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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 144

Is The Wolf A Warning? Or Is It Causing Trouble? by Sabrina_the_teenage_witch

I'm sixteen going on seventeen in a few weeks, and I've always been sensitive to the paranormal. Most of the time, I can sense when a spirit is near, or if someone has recently come across a spirit. But I'm not here to talk about those occurrences. I'm here to talk about the wolf. Flashback time. ...

Haunted Drama Department by SomethingFishy

My high school is fairly dated, since it opened before the 1924. Of course it'd pick up a few ghost stories along the way. Most of them seem to be centered around our drama department, which I was a member of for the four years I was in high school. In 2010, my sophomore year, I was painting the...

Dover Demon by mrmonty

I just wanted to post another incident that happened to me when I was much younger. I don't know how many people are from the area I grow up in, the Town of Westwood, Mass, which is right next to the town of Dover, Mass. In fact, we lived less then a mile from the Dover dump. I don't know how ma...

My Invisible Friend by Wish_for_a_wish

About a week ago my Mamai (Mum (I'm Irish and speak slight Gaelic so I call her Mamai)) asked me if I remembered Keenán. At the time I didn't know who she meant and since I was playing video games, I say that yes, I did remember her and dropped the subject. The day after that Mamai asked me to s...

The Dishwasher In The Kitchen Is Coming Up The Stairs by greg84ae

When I was about six years old I lived in a rented house in Framingham, Massachusetts for about a year between 1970 and 1971. I lay awake in bed one morning fidgeting because I couldn't get back to sleep. I clearly remember staring at the ceiling and watching the light of morning start to fill t...

Running Shadow Person by PerfectlyDisturbed

Greetings all! It's been a while since my last post and I mentioned to you that I would be visiting the Fremantle Prison once again. I was meant to write about my experience there (and upload some orb pictures as well) but I refrained ever since the website looked all weird. I thought I'd quickly wr...

Taps by Notsosweetheart96

I decided to create this account to share the little events that me and my mum experience in the house we live in. We moved here when I was 3 months, I'm now 18. However, I have just experienced the most annoying and frustrating thing. I suffer with insomnia and so it's not unusual for me to be ...

Recollections by mayank_holmes

I am Mayank and I live in Patna, India. The story which I am writing was narrated to me by my aunt (her name is Sona and here aunt refers to as the wife of my father's brother). Now, I do not want to take any stand as to whether her story was true. But the honesty that I saw in her eyes while na...

Child Abusing Demon by ToySoldier

I need help with my experiences. I'm 14 and I'm nervous that if I tell anyone, I'll be called a liar. I've experienced strange things all my life, but it was only two and a half years ago, when I was 11, that things turned up a notch. My mum's a really religious person, she believes in God and the D...

I Thought It Was My Dad by marion0323

This happened in Davao City where I grew up. I was 15 years old. We live in a small gated house with two back doors and no garage. My parents are teachers and they come home usually around 7-8 pm. My older sister was a college student at that time and she comes home around the same time, sometimes l...

A Stormy Night With Angels by Eve28

I was woken up by a loud crack of thunder. And realized it was pitch black in our trailer. The lights would go out every time it stormed. I had my niece in the bed with me, and my other two nieces were coming down the hallway. The only way you could see is when the lighting struck lighting up the ro...

My Nusiance Spirit Or Not? by Crystalblue

We moved into our now home in 2011 in Katy, Texas. It was a newly constructed home built in 2006 and located in a nice suburban neighborhood and we liked it. It wasn't until 2013 that I began to experience strange occurrences at night when my husband and I laid down to sleep. I found myself bein...

An Out Of Body Point Of View by Sam222

This event occurred around 5 1/2 years ago when I used to live Bridgeton. I am writing this because I'm not really sure what happened, why it happened, what the explanation is, and what this is called. It gives me a weird feeling thinking about it today, but as it happened I thought it was pretty co...

