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Ghost stories from Kentucky, United States: Page 1

Clicking Noises by Dindin

I just moved to Kentucky from Illinois. I've been here a month and until last night I've not experienced a haunting. The place I left had a lot of action that was happening regularly. I even accidentally recorded 2 ghost voices and heard those voices myself afterwards a few times. The reason I'm ...

Nursing Home 2nd Experience by Mbcmsj6

So tonight, about 45 minutes or so ago, I was in a residents room, he was talking about how the lady above him wouldn't leave him alone and let him sleep. I asked what she looked like... (he described the same lady that my other residents described in my last post 😱)! I was trying to ease my mind...

Nursing Home 1st Experience by Mbcmsj6

Hey y'all! I'm new to the group, and wanted to say Thanks for having me! I love reading your stories during my down time! I have one I'd like to share as well. I work in a nursing home. I have a resident who has had a lot of falls recently, so I was told to sit in the hall to his room. (There ar...

Is Something Paranormal Happening To Me? by gugglemolly19

Firstly, I would like to say that I have been reading stories on this website for 10+ years and like to consider myself knowledgeable about the paranormal. I'm not very good with grammar/correct sentences so please bare with me. I've had various paranormal encounters throughout my life that I plan o...

Kentucky Dream Turned To Nightmare by neveragain101

So upon many just awful life circumstances in a particular region of the United States, I decided to take my two children and move to a more rural and desirable location for all of us to live in. When I told my children that we would be moving to Kentucky, and showed them photos online of the deer, ...

Something I Never Expected by piscesrising_

You read stories and watch interviews of people who see things and feel things of a paranormal nature. You don't think it will happen to you, or at least I didn't. In my previous submission, I discussed an encounter I had in my grandparents home. I just wanted to make it clear that this encounte...

Mysterious Ball Of Light by piscesrising_

Hope this story finds you well. I have always been a believer in all things paranormal. I've never been a skeptic, even as a child. My parents have told me stories of me talking about seeing "angels" when I was young. I have had my fair share of experiences with the paranormal and I'm excited to...

He Died In This House by piscesrising_

Before I get started, I will share some background information. The location where this happened is my grandparents home that they have owned for 20+ years. Many of my relatives have had unexplainable experiences in this house. My grandfather says the man who owned the house previously died in the h...

Ghostly Voices by adove

This story happened in Kentucky in 2017 and then again in 2019. My mother was ill for awhile and always said she never wanted to be placed in a old folks' home. She wanted a promise, so to make her feel better we said we wouldn't. But as it happens sometimes, her illness got worse we couldn't keep h...

I Think I Saw An Angel by todoroki

I was quite at young at the time this happened. I would venture to say that I was no older than 7. Before my parents divorced, my family lived in Kentucky. The home was built in 1910. My siblings and I have reports of odd things happening, but this is the most upsetting one for me. During my time ...

Shadow Figure Or Guardian Angel? by Mikayla1698

I've searched this many times, with no luck finding anything on it. I'm not sure where else to post and ask questions. Here we go: When I was young, maybe 5-6, my family lived in a three-bedroom house. We had a few guests over one night, (my sister, her boyfriend, my sister's friend and my siste...

Highlands Haunting by RunningToMeetTheMoon

When I was 20 I moved into my first apartment, which was in an older home in the Highlands area of Louisville. It was a beautiful home, and the rent was super affordable for the area. Despite sensing a feeling of a presence during the walk through I was still excited to move in. It didn't take long ...

Angel Of The Dark by Kirbyp

I live on the outskirts of the small historic town of Vine Grove. It's a residential area well off the beaten path surrounded by forest and close to Otter Creek. I've lived here for 9 years with my chocolate Lab/Bullmastiff mix named Harley. He had to be put down last year because he was deaf, al...

Mr. Riggs Walks 2 by MrRiggs

In November of 2017 I submitted a story to YGS regarding my departed Schnauzer, Mr. Riggs. He had returned from death to visit his home and family. Last heard from Halloween night of 2017, I thought him gone for good. Apparently I was wrong. There are indications that he has returned. This story ...

