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Ghost stories from South Carolina, United States: Page 1

The Hangry Ghost, Strange Sounds And The Shadow Hand by 8-bitDemigod

These first couple of events happened a few years ago at work. I should have included them in my previous story about the hospital, but they were so minor I forgot about them until a few days ago so I figured I'd include them here to help pad out the character limit for the actual story at the end. ...

Fathers Passing... And Return by ScareTale

Hey everyone, It's been quite sometime time since I've been on here. I kind of stepped away from the paranormal for a while when my dad's cancer came back. That's the reason I'm writing this, to share the experiences I've had during and after the dying process. For anyone that's been next to a...

My Unknown Visitor by dowdyfamily1917

I don't know if this would qualify as a true ghost story, but it certainly gave me pause. I lost my daughter back in 2004. Understandably it was unexpected and put me into a state of shell shock. I took to going to the cemetery and would just sit by her gravesite, sometimes crying uncontrollably. I ...

Ghost Playing Tricks At Work by Dee-J

This event happened this past Sunday I think (9-11-22) around mid-morning. I work part time at a local grocery store and I have only been here currently for 4 months. I was doing my normal routine at work, which comprises of mainly working with produce. I was walking towards the backroom o...

Were They Just Dreams Or Something More? by 8-bitDemigod

It's been quite a while since my last post on here. Where have those two years gone? Nothing extra ordinary has happened in those intervening years that I had noticed until 4 months ago. I was put out of work due to injury on the first of May this year. My surgery was two weeks later on the 19...

The Bingham Light On Halloween Night by Dee-J

I haven't posted on this site in a long time, mainly because I haven't had any recent experiences aside from maybe one earlier this year or last year I think. However, that changed just this past Halloween so I just wanted to give an update on another experience with the Bingham light! (Read my p...

3 Horned Bull Headed Man With Horse Legs by SleepDemons

I have always felt the presence of spirits, they often come to me as a dream like vision while I'm awake but almost asleep. In my youth I got flashes of scary gory horrifying imagery then I would feel a presence. I learned to communicate with mental imagery and found if I allowed the spirits to pass...

Numerous Happenings by ScareTale

This is just a compilation of small things either I or family have experienced. I've decided to do this because, even though they are individual incidents, they are too small or I just don't have enough info to write into a story and still meet the minimum character limit. Each paragraph is its own ...

Gliding White Entity by ScareTale

This one happened one night in 2010. Me, my mom and older brother (who had recently moved back in because his girlfriend kicked him out) were sitting in the living room. I believe it was somewhere between 10:00/10:30. We had one of the windows open because it was early autumn and the air outside ...

A Dark Entity by ScareTale

The story is purely a second hand account. It happened to my older sister in 2011 while she was home alone. I know it being the events as she tells them and not my own personal experience, one can question it's validity even more so. But my sister isn't the type to tell ghost stories and the way ...

Witch's Cackle? by ScareTale

As I stated in my first story "Voice On Tape", I was going to ask my mom if I could share some of her stories. I asked and she agreed. This happened to my mom and half sister before I was born. First off, in order to understand just how horrifying this was, I'll have to give a little detail of th...

The Radio by ScareTale

I was 17 and sitting alone in the living room watching Tv. It was about 11:30 at night. Everyone else had already gone to bed. I've always been a night owl, so it wasn't uncommon for me. I had a habit of sitting in the living room with the Tv on while I played my PlayStation Portable. Nothing out of...

Alone With A Poltergeist by ScareTale

This experience[s] happened to me when I was at home by myself. My parents and siblings had gone out of town for the day to visit family and to check on our second property that's about 2 hours away from our home. They wouldn't be back until about 11:00 that night. I was 16, home alone on a Friday n...

Voice On Tape by ScareTale

When I was about 8 years old, my mother had bought one of those tape voice recorders, (this was in 2000 so younger people may not know that voice recorders required cassette tapes as there weren't really digital ones on market). It was around maybe 7:30 at night, me, my big sister, mom and my two yo...

