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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 174

Aunt Sylvie's Computer Pranks by valkricry

A few months back, I thought to write about my meeting my 4x great Aunt Sylvie, a witch, who lived in the foothills of Kentucky. I'm speaking in the traditional sense of the word witch. The woman had 'powers' and could do things that 'normal' folk just can't without trickery of some sort. (Notic...

Fireball by Tweed

The first of these experiences happened to my Mum in approximately 1962, she was around 8 or 9 at the time. This had a profound emotional impact on her resulting in a keen interest in Extra Terrestrials and inter-dimensional beings. However, it failed to instill in her future IT skills, hence I'm su...

Wee Ones At The Window by Tweed

Sometime in either late July or early August 2015, husband and I woke in the middle of the night. Which is something neither of us normally do. What woke us, I guess, was an awareness. From my perspective I was cosy in bed fast asleep. Both of us facing the window. Then, very groggy, I awoke, ope...

Washington Island House Haunting by chmort

This is a long entry, so please bear with me. My family has lived in the same house since December 2001 on Mercer Island, WA. Mercer Island itself has an interesting history: Native Americans in the area refused to spend the night/live on the island due to the belief that it was haunted by evil ...

Closest Thing To A Demon by Tweed

This is not about demons or devils. This is about the man who is technically my grandfather. He died before I was born. No one mourned him, and I mean no one. He was a pedophile, alcoholic, violent, abusive individual. On first impression he was a charming man, handsome, polite, personable. But h...

Gabriel by tburgos305

Friends, sorry I been away for so long I been really busy with life since I joined the Army. This story takes place back in 2006 when I was only 19 years old and I was pregnant with my now 10 year old daughter. I was home alone one day staying at my grandmas house for my pregnancy and everyone was...

Go Away! You Can't Have Him! by Miracles51031

I always hesitate before sharing something that is out of the norm, at least for me. This is another one of those moments. A few years ago, the teenage son of a family I know was in the hospital. One night during his stay, as I was meditating, I placed a shield around Zane, asking that he be kept...

Old Copley, Abandoned Hospital by valkricry

Old Copley use to be City Hospital back in 1886, and boasted 25 beds. Of course, by the time they closed in 1996 to move to a much larger facility, it had grown considerably, almost swallowing up the original Queen Anne 3 story structure. Despite the original part being declared a historic site, the...

Slamming Doors, But Wait! There's More! by brown_eyed_girl

I have lived in my home for a little over 6 years now. From the time my family moved here, strange things have happened. In the past 3 to 4 months, the activity seems to happen more often. I tend to stay home alone a lot. My family is very loud and I'm a quiet person. That said, I will normally ...

Strange Man Kept Finding Me by VeronicaMarie

It was mid-May of 1981. My father had died suddenly of a heart attack about two weeks prior. He died on the same day escrow closed on the first condo my husband and I had bought. I was in a store in Mountain View on my lunch break, buying a few things for our new home, after recently returning t...

Scary Internet Experience by mel8763

When I first started using the internet a few years ago, I was amazed at all the different websites that were available to look at. I don't have a home computer, so I would go to the library in both Sherman and Denison, which are located in Texas. I was on the website "ghostvillage.com" and happen...

Gabriel 2 by tburgos305

This is a second encounter I had with Gabriel. It was about two months after I first saw him that I had this encounter. This also has a "santera" lady involved; a santera or santero A Santera (Spanish for "saint-maker" may refer to either: An artisan who creates santos y revultos and other Spanish...

The Voices That Saved My Life by Faith1990

Prior to the following experience, I wouldn't hesitate to blame some doofus move on my part on the "voices" I hear in my head. "The voices made me do it!" That was such a funny thing to say. Little did I know or understand back then that the voices you have "in your head" can actually be a real thin...

Enormous Black Deer by SoniaMary0023

A couple years back my best friend and I were sitting on our back porch smoking a cigarette and talking about nonsense. While we were talking I stopped what I was saying and was staring at this huge black deer with the biggest antlers I have ever seen. I thought it was something I was imagining unti...

