of Doppelgangers by maharlika

My brothers and I have been living in our townhouse for 8 years now, ever since I entered college and my brothers entered high school in an exclusive school in Quezon City, Philippines. Our townhouse is only a 10-minute-walk away from the school, which is very convenient for us. However, because our...

Aunt Stella by Ghostgirl24

My Aunt Stella was a funny woman. She loved to smoke her cigarettes, and have a good game of cards with a glass of rum and coke. She worked in the kitchen of the children's hospital where I stayed for a burnt foot. When I was 11, my Aunt Stella was diagnosed with brain cancer. She became very si...

Tales Of Belfast by conorcorbett

I've heard many stories of old Belfast and many of them relate to my family and my friend's family so here we go! While talking with my friend's mum one evening, the subject arose of methods of contacting the dead. She told me that when she was a young girl around 15 she and her friends whilst a...

Campus Ghosts by babygirlacm

I go to school. It's like a college were there is a maximum of 300 to 400 students that go here. There are two dorms, one for the girls and one for the guys. The campus I go to used to be an old bible college. There have been occurrences of hauntings in some buildings here on campus in St Paul-I don...

A Room Full Of Shadow People by Spooky

This happened when I was about 8 years old so it would have been around 1977. A friend of my brother's had just been killed in a car accident and I was having a nightmare about her. I awoke and was startled to find people standing in my room. There were two beds, mine and my older sister's. I lo...

Come With Me by kjh159

I had just returned to my apartment (student housing) after class and was a bit tired so I figured I'd take a nap then go on with the day. But as I laid down to sleep, I found resting to be very difficult. The moment I closed my eyes, I would hear tons of voices... So many people were suddenly t...

Experiences In My House by kjh159

My first memorable encounter with a ghost would be when I was about 9 or 10 years old. It was about 10pm and I was leaving my bedroom and on my way to my mother's room which was about 4 feet from mine. As I left the room, I looked down my hall to the left and saw something white standing there. It s...

They Bother Me A Lot by kjh159

When I was about 14, I changed bedrooms and now occupy the room that my grandmother used to stay in before my parents divorced and she moved out with my dad. She never spoke of anything strange back then (we weren't quite friendly). But I often wake up paralyzed and seeing ghostly figures at the end...

Tiny Terrors by Piro

I'm Piro and I wrote the Nikki story. Back track to when I was 5 or 6, sitting on my bed with my best friend. We both went to a Catholic school and we were wondering if God ever came down to earth. I kicked him out for a moment and tried to ask Him to give us a sign of his presence. I opened...

My First Cleansing by rookdygin

It was Columbus day week-end in 1992. One of my best friends (Smitty) in the Navy was going to be home on leave in Orlando, Fl and had asked me to meet him and another good friend (Woody) there that week-end. He wanted me to meet his Fiance and help with something else. I had met Smitty and Woody...

A Ghostly Farewell by fosnessie

I was around the age of 7 when I had my first paranormal experience. I was staying over at my aunt's bungalow for the night; it had 2 small bedrooms next to each other that opened out into a large living area, the small kitchen and bathroom were also next to each other on the opposite side of the...

Ghostly Footprints by nestjay26

This is something that had just happened yesterday, and now after about 20 years I'm starting to finally possibly put some pieces together. As a child growing up at my parent's house a good 3-hour drive south where I live now. I remember that on certain occasions (particularly mornings) when it was ...

Possible Possession by kjh159

In the morning before school, I would sit straight up and mechanically climb out of bed. I would then walk into my mothers room all the while thinking to myself "Why am I doing this?" I felt like I wasn't controlling my actions and I couldn't gain control. After going into my mom's room, I'd go into...

Soul Detachment And The Distorted Yell by Tre

I heard of ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal activities before. I even went through hauntings as well in my life, nothing was like this. I was at home on a Sunday afternoon about 2:30 pm. I was in my house because I decided to take a short rest. I slept for two and half-hours making it five o'cl...

A California Dead Zone Triangle Of Trouble by ghostseer

It's really amazing how you can pick a place to live, and it turns out to be a bad idea. When we bought our land in Hawaii, we decided to keep our residence in California. The best option for us was to rent it out. The only problem with renting out your house? When you want to go back to visit fa...