Indian Burial Grounds & More by Abhorred

I have no idea what I could possibly be experiencing and barely know where to start. I just turned 20, on the 11th. Ever since I was a boy, my mother always told me I got my "intuitiveness" from her and I started understanding what she meant as I had my first visual experience down in Florida when I...

Kaci Is Still Here by lisadeanna1966

It started with my friend's daughter. She got very sick on Christmas morning of 1998. One of her lungs had collapsed. They rushed her to a hospital in Lexington Ky. They found out she had a large tumor behind her heart. They diagnosed sarcoma bone cancer. This little girl was a twin, she was only 8 ...

Messages From The Newly Dead by MrRiggs

It was 1991 as I recall. An unknown member of my extended family sought to gather the clan by organizing a family reunion. I was contacted by this person, a second cousin, and invited to attend. This was a bit unusual as our family had scattered across the country long before the invention of the pe...

Doodle Says Goodbye by RANDYM

To my friends at YGS This is not a scary ghost story but a "reaching across the veil story" This last Friday (Nov.10) after 4 months from discovering a bad heart murmur in my dog Tinker, (aka, Doodle, Mutt Thing) The time had come to end her suffering and extreme difficulty in breathing. As ...

Mr. Riggs Walks by MrRiggs

On March 2, 2004 I adopted a nearly 3 year old male Miniature Schnauzer (dog) named Mugsy. He was to be a replacement for my recently passed Schnauzer, also known as Mugsy. The matching names seemed to be coincidence. That they both walked with an occasional catch in their right hip seemed to be som...

I Need Some Help Dealing With An Entity by Cas

I don't talk much about my "spirit friend" but let's just say he's starting to get on my nerves. Firstly, let me state that this is all true, and I am of sane mind. It all started when I was 8 years old, and my older cousin decided to play around in witchcraft, she messed around with some crap and o...

The Disembodied Voice From The Wood by Clairvoyant_Disease

When I was younger, me, my cousin, (N) and our aunt (J) went for a walk outdoors down the holler. Well me being the curious little kid I was I walked down over the hill on the other side of the road. I got a little way down hill, and on down the hill towards my right I hear my cousin's voice. "Savan...

Aunt Sylvie's Computer Pranks 2 by valkricry

That title is a bit misleading, as this is about the summer I met my 4 x great Aunt and happened long before she played games with my computer; but I'm hoping it helps flag out the correlation of the two. Not so much for the readers of this, but for Aunt Sylvie. I know that reads rather awkward, but...

I'm Sure I Never Locked The Door by kentucky_believer

This story will be short, but it freaked me out quite a bit. I'll start off by saying I'm off work for the Summer (I am a classroom assistant) and recently had surgery, so I've been spending quite a bit of time in my bed. The way my room is laid out, I can see everything from my bed; the closet door...

Something Weird Is Happening by Aph_Iloilo

These weird things have been happening since my mom and dad moved to Kentucky and it just got weirder when I moved in with them. I seriously don't know what is going on and I sincerely hope it is not something dangerous. Whenever I at least lay down or sit alone, something wraps their arms around me...

I Think My Cat Still Visits Me by kentucky_believer

A few days from the day I'm writing this (February 25th) marks the one year anniversary of the passing my beloved Bermin cat, Petra. Petra was homeless and wondering a busy highway when my mom and I saw her and took her home; I was seventeen or eighteen at the time. For six years, I had this beautif...

The Unexpected Visit by Clairvoyant_Disease

Out of all the scary and unusual experiences I've had, there is a certain experience that still haunts me to this very day, it comes to mind so clear it could seem it had happened yesterday. Maybe cause it scared me so bad? Things like that are hard to forget. I was seventeen years old, living at th...

Hello Mother by RANDYM

I come here several times day to read about people's experiences and to offer any advice I can and sometimes just to enjoy posting with friends here. I have had what I truly believe to be 3 events that are all related to each other. This is my story: I am 57 years old and have belonged to a paran...

Grandma Drowned The Boogeyman by valkricry

Most families have some kind of hero in the family tree. Some Great-great or maybe even recent member they point at with pride and say,"he/she was the first to _" or "fought in the war and was decorated". You get the gist. In my family it was my maternal grandmother, her familial claim to fame was h...