They Can See Their Daddy by Zaruje

I have been babysitting the kids of my neighbor for almost a week now. A two year old girl and a 5 year old boy. Their mother and I weren't that close but still I always feel the need to help her since she's a single mom and her story about what happened between her and her ex-husband truly is a tea...

Tree At Farmhouse by munejabilal

This is my first experience on this website. I made new account to publish this experience on the advice of my best friend. It all started 2 years ago, when my school planed a picnic on a farmhouse. This farmhouse is school's own farmhouse on which the school plans picnic every year. Everything ...

Neighbors Ghost Opens Our Door by Caylo28

Cinco de Mayo my family and I were at the neighbors playing cards. I got this strange feeling I needed to go into the hall. When I stepped in the hallway I heard my 1 year old nephew screaming and crying. Following his cry I find him in the very back bedroom (master bedroom) in the bathtub! I know...

That Voice by Miracles51031

Brown_eyed_girl submitted a story that made a deep connection with me so I decided to submit my own experience about the voice. This experience takes place in the same house as "I Need My Mommy" (http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=8861) and "I Need My Mommy 2" (http://www.you...

Aunt Sylvie's Computer Pranks 2 by valkricry

That title is a bit misleading, as this is about the summer I met my 4 x great Aunt and happened long before she played games with my computer; but I'm hoping it helps flag out the correlation of the two. Not so much for the readers of this, but for Aunt Sylvie. I know that reads rather awkward, but...

Two Incredible Saves by RedWolf

Most of you know I have a bad back but not to what extent. I have three screws that are loosening and you can actually see them if I have a tight shirt or if I lift my shirt. One is actually broken, these screws are about 1/4 inch thick. I have bad scoliosis, one of my ribs is touching one of the ve...

Frantic Knocking On Ceiling by DandK

Several years ago during the week or so after my husband died, I had something strange happen. I lived alone in our house. One evening, I was in bed, crying again, and I heard light knocking on the ceiling outside the bedroom. I ignored it, thinking it was just strange house noises. I noticed it on ...

My Friend Bill by groundzero7

Is this a horror story? I rather not use that word because it involves one of my very best friends in the distant past and there was no horror in the event I will describe. Let's just say extremely unsettling (to me at least) and you might term it as a paranormal event, whatever that is, and let it ...

The Disembodied Voice From The Wood by Clairvoyant_Disease

When I was younger, me, my cousin, (N) and our aunt (J) went for a walk outdoors down the holler. Well me being the curious little kid I was I walked down over the hill on the other side of the road. I got a little way down hill, and on down the hill towards my right I hear my cousin's voice. "Savan...

Dreams Of Death by StrangersBesideUs

Oh where do I begin. You might call me crazy but I feel like my dreams talk to me. Especially when it comes to death. It all started with my father. June of 2009 I had a dream of a funeral home. My father was in a coffin dressed in the same clothes we buried him in. My sister and mother were cryin...

I Think I Punched A Ghost by Bradyv32

Last night (August 6, 2017) as I was laying in my bed at about 11:30, setting my alarm on my phone, with the lights off, I thought I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I didn't really think anything of it. I thought I must have just been seeing things so I went to sleep. Sometime du...

Family Incidents by Fergie

A few months back I wrote about my experiences while house-sitting at our eldest daughter's home. While I was away, my husband, Ray, had an incident of his own. Ray was sitting in our lounge one night, watching DVDs on the TV. He was seated in his Lazyboy, right opposite the TV, with only the lou...

The Next Door Neighbor by Daniel266jz

First off I want to start by saying hello. My name is Daniel I am now 19, I have a son and I'm an Electrical Estimator in training. To begin my story a little background must be established. I never experienced anything paranormal before in my life but my grandmother was big on it. Family stories te...

Was It Chester? by sherm784

I had a huge scare at work today. I was in the middle of a business call when I clearly heard someone whisper my name right behind my ear. I sit right in front of an older coworker. It clearly was not his voice; it was a very urgent and hushed whisper. I asked out loud who whispered my name but both...

