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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 21

The Whispering Window by laura

It was about 2.30 am in july and I had just got off school for summer holidays and all my family were asleep. Because of my insomnia I couldn't get any sleep but I tried. I had closed my eyes for five minutes, that's when I saw are back security light come on. I thought it was odd because everyone w...

One of my Previous Houses by Elephant

I am new to this site, but have been interested in psychic matters for several years. I thought you might be interested to hear about one of my former homes. It was an ex-council house built in the 1960's, which is relatively modern but it needed a lot of redecorating. However, it meant that it was ...

My Friendly Whispering Ghost and Her Dog by 35ryfhoi

My story is not at all far fetched but I believe I love my friendly whispering ghost. I was thirteen, I was studying to be a veterinarian at an all girls school downtown. I preferred to spend time by myself, waiting for my animal to appear by my side. I had always had a feeling that someone was tryi...

An Old Man Opens my Eyes to Life After Death by clairenmatt

I've always had things happen to me or around me that I can never explain, but when I moved into a four bedroom house, life took a turn in a direction I dare not imagine. I had two sons and was pregnant with my daughter. My eldest son used to (so we thought) talk to himself, I put it down to him hav...

I Felt the Hand of a Ghost Girl by wendy

On a typical winters night back in 1976/7, when I was just 6 years old, I would stay up playing either in my bedroom or my older brothers' bedroom most times when we should have been in bed. We lived in a dorm bungalow, our bedrooms were in the roof. Our doorways facing each other with stairs and la...

Grandad's Rocking Chair by Myers

I'll start by telling you about my granddad, he died in 1985 I think and he had a rocking chair which my gran kept until recently, a few months ago she gave it to my dad and my step brother put it in his room. I go see my dad every week or so depending what I'm doing. He had said a month or so ago h...

Part of my Life in a Haunted House by Lucas

I haven't told many people this but I think I'm ready to tell the people here, about 14 years ago in my old house strange things started to happen, but only small things, like feel something breathing on your neck, to things ending up in different places. Well as the time dragged on things started t...

A Token of Approval by swiss-scouser

Nine days ago, on the 19th of september, I experienced something really strange! I live since four months with my fiance and his parents in their house in Liverpool, England. On the mentioned wednesday the 19th, I was on my own at home. My fiance and his family went out on a ride on their motorcycle...

Heavy Breathing and Other Strange Things Going On by sezzlebum

I moved into my house 7 years ago and I first noticed things back then, I had just had a baby and before moving in my partner stayed in the house whilst it was being decorated, he used to tell me that the toilet flushed on its own and that he could hear footsteps upstairs (got to the point where he ...

Most Houses Can Get that Strange Feeling by PrincessKatie

Hi my name is Katie, just telling you about a strange feelings you can get in houses. I believe that ghosts do live in houses because they don't know they're dead and they think your house is their house. Have you experienced anything strange in your house or anyone else's house? Most houses you ...

Noises Coming from my Parents Room by PrincessKatie

I love this web site because there are people to talk to about these things. I can also learn and find out what other people go through. I love just telling people about things which I have been through. Only 2 weeks ago I heard a girl's voice, it sounded like a little girl's voice and 5 minutes ...

Something Is Breathing on Me! by PrincessKatie

Hi just want to tell you what I go through every night. I don't know if it just me who experiences this but it's really strange. I do think my house is haunted in a way but only me sees it that way. Every time when I go in the bathroom at night time, I get scared because I have seen a ghost standing...

The Flash of Light by PrincessKatie

I just want to tell you what just happened, twice now. Last night I got a flash from the wall to my eye. A bit strange I don't know where they are coming from, it happened once last night and once this morning, and it's not been sunny. Nothing is reflecting, it can't, really, in this room. There's a...

The Ghost in my Bathroom by PrincessKatie

Hi everyone I'm new to this web site. I have shared my stories on psychic experiences. I just go through really strange things everyday, really. I have 9 stories on that psychic experience web site. I like to share this story with you anyway. It was on my Thursday which was my GCSE Results day, I wa...

