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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter D: Page 1
D Is For Doppelganger by CDubber
As would be expected, a lot has happened since I was last on here, which looks to be 2 years ago! In due time I'll explain my absence, but for now I'll start with what is troubling me the most. I have been with my partner (whom we'll call Michael for privacy reasons) for nearly a year now and th...
Dachau by Claws
This story is very short, but very deep in my opinion. Anything to do with this terrible chapter in history should be. Around a year ago, my dad and I took a trip to Munich, Germany for Easter. I absolutely fell in love with Germany, it was one of the best trips of my life. Even though there are w...
Dachau Concentration Camp In Munich by bamastrick07
I am in the Army I am stationed in Germany. My wife and I recently took a trip to Dachau Concentration Camp in Munich. I watched Ghost Hunters a lot and was really interested in paranormal activity. When we arrived there you could feel a strong presence in the air. The camp was really big and it...
Dad by koalagirl
This is a short story not mine but my niece's. My Dad passed away from cancer 17 years ago, Dad and my niece Clare were very close (Dad and Clare have a special bond as Clare was the youngest grandchild). When my Dad passed away Clare was 7 years of age. Clare wrote a poem about Dad, she drew a ...
Dad Almost Fainted Lol by ladymoira
This is one of those stories that keep your mouth wide open and your eyes bulgy. So this is not mine but my dad's story. When he was a young adult, before he got married to my sweet mum, he had this very good friend, they met in school and hit it off. This friend we will call John. John's mum had a ...
Dad And The Cow by smacrocknash
It wasn't that long ago if said the word ghost to me I would automatically "say your crazy, no such thing, go smoke another one " That was until the following had occurred. Living where I do, you seldom ever get an unexpected visitor. Just me, my family, and the cows. It was late October and I had s...
Dad Called To Say Hello by stillfreakedout
This is my first post so please be easy on me. Let me give you a bit of background on me. I was raised by my father until I turned 10 and then went to live with my mom. My story starts with the death of my father back in 2004. He died of cancer May 7. I have always had experiences throughout my ...
Dad Came To Help Me by tanscaredofghosts
Hey everyone! This is my first story here, please pardon me for my bad English. The story which I am going to narrate is not mine, it's my mom's experience. This incident happened in year 2004 when I was just 8 years old. My father committed suicide, the reason is still unknown to me and my mom....
Dad Crawling Through The Wwindow by KaylaRigz
Background information: The house where this took place at was haunted in earlier years and had some weird paranormal events when my sister was a little girl. It is the house in the foot hills so my grandparents had a big old property that was fun to explore and used to be owned by Indians. It w...
Dad is Home by AmyGunn
My dad passed away in December of 2005. He was 67 and seemed very healthy considering he was a heavy smoker. When he was taken to the hospital, he told us he knew he wasn't coming home and that he had laid out the suit he was to be buried in along with his will. I told him he was being silly and tha...
Dad Is Still Making The Rounds by SnowBunny
Sooo, I'm super psyched to see so many people have supernatural/paranormal experiences and I'm not the only one. Quick history to my stories, both sides of my family have really strong intuition. I wouldn't say we're psychic or mediums or anything like that, but parents/aunts/uncles/cousins have all...
Dad Really Did Say Goodbye by ladyannne
It's still quite difficult to read this today as I submit it, how many years later, yet a story so definite needs telling. It is my most personal story, as well. My father was a practical man. He dealt with life as it came, did the best with what came about, or worked very hard to change it to his ...
Dad Saying Goodbye by CFerri
Unusual ghost-like encounters have been happening to me since my father past away in November of 1996. I was just a young girl then and ready to celebrate my sweet sixteenth birthday until this tragic event happened to me. Learning of my father's death and how he chose to take his own life was mind-...
Dad Sitting On A Wall by curiousgeorge_
My friend's father tragically and suddenly passed away a few years ago. He unfortnately took his own life. It took a huge toll on he and his brother and sister mentally and emotionally, but he was affected the most out of the three of them. He is always thinking about his dad and speaks of him frequ...