Unexplainable Noises by kentucky_believer

As some background information, I'm going to explain my house a bit. I live in an old Cape Cod style house (my family knows a woman in her mid to late sixties who lived in our house as a child) though the house has been changed quite a bit through the years; the signature windows that make a Cape Co...

Why Was He There? by babysmooch

The story I am about to tell you is true and real. To the people that do not believe in spirits, ghosts, or anything supernatural would probably not be interested in this experience at all. So, this happened I think, back in 2007 and I was only like 7 years old at the time. I was very young but, I...

Funeral Home Cleaning by JJP

Several years ago, I was working in juvenile corrections in Eastern Kentucky. My best friend, let's call her Jennifer, had her own cleaning business and one of the clients was a funeral home. There were two funeral homes that Jennifer cleaned and both were very busy. Of course, you can't clean a fun...

The Man By The Door by babysmooch

This is my first ghostly encounter that I have only let a few people know about. Although, I have tons more to tell that I have experienced myself throughout the years. It was a Friday night, I think, and me, my sister, Amber, and my cousin, Mary didn't have school so, we decided to spend the wee...

Do Children Attract Spirits? by kentucky_believer

For several months, I worked at a preschool. When I first started working there, another teacher-lets call her Annie-told me the school was haunted. At first, I thought she was just messing with the new girl and brushed it off. I now realize that I should have listened to Annie when she warned me. ...

3 Knocks And Something New by Bigpapa

I have been sharing my story for years and never thought about posting it for others to read. Last night I had something unusual happen in addition to what has been happening over the course of about 20 years so I decided to share with a friend at work who has not been apart of my stories in the pas...

Can Objects Actually Become Haunted? by kentucky_believer

Throughout my teenage years, I lived in a haunted house out in the country. So when I was 20 and we moved to a house in the city, I was thrilled. For six months, everything was normal, until my dad decided to surprise my mom by buying her an antique China cabinet. My maternal great-grandmother colle...

The Shadow Man And Phantom Knocks by kentucky_believer

I was born in Northern Ohio, where I lived until I was around ten (when my family moved to Kentucky) and had never had a paranormal experience until that time. The drive from my home town to our new house (a small house that was roughly a century old) took roughly six hours, and it was late at night...

The Shadow In The Doorway by kentucky_believer

At the age of 21, I was living with my parents and younger brother (who, at the time, was a high school junior) who depended on me to wake him up for school because he could sleep through an alarm clock. Being off work this one morning, I decided to go back to bed after I was certain he was awake...

The Man In The Snow by kentucky_believer

Shortly after my 21st birthday, I was in my bedroom, simply lying on my bed watching TV and relaxing after a long day when I heard my dad's dog (a Teacup Chihuahua) barking. Being used to this, I ignored her for several minutes, though I eventually became annoyed with how loud she was and walked dow...

My Home's Other Residents. What Was Their Purpose? by kentucky_believer

From the time I was 12 until I was 19, I lived in a house that was fairly far out in the country; our closest neighbors were over a mile away and most of our backyard consisted of a heavily wooded mountain. That being said, when I first moved there I wasn't afraid to stay home alone when my mom ...

I'd Like To Know What It Wants by rogansmom516

I'm not all that keen on the supernatural and I've always been kind of back and forth on the possibility. I've a tendency to be a bit of a skeptic and, where "seeing is believing" is enough for some, it's never really been for me. But I'll explain that more in a moment. I don't think I'd ever co...

Glowing Eyes On Halloween Night by countryguy91

This one isn't super long, and may not be very scary to most, but it stuck with me for a long, long time. So, here goes. It was Halloween night, I think 2014, once again in my hometown of Richmond, Kentucky. My cousin, his girlfriend, and myself had been riding around, and went out to get some c...

Pike County Ky. Tall Dark Man With Horn-rimmed Glasses by Bfman67

I grew up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. I lived in a number of "coal camps", towns built for the families of the miners that worked in the mines. One town in particular, Greenough, in Pike County was the site of my story. My twin sister and I were in the first grade. We walked to and fro...

