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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 75
Haunted House Or Haunted Me? by sayona
The house I live in is about 50 years old. I've lived in the same house all my life. When I was young I use to always hear knocks and bangs with no explanations, see shadows in the figure of a man at the end of my bed or near the doorway. Feel something sit on my bed and have numerous things go miss...
The Kids Aren't Alright by otisian8
My haunting is on behalf of a friend of mine, his name is mark, and we used to be good mates about ten years back, maybe even longer! Everybody knows what lads are like (between the ages of 10 and 15) always up to no good and mischief. And you know that when you're that age there's always a fair few...
Who Else Is Living Here? 2 by ImSmiley
This is a continuation to my first part of all the things that happened to my family while we were living in our old house. I've never thought about it being hunted until recently when my siblings and I sat down and discussed about our childhood memories at our old house. For a particular reason, wh...
Woman Standing By Car by themiss
This happened to my aunt and I when I was about seven years old, I'm not sure what the exact date was but I know it was the mid to late ninety's (I'm 19 now). My aunt and I were driving back from the mall, which was located 30 minutes from the town where we lived. There is a four lane highway no...
My Grandmother's Last Call by rawdawg941
I was working at the hospital in 1996 during dietary work. At the same time my grandmother was really sick and at the same hospital where I worked at. Earlier that day I visited her and she was on some type of breathing machine as well as y unconscious. Later on that night I got a page that I ha...
Chocolate Man by themiss
This didn't happen to me but my younger cousin. She is about ten years old now but at the time of this experience she was younger than two years old. My aunt has told this story to my family several times, especially when it had just happened. She said how my cousin was seeing some sort of imaginary...
Shady Things Out The Corner Of My Eyes by jasonbaker1337
Ever since I was a kid I have seen shadows move past the corners of my eyes. It always seems like people walking past me with demonic speed. I don't know what I can attribute to this and I only feel threatened by it occasionally. Sometimes I can see them longer than other times. But they are kind of...
My Sister And I Saw Grandpa by Battle_Warrior
This is my second story about Grandpa. My Grandpa died in 2001 and he was one of the reasons my parents divorced. One day I was in trouble so my Dad sent me to my room. When the time was up, he let me go back outside. The way my house is, if you stand out in the back yard, one can see the hall way l...
Many Strange Things by jdavies
My oldest daughter had an imaginary friend when she was younger; she said her name was Susie. Every time she was playing, Susie would be in the conversation. My husband thought nothing of it and we didn't discourage it. My daughter outgrew Susie, but recently, my youngest has started to talk to some...
Blue Eyes In The Midst Of Dark Clouds Staring At Me by IamnotLinda
I have written about the ghost voice box experiences, which other people have done. These can be seen on YouTube, with a search on "Radio Shack Hack". After experiences with the paranormal activity after the voice box-and things I should NOT have said-I became aware and seriously concerned of a pair...
Things That Go Thump by k_c
So this story starts off on Halloween, this is not made up. This actually happened to me. I was about 6 and I was waiting for my mom to come home. Now I was not alone, I was actually with my grandma, and brother. But my brother had left to go to the movies with his friends, and my grandma went in he...
The Calling by BearsEatBeets
This story is one that my dad has told me over and over since I was young. When he was about 17 years old, his dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack. My dad, being the oldest boy, began to work as many jobs as he could to help support his mom and younger siblings (there were 6 kids total). He...
Hey, Mom. Mom? by BearsEatBeets
This is yet another story that comes from experiences gathered at my grandma's house. One weekend, my dad and mom were visiting my grandma's to help with various yard work. She is an avid gardener and grows many of her own vegetables. To this day, she spends most of her time out there reading or...
The Second Storey Ghost by BearsEatBeets
For as long as I can remember, my grandma's second floor has been haunted. From stories that have been told by my aunts and uncles, grandparents, and various cousins, it is evident that something strange goes on there. When my cousins, brother, and I were young, we used to be terrified to go ups...