A Staticky, Shimmery, Flashing Something by Mainlander

About twenty years ago, when we lived in Navy housing out on Oahu, Hawaii, my daughter and I experienced something that still haunts me. Honestly, I'm not sure what it was. In that, I'm not sure if it was a ghost. At the time we, my husband, our two daughters and I were living in Navy housing. I...

Hair Getting Tugged by msecrose

For about 2 or 3 years is how long I've really noticed this happening. It will start and then it will stop for a while but I haven't really noticed a pattern. Today I felt my hair being pulled again. I normally experience this only in my house. It especially happens in my room, home office, and kitc...

A Ghostly A$$ Kicker by roylynx

My sister and I went shopping last weekend in a mall. I parked my car, away from the mall to save some money; it was about eight night time when we walked out of the mall. We walked down a long slope where there were no street-lights (a few but it was very dark). My sister was telling me she kept ...

Female Spirit Guardian by allforlaughter

To be honest, I'm not sure if she's my "spirit guardian" or if that's even the real word for it. I don't know who she is at all or why she's been with me for so long. I only know she's a positive force, and I'd do almost anything for my hair to be the same auburn as hers. I grew up in an actively...

Something Was There That Night by Akclone

Greetings from Gujarat,India. I want to share this experience with you guys... Hope you can share your views on this experience. This is occurred in August 2009 back then I was in the first year of medical college. It was time for my exams and new batch was coming in few days. I was staying at col...

A Story About An Abandoned House by Narmada

This is my second ghost story and I experienced this 17 years ago, when I was only 8 years old. One day my mother wanted to by some stuff so she took me to the supermarket. We live in a road with couple of bare lands. I remember it was around 7.30 pm and I was holding my mother's hand and walkin...

I'm Sorry I Died by Miracles51031

Sherm784 submitted a story a couple of days ago that made me want to share my experience. Close friends and family, as well as those friends I have made on Facebook, know Paul Walker was my favorite actor and his death was devastating to me. It left a hole in me, as if I lost a very dear and clos...

The Knocking Ghost Got In And My Sister Is Being Attacked! by Caylo28

If you read my last story you'll know the ghost knocks and comes up to the door but had not gotten in. This is a couple of messages from my little sister (we'll call her C) who lives there with her husband (T) and their son (we moved to Colorado last week) C: Things are happening and I'm terrifi...

Girly Voices by HADDI

This is my first story and hope you guys find it real and interesting. My name is Satish. I previously lived in Palpa, Nepal (one of the haunted places). There I lived with my Grandmother, and uncles and aunts. They all used to scare me with their real ghost incounters. Therefore I always used...

You Cheater! by roylynx

Another interesting story that I wanted to share, I was having an afternoon tea with a few of my friends. One of them, let us address her as B, is sensitive to spirits. She does not have knowledge on how to communicate with them and touch them but from stories by people around her, would say that sh...

My Husband's Doppleganger by Tangela01

One day I was at home laying across the bed. I wasn't asleep, just relaxing, waiting on my husband V to come home, when something spoke to me not audibly but telepathically. It said my name T and said turn around. As I turned around this spirit appeared to me. It had on the very same clothes V was w...

My Husband's Doppelganger Cont Part2 by Tangela01

I remember when I first started experiencing these strange phenomenons. He used to act sort of erratic, but I didn't think it was something to get alarmed about. There was this time I was at v's house sleeping. I could have sworn he came home and ask me did I want some McDonalds. I could have sworn ...

First Time Seeing Shadows by thething45

This is one of the earliest memories that I can recall, and some of the finer details escape me but I can still see the actual event and moment in my mind very clearly. This happened in the 1985 or 1986. Up until the time I was 8 years old my family lived in an apartment complex in Elizabeth, NJ...

Great Auntie June...soon, I Must Tell Them by ShySgaile

My Gramma was born youngest of 3 sisters in Maine 1914. She'd tell me stories of the 'influenza' and wagons of bodies taken away (she was very young like 4 or 5)...her mother, my great Gram Hattie, being very ill, running feverish out into the snow... An older sister being so ill that her hair fell ...

