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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 139

More About Me And My Little Friends by bbydoll

I promised more stories about my "friends", but I feel a little background is needed. Growing up was interesting in my family; all the women in my mom's line are sensitive in some way. Some like my mom embrace it, to the extreme; some like my grandma reject it, she spent her whole life with head...

The Butler by xsmileystephx15

My name is Stephanie and this current day in time I am 21 years old. I've been witnessing paranormal activity/entities since I was a very young child and I'm about to tell you of one of the first experiences I've ever had. My mother is very spiritual and has always told me that I'm very sensitive an...

My House Growing Up by amylou2215

I would like to say I have really enjoyed reading others' stories, so I decided to share my own. When I was about 12, my parents and I moved into a new house in a new town. Apparently, the previous owner was an old man that died in the house, so it's possible, he was our 'presence'. Odd things...

A Kindly Old Man by arjarv

Years ago I worked in a city as a paid EMT. Our crew would consist of 2 EMTs or one paramedic and one EMT. I did 12 hour shifts usually 6pm-6am or 7pm-7am. Sometimes the nights felt very long, especially if we were not too busy. Ambulance crews would stage throughout the city to make it easier an...

Haunted Armory by Arkaine56

This is my ghost story. It concerns an experience I had with two other soldiers in a National Guard Armory in Maryland. By way of background, I believe in the possibility of the supernatural, but I am inherently skeptical of supernatural explanations. Nonetheless, I never found an explanation for wh...

My Friendly Ghost by Lou85

Let me start by saying I've never really been a big believer of ghosts and sprits but for awhile I was having some crazy experiences that even made me second guess myself. When I was 25, I bought my first home in Andrews Farm in South Australia. The last night at my mum's house I was woken up by...

Nashville House by johnnycashmuse

I spent the first ten years of my life in Louisiana. But just before my actual 10th birthday my family moved to Nashville, TN. For my Father's work. He works in the music industry as a sound engineer and song writer. While my mother got a job as a nurse in the nearby hospital. It was a tough move fo...

Telephone Line by triden07

To all readers who are not familiar with my experiences, I live in a house occupied by 8 souls. Four of which are flesh and blood, ie my twin boys, my mother and myself. The other four are three loved ones who passed on and came back to serve as guardians to us: both my grandmothers and my very dear...

The Haunting In Children's Ward 2 by Jellytot

This is my second story about the children's ward at Ermelo Hospital, South Africa in the early 80's Again it was when I was working night duty. I worked all by myself and it was an eerie night, as there was a storm brewing outside. I had this horrible feeling coming to work that night, that I co...

No One Believes by Meganathan

I am an Indian, of course I have been much interested in ghost stories, even I was once visiting my village for my summer vacation only to hear ghost stories from my grandmother. I will be sharing some of the experience of my family members. My grandmother's experience... My used to earn mone...

The Man Crossing The Street by randomassociate

I've told this story a few times, and most times people think I am lying. This is definitely true, well as far as I know, I was not hallucinating and my father witnessed this also so I know that it must have been real. Two and a half years ago, I was working shift and my dad would come pick me up...

Neighbour's Ghost by SHERLOCK-STARK2001

I used to live in an apartment, exactly opposite to my grandfather's apartment in Maharashtra. On 5th march 2011, unfortunately my grandfather died. So my family along with the family of the two sisters of my father arrived there and stayed for about 2 weeks. Within those two week everything happene...

Ouija Scare On A Visit Home by DamonKnight

I will start this off by saying I'm an Irish/Canadian. I was born in Canada to Irish immigrants, raised for half my life in England and then moved back to Canada with my Dad (my parents were still together but my dad got a job in Canada) for high school. Suffice to say I have close friends and famil...

Something Attacked My Baby by leticialopez

Back in 1992 when my daughter was only about 7 months old I had a very scary experience that to this day has left me with many questions. I mentioned in my previous story that I have am very sensitive to spirits; I can sense when they are in a home and also if they are evil or good. From the moment ...

