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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 16

Figure at my Bedside by Heidi

This is my one and only paranormal experience, thankfully, because I don't know if I could survive another! I was about 14 years old at the time (25 now) and was spending winter vacation at my grandparents house. Now, my grandparents house wasn't old, it wasn't reportedly haunted or even built on an...

A Ghost Scared of Yamraj by siddharth

I have heard the stories of ghosts and paranormal experiences of people in older times from my grandmother. But today, no one believes in such things because we are living in the 21st century where such incidents are considered to be a symbol of mockery. But the supernatural happening that occurred ...

Worse than Scared - Petrified by Kristi072458

I very much believe in the paranormal however, I have never had a negative experience until last night. I can't recall ever feeling so scared and helpless. I had been up and down all night as we just got a new puppy that I have to get up with approx. every 2 hours. After waking up one time I went ba...

An Orb Floating Above my Grandmother's Headstone by 4u_allie

It was March 3rd, 2007. Me and my family where at my grandmother's tomb on her memorial day. It was a sad day. We sang the songs she wrote in her journal. I took a picture of her tomb, and a strange light of ball appeared floating near it on the photo on my camera. Their was nothing their before I t...

Famous Toys R Us Ghost in Sunnyville by 4u_allie

I went to Sunnyville, California to visit their Toys 'R' Us store. I'm a ghost hunter. I went there with three of my cousins: Jess, Kayla, Sierra. We went inside the store to buy a couple of stuff to show the family when we would go back to Utah. As I went through the doll aisle, a doll came out of ...

The Ghostly Paulding Light by 4u_allie

Last month, with my family, we went to MI to see the Paulding Light. It's real! When my mum parked our car to see to the view of the light, that big, bright light seemed to zip right down on the power lines! It was so cool. I took a camera photo of it and and recorded it on our video cam. When the l...

I Saw a Ghost by april

It's Christmas, 1991, in Buffalo NY. Family from all different states are celebrating the holiday at my parents' house, which I will mention is the same house my mother grew up in. I go upstairs to get my pajamas on and something catches the corner of my eye. I look in front of my bathroom door and ...

I Saw a Ghost (Again) by april

A bit of detail before I go into the story: I have a large family. I was fortunate to be close to all my cousins from childhood through present day. My cousin's mom was a big fan of Easter, she was always making Easter baskets for her kids, even when they were grown. I am the youngest of two sibling...

Scariest Night of my Life by Eric

It was October 12, 2007 around 9:30 pm and I was on the computer. I was alone in the house (except for the cats) and was getting ready to watch a movie when all of the sudden one of my cats started hissing and scratching violently at the corner of the room that was completely empty. His hair was str...

Who Turned the Lights Out? by Kwazimoto

It's 10:40pm, on Monday, October 15. My wife and I have just tended to our daughter who turns three years old in exactly one week. We'd put our daughter down to sleep around 9pm and were watching television when we heard her start crying. Running to her room I opened the door and was met with darkne...

My First Ghost by Elephant

The first time I ever saw a ghost, I had no idea it had happened because they were so "real". When I was 18 years old, my husband (then my boyfriend) used to deliver milk for a living. Before he got his own round, he used to cover other staff while they were on holiday. On a Saturday, I sometimes us...

A Lesson Learned by vickifigueroa

The story I'm about to tell you was told to me by my grandfather. I can't recall the whole conversation we had that day but I think I had made a comment to my grandpa that there was no hell. Let me tell you, after what he told me, I do believe in the devil and in hell. He told me that back in Mex...

Uncle Harry by Elephant

I must have always been psychic because I can remember seeing "shadow" people on the wall of my bedroom when I was little. I used to sleep with my head under the covers to hide from them and I still do so over 30 years later. The psychic stuff stopped for a long time, because I guess my fear must ha...

The Demon Boy 2 by Kated9

Hi I am back again because this is getting weirder and weirder every single day! I have published the Demon Boy and it is again about him! One night, I was a my boyfriend's house and we were talking and watching a movie. I heard this weird creaking noise and a weird screeching sound. As I was got up...

