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Ghost stories from United Kingdom: Page 5

Scary Man by beautifulworld

As I lay in bed with my 2 year old daughter I watch her as she seems fixed on something at the end of my bed. I ask her if she's okay and she tells me she's scared. When I ask what of, she tells me of the scary man. I tell her there isn't a scary man just you and mummy but she tells me that there is...

Grandad's Carved Bust by Bibliothecarius

I began writing a reply to a discussion of "The Haunted Bed Frames" (, when I realized that I'd written over half of a story which may be worth of submitting to YGS in its own right. Chronologically, this is the third haunting ...

Spooky Nightclub by Angelfe

When I was younger my mother ran and lived in a nightclub in Hull, East Yorkshire. In 2003 when I was 21 years old, I went back to live with my mother and worked in this nightclub behind the bar. There were tales that this club used to be a mill where children worked and one gentleman customer t...

A Fresh Start? Not Exactly by Aliendewd

Carrying on from my previous stories. We moved to a house my Dad had renovated. It had previously been a shell of a 2 up 2 down but my Dad converted it to a 3 bedroom home for us. It was built around 1900 and was a classic Sandstone terraced house - a beautiful building if truth be known. We move...

The Haunting Of Surrey by Bushkin87

I'm Alex, and I have been on this amazing site for about a year now and I must say I'm hooked! So I thought it is about time to share my paranormal experiences. I am 28 years of age and I lived at our family home until I was 24. It was a 4 bed, semi-detached in a quiet area in a village in Surrey...

Dechmont Experiences 2 by Aliendewd

Following on from my first post, there were one or two more experiences I had in this house. One when my sister and I were sharing a room. It was to memory a huge double bedroom, well huge for two young kids anyway. Situated at the back of the property, first room on the right at the top of the sta...

Armchair Silhouette by Carisma_848

A couple of years ago we threw out our old armchairs and sofas for some new ones which we received from a family friend of ours. This new set was completely normal; nothing creepy about them and they didn't seem particularly old or anything like that. We placed them in our living room so that wh...

Dechmont Experiences by Aliendewd

Back in the 70's when I was but a wee boy we lived in a Council House situated in the village of Dechmont in west Lothian. I couldn't have been any older than two years old at the time of this experience yet the memory remains as clear today as the night it happened. My bedroom was at the front o...

My Spiritual Follower by bigryan020192

This particular experience I would like to share is actually a very recent and current experience. It was roughly 2 months ago when the whole "Charlie Charlie" phenomenon was circulating throughout the internet (which with all my beliefs and experiences, I thought was all bogus, just something fabri...

A Child's Scare by caledonia

For our own reasons we are not disclosing any names. My husband and I have looked after our granddaughter since she was 3 months old. When she was just 2 years old we lived in a two bed ground floor house. Just to give people the shape of the house, our living room and our granddaughter's room face...

Strange Dream Or Something Else by lexi-loo

I don't have many experiences to share but I remember this one very well. It was a few years ago now. I was on my early twenties, still living with my parents. I'm pretty sure I was asleep. I was in bed, I was lying on my back but it felt like someone was lying underneath me with their arms wrapp...

Was Is Just A Dream? by Angelbailey66

I have always been a fan of the paranormal but never really experienced anything until I moved into my new house with my husband. I had just moved into my new house with my husband and because we had just moved in, we didn't have a bed yet so we decided to sleep in the living room. My husband was...

Investigations I Have Done by Goggzy

1 Anstruther, Fife, Scotland. This was my first investigation 8 years ago. There was a lot of sounds of footsteps and gravel shifting, like they were standing on gravel. The floors were wooden and carpeted so hearing footsteps just should not happen when you are walking light footed. Also a lot of l...

Leith Haunting by Aliendewd

A few years ago I found myself in the unfortunate position of being homeless - I won't go into the details of the why's and how's - and was living on the kindness of friends. Sleeping 6 weeks here, 6 weeks there all around Edinburgh and Fife. I'd met this girl who offered me a bed at her flat in...