Short Shadow Entity by cmeibooth

I am someone who has experienced ghosts since my first memory (at the age of 3). I am able to feel certain things about spirits. I can tell if I knew them when they were alive and if they are related to me (however distantly related they may be). Like most people I can feel if they mean harm or good...

The White Ladies by prettyteacher

This will be my first time to share one of my stories but before that, let me tell you first about myself. I'm 23 years old now and I still do believe that paranormal beings exist since I'm still experiencing happenings involving them. I can somehow tell that my third-eye is open but I'm too afraid ...

The Protector And Little Old Lady by ShawnaH

As a child, I was always able to hear, feel and see things that weren't explainable. No one ever believed me, not even my parents! So I usually kept my mouth shut until someone came by with a story of their own, or the same thing I saw! When I was 12, my brother (a year younger than me) and my pa...

Visit From Mama by ShawnaH

My grandmother (moms mom) passed away in September 1992. I was born, October 1992. My mom told me we, grand children, would've called her "Mama" instead of "Grandma". My mom told me when I was a couple months old, we lived in the house my grandmother passed away in. My mom would hear creaks, doo...

Cat's Meow by thatonekid

I had never had anything paranormal happen to me before but I've always held an interest in things like ghosts. I never would have guessed my cat would be the first paranormal experience in a long line of strange and odd things that would happen over the course of three years. It was June and I just...

Little Boy Wanting To Be Noticed by ShawnaH

My brother was dating this girl from high school, and I was friends with her sister. They both invited us over for a sleepover at their house, which their house is built in an area where it used to be nothing but farming fields; and there's also some native burrial grounds near by that are blocked o...

No More Denying by hippiesiren

I have not submitted anything for a while because I have been questioning whether or not to share this. I have shared about the voice in the laundry room, my moving pictures, the winged being, and the issues in my dormitory shower. These are not the first sort of things I have ever dealt with. I ...

Ghost At The Backdoor by vin96n

This happened last year when I was preparing for entrance exams for some of best engineering colleges in India. School & tuitions consumed a lot of daytime so I had no other option than to study late at night. That day started in the usual way, school then tuitions. I returned home from tuition a...

The House I Hated by bbydoll

If you have read my other stories you know a little about me. There was one house I hated, my mom had to live in this house, and she said she was "called" to it. My first night there I was the only one home my mom and step dad and brothers were at our old house. Some of our stuff had been moved alre...

Las Vegas School Sightings by Cman710

I'm glad to have found this site. I have several experiences I would love to share, starting with my experiences within schools here. I live in Las Vegas, and while I was in high school we were required to take PE for our freshman and sophomore years. Now, let's get this straight, I'm not a clean...

Terror In A Vegas Household by Cman710

I moved out of a house about a year ago now that, I am convinced was haunted by multiple spirits. I had several experiences in the home, but I will summarize some of the scarier, and downright creepy ones. When I was around seven or eight, I had my first distinct memory of the haunting. My aunt a...

The Rain Lady by selkay

I will not claim to be a sensitive or even someone who is in touch with the paranormal world. But since young I have this random ability to sense and sometimes see 'friends' or entities from the other world. What I meant by random was, I can sense/see some days and totally oblivious towards it for a...

A Haunting In Male Ward by Jellytot

I was doing night duty in the Male ward in Newcastle provincial hospital, NKZN, South Afirca. With me, was the ward sister and myself (staffnurse) and the nurse. We weren't so busy that night. We had four wards with six beds each in them, then two sidewards without ensuite and two with ensuite. The ...

It Could Have Been A Lot Worse by ScottRuiz

I have not posted in four years. Between the time of my last posting until now, I have yet to experience anything 'spectacular'. Until now. The other night I was home alone. The family took off for the evening with some of my in-laws that drove up from Austin. We have been in this new house we a...

My Guardian Watching Over Me by amylou2215

This is a story that is very dear to my heart. If you didn't believe in guardian angels or spirits before, you will now. The story is a tad long, but it's worth the wait. About 6 years ago, my middle son (who was only 6 months old at the time) were in a really bad car accident. I was driving a co...