The Possessed Relative by uncanny

I am Hmong, and my religion is still very traditional. My grandpa was one of the gifted ones that god send to help people on earth. Hmong relatives from all over the world will come and dwell in our house just for him to see this possessed woman. This woman is very ill and sick when anyone is around...

Eerie Ouija by Jenna

Good Day all, I will start off by saying, I am a fairly skeptical person, although I believe the stories of others though, I have had very few things happen in my own life to truly make me a believer. That having been said, I have a story that is probably worth telling... About 12 years or so ag...

Horrible Little Man by Joey b.

When I was 10 years old, my family had moved to new Mexico and bought a big two story house, we lived in it for about a year. The first few weeks in that house seemed normal, but about a month of living there, me and my brother were sitting in my room playing video games when out of nowhere, we hear...

Dark Apparitions and Electrical Devices Acting Up by annek3

I'm writing about these experiences because I hope someone can tell me whether it is an actual haunting, or possibly, if there are rational explanations for what has been happening. My sister Janeen, brother-in-law Ray, boyfriend Richard, and I all share a house and have lived there for several year...

Her Money Keeps Disappearing by pscnldy

Hi, I have always been interested in the occult, ghosts, voodoo, etc. These things have always fascinated me. I have never had such physical encounters as the ones I have been reading. I have been searching the net for information on such topics for quite sometime. For the past few years somethi...

Don't Look at the Mirror at Night by Ambu

Hi it's me again! I want to start off from when I moved in my new house. Everything seemed normal at first but after a weeks have passed, we came across some weird stuff. Like once when my cat Bilu (real name Babushka but everyone calls her that) came in the house all wet. She just appeared out of n...

A Few Unexplainable Experiences by Jamie

When I was 12 years old, my mom, brother, sister and I moved into an older house in Shillington, PA. I have always been very in touch with my feelings, when it comes to paranormal type things, and from the very first time I even saw the house up until the first year we lived there, I always had an "...

The Spirit of my Brother's Apartment by Derek15

Last summer, I had an experience that I'll never forget. I was about to go to sleep in my brother's spare bedroom. I shut off my light, and laid in bed. My brother had gone to bed too, and his door was shut, and it was very noisy when opened, so I knew that this wasn't him. I suddenly heard foots...

Dangerous Spirit? by freakonaleash

First, if you're reading this, you probably should read my other two posts, as this is a continuation, of how things have gone from bad to worse. Before, I was only bothered in my dreams, in my head, in the things that I alone could see or feel. I had never been physically hurt, or bothered. But, a ...

My Son Sees a Ghost by Chris Garlington

June. It's like 3 in the morning. It's ink dark in the house. I'm knocked out of a deep sleep by a scream. This isn't the normal screaming I'm used to. This isn't "oh dear, I've stabbed myself with this kitchen implement!," Nor was it "Good Lord, that fecal expurgation was distressingly large and...

Strange Figure by Sense

There were many times when I have came face to face with a ghost. In my old house I used to always see this ghost looking figure in my hallway. My family used to always bring up ghost stories about the house, but I didn't pay it any attention because I thought that was the past. But one day I was in...

A Friend's Hard Time by resamac

My best friend in the world (Abi*) and I have known each other since birth. I actually went to the hospital and saw her the day after she was born (Of course I don't really remember because I was only eight months old at the time.) She and I are closer than any of my eight other family members to th...

The 3:20 Walker by Hmyers

Minnesota nights can be breathtakingly cold and are normally so dark you can't see ten feet in front of you. But when the moon is able to sneak out from behind the winter clouds, its reflection glistens off the snow covered ground and lights pathways deep into the forest. I grew up along a beautiful...

The House on Cambridge by Ohiowatha

I am going to be relating to all of you a series of small stories about a house my family used to live in. Out of the seven people who lived there, three experienced overt and direct contact with unseen forces. Another three family members were witness to seemingly supernatural events, but were not ...

Hair Being Pulled by peopleinthemirror

When I was 15 my friend Lisa spent the night with me in the Chula Vista house, Lisa was 14 and was my best friend that I met when I was 9. When we were younger she experienced a lot of the footsteps in the house. However this night was different, we were listening to music in my room and as I was...