Figure That Knocked On My Door by KT432177

I live in a small town in Cheshire, England UK. My house is a small 2 bedroom that is approximately 125 years old. I'm an only child and I live with just my parents. We have had paranormal experiences here before, but I'm going to tell you my most recent experience that I can't stop thinking about. ...

My Friends New House by Maris

My friend and I first became friends back in year 2. Ever since then we have been the best of friends. When he was moving house I came along for the fun of it and helped him and his family out. At one point I was carrying a box downstairs to living room, now what you have to know is that there we...

Two Separate Experiences On The Same Street by charlotte1994

Both of my experiences occurred in Derby, in the UK. They happened on the same street but different houses. The first experience. My first paranormal experience occurred in my family home that I spent the first 7 years of my life. This was more of a ongoing experience that I've only recently rea...

Haunted Workplace by BlessedWildAppleGirl

This story is perhaps not the most exciting but still puzzles me to this day. It happened around 14 years ago. I used to work for a very well known shop in the UK - which sells stationary, books, newspapers and magazines, etc. My job (basically) was to take all the newspapers and magazines that h...

Hand Grabbed My Foot by Carisma_848

First of all I will give you a bit of background information on my house. Although I don't think that this spirit, whether evil or just mischievous, has anything to do with the history of my house, it might do and you guys could help me figure out what this thing was or where it came from. This stor...

Never At Rest by TomL79

This account will be told in two paragraphs: event at Grandparents house and events at home. Paragraph I- Event at Grandparents House This event took place about 4 or 5 months ago. I should probably mention that my Grandmother passed away in October 2014, just in case it has any significance. An...

The Traveller by Stevelegend98

A couple of years back myself and my mother were visiting her sister in the North of the country, a few hundred miles from where we lived. My mum had decided to drive rather than take the train and after staying the weekend, we started our return trip. We left on a Monday morning but as the distance...

Knowing My Demon by LaurenMackay

My story is actually published on Wattpad but I've been failing to get some attention so I'm posting it on here. Sometimes I find myself drowning in the memories of paranormal experiences that still linger in the back of my head from day to day. Some things just simply cannot be unseen. I think t...

Visits From An Old Lady by Highland538

This happened in the highlands of Scotland when I was 33 years old. I am now 58. I have never believed in ghosts and when anyone spoke of them, I tended to shut off my hearing, until this happened. I had rented a cottage halfway up a mountain road. It was isolated, although close to the road. It ...

Surprised Appearance by caledonia

In 2009 just about 12 days before Christmas whilst working in a local shop, I was on night duty with other staff. While attending to a delivery of stock, I had to make a few trips up to the warehouse to speak to one of my colleagues who was helping. As I left the warehouse and walked down the fe...

3:06 Am by londonqueenx

Right, so I've just signed up to this sight and makes me incredibly relieved to find out that there are other people out there who experience similar aspects in my paranormal experience (s). This happens once in a while in my life and it's when I travel to the UK. My mum has got some experience ...

So That's What They Look Like by Tweed

Really? Seriously? Wait, is this happening, really? Wha...? These were the thoughts running through my mind two weeks ago. At 5 to 9 PM on Tuesday July 7th I felt like someone was looking at me. I turned around, expecting to see my husband, but instead saw weird smokey darkness. I was in our l...

Orbs And The People by samtillie

"Orbs" I previously wrote a story before about my experiences with orbs. I just wanted to find out people's opinions on my latest development, I'm grateful for any input. I've seen orbs from a young age, everywhere and anywhere and I kind of understand what they are and I'm fine with that. Un...

In My Cousin's House by JohnsD

I had travelled 350 miles to Edinburgh with one purpose in mind, that was to collect my mum and dad's ashes and spread them both together in their final resting place in the Scottish Borders. This was a place where we had all visited together some thirty years beforehand and I knew that they would b...

Benji - Our Last Sleep Over by Xx_Lauren_xX

I am a total none believer, even after what happened to me. I was only young at the time I was about 9-10 years old not really sure. My auntie had a dog called Benji, he was very old very old he had been in the family well before I was even thought of, he had a few ailments and was often at the vets...