She Kept On Teaching by Sammy27

There is another story on here that originated out of my little Podunk town of Ware Shoals, but this one is a lot more recent. Our schools did some rearranging in 2014 and the tiny two story building next to our high school that had been the junior high for many years was transformed into our new di...

Rusty Trying To Reach Me? by Dee-J

It has been quite a while since I last submitted a story. But then again I haven't had any over the real encounters in a few years either. Honestly, I started not to even submit this story because I felt that it wasn't all that significant, but what happened was pretty interesting nonetheless. It...

Dark Shadow In The Hall And Cat's Reaction by 8-bitDemigod

We've only had my cat, Luna, for about six months now ever since we found her as a kitten in the backyard. Due to the general erratic cat behavior and the adolescent need to act the fool it's difficult to tell if she notices anything out of the ordinary around the house. That is until this morning. ...

Groans At My Bedroom Door by 8-bitDemigod

I'm not really sure if this is worth posting, Hell, I'm not even sure if what I heard was legit, but I'll let you guys decided. This happened just this past Saturday the 28th of March. I was on a long weekend because I had put in for time off to go to SC Comicon (I put in for the time long before...

A Spirit That Perfectly Takes On The Image Of The Living? by devxxx

Long long long story short: There is a spirit that is mimicking me exactly. It's face is perfectly mimicked. It has no wonky eye, no misplaced eyelash, no incorrect coloration. It looks exactly like me. I have never seen it. My grandmother, father, and cousin have seen it. Here's my grandma's stor...

My Parent's House by 8-bitDemigod

The house my parents and I currently live in was the house I grew up in. We moved there when I was 5. I moved out in my early 20s, but moved back a couple of years ago in a mutual agreement in which they get rent and highspeed internet and I get a place to sleep that didn't have a hole in the roof o...

I Think I Have A Demonic Attachment by Gladden124

I think it all started when I was about 6 or 7 years old and it attached itself. Me and my friend were watching tv and I saw something white in my peripheral vision and when I looked, it was a small "ghost" boy. My friend saw it too and it ran into the other room. We looked everywhere but all the li...

Salem Black River Church by AugustaM

My family first made landfall in North America in the 1730s. They soon settled in Sumter County, South Carolina and very quickly established themselves there. Ever since I was a little girl, I have devoured stories of ancestors' exploits and old stately family estates long lost to time. I believe ...

The Church Cemetery by 8-bitDemigod

For the longest time whenever I and my best friend John would go out anywhere for extended periods of time we would have some kind of odd random occurrence. Two examples of this would be 1. While we were out for a walk a pickup truck went flying past us doing about 45 mph missing it's left front whe...

Something At The Nursing Home by 8-bitDemigod

I used to work 3rd shift at a small 44 bed nursing home. We were supposed to be an assisted living facility for people who were cognizant yet unable to live on their own and a rehabilitation center for those recovering from surgery or stroke. In reality we were mainly taking care of elderly resident...

The Ghost Principal by Vicisspookedout

In 2013 I was in 7th grade, I was in the band for Ware Shoals Junior High. We had a winter concert coming up and one day in early December, my band director sent me and my friend Lee to a small room above the auditorium to grab a few extra stands and music books. The idea of doing that terrified me ...

Ghosts In The G.i. Lab by 8-bitDemigod

Since this is my first story on here I want to give a little info about myself for better understanding of my state of mind during any events I describe: I've always been interested in the supernatural/paranormal for as long as I can remember. It's always been a fascinating subject for me and I cons...

The Devil's Place by SparksWife2018

If you're a resident of Spartanburg, SC, you know about Oakwood Cemetery. Or as locals in the area call it, "Hell's Gate". This beautiful area of resting souls was once a pauper's field according to local history over 100 years prior to its current manicured field of beautiful headstones. During the...

Shadow Woman/spiderman by T-Logan

One night I was coming home from a party at around 2am. As I was walking through the yard, I saw a shadow of a woman with long hair in my mom-in-law's bedroom window. I thought it was her so I didn't think anything of it at first. The next morning I walked into her room to ask if she waited up f...