Dad Trying To Contact Me by assie
My dad passed away a year and a half ago from a two and half year battle with cancer. My mum, me brother, and sister were all there with him when he passed away. At the time I was 3 months pregnant with my second daughter. Since his death I have had many different experiences. I sometimes hear so...
Dad Will Not Vacate His House by jimbonumber9
My Dad passed away in September 2017 after getting out of bed late at night. He fell down and hit his head on walk-in closet door frame and didn't regain consciousness even after he was taken to the hospital. I believe that his spirit was thrown from his body at that point. He had no spiritual belie...
Dad, What Are You Doing In My Room? by Moosejuice16
Some strange things have been going on in my house. It all started one day, about a year ago. This was back when both me and my sister were still in high school. My mom usually gets home from work at about eight thirty in the morning. On this particular day she was late, so my sister and I were ...
Dad's Birthday Visit by Fergie
At my age, unless I have something important to get up for, I rarely know what day it is, let alone the date. I need a reminder, either on my phone or on my PC to let me know if it is someone's birthday or if I have an important "date" to keep. In other words, I no longer have a memory - only a "for...
Dad's Help by bleck
Some of you may have read my first story regarding the events surrounding my father's passing in April of 2006. I had put so much energy and so much of my life into helping my father, along with my mom, get better and get to his appointments, that when he passed I suffered a nervous breakdown. I ...
Dad's Humor by jeanie
My father had a fabulous sense of humor. He was my hero when I was a child. He always knew how to make everyone laugh. My Mom died when I was a teenager. He and I were left and shared many experiences. I was feeling afraid of being without him. He had been a strong powerful person. He was 88 and dyi...
Dad's Last Message by Cafelelion
When I was young, I used to enjoy music. I was 9 when my Dad (strongly encouraged by my Mum) bought me a guitar. He mumbled a lot because he thought that I would be interested for a short time then would let it down and in the 50s, a guitar was expensive. I finally got it and started to play. I was ...
Dad's New House by irvin000
I grew up in a family that believes in the spirit world that much. Most members of our family see things and we often talk about it. I was still very young when I started to realize that I see things. My third eye was very active back then and luckily now, I only get to feel them but still see them ...
Dad's Ouija by shamby
My step-dad, who I call dad, loves to tell this story. This took place right after he married his second wife, my step-sister's mother, my mom is third wife. He also has a son (my step-brother, with his first wife. Confusing, I know). My Dad had an Ouija Board, I'm not sure when he came to own i...
Dad's Paranormal Experience by _Shiva_Singh_
Namsate readers, I am new to this site. The incident that I am going to narrate happened with my Dad, around 30-35 years back. It happened during his childhood. My Dad now lives in Mumabai but he spent his childhood in our native place Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. Being the only son of my grandparents, h...
Dad's Vdeoke Bar Once A Morgue by marzie
This is my first time to share my story here on your website... I'm not good in storytelling, so please bear with me. Way back in 2007, my dad owned one of the vdeoke bars in our province... They said that that bar was a morgue before. I remember when we were in high school we avoid passing by t...
Dad's Visitation by DreamBird
After a long battle with Parkinson's related dementia and cancer, my Dad lost the fight in early July of this year. I had just visited with him a week before and he gave me no indication of knowing who I was. He became, quite literally, a shell of his former self. As his daughter it was very hard to...
Daddy? by SilentAngel93
This takes place in 1999 the night my dad passed away. I don't remember much because I was only six years old at the time. My mom, aunt and stepsister had gone into the room my dad passed away in to talk about something or another. I had gotten bored and started pacing around the living room and I d...
Daddy's Chirpies by Aporetic
I had planned on submitting the experience of how my Yoda's whispers from the other side was instrumental in me adopting my new fur kid, Pirate, but I decided to give the trees a break from the tissue issues LOL. This narrative is my most recent experience. Though the setting is a religious one, it ...
Daddy's Girl by ferdi
I don't believe in ghosts nor do I believe in magic or anything that has got to do with the paranormal but one experience stuck with me. My dad died when I was 5 months old. He hanged himself when my mother left him. It never felt weird to me since I grew up knowing everything that happened and I wa...