My Bedroom Ghost 2 by Liflin
Things have gotten worse with my ghost and I'm sure my house is haunted. I've been hearing voices and seeing things and lately it's gotten a lot worse. I hear three men. One of them is Salem and I think he has been with me for 3 years now. He told me his name was Salem. But these other two voices ha...
Unexplained Audible Phenomena by paranomal_believer94
It has been a while since my last post, but I am writing to update you on what has been recently going on in my home. I have been hearing distinct sounds in the dead of night, such as whispering, sometimes it is specifically calling my name, the feelings of paranoia and being watched, banging up...
My Aunty by cassyt89
When I was 4 my aunty died in a fire. I still remember her a little and know what she looks like as I have seen so many photos. She was a very funny woman and always joking around and being jolly from what I remember and from what my Mum has told me. Every Christmas when I was little we stayed with ...
Gentle Presence by sansarelli
I don't know who it is that is with me, I think it is a grandfather, but all my grandfathers died before I was born. My first experience was 13 years ago at my parents' house. I was asleep on my side and felt someone sitting on my bed beside me, he wore dark clothing and had blond hair, he shook my ...
Bits And Pieces by applerose
The reason I have named this story: Bits and Pieces is that I have had little events happen to me in all my 46 years of living. They are too small to put into a long story but I feel that they are interesting enough to be told. The earliest event that I can remember was when I was 4. We lived in...
Can He See Them, Too? by rebelqueen94
This took place at my house in Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, United States. It was a few days after Christmas about four years ago, and it happened to my brother instead of me. He was five at the time. We were watching That's So Raven on the Disney channel. It was just me, my little brother, and my mom...
I Have Solved The Mystery by Iluvanimals8
It was all very confusing. I do not know nor want to think about what has happened in this house. What I am about to tell you is not only true, but also disturbing. It all started a few nights ago. I was in my room, watching, "The Haunted," on animal planet, when I suddenly heard the sound of a ...
Rocking Bed by kellyjelly
This is the only ghost experience I have had, but it freaked me out. My dad and his girlfriend had bought this house in the year of 2007. It was an old looking house, kind of looked quite tropical and had a 'tree house' feel to it. So my sister and I had visited them for the weekend, and I slept ...
Exploding Head Syndrome by 30stones
This is my first story. There will be more to come. I have rented as well as owned several homes in the historic district of the town I live in, over the past twenty years since I finished college and got out on my own. I initially never used to believe in ghosts or hauntings, as my back ground ...
A Music Loving Ghost In The Classroom by SoliK
My first year of teaching, I got a job as a third grade teacher at an elementary school near Seattle, WA. When I first entered my classroom to set it up for the first day of school, I got a strong unsettling feeling and while I'm highly intuitive and have experienced odd occurrences in the past, ign...
A Floating Hand by Jenifer7538
When I was a child, about 5 or 6, I had my first "experience". I was playing in my front yard with my cousins when one of them grabbed me by the arm and told me to look in the woods across the street. In the woods I saw a disembodied hand that was about 6-8 feet tall floating in the air. It was a ri...
The Ghost In The Office by Ria_012
This creepy experience happened to me back in 2009. I used to work in a makeshift office in Manila. It was an old expat house, with the owner as our boss. The creepy feeling of the house is aggravated by the antique furniture that my boss is fond of collecting. The house was once chosen to be the se...
What The Hell Is That? by spookyme401
In 1996 my brother Chris and I rented out an old ranch house dating back to the 1800s out in Adkins Texas. Just outside of San Antonio. It sat on about 17 acres with a graveyard dating back to the civil war, Mount olive cemetery to be exact. We would hear stories from people in town about the place ...
Man At The End Of My Bed by Aisleen
Last night I was asleep and I woke up at 3.30 am for no reason. I went to turn around in bed and I saw and the end of it what appeared to be a man standing there with his arms folded. He was wearing slacks, shirt and braces. My reaction was to immediately cover my head with the duvet to the point th...
The Human Shadow With Wings by indianajones
My family was renting a house at the time. I'm a sensitive which means I can feel ghosts but I can't talk to them. I've never had such a huge encounter like this before. I was sleeping in my room with my brother (we share a room) and all of a sudden I wake up and I saw a human shadow by the door...