Oddities In New House by Griff84

This is not something that has dramatically happened to me, it's not something that is scary or threatening and in truth, it may not even be anything at all, but I am interested in everyone's views and thoughts. Now, I would like to think myself as level headed and rational in all walks of life, not...

Shadow Abduction? by MaybeADreamer

Unlike my previous stories this is about something I think happened rather than something I know happened. Please continue to read and see what you think. A few months ago I was suffering from a temporary bout of insomnia, I was having trouble sleeping due to giving up smoking (although I am smok...

Worrying Activity by zozie84

I've always been around paranormal activity from young age I've witness items move I've seen them heard them and felt them. I was told I attract spirits. The most common are I heard I girls voice I've seen a small boy at the side of my bed I hear what sounds like someone coming out my son's room and...

Oiuja Board Experience by ginge1388

I would like to share my experience with a Ouija board from around 8 years ago. A group my friends and I constructed a rudimentary Ouija board out of paper and a glass. We dimmed the lights and made sure that everyone in the house was in the same room, along with the dog. This house is an old Vic...

Strange Noises And Movements From Outside My Room by PerfectInsanity

I've been sensing this presence in the hallway for a while. At first it was just a presence, I never heard or saw anything there but there was definitely something watching me. I could even sense where if was in the hallway as I went from my room to the bathroom. I don't think its anything bad, I do...

The Little Girl With Black Hair by Slennett22

When I was about 8 or 9 years old I moved into a small house. When I first moved in I thought finally I can get my own room but something was wrong with that house but I thought that it was just because it was a new house that it felt weird so I just forgot about it. A few weeks later I was getting ...

Apparition At The Foot Of The Bed by maybellinemitch

We have been living in rented accommodation in the old servants quarters of a big old manor house in West Sussex, England since January. Our accommodation is a two bedroom cottage that is attached to the main house; it is so old that the stone steps inside the house have been worn down to show th...

Priest Pranks by findingthetruth23

Way back before we moved in a priest had lived (and died) in the house. He had crosses lining the walls and all sorts of church artifacts tucked up in boxes. My parents removed all of the stuff and sorted out the house so we could move in. I was only a baby back then so I had little knowledge of it....

My Apparitions Encounters by zzzoooeeetw

In 2003 we moved house and this house (which I still live in) is relatively new. When we (my parents, 3 siblings and I) first moved into the house there was nothing scary about it, no strange feelings to begin with but about 2 years of living here I began seeing apparitions and feeling uncomfortab...

Zozo - The Ouija Meeting by Lily601215

You have probably heard the story of ZOZO the Ouija Board demon however this one is different. One normal day; around 3 days after I moved out of my parents house I was just walking around exploring the attic when I can across a big book shelf all of the stories were quite old and the books were ...

An Experience Getting Stronger by Niallsprincessx

Firstly I'm going to say my experiences are 100% true. I never actually saw a ghost, but some of my experiences seem unexplainable, and have scared me. I started to take an interest in the supernatural. I read things online, I watched movies, and I found it very interesting. I believe in the supe...

Being Watched By The Shadow Man by missmeggelizabeth

In my house I have seen and felt several spirits; however, there is one spirit that likes to make himself known. I believe he is an intelligent spirit and knows that I am able to see him. I have never tried to communicate as I am too scared for a response, but at the same time I feel that I should. ...

One Unexplained Voice And One Odd Car Incident by Rarrkel

I have never believed in ghosts of any kind. I was brought up as a devout Christian and still stand firm by my beliefs, although my understanding of those beliefs has developed as I have matured. However, despite not believing in ghosts, I cannot deny I have had strange experiences that to this day,...

Curly Smoke by Eddo

It was 1987 and we were living in Pinner, Middlese, England. A quite road with mock Tudor houses. Our experience occurred one evening in our lounge. It was dark, the curtains were drawn, tableside lamps were on and we were watching TV. My wife Monica was sitting in an armchair opposite me and be...