Daddy's Grandfather by wRiTeR-2-bE
Please take note that I am not a good story teller and please bear with the wrong grammar and just continue on reading the story. This one happened to me when I was 8 years old... It was the First of November and my Mom was feeding my little brother in the kitchen. My Dad was using the computer...
Daddy's Home... To Stay? by paranormal
I come from a 4th generation farming family in central Alberta, Canada. My father's pride and joy was his farm. He always joked "The only way I am leaving this house is feet first!" Little did I know that that statement would not come true! In the last few months of his life, he had been hospital...
Daddy's Home... To Stay? 2 by paranormal
After the initial experience with my father on the morning of his death, I expected that I would have other incidences. I should disclose that two of my brothers and me have never seen "eye to eye" and we have been at odds for some time and were only sociable for my father's sake. The farm home (...
Daddy's Home... To Stay? 3 by paranormal
After the funeral, it was now time for the real work. As I had mentioned in my previous stories, my father had built his "retirement" home on the farmstead on land that we have had in the family for 120 years. He had built the home in the late 80's, and although it is a very well built home, it was ...
Daddy's Home... To Stay? 4 by paranormal
My goodness... It has been almost a year since my father has passed away. His antics have slowed down in number, but not in the intensity. We are still in the renovation stage of the house and I am sure that this is still causing him unrest. The first major change of the house was to pour a new gara...
Daddy's House by winx717
As a child, I was always looking for adventure. I can remember being in 2nd grade and sitting around telling ghost stories with all of my friends. We lived to talk of things unknown. Many of us still do to this day. I am 24 now and have had very few experiences in my life, concerning the paranor...
Daddy's Little Girl by Key_Lay
So about a year ago I met my current girlfriend Stephanie and we clicked almost immediately after meeting each other, we shared many common interest and we enjoyed the company of each other. As we grew closer she started telling me a little bit about her life story. She was adopted at the age of 6 a...
Daddy's Son by honeysangel
This happened about two weeks ago and it didn't actually scare me, I was just surprised. As I stated in my previous story, my boyfriend's father has passed away about two years ago. My boyfriend and I had a little fight about two weeks ago. And being as stubborn as I was I told him his father wou...
Dads And Transformers by guns011
I was born and raised in a rural area of northern Kentucky 30 miles south west of Cincinnati. Dad died in 1999 at 52 years of age from an advanced form of cancer of the lymph nodes. I was 22 at the time and it was most certainly surreal. About 2 to 3 nights after his death he came to me in a drea...
Dama Blanca En Laguna by majarlika012
I entitled this story in Spanish (which literally means 'White Lady in Laguna') to emphasize the girl's description. Before I start my story, I would like to reiterate a disclaimer. I have not experienced it first hand but most of my relatives did so, I guess, I better share it here. I will use my ...
Dance Room Girl by ulvenNixie
This story takes place a few years after I moved to Texas. My mom and I moved out of an apartment and got into a roommate situation with someone we had befriended there. I still wasn't transitioning from living in Iowa to living in Texas well, but the house was a lot less awful than the apartment ha...
Dancer On The Roof by gamerx
In Indian dances, the dancer wears an ornament which creates sounds like small bells tied together to form one sound. So this story was told to me by my father. At the time when my grandmother and grandfather moved in with their son, my house had one floor then roof on the top like most other ho...
Dancing Boy by marchelle
This is my 2nd story. This happened at the same building which I told of in my 1st story (Unseen Classmate), my review school located at Recto Manila. June of 2006, as I remember, it was 3:00 in the afternoon. We have just finished our short break. Me and four of my classmates always go to the b...
Dancing Ghost by Ramzey
It was a warm night in June of 2007. Myself and my ghost hunting partner were at our next destination - the Cove Creek Cemetery. The time was around 11:00 p.m. We had just left from a small cemetery on my aunt's land. I left my camcorder in the front seat - it was so heavy! My partner starts provoki...