Who is Whispering my Name? by Helen_Hamster

About 3 months ago I was left to look after our house. One night I was alone, trying to go to sleep when something touched my shoulder I woke to a whisper "helen" and the door open and shut. After a few moments I stood and went to see if I could see anything, my dog was barking at the door so I let ...

The Unexpected Encounter by Vicki

Once upon a time, I had an after school job at the local hotel, where my mother was the day chef. I was the night cook and enjoyed working in the old building that had been built before 900. The hotel had been an inn in the days when Richard the third had been in nearby Gloucester town. And it was c...

Close Encounters I Have Had by peterc

I have had a few supernatural encounters. Nothing particularly scary but very interesting all the same. My first encounter was when I was a young child (about 8) I went to church every Sunday with my parents and once when all the congregation where praying (eyes closed, head down) I saw a monk stood...

The Man Who Was Not There by marie

I was at work at an RAF camp during the summer, my office door was left open to allow the air to circulate due to it being stuffy because it was a hot day. I glanced up just in time to see a very smart Naval officer pass my door and go towards the office across the corridor... It could only have bee...

Gloustershire Cathedral by Tanya Patrick

We as a family decided, as many other families tend to do, to go on a family outing. Three generations decided on Gloustershire cathedral. Almost straight away wandering about the cloisters, three of us heard singing. Monk singing. At first we threw it off as practice but while in the cafe we were a...

The Silent Watcher by Emma

My Aunt who lives in the outskirts of Britain, lives with her husband, daughter, and son and law. I go to her house every summer for two weeks. I am normally the last one to go to bed every night. I let the dog out, and while I am making sure he stayed near the house, I spot a light coming from the ...

The Four Shadows by bossymiss

My mom was working at a nursing home at the time. There was a very ill man. And three nurses were in the room. The man was restless and was talking to someone/thing. Sun light was shining through the window when my mom and her friends looked up, there were four shadows instead of three, but it could...

My Haunted Holiday by chunkygut1

A few weeks ago me and my mum decided that we should go to my uncle's house for a week, because we didn't have the money to go abroad. My uncle lives with his wife, Samantha, five month old daughter Paige and very well trained dog Piper. In the living room they have a window seat at the foot of ...

Dreams of Spirits 2 by wendymneil123

I woke up late for work this morning so I had forgotten I had a dream, but it came back to me, I had another dream last night! So I thought I would write and tell you about it! My dreams jump a bit so I hope you can keep up with me. First off I was in a seaside town somewhere, like Brighton or So...

Dreams of Spirits by wendymneil123

I don't know whether this is spirits contacting me or what! But I have the weirdest dreams, I dream every night and always remember them in the morning. I have got book after book of dream meanings but never does it tell me what my dreams mean. I always have dreams about being chased by spirits, ...

A Messsage from Beyond by paul heffernan

I have always been hugely skeptical of any carry over once our physical bodies are deceased, but my whole outlook changed after contact from the spirit world. The story started in Plymouth shortly after my sister in law passed away from cancer, leaving behind two young children. A couple of weeks la...

Weird Living Room by blackrose123

First of all I am ten. This encounter happened a few months ago. We were having a no tech week so we couldn't watch tv. We had the lego down stairs and my dad picked me up from school and was now having a nap. It was raining outside and my friend knocked on the door and asked if she could stay here ...

A Few Experiences of my Own by wendymneil123

I have read most of the stories on this web site and even though my experiences are not as scary as them, I thought I would submit them anyway. Let me know what you think? 1) My first ever encounter, I was about 22 years old and lived with my parents in South Harrow, Middlesex (UK). My sister and...

Hideous White Face by lydia07

You might not believe the story but I promise you that it is real. It started when I went to my nan's for a week while my mom and dad went on holiday. I was just getting into bed when I heard a strange tapping sound at my window. I'm 11 and I get scared really easy so I wasn't sure whether I should ...

Junior Girls Bathroom by melonlover

Here I am again with another one of my 100% true stories. I have just left my primary school, in other words year 6, and I am now going to secondary school after the six weeks holidays of course. Now my stories have happened at St.Bart's my old primary school in the junior girls bathroom. There i...