Demonic Bird by michelle97

During my freshman year of college in an all girl dorm, roommate and I lived in an interior room meaning there were no windows- so we kept a faint night light so we didn't kill ourselves if we went to the bathroom at night. Our beds were lofted with the desks underneath- we were high enough up that ...

Grandmother Comes To The Rescue by andersongail

I have never written anything on this site before, but I have always been interested in the paranormal and have read many of your stories. Anyway, my sister and I were out on a Saturday morning visiting the graves of our parents and grandmother. My grandmother is buried in a church cemetery way ...

Am I Losing My Mind? My History Of Disappearing Acts by Rosebudx

So, I am typing this on my phone so pardon me if there is any wonky formatting. My laptop has officially gone kapoot as I'm no longer able to charge it so this is really all I have at the moment. Right now, I'm particularly perplexed. Genuinely flabbergasted. Confused and kind of upset...? I kno...

Dot by monkeynavigated

My first of three children was born in February of 2009. I named her Dot after my deceased grandmother, short for Dorothy. Dot was a healthy, cheerful baby, but she did suffer from colic starting when she was around a month old. For those of you who haven't dealt with a colicky infant, know that ...

Soldier Shadow Girl by Lince1307

Let me tell you first that I come from a family of "gifted" women and as such I've been able to see and/or feel spirits from an early age. This story in particular took place in Ft. Jackson, SC while I was at the Physical Rehabilitation Unit after suffering a fall during basic training. One nigh...

Something Blew Out My Light Bulb by Tyre

I am currently twenty-one years old and I am enrolled in a private college. I'm not sure when I became so interested in ghosts, demons, spirits, and mysteries in general. I'm going to tell you about the time when something (a ghost maybe) blew out my light bulb. At the time, I was around fifteen ...

Basement Spirit? by Ceekat

This story takes place in a house I rented back in the 90s. If you read my last story, you know that this was an older home, at least 100 years old. It was 3 stories with the 3rd story being an attic that was converted into a large room. My roommates and I lived in the upper 2 stories and two other ...

The Boy In My Room by Ceekat

I once lived in an older house, approx 100 years old, that had been made into 2 apartments. I lived in the upper 2 floors. The 2nd floor was the main living area with a living room, a large kitchen, 1 full and 1 half bath and 2 bedrooms. There was a door between the main bedroom and living room that...

Is This Evidence Of A Ghost? by BlitzTheCat

I've noticed some very weird stuff going on in my home, starting when I was ten. It's very possible for it to be paranormal related from what I've researched, but I still want to be sure, and if it is I want to know more about it. Before I start, I want to give some quick information. I live in a ru...

We Should Have Moved by Moody1989

I've always believed in ghosts but never had an experience myself until about two years ago. This is my first attempt at writing it all down so be kind, may be kind of rambling. Summer of 2013 I had just graduated college. My then boyfriend (now husband, same-sex couple) and I decided to take the...

The Old Lighthouse by Manafon1

The following account took place in the late summer of 1982. This is a long story but I felt background information on the history of the location helps create a clearer picture. I wrote down details of these events the day after they occurred which has helped, over the years, to keep the incidents ...

The Bingham Light Continued by Dee-J

Not too far from my hometown is a small community out in the bush (or "boondocks" as many of you may say) called, 'Bingham'. For almost 200 years it has been known that Bingham has had a paranormal phenomena popularly known as the, 'Bingham Light'. No one as of yet can explain what it really is but ...

Help. Hand Grabbing Leg by mayo_manno

First things first. I am not a strong believer in ghosts. Some strange things have happened to me in the past 180 days. To get to the point. At night around 3:00 in the morning something grabs my left foot/ankle and pulls me at least 6in down my bed. After that I do what a normal person would do...

Figure Passing By The Door by Dee-J

Date: Early 90s I am not quite sure of the exact year this took place but I know that it was between the years 1992-1994. When my siblings and I were younger we used to sleep with the bedroom door open all the time. You know how you have those nights when you'll wake up and can't seem to go back ...