Dancing Heads by ulvenNixie
Before I begin, I would like to share something that happened while I was typing this up. I use Word to type out my experiences so that I can double check the spelling and whatnot as I go and before I submit it. I was in the middle of typing out this story, in fact I had just gotten to a part in whi...
Dancing Orbs by SashB
Thank you for reading and commenting on my previous stories. Today is just a Lazy Durban day, and I thought what better way to pass time, so here I am. Prior to my parents passing I had never seen orbs, but I did read and watch movies about it. It was my Mum's 13th day prayer (In Hindu traditi...
Dancing Shadow by blueidblondie
My father passed away in September 1979 in a tragic car accident. Coincidentally, where he died/crashed is only a little over a mile away from where this incident occurred. I want to state a couple of interesting facts before I tell of my account, in case it might have any significance. My mom h...
Dancing Shadows Around Me by Nephele
On summer nights I tend to stay up later than midnight. But I'm afraid to do that now. This one night I had just got done hanging with a friend. I was painting/colouring in my room and I tried to fall asleep around 1 or 1:30. When I turned off my light I saw about 5 shadows running around my roo...
Danger Nights by RohanP
Welcome friends. Pardon me if there is some grammatical error in my story as my first language is not English. So coming to the story which have been experienced by me in real and is spooky for me. Till now I had no paranormal experience anywhere. It is my recent and first experience in my own h...
Danger On Plainview by SRtopaz
Today is day 3. On day one, Saturday, November 7, 2015, I was riding my bike home from work when my problems all began to start. It was roughly 10 PM and I was in a hurry. I pass through some pretty scary places, and not as in high crime scary (I live in a rural town, nothing ever happens here), but...
Dangerous Games by Vasrod
This story happened about a month ago. I've lived most of my life in the US, but the past 3 years I've been here in Colombia studying my career. At college, when there's a free period, a group of friends and I usually just gather around and talk about homework or simply play cards, normal stuff. One...
Dangerous Imaginary Friend by jetaimeteamo
To start my story you need to know about my family. I have a son who is 4 years old and unfortunately, I am a single mother. My mom is very in touch with paranormal entities, spirits ect. I however have not recieved this "trait" but I am starting to assume my son is capable of seeing such... Things....
Dangerous Spirit? by freakonaleash
First, if you're reading this, you probably should read my other two posts, as this is a continuation, of how things have gone from bad to worse. Before, I was only bothered in my dreams, in my head, in the things that I alone could see or feel. I had never been physically hurt, or bothered. But, a ...
Danielle by blue_raven80
I just want to share this story about my daughter. It will be a bit long so bear with me... I gave birth April 2004 to a beautiful baby girl and named her Danielle Caroline. But unfortunately, heaven did not allow us to have her. Yes, she died an hour and a half after I gave birth to her in a loc...
Danny by Kara1211
This story takes place in a house where I have had many ghostly encounters. This is one of them. It begins when I was about the age of nine. I was sitting in my living room watching TV. The rest of my family were on my grandparents room, so I was alone. The lights in the hallway were off, so the ...
Dano by NightGhost
June 9 2009 The sad day that it all sunk in and confused me. June 8, I had an appointment to go to and while driving downtown, I saw Dan on the corner of the street waiting to pass to go to the library. He was looking straight ahead paid me no mind, probably didn't see me in my car. I thought th...
Daring Entity by SaveWater
This is my first story at this site. Incident happened in 1997 during rainy season in Bihar in India. I was in high school at the time, and living in a joint family where our uncles with their family also lived. My cousin, who was one year old that time, became ill. It was around 11 pm. The electr...
Daring Spirits with a Ouija Board by bigred101
My experience happened about six months ago and after it happened, I stopped using a Ouija board immediately and this story is true. I'm sixteen just so you know and my friend Britney is seventeen. We were at her house one night, she lives about two minutes away, I could walk if I wanted too. It was...
Dark And Light by lissy86
It started in my bathroom. I used to have an irrational fear of bathrooms since I was a kid. I was always worried I would see some sort of ghoul in the mirror, but as I grew up this fear went away. So it shocked me when the following events took place. I have to explain I live in an open plan ho...