Followed By Knocking by Tweed

Before joining this site I had started going through a 'bad haunting' I guess you'd call it. By the time I joined it had escalated. I delayed submitting this story because I didn't want to think about it. It's because of this 'haunting' I wound up finding this site, so every cloud. Started about ...

Nan's Come To Stay? by MaybeADreamer

I have previously submitted 2 stories which both involved (ghostly) meetings with and messages from my sister who died. Well, now I think my Nan (paternal grandma) is also keeping an eye on me. I'll tell you what has happened and I would like to hear if you agree with me. In October 2013 sadly my...

Mr O'brian by anisajazz

It all started when me and my mother moved into our new home in Bradford England in 2008, I was 17. The home was a normal 2 bedroom house which needed a lot of modernising, which we did before we moved in, in the mean time we got to know our neighbours and the area. When speaking to the neighbours,...

Tapping And Disappearing Objects by EmilyGeorge_xo

I'm going to go straight in with the story. Since I was little I've been able to see shadow people and have experienced some a few things as I've grown up, pretty common I suppose on here. But for the past couple of months its becoming more regular. I have so many stories to tell, but this one st...

Lucy The Doll by VirtuousElemental

As a young child, I always enjoyed playing with my dollies as many young girls do. Now the age of 16, I wish I could have found out more about my experience and maybe some explanations as to why it happened to me. I don't remember much from when I was in my primary school years, but this was cert...

Seeing And Feeling My Grandad With Me by Anonymous84

I'm not sure what to do. I have never written on any blogs like this and before now never had any interest in this subject/arena. I just don't know who to talk to to get serious advice. So this may sound strange but recently I have been seeing my grandad at home! Not in an obvious "standing in front...

What Do They Want With Me? by Courtenay

My name is Courtenay and I will be 18 years old next month. I have been no stranger to ghosts. I have seen them and heard them from being very young. My first experience was at my Granddad's house. My Grandma had died not long before this event. We were on the upstairs landing running around and ...

Strange Things Following Me? by gravityballoon

I'm writing this to know what these things are and what to do if I see them again. It was when I was a young. Me, my sister's and my dad were all out on bonfire night. It was nothing special, just a walk, and it was getting dark. Me and my sisters saw a small bonfire going on near the forest, so ...

Bumping Into An Old Friend by Tweed

This is about a ghost I think of as a guardian. Over the last 14 or so years I've learned ways to communicate with him and we have a good understanding of each other. Outside of intentional communications I've had many unexpected moments with him, many small, few major. These are the few major unexp...

Bruising And Terrifying Night Noises by allybally11

I have always believed in ghosts. Always thought that they exist and even believe that I have been visited by a family member who sent me a bad message. I've been dubious of the more evil spirits and never really believed these farfetched stories I sometimes read. I've been having a bad few mont...

Grandad Or Something Else? by PerfectInsanity

My grandad isn't really my grandad, he's my mum's boyfriend's dad, but to avoid confusion and because he's the closest I've ever had to a grandad I call him that. In the same way I'll call my mum's boyfriend my dad because he's been in my life since I was four and has been more of a father to me tha...

A Doppleganger Or Something Else? by Luna2000

I have another account on here but I forgot my details so I'm logged out and I've had to make a new one. On the other one, I put two stories up, I think. They were both my mum's as she's seen ghosts since she was a baby. The reason I post them on here is because it leaves us confused and curious and...

Weird Experiences All My Life by SonnyBurnz

Firstly, I would like to start off back about 16 years ago when I was 3 years old. My parents told me that I used to complain about an old woman who used to stand halfway up my stairs. They thought it was just my imagination and that I was just playing about. Few days later prior to the incident...

Earrings by fudgendeb

Over the years I have had a few experiences that I cannot really explain, some seem trivial while others disturb me, and the experience I had on Thursday 26th March/Friday 27th March 2015 have disturbed me a little. I went to bed at my normal time around 11:00pm nothing out of the ordinary occurr...

Was This Really My Doppleganger? by lolibud

This experience happened quite a while back now, I was about 12 years old and to this day (I am now 17) it still confuses me and leaves me demanding answers. I was upstairs one night at around 10pm, brushing my teeth, when my dad came upstairs and looked at me in shock. He says to me, "How'd you...

