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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter H: Page 6

He Lost His Head by Dar77

The year was 1999 and my ex husband and I were living in Missouri then. My boys were just babies then, 3 and 1. We had found a charming old farm house in the country and the rent was very affordable. It was a two bedroom home that was situated at the top of a hill and you had to drive up a long grav...

He Made Me Believe by cmccourt19

I read some stories here and after reading I figured I would share as well. I had a struggle in my early family life. We moved around a lot, lived in very poor neighbourhoods, my father struggled with Chemo from his stomach cancer, and a drinking problem. I'm now 24 years old all grown up. My ch...

He Must Be All Better Now by Fuchsia

I have lived in San Andres since I was 2. It's a pleasant and peaceful place where neighbors knew each other and looked after one another. We moved to this house when I was still a high school sophomore. One of our neighbors was a family from India consisting of the parents, along with their son ...

He Plays Tricks On Me by Jesika-lee

I'm new to this site; I came across it while I was trying to justify the strange things happening to me at the moment (using good old Google) I'm 23 years old and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I moved into my new house about 6 months ago, from day 1 strange things were happening. To ...

He Pulled My Toes! by kerrylee

My nearest and dearest brother passed away August of last year. We had a private joke that we shared where he would mock me constantly about the length of my second toe. It was rather long. About three months after his passing, round about 2:00 in the morning, I woke up to feel my two toes on my l...

He Read My Facebook Posts by sherm784

A friend from college recently passed. I'm a relatively young guy mid-30s and haven't really experienced a loss like this before. This was someone who I hung out with pretty consistently at one point in my life, so it hit me more than I thought. These days there are a lot of new ways to remember...

He Said His Name Was David by TNANGEL

He said his name was David. I first met him when I was in elementary school - fifth grade to be precise - and since that first chance encounter he has been in and out of my life like a passing storm. The first time we met I was on a school field trip. I remember this so well because it was the f...

He Said My Name by always-with-me

I have always had something with the paranormal around me. When I was a child my sister and I would lie in bed at night and watch these figures go through our parents' bedroom. They never did anything, they were just there. As an adult, I have had things happen like lights turn on and my dog bark fo...

He Saw Her by maggirockz13

This story is about my uncle's (Father's Brother) first encounter with ghosts. It was Year 2007; My Uncle Anil (Name changed) was young 22 years old guy (Now 31), He was working in Mumbai that time at a "Call Center". The company provided a Guest house to my uncle and also other boys who worked wit...

He Saw his Father Leave his Body by Oglegen

I'm writing this on behalf of a close friend of mine and I think it's a really beautiful story. My friend Fran's father was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and got to a point in February 2007 where he was told by his Doctors that he had one month left to live. All his family gathered around him:...

He Saw Something by jennifertorres

We all know that my husband has had things happen but would never admit them to me. Well let me tell you... HE HAS! I am so excited, of course I didn't tell him that I would post them on here because, and well I have to take baby steps with that one. Ok, this is what he told me. Last night (Sunday)...

He Sees Me by PheepheeofDayton

I was crying. In my room and all alone, I cried myself to sleep for almost a whole week. How was I to know the guy I liked didn't like me really. He just used me to get to my sister. You see, my sister and I are the best of friends with huge personality differences. She does sports, she has many fri...

He Sees Things by SnowClaw

This story isn't really about me, but about my boyfriend and his family. To start, let me tell you a little about his family and where they live. My boyfriend Jackson has 5 siblings, he is the oldest. The second oldest is his brother Jake, who this story is mostly about. Jackson's family moved here ...

He Speaks by Tweed

This is about the ghostie I think of as a guardian. I've written about him a few times before. He seems to be the only ghost I can communicate with in a reliable way. Meaning I can usually find sense in any communication eventually. Whereas with other ghosties I'm often left with a bunch of possibil...

He Still Helps Me by Hecate0

It's time I share my favorite ghost story. My father was diagnosed with lung disease when I was a freshman in college. It was horrible news. He was one of those rare people. I never heard him yell, ever, other than when having fun. There are four of us kids in my family. I am third. He and I were al...