A Nice Experience by bonniejot

I have seen things before and since this experience but I usually want to forget about them, or try to. I had recently went through a divorce and moved into an apartment. It was just me and my cat and dog. My dog had always slept in her own bed in my room. When we moved here she would wake me up at ...

The White Shadow by Unique_esthercx

I was awoken by the storm that night. The thunder was so loud and lighting so bright. I got up to get some water and came back to bed, while covering myself I realized the hallway light was on. I was getting out of bed to turn it off when I saw that it turned off by itself. I got scared but thought ...

The Gold And Black Watch by Great_Wolf_Owl

Ever since a young age I had been spiritually inclined. I could sense presences and, at times, where they were located. As I got older I had a run-in with a shadow man which made me want to close the door to the spirit realm; however, as I found out after high school, one cannot close that door all ...

Crying Baby by CaseMan

My story takes place in the late 60s near Los Angeles, California. I'm Casey. I was 9 years old at the time. My older sister Patricia (16 years older than me!) and her husband Ron had just had their first child. They rented and moved into a 2 bedroom house in a suburb of L.A. At the time I l...

New Place New Ghosts by AmberMoonPriestess

A tiny bit of background first. The whole building is very active, but to me it is kind of expected, like a hospital or nursing home being active. I live with my disabled husband in a building specificaly for seniors and disabled. This means there are a lot of sick and dying people that have ...

Get Out by Yinzer

This is my first story on this website. Though I'm new to posting I've read many of the chilling tales on the site. There will be many more stories in the near future. Enjoy! My father is and always was a hard working blue collar sort of guy. My father is not one to swear, let alone lie. Our fami...

My Great Uncle's Ghost by CJEbs22

Back on 1984, my great uncle passed away in my home. Ever since I was little I always maintained that there was a presence the house (it belonged to my grandmother at the time) and very few people believed me (unless they had an expierence of their own). When both of my children were babies they...

The Woman In The Hallway by Mary_123

It all happened years ago when my dad was still alive, I was living with my parents at this time because I was taking care of my sick dad. It was approximately 5:30 am and for some reason I had woken up, at this point I was home alone just me and my dad. My dad was sound asleep and my mom had alread...

The Old High School by TheCrone

I work in an old converted school building. The township was mostly farms in the early 1900s. By the late 1930s most of the farms were gone and the population was growing. They needed to build a high school. There was a long wall mine that had shut down. The land above the mine was available so it w...

Visited By An Old Friend by Parabol

First a little backstory. I'm moving in with my grandmother. At first I was scared to do so because I have never once moved in my entire lifetime, so I feel as though this is uprooting my entire life. This is also complicated by the fact that I had some bad experiences in this house as a child that ...

I Don't Know What It Is, But The Energy Feels Wrong by Sabrina_the_teenage_witch

As you know from my other story, I'm sensitive to spirits. So, my mom recently moved into a house from her apartment. Originally, I was living with her. See, my mom blesses every new home. Well, while she was blessing the upstairs of the new house, something knocked the bowl out of her hand. A few w...

Don't Wake The Baby... Or The Ghost by Trio

In the fall of 2008, we found ourselves in need of a bigger home because our family was growing. As luck would have it, a house owned by my mother-in-law had just become available. It was going to be a little while before it was ready though because the previous tenants moved out with little or no n...

Experiences Becoming Increasingly Creepier by pickabiggerweapon

I have had rather "strange" experiences my entire life. I'm 17 now and have never really been too scared by anything that has happened to me. I grew up in an older trailer park so as young as 8 friends and I would go around with tape recorders trying to explain the weird things that would happen to ...

First Old Hag Experience by Ninajk

I do not consider myself as someone who sees things or goes looking for paranormal activity, I would rather avoid. I has proud to consider myself as non-sensitive but around the age of 16 that changed a little. When I was in high school back in 2004 I had a very strange experience. I heard my mu...

The Little Boy In The House At The End Of The Street by amateurcartography

I've been thinking about writing this down for a while now. I want to do it now, while I'm still young enough to remember everything, before time steals the details from my memory. When I was about 9 years old, in the mid 1990s, my mother married my step-father and she, my brother, and myself mov...