Our Little Rascals by Letum

This story has nothing creepy about it, but I'd like to share with everyone. We have in our home what we call Faeries. Yes, they're sneaky and playful. We've never had any negative feelings or experiences with them. A few of the things they like to do is mess with my chocolate stash! Yes you read...

One Weekend In A Haunted Hotel by Cman710

When I talk to others about ghost stories, it's usually the apparitions they see that scare them the most, or stick with them. So it's ultimately ironic to me that the one experience that truly terrified me, and ultimately has stuck with me the most was an encounter with a spirit I did not see, and ...

Stuck With Puppets by Kio-chii

This happened to me, my brother and a small group of our close friends years ago. One of our close family friends had a relative that lived out in what most would consider to be a small type of mansion in the woods just outside of, if I'm remembering correctly, Murphy, Oregon. The lady owned most...

Do You Love Your Child? by lydiaa

I have been reading many stories here and I decided to share mine too (sorry for any grammar mistakes, I am from Greece). It happened when I was a baby, I was 7 months old, so I know this story from my mum. It was late, midnight, she and dad were sleeping when she had a "dream". She saw a very t...

Ghosts In The Duplex by The_Dark_Knight

This is my first story I'm posting to this site and more are to come. This story involves my parents about a year after they were married in the mid to late 1970s. My parents moved into a small duplex in Nashville, TN and were both in their late teens. My mother has always been a sensitive, and ...

The Mysterious Knocking Noise by EllBell1415

My house is relatively new being built 16 years ago. Nothing "haunting" happens in this home besides the occasional out of the ordinary stuff that I feel is someone letting us know that they're there. This story I'm about to tell is different. It was as if our house was haunted for a few hours. I...

Predicting Dreams by LittleWriter

Though I have never really seen or heard a ghost consciously, I think I might have had some ghostly experiences. Every once in a while I happen to dream strangely realistic, which you would probably consider to be quite normal. The strange part is that those dreams came true a number of times, but t...

Weird Night At My Old House by shayleigh19

I'm not sure if this is a story of a paranormal experience but I was definitely a weird night at my old tiny house in Marengo, MI down the road from the 115 Truck Stop off exit 115 on I94. I lived there for a little over a year but 4 or 5 months after living there I had an unsettling experience. I k...

My Great-grandma by andidee

My great-grandmother was born in 1920. She was always happy and cheery and she was also a GREAT cook. My family has italian origins, which means she was italian. She loved cooking italian stuff like canolis and delicious pizza. Unfortunately, she died when she was 94, four months ago. I'm really...

What Are Your Thoughts? by Mossy_Oak_Queen90

When I was younger, I want to say around 8 or 9 years old, my mom, dad and I lived in this cute little one story house on the southside of Savannah. Now as we all know, Savannah is one of the most haunted cities there is but I, to this day, cannot explain what happened on this particular night. U...

Square Footage In A Cemetery by allisonbeckert23

I spent some time in Florida from 2012-2013 and was living in a small town called Oviedo. There was a cemetery there, which belongs to the First Baptist Church of Oviedo. It's not fenced, there's no parking available, and there are houses that are just across the street. This is in central Florida a...

Pranked By Old Lady? by ERizzy

My auntie told me this story that happened to her in the 80s. Before I tell you the story, an old lady died at the house they used to live in and my other auntie has seen her. She says she's very harmless and nice. My aunt was a prankster when she was younger. Since her 3 other siblings shared a ...

The Hat Man Is Back by AussieChick95

Late last year I posted a story about a man who was later identified as a 'Hat Man' who had been following me. The past 5 months have been fine and I haven't seen him once until last weekend. I was babysitting a friend's children, 3 year old Christian and 8 week old Alana. I had the kids fed and ...

When She Was Possessed by ladyknight

As promised, here's the story about my mother. When she was seven, she was abducted by a creature who told her that after 15 years, it will come back to get her again and marry her. Fifteen years later, 2 months before her 22nd birthday, she married my father. They thought that the creature woul...