Ragged Looking Man by melonlover

I moved in to my house when I was little with my two older brothers and my mom. I never really had anything happen when I was little, but I have in the last few years. I can't remember what year it started as such and I can not remember the very 1st instant, but I am sure it's not my imagination. ...

Supernatural Trees by michael howes

Hi my name is Michael and I'm 15 years of age. I live in manchester in a place called blackley and I have experienced something that will stick with me forever. I've never been scared of the supernatural but this has changed my point of view and psychology. This happened about 2 or 3 years ago, I go...

Fighting the Spirits by xLadyTastyx

It's me again and as you know, I have posted quite a few stories on here and I'm quite new. But this story is based on what happened to me one night when I visited Nigeria my home-town. See, in my country we believe in evil spirits and people using evil things to get at people and this thing is very...

Orb by the Mirror by naomi

One night when I was looking in the mirror doing my hair, this dash of light caught my eye. I turned round and there was this ball of light that flew into the wall. After that I didn't dare look in the mirror again. Until I moved out of my room. I didn't see the orb again, well that's what I thought...

Blood, Glass and Footsteps by Laur94

I live with my two children, Amey aged 8 and Jamie aged 11. We've lived in our house for 7 years now, and there has been many ghostly encounters that we cannot explain. One night when my niece slept at our house, my niece and I was sat in the living room, while my two children were playing outside. ...

Rustling Noises by xLadyTastyx

I was in the kitchen at around 11:00PM making some toast (I was feeling peckish) and I was already feeling shaken as being a very superstitious person, I hated being alone in the night especially when everyone appears to be asleep! So as I was waiting by the toaster waiting for the toast to pop up I...

Lights Turning On by xLadyTastyx

This story that I am about to tell happened only last night. It seems everything strange happened yesterday and this morning... But moving on, It started like this. Ss usual I always go to bed the latest and feeling a little peckish after watching a bit of Jerry Springer, I made my way downstairs in...

Holding Me Down by xLadyTastyx

I've always believed in ghosts and although I have always had a strong belief about them since the tender age of about 3, I never thought that I would ever encounter ghosts in my lifetime. Although in my house in Kennington (London), as a child I had experienced ghostly encounters where I would leav...

Hovering Vacuum Cleaner by lian01

I don't really like stories that are posted on behalf of someone else, I think it often damages the credibility. I'm only submitting this story because I believe 100% that it is real. It is an encounter that happened to my best friend Max. He's the kind of best friend that you consider more to be fa...

Was it a Dream? by lian01

I'm not really sure if this is classed as a ghost encounter, I'm not sure what it is. So I'll let you decide! My Dad died suddenly just before Christmas last year (2006). He suffered a massive brain hemorrhage whilst at home last year, and was found by my Mum a couple of hours later. He was only 52 ...

Big Bang by franchesca

I know maybe you are thinking "bet they are lying or must be joking". But this is a true story. It all started on Friday 13, 1986. I will never forget what had happened to me, that ghastly moment, the troubles I had. It all happened that night, I was watching a horror movie, I knew I should not beca...

Two Souls by Rogue

When my mom was a baby and my uncle and aunty were still young, they lived in a house with my nana and granddad. They moved in one year not knowing it was haunted. The story behind it was a woman tried to kill her two children, but she didn't succeed the first time, so they gave her kids back and sh...

The Haunted House by Josh Ivory-Mulligan

This is not a Halloween story but it might has well be. My aunt used to live in this part of Gilford that was kind of out in the country. Next to her house is an old cemetery. Also, about half a mile from her house is an old house, and my brother, cousins and I are convinced it's haunted. It's ma...

Stones at the Borley Rectory by cattee07

I have been to borley rectory about 6-7 times. Nothing ever happened until me 6th time. We went into the church yard to explore, when I heard something drop near me, about 5 feet away. At first I thought it had stared to rain. I ignored it. It then happened again, only this time I saw it, a stone ap...