Woman In The Window by lilpeachyghost

This happened a good month or so ago and hasn't happened again since but it's definitely something that keeps playing on my mind and I keep coming back to. I have no idea if it was paranormal or just someone being a creep but it felt... Wrong. So, I was sitting on the floor in front of the elect...

A Celebrity Visit Or Delusional Fangirls? by ladycastlemaine

This follows on from a comment I made on someone else's story regarding their possible connection to the late Chester Bennington. It's about a famous dead musician and I'm not comfortable with mentioning their name because A) I don't want to seem deluded and B) Some of my fandom will recognise my us...

Obese Entity In The Corner by felidee623

This took place in my apartment in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. It was almost 7pm, and I had to go get my boyfriend from work at 8. I planned on cleaning and finishing the laundry for the next 45 minutes, so I put in my headphones and started cleaning. I was listening to a song called "Demons" by Tech N...

The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1 by wolfsnow916

Before I start, let me just tell you my views about the paranormal (ghost and elemental, etc). I am a believer that those things/entities really exist but I haven't really seen, feel or have any contact with them. I am now 27 years old, married and have kids and not one single experience with them (...

Be Aware, Pray For... Who? by roylynx

I do not know if any of you will know anything about meanings each flowers will have but the following is kind of related to it and it is a little eerie. I was walking home after going to the GYM. My instructor told me to walk as much as I can since it is good for my back (I suffer back pain). It...

3 Visits To Canyon De Chelley by naturestacey

The first time I went to Canyon de Chelley, I went to 3 or 4 overlooks on the north rim. Each and every time I stepped out of my vehicle, I had overwhelming feelings of despair... And death. It made me feel horrible and didn't know why I was feeling that way. I drove over to the south rim and I had ...

Didn't Abuelita Just Come Back From Church? by thething45

So this particular encounter will require some backstory, my apologies if it is a bit long winded. Both of my parents where born and raised in the same small village in El Salvador. It's really far out in the country side at the end of a dirt road. The village is called La Aldea on the Chalatena...

To Be Heard by AmbitiousSlave

Since my first personal accounts were rejected, I attempted but couldn't find any other places network wise where I could be believed... Since I was a child and moved into my current house I have lived in for about 10/11 years (basically my childhood), I have recently (as in the last 4 or so years...

It Wasn't Supernatural... Or Was It? by Ann4shadow

The year was 1970. I know this because this happened when I was in kindergarten. My family Mum, Dad, two brothers had all moved in to a brand new 4 bedroom ranch style home in Huber Heights Ohio. We had an acre of land that had once been farmland. Our home was built on a single street with homes on ...

Schizophrenia Or Incubus? by ForbiddenRose

I am 18 years old and have an incubus, or at least I believe I do, and I do not know what to. His name is Rhyder. He has been with me ever since a young age. Back then he was trying to hurt/kill me by sitting on my chest and I couldn't breathe; in a way I had to fight him. For a while he disappeared...

Soldier Shadow Girl by Lince1307

Let me tell you first that I come from a family of "gifted" women and as such I've been able to see and/or feel spirits from an early age. This story in particular took place in Ft. Jackson, SC while I was at the Physical Rehabilitation Unit after suffering a fall during basic training. One nigh...

The Boy Out Past His Bedtime by manipatsy78227

I would like to reflect on a time when I was a child. At this particular time, I was about 7 years old. Now, my parents weren't very strict and didn't have a set bedtime for us and I remember playing late outside this night. My younger brother, Ernest, was playing with me. He was 5. After chasin...

White Glowing Eyes Watching Me, Activity Escalating by LittleBelle

It started on August 15th. I felt like someone was watching me, which is not unusual my home. It is active with a very specific Spirit who I believe used to be an owner of the house and is very particular of how he likes things arranged and moves about the house without malice or intent. (My home wa...

The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part2 by wolfsnow916

Before you start reading Part 2, I suggest you go back and read the first part of this story for you to better understand everything. The Only Exception - My Paranormal Experience Part1, here's the link to it: http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=24866:) Thank you. Okay, now re...