Long Lost Relative by Cbear100888

I have a few... Experiences (if I get time) I'd like to share. Sorry if it's a bit long winded. But first off I'd like to just say I'm not a firm believer in paranormal, it interests me a lot but I've always been one of those "I'll believe it when I see it". First experience happened back in 2008...

Mystery Man by bigryan020192

It's been a while since I posted. Mainly due to circumstantial reasons, but I hope now to be able to share many more of my experiences. Many of my experiences I would like to share have occurred at my grandparents' house which is located in a small town called Westend, and to get to their house, ...

There Is A Shadow by sia1234

I have an experience to share with the people here, first let me give a small introduction about myself. I'm a 43 year old woman from Lancashire, England. I moved to Edinburgh in my 20s with my husband. We bought a three story house in one of the suburbs there but the moment I stepped in that nuisan...

A Collection Of Experiences by bon3yardsx

My Nan says that she has this thing, where she can hear the deceased. She said that my Auntie has it, my mom has it, and that I also have it. I don't believe I have 'it' as much as her because I don't really know what 'it' is. I can feel when someone in there, I can feel it it's bad or good. Som...

The Wood Street Years by MeltyCat

This may be a little long and oddly written as I had to write it all down quickly. It's not exactly a single story, but more of a collection of experiences from my old house that I wanted to discuss with you all to see what ideas and theories you all had. My family moved into the house in 1987. I...

Me And The Hair Braiding Ghost by Itoldyaiwastrouble

This is my first story here. I've had a few more experiences in my life & would like to share my first one with you. When I was a little girl around 7 years old I shared a bedroom with my 2 younger brothers Richard, who was around 5 years old & baby Simon, who was around 18 months, plus my mothe...

Vanishing Rings by MeltyCat

So, we (me and my fiance) moved into this flat back in 2010. It's a simple, 1 bedroom flat with a kitchen-lounge, bathroom and box room that we keep our birds in. We are in the upstairs flat and there is a neighbor downstairs who is a man who lives on his own with his dog. It was originally built as...

Paranormal Experience by alinvan

I've had three strange experiences in my aunt's house in Fife, Scotland. The first time which was about 12 years ago. I was in bed reading, and my mind was as far from ghosts as anything, didn't really believe in them, when suddenly a creepy feeling came over me, like there was someone in the roo...

My Interesting House by Softus

I've lived in this house for about years with my Mother and we've agreed that some things that have happened have been unexplainable. I live in the UK, England, Stockport. My house is on a council estate which you wouldn't expect to have ghosts and as far as I'm aware, there have been no deaths in t...

Bedroom Horror by pamzino416

About four years ago I was fourteen years old and lived in North West London. My best friend at the time Clair (I have changed her name for privacy) had been experiencing a lot of paranormal events in her life. Such as the kettle turning on by it self in the kitchen, and the kitchen light bulb explo...

Granddad's Ring by Saya

This is my first story I have posted on here so many apologies on my writing. My granddad died five years ago but when he died he left a ring for my father (don't ask, horrible step nan who wanted everything) I was twenty-two and just got my first flat, I taken the ring with me so I can be cl...

A Child Ghost Or Something Else? by BlessedWildAppleGirl

I have lived in my present home for almost two years. Over this time, every now and then, a handful of strange things have happened. It started one night when I put my son to bed. My son loved Thomas the Tank Engine and he had this particular Thomas toy that had a button on the top, when you pus...

Sisterly Advice by MaybeADreamer

I have recently submitted my first spiritual account to this website (I am still waiting to see if it is published) about an experience I had when I was younger, wherein I saw my dead sister quite often but the thought of it scared me so much I couldn't stand it. Well anyway, back to this story....

College Unease by CherieMidnight

This story is fairly brief, as the incident was rather brief in itself. I am currently a 'mature' student at a college in Bedfordshire, studying Fine Art in a specialist art block. To make sure I get the best use of the studio, I often stay after normal hours to do extra work. Now the 'Art block' co...

