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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 81

My Uncle's Ghost by leila

I was in high school when my uncle died. I remember vividly it was around 10pm when my sister told me that she wanted to sleep with me in my room, maybe because she was scared that the ghost of my uncle will going to visit her. So she went to sleep ahead of me because I was still studying. It wa...

Three Times A Charm by DarkRose

Me and a few friends used to go out driving a lot at night. So, one night we decided to visit an old castle, supposedly very haunted, that wasn't too far away. This castle was obviously not in immaculate condition, it being so old. The roof was missing, most of the path of the battlements had crumbl...

Pub Ghost by Roseyposey

I live in Hampshire England and have done all my life, I live right near many world famous ghost hot spots such as Beaulieu Abbey, the Isle of Wight and Netley Abbey. My story is not the most scariest or thrilling, but it is true, it is also my first and only paranormal experience. When I turned 18 ...

Is That You Daddy? by applerose

As I have mentioned in other stories, my father passed away in 1987 at a very young age of 45. I was 22 at the time of my father's death and we were very close - me being his eldest daughter. If it were possible- I went everywhere with my daddy - I even got to participate in "Bring Your Daughter to ...

Strange Presense In My Room by Vipera09

I moved into this house about 7 months ago and, there have been weird things from the start. I live with my parents and brother. I was with my father when I first came here and I was going to bed. There was a window that looked out onto the porch and, I would see a shadow pass it on the porch. My da...

Goodbye To A Restless Soul by Simplyghostnights

As we approached this 19th century public house, the wind howled at our faces and penetrating deep into our bodies and chilling us to the bone. We were visiting this location as we had had reports of some terrific paranormal activity, to the extent that it had actually petrified some of members of s...

Guardian Ghost? by monsterunderthebed

when I was a bit younger, I used to see a man with a top hat standing in the kitchen watching me go up the stairs every night when I go to bed, I still do sometimes, and I was scared of him because he'd disappear after a certain step and then I'd feel something chasing me so I'd run to my bedroom. B...

Phone Call From Another World? by dywongsty

Friend of mine was on the phone with his girlfriend from Hong Kong and she was telling him how she received a phone call from a friend of her father looking for her father earlier in the afternoon. Her father was not home at that time so she quickly took the number down on the caller display and let...

Black Cat At The Guilld Hall by taz890

Have you ever had an experience but not known it was until some time later? I have! When I was a younger I used to like going to the various museums in Leicester, I personally liked the Guild Hall on Guild Hall Lane in the town center. The guild hall has been used for a lot of different things a g...

Mommy, You Saw Him Too? by PestilentPixie

Before I start this portion of my story I suggest that if you don't wish to be left in the dark please refer to "The Plaid Blanket", the stories coincide during the same time frame and period. Thank you for your patience. My eyes popped open to greet the new day with a hearty stretch of my back and...

The Night Reaper by sensitivejen

I was almost 19 years old and my mother and I had an apartment near Waco, Texas. The tenant before us had committed suicide not long before we moved in, so needless to say, we were very nervous about living there. When my mother would be taking a shower, she'd feel an odd presence with her in the ba...

The Ghost Who Was Looking For The Child by golden_swastika

This happened to my grandfather when he used to live in South India in a village closer to the city Kodaikanal. He used to be a non believer back then. Somewhere in the 1950's there was a drought. He doesn't remember the exact year. He was in his early 20's. His village was badly hit by the drought...

The Koffal's House by RandomChic

To start off I should probably tell you a little about my house. My house is about 118-120 years old and was built by the original owners. When we first moved into the house in 2003, someone told my mum that the house was haunted by a teenager that hung herself on the front veranda of the house....

A Special Visit by lulusghosts79

My mother passed away eight years ago due to a short battle with cancer. I was 22 years old. Naturally, I was devastated. I was angry that she left us so quickly and became deeply sad. I literally cried every single day for three months. Amazingly, I dreamed of her every night. The dreams helped me ...

