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Ghost Stories in Category: Psychic / Medium: Page 2

Foretelling Minor Life Events by abelievermetalfan

In one of my other stories, I mentioned that I have had some other experiences with the paranormal. I'm not sure that this qualifies, but I wanted to share anyway. The earliest that I can remember having one of these experiences was in the 5th grade. What is that, 11, 12 years old? I went to bed ...

A Ghost Used My Arms by Pierman1964

In the summer of 1995, a friend of mine visited me from Florida, but spent the week at another friend's house. Near the end of his stay, he asked if I would drive him to Detroit to visit his grandmother. I obliged, for it was only a four hour trip, so I went. We arrived at his grandmother's hous...

Back Off: Psychic Attack by valkricry

This isn't your traditional ghost story, but it is of the paranormal. It took place shortly after I turned 16 and was working at an indoor amusement park/shopping mall called Old Chicago, which is now defunct. One night I had, what my mother called a prophetic dream, a warning. In it a man I did...

The Exit Ramp Calling by B4Freya

I like to write and I'm always conjuring story ideas. I pull ideas from real-life experiences or simply imagine scenarios and ask myself "what if?" questions about them. But it's said that truth is stranger than fiction, and I have to agree. A few years ago, while driving my usual route home from...

My Uncle's Visits by spiritwaiting

I'm not sure exactly where to start with this experience, but here goes. It was 2007, and my mother was still grieving the death of my uncle. She had many questions, unanswered, and I was never allowed a proper goodbye. I did not attend the funeral, due to my living a state away with my grandpare...

Thursday Night Visitor And John King Bookstore by Seraphina

Greetings, YGS members. I'm taking the plunge today by submitting two of my own experiences. I visit this site because true stories about paranormal experiences fascinate me. I've had a number of encounters myself and it's comforting to compare them with what other people have witnessed. But actual...

Banshee And Other Encounters by rockergurl227

So all my life I have been a little sensitive. Feeling vibes in certain rooms, getting that "Gut" feeling about something. Even having dejavu occurring a lot. Just a lot of different experiences. The one thing I remember clearly as a child is hearing my name, as clear as day, usually followed by ask...

Running Out Of Options by Meneiny

So I came across this site by chance but think I'll give this a shot. If anything it may just make me feel better sharing my experiences. First of all I'm 21 and I always try to find rational explanations for everything but for somethings I just can't explain. And at this point, even after moving...

Our Girls - It Runs In The Family by Fergie

Last year Easter 2012, we had what we like to call a 'Gathering of the Clan' -- not a large one according to historical events, but our children, and our children's' children, ten members of the family, all under one roof. It felt so good having all of us sitting around in our middle daughter's loun...

My Boyfriend's Dad by Adb0423

My boyfriend has the extraordinary gift/curse of communicating with spirits. Just one of his many gifts! He has the ability to see into your past and feeling your emotions (empathy ability). No doubt he has been richly blessed with all of this. Now, about a month ago (end of January beginning Feb...

Attached Spirit by CelticSight

I should start out by explaining that I have what my father calls the Sight. It's something that runs in the Scottish side of my family. My grandmother had it and, if she were still with me today, I would probably be able to explain it better. What it basically means is that I can perceive and sense...

Shadows, Dreams And Predictions That Freak Me Out by MichaellM1

My name is Mike, basically my story is a little weird and has some stuff in it that I am just really unsure of and I think all of this stuff is linked. So I'm going tell you all this to the best of my ability and I really hope you all can come up with some theories for me. Hopefully I can get closer...

I Knew Before Anyone Else Found Out by triden07

I have been thinking of things that have happened in my life that I could not explain, until now. Some of these things I have mentioned in posts, just feel I should document them as a proper submission. When I was 15 I had an experience that I found very strange. I woke up one morning in October,...

The Strange Tenant by mangadanga

I knew Jagdish from my college days. While he had a sharp analytical mind and would not let go until he got a logical explanation of anything that puzzled him, he also was a very religious person who spent good 30 minutes every day worshiping in front of his devhara which had a photo of his guru fra...