A Rural Church Cemetery by CountingCoups

As previously promised, I am posting another series of incidents that occurred at my church's cemetery. The cemetery is located across the highway from the church and up the hill from a river bottom swamp. I will relate the first experiences that occurred at the cemetery and then add in what happene...

The Figure, The Touches, And The Door Lock by Sam222

This is just a small collection of events that I feel belong in the same story. I have multiple things I'm going to post, and I'm trying to group them up so I don't have to post too many separate pieces. Before I begin I might as well give you a quick explanation of upstairs. So you walk upstairs ...

Car Troubles by notjustme

I just remembered this incident. Those who has read "Here When I'm Needed" is familiar with my late ex Derek. This is another one his little happenings. Derek passed away on a very dark winding road. The road has 2 lanes and is surrounded by trees. During the day it's very peaceful to drive down, bu...

Leaning Against The Wall by Searching_Stars

This is not actually my story. This is a story my sister told me happened to her while she lived in our house. At the time she was an 10th or 11th grader which means I would have been a 5th or 6th grader. I had had no paranormal experiences at this point but my sister had had a few. My sister had...

White Owl And A Creeping Feeling All Around Me by dstroberg

Thanks for taking the time to read my experience. Ever since I can remember I have always noticed a white owl flying above me wherever I am early in the mornings before the sun has risen. Whether I was headed to school 10 years ago or when I am on my way to work now, there it is flying above me. I h...

Visit From Grandparents by Curious61

I've always believed that deceased family will come and visit and also escort you when it's your time. I also believe that the young have a strong propensity to enjoy these visits and are more open and accepting to them. My daughter is a case in point. Her fraternal grandparents died when she was ve...

The Lady Of Ridgewood Avenue by Fearghais

In 2007 my partner and I moved into an older home in the outskirts of the historic district of Gainesville, GA. It was modest but also very charming to us, just perfect for our first house purchase together. The house had only two bedrooms and just one bathroom, something very common of the homes...

Wide Awake by mantisshrimp

I don't know if you can amount these experiences to ghosts or entities, but I want to share and find out if anyone has had similar experiences or if anyone may know what is happening. It began when I was little. I remember loving ghost stories and being spooked (I still do). However, like any ki...

Nishi by sushantkar

I remember when I was a kid my mother used to drop me to my school. On the way to my school there was a well and I don't know why, quite often my mother used to take me near to that well and asked me to poke at it so that I could perceive the depth of the well. I must confess here that I from my chi...

News-paper Fluttering? by LoveParanormal

I never had "THE" actual ghost encounter until date, wherein you actually see or feel some entities around you. I always heard something eerie every time. This incident happened with me in June 2012 in one of our relatives's house. Me and my mom had gone to their house just to give them a visit. ...

The Pale Face by Sam222

This story is going to be short there isn't much to it, but I'm not sure what I was seeing. This happened several times and they were all pretty much the same. So I'll describe just one of the times because I only remember (that's how much similar they all were), but I know it happened more than onc...

Am I Crazy? Sreiously? by Sam222

This is a collection of a bunch of weird events, that if I explained to someone they would laugh and think that I'm crazy. 1) I think that this is really crazy, I don't really believe that it happened but It must've. I was riding in the car looking out the window and one car that drove by had thi...

Spooky Goings On by Jennilou87

So it's been a long time since I last posted a story and a fair few things have happened to me since. There are several stories I'd like to share with you so this submission might be a bit long. The first I'm going to tell you takes place not long after my friend died. In the area I used to live ...

Every October by cruzie

Every single house I have ever lived in has had a spirit or two hanging around; I've told my mom that I'm convinced they follow us. We have weird things happen all the time including doors opening, tapping sounds, footsteps, and other typical "haunting" occurrences. What happened two years ago w...


2006, My first house. It was a beautiful blue house with lots of land surrounding it. There was nothing wrong with it, except the graveyard near by. Since my village is in Italy and older than America, some of the deaths here go back from a long time. 2010, I loved my house, I wanted to stay here...