Curlew Job Corps In Washington State Is Haunted by Walter_R

Yes Curlew job corps in Washington State is haunted! I was there from 1974 to 1976 and the time I was there, I saw many of Times lights shining into the windows of the dorm. Back then it was an opened dorm with beds and lockers not that far apart with beds One after the other. One night in 1975...

The Guardian Of The Ramesseum by RachelChum

In September last year (2010), I travelled to Egypt on a school trip. There was about 40 students' altogether, 5 teachers and 5 parents. We visited many places such as the Pyramids and Sphinx, the Temple of Philae, The Colossi of Memnon, the Cairo Museum, Aswan High Dam, Al Azar Mosque (Cairo), Karn...

Giant Black Figure In The Doorway by hiya_hayz

I was in the third grade, so I had to have been nine when this happened. My mom's (now ex) husbands mother was staying with us for a visit and I had to share my room. I was sleeping on the top bunk and she was sleeping on the bottom. I remember it being a long day so I fell asleep fairly quickly b...

My Own Haunted House by Ami

I'm Amy. I live with my mum, my dad and my sister in a house in England. We moved in a little under two years ago, in (ironically) October, so close to Halloween everyone already had pumpkins outside their houses. STATS ON THE HOUSE - The house was built in 1930, and it is positioned on the same hil...

Into The Light by Simplyghostnights

On a recent ghost hunt, with Simply Ghost Nights we were attempting spirit communication in a 16th century coaching inn. The inn was in the centre of a Yorkshire market town, in a large open square with trees lined on either side of the square, bringing a lighter tone and feel to the area with house...

A Haunting Or Not? by charliegirlx

I went to go and collect my little sister from nursery and they say that the building there is haunted, So anyways we went to go and collect her and as we were talking to the staff these two toys which were turned off starting to sing the songs, but what took us by surprise is the toys weren't singi...

My Very First Encounter by iwanttobelieve808

This is one of the earliest memories I had. When I was a small boy, my father used to take me around with him whenever he paid a girlfriend a visit. It's sleazy I know; he would just leave me alone while he engaged in sexual relations with this woman or that woman. On this occasion, he was paying a ...

Mr. Ghostly by tabby315

So I lived in the same house until I was twelve. The entire time I lived in the house it was haunted. The earliest sign I remember is when my older sister and I were upstairs in our room talking and someone would slam our bedroom door open even though it was latched. We grew to call him Mr. Ghostly....

Unknown Visitor by lulusghosts79

When I was about 5 years old my family lived across the street from my favorite aunt. I often played in the front yard in the afternoons. I remember one particular Sunday I had played in the front yard until close to sunset. My Aunt and Uncle were not home. My uncle was a pastor and on Sunday nigh...

Seeing The Lady In White by elma28

The story I'm about to tell happened years ago, but I remember it clearly, like it just happened yesterday. My family and I came to Denmark in 1993, and after 6 months we had to live in a refugee camp on an island called Langeland. And so the refugee camp became our home in the following years. But...

Ghost Dog Wanders by YamiRin

I've been reading some stories here. Well, now I feel comfortable on telling my story. I've had a few experiences. I live in Syracuse of central New York (USA). Around 30 years or so ago, the place I live used to be a forest (well, everywhere use to be one at the least, ha-ha). The forest was very m...

Something In The Ghost Town by LumenFilia

First let me start off by saying that yes, I am a teenager, but please, please do NOT take this as an excuse to discredit my story. This story is true. It is as true as you sitting at your computer right now reading this. Next I will say I come from a very, very religious household. My mother, espec...

Hard Breathing by juju92

I was on a trip with couple of friends in London last year. We were in my best friend's old Grandma's house on a beautiful countryside. It's a big house and I didn't hear or see anything until one night my friends went out to a party. I was sick so I couldn't go I was lying on the bed in the guest ...

My Daughter And My Great-grandmother by nicole_scaredmother

My name is Nicole and I live in California with my husband, John, and my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter Meagan. What I am about to tell you happened to my daughter every day for a week, according to her and then it stopped (the last time was Friday night, the 20th). She hasn't had any other experi...