He Stole My Keys by AppleSauce27

After my first story submission, someone wanted to hear more about my husband's father. I wanted to share this story of when I first met my husband. It's a lighter hearted one then my last, but one I think of fondly. When I first met my husband, we had a lot in common, such as our parents both be...

He Tried To Get My Daughter by Worriedorparanoid

Before I even start my story, I feel there are so many people which leave really sarcastic comments which I feel are very unnecessary as they don't really even know me or what's happening in my home - for each one of us that have a story to share, it is very real to us. Any way back to my story. ...

He Turned Into Light by lady-glow

I met JR - not Ewing - in December 1991 at the Christmas party of the company we both were working for. Since he lived and worked in northern Mexico our interactions were limited to a few times a year in which the employees from the central office in Mexico City and the ones from the satellite provi...

He Used To Live Here by alandhopewell

This took place about a week before the events in "This Scared Me Silly... Not Sure Why". As was my habit, I'd stopped up at my mother's apartment to have dinner, and visit with her for a while-she lived in a government-owned highrise in downtown Lorain. The residents were mainly elderly people,...

He Visited Me For The Last Time by Se7en

I have lots of paranormal experiences but this story I'm going to share will never leave my thoughts. This happened when my grandfather died a year ago. My boyfriend and I (not yet living together) we're taking care of our house while my mom and the rest of them rushed to the hospital to assist my g...

He Visits Occasionally, And I Almost Want Him Back by kittyalice

I've been waiting to submit this for months! Things had escalated and I wanted to talk to you all! Over the course of a few years, some weird things have happened in my house, nothing violent or particularly terrifying but still noticeable, to me at least. Our house has four floors, the ground floo...

He Wanted Her by Samantha Davis

I am turning 30 this summer and am still haunted by things that happened to me when I was 12 years old. I never understood what happened and want an explanation. When I began 7th grade I'd just moved to a different neighborhood by a girl I'd met the year before. I will call her Heather. She and I...

He Wanted To Be There, Too by zzsgranny

I'm so happy to announce the birth of my second grandchild on October 26th. Her name is Emily Michelle, and she is perfect. She looks just like my daughter! My daughter had a c-section, so my youngest son and I were on the way to the hospital at around 6:15, or so. Since we would not be able to smo...

He Wanted To See The New Little Darling by LuciaJacinta

In January 2009 my dad was in a very minor car accident. He aspirated from the shock of a teenager hitting the car from behind. Then he passed out. It lead him to go into a coma. At first, he was in and out for a few days then eventually the coma set in and he didn't wake up. Despite there being no ...

He Was A Ghost, At First by lulu333

When I was around seven or eight I saw a ghost in an underpass while in London with my mum. Since that day I have come across something which makes me wonder the true nature of what I saw. I'm no longer sure that he was a ghost, it's possible he was 'something else', I'll explain... Firstly for t...

He Was Always Watching Me by SweetSelinda

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I had many ghost experiences since I was a little girl. I can see things no one else can and also hear things. I can be alone and I always felt there was someone watching me. Now let's get on with the story. About 4 years ago me and my family moved into ...

He Was Here, The Devil by curiousgal99

Once again I'm catholic, although not a very good one. Needless to say, I make a lot of dumb mistakes. This Saturday I called up one of my friends and decided to go out drinking. I'm very lightweight and I'm extremely buzzed/slightly drunk after four drinks. I had my four and we were sitting out by ...

He Was There by chance_is

My first encounter with a ghost was when I was about 7 or 8 years old. My parents had purchased an old chair with a wooden frame and cloth covered cushions. It was late one night and I had woken up to go the bathroom. I opened my bedroom door and in the hallway where the new old chair had been place...

He Watched Me In My Sleep... Or Did He? by ThePhoenixIsHere

This event was my first paranormal experience that had ever happened to me. Even though I was only six years old, I can still vividly remember this moment in my life. Alright, so I am in my bed and I am on the brink of falling asleep, Literally. Normally, no one would be aware of being on the br...