Curious Ghost Or A Relative Who Wants To Say Hi by JLynn87

There were a couple of ghost experiences I had in my life time, but the one that I'm about to share happened to me in January of 2014, and it's the most recent one that I can fully remember. During this time I was still living with my mom, older sister and brother. I came home from work at 6:30 ...

The Girl In The Cemetery by Tunedin

After posting my first story about my nan visiting me, I have decided to share an encounter that my mum had a few years ago around 2001. My nan sadly passed away at the young age of 43 when my mum was only 19 and was buried in the local cemetery. When my grandad passed 16 years later in September...

The Summer I Didn't Sleep by cloudy

I can't recall how old I was when these events took place, but judging by what bedroom of our house I was sleeping in at that point, I must have been somewhere between 9 and 12. I have wanted to share this story for quite some time but the truth is that I haven't been able to build up the courage to...

Displaced Entities by StaceyK

This story is my first paranormal experience when I was young. I grew up in a very religious family in my mom's home province in the south. When my father died, my mom decided to leave Manila and stay with my grandmother in the province where she can teach in a local private school as a teacher. The...

It Pinched Me by Hermit

I suffered from sleep paralysis when I was still in college. In my dream I'm seeing a white lady with no face approaching me in a zigzag motion. It scared the hell out of me since I'm completely aware that I was just dreaming but couldn't move my body or even open my eyes. When she's almost few step...

The Women In My Room by Siara

A couple of months ago, although I slept by 10pm, I would still wake up the next morning exhausted to go to work. During the second month, one morning I just sat on my bed, asking myself why do I still feel exhausted after having enough hours of sleep. Few days after that (it was the weekend- Sat...

Mortuary Affairs by wth_devildog

This is my first account of possible paranormal activity I've experienced in my life. This story takes place in Brigham City, UT during the winter of 2003. My wife and I (and our two cats) had moved to a new rental house across town a few months prior. Almost directly across the street from our hous...

House With The Purple Porch by hannagrace2017

When I was about six years old, my family and I moved into a five bedroom home in south Omaha Nebraska. This part of town was well known to be super sketchy. In all honesty it wasn't the greatest place to raise a family, however my family wasn't the richest and the rent was cheap and the house was b...

Who Is With Me? by loneybone

For as long as I can remember I've been alone, as a young girl I was always bullied and abused by my brother. He would always hit me and people would always treat me bad at school and my mom didn't bother to see what was wrong. I'm not in school anymore and I am in my mid 20's. Every night as a chil...

The Glowing Circle And A Hug by Jazolinlea

Life is not fair. It is full of love and loss. My high school class lost too many people (way too young) to accidents, sickness etc., before we even graduated. We all felt pain at such a young age. One in particular struck me quite hard, I looked up to him, he was special, he was one of my best frie...

She Hates Men by valkricry

In 1992, I had the happy fortune to reconnect with my best friend from high school. We shared the type of friendship, that though 16 years had passed by without communicating we picked up right where we left off. Bonus points: our then husbands got along and our kids all adored each other. It wasn't...

The Dead's Account by roylynx

This story actually happened to my sister. I was not involved this matter, but I heard comments from people around and was questioned by my sister herself about it. My sister is using the famous "apple mark smart phone", recently she got the "version 7" and had downloaded an application called "W...

Haunted Hotel Hertfordshire by Gavinwickens

This is my first time telling this story, hope you enjoy it. I was sitting about thinking of what to do for the Mrs' birthday, thinking night away no kids sounds good so I got on line and booked a beautiful mansion house. So 28th Feb 2016 we was off to what we thought would be a romantic night a...

Lifted Off His Feet by Meldel

This happened to my Dad some years back. The house my parents were living in was a two bedroom house. There was a small patch of grass in the front of the house and the veranda was just two steps from the front gate. When visitors arrived during the day, they always walked to the back of the house a...

Grandma And Grandpa's House by southcelt

I spent a good amount of my childhood living with my grandparents in a very rural part of West Virginia. Their house, well, the whole area where they lived, was haunted. There were many times that we'd hear footsteps in a room nobody was in at the time, paper towel rolls unrolling themselves... Thin...