One Autumn Night by Caesar_Augustus

During my freshman year of high school my oldest brother told me a story of how he and his friends visited an old run down farmhouse in a small clearing in the woods not far from where we lived. He had heard that the place was haunted, and he and his friends were always into that sort of thing so th...

Bill And Charlie by Searching_Stars

This experience I had around the age of 14-15 years old. My best friend I met in high school gym class. At first we didn't like each other for the longest time. She would always pester me and I would ignore her. It was a cycle of sorts. But eventually, after a month of trying, I became friends wi...

Ongoing Bad Energy Disturbing Sleep by mff

I have never written about this before. I think my recent troubles sleeping are related to spirits that have become connected to me. For several years I have been woken up with the sound of a closet slamming or other bang and with a sense that there was "someone" in our room, terrified to look a...

The Clown From The Halloween Store by HauntedKatStories

So, this year I went shopping for Halloween decorations. I went to this store called 'Spirit Halloween.' My mom said her friends recommended it. When we went inside, there was a lot of cool, realistic Halloween scares. There was one that I really liked. It was a bloody clown, and when you step on th...

Boy In The Tree by stewieguy

I have many ghost stories to tell, so I'll start with the first one. This is the story of the time I saw the boy in the tree. I was about 8 years old, and my family took a trip from Texas to Mexico to visit my Grandpa. He lived with the housekeeper in the slums of Mexico. The days visiting ...

Multiple Experiences In One House by MercuryStar

When I was about nine years old, I didn't believe in ghosts. I thought that they were just characters in scary stories. When I moved into a new house I discovered that ghosts weren't just stories. I had multiple experiences with my new house. The first week we lived there I woke up in the middle of ...

Grandparent's House by kc99

I lived with my Nan and Pop for years while I was little. The house they live in has two parts, the original part that has the dining room, lounge room, bathroom, hallway and two bedrooms, the extension has the laundry, office, kitchen, living room, games area, a small bedroom, master bedroom and an...

Constant Rattling by Bonnaroo

Growing up I lived in the middle of the woods. No neighbors for about a mile on each side and we own 60 acres of forest then a swamp after that. So basically I lived in the middle of nowhere. One summer when I was about 14, I was out in the middle of the woods playing with my dog Max (I'm an onl...

It Won't Leave My Puppy Alone by KJ-girl93

I've submitted one story before, and this one sets in the same house. This one is recent, as I've only had my puppy for 6 weeks. There has always been some sort of activity in my home. It can stop for almost a year, and then things start happening again. I live with my mom, we have 3 bedrooms, m...

Gaurdian Angel? by hollysummer

I believe this story to be a true ghost experience. One that may be checked out by someone with complete knowledge of a place called THE BROUGHS. I leave this to readers to decide. This happened over thiry years ago, when my youngest son was about five months old. We had taken all three of our...

My Three Unexplainable Ghost Experiences by Midknight798

I'm 17 years old. Two of these stories take place in my hometown, Duluth. One of them even occurred in my current town, a suburb of Minneapolis at my house. I've always believed in the supernatural, especially after these experiences. Enough with the introduction, on to the stories. I used to hav...

Old House, Odd Occurrances by mobepi

For back story, I've lived in the house this occurred in for a long time, since I was 5. It was built in 1886 and we've had some contact with previous owners, there were two families that owned it before us, the ones that built it and a family after they moved on that rented it out and completely re...

Ongoing Events, Strange Smells, And Noises by mark

Its been a while since I submitted an update to the events going on in my house, part of it may have just been I've been so busy with having two children under the age of 3 in the house, and everything being so busy. I'm still living in the same house my previous posts focused on. For details, yo...

Why Is Money Dissapearing? by Rawrimpsykhotik

So in the past year my mom has been telling me that money that she guards is missing, it first started with a sum of $100 and since my uncle was visiting we blamed him because he slept in the room that had the money (which is my parents). A few months later $300 went missing, and my mom always let's...