The Master Bedroom by Dee-J

Date: Various. Circa 1998-1999 Before you read this, I just wanted to say that given the title of this entry, I hate for this to sound like some sort of cliche title of a horror movie. However, the title is indeed very fitting, and the story will speak for itself. My house has had a lot of pa...

Voice In The Backyard by Dee-J

Date: circa 2014 What happened in this event was extremely odd but I am not sure if I can pin it down to being an actual entity. I was at my parents' house on my laptop listening to music throughout most of the night. Time went by and next thing I knew the hour was within 4 am. My mother w...

Spirit Passing Through My Room by Dee-J

Date: circa Summer 2006 I cannot remember the exact date but all I know was that this encounter in particular was in 2006. One night I had turned the TV off and was trying to get some sleep. The moon was bright lit on this night and it was a clear sky, but I had the window blinds closed tight so ...

Is There A Spirit Portal In My House? by redheadchick20

My whole life I have had a sixth sense. I have felt many presences, known when someone is going to call, and have felt someone touch me and even pull my hair. I have felt many cold spots, and have seen shadows and lights. But my main question now is about spirit portals. When I first went to col...

Restroom Ghost by Ceekat

This took place a few years back. There is a meat and 3 type restaurant in my home town that's known for the great food and wonderful staff. It is run out of a building that was an old elementary school many years ago by a small group of very religious women. They have gospel groups there to play on...

Protected By Our Dog by Dee-J

Date: circa August 1998 This is one event that I will never forget as long as I live. I recall the time being a few days or so before the new school year began. I think I may have just had my orientation earlier that same day or a few days before. Anyway, it was within the hour of 10 PM and I was...

A Big Mess by Zenith

This happened when I was a small child and I actually remember this one myself. It took place in the same room in my other story. We lived in this house up until I was about 7 or 8. It was Easter and my sister and I had just gotten two medium sized boxes full of candy and small Easter themed toys. ...

Infant Crib by Zenith

This is not a very long story nor does it have much of a background. I was still an infant when this took place. I only know of it because my mother and grandmother have told me about it many times. This was only the beginning to my many experiences to come. These days, however, I really don't exper...

Old Lady In My New House by lisasimpson94

This is my first time ever posting anything. So here it goes. I was kind of a rebel in high school. Always fighting so I was suspended a lot. Afterwhile me, my mom and three siblings had to move to this lil house. It had some age to it but they fixed it up real nice. So it was one night my sibling w...

The Bingham Light by Dee-J

NOTE: I copied and pasted this story from my personal blog. Even though the events first took place a few years prior, the actual story was written back in 2013-2014. However, earlier this year (2015) I made an updated conclusion on my evolved thoughts regarding the nature of this phenomena. Now ...

Strange Noise On Bottom Bunk by Dee-J

This encounter happened when I was 12. It was a week before Thanksgiving, 1997 and I had gotten suspended from school for about 3-4 days for something petty. On the first day of my suspension I was awakened by the sound of the plastic cover moving on the bottom bunk (The plastic protective covering ...

Who Was Walking Around The House? by Dee-J

This encounter in particular was just outright odd. Nothing that would make you scream in terror, but it was disturbing. First of all, before I go into the story let me explain the layout of my house because the rest of the story won't make sense if I don't. My house is a 1-story brick home. A...

I'm Not Scared Of Shadow People by amayanoelle

I am very spiritually sensitive. Actually, every woman in my family seems to be sensitive. As soon as I was born paranormal things started to happen to me and the people around me. One incident being, when I was very young my mom and I lived in a single wide trailer. Now every time my mom went g...

My 2 Year Old Cousin by BrittanyRevis

My name is Brittany, and I'm 16 years old. When I was 1 years old my dad drowned in Broad River, in Union SC. He was 17 when he died. I feel the need to mention that when he was buried someone put his favorite red hat on him (It was a base ball cap or something). Anyway, not too long ago my mom was ...

Biggin Church Ruins by DBaker

To start this story off let me tell you that I've always believed that there are ghosts and or spirits and I respect their existence, I leave them alone, aside from that I've never really had any interest in the paranormal world and I haven't put much thought into it. I've heard of people coming in ...