Coincidence Or Did I Hear An Incident 20 Miles Away? by Lakota73

This story happened in August 2011. My old workplace is situated on a fairly new industrial estate with a main carriageway and a motorway running along either side. This particular morning, I'd just pulled into the car park. Nothing out of the ordinary, to begin with. My routine was pretty mu...

Two Spirits And A Gift Received by ryanrowe82

Kind of funny to say that I have received this gift, but the truth is, as far as I know, I have. I'm going to get to how I received this gift, but first I should share the story and the background leading up to that point to express all the information that I already have. Back in 2007 I moved i...

Pushy Robert by chimchim

I was visiting a friend who lives in Sheffield, UK. She rents a row house, which was probably built around 1900 for steel workers, like all the other houses in the neighborhood. The garden shed was originally an outdoor toilet, so that gives you some idea of the date of construction. My friend an...

Searching For Lydia by Runswithlydia

I am deployed in Afghanistan right now as a civilian environmentalist in western Afghanistan near Iran. This story is a lot longer, if you want to read it all, just ask me. It's not every day that one has the opportunity to see a ghost. Or rather feel it. No amount of literature, of which there i...

The Guardians by ganda_cnd

Way back in college I was sensitive to super natural beings, I can sense if there is a ghost or a spirit in a certain place I just visited because I can feel their presence and there are instances where I actually see a ghost, but I try to suppress this unique capability of mine because I don't want...

I Managed To Scare My Doctor by geetha50

This took place last month (May), when I took a trip to India. Although I was born in Sri Lanka, both countries have similar if not the same culture. But for a person like me, who grew up in Canada, it was a huge culture shock. First of all was the weather; oh my God, was it ever hot (I didn't care ...

My Girlfriend Is My Third Eye by karpkarpkarpmagikarp

This happened just last month. Me and my girlfriend were going to see the movie Avengers in a mall along Padre Faura street in Manila. My girlfriend has third eye. She's more capable of seeing, hearing and sensing the presence of these non-human entities compared to us average people. But what's mor...

The Impossible Dream by Froobz

It's been a while since I last posted in here but I thought I'd share my strangest experience which happened to me in our previous house (where in my first story, my jewelry went missing). One night I had a very vivid dream. The dream was of a young girl in period dress running through a field, w...

Past Life Lover? by Jayde-Max

First things first. I'm a teenage medium; meaning I speak to ghosts. Sometimes I do it for people who want to speak to deceased loved ones, but I try to stay away from that because the first time I did it, it took me a year and a half to get rid of the guy. Usually, though, I do it because they need...

Robert Can See The Dead by Demnos-Kryzen

As children, my older sister, Julia, and I lived in a home in San Jose, California. Our parents moved into that house before we were both born, and after the previous owner, an old man, died in his sleep. Our parents told us stories of how we used to play in our room with an unseen friend we called ...

Grandma Finally Answered by Mannerizms

So going off of the last post I had placed about hearing my grandma and not knowing why, I have had to learn the hard way when she talks... LISTEN. I ended up sending a personal message to Rook (thank you again by the way!) explaining the situation so here we go: Friday morning I get a call from ...

Dark Thing Around Pregnant Woman by vidya_amani

My mother and father have these strange friends, they are "farm people". Their children are not allowed to go to public school due to racial issues or financial savings, they don't have farm workers and do everything themselves probably due to hating black people. They live a very isolated life, lik...

My Classmate, Bill, Showed Me How He Died by Henleys

I graduated high school in 1967, and the Vietnam War was nearing its peak. Many of us guys, including one of my classmates, Bill, who graduated that year almost immediately found ourselves serving in the military. Bill had entered the Marine Corps, and became an icon to all of us who knew him by bei...

My Captain by wolfeyes7777

I met "Captain" a little over a year ago. He's rather quiet, had a very hard life and was killed during the Civil War. Sometimes he still chooses to appear in his uniform. He decided to stay with me and tries to warn me in his own way if something is about to happen. He tries his best to prepare...