Dark Angel by patricial
I was wondering if anyone has heard of a Dark or Black Angel? Last May my neighbour aged 80 shot himself to death in his shed. He had bad Vertigo, and just decided to take his own life. My 4 year old son could see the shed from the front door, and window. My Son said that he saw a Dark Angel...
Dark Angel's Visit by donp1111
I encountered a "Dark Angel" when I was around eleven years old. Just before falling asleep I saw a tall dark figure standing in the corner of my room. He was around 6'2, with a long black coat and a black top hat, but I couldn't make out his face. I was afraid of my own shadow at the time but I did...
Dark Apparitions and Electrical Devices Acting Up by annek3
I'm writing about these experiences because I hope someone can tell me whether it is an actual haunting, or possibly, if there are rational explanations for what has been happening. My sister Janeen, brother-in-law Ray, boyfriend Richard, and I all share a house and have lived there for several year...
Dark Being by emeraldstone
I had hoped I wouldn't have another experience, yet here I am typing. For more Information my grandfather can see and speak with spirits more specifically with people that recently died. I had moved back to LA for college and am now staying in the guest room at my grandparents' house. I first moved ...
Dark Beings Haunting Me by PaigeC
I am really going out on a limb here because I feel like people who are on this site won't think I'm crazy. So here it goes. I feel like I cannot get away from spirits and it has been this way since I was very young. Growing up, in our home in Arizona I used to tell my parents about "the people dow...
Dark Blob on my Ceiling by juiicyj
I have this issue with sleeping by myself, basically... I hate it. So sometimes as stupid as it sounds... I kind of lift my sister up from her bed and half carry, half drag her in my bed. She's used to it and is content with it when I tell her she came in my room at night. I scold her and tell her t...
Dark Cloak by Mike-Phil-96
When I was young, my family had to move from Arizona back to California and our cousin let us stay at her old apartment for a while. It was a one room apartment. At the time, it was just my dad, my little brother and sister, and me; my dad took the living room while we took the room. We were all...
Dark Cloaked Being by sterhawk123
This happened a couple months ago... It was with me, my sister, my friend, and my little cousin. My friend was having a sleep over at my house and we all decided to all sleep in my room. We all went to bed around 1:00 A.M. And my sister took my bed and me, my cousin, and my friend were on the floor....
Dark Cloaked Being by RobinOdea
It was 1960 and I was three and a half years old. Some say I may have been too young to recall it accurately but I remember it as clearly as the night it happened and it's always been with me. My father and sister were both in hospital with a virus and apparently my father was, at one stage, on ...
Dark Demon Creature In My Nanny's Room by wmbarbara
About 7 years ago, this event took place in my house. My grandmother was really sick, she was in bed with oxygen to help her breathing. She was very devoted to God, great woman and always put family first. I was ending my senior year and I was very close with my grandmother. I suggested to my mo...
Dark Driver by dampixon
I was 16 and staying the night at my best friend Jill's house. I'm not using her real name since we've long since lost touch and I don't know what her memories may be of this particular night. Back then, Jill lived in Churchville on the one and only main street, which was and is Route 250 and it, ru...
Dark Energy by Jaxxxanator
Huge fan of this site! To give some context for my story I will try and summarise related facts. Since my dad passed away, at the age of 12 I was gifted with the sight. Have had many spiritual encounters (mostly my dad and family members) but have had other encounters to (will publish one particul...
Dark Entities by DeathStarK
While my family and I try and find a research team or paranormal medium, this is what's been going on in our house. (Mind you when I was only 3 years old, I started saying what I thought were demons and what looked to be a werewolf creature. My mom had me blessed and they went away for a time.) T...
Dark Entity by WhiteWolf
I have had several occurrences with dark entities but this case happened to my sister that I helped her with. Over a month ago my sister came to me and told me that she was hearing someone knocking on her door, her bedroom is a converted from garage and the door that she heard the knocking was comin...
