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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter H: Page 7

Heels On The Floor by IDrawOnMyself

This happened not too long ago, I was probably 13 and I'm 15 now. My friend and I were sleeping in my bed and so was the rest of my family. I have an older sister that likes to party, but she was sick at the time. Anyway, I woke up to LOUD stomping in the hallway and was going to chew out my sis...

Held by a Dark Figure by Phantom

When I was 8, I lived in a house where there were many weird things that were very eerie, such as doors closing by themselves without it being windy. As the day fell and night came, I had to go to sleep. Some nights, when the closet door was open and the lights were turned off, I could see a disturb...

Held Down by ChocolateDream

My story is based on experiences I have had in my home usually when I am ready to sleep. This is an issue which has bothered and scared me a lot quite recently. I'm not going to mention a single experience because it has become something that happens to me every other day... So its part of my lif...

Held Down And Abused By A Demon Figure by dario

I'm kind of embarrassed by my experiences. Well this has happened multiple times. I'm new to this but I've read stories and similar things have happened to me. I'll be sitting on my bed in the dark but not too dark and I'll feel something strange, hard to explain. Next thing you know, there woul...

Held Down by a Strange Force by estamand

This past summer of 07 something really strange happened to me. I went to bed at the same time as I usually do which was probably 12 am - 1 am and I fell asleep. As I was asleep, I woke up to feeling very awkward. When I woke up I noticed that there was a huge black circle over my bed. Being scared ...

Held Down By Presence Or Pressure by LiliumHigh

My next story happened to my mom, brother and myself. I know of sleep paralysis and one might think that what I experienced was that. The only difference is could three people suffer the same thing within the course of a day? The decision is yours... It was a good day nothing out of the ordinary....

Held Down by Shadow by Ronald

This is the first time anything like this has happened to me. I was asleep dreaming some random dream of me in my car with someone I have never met driving it. Then, I'm not sure if it was in my dream or not, but I was awoke by a female voice saying my name. It just said my name once and I was wide ...

Held Down By Unknown Force by Kayla_Lynn

My name is Kayla Lynn. I'm new to this site, but have been an avid reader for over a year now. Now I have the opportunity to share my experiences with you, so I hope you enjoy. There are actually two separate accounts I'm about to relay, so we'll start at the beginning. Over the summer, about fou...

Held Down In My Sleep by angelainseine

This happened in the Summer of 2005. I moved to Corona and had been there for 1 year when I got back in touch with an old friend, we started hanging out again. We came home and I was so tired from lunch at a local resturaunt I asked if I could take a nap in her bed while she went out with her boyfri...

Held Down In Sleep by Edb515

Today I had to wake up early for something and break away from my daily summer sleeping schedule, which includes sleeping in the AM and waking up in the PM and had to switch that around. Woke up at about 7 almost 8, did what I had to do. I have a gym appointment at 3:30 and was feeling tired so I de...

Held Down on Bed by crazgirl

Last night when I was sleeping, I thought I was having a dream, but now I'm not so sure, it felt so real. It was like I was above myself. I was laying on my bed and I was being held down by my wrists and ankles, something very heavy was on me top of me. I tried to move and I tried to yell but I coul...

Held Too Tight by Revajane

I read the stories on here all the time and have for a few years. I have made comments here and there but did not feel I really had an experience to post. That is until I read the post by Angel. Her story is somewhat similar to my experience, though not exactly. I never physically saw a spirit t...

Helen by StaceyM

My husband and I were going to sleep on a typical weeknight last week. The television was off and the bedroom was dark, except for natural moonlight coming through the tops and bottoms of the windows. I was in that "twilight" sleep; relaxed and still, but still fully awake. All of a sudden, I heard ...

Helen Cemetary by cupcake10132

I have way to many experiences! And one happened today. August 27,2007, after I got off the bus, I happened to look, and I saw the shadow man I've been seeing lately cross the dang corner of the house as if he was going to the backyard! Oh and I could see fine on the corner and gate, so once he turn...