It Looked Like Me by Lady_Bug81

It was after midnight sometime and everyone was sleeping in their rooms with their doors closed and all of the lights where off except for my room and the bathroom. If you were coming from the living room; the bathroom was the first door on the right, followed by a closet, my parents room, straight ...

Crouched Under The Desk by Seek

I'm not real sure what my age was, I'm guessing I was about 4 years old. I lived in the house I grew up in, my parents still live there. I really don't think it was haunted, as I have had an experience or two in a lot of the houses I've lived in. I'm no medium, I'm not super in touch with the supern...

The Man In The Hall Is Back With Something Else by Sam222

If you read my story "The Figure, the Touches, and the Door Lock," "The Man" in this story is same as "The Figure" in the other story. I'm calling him a man now because the figure clearly represents a man, it's not a woman so why not call it a man. So had been a few weeks since I last saw this ma...

The Old Man And The Little Girl by ParaTeen95

I've lived in this house since I was 3 months old, I'm 19 now and really it's only been in the recent years, maybe since I was 14/15 I began having strange experiences that started in my house and now I find are starting to happen everywhere, for instance when I visited Auschwitz with my old school ...

Things That Go Bump by Fergie

Our granddaughter Shenay often spends a weekend at our house since her mother's demise two years ago. Shenay has a history of 'seeing' or 'knowing' things, with the result that I tend to believe what she says. One weekend night, Shenay was safely tucked up in bed and asleep, or so I thought. I h...

Body Parts Moving By Itself by spookie1

Hey everyone. This is my first story and I'm looking forward to reading the comments. This started about a year ago and since then it has happened really often. I live in Pretoria, South Africa. I'm 16 at the moment. The night it started was after I read a story on this site when I was in my b...

My Fiance's Experiences by elnoraemily

My fiance grew up in a house his parents built. It was on old ranch land in the local Bosque (wooded area near a river). It was a huge house- five bedrooms upstairs, a huge dining and living area downstairs. It was all tile floors with high ceilings, so sound spread easily through the house. His...

The Oldest Church In London by deecro

When I was in college, I spent a year abroad in Brighton, England. A roommate suggested I come back the next summer to stay with him in London, for free. I jumped at the chance; at the time, Mattie was a nursing student. When I went back to London in Summer 2002, he'd switched careers to being a Vic...

My First Creepy Paranormal Experience by hauntedman0614

Whether we accept it or not, we all have experienced something creepy, weird, or paranormal, if we accept it or not. You see a dog, you blink, it's not there. You hear things banging when you're home alone. Doors move, voices talk to you, a ghost possessed you, old ladies or teenagers that aren't th...

Things That Got My Attention by CountingCoups

I'll try my best to put my stories in the best chronological order that I can remember. I've had incidents over the years where unexplained things occurred. The first place that I can think of was at my grandmother's house years back. Although newer than my parents' house right across the road, ...

Cold Wet Touch by allisonbeckert23

Paranormal experiences that are based in physical senses are difficult to pin down. I personally believe that sensitive people often don't know they're sensitive because they experience a lot of these small and simple touches from beyond, but the sensations are lost in the flood of everyday sensatio...

Gettysburg Encounter by djames269

I'd like to start this off by saying I am not a firm believer in the paranormal. Until these accounts occurred, I was blissfully ignorant to any supernatural phenomena. Also, there is roughly a three year gap between two connecting points in the story. About six years ago I attended a class trip ...

The Man In The Hallway by sonita562

When I was 12 years old we lived in this old fashioned house in Long Beach, California. I am now 22 years old. I never believed in ghosts or spirits until my encounter living at this house. It was a three bedroom house. I shared my room with my baby sister and my brother and parents had their ow...

Night Terrors That Have Become More by buffyfansc

I've suffered from night terrors since I was 12. I am now 34 and still experince them. I've trained my husband in how to respond to them, and have tricks in dealing with them. I say this to establish that I know how to tell a night terror hallucination is happening. The last few years though I h...