She Follows Me by naokismommy

Where do I begin? Since I was a little girl living in Oklahoma, strange occurrences happened. I have parents that would always tell me ghosts weren't real and so I eventually excused occurrences and ignored them, or at least tried to. From what I can remember it started with an old antique piano...

Unexplained First by Chewbacca

I have experienced strange things all through my life, but one of the times I clearly remember was when I was house-sitting my late grandparents' house. I was around 18 years old and house sitting with my two cousins of around the same age, while waiting for the house to sell. My cousins slept u...

The Red Watcher And Yellow Seeker by Kopertuk

Seeing as this is a paranormal site, I hope to find help. My friend and I, whom I shall call B, were discussing something. Why we hate the dark. It was a random topic that turned into a shared story. When I was younger, I got nightmares constantly. I still do, but that's besides the point. Every ...

Will He Ever Leave Me Alone? by AussieChick95

In February of this year, a group of my friends and I all went out motorbike riding. Late last year I had just bought a brand new Yamaha yz450f and took it out every chance I got. So February, wet season was still around but it hadn't rained in a few days, which I was particularly excited about ...

Hooves by ADCJ

When I was about fourteen I was dating an older boy who absolutely adored me. I told him I wanted a Ouija board so he tracked one down on eBay for me. I tried to play with it a few times and nothing ever happened. One night I had some friends over and my sister, who's three years younger than I, a...

The Bathroom Is Taken by josh_cabral

I've always heard of stories from my wife and her cousins about their grandparents' house being spooky and haunted, and never really took any mind to them. I did always feel a dark heavy feeling visiting this house though. I figured it was the tension of the family because they had a rough histor...

The Girl In The Office by ladyknight

First of all, thank you to those who read my stories. Here's another one. This incident happened 3 weeks ago. Just a little background about the office, it is in a publishing house. Most people stays until 6PM but if you have a flexible time, you can stay until 8PM. People who stays beyond six co...

Shadow Figure - Friendly Ghost? by ashleylewisms

Back in around 2007/2008 I was round my brother's house sitting with my sister-in-law and my niece. We were sat in the lounge just chilling, talking, watching TV etc. And generally just having a nice relaxing time. I was sitting facing the windows and the doorway leading to the rear garden and ke...

Strange Apartment by Hannahalexandra

So I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend about a few months ago; however, some really strange things have been happening lately. In my kitchen we have this old coffee mug full of spare change: nickels, pennies, etc. Around maybe 8:00 pm I heard this noise come from the kitchen, almost sound...

Grandma's House By The Woods by _tayjadzia_

I do not even know where to start, but I have to say that I have had only a few paranormal experiences, most being at my grandmother's home. The house is located in Odenton, MD right in front of the woods. As a child, I visited my grandmother quite often, every summer in fact. I was always afraid...

The House On Dwight Street by _tayjadzia_

When I was young, from about three to ten years old, I lived in a house on Dwight St. In Jersey City, NJ. My parents rented the home from our landlord who lived down the street. Boy, did I hate that house. I had my own room until my younger sister moved in with me and whenever it got dark outside...

The Room For Our Graduation Trip by selkay

In 2004, I went to Genting Highlands, a popular casino and theme park destination in Malaysia, with my boyfriend and a group of friends after the last exam of our high school life. Being teenagers on a budget, we decided to get the most affordable hotel where we can afford to put two person in a roo...

Weird Incidents In My House by lydiaa

I would like to tell shortly what things happened to our house when we had just started to live in it. Everyday the light bulbs from the lights were exploding, so we called an electrician, but he told that everything is fine and he couldn't explain it. One vase of crystal cracked vertically in the m...

My Great Grandfather Making A Visit by jwarren

I have read and enjoyed many of the experiences on this site, and I was very excited to find such an open forum. I have always believed in ghosts, angels, demons, and the people who have come in to contact with them. I have felt for a long time that I would eventually experience something parano...