He Watches Over Me by ms_st0308

This is my first ever story on this site, and I will admit I was a little hesitant to even sign up at first. I've read several of the ghost stories on here, which I think are really interesting. I've always been interested in "ghost" stories and really just enjoy the history of places and people...

He Whispered In My Ear by LayaMcDowell

I have a lot of experiences with the dead. But this one might be far too interesting and unrealistic. I'm unpacking my room, getting comfortable in my new house. It was dark so I was blasting music in my room to get done. I hear a loud crash come from downstairs. I thought it was my mother, so I...

He Will Be Missed by Char89

This experience was my mother's friend's daughters Amanda, who at the time was 15 years old. It was Mid-January four years ago. I wish I had of been there but I don't know them all that well. My parents told me this story as soon as they got home. My mother and father were at their friend's hous...

He Will Suffer by Kiewstyn

A few friends and I started ghost hunting in 2001 - it wasn't until 2003 that we really started to get in to it and open ourselves up to the spirit world. This is a story from the last time we went ghost hunting as a group. I am copying it out of my journal, as written the next morning - adding to i...

He Won't Leave Me Alone by Panini

I am currently a sixteen year old EVERTHING I say here is true. There is a ghost name Robert Snider, and he harasses me daily. He read my thoughts daily, (He telepathically communicates to me) and I always feel violated. So I ignored him, and this time I avoided the thought of him. But it didn't w...

He Won't Leave Me Alone... by Thorn

First time posting a story up here and before I start there's a few things I would like you to know. I'm a very religious person. A Christian, denomination shouldn't matter here. So when I talk about my experiences, know that I already believe spirits, demons, and angels exist. I talk to God all the...

He Wouldn't Leave Me Alone And She Won't Stop Following Me by jmdesrosiers

These stories are not known to many people in my life. One of them I would much rather forget about, the other I keep a secret as a sort of test. I'll explain this more later on. I'll begin with the more terrifying of my two experiences. (Please forgive my lack of a better term. I have not looke...

He Wouldn't Take No For An Answer by CJ

Despite the fact that I have seen quite the amount of negativity towards the use of Ouija boards on this site, I still have decided to go ahead with sharing what I experienced several months ago. It is something I have struggled with sharing for quite sometime, as it has already been a difficult thi...

He's A Believer Now by WontTellYouMyName

This is something that cemented my belief in the supernatural. Bare with me because this might be a bit long but I guess it's worth it. It was around the second week of August 2017, only a couple weeks before my birthday and since my partner wasn't going to be in the country on my actual birthda...

He's Always There by RoseThorn7

My grandfather was my best friend when I was younger. I love baseball, and he always took me to games every other weekend during the summer. He always picked me up from school everyday and on Fridays he would take me to the store to get some candy before heading home. He would always call it my "TGI...

He's Always There by PrincessMightyMouse

Ever since I was little, I can remember him being with me. I never saw him, but I could tell that the spirit watching over me was male. In fact, my parents would humor me and say that I couldn't let the man in my room. The man would still be in my room, I could always feel him. When I got older,...

He's At The Door by valkricry

It was after midnight when I went to bed last night (7/22/2015), not long after I heard a rapping on my apartment door. I got up and called through the locked door, "Who is it?" Silence. Another knock. "Who is it?" I called out louder. No way am I just opening the door, so I drag over the stepstool ...

He's Back by SummerEclipse22

I've told the story of how I got the doll (by the way it wasn't new when my aunt gave it to me) now this is how he came back. We moved again to another apartment, (I was 10) and as we were unpacking I noticed there was an extra box. When I asked my mom what was in it, her answer gave me chills. My ...

He's Back And He's Stronger by Surya

Saturday 13th June. I was a little more than tired on Saturday. I was up at a ridiculous hour so the day really did drag. I had done all the shopping by 1.30pm. I started cooking about 6pm. By 8pm we were both chilling. I was lying on the sofa, and my partner was on the laptop working away. Lyin...