The Light That Came Through My Ceiling by Guest8534

I wake up relaxed and wide awake (around 3am). I am lying with my hands behind my head just looking up at the ceiling doing some thinking. Shortly after I see this green ball come in through my ceiling. At first I thought little of it. It came down, got lower and lower, until it was over me. I see i...

The Casket by dixie3333

This isn't really mine, it's my mom's. She was too afraid to enter it so I have to. This is SUPER REAL! My mom has had many many experiences that she really doesn't want to talk about but I will post them. She has always lived somewhere haunted until she moved where we live now. Her mom is her gua...

The Brookforest Inn by BewareOfTheBrookForestInn

When I was about 5 my Mom was the accountant at the brook forest Inn, and one of her good friends owned it. I was talking about it with my mom the other day and she told me about a few things that she didn't before (because we frequently spent nights there and she didn't want to scare me). Before...

Nick The Nazi by The-Red-Daisy

There is another ghost who resides at my house, though I don't often mention him. He and I are like oil and water; we just don't mix. There are rare times when I enjoy his presence and there are times where I wish he'd simply go away. This doesn't mean he's a harmful spirit. In fact, he's rather ben...

An Odd Photograph by winx717

What sparked my submission of this story and mainly photo is an episode of "My Ghost Story" that my friend had viewed on the Biography channel this past weekend. It was about a woman that had been harrassed by what was thought to be an incubus. However what was most important about this particular e...

Virgin Mary by professorfrink

Ahoy hoy friends and fellow seekers of the paranormal! Let me start from the beginning here, I'd say the very first encounter I experienced was when I was about 6 maybe? Somewhere around that age maybe a little younger, and I was woken up for some unknown reason and I looked up above the bed on the ...

Haunted Watch by jadewri91

A few months ago I decided to go out on a night out with my friends, we all packed our bags, excited to be leaving for the night. We arrived at our destination followed by a few drinks. We decided to hit the town and a few of the clubs, it reached 3am quickly, I began to sober up, feeling tired, my ...

Haunted House Terror by Ghostygirl

Before anything, I would like to take a moment to say that our house was built by my grandfather who died before I was born, so the house is fairly new, and the only death I know of was my grandfather when he died of a heart attack in the shower. It all started when I was eight years old, and was...

The Ghostly Footsteps by crazyface

We were on holiday in Bangladesh... I and my cousin were in the room chatting about our lives. Suddenly I forgot that I left my medicine downstairs, so I told my cousin about it and she said let's go downstairs and get it. We were on our way downstairs and there was a big window in front of us, my ...

A Welcome From Ben by taz890

This is one of my happiest yet saddest stories I will be posting here. When I was 14 my brother Dave brought home a sweet girl named Tracy who was 16 at the time, it was the first girlfriend Dave had brought home and we all tried to make her feel welcome for Dave's sake as he had not had much luc...

The Valentines Visitor by shadowspirit

I haven't posted in a while, because everything has stayed pretty much the same since last time (see my friend the succubus) but anyway, this story takes place on Monday the 14th of February I said last time in my stories comments that I didn't know if demons or whatnot understood holidays. But a...

Something Scratched Me by elise24

This past September, I moved to New York from Michigan. About a month later, give or take, I was in my bedroom one day; it was probably around 5 o'clock in the evening. Before I got a new bed I was using a double papasan to sleep on. Well I sat down in it, and leaned back sort of on my left side...

Demon In My Cell Phone by mlbenson

This incident took place in Los Angeles, CA. I had purchased a new cell phone in late 2007, and I'd say a few months afterwards, in the beginning of 2008 was when I believe a demon briefly took up residence in it. I had just returned home from running a few errands, and I set my phone down on my ...

Anne's Ghosts by Sonny_Days

My name is Sonny, and I have just recently turned 14. I am an Atheist, and I have never believed in ghosts or anything paranormal. This story regards my best friend Anne and her ghosts. I met Anne in the first grade. She always told me tall tales, and I was very gullible. So, for a while, I beli...

Mandy's Home by taz890

when I was 13 I was going out with a girl named Mandy who even though had shown me where she lived and was happy for me to call round never invited me in to her home, I thought this was a bit strange but never questioned her about it. One morning during the summer would have been around 9.30 I kn...