Dark Entity Following Me Around by Acantha
First, I'd like to apologise for my mistakes. I am not a native English speaker, but I will try to do my best. I am posting this story here because I am desperately trying to get help but people either don't believe me or refuse to help me. I live in Belgium. Most of the things I am describing hap...
Dark Entity Of My Past by xAkumax
Let me start off this story by saying that my mother's side of the family has always had a bit of a psychic gift, including her and myself. We have both had several encounters of different natures but none will compare to the one we had together. My mother was married to her then husband for a v...
Dark Entity On Top Of My Bed by legacyofboom
First off, I never believed in ghosts or demons, but this night I had such a terrible expirience I had to tell someone and this is the place for it. I was waking up slowly from a long night out. I had this funny dream that I was playing basketball with my friend. And then suddenly I woke up but I c...
Dark Figure by Doijio
I don't really know how to start a story but whenever I walk or hangout with friends there is always a dark figure that follows me. It's size is about 6 ft 3 and it hangs when it is there. I am not very frightened by the figure but it seems very helpful to me. One night I was walking around my n...
Dark Figure by LoveforHope0226
Here's a story that I hope people might be able to help me figure out concerning the thing that was in my room last night. I was sleeping downstairs with my dog since it was storming and he gets scared. So I kept the baby monitor on so I could listen for Logan, my little baby brother. I heard hi...
Dark Figure And Strange Happenings by Smabk08
My experiences began happening about 4 years ago. Firstly, in my parents house, then in the house I am currently living in. I am renting and sharing with 3 other girls. My bedroom at home (in my parents' house) has always been a cold room. Everybody says it's the coldest in the house. The house ...
Dark Figure At Office Door by Mour8
It was just another ordinary day at work. I had just got promoted to a better job and I had a lot of freedom. I mean, all I do is watch a computer screen. I had just finished what little work I have to do for the day; life was great. It was just starting to get late and I sat back in my chair to rel...
Dark Figure From Childhood by Katroshka
For the past few years I've been getting faint scratch marks all over my body. This wouldn't be too frightening if I had pets or nails but I lack both of these things so it's a bit scary. There are four ghosts in my house but only one of them has followed me for all of my life (my family moves a...
Dark Figure In My Hotel Room by magic_mella
My boyfriend and I decided to go away for a few days camping. This was back in August of 2009. We live at the foot of Loch Lomond, Scotland, and decided that our first stop should be Mallaig, further north. From there we planned to travel to the Isle of Skye. We arrived midday Friday to a torrential...
Dark Figure In My House by phanhrut
Greetings Friend! I have been reading YGS from quite some time and decided to share my experience with you. I am from Andhra Pradesh and settled in Bangalore, Karnataka. Please do pardon me if it is not exiting for you. Let's get in to the story. I have recently moved in to the current apa...
Dark Figure In My Room by arogers521
When I was younger, about 8 years old, I saw a figure in my room. I woke up in the middle of the night, for no particular reason that I can recall. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure sitting on my dresser. It looked so real that I thought it was a real person. When I was younger, it was not uncom...
Dark Figure In Our House by missbsb8
I'm a 19 year old girl and I live with my parents and my twin sister in Denmark. This is the first time I share an experience with anyone beside my family. Last night I was home by myself and was sitting in my room. I began to hear footsteps coming from the kitchen, living room and utility room. ...
Dark Figure In Our House 2 by missbsb8
First of all I would like to say thank you to the people who wrote a comment on my last posting. It really helped me a lot. My family is slowly beginning to believe me when I tell them about what I see/hear. Now they even tell me that they have heard noises, but they still think I'm a little cra...
Dark Figure in the Mirror by xxvietnamxx
I remember clearly about this event when I was in Vietnam visiting my relatives. I am now 21 years old. It was around April when I was either 15 or 16 years old. I remember that day me and my two sisters shared a room, they got the bed facing the door and I got the bed facing the mirror. In Vietnam,...