Our Family Friends by MrsFishbait

Since I could remember, weird things have always happened to my family and me. We lived in a house out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but woods. My mom told me the family moved out because the husband died in a car wreck down the road. I come to find out later my mom lied to me beca...

The Legacy Haunting by Ghostchaser76

My story I'm about to tell you is 100% true. It all started when I was working for a personal care home as a CNA. When I first started everyone was telling me that we had a ghost and it liked to follow you around the building and sometimes it would touch you, but what happened to me was on anoth...

The Girl In The Mansion by countryguy91

I'm probably not the best at putting stories into written words, so bare with me. One of my most significant paranormal/ghost experiences happened in the small town I live in, Richmond Kentucky. It was summer, approximately year 2010, a day just like any other typical one. Some friends and I dec...

The Shadow That Stalks Me by CuriousCatLady

I'm not entirely sure of where to start with this. I don't really recall when this "shadow" started following me. I don't even remember the first time I ever saw it - which could be due to the dissociation I experience that is co-morbid with a psychological disorder I've had for years. The first...

Young Girl In White Dress by Concerningvisits

I don't know if I should be worried or not. I've been seeing a young girl in a old white dress or nightgown and long black hair around ten years of age. I first seen her with my uncle in Louisville. We was moving into a house and we seen her in the abandoned house next door in upstairs window. I...

Another Story From The Group Home by JJP

I recently shared a story about one of my experiences working for the State of Kentucky in a juvenile offenders group home that was a former TB hospital. The first story was "Group Home Ghost." Actually, the building that housed the group home was actually one of the buildings that the doctors and n...

Needing Answers Please! by Hack90

Since I was a small child, around 3 maybe 4, I've saw a thing. Not exactly sure what it is. He was about 4 ft tall and brown in color and wore a top hat, yellow eyes, weird shaped teeth that came to a point. He followed me everywhere, he never made any direct contact just always looked at me. I coul...

Group Home Ghost by JJP

I've worked for many years in many capacities for the State of Kentucky, working with juvenile offenders. This story has to do with a time that I was working at a group home for juvenile offenders. Around October of 2005, I was working as a counselor in a state group home. The building that house...

Waverly Hills by HunterOfGhost

I have been doing paranormal investigations for the past 23 years. My team and I have been all over the place conducting these investigations. We have filmed a documentary and been featured on the show My Ghost Story. I often get asked what the craziest thing is I have witnessed during an investigat...

Grunkle John by carcinoGeneticist

My parents were divorced when I was three months old. My dad was utterly insane and was a raging alcoholic with psych problems on top of that already. My father lived in Kentucky while my mother lived in Pennsylvania where nearly all of her family was. Dad, on the other hand, only had a few peopl...

Razors by Marshy

Last night on 09/24/15, I woke up around 2:30 AM to use the bathroom. When I got back into my room I heard my roommate say something, it sounded foreign. I then went back over to my bed, laid back down, and turned the lamp off. Once I turned the lamp off and rolled back over to my side I felt wh...

Ghost? Demon? What Is Going On? by Kamen

Yesterday, my sister woke up and witnessed what she believed to be an evil spirit. According to her, it took the appearance of an "onryo", or vengeful spirit, possessing a white gown and red eyes. It was standing nearly as high as the ceiling and was slouched over. It was estimated to be 7-8 feet ta...

Shadows In My Room by carment

I moved to Louisville, Ky when I was 9. I was so excited about the new house since it was the first time I had my own room. But it was something about the attic door connected to my room... I played in my room during the day, but sleep in it? Forget about it. Until my brother got tired of me sleepin...

The Man I Saw In My Bedroom by Renaee97

A lot of people may not believe in ghosts, spirits, demons, ect. But I do. I have a lot of experience with them but, not only me, a cousin of mine has been there too. We've experienced them together a lot when were were kids. These have happened around the years of 2008 and 2011, haven't really ...

A Boy And His Dog by Faith3715

On March 7, 2015, we had to make one of the hardest decisions in our life - to get our 14 year old dog, Faith, put to sleep. Faith was a very intelligent Rhodesian Ridgeback. She loved to play and loved attention from everyone - except small children. She would never bite at anyone, but she would gr...