He's Back... Was He Ever Gone? by FallenBeauty

If you have read my other stories you would be familiar with the man that resides in my old bedroom at Trev's house. My boyfriend and I moved out of there earlier this year and moved in with my mum, we do still stay there fairly often as it is like a second home to me and even though creepy things h...

He's Following Me by LexzOnne

This is my second story on this site. I have never been a religious person. Of course, I believe in a power that makes us who we are, that helps us and that is fighting to protect us from 'the other world.' I never was skeptical about the things that are 'out of the norm.' I believe in ghosts or any...

He's Real by theirwatchingme

I previously came to this site to look for answers about a man in a trench coat, with a hat, real smokey looking but appears more of a shadow with red eyes. I researched him to find that I am not the only one who has seen him/it. I know he goes by Hat Man. Well anyway here is my story, well part...

He's Really Bugging Me by amber87

I should start by saying I have always be in strong believer in the paranormal. I have had many of my own experiences, as had many of my family members. The story that I am wanting to share with you now started about two years ago. My husband and I bought our first house together in February 2013...

He's Still At The Funeral Home by Synndill

Although I have had many "experiences" with the "supernatural", I am going to start with the most recent and go from there. To give you some background, I work in a Funeral Home as an Administrative Assistant, in Kirtland, New Mexico. I know, I know, a Funeral Home, but I am perfectly comfortable th...

He's Upstairs by deannah

My family and I moved onto Fort Belvoir, Virginia on June 23, 2011. We were assigned this beautiful Victorian style home. It's new construction but the neighborhood has been here for quite some time so who know's what was here before us. George Washington's Mount Vernon is right down the road from t...

Headache of a Paranormal Kind by marijun

This event happened early in 2007. As a member of Couples for Christ, one of our obligations is to attend weekly meetings with our household group. In short, each couple within our group would take turns to host these weekly meetings, where we would gather, pray, and read a scripture from the bible....

Headless by Hongo-Yukina

This experience of mine happened when I was 11 years old. I was still in Grade 6 and was studying in a public school. It was Gen. Maximino Hizon Elementary School. The building where the classrooms were was separated from the part that was demolished after a fire. Even so, there were no rules saying...

Headless Ghost by Clairvoyant94

I am teenager but I am about to tell is not a lie or joke, I take ghost/ ghost hunting very seriously. This story gives me chills every time I talk about it, at the time I was fifteen. My room is next to our livingroom, and a little diagonal from the kitchen. So from the right angle I can see into t...

Headless Horseman Haunt by AlunaShepard

Though my story took place when I was eight years of age, I still remember it bright as day. Many people I talk to write it off as "a bad dream" or a hallucination, but I know what I experienced, and I know for certain that I was very much awake. There are a few seemingly minor details I must set up...

Headless In Indiana by Andrea22

The following is pretty short... But very very strange! There aren't that many details for me to tell because it was only a moment, but enough to be shocking and always remembered. It's actually something that happened to my father. He told me about a ghost, or whatever it might have been, that he s...

Headless Man by ikristine27

I was in the philippines when my story happened, but I'm now living in chicago. It was a rainy, dark afternoon when my sister and I were watching jeepers creeper (I still remember the movie!) and it was only me and her because our parents were both at work. I was young probably like 8 years old. The...

Headless Persons by bluelink

Thank you for developing this kind of site now I have a chance to tell what I am experiencing right now. I'm not good in English so bear with me. So here's my story. Way back 2005 when my family moved here in Cavite. Since the subdivision is just newly opened so the nearest neighbor we had is 2 b...

Headless Priest by bbyguhrlx3

When I was still living in the Philippines, I went to a private school. I believe that most elders used to scare us little kids about how most of the schools in the Philippines was either, a cemetery or a hospital before it became a school. Basically, it's like telling us that most schools are haunt...

Health Club Zumba Ghost In Mirror by SoliK

This happened to me about two weeks ago at the gym and I still can't truly comprehend what I saw. I have been faithfully going to a Zumba class at my gym since January. For the most part the same people go, especially the Wednesday night class. I go to other classes but this incident happened on thi...