Scared Of Fridays by MaybeADreamer

I was born in 1976 and my younger sister Anne was born in 1979. I had another sister Emily who was born in 1978, she only lived for a few months & died of SIDS in 1978. I also had a younger brother Paul. We lived in an area called Eltham in London. This began back when I was 9yrs old (1986). It w...

The Ghost Girl In The Mirror by TailsTheKitsune

This is a true story that happened when I was around 11 years old. It is, so far, the only ghost experience I have ever had, but it was one of my scariest moments. I was in middle school when this experience occured. We have two bathrooms for girls and boys. The downstairs bathrooms and the upst...

The Psychic by Maria123

This is my first post on this site as I am new but thought I could share my story. My dad's always been involved in the paranormal, he used to even be in a ghost hunting group where he has travelled all around the UK investigating different locations. I have had my fair share of paranormal experi...

Military Home by sophiemarie

This is a story I thought I would share with you all. Its not really something I tell too many people about - only if I ever get onto the subject of ghost/paranormal will I share my story. I am somewhat a sceptical even after my experiences when it comes to the paranormal world, although I do believ...

Ghost Of Netherton Church by loganferret

My story took place on a cold Sunday November afternoon in the early 90s (1992 I think). My cousin, brother and I were on the way to St. Andrew's Church, Netherton, Dudley, in the west Midlands of England. Pushing our bikes up the steep hill at the rear of the church from the canal, the hill was...

The Passing Of A Soul by TuBZ

Hey there YGS! First time ever typing up a paranormal event that happened to me 2 to 3 years ago. But this is only one paranormal experience out of quite a few that I've been able to witness throughout my life so far. Okay, here goes. I am 23 years old from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. Have li...

Pentagram Necklace by vanadis16

This is the first time I have shared my experience on this website. For those who are unsure, by pentagram I mean the symbol which represents the five elements, not the satanic symbol used in cults etc. This event took place when I was about thirteen years of age (I am eighteen this year) and I ...

Protective Or Evil Entity by Pupanickle

I am 23 years old and have been with my partner for just over a year now. I just wanted to mention that I have never experienced anything paranormal or like this in my whole life. My partner, 30, has had paranormal experiences in every home he has lived in since he can remember. I moved in with ...

Footsteps 2 by Richard899

Continuing with my story. The next night we went to bed a little earlier and decided to watch TV in bed for awhile. Anthony had been in bed since around 9pm and we went to bed around 11ish. Amanda checks on Anthony every night before bed, just to make sure he's asleep. We were laying in bed watching...

Footsteps 1 by Richard899

This is my first time on this site or any site to do with paranormal on reguards to sharing this experience. Ok so around 2 weeks ago I was at home with my girlfriend, we live in a small two floor attached house, and the house is fairly old itself. Bear in mind I have been living with my girlfrie...

15 Church Close by Jam91191

I am now 13 years old. My parents decided to get divorced in 2010, and from then I have lived in 3 rental homes and I am now in a purchased home settled for a long time. I am an only child and 15 Church Close in Mountnessing, UK, which was the family home for us three. Anyway ever since I can re...

Rays On The Ceiling by amie96

This is my first ghost/paranormal story and I'd appreciate any feedback or anyone that's had a similar experience commenting. Ever since I can remember, every night I fell asleep I saw 3 rays (the animals) circling around my light shade on the ceiling before I would go to sleep. They were green...

Can You See Me by IAMjinxX

The night of December 16th, 2014, I experienced the most frightening sleep paralysis I have had so far. The encounter happened at 3:27 in the morning. I had woken up abruptly and couldn't seem to move. Having dealt with Sleep Paralysis before, I decided to wait it out. As I lay there, facing my TV, ...

The Happening by jess001

Here is some of the paranormal things that have been happening to me this year. We (me, my mum, her boyfriend and my sister) moved into our house about 1 year and a half ago. When we first moved in I loved it and never minded being in the house all alone. I have encountered in the past loads of para...