The Singing Lady And Unlocking Doors by NowOrNever
I really need your help on this, so please bear with me if I'm not as good as other writers in describing what happened. This happened 2 or 3 months ago. I was on my laptop, reading stories on here when all of a sudden I felt like I needed to use the bathroom. I closed the site and went to the ba...
My Encounter With The Anson Light by 22aya
Hey everyone, I'm new to this site and this is my first posting of a story. Like it says on my profile page, I have had many experiences and this is just one of many. Maybe one day I will publish them all. However, this is the mildest encounter I've ever had. Hope you enjoy! It was a Friday night...
A New Face And A Doppelganger by chat234
I will be sharing two stories in this post since this event has a new entity I have never experienced before. I've been living in my current home now since 1998, and I have had my fair share of ghost encounters in this house for many years. But that's a different story I'm going to write about later...
Dark Presence Hovering Over Me by angel_lia_
Two years ago, my mother came home from school (she's a high school teacher) pale and tired. I was told that one of her students (religious Christian) had a demonic-like episode in class. This student's eyes were rolling back and she started to scream in what other students told my mother was "tongu...
Strange Occurences by DasherFlip
I don't have anything amazing like in the ghost shows I've watched but I do have some experiences I have had with the house I lived in about 3 years ago. When I first moved into the house I never felt anything strange with it. I just thought it's a beautiful house with large space and a big backyar...
Things I've Seen by Haunted_1000
I've seen many "ghosts" and have had many paranormal viewings. Here I feel that I can tell people what has happened without feeling like a psycho because of what they think... My first is about a "Shadow Man" and it happened when I was about 5 or 6.I remember having my mother come and tuck me in, t...
Does Pregnancy Enhance Paranormal Activity? by gemsy11
I'm currently living in the North East region of the UK in a new building that's been standing for less than two years. I've resided here for almost one year and have always had the odd occurrence of noises around the flat, things moving, but nothing too drastic or fearsome until three months ago wh...
Weird Rocking At Night? by asede
So one night I was sleeping and I'm just lying there thinking about stuff (I can't remember what stuff though). Anyways, I was lying there then all of a sudden I started rocking back and forth really fast and I couldn't stop myself, its as if a ghost or something was doing it to me! And it wasn't my...
Is He A Ghost? Demon? Past Life Lover? Or My Dark Side? by scarletnine
Let's just get straight to it here... I am 15 years old now. Just turned 15 actually. So... This happened to me quite a long time ago. I don't really remember, but... I think around when I was 12 or 13 years old I guess... I heard many of these "things" happen especially to teens so I don't know if ...
Another Encounter With Azrael by Rashidah
I am not going to tell the names of the people in this story due to privacy. I have realized that I have been too open on the Internet, so it is wise to be a little more discrete. This experience started when I went to Chaguanas to help out a couple of friends (mother and daughter) who I conside...
Old Country House. Others Living There by kathryngaines00
When I was around 12 or 13 years old I had a friend that lived in Choctaw. Choctaw is a town in Oklahoma that is mostly rural and has lots of old houses. My friend lived in a big old house that was very haunted. She lived there with her parents, and her little sister. Her room, a playroom, her siste...
Intelligent Haunt In Ohio by jaco
This haunting wasn't really caught until my brothers and I began moving out of our parents' home as we reached college age. The home was built in the 1870's. It began with my dad who worked 3rd shift. He'd complain that when he'd arrive home in the morning (before we awoke) we were leaving dry paper...
Ghost Student by SoliK
I know I just submitted an incident that happened to me at a Seattle school a few years ago, but this happened to me today so I wanted to share it. Ironically this incident had to do with music too. This occurred in Spokane, WA where I currently teach/live. This morning I was asked to fill in for...
The One That Looks Like My Son by Trix
I am very worried and troubled about what happened to my son's girlfriend's mother a few weeks ago. That is why I'm writing hoping that someone on this site can help with the meaning of what happened to her. This involves my other son who is 18 years old. She is a very dear friend of ours and we ...