Strange Voice by Annio11

I had a strange case of sleep paralysis today. I know what the symptoms are and I know when it is happening to me but something was very different about today's experience. I was lying down on my stomach in my bed and I felt my body being filled with a buzzing static. Since I couldn't move I was jus...

Unexplained Hauntings by csuegar

I have to be honest with you at this present time I'm still not sure what really was going on in my home. I hope some of you will be able to have a better understanding and are able to give me your feed back because I sure can use it. On July2, 2007 my brother passed away and it was a very diffi...

Lost Child by Nyieu

About a couple of weeks ago at school, our science club was having a beginning of the year overnighter. I was really looking forward to this because I've heard many rumors that Moanalua High School was haunted. We went bowling until about 12:30 and when we came back, it was about 1:00 in the morning...

I Believe I Can Fly by LyssaLuva

This story is very touching and when I tell it, most people cry, so be prepared. A long time ago my Aunt Prisilla believed she could fly, she was only 7 mind you and she had watched Peter Pan way to many times. Her mother was very depressed and my Aunt had already broken her arm twice in the last we...

Weird Happenings At School by demonboy

It began at school. I was sitting talking to my friend-it was a normal day, neither hot nor cold. We were talking and suddenly I felt a cold feeling rush through me and I told me friend and he said he felt it too. I started to shiver and my teeth chattered and everyone else looked at me with a puzzl...

The Cat House by rhodes68

There is this very old stone house that still stands in one of the oldest neighborhood on the island just on the outskirts of the Medieval Town-the place I proudly call "Home". Almost twenty-five to thirty years ago when I was still a young child this house was a popular meeting place for kids my ag...

The Athens Apartment by rhodes68

At the age of 25, I decided that it was time to pursue another career-a decision which led me to the capital city of Athens, sharing a flat with my 6 years younger brother-also attending university. We lived in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by a small forest. The apartment itself was enormous;...

Childlike by Jfreekao

July 23, 2008. This one happened when I went to a place in Missouri (no I do not live there. This was on vacation) called the Lemp Mansion. If you haven't heard of the Lemp Mansion, then you need to do a bit of Googling. Anyways, I was visiting my older sister when she brought me on a tour of the pl...

He Called Me Dintzie by Leanne

I come from a fairly large extended family. Especially from my mom's side. She is one of 16 children and I have over 200 first cousins. Lot more second and third cousins. We had many family reunions that were well over 1000 members (my dad's side of the family was also there because of a few marriag...

The Invisible Ghost Party by dphoek

My story dates back to when I was about 13 years old. That would be about 14 years ago. I was staying with my aunt and uncle in a town 12 kilometres from my hometown. I loved staying with them, because they lived in the woods and I used to take long forest walks with their dog. Their house was, as I...

The Haunted House I've Never Been To by tmari76

A co-worker who knows about my fascination with the paranormal, was telling me about her boyfriend's strange experiences in his home. Not wanting to get in trouble for "chit-chatting" while we were supposed to be working, she promised to finish telling me what all he had seen and heard at a later ti...

Encounter With A Demon by tmari76

I have posted before about being sensitive to spirits, and this incident happened when I was probably about 7 years old. My mom's step-mother had children who were only a few years older than myself and I used to stay over there a lot during the summer. They had just moved to an old farm house and t...

The Warriors Who Still Haunt Shark Bay by ghostseer

Port Allen is a 12-minute drive away from my house. It's one of the few places I can drive, and take my chihuahua terrier mix dog. After all, she is just under eleven pounds and an encounter with a large, unleashed dog is not a good idea. The Harbor includes a large cove overlooking an area they ...

He Didn't Want To Go by Rebelboy1987

I've met another young boy. This time was much different than the other little boy. The boy I met this time was around the age of 9, and he was blind. He had red hair that was almost bowl cut, but not in the back. He was surrounded with other spirits that weren't exactly "coming forth". In other wor...

Unexplained Hauntings: The Beginning by csuegar

Will I thought it was time to share with you the rest of my story. I should of started with the very beginning of how strange things happened before my brother passed away but I'm new at this so please bear with me. My brother became ill the end of January 2007 and then the first week of Februar...