So I'm Not Crazy After All by wolfeyes7777

All my life I've "seen" spirits and apparently interacted with them. Sometimes unknowingly. I always thought I was crazy--"talking to myself" or having "imaginary friends." I'm sure sometimes that's all it truly was, but it continues 'til this day. I'm in my early 30's. I know better now when I'...

The Truth About What No One Will Speak by an9e1eyz24

For years I have doubted and questioned my own visions, feelings, and experiences. I over analyze and try to find a reason or cause to discredit my own sightings. I am finally ready to share some of these experiences, as I feel I may be losing my mind. The home I live in now is over 100 years old an...

Clearing Out A Young Ghost by byron

I am a psychic and medium. I can hear, smell, and see quite well in my mind's eye. I am having a problem in clearing out a young ghost named Michael and a few men, one mainly named Patrick. I have asked them all to go to the light. And they won't. I have burnt out my house with sage, put camphor by ...

Very Strong Sixth Sense? by Mac_Barbie93

I'm an 18 year old girl, ever since I was a kid I've had weird things happen to me, my grand father passed away in 1992 and I was born a year later, my grandmom had used an ouijja board to communicate with him and he said he would come back to the earth through me, like a reincarnation or something....

See People Before They Pass On by muffinisgood

My mother saw her mother before she passed on. They where all at a camp fire and everyone went to bed. She saw her mother coming out of a fire pit. She said it looked just like her mother and that it was like smoke then, two months later her mother passed away. Then almost a year after that she wa...

What Do They Want? by brittany94

I have debated on telling my stories for a while now, making it public scares me. Everybody says I'm crazy, maybe that's more of the reason I don't want to share it. Maybe I've thought about it so much that it has driven me crazy? I have had many experiences with seeing things, being "attacked" by t...

Occupied by No_Peeking

My boyfriend and I were looking for an apartment because the one we were in was too close to the highway and therefore very loud. We decided to check out an open house in a neighborhood we wanted to live in. The apartment was everything we wanted. While my boyfriend talked to the landlord, I walk...

Pigtails by Reallifeexp

This happened around the time of the "hand" story I wrote. I never watched the news because it's always so negative. I also know that we are not supposed to write about dreams. This particular night I had a disturbing dream that seemed so real. You know the ones that seem to be taking place in your ...

Scent Of A... Ghost? by zzsgranny

I don't know when I actually started smelling ghosts. I do remember, when I was a kid, I would smell all kinds of things that no one else did. Onions cooking, flowers in the dead of winter, unfamiliar perfumes (my mother never used perfume, allergy), and sometimes I'd wake in the middle of the night...

My Grandmother: Psychic Abilities Or Coincidence? by Ski221

I have always been close to my grandmother and I know her to be a kind, funny and honest woman, but I can't help feeling there is something odd about her experiences. Let me explain; I believe my grandmother to be psychic. My mother is originally from Yorkshire and at the age of 19 moved to Londo...

Tarot Learning by rookdygin

This is more than just my 'learning' experience with a deck of Tarot Cards... I hope it doesn't come off as 'Preachy' but I give a heads up here at the beginning... I quote Scripture in this one to back up some of my points. And away we go... I received a gift the Summer of 1986... It was a de...

The Man And The Boy by kellyb09

I'm going to make this short and to the point. My best friend lives in PA and has a lot going on in his life right now. We both see and hear things often, me being on a daily basis lately. And because we both believe each other it's a lot easier to keep our experiences to ourselves. People we know d...

My Weird Dream by maiv

Do you believe weird dreams? In my culture (Hmong) we believe that when you have weird dreams, they might be a sign of something good or bad, One of the beliefs that we believe in is if you are a parent and dream that your teeth is falling out, that means it's a bad sign you should be careful and wa...

Seeing Colors by luckyrain

I am not psychic or religious in anyway. My story is kind of sad and scary, I stay with my mom in Kzn South Africa. Started in 2004. I was 6 or 7 when I was hit by a car and died (to me I died) I saw my body and the driver, then medics all from the air I was like looking down! I remember seeing colo...