My History Teacher's Stories by chunkygut1

Just to clarify, at the end of term, our history teacher told us some of his paranormal experiences, I shall tell these stories as if I was him so I'll be using I instead of he. Brother's Ghost My brother got a motorbike for his 18th birthday, he was riding it about a week after he had bought ...

Voices in a DVD by chunkygut1

I know that I have written a few stories in the past, but this one really freaked me out. Just three or four days ago I was going to sleep, when I heard the bathroom door open and shut, I thought it was my mum but it was late so I wondered what she was doing up. I went downstairs to see what was ...

The Chained Oak by S_wolfmoon

Living in the UK, and a lover of theme parks, I am a frequent customer of a place in the midlands called Alton Towers. It's a HUGE amusement park, built on the grounds of an old stately home called... Alton Towers. A few years back, they opened a new attraction, a ride called Hex. All it is, is a bi...

Was it my Grandfather? by Kayla0912

I was about fourteen at the time and it was a Saturday night. My sister, my mother, her partner and I had been out together to the cinema, then a restaurant. We usually did that on the weekend, I think my mum's partner was trying to impress us. After dropping us home, he went back to his own flat. ...

My Two Ghost Stories by na32ru

I do not know how to start, but here I go. My cat Fuzz Buzz died on my bed when I was sleeping. When I got up I saw that he had died in his sleep. Sometimes I still see him, but I have not told mum that I can. When I go to bed he is always with me, and I feel him go on my chest. I do wish he could c...

Some Things a Child Should Never Do by S_wolfmoon

Bloody Mary... I played that during a lock-in at my elementary school just for the fifth graders of course, as it was celebrating our time almost being up in elementary school (a lock-in, is a large, supervised slumber party, basically). Well, now I don't know if it WAS Bloody Mary, but something de...

Late Night Visits and a Toilet Guy by S_wolfmoon

My son has been talking to people. I don't know who, because I can't see them, and neither can my husband. I believe that he used to talk to my husband's brother, but now I have no idea who he is speaking to. His uncle passed away just after my son was born. We were living in America when my son was...

Two Men and a Cat by S_wolfmoon

I was about 16, and was babysitting my brother, and my parent's friend's children (a boy of 10 and a girl of 14). We were living in Alconbury Village, in East Anglia. My bedroom was situated directly above the front door of the house (just for later observation). We had a downstairs living room, and...

My Guardian by Charlies friend

Hi, I am from England and my grandfather is my guardian. He often does what granddad's do. You know, drives you mental but at the end of the day you love them. My experience starts, in fact, with my sister. She was casually speaking to herself, aged 3. When my mother heard her, she asked who my sist...

Song of Mavis by lshaffer

Around 5 months ago, I moved into a new house. Well, actually, it was very old. Older than my previous house. The lady who had lived there before me was called Mavis Lashley, and she had died 6 months before I moved in. Nobody in her family had claimed the house. This was confusing. (Might I add tha...

Winifred Reed - Holy Soul by Julie Ann Brown

The following is an account of what happened to me while visiting Great Britain in the summer of 1993. Wonderful U.K. Magic was sprinkled on me. I thought that perhaps my story would be of interest to others who like me, believe that death is only a light curtain through which heaven awaits. Through...

The Monk by markcampbell23

When my granddad was a lot younger (late teens early twenty's), he used to live in a place called kemsin in kent. He would go out to the pub at the weekends and would ride back to his house on his push bike. He would ride back past the train station which meant him taking a small dark lane down to h...

Crowds of Little Orbs in my Shower by Aimee

One night, about 8.30pm, I was getting ready to go out with my mates for a girlie night out at the Point. I was about to get into the shower but the bathroom felt really really cold. A few minutes later, I felt it again, but the bathroom windows were closed, I thought it was a draft so I looked in m...

My Guardian Angel Is my Old Cat by Lucy Vella

When I was about nine, we had to get our cat Jess put down. He had this disease where he was losing all his white bloods cells which by the way help to fight sickness and heal wounds. He got it because he was bitten by another cat. We were all really sad and after we buried him, I wished I could see...