Friendly Francis, My Other Roommate by Shelbs

We have something living with us, although if you asked me a few months ago I would have denied it. While I've always enjoyed a good ghost story, I was never much of a believer and if you're looking for a scary story, mine isn't one. It started out small, things would be moved out of place and s...

My First Attack by Kiragirl19

I remember when I was young maybe ten or eleven I had my first attack. Growing up I didn't have much paranormal witnessing or have anything out of the ordinary (Though my mom does like to say I've met Jesus in a dream before but that's beside the point). Anyway. I remember that it was dark outside w...

Ouija, Won't Ya - Heck No by valkricry

This is not my story, but a shared experience of my parents. One they did not readily share with us kids until we were grown. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure they shared it with all of us, and I only heard it after asking my Mom point blank why in a household of divination paraphernalia (used by my ...

Smokey Face by sce93

I don't want to start off by saying "I never believed in ghosts." I was always one who speculated between the existence of the paranormal versus fantasy. My biggest encounter happened about 2 and a half years ago. It was a one time encounter, but I feel as though little things happen to show me that...

Was This A Haunted House by irene1214

I cannot recall exactly what age I was when this happened, but it was very young. Young enough to have to jump to reach the light switch. I know that. I shared a room with my sister in a blue collar neighborhood in a smallish town in KY. It was not an extremely old neighborhood or anything, most...

The Fog In The Attic by therealdill96

It was the summer of 2010. Me, Travis and Matt, my friends from school, were all excited to be leaving middle school and looking forward to starting high school in the following weeks. We had all decided to get together at Matt's grandma's house and play a little football and watch some TV. His G...

Seeing Dark Angel As A Child by RosemaryLynnMay

When I was younger, I always told my friends that when I was little I had seen a dark figure in my room. And I had. The dark figure never hurt me, he (the figure had broad shoulders and was tall so I assumed that he was a man) just stood there at the end of my bed. He didn't have a face, he was more...

The Hole In The Wall by foxygirl0315

My husband and I moved into a house not far from my parents, it was family owned. With me being able to see ghosts and other paranormal things, I always walked through a house before deciding if I wanted to live there. My walk-through was great, no sign of anything. That was a first for us. We m...

Followed From The Graveyard by MissCharlotte

This is an experience that occurred over several months. In the autumn of 2012 I was home from university one weekend. On the outskirts of my town there is an old graveyard called the Red River Cemetery (in Logan co., Ky). It is very old (the earliest graves are from the 1790s) and associated with a...

The Slave House by MissCharlotte

I was 12 or 13 when I went to the house locals call "Flint Ridge" in Logan County, Ky, so it was 2004 or 2005. My family is interested in old houses, so when we went to Flint Ridge, it was just another old house my parents brought me to. My parents were acquaintances with the owners of the place. No...

My First Unexplained Encounter by angels898

My name is Angel and I live in a small town in Kentucky. I guess I should start by saying I don't usually get on sites like this. I believe in spirits and demons but before today I've never experienced anything I couldn't explain. Everything that I'm writing is real. It will seem really small compar...

Blanket And Jacket Standing By Themselves by aoesterling

In no way am I making this up. I have no time to be talking about something that didn't happen. This did happen to me. I was cleaning the house one day and was washing my bed clothes. My daughter, at the time age 2, went to lay in the bed for a nap, only there were a few blankets on the bed. I w...

The Really Busy Apparition by Swimsinfire

This happened in a little town (I mean one stop light, five hundred back roads - two of them paved - and four bars) in Kentucky. I was still desperately trying to get settled in, and get used to Kentucky, which is a very unique place to be, especially if you are from northern Ohio. This was a li...

Spirits Of Today And The Past 2 by sandee568

It has been a while since I wrote my story. A lot has changed since then, but not the experiences. We moved from Washington State to Ga. For a month or so everything was quiet. Then things started happening again. First I get what I call a feeling of doom, as I call it, that someone in the famil...