What Happened With My Tarot Cards? by rookdygin

Summer 1986 my soon to be wife (now ex) wanted to get me a special gift. What she bought me was a deck of Tarot card's. This is the only deck I have ever owned that I did not buy. Something strange happened with this deck, and I've never found out exactly what. Samantha (Sam) wanted to get me a '...

I Need My Mommy 3 by Miracles51031

After reading LouSlip's story "Walter in the Basement," I decided it was time to submit this story. I've held off because I, like Lou, wasn't sure how it would be received. As some of you know, I had a little girl ghost when my daughter, Jerrica, was little. I've submitted two stories about her, "...

The Key Warning by otteer

This story is about the third warning I had received from my warning entity. If you have read my other stories you will know I believe I am somewhat psychic, I have had encounters with entities since I was 21 years old, always in the form of sounds, manipulation of electronics, things going missing ...

I'm Trying To Tell You Something by otteer

If you have read my other story, I believe I am somewhat psychic, I have had encounters with entities since I was 21 years old, always in the form of sounds, manipulation of electronics, things going missing and then reappearing in different places and dreams that come true. They happen anywhere, no...

The Premonitions by kristelnaia

They say that when the soul departs, often times they would give premonitions and signs. I was 9 when I had the first encounter. I have a neighbor/playmate who was murdered by his uncle, her name's Crystal; she was 10 at that time. It was the saddest and most tragic incident in the town where I gre...

An Unknown Force Steps In With A Warning by otteer

My ghost story does not revolve around a haunted place. I have had some strange dealings with unknown entities at various locations since I was 21, so I can only assume I am somewhat physic and these entities choose to contact me when they are in the area or the time is right. I can only hear or see...

Good Listeners by CrimsonRose

Many people came to our house at 8:00 PM to have a meeting for Christians. The meeting consisted of my parents and other parents and there was this one mother who can see ghosts whom I'll call Miss Faye. I did believe in ghosts or spirits and I believed there was at our home. They WERE in our house...

The Highchair by youdontknowme88

If you haven't read my stories Man in the Bedroom, or The 3 Events, please do. This story will make a whole lot of more sense. For those of you who don't want to read those stories, then let me give you a little summary. I am a kid growing up psychic. I have people who are dead come and "visit" m...

Sending A Ghost To The Light by RHood

This is a true story as related by my wife Pamela: One afternoon my mother and I were talking in the living room with a couple of friends. I was sitting next to the window in the living room and I felt this ghost standing right behind me. I felt this person needed help and was in a lot of pain. I to...

A Story To Tell by silverwind

his is my first post/story that I've done on this site, it's not like some of the other stories I've read here. Anyway, my story begins with a short explanation on how I became a psychic. (I'm still trying to develop my abilities.) I always wanted to tell my experience to some of my friends but thou...

Is My Mind Repressing My Encounters With Demons And Ghosts? by Alexstar26

My name is Alexandra and I am 19 years old. Since I was a toddler, I have always desired to share my radical beliefs about the existence of ghosts with others. I wanted to let them know how closed minded these people were whenever they replied to me with "ghosts, demons, and vampires simply do not e...

My Brother's House by shamby

My brother, Jeremy, used to live in a house near the center of my hometown, which is quite small. He lived there with a roommate, who we all called Goat because he would eat anything. Jeremy and his baby mamma (now his wife as of a year ago) weren't together at this point; she was living with her fa...

Double Take by longtimebeliever

I have always experienced what is called deja-vu. I am now 34 and back when I was 10 I would wake up real early on Saturday morning's and rush into the family room to watch my cartoons. My Dad was always one to wake up at 5 am and go off to get his coffee and newspaper, and by the time I got up he w...

Nick The Nazi by The-Red-Daisy

There is another ghost who resides at my house, though I don't often mention him. He and I are like oil and water; we just don't mix. There are rare times when I enjoy his presence and there are times where I wish he'd simply go away. This doesn't mean he's a harmful spirit. In fact, he's rather ben...

Goodbye To A Restless Soul by Simplyghostnights

As we approached this 19th century public house, the wind howled at our faces and penetrating deep into our bodies and chilling us to the bone. We were visiting this location as we had had reports of some terrific paranormal activity, to the extent that it had actually petrified some of members of s...