Little Boy on the Phone by peopleinthemirror

I was 16 years old and had just gotten my license, at the time I borrowed my Dad's truck because he had to work that day, he also let me borrow his cell phone in case anything happened because the truck was old. His cell phone was for his work; only people at his work and my Grandma had the number. ...

This Wasn't Funny Anymore by dee_taylor_85

My husband was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, AK with the Army. We lived on base in some of the oldest family housing there. It was built in the 1930's and had been used as barracks before it was family housing. Almost as soon as we moved in, I sensed that we weren't alone in the house. I started h...

Figure of a Wolf by TryToFigureItAllOut

I'm finally telling this story. This story is how I believed in ghosts and understand that after you die, you can still be here. I was in 3rd grade, around 9 years old, and it was the summer that mostly all of Long Island, New York, was in a black out. My family slept in the basement. It's a cold ba...

My First Romance Was with a Ghost by Ghostreader

This is my very first ghost experience it happened when I was 12 years old. I was sleeping, or so I think, and I had this dream about this girl and something happened to her, it was really fuzzy. I woke up and I saw my body on the bed. I got a little scared and tried to grab it but nothing happened....

Nicole's Story about our House in Chula Vista by peopleinthemirror

For this story I'm going to let my friend Nicole write it since it is her account of things she experienced in the Chula Vista house. I've known Nicole since we were in 6th grade together, which was about 15 years ago. So here is her story. The first time I was ever in Holly's house in Chula Vist...

Ghosts Don't Like New Construction by Rocco

Just over 9 months ago, my fiance at the time, and now my wife, purchased a house in upstate NY. approx 50 miles from NYC. We purchased a cape code house with plans of demolishing the whole second floor and turning the house into a colonial. The house was on the market for about 6 months before w...

A Ouija Seance Brought On a Poltergeist by MrsSkeletor

It all started a little after I turned twelve. My cousin, sister and I had a fascination with using the Ouija Board. We had been using the board for a short while, and every time we used it, the experience was a positive one. One night, some family friends came over. I was telling my friend about...

Little White Spots by Bellissima

Today is October 17, 2007. This morning we all slept in. It was weird because my alarm was set but neither my husband or I heard it go off and it wasn't going off when we woke up. That might not be so odd, I guess it happens. The weird thing was since we were all up at the same time, we all had t...

New Office 4 - The Final Chapter? by KimSouthO

I have submitted a few stories regarding my new office and the occurrences that plagued me since moving in. To say this move has been interesting would be an understatement. Taps on my shoulder, voices, and conversations, being asked by disembodied voices to come home with me, doors opening and slam...

The Helpful Spirit by amyradvan

A few days ago, my husband was on the computer watching videos online. He had his headphones on and the volume up quite loud. Everything was quiet and I knew he had his headphones on, so I didn't try and talk to him. Right when I was about to get out of the shower, he asked me what I wanted. I had n...

My Granfather's Spooky Experience by siddharth

This one is my grandfather's story, rather his spooky experience when he was of my age. It happened to him in the year 1948 (he can never forget that time). In those days, there were forests all around. People were superstitious. But my grandfather was not. One day he was visiting his friend and the...

Recurring Encounters by Jayme16

I want to start off by saying that I am 16 years old, and have a ridiculous fascination with the paranormal. Ever since I was a little girl, it seems I have experienced many different unexplained situations. Starting when I was about 8 years old. My mother and I have had to move from home to home, a...

Myrtles Plantation Tour by Missy

I have always been interested in ghosts. I don't think I have ever seen one but it was not from a lack of trying. That's probably a good thing because I get spooked easily, but for some reason I insist on doing things to try to scare myself. Growing up I heard lots of stories about a Plantation i...

The Ghost of Rich Mountain Battle Field by Carolyn

A couple of years ago, my family and I decided to go to rich mountain battle field located in Beverly West Virginia. When we arrived, we knew of all the stories that everyone told about the place being haunted, but the only time that you would experience any paranormal activity would be at night. We...