Hell House by majesticglory

Everything that you're about to read happened about 12 years ago in a house that I no longer live in. Some of these things I saw myself, others are accounts from my friends and family. My parents, younger brother and I moved in to what we thought at the time was a fairly normal house; my dad seemed ...

Hellhouse by Jac006

Ever since I can remember I have been prone to feeling psychic energies, the good and the bad. My friends tell me I have the uncanny ability to read people without as much as speaking to them. This ability is especially observed in my mother's family, both an aunt and two cousins have declared to se...

Hello Again by Flamex

My grandad's second anniversary was today but I only found out after a number of things happened to me and some of my family today. While I was working in the creche earlier today, I felt something touch off the back of my head like a gentle tap of someone's hand as I was bending down to pick up ...

Hello Again Dog by girlie

About two years ago, I lost my dog Pansy to what we think could have been antifreeze. We still don't know where she got it, but in the end she had to be put down. Well that was in March of that year. In June, we got a new dog, whom we named Soot. One thing you have to know is that we usually end...

Hello Again Kitten by girlie

This story makes me sad when I think of it, but here it goes. A LONG time ago, we had found a kitten. We named her De-De (in our family we name our animals in alphabetical order), and she lived in my brother's room because she was too small to stay outside. When she lived in my brother's room,...

Hello Doggie by Kimmie_Ann

This experience happened to me when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I don't remember quite how old I was, but I remember every second of what happened that night. Let me start by giving a little background of my parent's house. We were definitely not the first family that lived there. The house, ...

Hello Goodbye by adina

Back in 2010, I was attending a university where I made several friends. I grew closer to one girl, G (first letter of her name) and naturally, we took a lot of pictures together. The numerous pictures of us saved on her phone was seen by her 5 or 6 year old nephew and he developed a curiosity towar...

Hello Kitties by lady-glow

They were my children's furry playmates, companions of their games and patient listeners to bed time stories. We adopted Poem from the SPCA. A sweet calico turtle shell girl of gentle nature and soft meows. Friendly and motherly, she would lick the face of any cat that came close to her, somehow ...

Hello Lovey by Jubeele

February. It all happened in February. Strange how a lifetime of bitter-sweet memories can be filled into that one month. Rex-T and I first got together in February 1996. Then in February 2004, we lost the IVF baby we had tried so hard for and wanted so badly. That night, as we were still trying ...

Hello Mary 2: Moving Away by HauntedChildUK

Hey there everyone, since my last post there has been a bit of activity, but I don't believe some of it was done by Mary. There has been a lot of bumps and bangs as usual. I haven't been seeing much of Mary though, but I can feel her most of the time, but not as much as I have in the past. Instea...

Hello Mary: Story Up Until Now by HauntedChildUK

A long time ago when I lived in my home town, and I was just a little toddler, I used to always sit in my parent's bedroom and laugh at a certain corner, the truth was: I was looking at my grandmother, but the problem was that my grandmother died years before my birth. I wasn't the only one who has ...

Hello Mommy by darkbunny209

My family lived in a old house for about 11 years and only for the past year have we heard the voices. The only people that live in the house are me my little brother and my older sister (and my mum my dad works all around the world so I don't see him much). On May 5th the most scariest thing that ...

Hello Mother by RANDYM

I come here several times day to read about people's experiences and to offer any advice I can and sometimes just to enjoy posting with friends here. I have had what I truly believe to be 3 events that are all related to each other. This is my story: I am 57 years old and have belonged to a paran...

Hello Pa by BiancaB

Recently, my grandfather passed away. The loss has been devastating, as he was one of my favourite people on the world. We are blessed to have our grandparents as adults, and my grandfather, or Pa, was very close to me in my life. The only thing that brings me some comfort is having had the chan...

Hello Sharna by sharna123

I'm not scared of this thing in general but sometimes it really gives me the creeps. And now it's affecting my boyfriend. And I'm thinking if I knew what it was it might put his mind at rest so if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. I'm really sick of him insisting on sleeping with the lights ...