Living In Fear All Of My Life by VickyJ

I am new to submitting stories on here but I have been reading ghost stories off of YGS everyday for about a year. In advance I would like to apologize for any grammar mistakes I will make. My first experience with the paranormal was when I was maybe 4 and I was sitting on my sister's "Sabrina" ...

Our Doppelganger by oliviashae00

I am going to tell you about my family's doppelganger. I believe it is a he, although it is hard to tell. Throughout my childhood there has been a subtle amount of encounters. The climax of it all happened in my suburban home in South Carolina. I never slept in my bed by myself. There was always...

Erie Feeling by GastonSC2013

I moved from Ohio in 2013 and have purchased a home in Gaston, SC. I have always believed in ghost/supernatural/paranormal. My brother, his family and myself have actually gone on ghost hunts, but have never seen anything up until now. I live in my home with my husband our son, and 2 roommates. ...

Night Terrors That Have Become More by buffyfansc

I've suffered from night terrors since I was 12. I am now 34 and still experince them. I've trained my husband in how to respond to them, and have tricks in dealing with them. I say this to establish that I know how to tell a night terror hallucination is happening. The last few years though I h...

My Grandmama Is With Me by BriLovsHerChurchMama

This story happened when I was 12, so almost 5 years ago (I'm almost 17). My grandmama, as I had been told because I never got to meet her she died in 1950 something, was a strict church woman she didn't tolerate stupid things happening in church. Now to my story. One day me and my friend had sta...

Closure From Dead Cousin by Jess_1997

About a year ago I came home to bad news from my mother. She explained to me that my cousin Danny died in an accident on his motorcycle late the night before. I hadn't spoken to my cousin in years, which only made me more upset about the current situation. Later that night I was sitting on my be...

My Stepdad's Grandmother by Ranota89

This event happen when I was 12 years old. My stepdad's grandmother had passed away. It had been about month when she came to me one night. I was asleep one night when I felt a cold chill. When I woke up she was floating by my bedroom door in the same dress she was buried in. I was so scared I just ...

Unexpected Visitor At Grandma's House by RellieBoo1

My ghost story starts at my grandmother's house when I was about 12 years old. Let me give you a minor description of the back room (TV room) I was in at the time. The back room is an add-on extension. There's a back door with the laundry room to the right, an armoire on the wall beside that, and a ...

Strange Experiences In The 90 Year Old House by xdreamerx

Back at the age 17 I never really believed in ghosts until I lived in this 90 year old house. I had many strange experiences in this house. I have been physically punched and felt like the air was taken right out of me. And I would have really strange dreams. One dream I remembered having at lea...

Strange Things Happen In My Mom's Apartment by RavenAngelvX

I'm going to go ahead and say I have never actually seen a spirit (as far as I can remember) aside from orbs in photographs and on videos. This story is just a series of random events that my mother and I have experienced in her apartment. At one point, I played with a Ouija board in my room, fr...

A Messenger For A Friend by xdreamerx

Two years ago I was living with my friend and his family. I was told by my friend's family that it was haunted. When I was told this I kind of just shrugged it off. Not saying I don't believe in ghosts or any of the paranormal stuff, but I shrugged it off to get my mind cleared that night so I could...

Mystery Hints by mellsanford

I don't see ghosts, and I haven't been followed my whole life by one. But ever since I moved in with my dad and his wife things have gotten pretty weird. I moved from Florida to South Carolina about 3 years ago when I was a junior in high school. I remember one evening walking home from the scho...

My Guardian Angels by vanlewie232711

I am Vanlewie232711 and I am going to tell you about my guardian angels. I first heard them when I was 17. I have always felt followed, yet never in danger. The very first time I heard one speak I was walking to work as I had just got this job at Burger King in Charleston, SC. I was on the side ...

The Old Charleston Jail by austinje

My mom and I went to the old Charleston Jail, which was made in 1802. We went inside with about 25-30 other people, and we went to the first room on the left. Everyone was standing together in a "U" shape, and my mom and I were in the back of the group, right in front of the doorway, listening to th...