Two Boys by Amp21190

This happened when I was a teenager and lived in Ohio. I am currently in Texas and am now 24. I used to live in these apartments that were supposedly built on top of an Indian burial ground. I never found facts behind this but several freaky things happened to me during the three years I resided...

I Could Feel Him by Ahriannah

I would love to tell you that my experiences in life have been extremely out of the ordinary, or even that they could scare you witless. However, I have never been completely normal so my stories tend to follow, and maybe that is why I venture out and find other people with experiences, or read/writ...

Haunted House Or Haunted Person? by Chigets

My story begins when I was 15. A friend of ours died in the Joplin tornado so we ended up receiving custody of her two girls. The youngest girl is my age and we were really close friends. We shared a room in the basement together. It started out with us hearing little noises around the house when we...

A Drug House by Seraphina

Whenever I think about this experience, I wonder how many entities were actually watching us. What do you think? About 15 years ago, on a hot summer afternoon, my oldest son "Duncan" and his wife "Janice" stopped by for coffee. As several family members were sitting around the kitchen table just ...

Rustic Ridge Apartment by NJGHS

I had a couple experiences at one of the apartments I lived in when I was 8. (Back story of the apartment: apparently a miner hung himself in the apartment.) The first story is that I was sleeping in the master bedroom and then I woke up to a tug on my hair. When I opened my eyes it was a figure...

Uncle's In-laws Come To Help Him Pass Over by Pebbles_Keeper

So I am fairly new to this site. This is my first story. I have a few to share with you but have put off writing them as I feel they weren't as scary or interesting as some. Anyhow my husband's uncle was a good person to us. He came round regularly. He built fences and outhouses for us. I suppose...

Strange Woman by madman36

I am Suresh from India. I wanted to share this story from a long time so that I receive few suggestions about what this could be. To exactly begin this it started when I was of age 13. We bought our own house, it's a compact apartment. I live with my mom, dad and a younger brother. I started h...

He Watches Over Me by ms_st0308

This is my first ever story on this site, and I will admit I was a little hesitant to even sign up at first. I've read several of the ghost stories on here, which I think are really interesting. I've always been interested in "ghost" stories and really just enjoy the history of places and people...

Demon Outside My Window by alexandria18

I live in a rural area. The houses are far apart and mountains are right beside our windows. You can hear many bugs especially crickets but I never thought I would hear loud wings and footsteps in the middle of the night right outside my window. I woke up around two, my heart was pounding fast a...

First Time Ouija Board by Ashlynn1014

Let me first start off by saying I love the paranormal. Though I might be scared a lot too of it, I still love paranormal things. Lately I have been doing research on Ouija boards and really wanted to do this. I know what I was getting myself into. It was me, my cousin Summer, and my sister Arys...

A Ghost On The Cliff? by Chocolat

I grew up in the west coast and would often go to the beaches and such off of Highway 1, getting increasingly often as I grew into my teen years. I took a break from going there between the ages of 10 to 15, seeing a lack of need to go there. But I started going there right after I turned 15, to go ...

Flip Flops by Amp21190

This happened at my old apartments in Athens, Ohio. Actually several of my occurrences happened there in my life. This one wasn't as big of a deal as some, but it really stuck with me. Ok, so I was with my boyfriend (at the time) Mike and his sister and some other people that also lived at the ap...

Flying Sheets by Fallout91

This happened to me when I was about 12 years old. I'm 22 now and to this day I still can't explain what happened to me. I was lying in bed one night trying to go to sleep, and I remember that night because I couldn't sleep for some reason and usually I pass out in about 5-10 minutes. So I was ly...

Terror In A Vegas Household 2 by Cman710

I wouldn't quite call the stories in this one "terror", but as the rules say a continuation must hold the same title, I don't want to break the rules. So, as I promised, I'm going to discuss a little more about the haunted house I spent most of my childhood in. For those just joining me, I live i...

The Thing That Haunts My Family by Aly

This is my first story even though I've had many strange experiences before. A little background information: my family is extremely sensitive to "strange happenings" and a lot of horrible things have happened to us over the years including hauntings, sights of shadow creatures, unexplainable sounds...