Obe Or Spirit Spooning by hales3

I've had many paranormal experiences, all of my 17 years of life. For a while, this kind of slowed down and went low key. About a week or so ago, things kicked back up again and I've had quite a few things happen that were irregular, you could say, for me. I say irregular because usually the same ki...

Return Of The Friendly Ghost by ElinaIoneki822

It had been a few days and things were finally quiet. I was able to just live my life forgetting about the touch on my face that so freaked me out! Until one night, whilst I was at my home. Alone. It was my parent's' 25th wedding anniversary on October 28th, and my dad surprised my mom wit...

The Ghosts That Live With Me by miketb58

It was a warm summer day in July 2007 it first started. I was watching tv, when I felt something bump into my bed. I looked around and didn't see anything. So I didn't think any more about it. I was getting ready for bed, pulling the sheet down and got in bed. There was no moon that night, so it was...

Evp: Voices Of The Dead - Jeremy by EVPResearcher

Recently, we investigated an 1800's "County Home" and "Lunatic House" located in NW Ohio. The buildings were built in 1865. Back then, the government mandated that all counties have a "Home" for the Poor, Orphaned, Elderly, Mentally Ill, etc. It was thought that the able bodied persons that were sen...

The Angry Street Prostitute by ghostseer

Now, this was a first for me. I had been in Paris for a few weeks, and then it was off to Italy. I won't tell you the exact location. A few frightened priests asked me not to. They watch TV and they understand the power of the GHOST HUNTING community. They have been trying to rid the area of Pros...

Scary Apartment by shorty15282

I was lying in my bed, just the other night, and just put my 4 month old son down to sleep. I was lying on my back when all of a sudden I felt something jump onto my bed, not hard. It stopped there for a few seconds, then started to walk up my body, then paused, then walked back in the same footing....

The Empty Rocking Chair by ghostseer

My best friend was expecting her first child in four months. One evening, she invited me over for dinner, and I hadn't seen her new place yet, so I went. It was a cute little two bedroom, and the baby furniture she had picked was a collection of antiques from all over. The dark cherry wood was p...

Old Hag Syndrome by mulder81

Have you heard of the old hag syndrome? Some professionals call it sleep paralysis, and perhaps it is. The old myth is that a traveling spirit in the shape of the old hag will pass through your house on some given night and sit on your chest and keep you from moving or breathing. This happened to...

Following One Another To Bed by Amoriz

I keep feeling as though I am being watched. Not just that, even. I'm an empath, and as one, I have also been feeling something's emotions even as I type this. I believe it may very well be a ghost. It started sometime a few months back when I actually started picking up on this. At night, if my sho...

Crows Or Ravens In The Cemetery by ghostseer

This story is about a young man I met many, many years ago. Life goes from bad to worse, when one studies the black arts. No, I am not talking about myself. I guess I need to start at the beginning. Lawrence was just 19. In his early years, he ran with the Goth crowd. One unfortunate day, he too...

My Biography Of Supernatural Experience by KRock21

I'm Kevin; I am 27 years old and live in South Florida. My story begins many years ago and still has relevance to this day... Which is why I have decided to write this. Maybe someone reading this will have an answer or advice. Here it goes... It all began as a child. I always had an elevated percept...

Na-alimpungatan by yorakulit

This happened 1995-1997 at Quezon City, during these time that brownout is a fad, wherein the government is saving electricity by turning off the power from city to city. And during these times too, that manananggal (mythological creature that turns into a monster at night) is all over the newspaper...

Floating Above The Surgical Team by ghostseer

I was eleven years old when my appendix burst. It was the worst pain I had ever felt and I felt hot. The nausea would come in waves and my parents didn't understand what was happening to me. I was sick, really sick and no one seemed to take me seriously. When I started having seizures, my parents...

Muddy Footprints by chocomad

This happened to my sister about a year ago and that particular night she was really tired and wanted a good nights sleep. My sister's name is Tennikah and like I said, she wanted a good sleep so she locked her bedroom door from the inside so nobody could get in and double checked it was locked and ...

More Unexplained Hauntings by csuegar

I want to start from right after my brother's passing. I explained some unusual incidents that occurred in my first story and now I will write about more unexplained things that happened in our home. My family and I would occasionally hear a voice calling our names, and this started happening abo...