Health Farm Apparition by ashleigh_may_xx

This is my first story! If you met my family, the first thing that you would probably comment on is the appearance of the females. All of my aunties and cousins are absolutely stunning. It can be very intimidating at times, but there is always someone that can sort you out if you have a bad hair...

Heard A Coworker's Voice In My Head by sherm784

One of the phenomena I've heard of is that of "projection" or a living person's voice or essence being present when the person is not there. I had something similar to that happen. One of my colleagues at work is an older Indian lady of Guyanese decent. Let's call her Mary. She speaks softly, pe...

Heard But Unseen by CenturyEgg

I was reading a book in the middle of the night when suddenly, the power went off. Without the fan, it was hot but I had no other choice than to sleep. I was already half asleep when I started hearing something like voices from a portable radio (like a walkie talkie) but it was choppy. I wasn't able...

Heard Clearly My Husband Call For Me But He Didnt by Angeee10

My husband and I were at the car wash and went inside to wait for our car to get done. My husband went to the bathroom and I was sitting around the corner a ways. After a couple minutes, I heard him yell "babe"...I turned my head a tad in that direction as I wasn't sure if I really heard him. He...

Heard Knocking But No One Was There by whitfefe

My husband and I bought our house April 2004. We had a 3-year-old son and I was 6 months pregnant with twins. We had been living in our house for 2 weeks. One night around 10:30 pm we heard loud knocking at our back door. My husband went to the door. As he reached the door we heard the loud knock ag...

Heard My Grandpa Again! by Vrinda

I've been a huge fan of YGS over these years and decided to share my experiences one by one. I have had many experiences since I get visions, I can see and feel stuff. So this might be worth noting down right now. So this story isn't particularly a haunting one, but definitely gave me the chil...

Heard My Name Being Called by Lylac_Tina

Just to specify, we speak French in my house so I will include what I heard and then a translation. I live at home with my parents, siblings and a cat. We live in my mom's childhood home (renovated of course, it used to be a bungalow with 3 very small bedrooms and 1 and half baths. We added a level ...

Heard Someone Say Hey! by zapamay

I have of course had some more creepy experiences since last time I wrote. 2 in total actually. Now, this one isn't really an experience, but I take my brothers word for it that it scared him. Anyways, one day me and my family were talking and landed on the topic of dreams. We were taking about t...

Hearing Footsteps by canadian123

In 1989, my aunt lived in a older house and there had been strange things that would happen there. She heard footsteps going up her staircase, both day and night, and it would happen off and on. Once, her niece stayed the night and wasn't aware of any of this! Her aunt didn't want to scare her. When...

Hearing And Seeing by Gabriellerose998

For as long as I can remember I have always been able to sense and see things that no one else can and that is very scary for a young teenager. I was about 12 or 13 at the time when I had my first encounter with something paranormal. My Nanna was looking after me and my younger brothers. They wh...

Hearing and Seeing Strange Things that Dogs also Notice by Lexiluca

One evening when I was about 14 or 15 years old, I was doing what I normally would do when my parents went out for dinner with one another and left me at home to watch the dogs. We had two dogs, both toy poodles, which are commonly known as being noisy and annoying. Not these little guys, they were ...

Hearing Ghosts In Old Farmhouses by Sybill

In the 1970s, my urban middle class French Canadian parents decided to buy an old farmhouse in a remote rural area of Quebec, about an hour from Victoriaville, where I was born. We lived there until I was 6 years old, until my parents split up and we moved to Montreal. I don't remember this but my...

Hearing Knocking And A Voice by semisweet

This story happened a few years after my first story. It was around Christmas time. My mom, sister (who was pregnant at the time) and I where sitting in the living room watching TV. I think everyone else in my family was working including my sister's boyfriend who was now living with us. As we were ...

Hearing Mom's Voice And Baby Crying When No One Is There by friendlyclown

Over the years that I have lived in my current house, a few paranormal things have approached me. Before I was born, I had a sister that passed due to complications with her blood. I live in a very religious house, and my relatives always tell me she is always watching over me. Occasionally, when I ...