Haunted Road by Enlightened1959

My house was located near an old two lane highway just outside the city limits of a town named Elizabethton. This area was settled in the late 1760's, its historical notability is among the most fascinating in the entire state. Its home of the first permanent settlement outside the original 13 colon...

Is It Her, Another Manipulative Spirit Or My Mind? by Allicatt

In the last few months a lot has happened, some good and some horrible. My baby girl was born a few months ago and while it was a rough start things balanced out and she and I are healthy. All things seemed normal for awhile, life was good; a healthy happy baby, Maggie was about to start school,...

Daughter's Imaginary Friends by Kest

It's taken me a long time to try to figure out how to start my experiences with my youngest daughter who I will call Jacey (not her real name). I have mentioned Jacey in one of my other stories about the house I grew up in when I was a teen, and I think she used to be able to see things. When these ...

Demon? Possible Incubus? by ArianEgyptianGirl_89

9-2-17 I am a Female, 28 years old. Back in 2010 or 2011, I had my first experience with this "thing". The first few years it would come very few times a year to be with me sexually. The very first time it happened I was shocked. I was shocked because I didn't really know that these kinds of thin...

Glowing Yellow Eyes by tomandcarrielester

I had yellow round glowing (like a light), what my son and I can only describe as eyes staring at us. The dog was on the enclosed porch going ballistic, when my son and I had to go calm her. It was the middle of the night and the dog was so ferocious, she seemed as if she wanted to tear through th...

The Man Of Shadows by haniibee

My name is Hani and I've been experiencing things all of my 20 years. I'm considered, I guess, a sensitive of some kind so I can very easily feel, hear, and see spirits, as well as they can feed off my energy no matter where I am. Now that that's over with, I can finally start with the man penne...

Dorm Ghost by monkeynavigated

Freshman year of college and I was visiting my friend, Catherine, at University of Georgia in Athens. She lived in Brumby at the time, a girls' dorm. Being underage, we spent our night smoking pot and goofing off in her room with her next door neighbor and another girl, Danielle, who had also gone t...

He Couldn't Run That Fast! by Meldel

My parents were married for about two years at the time of this incident. The two-bedroom house they stayed in used to belong to my mother's step-father who left it to her in his will. It was known as a semi-detached house. The piece of land next to the house was large enough to build a second hou...

Something On The Bed by CoffeeSpaz

Towards the end of 2012 (circa August, maybe September) my family (at the time, my sister, her two children and my brother-in-law) had made the decision to move to the Phoenix area. Since there were two particular areas we were looking at moving to, we took a weekend to spend some time in the area a...

I Need Some Help Dealing With An Entity by Cas

I don't talk much about my "spirit friend" but let's just say he's starting to get on my nerves. Firstly, let me state that this is all true, and I am of sane mind. It all started when I was 8 years old, and my older cousin decided to play around in witchcraft, she messed around with some crap and o...

Spirits And An Unknown Entity by thatqueenb

I'm going to start off by stating that I'm a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal. With that said, I still try to keep an open mind. This is something that mostly happened to my younger sister and my father, and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'll let you draw your own conclusio...

Voice On A Toy Phone by VeronicaMarie

This happened when I was about five or six years old. My sister and I were in our bedroom one night, and I was playing with a toy phone. Just a little plastic thing. Might have even been my baby brother's. I said hello into the receiver and clearly heard a man's voice say hello back to me, right int...

Train Horn From No Where by roylynx

Another simple, yet strange story from these past months. I was taking Henrique to the vet to do his body check routine. I had to use public transportation since my car was also doing a "body check" (takes a few days since it is an old car). We got off the taxi nearby where the animal hospital is...

First Inhabitants by Mhick

This is the first time I am sharing a story at this website. I have been reading multiple stories and are amazed of the content. Just an overview of my house. My house was built in 1975 in Fairview when it was like a province. We have a 450 Square meter lot. In the middle of the lot is our house...

Won't Let Me Sleep by TheCynic

In my other story, I implied that this would happen again and... It's happening, again. Unlike last time though, this hasn't been an isolated event that happens for a brief period of time. About three weeks ago, I noticed that the cat toys in my room started to jingle in the middle of the night. Thi...