They Stared Down At Me by scryed12
This experience took place when I was about 8 years old, nearly 11 years ago. Because of a bad dream, I decided to sleep in my mom and dads room. Well later in the night, I woke up for god knows what reason. When I opened my eyes, I saw two figures standing right in front of where I was sleeping. ...
Spirit Attachment Is Incubi And Sucubi by cephas66
What I have written is about what I have experienced and learnt about... I struggled for years to find a definition for it as I believed my health problems were all unconnected. I did not make a connection between some of my afflictions and my attachment or that they were spiritually induced e.g. P...
The Thing In The Woods by BearsEatBeets
When I was young, we lived in this tiny "town". It had three streets, two street lights, and about 50 homes. All of the town kids would get together and play pick up games of baseball and such during the summer months. This particular evening, after the sun went down, we decided to play laser tag. T...
Whispers Through Time by BearsEatBeets
The town that I grew up in was an old farm town. Pretty much every house was an old farm house. Ours was one of those. When I lived in that house, it was just my dad and me. He worked for a car manufacturing company and it was a long drive for him, so he would end up leaving at like 4 am. I was ...
My Future Husband by n_ishwarya
A personal experience by me. I was aged 13. One day when mother and father went outside and I was alone, a handsome man came and told me that he loved me and wanted me to marry him. I said for him to get out. He said that I will give birth to two children and take care of them. I shouted for him ...
Do You Hear That? by TechNinja
When I was around seven years old, in the middle of the night I was suddenly awoken by a thunderous, distinct and consistent banging noise. Difficult to describe, the sound and magnitude of reverberations could be compared to that of a basketball being bounced on the hardwood floor of a gym. Only th...
The House In Queens by Antionette
My husband and I met in 1999. The following year he and his family moved closer to were I am staying. The house in Queens we called it. My husband didn't believe in ghost and spirits. But I think it's because he is scared of it. Scared of the unknown. His parents moved out of the house in the mid...
Ghostly Tracks 2 by WinglessAngel
This is an update to my story above. Since I posted this story we have had increasing amounts of paranormal activity as well as physical and verbal manifestations inside our home. I have had some of my hair cut (we believe by my fiance's passed on mother, she had a thing with scissors and hair that ...
My Old House In Bishopgate by xmeggymoo08x
I had lived in Bishopgate Street since 5 years old and I was in bed one night, this was like when I was 7/8 years old, and I began to hear 3 women talking, mumbling to me. I put the covers over my head and thought if I go to sleep I won't be scared. A few weeks later... My mum and her boyfrien...
The Thing Walked Through Our Living Room, What Was It? by 22aya
This story happened many, many years ago when I was very young but the image is still clearly burnt into my memory. I've never forgotten what it looked like, and thinking back on it now this perhaps was the place where all of my paranormal experiences and belief in ghosts began. First, let me expla...
Ghostly Experiences by xmeggymoo08x
I was 9 years old when I had moved into Kirkdale, Bootle. I had heard nothing for 2 years. It all started when I had my new room and I would hear banging. When my friends stay over something always happens, like I have 4 people in total who have stayed and I will tell you my times with them. 1...
Cold, Shadowy Figure by WinterFire
This is from my most recent encounter with what my friend and I believe to be either a sent spirit or demon. Let me start off by saying this is certainly not in any way the first time I've experienced something of this nature. Things have been following me for a very long time now, and I never reall...
My 3 Succubi by HauntedSoul
What's up, my name is Brandon. This is my very first post. I moved back into my Parent's house 2 years ago. They just purchased this house a couple months before my arrival. My 15 year old cousin stayed with them also. It's in a middle class neighborhood in St. Louis with huge trees all over (Forest...
Scared To Sleep Alone by Snezypop
Months have passed. And still happening. I have been dating my partner for over 4 years now, and to be honest he keeps me a lot safer at night... Lately, around 12-4 in the morning, it feels like someone/something is watching me sleep, I felt something pushing my head down into my pillow and when...