Visions by Tracie

Since I can remember I have the ability to see, hear and feel spirits. At first it was scary but then I realised it was a gift I was given and become used to the idea. The only vision I don't like is when I see crosses as in a death cross. If I see 3 within a short space of time then I know it is go...

What Went Bang In The Night? by Simplyghostnights

As a psychic medium and founder of simply ghost nights, a ghost hunting event company. I frequently get invited to private houses where the occupant of the house believes there may be paranormal activity going on in their home. Obviously paranormal activity is not present in every house I visit, ...

A Royal Encounter by Lark

It was the second day of my first trip to New Orleans, and one I had looked forward to for a very long time. Being originally from Georgia, I suppose I felt a sort of kinship to the sister city of Savannah. The streets of the French Quarter felt familiar, even though I had never been there before. I...

Spectres Paths by kbordkaos

I started seeing spectres as a teenager. I want to call them spectres instead of ghosts, as such, because they just appeared and disappeared and didn't seem to see me or recur. Still, they had a strong impact on me and made me alert to my surroundings-so thanks spectres. The first one was my Gr...

A Trip Back In Time by sanjubhat

I make it a point to visit my ancestral home which is around three hours from Goa at least once a year. The unpolluted surroundings, pure air, greenery and the pristine beaches ensure that I am fully recharged and rejuvenated at the end of my vacation. I would like to describe my ancestral home for ...

Jane's Mum 2 by Worried_Brit_Chick

This follows from my previous story, which was told to me by my friend Ellie. Again, all the names have been changed. About 6 months after the incident with the shadow in Jane's bedroom, Ellie was sleeping over at Jane's house. She had not experienced anything else since the shadow, and as I said...

Shadows Belonging To No One by CrimsonAsh

Since I was a baby I've seen things I never could explain to any one and once I did the awful mistake of telling my mother about the blurry figures that pass by me. I told her that there was always somebody watching me and I didn't know who it was. My mom thinks I live in a fantasy world & made me s...

My Premonition Of A Suicide And A Murder by Centellitaendoki9

This story is based on a dream I had which happen to come true that very night. Now I know this isn't a dream telling website I PROMISE in order for you guys to understand my story this dream is very relevant to my paranormal experience, so here it goes. I have a very religious background, a religio...

Some Weird And Scary Stuff That's Happened by Worried_Brit_Chick

Hey everyone, I haven't posted anything like this before, but have had many discussions with close friends and my partner about my experiences. So, I'm a 23 year old girl, I live in London, England with my partner and our puppy. I don't actually remember my first weird experience, because I was o...

Partner Sees Spirits by Lilady4

As promised, I am submitting another story. This is a true account. My partner and I have been together for 4 years and we are getting married in August of this year. My partner explained to me that he has seen spirits (and at first, I was skeptical) and he explained them in vivid detail. Here a...

Dealing With Death by El_Riky

This happened in Reynosa, Mexico, two years ago (summer, 2008). As a background, my family and I have always experienced ghost sightings, among other things. Sometimes they want to communicate or are in need of help. Sometimes... Sometimes they just want to have fun. I am my family's defense or barr...

No More Spirits, But When There Were by sparkle25

I have posted a few stories in the past 2-3 years. If you have not read them I suggest you do so (if they are still available). I have seen, heard, and felt Spirits in my household and in my next door neighbor's home as well. I am happy to report that it's been a year since I have had any weird thin...

Sending Toward The Light by lazria

This occurred last night, March 8th, 2010. If you have read my recent entries about my new trailer, you will understand the background on the place that I have so far. Recently, certain issues have been escalating, including, for a lack of better words, the house seeming to attack us. Yes, I do know...

The Kitchen Experience by PseudoHuman

This is my first time to this site and found myself quite fascinated by all of the stories and thus, felt inspired to tell a story or two of my own. I suppose I should give a little background of myself and my experiences. I am 24 years old and for about the last 16 or so years, have been in the mid...