Hello Woods by ifihadyoux

I am here to share a short encounter of what happened since Halloween night. This might sound confusing so please bear with me. I am a "coming home" Wiccan, meaning I am new to the religion. Long story as to why I changed but I won't get into that. I met with a local coven who was having classes on ...

Hello, The Old Woman Said by georgie

This isn't very scary when you read this but believe me, it freaked me out a lot at the time. It happened a few months ago sometime during the night. I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep when I heard a someone say "hello" right in my ear. It sounded like an old woman and there is no way it could...

Hello! by ashar123

The month of June was very mysterious for me. I have narrated my experiences until 20th June and now I'll write further. I wrote and submitted this story back in July but I didn't publish it due to some reasons. One night my mom fell ill. She had high fever so we decided to sleep bit earlier than...

Hello! I'm Behind You! by truelou

A few years back, about six now so that would be in 2010, my friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, and I were in my bedroom on a particularly sunny day that had no clouds in the sky and no forecast of rain nor thunder/lightning that day either, attempting to contact the dead through means of EVP (...

Hello? by KimmieWebb

After a divorce in 2003, I and my 2 children moved into a older mobile home, and had been told by a neighbor there were strange things that went on in it... And due to a couple of prior experiences (told in prior entries) I already knew. My best friend Amy always seemed to have the "creeps" at m...

Help From Beyond? by brokenbabygirl

My best friend tragically passed away on November 29, 2001 after being hit by a drunk driver. She was 13 and I was 10. I have only seen her spirit once since her passing. I was at summer camp the summer after she passed and I woke up in the middle of the night and saw her and I let out this bloodcur...

Help Me I Live Right Here by Peachesop

I recently took a job in Missouri, on march 9 2014; which consumed a lot of my time being a travelling job for a marketing company. Because I got this career near where I grew up, my Parents loaned me a house they had inherited but were not using. This house has been in my family since it was built ...

Help Me I Live Right Here 2 by Peachesop

Taking some suggestions, I found a paranormal group near where I lived. The woman I talked too happened to be intrigued by my story and was excited to attempt communication with this girl. She answered a lot of my questions. I learned that this girl might have latched onto me because I used to medit...

Help Me Identify This Being by KatieTemples

I live in Chatham, Louisiana. I am submitting my story because I need help determining what the thing/being/apparition was that I felt and my fiancé saw. I feel I should tell you some minor details about myself. I am a scary movie junky, and I am fascinated by other worldly things. However, I woul...

Help Me Please by DennisSt-V

Last night I was watching TV around 3:00 am when I hear an argument going on in my bedroom (everyone was asleep). I looked around my house for every possible thing I could that would make that noise, (radio, TV, phone) and came up with nothing. A few weeks ago I almost died in a car crash, so I am t...

Help Me Understand by Porsha

I'm an 18 year old female and I've "BEEN" seeing dead people! I honestly wish I could understand the real reason why this happens to me. If someone very close to me is going to die I can feel it weeks before it happens. I actually have this "Death feeling" that I cannot explain. In 2010 I was 12-...

Help! Opinions Greatly Appreciated Guys And Gals by Juliansatx

My name is Julian and I'm from San Antonio, TX. So I've had a growing curiosity in the paranormal since having some occurrences in my home recently. Was hoping I could share this and possibly get some insight as to what you guys think. So I've lived at my rental home for the past 2.5 years. Firs...

Help! This Spirit Won't Leave Me Alone! by msecrose

This story starts back in September of 2019. We randomly had an Ouija board downstairs in our basement and it had been down there for years even before I knew what it was. One day I got the idea to just see what would happen if I tried it but I got nothing. Then on another occasion after that I trie...

Help. Hand Grabbing Leg by mayo_manno

First things first. I am not a strong believer in ghosts. Some strange things have happened to me in the past 180 days. To get to the point. At night around 3:00 in the morning something grabs my left foot/ankle and pulls me at least 6in down my bed. After that I do what a normal person would do...

Helpful Entities Living In Our Home by pinkyred77

If you read my story about "Our haunted house", you will understand that I'm talking about the same house. My brother just got married last December. They lived in our house (the house where I grew up) for a while. During their stay there, they never mentioned to my new sister in law about the h...