Entity Or Paranoia? by rithika

All of this started when I moved into a new house after my parents split up. The house was old but spacious and the rent was affordable, so my mom and I decided to move into it. It was also very close to my school. So the first night I spent in my new home was unsettling. I happen to be the type of ...

The Friendly Silhouette by SuperPugLady

This is the first story I have ever posted, as I am new to the site. I hope that you like it, as I certainly found it intriguing, at the time! This particular incident took place, when I was ten years old. I had been ill and had, therefore, been sent to bed early, by my parents. The illness was n...

Screaming In The Night by Embem04

I've lived in the same house for the last 10 years, without any highly unusual experience. The last week has been different. I live at my parents house with my boyfriend. The first time I felt creeped out was a few nights ago, when I was laying in bed next to my boyfriend playing on my phone while h...

Friends Of Other Sides Or Other Dimensions by Ceci

I'm from Bolivia, sorry my bad English, I found this beautiful page and I want to share my history with you. I always have my perception very sensitive, for that I had a lot of kind of experiences with entities, feeling them, sometimes seeing them in colored shapes around me or listening voices o...

Final Visit by monkeynavigated

I was staying at my parent's house in Augusta for Christmas in '05. It was a grand old house that I had grown up in, built around the turn of the 20th century. My parents are old fashioned and insisted my fiancé and I sleep separately, even though we lived together in Atlanta. Since he is very ta...

Dot by monkeynavigated

My first of three children was born in February of 2009. I named her Dot after my deceased grandmother, short for Dorothy. Dot was a healthy, cheerful baby, but she did suffer from colic starting when she was around a month old. For those of you who haven't dealt with a colicky infant, know that ...

The Mysterious Woman I Saw by SpookyCheesecake

It's my first story on here and I hope I could get some feedback. I remember it was November/December and must have been in the 9th grade (back in 2011), because we had to prepare sandwiches for the canteen to save money for our school trip. Anyway I had to get up earlier as usual and it was pret...

My 9/11 Ghost- Part 3 by sherm784

I wrote about two other experiences in years past that may or may not have been connected to victims of the 9/11 attacks. You can check my past stories for those. I live in a different apartment now, slightly further downtown. I am sure at least a few people who lived in this urban housing devel...

Something On The Roof by youwillneverwalkalone

This is my first post here so please forgive for my gramatical errors if any. So honestly this is my father's experience. This happened when my father was in his teenage. He used to live in Vadodra with his two elder brothers and my grandma. My father used to live in old style houses have rooftops ...

Hostel Terror by ghostmachine

In 1984 my parents sent me to RSA ahead of our emigration out of Zimbabwe, to a boarding school in the Eastern Transvaal. This would be the first year (1984) that English would be integrated into a current Afrikaans school... Grades 8 & 9. It was a agricultural orientated school set in the high moun...

Hiding Behind Innocence by JustAnotherPerson

It has been several months since the last time I have posted an encounter on this website. One would view it as a good thing if it has been awhile, and I do, until now. I believe my last post took place when I was either 17 or 18. I would like to say that I have since graduated from high school, ...

Shadow Figure In My Bedroom And Ghost In The Bunk Room by scream-out-loud

I have two different experience in two different places. My first story was when I was little girl. It happen when I was three, maybe four. I don't normally remember things very detailed when I was that young but I remember this experience very well. I lived in East Anglia, not too far away from...

Some Kind Of A Door Was Opened That Night by Sanguirina

I moved a lot as a child, and have therefore lived in many different houses. Yet there is only one of these places that I have called 'home', where it was confirmed to me that such things as ghosts truly do exist. My home is located in a small town in Norway named Heidal, a valley whose name dir...

Grandma Stories by dilip506

This was a story narrated by my Grandma long back. It made a huge impact on me that I remember it even after 15 years. This happened to my Grandma's Father. Generally there was a rumour in her days, a baby born with legs out (instead of head) has the ability to see unnatural things through out ...

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