Caught On Camera by faerielike
Trick or treat was held the day before Halloween here in this small town, but I do not think that that, in any way, hindered spirits from showing themselves that night. While we were waiting for trick or treat to start, I took many snap shots and videos of my Dad and brother being silly, hamming...
The Horrors And The Odd Events Of My Life by timidtim
I would like to begin with my story dating back to the day I was born in the summer of 1981. I would be the third child to be born in my family and the unlucky odd one to be stuck in the middle having two older siblings and two younger brothers & the only left handed one at that. When I was born I w...
It Knew My Name by zonnielove
I Iive in Henderson Nevada it's about 12 miles from the strip. I was using the bathroom in my master bath. I was the only one home when I heard something whisper my full name Dusin Brown, followed by a sound that sounded like an old school computer turning off or on. I only have one laptop and it wa...
The Little Girl Who Lives In Our House by Zara-Hx
we have always had strange things happen in our house, kettles turning themselves on, things falling off shelves and what not but after a while you just think to yourself 'oh it's an electrical fault' or 'maybe the wind did it' even though the windows are closed. I knew something weird was going...
Haunted Places I've Lived In by 30stones
None of my stories are really scary, though they will be lengthy; that's why I'm breaking the additions down into separate chapters. The first one was in 1988. It was loosely referred to as the Culver House (you can Google it under culver house Decatur il.) I'd graduated college, returned to my ...
The Visit From Heaven by LaLa
My Mother passed suddenly in her sleep on June 11, 2008. She was a very spiritual woman and was loved so very much by the 8 children that she raised, as a single parent. On May 28th, 2010, I was up late working on my computer in my office. I had a web cam set up in the dining room recording cli...
Picton Tunnels by brendan_the_winger
One night my girlfriend and I decided to head out to picton tunnels, after all the stories we've heard from our friends, and seen on web sites. It was about 10pm when we got there and when we entered the tunnel we didn't hear or see anything. After we reached the other end we started thinking "ok th...
Orbs To Fog by Woody
I have been interested in seeking out what Orbs are and what a certain cemetery has for spiritual power if any? I am a believer of ghost yet a smart skeptic at the same time. I know for a fact, when I get this very intense chill down my spine, and I mean intense, not made up or created by our own FE...
Incubus Won't Go by xAkumax
Ladies and gentlemen this is not a story about the past event but as a present one, I desperately need help and have searched everywhere for it. My girlfriend has been having encounters with an incubus demon for almost a month now, however they were neither asked for nor are they enjoyed, at firs...
Strange Noises Picked Up On Audio Recording by Becomingtheghost
So I play drums in a band called "Becoming The Ghost". We got our name for a VERY specific reason, it's basically as if the house we recorded in, named US... The story begins here... It was June 2010, and my band (Formerly known as "Things Behind The Sun") was recording a demo for solicitation purpo...
Black And White Striped Figure by elysiamarie
My story is an odd one. I have looked for more information for what I saw when I was such a young girl, but have found nothing. Perhaps someone could help me here? I was about five or six years old. I was at my home, playing outdoors with the neighbors kids. We decided to play hide and go seek, and ...
My Uncle Joe by JerseyGirl1125
I do not remember these two encounters, being that I was so young but My mom and sister told me about them... I was 6 years old when my mothers brother was killed in a bad car accident. We lived in Long Island at the time, My parents were out for the day and my older sister was babysitting me and my...
The Ghost That Lives With My Aunt by blondie333
When I was little, I didn't see my aunt often. I had never been to her house. I'd heard rumors of "the witch under the bed" from my cousins, but I never believed them. One day, I finally visited her for the first time in all my life. When I walked into her house, it felt... Strange; like a heavy...
Some Weird And Scary Stuff That's Happened by Worried_Brit_Chick
Hey everyone, I haven't posted anything like this before, but have had many discussions with close friends and my partner about my experiences. So, I'm a 23 year old girl, I live in London, England with my partner and our puppy. I don't actually remember my first weird experience, because I was o...