He Was Always Watching Me by SweetSelinda

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I had many ghost experiences since I was a little girl. I can see things no one else can and also hear things. I can be alone and I always felt there was someone watching me. Now let's get on with the story. About 4 years ago me and my family moved into ...

Not So Home Sweet Home by Sheilarae58

My story is not about a particular incident. It is about things that have been going on in my house. I just moved here a month ago. I have heard cabinet doors slamming. I also have the feeling someone is watching me, especially in the bathroom. Water dripping, the sink was turned on and off. The...

The Red Man Following My Family by buttercup4

I wrote about a year ago about a visit from my father that completely blew my mind. Since then, my house has been a chaotic mess. My two older children whose bedrooms were upstairs have now moved downstairs to share a room with my 3 year old twins. For a 15 year old girl to CHOOSE to share a room wi...

Who Is Watching Me Sleep? by berkley715

I am a 19 year old girl and I have been able to communicate with ghosts since I was little. When I lived with my mom in Delaware at the age of 3 or 4, we had two ghosts that lived in my house. It was a grandmother and grandson. If someone was cooking in the kitchen, the grandmother would sweep th...

The Man With The Bashed-in Head by ksinger16

This took place in Yemassee, South Carolina. Brief background: Yemassee was a major town when the gold rush hit. Many people moved to South Carolina when all the California gold began to dwindle. Many people were killed because of the demand for gold. I moved to Yemassee in the summer of 20...

Insomnia With A Side Of Fear by Ichigousagi

This is my first entry so I suppose I should give you a little back ground info. I'm currently 17 years old and live with my father in Columbia. This story takes place in my mother and stepfather's house at approximately 3:33 am. I was 15 at the time and still living with my mom and stepdad. I w...

Heard Knocking But No One Was There by whitfefe

My husband and I bought our house April 2004. We had a 3-year-old son and I was 6 months pregnant with twins. We had been living in our house for 2 weeks. One night around 10:30 pm we heard loud knocking at our back door. My husband went to the door. As he reached the door we heard the loud knock ag...

Doppelganger In The Hotel Room by CearaIvory

This happened a few years ago when I went to Myrtle Beach for my birthday with my parents. As a gift, I even got my own condo for the week. One morning we were getting ready to hit every mini golf course that appealed to us. I had gone into my parents condo to say good morning and was now back i...

I Think I'm Haunted by kmkinna1988

I had a traumatic event take place when I was around 17, but certain things have been going on a lot longer. I would say, since I was around the age of 4 from what my family has told me. The first experience I had that I can fully remember was right after my long time family friend's husband's f...

Hair Pulling by Paranormal_Seer

I'd like to start off this entry by explaining that this event happened at my best friend's house a few days ago. About a day or so after I posted my other entry, something happened that freaked not only me out, but it scared my best friend as well! I was staying the night over at her house, and ...

Elderly Woman Always With Me by suzisunshinesonme

I am a fifty year old grandmother who has had some very specific and unusual experiences since I was 6 (that's as far back as I remember). As young children my two sisters, my mother, and I lived in an old house with our maternal grandparents in the country where there weren't street lights so after...

My Strange Twins by Paranormal_Seer

When I was younger, around 5 or 6, I would always see this strange teenage male sitting in the dining room of our house. I never knew who he was, and when I tried asking my parents about it, they never knew who I was talking about. The teenager was very tall with red hair, glasses, and blue eyes...

Little Shadow Thing by Kid_sensation

This is an honest-to-goodness true story. I was hoping I could get some idea of what this thing was/is so I can finally have some peace. I've never told anyone this, for fear of being called crazy. Please no wise cracks or jokes. I was 16, I'm 22 now. It was around 6:30 in the morning and I was g...

Boyfriend's Follower by cheesypuffeater

My boyfriend was never one to be jumpy about ghosts. He never overacted over anything like that. A simple guy, just being a young adult. Then one night he calls me, talking about him hearing strange noises at his friend's house. We laughed it off and thought nothing of it. Later on in the week it ha...