My Experiences Past And Present by DeanC

I remember seeing "shadowy" figures at a very young age, around 8-9. I remember one quite vividly; it was one morning as I was leaving my house for school. As I exited my house through the side gate as normal, as clear as day, I saw a black figure peering round the corner and I vaguely remember it s...

Six Years Of Devil Torment by kibstud

I had always thought this sort of nightmare was happening to me alone until I have come across this site. I always took my suffering silently especially the unexplained sickness which always followed devil attacks. It all started on 28th November 2004 one hour to midnight. Whilst walking home aft...

Poltergiest Pub by jatinder

So everybody and I would like to tell you this is my first story on this website, It all started off when I was about 6 years ago at my dad's pub which he owned it at the time. We did know about the last pub owner. He died from a tragic accident in the cellar cracking his head open on the concret...

Neelsies' Final Goodbye by Trix

It all started with my eldest son. He brought a little miniature Doberman puppy home one day from school. It was such a cute little thing and he called him Blacky. Blacky was his dog and went everywhere with him. Blacky got sick one day and died at the vet. Our hearts were broken. My husband dug a d...

Hooded Lady by Dina

I don't remember when exactly this happened. I must have been about 6 or 7. My older brother and I were home alone and watching TV in the dark. I got an uncomfortable feeling and kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. It was to the left where the entrance to our formal sitting room used t...

Double Take by longtimebeliever

I have always experienced what is called deja-vu. I am now 34 and back when I was 10 I would wake up real early on Saturday morning's and rush into the family room to watch my cartoons. My Dad was always one to wake up at 5 am and go off to get his coffee and newspaper, and by the time I got up he w...

Claudio And The Toilet by Petersspirit

I have been living in Ghent for a while. Have been working there to. Underneath where I lived I was a dishwasher washing dishes in the back of the kitchen of an Italian restaurant. "The Medici steps" My chef Claudio, who lived the building next to mine, was not just a chef to boss his staff arou...

He Sees Things by SnowClaw

This story isn't really about me, but about my boyfriend and his family. To start, let me tell you a little about his family and where they live. My boyfriend Jackson has 5 siblings, he is the oldest. The second oldest is his brother Jake, who this story is mostly about. Jackson's family moved here ...

Emotions by AllennellA

This story isn't about me, although I have gotten deeply involved. I have a friend who told me she had a ghost following her. It moved with her from house to house, whole cities even. Although I was at first convinced she just wanted attention, I thought there was no harm in playing along. I was op...

October's House by hmhurst

I moved into this house when I was 14 years old, it was bought by my family in 2000, and it was empty. It had been empty for quite some time like say 10 years. I joined the local church and was happy with the boyfriend I had in junior high. But, that was soon changed that summer I had to get a ride ...

My Aunt's Poodle by GypsysHeart

I've been able to see and speak with ghosts since I was very little. I've had a lot of paranormal experiences throughout my life and I'd love to share a few of them but I think it's best to start with my first one. I was about 8 years old and I'd fallen asleep pretty easily that night but I wok...

Evil Doppelganger by HelenaSophia

My story starts about 5 years ago, at school. I was thirteen years old and let's say I was not a brave girl. I used to change my grades, get in fights with teachers and cut classes. Somewhere in March, a lot of things happened. My family had a lot of issues and I was just tired of getting in trouble...

A Smile You Don't Forget by Crisisrevenge

I grew up in southern California. When I was young I lived in a house that was about 90 years old. I do know that my great grandfather hung himself there, and that the house had been exorcised about 20 years before I was born due to bizarre occurrences. When I was about seven years old there was ...

My Daughters Visits by B_Delay

Let me start from the beginning since there are a few events where she has visited. My daughter, Mikaila was born at 28 weeks gestation on December 13th, 2010. She passed away February 7th, 2011 at 11:28pm. My fiancé and I held her until she passed. She was never taken home from the hospital due...