Dark Figure In The Night by smallkate101
Ever since I was a small girl, my mom would talk about the fact that she can sense when things are nearby that might not be seen with the naked eye. As we got older, my brother and I noticed that we both have the same ability. My mom often talks about how she sees someone or something out of the cor...
Dark Figure In Trenchcoat And Cowboy Hat by COWBOYJR85
So it was Oct 11th 2011. I am in my bed with my wife and 2 year old daughter. About 530 am. My alarm goes off. So I reach and turn it off and I turn and look to our doorway and there stands a dark figure. Now keep in mind that the bedroom is pretty dark. So this figure appears to be wearing a cowb...
Dark Figure Of A Boy by BlueSRT4
I stumbled upon this site today and was astonished and some of the stories I read that specifically relate to my personal experiences. I couldn't believe it. For so many years I hated sharing my experience because so many people don't believe in ghosts, my own parents refused to believe me, and frie...
Dark Figure Of A Man In My Living Room by cline1986
I don't know the exact day that this event occurred, but I do know that it happened in the fall of 2002, I was 15 at the time. It was about 3:00 p.m. My brother and I where at home alone. He was sleeping in his room (which was adjacent to my room, so I could see when he would walk in and out of his ...
Dark Figure Or Void In The Fog by Northie
This is a very short story (so I've fleshed it out a bit), and I am wondering if anyone has witnessed anything similar. In 2004 I moved to a small village south of Chester, England and worked in another village in Chester, some 20 miles away. Late in the year, November / December time, I was driv...
Dark Figure Slow Flashing Head by mrsrowley0426
This happened around 4a.m. Today. I woke up in the middle of the night to feed my five month old daughter. I then decided to go out onto my front porch and smoke a cigarette. I do this often. I have lived in the same house my entire life. I know my surroundings. I know what is usually outside. E...
Dark Figure Watches Over Me by Rebelboy1987
When I was about 12 years old, my biggest accomplishment at that time was to be alone at home by myself. My brother was staying at a friends house, and my parents went to dinner with their friends. I was never scared of staying home alone. I enjoyed it a lot. I have a very vivid imagination, but thi...
Dark Figure with a Red Eye by JPing
My encounter took place at a farmhouse in Lammington National Park (WH), Queensland, Australia. The farmhouse is very old, around 100 years old (I think) and was previously owned by the O'Reilly family - one of whom is famous for his rescue of the survivors of a crashed plane. The house is regula...
Dark Figure, Noises, Opening Doors by matid94
I guess I will start with the fact that I do believe in ghosts, angels and demons, yet have grown up in a particularly non-religious home. Since I was born my mother has had this best friend which me and my sibling now call our aunt because she has been around our whole lives. There is one thing abo...
Dark Figures by konohaninja21
I have been seeing dark figures around my home in North Carolina. It's a brand new house, so I know it's not haunted. My mom and I are being haunted. Upstairs we have a hallway that leads to a room over our garage. My room is the first door to the left when you come up the stairs. Anyway, I was comi...
Dark Figures At Sad Location. Ironic Coincidence? by wvseller
I've struggled with whether or not I should share this story. The reason being the location, a scene where not so long ago a number of people lost their lives. Relatives of the deceased are alive and visit this location. Some people close to this location may even be members of this website. If one ...
Dark Figures Watching Us From The End Of The Bed by GinaBee
I was on holiday in India about 3 years ago with both of my parents, my boyfriend and my step brother from my dads' side. It was about a week into our 2 week stay when something happened in our hotel room. The room me and my boyfriend shared was not huge, it was on the ground floor with a door n...
Dark Green Aparition by RyanMaze
I need help identifying something I saw around two years ago. I will describe the incident and two possible connected incidents following. I had just returned from a 5 year active duty tour in the U.S. Army Infantry a few months prior. So naturally, I was in party mode. We decided to do a bit of ...
Dark Guardian Angel by Necropolis_Seraph
I'm not sure if this is considered haunting or something. Maybe I'm just confused about this certain occurrence that happened to me when I was younger up to my early 20's. Let me tell you what it was about. Back in high school, I shared my bedroom with my younger stepbrother. There are times my s...
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