Night Attacks by vanne

I started to really believe that there was an entity in my house this summer when my aunt came over. Being the religious woman she is, she would never admit to believing in that type of stuff, especially letting it scare her. But this time it was different. I don't really know all the details but I ...

Andrea's Angry Home by covetous

So, a little prologue is in order. I met this girl Andrea through a self-proclaimed shaman named Andrew. They were both in their early twenties and I was almost seventeen. She and I connected immediately. Andrew even said (before we met) that we were 'reflections of each other'. We both sort of aban...

The Ghosts of Burma Airfield, Kanpur by aishwarya bhanu chauhan

Kanpur, a large industrial city in northern India may not seem the quintessential haunting ground, what with its mammoth population and the appalling lack of living space, but upon driving over to the Military Cantonment side of the city - Napier Road to be precise - one comes across the vast emptin...

Grandmother by mustang

Here's another story that I have for you. I remember when my daughter, now 14, was only 2 months old, my now ex-husband and I were staying at his parents house to watch over the house and take care of his 13 year old sister, Shannon, while they were on vacation in Mexico. We were sleeping in his par...

Apparition with a Blank Face by ALLISONNN

I've been haunted for a while, now. Paralysis attacks, cold drifts, pokes, taps and all that good stuff. It doesn't really scare me anymore, because I figure if it were something evil, it would have DONE something evil, other than creep me out on a daily basis. Well, the other night I was laying...

Haunting Babies at Mokapu by Excaliburhope

I used to live in Hawaii for about 9 months and I hear many stories about hauntings that take place there. Everything from Night Marchers (the ancestral dead) that walk the island to ghosts in the Pali. I had some strange experience while I was there and I would like to share one with you. In 200...

Who's in the Basement? by B

The house we lived in was creepy as hell already. When my bedroom was upstairs, I found someone had carved into the inside of my closet door "so-and-so died here on such-and-such a date" I thought nothing of it and decided some other kid who lived here before wrote it there to scare people. My mo...

Restless Nights After Doing Cleansings by scarlettwitch

For those of you who haven't read my previous story, Let me just fill you in briefly. The house my fiance and I are living in has been on the fritz lately. There has been a lot of somewhat negative energy in the house, most of which has been centered around our kitchen. We're not certain if there is...

Girl at the Bottom of the Stairs by colinchohan

I don't exactly how to categorize my experience an apparition or physical manifestation, but I am new to all this, so here I go. Living in Bedford all my life, our family was getting bigger. When my middle sibling, Sabrina, was born my parents decided to get a bigger house. So they purchased a four ...

Blue Lights by Nova Scotian

This story takes place in the late summer/early fall of 2005. In January of 2005, my husband and I purchased a new home which was built in 1870. One evening, my husband and I were sitting in the living room watching tv right next to the living room, is our dining room. All of a sudden, we saw a huge...

A Ghastly Stalker by TheOneWithThePower

I was at my step-sisters' house in Sherrell's (my oldest step-sister) room playing a game. My two real sisters, Rebekah and Samantha, were there too, and our parents were out grocery shopping. We were all kind of hungry so we decided to go into the kitchen and get some food. When Sherrell left the r...

The Smiling Spirit by Janice

I have an experience to share with you guys and I hope you can give some advice or tell me your thoughts. The last time my mom and I saw my great-aunt was at my second cousin's debut, which was about 5 or 6 months ago. She died just yesterday in the hospital because of an ulcer problem, but the day ...

The Girl in The Blue Dress by Janice

I'm sure we all heard of stories of spirits being spotted on road-sides, and being picked up, and requested to be taken to their homes, only to find out that the person had died a long time ago. That's mostly what this one is about, except that it is different in another way. It happened to a tax...

The White Spirit by new_volume

My story starts off a few years ago. I was still living with my parents in our old house in Ohio. I have a few friends who are into the spiritual world and visit so-called "haunted" houses on a regular basis. They stumbled across a book on how to achieve an out of body experience. And after only cou...