The House On Tres Abril by clarencetuvera

This story happened when I was 12. My family lived in Manila, then. And my eldest brother, a civil engineer, frequently goes to Cebu city for a construction project. After a month, he decided to rent a house - I can't remember the exact location - though, it is 15 minutes away by car from the ci...

Organic Brain Problem Or An Entity? by Justwanttobeleftalone

I've begun to think myself off-kilter in even dangerous ways (health-wise), but perhaps I can find help here. I've never, ever posted in a forum before, but I found this site as a last-ditch effort to find help; a Google search led me to a fellow poster to this site who seems to be in the same boat....

Moving Cross by Inspector145

December 26th was a confirming that there is a spirit in my house. The wife and kids woke me up as they were getting ready for church. I had been telling myself to attend more church services but that morning I just wanted to sleep in. My dad's TV wouldn't let me sleep so I got out of bed to take ...

A Few Months Of Odd by BadJuuJuu

These are some things from my journal, which I only started keeping because of Miracles51031. It's been odd winter. 10-28-10. Brad asked me to find his old cell phone yesterday for his coworker, whose daughter had lost her phone again. Brad wanted to save his friend a few dollars by giving him the ...

Angry Ghost? I Need Help by Emm_xoxo

I've always been interested in the supernatural until I started experiencing real life going ons of my own. It was a few weeks before Christmas and I was about to leave for school. By my bed is a touch sensitive lamp with 3 settings and opposite was my fiber optic Christmas tree. Before I left, I w...

Experiences In Old Apartment Building by shoegazer

Experiences in Old Apartment Building I moved into an old 1920s apartment building in Pennsylvania back in January. I have experienced things for most of my life in various houses, so it's really no surprise to me. However, my new apartment seems to have the most activity I have experienced yet. ...

Green Eyed Guy by EmoChick

A couple weeks ago I was hanging out at my friend's house. (I'm going to call her Caitlan) She lives in town. We decided to go to the movies. Halfway through the movie she had to go pee. She doesn't like public washrooms so I went with her and waited by the sinks. In the bathroom she was washing her...

Not Alone At All by bulbpenny

About 3years ago I helped my boyfriend move into a cozy one bedroom flat, perfect I thought apart from I always had this un-nerving feeling that I wasn't alone. As you opened the front door there was along hallway with a door to your right, the bathroom, further down the hallway another door to you...

My Parents Ghostly Experience by erin19

Just some information about where this story had happened. My parents were by the woods, water and old mansions. These mansions have had a lot of history, many different families and many of different owners. These mansions are about 100 years old so now they are abandoned and animals are probably l...

Aswang - Philippine Ghoul by clarencetuvera

For those who are not familiar with Philippine legends, an Aswang is a shape-shifting ghoul. Stories of Aswang abound in provinces where basic services such as electricity and mass media infrastructures are not yet available. They are said to feed on human cadavers, and are the primary reasons why f...

Bambi Needed To Pee Badly... And So She Did by clarencetuvera

This happened during my tour of duty as an Information Officer for the Office of the Press Secretary in Malacanang Palace in Manila. As I said in my previous story, The Ball, there were several of us Information Officer from attached bureaus and agencies of the former office of the Press Secretary ...

The Old Woman Who Haunts Underwood Baptist Church by Ghost_Girl93

There was an A.A. Meeting every Thursday night in a very old church not far from my home called Underwood Baptist Church. My dad would attend these meetings every week, so to support his recovery I would come in about an hour early to set up the room for the meetings every Thursday. I would prop the...

The No-faces by Jack_F84

This is my first time talking about any of this outside of my close childhood friends and my doctor. I guess my story begins when I was about 15 years old. At the time a few friends and I were interested in "ghosts" and "magic", so when rumours spread around that there was a Ouija board for sale at ...

The Blue House And The Ancient War by Boombox

I've been reading through stories on this site for about year or so but haven't wanted to contribute until now. This is actually the first time these experiences have existed anywhere other than my memory. The earliest memories of odd occurrences were when I was in early Elementary school. When m...