My First Experience At Hardmoney by Miiri_Vaughn

When I was very young and living in my old house in Hardmoney I had my very first paranormal experience. Since I was under the age of 10 at the time I wasn't quite sure what it was that was happening and I just knew it wasn't something that SHOULD be happening. First I will tell you the backgro...

Ghost Twin by sammymarie1221

When I was in the 4th grade I had a strange occurrence. To this day I am still unsure what to make of it but I know that it frightened me then and I still can remember even though it happened 14 years ago. I lived with my Grandma growing up. My Grandma and I would share a bed together. A lot of ...

My Missing Half Hour by Pierman1964

My story happened when I was 5 years old. I was visiting my Uncle's house in Lothair, Kentucky. My Uncle owned a small house right next door to an old Victorian House that was built in the 1880's. The house was the spitting image of "The Munster's" house, for those of you who remember the show of th...

Ghost At The Restaurant? by gbpp8669

Last year my mom, my brother, and I went to the restaurant O'Charley's. I go there often, but this was the first time I'd ever seen what I believed to be a ghost. We sat in a booth and about halfway into dinner I saw something blue out of the corner of my eye to the left. I turned to look at it ...

Childhood Stories by LeRouxGirl

What I am about to relate is a compilation of stories/events that happened to me/my family members back in the mid 80's to early 2000's. I come from a very large family, ten children altogether but the eldest three are half-siblings from my father. We lived in a rural area of KY with an unpaved,...

Another Mysterious Case Of The Caring Monk by Swimsinfire

This story happened in Kentucky. It also involves the alcoholic man that gave my son and I so much grief until he passed a few years ago. You can read about him in my first story. We had just met. He was cleaning up his act and working at the monastery, and we had a rather nice relationship goin...

The Nice Family Upstairs by Swimsinfire

Around 2004 or so my son and I used to live in a very small town in Kentucky (one stop light, three bars, five churches, and a monastery.) This town was my introduction to the south, it was quite an introduction. I discovered mountain folk weren't anything like most northerners expect, and at the sa...

The Woman In White And The Shadowy Figures? by DestineeHoward

Here lately strange things have been occurring around my house. I have been able to see spirits most of my life. We built our house about 5 years ago. My mother took care of an elderly friend in our house, he stayed at our home for about 6 months, and my mom took care of him. He moved out, and passe...

In The Mirror by madamefiend

It was 2010 and I was dating a guy who had a troubled past. He had a dear friend commit suicide and he admitted his friend still followed him. He came to the conclusion that his departed friend blamed him for since he had experienced terrifying, yet unexplainable things after his death. Being the sk...

A Restaurant Poltergeist by cfab

I have experienced many strange things, including apparitions as a tween and unexplained movements by inanimate objects as a teenager, but the following story clinches it for me when it comes to believing in "ghosts." One of my first jobs with any real responsibility was as the cook at the first...

Experiences At My Aunt's by valkricry

In August 1983, my then husband, 2 year old son and I went to visit my Aunt for a week. My Aunt and Uncle lived on a large farm in a tiny town named Cold Springs, Kentucky. The nearest actual town is Alexandria, the nearest neighbor is a good 10 miles down the Pike. Their house was fairly modern, a ...

My Dad Was Chased by InkStainedMomma

This story occurred near Dixie Apartments, Goble Roberts, Prestonsburg, Floyd County KY. My dad and I have always been close, I'm daddy's little girl and of course I always listen to his stories. Living in eastern KY has its advantages especially if you want a good scare. I was recently married to m...

The Black Mass by nkyghosthunter

I've had experiences with the paranormal since I was quite young. The first experience, that I can recall, was when I was 11. My grandpa picked me up from school as he always did. My friends and I had come with the idea to do fake tattoos for money. As soon as I got home I went to the kitchen to beg...

The New House And Those Who Occupy by jane_doe287

My family moved into a new house February 23, 2011. Though moving is a stressful experience (of which I am not at all fond), this, I thought, would be good change as we have four kids and needed the space. And while it is a great thing, there are restless spirits/entities that dwell within this plac...