Ouija Seance with Beelzebot by resamac

I'm a Christian and I've been told many many times not to do things like practicing magic or doing ouija board or stuff like that. Usually I don't because I'm not that interested in it, but one night, my friends and I got together and decided just to try her older brother's ouija board. It didn't...

The Dining Specters of Fulton's Underground Restaurant by PaulDaleRoberts

I can't live without my cell phone. Last week, I get a call from my cousin (I'm not saying which one), but he asked if I received a call from some mysterious person. I kept asking him what he was talking about, then he kept keying me in on some of the conversation from this mysterious person. I knew...

My Brother is Experiencing a Poltergeist by Derek15

As you may know, I recently wrote a story about my experience in my brother's old apartment last summer. This time, it's not me who's experiencing things. It's my brother, and it's in his new apartment, just blocks from the one where I experienced what may have been his landlady's dad's spirit. We t...

Annatole, Friend from Beyond! by BornToBeWiccan

My best friend brandon's house was re-built in the 1800's after a fire. In that fire burnt a family of 3, a mother, a father, and a little girl. I loved to go to brandon's house and play with his ouija board, we never picked up on anything before... Until now. It was my cousin Amber, me, and our fri...

Always Watching by Ashley Sturges

I was around 13 years old, I was living in my grandmother's house at the time. My grandfather had died when my mom was 13, so I was unfortunate to never meet him. I went to middle school in Palm City, and the school didn't start until 9'oclock so I was left alone for a couple of hours in the morning...

Whispers by xtearsofecstasy

I have never really had a paranormal experience so personal before. But this morning the strangest thing happened to me. I slept over at my boyfriend's apartment last night and woke up this morning by myself. He had already left for work and I was waking up to get ready for work. His bathroom is in ...

Lizzy's Friend by ozone_baby

First, let me begin this story by telling you that until these events, I was a complete skeptic. Other than God, if I couldn't see, I didn't believe. I do now! It was 1992 and the end of Desert Storm. My husband is in the military and at the time was still in Kuwait. So being lonely, I took our two ...

Little Ghostly Anecdotes by Jannes

Across my life - as well as across 2 countries, the US and Canada - I or people in my family have had some minor run-ins with what I like to think of as ghosts. I apologize for the fact I don't have one wildly interesting cohesive story, but just a scattering of things. The first is one, I didn't pe...

My Friend's Haunted House by xtearsofecstasy

I have this friend, he has been using drugs for a good portion of his life. He has done so much drugs that he believed he worshipped satan. Well, he has lived in about 4 houses in the past 3 years, and each house was "haunted". I had heard stories from some people that have been to either of his hou...

The House with the Old Lady by AUDRA

When I was 3 years old my parents bought their first house. I'm now 37 and have a house and family of my own. The 1st encounter I can recall is when my bother was born, I was 5 at the time and we shared a bedroom. My mother had come into the room in the middle of the night to check on him and saw an...

My Sister Says Goodbye by ThaiFemme

On October 9th 2007, our family held the funeral of my sister Noy. After the regular prayer, the buddhist ceremony followed and just a handfull of people left. I was amazed by the amount of people that wanted to stay for this ceremony. I'm not sure if any of you understand or have any knowledge of b...

The Bachelor Suite by Jannes

A couple years ago I worked briefly at a local bed and breakfast. The Inn was an old mansion from back around the time the town was first settled. The place was of course creepy just in that it was so old, and had too many little nooks and corners. There were the old passageways for the maids to get...

Curtains to Kill For by Hawkgirl

This took place in Tijuana, Mexico. When I was a baby, my mom and dad shared a house with my aunt because it was located in a kind of dangerous neighborhood for young people to live by themselves. They sticked with this house, however, because it was not an ugly house at all. Its decoration was very...

Time is Falling Away by MrsSkeletor

This is yet another story relating to my first one. This happened when I was about 16. There is a clock in the kitchen above the sink, and is dead center on the back wall of the kitchen. The clock has a glass door covering the face that has a latch to keep it closed. Every member of my family had ex...

My Son's Friend by carrie

It seems that sensitivity runs in the family. I have always felt presences and even had some experiences, but I'll save some of those for another time. This is about my son's experience with a spirit. We moved into our home about a year ago, and everything seemed quiet. I sensed something was the...