Hearing My Own Childhood Ghost As An Adult by Sunflower7991

I was abused as a child. The events I experienced as a child lead me to depression at a young age and I was full out suicidal when I was 11. When I was a teenager, I changed my name to start over and tried to become a new person. For privacy reasons I will not use my real names and instead will be S...

Hearing Someone Walking At Night by HeavenlyGlory

This happened a few years back. I was 10 then. At night I slept in my own bedroom, by that time I got a new bed and was able to sleep in my own room. My room, my brother and sister rooms are very close to each other. Our rooms were in a small hallway. The laundry room was in front of mine. When faci...

Hearing The Voice by HeavenlyGlory

I remember this had happened when I was in elementary school. I was in second grade which was twelve years ago. I came home first since my school let out earlier than my brother and sister. They were in middle school by then. My parents were at work and would be home later. Well once I got home I ...

Hearing Things At My Job In Einsteins by loneybone

I want to share with you guys my story that happened like 6 months ago. I used to work at this place called Einstein Bagels. I still do, just not as much as I used to. Well, at first when I started to work there everything was fine. I got along with everyone, no problems and still none of that. ...

Hearing Things From Our Kitchen by chii

This already happened few months ago but I was experiencing it almost every time I'm alone at home. When I'm in my room watching TV, moments later I'll hear something from our kitchen. Sounds of like someone is doing the dishes. At first I thought my dad had arrived and wanted to cook something or i...

Hearing Things? by Casper_the_ghost

This happens a lot what I am about to tell you but I am needing help with it as I'm not sure if I am the cause of it (hearing things) or if something more sinister is going on. I would be on my own in the house usually upstairs on the computer and would hear my parent's car park up by the house, I h...

Hearing Voices by curiousDevu

I had the following experience four or five weeks back. I don't really have any idea as to what triggered those events so any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me start by saying that I am a skeptic, however the events of the past weeks have done much to shake my conviction. My story is rather ...

Hearing Voices After Doing Evp: Evp Psychosis by jerseyguy77

EVP PSYCHOSIS: A True and Personal Account of Hearing Voices after Experiments with EVP (A Danger of Experimenting with the Electronic Voice Phenomenon) By B. Edwards "Your power is in not believing us" - an evil spirit 1. I certainly know how strange this account will sound to most,...

Hearing Voices And Utensils At Work Place by Black_Eyes

Back in 2021, when I was working as a pastry attendant at Winners Coromandel, there were rumors about something unusual. People claimed to have seen a bride in the alley of Winners Coromandel at night, or sometimes when they were alone, she appeared covered in blood, wearing her wedding dress. The s...

Hearing Voices Late At Night by Dracosgirl

This only happens at night. You might remember me while I posted a previous story about an "Incubus" which is titled "Incubus, Poltergeist, or my Imagination?" or as some of you suggested, my experiences could be occurring sleep paralysis attacks. These attacks, however, have come to an end. This st...

Hearing Voices Under My Pillow by LuzR1956

Moved to a single family house in West Springfield, MA over a year ago, from the first night heard noises all over the house. In the past 6 months while in bed sleeping or awake I am hearing voices under my pillow, first it was an women's voice crying under my pillow and then it changes to a male vo...

Hearing Whispers - Black by AngeLeeS

I am Angie from Singapore living in India. I was raised as a Christian. While I was growing up, my family moved to different cities across India and I got to live in different houses and eventually stopped being a regular church goer. The "zeroth" incident happened back in July of 2008 which I r...

Heart Pounding Experience by stjepan15

In the summer of 2008 my family and me took a trip to Croatia to visit our other family. My family in Croatia lives near the capital, Zagreb. When our family was given our rooms my older brother and me were given the room on the first floor. Well during the first week we would hear strange noises li...

Heart Warming Visits by Plover

In 2009 my Uncle died of Lung Cancer. I attended his funeral and held back the tears and couldn't bear to go up and look at him, it was too sad. In 2010 My Aunt (His Wife) and my cousin (his daughter) went to Europe (Spain, France etc). During their visit my Aunt (let's call her Catherine) had a...