Spirit Around My House by dalton1976
I will begin by apologizing for my poor English. I'm a French Canadian. I've read and left comments on many stories on this site. I've watched a lot about the paranormal programs looking for an answer to what is happening in my small house in Belle chasse, Quebec, Canada. I have lived in this hou...
The Last Laugh by cosmogal926
In the summer of 2008 my husband Patrick and I were invited to a friend's house for a barbeque on Staten Island, NY. The house was a new development on a cul-de-sac. The land was all forest before it was purchased and constructed into a quaint little community. All the houses were identical in struc...
Dark Shadows In My Room by hmg_ladi
This happened to me when I was about 9-10 years old. We lived in a little 2 bedroom house which none of my family members had ever encountered anything in. The house is not haunted so to this day I still wonder what the shadows meant. My grandpa had passed away to cancer two years earlier at the ...
New House But Lots Of Activity by xbrat
I bought my house 2 years ago. Nothing happened until we had been there for 6 months. My first experience was on a Saturday early morning 2:30 approx. I was watching TV and heard boxes being shuffled around downstairs. One of my dogs heard it and went to the basement stairs and growled. I finall...
Three Demons And An Angel by The-Red-Daisy
This experience happened just last night and still sends a chill up my spine when I think of it. It was around 8 PM and I was going to meditate, something I haven't done in a long time. I had my iPod on some relaxing music, turned all the lights off, and I shut my eyes. Initially, I was surprised at...
Judy And Signs by themiss
My grandma told me this when I was younger and she still from time to time tells me this story. I asked for her permission to submit this so here it goes. This happened to my grandma sometime in the 80's. My grandma she said that she was lying in bed sleeping one night when she suddenly woke up,...
Dad's Ouija by shamby
My step-dad, who I call dad, loves to tell this story. This took place right after he married his second wife, my step-sister's mother, my mom is third wife. He also has a son (my step-brother, with his first wife. Confusing, I know). My Dad had an Ouija Board, I'm not sure when he came to own i...
The Little Boy That Roams Leguan by guyanesepwincessxoxo
I am about to tell you a scary experience that my Dad experienced. It happened when my Dad was just 17 years old, in Leguan A very small island of Guyana. Let me tell you a little about Leguan, as it is very small it is divided into two bits. Back part and front part. Front part is at the front of t...
A Ghost In The Night by courtlw
Here's a little background -I moved into my apartment in Hoboken, NJ about 5 years ago. It's a one bedroom on the first floor of brownstone, it's a pre-war building. About a year after moving in I noticed something strange at night. First time it happened, I was asleep in my bed but woke up because ...
My Grandparent's House 3 by guy48
Since I've only posted stories that happened in the seventies and eighties I figured I should share more recent experiences. One of the stories also marks my first experience. About seventeen years ago my mom was babysitting my older cousin who was just a baby at the time. My uncle was downstai...
Another Twisted 2am by WinterFire
This one took place about a week ago. For the past month or so, I've been getting a lot of calls from the default phone number 000-000-000, which, as you should know, is not used by anybody. These calls always come in between two and three thirty in the morning. At first, I thought it was because my...
Stranger by BrittSantino1
Ever since I was little, I've always lived with my grandparents. My grandpa has a lot of medical problems, and the house was always uneasy with worry. His parents were from Italy, and died in the 70's. Since the day he was admitted into the hospital, a lot of weird things have happened in my house. ...
The Haunted Convent by SoliK
Since I was a little girl I always wanted to be a nun, so when I was in my 20's I decided to give up a career that I loved and follow my heart to serve God as a sister. I entered an order of religious sisters in Washington State. When I first moved in, I was surprised that the convent was actually a...
My Premonition Of A Suicide And A Murder by Centellitaendoki9
This story is based on a dream I had which happen to come true that very night. Now I know this isn't a dream telling website I PROMISE in order for you guys to understand my story this dream is very relevant to my paranormal experience, so here it goes. I have a very religious background, a religio...
Sleepless Nights Being Watched by BrandenE
At the age of 12, my Great Aunt had given me a Ouija board that she had in her possession for quite a few years that she was also given. At the time I thought it was all fun and games talking to supposed spirits. What I soon began to see, was a darker, more sinister side of this "game." Fast forw...