Events After Funeral by Roohan

I was 12 years old when my mom's brother passed away due to kidney failure. My whole family had to go to my grandmother's house for funeral. My Mom's brother was a very kind and selfless and had Helped many peoples in difficulty. Also my Grandfather is a well respected politician of the city so a lo...

The Man And The Kid? by Angel160621

I'm looking into advice to help with our problem we are having. I know there is a ghost in our home. We just moved in last December. I have grown up around ghosts my whole life and I can feel when There is a presence in a home and I know for sure something is here. I guess to start out I'll tel...

The Malevolence by mothman

For the past several years now I have experienced a presence in my home. This "presence" makes itself known to me mostly at night time and mostly in one room. When I am in this room I can feel it walking behind me and every part of me says to leave that room. It doesn't cause me any physical harm bu...

Transparent Creature Or Creatures by hotsauce

Early one morning between 2 am and 3 am, my dogs woke me. I let them outside and they took off running across the patio and down the slope behind my house. Normally they walk out. At that moment, the bending and swaying of two 7' blue spruce trees 30' from me caught my attention. I could see mov...

Momma, Who Is That? by lildragoncat

This one happened 7 years ago, give or take a year. We (my husband, two daughters 5, 3 years old, one son 1 year old and I) had some hard times and moved into a small 2 bedroom house. It was a small fixer-upper that had been empty a few years. During the week my husband worked all day and Sarah (5) ...

I Think His Name Is Raymond by Kaytiebear

Everything with me started on my 14th birthday. I was having a sleepover with some of my friends. Two other of my friends and myself have all had separate experiences before. We were all in my living room settling down for the night to watch a movie. When I got up and turned on the DVD player, it st...

Fields, Farms, Sheep And Ghosts by danisp_

So earlier in the summer this year, me and my best friend went to stay with her grandma and grandad in Wales where they live with her family. I'd been before and knew how old the house was. The house is an ancient farmhouse with many barns and it's located literally in the middle of nowhere. It ...

Nightmare On Oakwood St: Advice Needed by ShellBell11

I share an apartment with 3 other girls at Eastern Michigan University. We live on the top floor. I moved in about a week before the rest of my roommates and immediately I could hear noises from above. At first I thought that someone was living above me in some sort of attic because of how loud ...

The Little Boy In My Room by sonita562

When I was 12 years old I lived in this old house in Long Beach, California. I'm 22 now and still can remember everything that happened in that house. One night my parents were out and my older cousin was babysitting me and my baby sister. I remember it was late and we were in the dining room ea...

My Nephew's Dog by StevenTylerRocks

My nephew was given a small mixed breed dog when he was around two years old, I'm thinking about 1978 or 1979. His mother named him Benji, but my brother always called him Ralph. Myself, I called him Benji-Ralph. My brothers, my mom, and myself all live on a 160 acre farm that my parents bought i...

This Has Puzzled Me For Years by StevenTylerRocks

I believe this happened in 2005. I know, I know, I will start a journal of these things. Anyway, I was at work when I started feeling very sick. I worked overnights and decided that I wasn't going to be able to finish my shift because I was feeling so ill. I'm thinking I left around our lunch tim...

One Last Good-bye by trisha0017

I was 14 years old when my grandmother had gone to her parental house with my grandfather. We were from Punjab and my grandmother had gone to Delhi to her 'maika'. One night we received the news that she was serious and admitted to a hospital. After a day we got to know that she was living her last ...

Ghostly Visit by Eliza60

As a Twenty-three year old I knew I had a rational mind, maybe. At that time, I had my first child it was the greatest experience that I ever had. My father was so proud of me. He fell in love with my little girl. When my daughter was six months, I was bathing her, when our phone rang; I had that...

Frantic Energy by elnoraemily

I had been saving this story for myself, since it's very odd and was a bit strange, but I figured I may as well share it. My close friend has always called herself sensitive and she has quite a few stories- nothing outlandish enough for me to ever question her, though I am very much on the fence wit...