Heat Wave Victim by JessicaDanger

This is actually a story that happened to my uncle Jim, not me quite some time ago. I just discovered this site recently and I just wanted to see someone else's opinion on the matter. When I would visit my uncle as a child, something about his apartment made me feel uneasy. It wasn't until I was a l...

Heather The Westie by mollypup

I took my mum and her little dog Heather to the vet's in November 2013. Heather had been taking fits and the vet said she had a brain tumor. We made the sad decision to end her life as nothing more could be done for her. We left her in the room with the vet and said our goodbyes. I have felt terribl...

Heaven And Hell Experience by aturner

I was in my room listening to music as I always do when all of a sudden I was overwhelmed with sadness and started sobbing uncontrollably. I looked up at the clock on the wall, 9:50pm; I said to myself, "What is the matter with me, why am I crying?" The phone rang two minutes later I froze in the...

Heavenly Scent by Akatsuki07

It was September 2009 when the wife of the eldest brother of my father died of cancer. When she was still alive, she was known in their place because of her hospitality and kindness. She was also the closest to my mother among my mother's "aberat" (aberat is a term here in the Philippines used to ca...

Heaving Breathing Spirit? by kandm

Just some information about me for contextual purposes: I am a college student in Virginia and I regularly work odd locations during the summers to pay for tuition. Last summer, the summer of 2017, I was living in Danville, VA but working in Richmond, VA (about 3 hours driving distance between the t...

Heavy Angry Breathing by blackettle

I was fairly young at the time, but it was frightening enough that I did not forget. My mother was in the kitchen, perhaps doing dishes or cleaning something, and my brother and I were in the living room. I was playing in the living room with some toys, and decided I wanted to get something from my ...

Heavy Breathing by Gayatrishiva

This happened in Pondicherry, India. I was on vacation 4 years ago to my in-laws place. From my mother-in-law's place I went to my sister-in-law's place as she had college-going kids and we all chit chat and spend time late night. On this particular day, as usual we all were talking, maybe not much ...

Heavy Breathing and Other Strange Things Going On by sezzlebum

I moved into my house 7 years ago and I first noticed things back then, I had just had a baby and before moving in my partner stayed in the house whilst it was being decorated, he used to tell me that the toilet flushed on its own and that he could hear footsteps upstairs (got to the point where he ...

Heavy Breathing, Tinkling Beaded Curtains & The Creaky Boards by aliish_is_scared

My family and me are currently living in a one storey house that has five bedrooms, one bathroom, and two living areas. We have been living in our house for five years. As far as I am aware nobody has ever died in this house. I am also afraid of the dark. I am only 14 years and afraid of the dark. I...

Heavy Footsteps by GhoulishCop

Having recently purchased my home back then it was still in a state of disarray. The sunroom was crammed with boxes and appliances and plastic sheeting covered doorways to keep dust travel to a minimum. I was working fast to get the house ready because my fiancé would soon be moving in. However, I ...

Heavy Ghost by Mowsekins

It was early 70's in Glasgow, Scotland. Willie was then an agent for various pop groups and his wife has gone out to one of her singing gigs along with their young daughter. Willie was alone in his house for the first time since they'd moved in. He had not been drinking, has never taken drugs ne...

Heavy Smell Of Tobacco by hazzardsyndrome

Don't judge but I'm quite a heavy smoker, please before you jump to conclusions this story has no "smoky entities" in it. I was round a friend's house quite late one night; it must have been well past midnight. My friend's windowsill is large enough to comfortably sit on and it's a tall sliding ...

Heavy Steps In An Old Hut by Viktoria123

First of all, I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes because English is not my mother tongue and I'm still trying to improve it. Anyway...on to my experience. I live in Stuttgart (Germany southwest) and this is were it takes place. My city is sourrounded by many vineyards, so my friends and I used t...

Heavy Weight In My Bed by madcow

Around 5am, I was laying in bed when I felt a huge weight on me. It actually felt like it was next to me at first. I had been sleeping so I thought it was my boyfriend. I felt the weight start touching my face... But like pushing heavily so that's when I started to really focus on it. I started to w...

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