Ghost Dog Walked In Through Wall by RHolden

I have an experience that has baffled me for many years. It happened when I was around 11 or 12, and my little brother was five. We were sleeping in the guest bed in a middle room of the house. It looked into the living room on one side and the kitchen on the other. The front door had two long oval ...

The Man Sitting At The Table by just_wanting_answers

It started when my grandmother was still alive about 6 or so years ago. She would wake up in the middle of the night and wake my sister and myself up so we could come talk to the man that was sitting at the table. Naturally our parents told us to go back to bed. Things went missing small things you ...

Hey Aia by youdontknowme88

I haven't had a lot of activity in my house lately, but recently a spirit of a girl around my age decided to stop by. (You might have to read some of my other stories to understand my recent ones... I have a lot of stories, so prepare yourself! One night, I was in bed. I woke up from a bad dream...

Strange Activity In My House by bsyks

This is my first story that I have posted on this site and I hope you will find it interesting. This post involves some of the strange occurences that have happened in my house. There are two notable events that I would like to talk about in this post. The first occurence happened when I was in m...

Paranormal Influence Or Just A Coincidence? by ghost_fanatic2011

A few years ago, I was dating this guy, who is a devout Christian. I never really thought too much about religion, and I still sort of kind of don't but he and I talked about it, and I began to question the whole Christianity religion. I used to sleep all day and stay up all night so my experienc...

Creepy Shadow Man And Little Shadow People by ghost_fanatic2011

My brother who is now 27 had just moved into his new house. He moved out for an unrelated reason. But, admitted that he was experiencing unexplainable things. Such as noises in another room, but stopped when he approached it. Shadow like beings seen out the corner of his eye. He saw quick reflection...

Hush Whispers by breezy5794

I live in South Carolina now, but this story took place in my hometown New Jersey. Anyways, I was about 12 years old (17 now) when I heard these voices in my room at before I went to sleep. Now let me rewind to what happened at the begining of that same day. My grandma usually has these Jehovah Witn...

Robin, I Have To Tell You Something by RLea91

My name is Robin. I am 20 years old and have been experiencing things since march of 2008. I lost my maternal grandfather March 20, 2008. It hurt so bad for so long, as I was very close with him. About a week after he died I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked to se...

My Dad Is At It Again by buttercup4

I submitted a story several months ago about a long conversation I had with my deceased father one night. Since then, things have been exactly as he said they would be. Life has gotten harder. But, I think he's doing exactly what he said he would do. He said he would be right there with me. I have...

A Little Dose Of Reality by PriclessMike1974

Since I was young, as far back as I can remember anyways, I have always been interested in the paranormal. The idea of ghost hunting, searching for aliens, and working with Mulder and Sculley seemed like it would be a cool thing to do. Of course the thought of ever actually seeing a ghost scared the...

The Whispering by scgirl97

First off I just want to take the time out to say thank you for reading my story. And also to tell you that the house in my story has never been known to be haunted! Thanks again. One day I was home by myself just sitting in the living room listening to my MP3 player. It was in the middle of a so...

Strange Night At An Old Haunted Church by Caitiehall14

I'm not one to actually believe much in Ghosts and Spirits. But, this night still keeps me wondering... One night last year, the month of October, some friends and I decided to go to an old church, Rembert Church, in Ashwood,SC. I have been to this church with some of the same friends at least th...

Inhuman Scream? by caseyfish

Hey guys, I can use a little help with this. Its been about three years since this has happened, and I could never figure it out. I was 15 at the time. It was about 1am and I was the only one in our house. Its a one story house with an attic, which we had turned into another room. That night I was...

Sharon Is Always Around by manda85

I go to Savannah for my birthday every year. I had bought a book called Haunted Savannah. Well I was writing all the places I wanted to go the next day on a piece of paper on a clip board that had a pen hooked on it. It was getting really late and my boyfriend was asleep, and I just dropped my clipb...

The Man Down The Hall by FALLOWEDallMYlife

I've been haunted all my life. I wish I knew the reasons. I'm going to share my stories and I'm going to start with this one. This happened pretty recently. I live in a big one floor house that used to be a bed and breakfast, I've been living here one week now. Everything inside of it was made f...

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