Helpful Ghost by DrunkenGamingMaster

This happened about a month ago. I was baby sitting for my little cousin because my Uncle and Aunt needed to go somewhere important. I can't remember exactly where, but that's not essential to the story. I admit I wasn't the best baby sitter. The fact that it was all night made things worse for the ...

Helpful Ghosts by TeflonBilly

A friend put me on to this site and urged me to submit so here goes apparently my experiences as she puts it may be interesting. Well I guess really I have had ghosts (spirits or whatever) my whole life (as long as I can remember anyway). It's kind of like I have people standing behind me all the t...

Helpful Ghosts In Our Home by Miracles51031

I guess I should start this off by simply saying in our home we have at least 2 known ghost children: 1 boy and 1 girl. For those of you who have read my story "They Want Me To Go With Them," I do not believe these are the same children. Now to my story. July 7th of this year, after coming home f...

Helpful Ghosts In Our Home 2 by Miracles51031

This is actually a continuation of the first one. It was just way too long to include with it. Friday night, October 22nd of this year, I had a dream that I lost one of my diamond earrings. These earrings are very, very special to me. The only time I take these earrings out of my ears is when I ...

Helpful Or Just Plain Creepy? by Calamity

Several years ago my roommate (Claire) and I rented a small three bedroom, one bath old frame house in Austin, Texas. If memory serves correctly the house was built in 1936. It was one story with living room, dining room and kitchen basically on the left side, and my bedroom, the bathroom, and her b...

Helpful People, Those Ghosts by Silvarina

Normally, when people tell ghost-stories about things that happened in their houses or something they've seen on pictures, I'm not really sure whether to believe them. I'm rather a non-believer, let's say, but in a certain way I believe that there is a world next to ours. And I don't mean this in a ...

Helpful Spirit by iveseenthem

I moved into a duplex about 7 months ago. Since then a number of odd things have happened to me and some of my friends. Some were common to me because I've lived in other places that seem haunted or they seemed explainable, but also things that have frightened my parents have happened. The firs...

Helpful Spirits Or Guardians? by Minky

I have a lot of interesting stories to tell so I will tell you my first one. My first encounter with spirits or possible guardian angels was positive. I was quite young at the time but remember this encounter as clear as day. This experience could have been what set me up for the future in terms of ...

Helping Hands by triden07

To say that we have had a busy few days is stating things lightly. After mom's surgery last week, Gran has been very active around mom. She does not hang in the passage; she is constantly where mom is. Friday afternoon Tim asked me at one point if mom was sitting in the lounge, so I did not even ...

Helpless At 3am by zarric

I was born in '81. Not in a large city or a backwoods town. Just a Middle sized place in the desert. Born to a father and mother that love me very much. I was my fathers 2nd child and my mothers 1st. My oldest sibling didn't live with my family because my fathers first wife was granted custody. It w...

Henrique, We Miss You by blosomes

"NotĂ­cias tristes" (sad news) My sister in Brazil texted me. I was wondering what happened; did she break up again with her boy friend? Did anything happened to our father? Really it was nothing really that serious... But for me and my sister this was a really really sad one. "Henrique morreu ...

Henry by CarlaB69

I wonder if ghosts or spirits can actually follow people. I think it is happening to my family. We used to live in Chicago a few years ago and we KNOW our apartment was haunted by a ghost of a teenage boy. It started with odd noises and stuff being moved around. My husband who didn't believe in ghos...

Henry, Jonathan And Loremia by Britney79

I heard from some of the ladies at work that the lot behind my house was once a cemetery. I went online and started researching the Old German Cemetery. The cemetery was used until 1890 when a city ordinance prohibited burials within city limits. It eventually became an eyesore after being neglected...

Henry... Our Office Ghost by xXelliemayXx

Hello everyone! I need some advice about an ongoing experience we are having in my office. Most days we have a visitor (we've nicknamed him Henry) twice, once in the morning at about 11 and then again at 4 in the afternoon. I'll explain my office layout from the fire exit so this doesn't get con...