Scared of a 10 Year Old Girl by evieleaf

It was somewhere around 9:00pm in april when I went to sleep normally. I was in my normal room and I have never encountered anything like I did until that day. When I closed my eyes, all of a sudden my body went colder and colder, I opened my eyes and looked all around my room for open windows, door...

Attempted Possession by Nonamesontheinternet

I was dreaming and my dream became semi lucid. I could hear a girl singing her name to me "Meena". I was sitting at a desk with paper and pencil so I wrote "hello meena my name is ***" There was a spasm in my neck and shoulder, I was startled from sleep by this involuntary action, my mouth was shudd...

All The Small Things by McKnee

I've had many small things happen to me that aren't really worth writing separate stories for, so I thought I'd write them all together. Although, I'm sure I'll end up missing a few as I tend to forget about some things hehe. My great grandma Christine died when I was about 2 years old. I don't r...

The White Figure Ghost by Oly

A few years ago, in May 2005, me and a friend were out, still only being young (15-16), we were sitting in a plot of private land. There used to be a house here which was burned down a few years prior to this, the house was supposedly abandoned when it was burned. It started to rain so we took she...

The Light Show by McKnee

This is my most recent major experience, which happened about a year ago. This was also at my mum's house, but in a different room to my old one. My mum converted the attic a few years ago (as we live in a bungalow) and the attic then became my new bedroom. Now attics in general are creepy, but this...

The White Mist by McKnee

This is my 2nd story on this site, and it happened on my 9th birthday (I'm now 21). This happened in my mum's house, which I think may be haunted by a friendly spirit, as numerous things have happened there, mostly small things, but they happen quite a lot. It's not the most interesting story but it...

Granddad's Ghost? by chunkygut1

When I was younger, about six or seven, I was asleep in my room one night and I suddenly woke up freezing cold. I put my foot on the radiator (as it was right next to my bed) and it was warm, yet I could see my breath. There was a light blue opaque man sat sitting on my bed but at first, I wasn't wo...

The Man On The Bench by McKnee

Hi, this is my first post, I hope you enjoy it. This happened to me a few years ago in my home town, Driffield, and I remember it was on Valentine's day. Me and my friend, Kerstie, were walking to her house one night. I forget what we were doing, but on the way to her house we had to pass this memor...

The Shadow in the Cornfield by Ted7193

I was about 9 at the time, and I was just being slowly allowed to go where I wanted in my small village. Me and my friends spent our summer holidays going to new places that it seemed no one had been to, it seemed adventurous but of course, we were only going about 4 miles away from home to where fa...

Farmer's Cart by ErinT

This happened 5 months ago (roundabout). I live in the country. One night I'm driving down a country road (called the Causeway) to my (then) boyfriend's house. My ex boyfriend was driving in front of me (we had taken both our cars to my house) but being a typical guy, he speed off ahead. I carri...

Something There by delo

My Auntie has this big old house in Cheshire that she lives in with my 15 years old cousin. This is what happened over the years: I loved to go and sleep over there. But something about that house was not right. It was just the feel of it when you are alone. I used to sleep over there when I was abo...

Black Silhouette 2 by chunkygut1

I have written another story entitled black silhouette. I was staying at the same friend's house because his mum had gone to his aunt's party and he didn't want to be on his own. So I was making us some burgers in the oven when I heard my name being called out "haaarrryyyy!" then, in a really angry ...

Sleep Paralysis, Demons and Angels by jasonbdj

I had my first sleep paralysis when I was 13 in my bedroom at my old house. I was dreaming at first, which I can't remember. I woke up hearing a young boy voice saying "hello nea nea". I tried to move but I only moved like 1mm, then returned the way I were, like I am tied up with rubber. I was layin...

House Built in 1860 with Three Ghosts by Kat

I moved into my flat back in January of this year, there are 3 flats situated in this house that was built in 1860, my boyfriend lives in the middle flat, between my flat and his, there are 2 small sets of stairs and a small landing area with a window in between. When I first moved in, my boyfriend ...

No One Believes Me by nicolle

What I have seen is unexplainable and some people brand it as impossible. I was laying silently in my bed one night, everyone was asleep when all of a sudden I heard the loud footsteps coming from the hallway. Being used to my younger sister Ella, 8, getting up all the time, I went to see if she was...