Dark Entity Of My Past by xAkumax
Let me start off this story by saying that my mother's side of the family has always had a bit of a psychic gift, including her and myself. We have both had several encounters of different natures but none will compare to the one we had together. My mother was married to her then husband for a v...
The Family Residing In My House by Jawzii
It was last December when I saw my frst ghost in this house. We had lived here for a little over a year and nothing had happened up until that point. I was sleeping on the couch because my grandparents were in town and they needed the extra room. At about 4:06, I heard a thump that was loud enough ...
During My Trip by themiss
In the summer of 2008 I went with a student Ambassador program to China. I had just turned 17 and was with about fifty other kids from Wisconsin and Ohio, it was really my first time being away from home and without any other relatives. The trip lasted two and a half weeks and the group toured Beiji...
While Driving Her Home by themiss
It was about two year ago that this happened, well these two things happened. My auntie lives in Ohio now and has pretty much lived between Ohio and Indiana for the pass 10 or so years. However about three years ago she moved back to Wisconsin, she quickly found a boyfriend and moved into his ho...
Spirits Can Become Members Of Your Family by justme2day
To start my story I must give you some background information. I am a divorced mom of four children, three girls and one boy. After my second marriage me and my children moved in my new husband's home in a small rural area in Texas. His home was a new build over a creek bed on an old stagecoach trai...
A Helpful Ghost by Melime
It might sound weird, but I think a ghost helps me find missing things at my mums house. This took place 3-4 years ago. My mum inherited a beautiful wedding ring in gold from her great grandparents, and she takes it off frequently and puts it all over the house. But we always find it after a whil...
A Hauting Of A Best Friends Dad by AloveB85
To understand my story, you first have to know a little about this family. My best friend "Jess" and her family were devoted Christians. Her father being a minister and her mother a Sunday school teacher. Her and her siblings raised in this strict Pentecostal Christian church in Nebraska. In the ...
My Imagination by MollyMo89
I'm 21 and looking for a confirmation of whether or not I am in fact having supernatural experiences. I have a couple inquiries about some things that happened in my past that I would like opinions on. I must first say that I come from a big family (just on my mother's side) with mixed views and ide...
The Story Of A Persistent Man by Comadreja_Linda
In a quaint town outside of San Pedro Sula, Honduras is a house owned by the (Real Name not Disclosed for Privacy Reasons) Ramos family; Senor and Senora Ramos and their 15 and 12 year old children. Across the street lives a young woman who, apparently, is to die for. I don't want to state the names...
Am I Ever Home Alone by otisian8
Hey guys this is a very impromptu story. I have recently written about my house, which is a new build and I believe it is on the site where devil worship used to take place! Long story, it is on here, strange bumps and bangs, things moving etc., nothing I can't deal with. It usually gets worse when ...
Glimpses Of People From The Corners Of My Eyes by AliceLeftWonderland
I'll start from the beginning. All my life I have seen glimpses of people from the corners of my eyes, or felt someone/thing there in the room with me. It's usually friendly, and I'm not averse to telling the entity to leave if I feel threatened apart from recently. For about four months, I have ...
The Spooky Life Of Me by nobody
How are y'all today? What I bring you today is something weird but very true. When I was born I had seizures when something cold hit my mom. They thought it was nothing until I started playing with Ouija Boards at age 10. It's not like the cardboard ones, a wooden one and I added candles and of...
Living With Amorphous Globs by Daysleeper
I am 26 years old and I believe in science and scientific explanations. I am a sceptic, and as far as religion goes, I am definitely an unbeliever. Yet, as much as I value science and scientific explanations, it is hard to find one for some events that have happened to me in my life. Recently, I...
Ghost In My Dad's Assisted Living Home by SoliK
My dad (who passed away this past spring) suffered from renal disease and was on dialysis for years awaiting a kidney transplant. During one of his dialysis treatments he had a heart attack and while he survived the doctors told us he couldn't live on his own anymore (My parents were divorced) Not w...
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