Henry... Our Office Ghost 2 by xXelliemayXx

Hey guys! Not been on for a while but I thought I'd update you on Henry and what he's up to nowadays! Henry has started coming over to me and sitting behind me and my mate at work that sees the orbs around the centre of the office. He still stares at my boss though but maybe this shows that he do...

Her Abductor by LouSlips

It was a typical summer evening, approximately 7:00, as I finished the repairs to the plumbing and packed up my tools to put them away. I was working in what was the converted farmhouse of our business property and decided that rather than carrying all of my tools to my truck, I would store some of ...

Her Bloody Handprint by AUSTRIA

This happened in 2007. My friend (I'll be calling her Maya) and I were going to Maya's village for some religious ceremony (this story is from India, so I would like to clear up a few things for the international readers: in India, almost everyone has their roots in some sort of village which they v...

Her Creepy Smile by RanGv

I want to share this incident which happened 2 days ago near my house. This incident made me sick, also it is the only thing my mind wants to think about. Every day around 10 pm I go walking for an hour or two in a football stadium (the place where I live has a football stadium for the community...

Her Creepy Smile- 2 by RanGv

As I promised in my last post, I researched about the girl I saw in the stadium. I didn't go to work for a day since I wasn't feeling well. My mom didn't want me to go out anywhere during nighttime after the incident, so on Saturday around 5 pm told my mom that am going for walking, but I went c...

Her Death, Then I Was Possessed by xBRabbitx

First off this is the first time I'm sharing some of my experiences with the internet. Anyway I am a decedent from a medicine man, which could explain the stuff that's happened to me in my 17 years of living. Well, today I am going to tell you about what I call the "shadow man." It all started w...

Her Father Says Goodbye by januaryGUY

This didn't happen to me, but it happened to my mother. Here's what happened: My grandfather was a strong man, he was a firefighter. But slowly he got weaker. It turned out that he was ill. They tried everything, all kinds of tests and everything they could think of, both related to him bein...

Her Feet Were Swinging by Idontthinktheirevil

I was up late working on my computer. I'm a 39 year old male and I have always thought I saw shadow figures out of my peripheral vision but I always assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me. Until a couple of months ago. I moved into a new home about 2 year's ago. The shadow figures were quite...

Her Grandma Coming To Visit? by sherm784

My girl's grandma died early last year. They were very close. My girl is the type that gets anxiety and talks a lot of BS to keep her from going nuts. A couple times when we went out she mentioned she thought her grandma was watching over her when she got her job and she was going to come haunt me i...

Her Last Christmas by MunstersBabe

My ex-husband and I spent the night with my MawMaw on Christmas 1997. I was "bigger than a house" pregnant and was munching on some left over Christmas dinner. We all were sitting in the dark while watching a movie. I was feeling fine and my baby was kicking about. I moved closer to my MawMaw so she...

Her Majesty's Tower Of London by GingerRead

To conclude our long-awaited journey to western Europe, my brother and I landed in London on Good Friday of 2012. We had originally hoped to visit Westminster Abbey, but were disappointed upon being informed it had been closed to the public due to the holiday. We decided to go for a walk through Pic...

Her Money Keeps Disappearing by pscnldy

Hi, I have always been interested in the occult, ghosts, voodoo, etc. These things have always fascinated me. I have never had such physical encounters as the ones I have been reading. I have been searching the net for information on such topics for quite sometime. For the past few years somethi...

Her Screams And Bell Tolls by mark1997may

My name is Mark. Ever since I can remember I've always had this happening to me, but never cared to talk about it. At some nights, while sleeping, I find myself woken up to the exact same sound, Bell Tolls, Screams, and my name being called. All happened more than once, I have no idea as to what...

Her Squeak Toy by CantunSEEit

My mother had passed away in 1999. I Inherited her beautiful dog (we will call her GEM for this story.) She was black with curly long hair, possibly golden retriever mix. She was friendly and was a kind spirit, and I let her wander the neighborhood. Gem loved chewy squeak toys and we laughed seeing ...