The Caring Ghost by Swimsinfire

This story will make you smile. Actually, I've had a few ghost encounters, but this one is warm and fuzzy. I used to live close to the Abbey of Gethsemanie in Kentucky. I worked at the Abby on and off, sewing or cleaning, like a lot of people in that area do, and my monk to report to was Br. Tho...

Spirit's Playmate by Gr1msy13

When I was a junior in high school I met a girl and we will call her "Jane" to protect her privacy. At the time we were talking via IM and the like. Long story short, we ended up dating. She was a believer as well. Myself, I believed but needed proof on everything. I got my proof in the end. Jane...

While Growing Up by tcfitzgerald

I have lived off and on in the house I live in now, for the last 35 years. I have had indents on my bed with no one there making it; I hear the back door open and shut while I'm in the bathroom. I (now) hear dog toe nails clicking on the kitchen floor and my last dog died about a year ago. ...

Strange And Unusual Happenings For Me by kariorit

I currently live in rural Kentucky, and we've been at this residence for the past 7 years. It was a home placed on the vacant land; as far as I know there has never been any home on it before. I don't know the history of the land, however. Let me say first off, I am not usually a bit sensitive. I...

Black Seemingly Glaring Figure Causing Bodily Harm In Sleep by Sickened

So. I'm shakin up, and its happening to my girlfriend not me. Il start off a bit before this started, 17 year old boy meets 22 year old girl both fall in love and become a couple who tells each other Everything. Ok so now you've got some back story. This happened hours ago or Days ago depending ...

The Talking Head by southerntk

My whole life I have had experiences with spirits. The first time was when I was about 5 years old. We lived in an old secluded house in Breathitt County, Ky. It was a 2 bedroom old farmhouse with horse stalls out back, situated on a couple acres and was about half an hour from town. It was located ...

Dads And Transformers by guns011

I was born and raised in a rural area of northern Kentucky 30 miles south west of Cincinnati. Dad died in 1999 at 52 years of age from an advanced form of cancer of the lymph nodes. I was 22 at the time and it was most certainly surreal. About 2 to 3 nights after his death he came to me in a drea...

The Haunted Parsonage by southerntk

My story takes place in April 1988 in the rural area called Shoulderblade, KY. I was 20 years old and had just gotten married in my local church. The church offered us the parsonage to live in. We happily accepted and moved in right away. The first night we were there I was so glad to have my ow...

My Haunting Past by haterboy

My story starts a few years back. I was laying on the bed in my sister's room. With me was my sister and my older cousin. I was laying behind my sister who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and my cousin was sitting in the floor, in front of my sister. We were all laying there just talking slightl...

The Little Girl Who Fell by southerntk

I live in a small rural town called Jackson, located in southeast Ky. I attended a small independent school called Jackson City School. I played basketball there from 5th grade to senior year, but attended there from first grade through graduation of senior year. So I was there a lot of the time for...

Ghost Girl In Living Room by JP1991

August 31, 2011, my grandfather passed away and we had to move into his house because we couldn't afford 2 house payments. Before we could move in, we had to have an estate sale so we could move in the house. I was struggling with feet problems at the time, so I decided to stay home by myself while ...

The Last House In The Hollow by southerntk

I live in a small rural area named Canoe, nestled in the hills of eastern Kentucky. I live in an old 2 bedroom farm house located on about 300 acres of mostly hillside property. The house is located in the head of a hollow. There are no more houses in the hollow although it does continue for quite a...

Increase In Activity by Ycharley

I have lived in this house for the past seven years. It is an older house and has seen a tragedy, (someone committed suicide in the garage). Even with this there hasn't been much phenomenon until recently. There have always been the strange noises, whispers you catch, odd shadows you see in the corn...

Mother's Final Goodbye? by TheWhisperSilence

This all started when I was 10-yearsold. We had just had a power outage, so the only electrical thing we had were some flashlights so we could see. My father suddenly yelled for me to come into the room. It was pitch black. "Hayleigh, this flashlight just flickered on and off by itself!" At first I ...

My Sister's Experience by destineelynne

I am just going to jump right into this story. My little sister had an experience the other day. But, Before I tell you her experience. I want to say that I can see spirits. I just started seeing them regularly. And it has been very hard for me to adapt with by myself. So, to start off with about...

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