Ouija Ouija Is Anyone There? by TheYoungExplorer

Heey guys! This is my first story on this website, I've found it a couple of weeks ago that's when I used the Ouija board, yes I know that I shouldn't use one but the curiosity got the best of me. I'd like to say I am 13 years old and no I am not faking, I'm not that type of person, so if you think ...

My Experiences In Childhood Locations by BethIsabella

I don't really know how to start this but here it goes. It first started in my childhood house. We moved when I was 10 just before my 11th birthday and I'm 16 now. I never really thought about all this stuff all that much before me and my brother were talking the other day and he said that he al...

Very Frightening Childhood Experiences by raven86

Since I have never posted on this (or any 'supernatural' forum) before, I will first introduce myself. I am a twenty nine y/o female living in the UK and have been a front line soldier and a hospice nurse, and in these areas of work I have witnessed, along with my colleages, many 'unexplainable' phe...

Could This Be My Guardian? by FollowTheWhiteRabbit

This time round, my story is a good one. I was 17 at the time (7 years ago now), my parents were away on a 2 week break and I was staying at home with one of my brothers. During the first week I started to become really unwell, stomach cramps which were out of this world! After 48 hours of pure ...

Loss Of Breath While Sleeping by AlmostSceptic

I'm a 21 year old male living in Birmingham in England and as of a couple minutes ago, a member to this site. Usually on the nights I like to read through random sites and discovered this place. After about 10 minutes of reading, I noticed a link to a page of sleep paralysis stories which instantly ...

Is My House Haunted Or Am I? 2 by Molly_23_boo

I'm sorry in advance that this is so long. This is my second story carrying on from my first one with the same title. I want to do my stories in order so this one happened when I went to university in Cheshire, England. I do believe that this may have been a different spirit than the one in my ho...

Ghost Of Lawyers Past? by Bookmonstercats

About twenty years ago, I was training to be a lawyer in Birmingham, UK. The offices were two old houses knocked together, so had uneven floors etc. It was a happy office and I enjoyed working there. I hadn't had any supernatural experiences there, even though I have had many such experiences ov...

Ghost In The Tower by CF2014

A few months ago I visited London, The Tower of London in fact and whilst there undertook a tour of the Bloody Tower. In total there were two rooms for visiting within that section of the Tower, however the first to be visited was that of Sir Walter Raleigh, the chambers where he stayed for a number...

My Gran Back From The Dead by nikkibabe86

Tonight I let my dog outside and I was making myself a cuppa tea. Then I decided to look out my kitchen window, and I looked over to my granda's house into his spare room as he just lives across the road. My gran has only been dead for 8 months. She had cancer and on the day she was meant to get ...

The Field by FollowTheWhiteRabbit

This is my first of probably many posts. I've had quite a few experiences with the paranormal, good and bad, but I'll start from the beginning with my first terror. It was the 5th of November - Fireworks night. It possibly 10 years ago now and I would have been 14 or 15 at the time. Myself and a...

Late Night At Work by Willsandp

I had a very strange experience last night and thought I would share it. I have an industrial kitchen unit in a modern building which sits on the battlefield of The Battle of Shrewsbury 1403. Prior to last night other staff have had some weird happenings, such as the break time bell going off eve...

Fields, Farms, Sheep And Ghosts by danisp_

So earlier in the summer this year, me and my best friend went to stay with her grandma and grandad in Wales where they live with her family. I'd been before and knew how old the house was. The house is an ancient farmhouse with many barns and it's located literally in the middle of nowhere. It ...

The Oldest Church In London by deecro

When I was in college, I spent a year abroad in Brighton, England. A roommate suggested I come back the next summer to stay with him in London, for free. I jumped at the chance; at the time, Mattie was a nursing student. When I went back to London in Summer 2002, he'd switched careers to being a Vic...

The Old Man And The Little Girl by ParaTeen95

I've lived in this house since I was 3 months old, I'm 19 now and really it's only been in the recent years, maybe since I was 14/15 I began having strange experiences that started in my house and now I find are starting to happen everywhere, for instance when I visited Auschwitz with my old school ...

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