Not Raindrops by twaflyer1

One late afternoon around the year 2000, my daughter asked me to come along to a place I never heard of...Bachelor's Grove Cemetery! I really don't believe in the supernatural as usually defined, so we parked in an adjacent Forest Preserve and walked down the only dirt path leading to the cemetery u...

Why Me? by rebekah_lynn

I'm 15-years-old. Since I was 7 or 8 I've seen things. I've always had a thing for the paranormal since I was little. Me and my grandmother would watch those ghost documentaries and ghost hunter shows when she baby sat me, and some believe that may be the reason why all of this has happened to me. ...

Ghosts That Last A Lifetime by Justthatgirl

I know what people say, 'this isn't true, she's just making it up' but I'm not. I'm going to tell you a story about the presence of a spirit who has been with our family since I can remember. I moved around a lot, but from what I can remember it started when I was the age of 4, just after we had ...

My Friend's Grandma by Justthatgirl

Back when I lived in St'Neots a very strange thing happened to me and my friend, yet, I'm glad it happened. My best friends grandma had passed away about a month ago before this event occurred. Both me and my friend lived on the same road so we would walk with each over everyday. To get home ther...

The Wide Mouth Figure by AmariaWolfThorn

This experience happened to my boyfriend and I a couple months ago. I just found this sight and thought maybe I could get a little feed back on what others think this might be. So, here it goes. Colton and I were driving home from his parents' (we live in Grande Prairie Alberta and his parents l...

The Imp by AmariaWolfThorn

I have mentioned previously that my boyfriend has major heart issues: 4 strokes and 3 heart attacks in 1 year, and the doctors told him he would die, there was nothing they could do to help him. But he didn't die, he lived and has slowly gotten better. What we have thought recently though is that he...

Imaginary Friend? by mellakella

So my little boy was playing in his toy box alone. Or so I thought. He was talking to someone and I didn't really think much of it at the time. When I asked him who he was talking to he said, "The little boy." Well, that kind of creeped me out a little but I just shrugged it off. A couple of occurre...

My Friend Is Possessed by dessydreamscape

I'm Odessa. I'm 22 from New Hampshire. This experience happened about a month ago, which I label the most scariest and bizarre encounter of my life, and I don't exactly feel comfortable with sharing this experience with others since there are those out there who are close-minded to these types of th...

Haunted University And Dormitory by ladyknight

I'll start off by giving a short background about the university and the dormitory. The university was founded in 1901 during the American occupation of the Philippines. It was the institution that the Thomasites built to train Filipino educators. The dormitory for girls was said to be built around ...

The Whispers by OhioGurl12

It was just a normal day for me when I went to my cousin's house to stay for the weekend. I've always known her big house next to the forest was haunted but nothing ever happened to me, so I wasn't bothered by it. That night when Ashley and I were going to bed, I had to sleep on a mattress on th...

Activity At My Friend's House Since The Kids Moved In by stephii

I was at a friend's house one day and she lives about 2 hours away from me, so I decided to stay there over the weekend. By the way, she had taken four kids of her sister's in because other wise they would of been put in separate homes because of DHS! These things had only started to happen when...

His Spirit Lives On by PerfectlyDisturbed

Just to start off, I am a huge fan on this website. I found this place by searching for real ghost encounters on Google. Anyway, I have been reading a whole bunch of amazing stories on here for the past few days and it inspired me to share mine. Note that this is my first time sharing an experience....

More Happenings by Jake141

I wrote 2 stories a while ago about a not so friendly spirit who has been following me. If you want to read it, just look through my profile and you'll find them. As for this, i'm going to tell you guys a another happening which has happened recently. 2 days ago, I was sitting playing computer ga...

The Ghost Of My Aunt Who Died Of Cancer by JaniBoy

I was 7 years old when my aunt died of ovarian cancer in Leganez, Iloilo, Philippines. Her death was very untimely since she was only 30 years old at that time, just got married, and left behind three very young children (my cousins). On the second night of her wake, I was bullying her youngest...