My Second Vision by honey91

A few days ago, my step brothers, my boyfriend, and my nephew were in the living room playing the Wii. My step mom and my dad's friend were in the dining room, sitting at the table, talking about a woman whom my step mom knew years ago. I stood on my knees beside them, listening to the conversation....

My Not So Gift by josh22395

My name is Josh I am 14 years old. Ever since I was eight years old I have been able to see and speak to ghosts. I know I am not crazy I am in all honors classes. I mean I have an anxiety disorder but nothing else, this is not a gift this is a nightmare. I need help though I get very scared and try ...

Horrible Feelings At Colonial Park Cemetary by mb139

I was on a business trip in Savannah, Ga last Sunday night, Nov 1. Several of us were heading to dinner by the river. We were driving when all of a sudden; I got this terrible feeling of dread. Then we came up on the Colonial Park Cemetery which until now, I knew nothing about. As we were passing by...

Children by carys

When you see spirits or you encounter unusual things do you wonder why? I spoke to my mother about the things I see and according to her I've seen them all my life. But I will not get into it to much. I might possibly if people respond. I remember in primary school always seeing extra childre...

Am I Psychic? by Pangie

This is something that gets too met all the time. Even when I was little I was knew things before they happened and I always had weird dreams of the future. I never took notice because I thought it was normal but as soon as I moved to Poland it got worse. There are tons of people who have the sa...

A Horrible Parent by Casp3r

I was staying at my friend's house, her name's Chelsea. But I had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. After a semester of school and staying over at her house I discovered something very creepy. In her basement is a very old well. I got her talking about it and knowing that the wel...

Don't Ask Why This Happens To You, Just Accept It by newave

I lived a very hard life. A life no one should live. My mother was part Native American and African American. She would tell me stories of visions she would have of events and people. Some nights I would find her crying. Eventually my mother's mind state changed and she turned to drugs to cope. ...

Why Do They Try To Connect With Me? by amanda8876

So I have experienced a lot of weird things in my life. But none of those really scared me, until recently. I have been hearing voices when I'm lying down in my bed at night. Sometimes, they sound so angry that my blood pressure itself starts pumping, I feel outraged for no reason. These voices aren...

Disturbances Since Childhood by Rhiannon

I guess to understand this; you need a little bit of background information. I am a 20 year old Christian, married woman. I am married to a Muslim man and am completely happy and healthy but for a few minor things in my life. My mother has had several paranormal experiences, as have I, my grandmot...

Psychic Or Mental? by IWasMarieAntoinetteInMyPast

There are many things in my life that I find strange. Was my life chosen by myself, or for me? Why do I see things that are not there? Why do I hear voices? All of these questions are running inside my mind, day and night. Almost every day. I always felt I was different. I always wanted something...

The Nataraja Idol by sanjubhat

This incident occurred sometime in mid 2005. Manish, a close friend of mine received a call one day from an elderly couple requesting his help with regards to some strange happenings in their house. Manish who is an engineer by profession incidentally dabbles a bit in the field of occult, helpin...

Psychic Things And My House by laurenemmam

This isn't exactly a 'story''s more like an account of things that I have been noticing over the last few months. I guess my question is; "am I psychic?" or at least showing some signs of it. I have been keeping a list on my computer of the strange things I have been noticing, and they're proba...

The Lumberjack by SpiritMagnet

As a teen and into my early 20's I was in deep when it came to my religion as well as the supernatural. More than once I put myself in harms way to protect those who needed help. This is one of those times. I had a friend I went to college with, she was married with two little ones at home, livin...

Sensing The Paranormal by hauntedexpress

I'm feeling constantly haunted. I feel a presence everywhere I go, I can not see them or hear them but, it's just the change in temperature and the faint smell. On my way to college coming up to junctions I feel the people getting run over or getting assaulted by others. I am a relatively a lively p...

Caught Between Two Worlds by Dantheman

This story is really hard for me to write about, but I think I have to. My friend John and me were walking around my neighbourhood about a week ago, just talking as good friends do, when I had this strangest feeling come over me. I got dizzy, and turned to john to ask if we could go back to my h...