Uncle's Call by April

My uncle was one of my best babysitter's as I grew older and older. Me and my cousin Georgette grew fond of him and even when we had friends over, we enjoyed his company. Uncle Lopez had always bought me clothes, jewelry, and gave me money when I didn't need it. We lived in a two family house: our f...

My Boyfriend's Basement by Danielle

My boyfriend lives in the basement of his grandparents house. They would always tell me stories of a ghost down there. It always included someone yelling their name and when they went to check out who it was, no one would be around. I never experienced any of this the numerous times I had stayed the...

Unwanted Presence by Alyssa

It was late at night when it happened to me. I was freakishly terrified. It was a long day and I was tired. My sister had turned off the lights and went in bed, we share a bed so I slept next to her. For some reason, I couldn't go to sleep. Yeah, I'm afraid of the dark... I put the covers over me ev...

The Black Man in Little Falls and Old Lady in Ilion, NY by youmaysayimadreamer

When I was little (around 2 or so and still small enough to be in a crib) my mother and I lived in an apartment in a house that had been converted to a four family home. This house was on Church Street in the small "city" of Little Falls. I used to tell my mother "the black man" was there to see me....

Oh Grandma by April

Alistina Bautista, that was my grandmothers' beautiful name. She was someone who I really looked up to, even today. She made me realize many things, like learning from my own mistakes, and standing up for myself. She was an outgoing and encouraging women. Many on my relatives loved her, even though ...

The Haunted Book Shelf by morgan

We just moved to north carolina and the house me and my family moved into was built back in the early 1960's. It was back in the woods where a battlefield used to be and also a graveyard. I was about 9 at the time. There was this old fireplace in the living room and beside it was a old built-in book...

What is Following Us? by whitebuffalo

I actually started to "feel" things in my preteens. I became the "Ghost Hunter" of the family and the butt of many a joke, so to be utterly honest, I smothered this "talent" so that at every family gathering, there were no new stories for the family to harass me about. Most of my young experiences I...

The People in the Mirror by peopleinthemirror

This story is the reason behind our name People in The Mirror. About two weeks ago in the new house I'm living in, in Temecula with my family, my 2 kids were asleep, my husband was at work, and my brother was at his Homecoming dance. I was, like I am right now, in my brother's room on the computer w...

Sacramento Theater Company: Meet Pinky the Ghost! by PaulDaleRoberts

Let's go to downtown Sacramento and stop at a building that is 66 years old. That building is The Sacramento Theater Company on 1419 H Street, Sacramento. The place has a reputation. It's reputed to be very haunted. On October 23, 2007, Tuesday, I meet up with HPI paranormal investigators: Shannon '...

Haunted Ghost Jail Tour, Charleston Graveyard by 4u_allie

I went to South Carolina with my college roommate. We've been saving our money to go to this Haunted Ghost Jail tour, Charleston Graveyard, and their Post Office Museum. The jail tour was an old jail. You could feel something strange and cold the moment you went in. We both are ghost hunters, we exc...

She Likes to Invade Your Dreams by killingkilgore

This happened probably about 2 1/2 or 3 years ago, but still scares me stupid every time I think about it. It's quite long because these are all events that happened in the course of about 6 months or so. It began when my boyfriend was getting ready to move out of his apartment and into a nice duple...

Ouija Board and the Doll by pistol_pete495

Me and 4 of my friends skipped school one day and went to my friend's house. We were kind of bored, so we decided to pull out the Ouija board. I had never played with one before. We went in my friend's room, and he has a blanket over his window so we thought it would be dark enough. We started pl...

Finally at Peace After a Long Haunted Ordeal by cleavis20

Typically when I tell people that I grew up in a haunted house, I get a grab bag of mixed results. Some ask questions and others suddenly seem very uncomfortable, but I have come to accept all of it as a side effect of how I was raised. Maybe I should start with a brief background of the area, prope...