A Disturbing Noise Late At Night by ghostdancer

I am writing this story because I am confused of what this is and to this day me and my family have never discovered what it was. It was around 9:30 and I was upstairs watching an episode of Supernatural with my mum and dad in the pitch black with the blinds open and no light but the street lamps...

The Sad Lady by Lexibear

It all started on the 23rd of December, (The day before Christmas in Sweden). My mum was making food for the guests in the manager's house, where they have the restaurant and reception - she works there as a waitress and she cleans the hotel rooms. I was sitting upstairs in the building, playing wit...

A Scary Night by confusedandscared1985

This is my first story so please bear this in mind as it might sound a bit weird. This happened last night at home 29 June 2014. I was asleep with my kids in the room, we sleep in the same room my bed against my eldest son's bed, let's call him J, and I was lying on my back with my arm over my y...

Intense Dark Shadow Attacked Me by WhatIsThis

So I am writing down my story to get some feedback and possibly advice if you can about this encounter with a dark ghost. A week ago, I was sleeping in my bed, and all of a sudden, I woke up. When turning myself back to the wall, there was a very very dark shadow, darker than the obscurity itself...

Growing Up With Shadows by Incognito

I'll start off by sharing a little bit about myself. I'm twenty years old, and have been interested in the paranormal for a long time. I have a strong belief in God, have been slain in the spirit while I was an altar server at a Catholic church, and have always done my best to respect the dead; I've...

Activity In The Garage by anereiersen

I live in a big house with my family. The house is about 17 years old, and my dad built it himself. The property was untouched when he started building the house. Only a big forest and a couple mountains. I am 15 years old, and I have a lot of friends. And when I started having girls' nights and...

My Ghosts Over Time by Paige1993

My first ever experience with a ghost was when I was at the age of 6/7years old. I shared a room with my sister with a large mirror opposite our beds and with wooden old floor. My sister stayed at a friend's one night and I was in bed as normal. I remember feeling uncomfortable so I turned on to...

My Lucy by Maria_92

My name is Maria, I am 24 years old and this story is very personal to me and my partner. I've been with my partner Dan for 9 years (since we were 15). We got together March 12, 2005 about 4 months into the relationship I fell pregnant but sadly at 13 weeks I miscarried. I always felt like it was...

Brother's Intervention by allisonbeckert23

This happened while I was participating in a kind of "intervention" with some friends. A friend of myself and my roommates (I'll call her Nina here) was living with her boyfriend (Tony) and he hadn't been making a lot of good choices in his life. He knew that, but he didn't believe he could change. ...

My Shadow People by Spiritseverywhere0425

I wanted your thoughts on something. I have several experiences, but I want to know if the Shadow People are what is haunting my house. One night, my mom came into both mine and my brother's rooms. Apparently, her and my stepfather saw something crawling on the floor and thought it was one of us...

3 Nights, 1 Haunting by splitsoul

I am fourteen years old and this is my first story. I was nine or ten years old at the time. I woke up in my bed unable to move. I looked around my room, it was almost completely dark, besides some moon light coming from my blinds. I had a shelf above my dresser where I kept my stuffed animals. ...

Haunting? Advice Please by ItalianBella99

So this is some experiences that I have experienced. I am 15 and since I am a teenager I know that many will discount my story, but I promise you everything I am about to write is 100% true. I am looking for any possible explanations and advice that you have to offer. I have been living in my cu...

Angry And Betrayed Man by nemoxox

I'm new to this site and believe it's great to be able to share personal experiences with other people. I've had just a few experiences but I would like to start off with strange things that happened when one as a child. Back in 1994 my parents had finally bought their own condo; it was two stor...

My Only Subtle Paranormal Encounter by Jodiegatz37

Back in 2001/2002 I lived on an old army base in WW2 era housing. I was a military wife with a daughter 3 years old and a one year old boy. I had many little experiences but it took me years after living there to put the pieces together. It started when I was on a long distance call with my fath...

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