Tormented by a Poltergeist by Amethyst20

This wasn't one of my experiences, this actually happened to my nan and various other family members. In the past, my nan and granddad have had a lot of trouble caused by "poltergeist" activity, a few years ago my mum was at my nan's house getting my grandfather's dinner ready for when he came home ...

Black Silhouette by chunkygut1

This isn't my story, it's my friend's. He's only 13, he lives with his mum, his two dogs and his two cats, and has experienced multiple paranormal activities. Only about a month ago, I was staying over at his house, I went in the kitchen to feed his dogs and cats when he shouted me in to the front r...

Ghost Girls in my Bedroom by nicolle

I myself am very into ghosts and paranormal things and when I saw my first ghost, I was petrified. But as I began to see more and more ghosts, I became used to seeing them more often. The last time I saw a ghosts was last night, I have many ghost friends and they had never caused me any trouble befo...

Sleep Over Terror by TheUnforgiven

About a month ago, I got invited to my friend Kira's for a sleep over along with my other 3 friends Sarah, Amy and Tijara (TJ for short). We did our usual, stayed up all night. By 5 in the morning, weird crap started happening. We could've sworn that her plastic cat that has glow in the dark eyes...

Strange Man Spotted Again by ErinT

Now if you have not read my previous story Strange Man in My House than I'll just inform you that my middle sister (Ria) on several occasions has seen a male figure in our house while there has been no one in the house except her. Only last night did he "show" himself again with others in the ho...

The Strange Visions I Have When I Awake by bullitt2007

What I'm about to tell you all is what I believe to be real, it's very strange and has no logical explanation other than related, I think, to a supernatural episode. These episodes started when I was about 11/12 years old. I'm now 32, and to be honest I haven't really thought much about them until r...

Strange Mist and Poltergeist Activities by paul sweeney

After moving house a couple of times, since we moved back from cyprus, I have always got the feeling I'm either being watched or have actually had someone or something keeping me company. It first started when I was about 9 years old and I lived with my mum, brother and sister. We lived in a house o...

An Unknown History by Kirby

I haven't found an explanation for these. It is ALWAYS cold in my room. But that's because I keep that fan on high, and the attic in near my bed. Normally, when I wake up in the morning, I feel hot breathing in my face. Or the back of my neck if I'm lying to my side. It happens normally, right when ...

They're Not Just Hallucinations by nooshin

I'm 12 and I know all you adults are going to think I'm hallucinating and imagining things but I swear I'm not. I tell myself I don't believe in ghosts because I don't. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. I think I have a ghost following me, only in the house though. I feel his (I think it's a boy...

Being Watched by ErinT

This happened just recently actually. Geez I don't know why ghostly things keep happening, they drive me mad. I was sitting in my bedroom on my bed reading. After awhile, one of my many china dolls fell off the shelf to the left of my bed. I saw it fall from the corner of my eye, it had fallen head ...

Bad Workplace by paul sweeney

I have recently changed jobs but before that happened, I was working at this place for about 3 and a half years. Now, I have heard a lot of stories about the building I worked in and they haven't been very nice, for instance, it used to be a farm run by a man who supposedly killed and tortured peopl...

The Hair Lady by ErinT

My mum is a hairdresser but she only does it on the side of her usual job (working with my dad) for friends and family etc. When I was younger, my mum would do the hair of this little old lady who lived alone. Sometimes my mum would drag me and my sisters to this old lady's house while she cut her h...

Girl in a Dress by jagz

I have only just found out that my house in haunted. I can't believe I'm writing this down now. It feels like someone is watching me. My mum is at the hospital for depression. One day, my mum and my grandma and granddad came round for doctor who. When they left, I ran back upstairs to the bathroom a...

Is my Room Haunted? by shannongal

I'm feeling watched whilst I'm asleep, and I have seen ghosts in my room before (in different flats) on christmas eve. When I was trying to sleep, I felt there was something in the corner of my room. I couldn't sleep, until I fell asleep from being so tired. I hardly slept at all that night. For ...