Imperial Beach Drownings by ghostseer

Too many times I have seen them diving under the waves. The horrible part is when they don't come up for air. This is when I start to panic, wondering if I should toss off my coat and shoes, pull off my heavy jeans, and go after them. I don't want to hesitate too long JUST IN CASE it is a real livi...

Medium: A True Story by jennamedium

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night confused. Most people do that at one point or another. From time to time I shoot up in a panic, I have just dreamt of something tragic a murder a rape, and assault. I know what you're thinking what's that got to do with anything, the answer I don't know...

Tesse And My Father-in-law's Message by marie2286

My father-in-law had been sick of acute renal disease; he even had to undergo dialysis for almost a year before he finally retired. In the last week of November 2007, he was confined already in the hospital because his situation got worse. My husband and his other siblings had already accepted t...

Advice On My Blurred Sight by alliejokerr

I live in Northern Ireland and my great great grandmother was a healer. I have also been blessed with the gift. I would like some advice please. My life has always been complicated. At a young age and growing up I was always ill and plants around me would die. But people always felt better. I...

I Was The Spirit In The Police Helicopter by SarahS

On a sunny day I was sitting on my bed doing my college school work. I had a full schedule a Cypress College (Cypress, California (U.S.A.). I lived in Anaheim with my 2 little boys. I had them go on vacation for that last semester. I sat reading my journalism text book. I was sitting up with the ...

Ghosts Of The Somme by Angelofmusic

I'm pretty new to this site and this is my first story I have submitted. This happened to me about six months ago, so please excuse me If I get a few details wrong or if my memory is a bit hazy. This experience was not my first of a ghostly encounter. All my life I've been able to see stuff the rest...

Dead Or Ghost by SarahS

Ever since I was asked by a precious 13 year old Mexican boy if I remembered that he died in a school bus accident in Los Angeles, I've been wondering if I could have died myself. I saw and heard him one morning in Anaheim, CA. He was standing in my bedroom very happy with a happy smile on his face ...

Motor Cycle Ride In The Rain by KimSouthO

It was the middle of August and the harsh wind blew hot and humid, kicking up a storm for the evening hours. Off to the north the black clouds had started to brew and roll. It was about 6:30 PM and my date was late. He would not tell me where he planned to take me, it was a surprise. Now, being 30 m...

Ghost Bite On My Inner Thigh by ghostseer

I wasn't sure what went wrong, but I responded to a story on this site. I saw (second sight) what was going on AS I was responding to the writer, but it surprised me when I was bitten. This Demonic presence took a bite, and left. I always know I am on the right track, when I am attacked. It's al...

Hollyweird by ghostseer

I drove through Hollyweird (Hollywood) in record time, and finally found a parking spot. If you have ever been to the area around the Sunset Strip, you know how congested with oddness it is. As soon as I got out of my car, I saw the dwarf astride a pink stingray bike. He had on a Viking helmet wi...

No Peace For Rusty by VoxMortuus

I am not an easy sell. Although I am quite convinced that spirits are among us, whether we can always perceive them or not, I still roam this plane with a solid and healthy sense of skepticism. Along with my skepticism comes some degree of psychic ability, especially clairaudio and (as you will see)...

Ghost Of Mr. Graham by ghostseer

Mr. Graham owned a tiny corner market, and he loved all the children who frequented his store. His smile was genuine, and his heart was made of gold. Even though he barely made a living selling his wares, he handed out free candy to the children. Of course, this made the kids want to live at his sto...

Orbs And Ectoplasm All Around Me by ghostseer

This is from my recent encounter at the "Gate To Nowhere". I wanted to talk about the "other" things I experienced there. I didn't mention them in my last published encounter. Just didn't have the time or inclination to do so... The orbs followed me everywhere. It started with just a few, maybe f...

Crows And Shadows by MontrealAJ

For quite a while I have been able to "see" certain signs of a family member's passing before they actually do. I can't explain it, my sister has the same ability. Apparently it is an Irish trait. My mother believes us, she also has some of these abilities. This story is not the first experience tha...

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