Violent Dream after Litting Candles by Sag_Luna_Moon

I was dreaming that I was in some sort of house, with a huge amount of people... And well, we were all at a blue table of some kind, and I had relatives and friends talking to me, when all of a sudden I'm being picked up and thrown backwards into a wall, I was really freaked out because it felt real...

Grandpa Was Concerned About the Land by alan

This happened in durango mexico, I live near dallas texas. My grandfather came to visit us last year around this time of year and left at new years, he was a little ill at the time but he was old so it was kind of expected. A few months after he got back to mexico he had a stroke and became unrespon...

Strange Conversation in Jennisons Cemetary by whitebuffalo

When I was about eight years old, my family went in search of the "lost graves" of our ancestors. We all have lost graves. They are the ones that have been documented as being in one town and they are actually in the one across the bay. This usually happens to those that have gone long before us whe...

Ghost Near the Trees Made Him Sick by Ambu

My aunty just bought a house and started to decorate it. Her husband, my uncle was helping her. It was around 11 at night when they decided to stop all the work. They packed everything up and got out. My uncle was too tired to drive so he told my aunty to. They were half way home when my aunty reali...

Ghost Cats by natbug2106

I don't believe in ghosts, and I still don't, to this day. It's nothing personal and nothing against those who do believe in them, but my own beliefs will not allow it. But... I do have a couple unexplained stories from my past, and I do not know if they have logical reasons or if they were just dre...

Our New Grandmother by Jo

I have a little trouble remembering specifics of this experience as I was young and have tried very hard not to remember them over the years as well! This took place in Brisbane, Queensland and my relatives still live in the house today. I was about 10 when my aunty and uncle and my two younger c...

Little Girl in my Room by luvparanormal

I was about 12yrs old and I was playing in my front yard. I came in to my house after playing and put all of my things in my room. I came into the kitchen where my mom and a friend were drinking coffee. I noticed my mom kept looking at the door to the entrance of my room. She then said "Naty have yo...

Something Agitates the Dog by CottonLily

My husband and I used to live in a small two bedroom house in the country. We preferred sleeping in the back, slightly smaller bedroom due to the reduction in road noise and morning sun. One afternoon, as I was lying on the bed with books and my laptop I rolled over to rest my neck and noticed the c...

Sally, my Friend by Morgan

I am going to tell you about a very odd and disturbing story of mine. It all started on November 5th 2006. Hope you enjoy it! I was up in my bathroom brushing my teeth when the toilet flushed behind me. I was all alone in the house. My mom ran out to the Grocery Store. I turned around but no one was...

Barnstorm Kashmir by Sam

During this summer vacation -- back in Kashmir -- every morning we would get up to hear the latest lowdown about Abdullah, the ghost in our neighbor's newly built home. My sis would religiously narrate the Jinn's slate of activities from the previous day. She would in turn get the dope straight from...

Held Down by Shadow by Ronald

This is the first time anything like this has happened to me. I was asleep dreaming some random dream of me in my car with someone I have never met driving it. Then, I'm not sure if it was in my dream or not, but I was awoke by a female voice saying my name. It just said my name once and I was wide ...

Myrtles Plantation Tour 2 by Missy

This is my second story about my stay at The Myrtles Plantation. The first one included pictures of what I thought was a face. The first few comments on my page agreed they see a face but think it might be nothing more then wanting to see something there. I have to agree that is probably the case, b...

A Lifetime Haunting by Rhia

I was around 7 years of age when I had my first experience. One thing I should make clear is that I don't remember much of my childhood and I'm sure it has something to do with my experiences while I lived in this particular house as a child. It was late of night and I couldn't sleep. I can't rem...

The Realtor Lied about our Haunted House by Excaliburhope

I have written a few stories in the past about some of my paranormal experience, but the one that was the worst took place when I was child in the Philippines. When I was five years old my family moved to a house in Alabang City. It was a nice house and had a main family house, a dance house, and te...

Jimmy, my Little Brother's Friend by Joanne

When I was a child, we lived in a rented house just outside of Richmond Va, near a 2-3 story Elementary School just off of Hull Street. The house was a small two bedroom one story house. I don't recall exactly when it started but my younger brother started talking about his best friend Jimmy, which ...

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