Black Mass at the End of the Bed by ErinT

I cannot remember this incident as I was only 6 or 7. My parents tell it to me because it really freaked them out at the time. Now my parents are the kind of people that just don't get spooked by anything. It was in my childhood home and I had a room to myself. Now for a week, apparently, I would...

Strange Man in my House by ErinT

These two incidents actually happened to my middle sister. My sister sat in the living room watching TV while everybody else had just left for work or school. It had been about an hour when my sister heard the back door open, someone wipe their feet and walk through the hallway and pass the open liv...

Mirror Pulled Off The Wall by ErinT

This happened about 6 years ago in my previous house. I was laying in bed looking out into the upstairs hallway as my door was open and my bed faced the door. I could see all of the hallway and the full length mirror hanging opposite the stairs by a piece of string running along the top of it. Ra...

My Cats Last Goodbyes by ErinT

These two stories are about 2 of my cats that died and visited me before moving on. I had my first cat (Tabs) since I was born. Tabs was a very independent cat but would occasionally sleep with me on my bed. However, she liked to sleep under the covers by my legs (annoying). Unfortunately, she died ...

Scary Doll by ErinT

When I was Younger, around the age of 13/14 I would go hang around my best friend's (Sophie) house. Now we both loved the idea of ghosts and she told me how her house was actually built on a cemetery. She had told me previously there was a lot of weird happenings at her house, but one day as we sat ...

Weird Things Happening to Me by Megan

A lot of things has happened to me in the past and present, so God knows what is yet to come in the future! This is some I would like to tell. Me and my friend Leanne were in the girls toilets at school, just talking, we had only been in there for at least 10 seconds, nobody at all was in the toilet...

Recurring Dreams and Whispers by jagz

I once kept having dreams and it felt like someone was in my mind. I know it sounds weird and fake, but I swear it's real. It started with a freaky dream where I went to go and get some custard cream biscuits from the shop. I took the bus home and while I was on the bus, a girl with blonde hair star...

Sleep Paralysis and Out of Body Experiences by JackEdwards

My name is Jack and I'm nineteen years old. I first had one of my dreams about a year ago, I can't remember exactly what happened but I know that I couldn't move and there was a disorientating continuous buzzing down the side of my bed which I could not turn to look at because I couldn't move, I str...

Spooky Encounters by toastymarshy

I know our house was bought from a widower, I'm not sure what happened to her husband, that might have something to do with these encounters. I often hear noises or feel a chill around me, I thought it must be my imagination until this. One evening, my friend and her twin brother came around my h...

The Ghost that Followed Me by zezima

I was coming down from my room when I paused and saw a shadowy figure with a hooded cloak. Then it came to me and put its hand on my shoulder, but the weird thing was I didn't feel anything! It then just disappeared into thin air. Then the next day, I went down again and I felt a shiver down my spin...

Possessed in Dream by Simon Dean

This is perhaps beyond the realms of the usual, given that it was a dream. However I feel it has a couple of similarities to my "I can see you" story, and maybe dreams can be influenced by the dead? It was the night of 23rd March, 2007. I was shattered from work and went to bed at about 7pm. I'm ...

Black Thing by xxCuterxByexThexMinuetxx

That is the name of our follower, The Black Thing. It haunts me and my three friends Shaz, Olivia and Tasha. Ever since my first dream, we have been seeing this thing pure black with red gazing eyes. In my dream it killed my mate tasha. Ever since it has followed us around. For example, when me and ...

Blob of Smoke at School by jagz

I was in year 2 when this happened, I thought there was a ghost in the toilet so I was very scared, I was so scared I had to have my friends to go with me. The school was called Bryn Coch and it used to be a victorian hospital! So, I was walking to the toilet with my best friend Kelly, I went inside...

Hotels and Death Spells by Kirby

First of all, hotels seem to be some of the most haunted places in the world. I have been in, not a lot, but a few. If you have visited a haunted hotel, post it in a comment. My story begins in an old Motel in Scotland. We were on our way to visit a friend named Sarah. My mom stopped at a hotel and ...

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