Grandma Came To Say Goodbye by StevenTylerRocks

This experience happened in May of 1979 when I was 15 years old. My maternal grandmother had passed, maybe a week or two before this event. I always loved going to her house as a child and spending the night, she was a wonderful grandma. She had moved to California after her last husband died in 197...

Something Very Heavy Dropping Near Me by StevenTylerRocks

This is another thing that happened to me and left me scratching my head and wondering WTH? There were two separate incidences, one outside and the other inside, but both were similar so I'll put them together and see if anyone has any ideas on what this might have been. The first time this happe...

Spirits In The Bedroom by dstan0228

I have bad dreams. Often. As a 12 year old, it wasn't unusual. But I'm 24 now. Although I hadn't had any problems for the last two years, after moving into my own place a month ago, they started again. At first, it was just nightmares. I'd wake up, remind myself I was OK, then fall back asleep. ...

The Room On The Left by anonymoushorror

My house is divided into two portions. The upper portion is always empty since my grandmother used to live there but now she doesn't, she lives somewhere else so it's always closed. The lower portion is where I live with my family. Now the upper portion is further divided into a little apartment...

The Blackened Church by savagepotato

I am Joshua. The following story was my first encounter with the paranormal. Last year I went to help my grandmother move out of the church she owned near Yorba Linda, California. It was a small church, and one of... Unorthodox faith that could be construed as satanic in nature, strange horns, p...

Was This A Haunted House by irene1214

I cannot recall exactly what age I was when this happened, but it was very young. Young enough to have to jump to reach the light switch. I know that. I shared a room with my sister in a blue collar neighborhood in a smallish town in KY. It was not an extremely old neighborhood or anything, most...

Something In The Window by MickyLH

When my aunt was younger her grandparents lived in a very old fashioned home. Their yard was huge, as was the garden. Anyways, one night she was lying on the couch in the living room watching tv. The tv was almost right next to a window. As she was watching the show her eyes flickered over to the wi...

What Is Happening? by ifihadyoux

For the past few weeks I have been seeing shadows out of the corners of my eye and tried to write it off as something that my mind is making up so I don't psych myself out. However what happened last night left me scared and it makes me more than happy I am leaving to another state for a week. Pleas...

Moving Things by savannercx

I actually would like some advice or help because this happened recently. I was out and since it's fall, the trees are pretty colors. I decided to take a picture. That's the last time I took a picture that day, nobody else had my phone. Later on that night I went to go see the pictures again...

When I Was Eight by howwilliknow

This is my first story on this site or any site for that matter so please forgive me if my story is at all incoherent. Most of my ghostly activity was when I was around eight to nine years old. It hasn't happened since and I don't know why it exploded around that time. My first major encounter wi...

My Son Met His Great-grandfather by TheCrone

This just happened last week. My husband's family owned a home for a very long time. Several people were born in the house and quite a few died in the house. To our knowledge, my husband's great-grandparents and grandparents all died in the home. As was common, there were 2 babies born in the hom...

The Big Black Things Pt.1 by skullyturtle

Everything I mention in these entries is true, I will not exaggerate. This starts back in 2011, when I was twelve. I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a few neighbors, fields, woods, and with a creek that runs in front of my three story house. I was home alone at about ten o'clock a...

Scariest Thing That Happened To Me by Ihavemanystories

Many things have happened to me through my life dealing with paranormal activities, but the two things that I'm about to share were the scariest. First let me explain where I lived. I lived with my grandparents and the house is right in front of a huge, old graveyard. When I was 8 years old (pos...

Experimenting With Ouija Board by spookie1

This is my second story. First I want to thank everyone that commented on my previous story. Okay here goes. I'm a 16-year-old male and I live in Pretoria, South Africa. I am very interested in the paranormal and love experiencing paranormal things, that's why I decided to make an Ouija board a m...

The Haunted Park by Flora23

This is an experience which I would like to share. This incident happened 3 years back, when I used to live in NTPC Kaniha (a township) in Odisha. My dad is an engineer by profession and he works in a company named NTPC ltd. The houses were divided in A, B, C & D type quarters for different work...

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