Little Girl Ghost At The Park by Kingster

It was around June or July of last year when this event took place. I was in the local park with a friend; it was around 9.00pm before we decided to go somewhere else. As I was picking up my stuff, I saw a little girl running in the corner of my eye. She was running along a grassy area towards the s...

Are You Afraid Of The Dark? by Magnifishit

My story begins on a first nations reserve in Saskatchewan, Canada. My grandparents owned a house that was originally a duplex but turned into one big house. Let me tell you, this house was CREEEEEEPY. First of all, it was right beside this church/graveyard which both seemed to be in the middle ...

The Demon Or Angery Lost Soul? by quink987

I'm a 23 year old lad from Northumberland in the UK and I'm an ex-Army man so I don't really get freaked out. However I saw a ghost in my girlfriends parents' house just sitting there looking at me one night but it wasn't a scary feeling it was a warm feeling. This story is stranger then this it inv...

My War Visitor by Amibear

To understand this experience properly I have to tell you how the top floor of my house was. We had a curved staircase and at the top we had a gallery landing. The first room you came to was the bathroom, then my parent's room, and then at the end of the landing was my bedroom. So that's what it lo...

Sensations, Silhouttes And Mirrors by Sceptical

This is a collection of some things that has happened that I'm a little curious about, as well as a persistent feeling I have, and share with, at least, my younger sister. Anyway, let's get to it. I live in my parent's house, in the northern parts of Sweden. It's a house that was built when the ci...

Evil Doppelganger 2 by HelenaSophia

I was shocked what the friend of the family told me. There was no way I would call him names or what so ever. I asked him what time it happened. He told me it was after midnight. He was walking alone to his car and saw me coming. He told me I was cursing at him while walking. He said I was wearing a...

The Noise by sokagerman

This has happened to me just a couple times in my life, well, maybe just a little bit more. But I remember the first time when it happened; I was running for my life... One night, I was sleeping over my sister's house in Bristol, RI. Her and her boyfriend for many years lived there for approximatel...

The Terrifying Sight by Joojoodolly

It was only yesterday that this happened. I was sat in my bedroom, when I realized that one of my curtains was gently moving. I froze, as anyone would. Before then, nothing like this has ever happened to me! Anyway, it stopped, and I checked the house for any open windows. None. I was really, really...

Can She See Them? by Emm_xoxo

My dog is a 6 year old English springer spaniel. We've had her since an 8 week old puppy and love her very much. Her name is Millie. She's always been such a placid and relaxed dog, until something began spooking her. It first started a few weeks before Christmas, as did the events in my last stor...

Well Hello Again Darling by CelinaCyanide

"Well hello again darling" is what the creature has said to me most recently. I have not been on this site in quite some time considering as this entity has gotten very angry with me whenever I have posted something. I am at my school right now typing this up on a laptop. It does not seem to notice...

The Cat, Woman And Nasty Old Man by stormangel

This all happened at my mums house. She moved into it new, I know it was 'The blue bus station' before hand but that's all. At first my uncle kept thinking he was seeing a cat shoot upstairs, a black one. We all saw it I think, but didn't really talk about it. This was about 15 or16 years ago. Not...

Madras Girl Possessed by sds

When I was very young, maybe 7 or 8 years old, a peculiar thing has happened in our neighbourhood. We were living in the heart of the city of Madras. If you can think of what Madras looked like about 35-36 years ago, from the present improved city, we would be surprised. One of the families living n...

The Door Handle by Lilith

About 6 years ago (I was in grade 3) we moved to the house we used to live until not so long ago. After living there for about a year, something which freaked me out greatly happened. It was quite late one night, and I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep. Everyone else was in their beds fast ...

Demons In My Home by letmehaveapassword

My haunting began when I had just purchased my trailer in TowerManor. This was the year I had gotten a promotion from my job at Disneyworld, which was October 5,1999. And I had also just got married to my beautiful wife Donna. It was the best year of my life. My wife was making me go buy decorations...

An Old Visitor? by Kendall

For further notice, I am a horrible speller. As a child I remember the house creaking at night in odd ways, foot steps echoed my hallways and I always remembered my parents convinced me that it was all in my head. But then one night, I heard the heavy footsteps in the hallway again, and my sister st...