Her Way Of Saying Goodbye by BriFischer05

This is not a very long story but it is one that has always fascinated me and touched my heart. My dad had a neighbor who lived beside him that was the sweetest 'old' lady. She was always outside tending to her flowers and plants. Whenever I would come over to visit my dad with my sons she would alw...

Here Kitty Kitty by hydee

I was living on my own for the first time in the year 2000. I had one roommate. We lived in a fairly new two bedroom 2nd story apartment. On Overland Rd. Between Cole and Curtis in Boise. We had been living there for nearly nine months without anything strange happening. One night my roommate was ...

Here We Go Again Family Visitors by RedWolf

In the later part of mid February my mother in-law called me a little after 9 AM. She told me that our doctor called her to get to the hospital and that she needed a blood transfusion. I had about 2 1/2 hours sleep that night because pain and hadn't gone to bed until 6 AM and didn't have nearly enou...

Here When I'm Needed by notjustme

I've been reading stories on this site for a few months and finally decided to share my story. It's not scary but more comforting, well, for me anyways. It is still hard to talk about it. It happened in the summer of 2008. I had just turned 21 and my boyfriend at that time just turned 22. Our bir...

Here When I'm Needed 2 by notjustme

It's been awhile since my first story about my late ex bf. I said there's more to him and here it is. So as you know, he passed away in July, 2008. We had been together 3.5 years. For our 2nd anniversary, he took me to the CN Tower and we had dinner in the revolving restaurant. It was wonderful. H...

Here When I'm Needed 3 by notjustme

This is my 3rd story about my late boyfriend who passed in 2009. For those readers who have not read the 1st and 2nd story, please do before continuing on. Ever since Derek passed away I've "dreamt" of him many many times. I chose to put "dreamt" in quotations because I now strongly believe that ...

Here's Your Sign (a Bow For My Beau) by GSDLady

After I moved from my apartment on Ducharme Street in Hull, Quebec (see Ducharme Street Entity), I started dating a man named Denis B and I moved into his garden home on Jean-Dallaire Street where he lived with his daughter Stephanie and their little dog, Pookie. Shortly before I met Denis, one o...

Heritage Hall by Mellisa

I used to attend L'Heritage high school in Sudbury Ontario, it was a completely normal place. Normal students, normal teachers, normal everything. Until one day, our school closed because we didn't have enough students enrolled in L'Heritage. We ended up closing down. The school basically sat there ...

Heritage Home by boo_boo1988

In the spring of 2009, we moved into an old heritage home that had been renovated into 5 seperate apartments. The second I saw the house I fell in love; it had so much character, with its high ceilings and dark solid wood doors and paneling throughout. From the moment we moved in, I would get th...

Heritage Square Museum, Ca by teafortwo1922

I volunteer at a museum called Heritage Square in Pasadena, CA. I have been volunteering there for 6 years. I have always known about Heritage Square; I live right up the street from it. I grew up with it and always loved it as a kid. I only wish I had signed up sooner. I never felt anything as a gu...

Hey Aia by youdontknowme88

I haven't had a lot of activity in my house lately, but recently a spirit of a girl around my age decided to stop by. (You might have to read some of my other stories to understand my recent ones... I have a lot of stories, so prepare yourself! One night, I was in bed. I woke up from a bad dream...

Hey Dad by Janellexx89

This story happened may years ago when I was still in high school. It was on a weekend and I was in my parent's room watching TV. Me and my dad I think were watching MASH. And my brother had just went in to the bathroom to take a shower. My dad was at the head of the bed by the head board and I...

Hey, Mom. Mom? by BearsEatBeets

This is yet another story that comes from experiences gathered at my grandma's house. One weekend, my dad and mom were visiting my grandma's to help with various yard work. She is an avid gardener and grows many of her own vegetables. To this day, she spends most of her time out there reading or...