The White Blob by demonboy

My story is to my other story, weird happenings at school. I was at home after school and after waking up from my sleep at about 2-2:30am I sat up on my bed and just stared at the floor. I was just staring like sometimes you randomly do. But it was different, I couldn't stop and I saw lots of flashi...

Grandpa's Falling Star by dphoek

I have another story to share on which I'd very much like your opinion. I don't think inside the box and believe that coincidence exists as well as the paranormal. In this experience, I don't believe it to be coincidence, but I would like to know your thoughts on it. It happened 13 years ago. My ...

Haunted Office by eris29

Year 2003-2006, I worked as a Data Encoder in one of the oldest building in Binondo (so called Chinese community) when I had most of the ghostly experiences in my life. I was new at the company and very excited because it was my first job. My shift starts at 8:30am-5: 30pm. I used to go to the bathr...

7th Floor by eris29

Way back 2007, I worked at the 7th Floor, MCC Steel Corporation as a Purchasing Assistant for about a week. Since the building is very old, I have heard so many stories about the ghost who haunts the whole department. On the third day of my work, during lunchtime I went to the Comfort Room, it was b...

Unforgettable High School Camp by eris29

I was a freshman when I attended the High school camping held within our school's premises. It was a night to remember. Saturday, full moon, around 12am, all the lights were turned off and the participants were gathered to the OVAL (open air) to have a campfire and held a mini cheering competition g...

Shadow Cats by Spockie

So far, the stories I have posted have been about things that happened to me in my childhood. This story however takes place only about 7-8 years ago, shortly after we moved into our present home and is the only paranormal type event I have experienced in our present house. It was an autumn eveni...

Someone's Calling Me by eris29

One night, at my sister's bedroom, I was about to sleep when I heard someone's calling my name. I hesitated to open my eyes because it was an unfamiliar voice, very husky, I couldn't determine if it was a man or a woman but I'm sure that he/she was calling me. I ignored it and tried to go back to sl...

Bedtime Horrors by Nexus997

This is completely true this happened yesterday. It was at 1:27AM, I was watching mock the week on Dave, when I fell asleep. I awoke and could not move my legs, arms or body at all; I was scared at first and tried to move. I then heard (and even felt) a gust of wind beside my left ear. I also heard ...

Knock Knock Who's There by eris29

My whole family and me went to our province in Ilo-Ilo for vacation. We stayed at my grandparent's house, where my mother stayed for 20 years of her life. The house was designed in a western style, very big, with a front and side porch and has a very big beautiful garden at the back. A good place to...

The Sanitarium Hospital Demons by ghostseer

My Step-Dad was a County Social Worker, and one of the places he had to go, was the local Sanitarium. I'm talking about the Mental Health Hospital. This was the place, where the really bad cases were kept. I volunteered at the regular hospital, less than a block away. Each time I passed the Ment...

The Spirit Of Cigarette Smoking Man by shaishav34

During my college days, I had a lecturer Mrs. Desai. This particular incident had happened with Mrs. Desai in the year 1987. Then Mrs. Desai and her husband were in search of another house since they were fed up of the congested life in an apartment building. The couple managed to get an old house i...

Leslie by jennifertorres

This story is about my little sister, which is seven. Her grandparents have retired to a small town here in Kennard, Texas. She's very close to her grandparents and spends many weekends and holidays over there. The last time that she was there she experienced much more than she should have. She told...

Caught In The Act by sumner_fan

This experience is one that I have carried with me for quiet some time. When I was younger I used to go to a summer camp that was organized through my former Preschool/Kindergarten. The school itself was actually the remaining part of a large estate that was originally built and owned by Charlie Rug...

Dark Hooded Figure by Zach

When I was really little, about 4 years old, I repeatedly saw a dark hooded figure in my room. It wore a long black robe and had a hood, but where a face should be, it is just blackness. I would wake up in the middle of the night and it would be standing in the corner of the room. It would stand mot...

Napping With The Dead by azsun2008

One cold afternoon I was exhausted from training at school (cheerleading & track) so I decided I needed a nap. I told my mother I was going upstairs to nap for a bit, I jumped in my mother's bed instead or my own and slept. My nap went much longer than I had planned. I noticed when I woke up it was ...

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