Terrifying Nights by Mizary800

When I was 15, (now 18) I was going through a lot of problems with my family. We were constantly fighting all the time and so were my parents that to the point our anger flowed throughout the house. One night I woke up with the hairs on my back standing up. I was so nervous I didn't know why. So...

Some Of What Has Happened To Me by -Jessica-

When I was 14 years old I use to see figures gliding up and down my hallway and then standing at my bedroom door. In that same house I was lying in bed, just about asleep and all off a sudden I got pinned and started getting chocked by these huge hands, I could not move any part of my body besides m...

The Ghost That Committed Suicide by TravelDi

I was on a business trip with a colleague in Bogor, Indonesia about 2 years back. While we were there, our partners arranged all our hotel bookings, and they booked us at an old looking hotel but very well established. The partners even went as far as booking us our very own rooms rather than share ...

Childhood Nightmare Or Something Else by GypsysHeart

I was talking to my mother recently and we were looking through old family photos and my old drawings from when I was really young. The drawings brought up an interesting conversation. Apparently when I was very young I would wake my mother up screaming. She would come in and I'd be sitting up i...

Butterflies by Unified_Flames

My name is Raum Derossa, and I was told to get suggestions about my hallucinations by Jack Faust, a member of the therapy group I recently joined due to some recent problems arising from being stressed out. I am hoping to get some answers as to what exactly I am seeing and what they mean. As far...

Is A Demon Following Me Secretly? by PlaydoughMaster

It's been over four years since I saw the Dark hooded figure in the bathroom mirror in the apartment I use to live in. Since then I moved twice. I am now currently in the process of moving again and I saw something that has now a second time put chills down my spine and made my heart rate go up. ...

It's Following Me by Frankie_Elise

This is my first time talking about this experience openly. Here goes. We were living in an old house in England, Brinsley; just above a coal mine, (the house began to sink into the hole, so we've moved now.) My little sister was 6 at the time, and we never really got along, and our mum never saw...

The Spirit Of My Father by robertito

I was 20 years old when I started to live on my own with a roommate named tom and then shortly afterwards I notice weird sounds and images. It first started with tom, my cousin Ish (short for Ismael) and I sitting around listening to music, the TV was turned off. Tom laid down when Ish said that the...

A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister? 2 by DaisukiHaru

Over the last few weeks I've tried smudging the house and a few other things as well. Nothing seems to work with making the thing that's bothering my sister go away, it's only made it worse. After my sister broke her arm we tried to have the maid that saw tell us with our parents. My sister still th...

My Mums Grandad Visits by Amibear

In 1965 when my mum was about five, she was playing in her grandma's bedroom. She was messing around at the bottom of the bed and for some unknown reason, she looked up. And standing at the bottom of the bed, was the figure of a man with a strange smell emanating from him. He was wearing a black jac...

Moving Objects & Ghost Dogs by Vorhv

This took place at my parent's house in Fayetteville, Arkansas back when I was a senior in high school. We had just moved into this house in Arkansas to be a little closer to family after we had lived in North Carolina for a few years. The home is fairly average, in an average neighbourhood and was ...

Mandy's Home - 2 by taz890

Note to all please read Mandy's home before reading this. I became a regular visitor to Mandy's home that summer and dot liked to chat for hours so getting out was hard and to be honest Michael was a pain in the neck. He would not leave me alone which was my own fault I would by him sweets. Do...

Bold Return Of Unwanted Company by EMMA-M

I am going to share with you all yet another one of my Sleep Paralysis experiences. Just a few weeks ago I wrote about Possible Poltergeist Activity when I returned to an unexplained messed up bedroom. I still haven't figured out what has caused this and I thank anyone who commented on this story. I...

An Angry Incubus by sbrown19

I'm a 23 year old female and have just had a terrifying experience with an incubus. I've suffered from sleep paralysis in the past with occasional intense, sexual presence. One time I felt my trousers being pulled down and another time I felt someone lick my arm while I was unable to move. I ...

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