Hi Grandpa by teneki

First a little history, my Grandpa died before I was ever born so I never got to meet him. I've told in my previous account what happened to me at my parents' house, I became aware of this occurrence around the same time. As a lot of people do, I used to stay over at my Grandma's a lot, at least...

Hibiscus Coast by sistermary

Many a summers holidays of my childhood were spent at the seaside resort towns of the Hibiscus Coast. When my father retired in 1992, my parents bought a cottage at one of these pretty coastal villages to escape the crime and congestion of the city, with us, their 3 teenage children. Easter, Chri...

Hiccups by Sanchez_92

When I was about 9 years of age my mom would take care of two little girls of around the age of 4 and the other about the age of 8. My mom was not working at the time that's why she was babysitting these little girls and many other kids. One day when I got back from school, the 4 year old always...

Hidden And Haunted Heirlooms by Siinda

In the summer of 2010, my partner and I found ourselves in a financial pickle. We decided to rent a apartment unit connected to the home of a married couple we knew. The wife shared my interest in fantasy, science fiction and also occult. I began to notice that the doorway to the basement room which...

Hidden Room by SmokenMirrors

In a past story I have briefly mentioned the house my grand-parents used to own. The House is a pre-war terrace in Birmingham. I'm not sure when it was built but the street in the same form as it is now shows on 1910 OS maps, so I would assume the house or variant of it was standing at the same time...

Hide And Go-seek by Jager

This is one of many strange things that happened in my childhood home. This house was was a very old two story wooden house or "Queenslander" as we call them in Australia. I was around the age of twelve at this time. On this particular night my Aunty and Uncle had come to visit us and along with...

Hide And Seek by wertona9

My name is Sakamoto and I will tell you something that happened to me when I was about four years of age. I have only recently been submitting this story to other sites and have been telling people about it ever since I learned that what I believed it was was insanely different from what I thought a...

Hide And Seek A Ghost by Darj

My story started when I was between the ages of 4-5 years old. First off at that time I never really experienced any ghost encounters but have known about ghosts ever since then because of watching too much horror movies that involved ghosts. Plus, I usually overheard my Grandparents and/or parents ...

Hide And Seek And The Little Boy by friendlyclown

(All names in this account have been changed for privacy reasons) My cousins have this huge property in a rural area, basically in the middle of nowhere. They have a huge farmhouse, a barn, stables, everything. Every year, for Thanksgiving, we (my family and I, along with other relatives) drive ...

Hide And Seek At My Aunt's House by beautifuleden

I have had a few experiences in my life, and will be recounting them over the next few days. This particular experience happened when I was about 7 or 8 years old. We (my mom, younger brother and I) were over at my aunt's house for an afternoon visit. One thing you must know about my aunt is...

Hide And Seek Gone Bad by Jacklynnve

It all started one night when my friend and I went to meet up with two other friends. Once we were all together, we decided to play "hide and seek" around the entire town in our two separate cars. My friend and I were in her car, and the other two were in their car. After a while of playing the game...

Hide And Seek Gone Wrong by Oddgoingson

When I was about 4 my family and I moved into an old house. Like many old houses it was CREEPY! I don't remember much except for the fact that my bed room was down the hall to the right. My brothers and I were "sensitive", I could see and feel them, my oldest could hear them, and my second older bro...

Hide And Seek Hauntings by EvilMadness

So it was a sunny day in August and Me, my little brother and our two cousins were playing hide and seek. Very not spooky right? This isn't the first time I've seen a ghost but that is different. Anyway, it was my turn to count so I picked a really obvious place so that I could see everything. So I ...

Hide And Seek Nightmare by victoria_09

We lived in this very nice, middle-aged house in Westminster Colorado. I was 12, and my brother was 10 when we moved in with my dad, and his new family. That included, my stepmother, and my two half sisters. The house was very spacious, but it had this eerie vibe to it. I always had that feeling lik...

Hide Wherever You Can by DKMajumder

This is my second story on this website. This incident happened with one of my cousins, say "B" many years ago. Her father had a transferable job and after shifting to our town, they were having to stay in the office quarters. Adjoining the office quarters, there was an abandoned mansion. It belon...

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