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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter B: Page 1

B1 Floor - Parking Lot by ATARAH

It was my 3rd year in college, I am living in province and need to travel to city where my school was for about 1 or 2 hours due to traffic. I always join in extracurricular activities in my university and I was a member of different organizations. When the day came that we need to prepare a lot ...

Baby And Indians by Woody

Hey Folks, ever since my last story so many things have happened, one in taking some amazing photos and two personally. I have noticed at my place in Pittsburgh NH I had cut the trees down on top of my Mountain and then bulldozed the grade. By doing this I realized there are old Indian Carvings in t...

Baby Bottle And Skeleton by Maria_Ramirez

So one day my mom had made a bottle for my brother and she checked it and everything. Then went to get my baby brother when she came back to the kitchen, the bottle was gone. We checked everywhere and we didn't find it so my mom just gave up and made another one. She fed my brother and bathed him th...

Baby Boy Stay On My Mind by spookyONE69

With the situation that we are facing right now, social distancing and gatherings are not allowed. A lot of things changed. Specially when you are working onsite, meetings are no longer allowed. It's a bit hard though, but somehow I find it much better. I have to say I am working from home. Luc...

Baby Brings Ghost by zetafornow

When we brought my daughter home from the hospital, my son was four years old. The labor and delivery was much less stressful than my first. My daughter also slept very well through the night, for the most part, and I remember thinking that I deserved this after the hundreds of sleepless nights I sp...

Baby Carlos And The Basement Ghost by Jasmin314

This story takes place in the home my family and I grew up in. Carlos was only three years old at this time; therefore, this took place about 15 years ago. I was about six years old. I don't remember every detail; only some. Most of the story is based on details provided by my older brothers and sis...

Baby Crying by princess2

This just happened to my daughter yesterday evening. She and her husband were sitting in the living room, when they heard a baby crying. Knowing of course there wasn't a baby in the house, she went to the back bedroom to check it out. Naturally there wasn't any more noise to be heard. When she go...

Baby Crying and Basement Apartment by rose

Here's an experience told by my mom. Once, a friend of my mother told her, that a friend of hers, who moved to a basement apartment in New York had an awful experience. She had a child. When they moved to a basement apartment, as soon they stepped into their new home, the kid would cry and never sto...

Baby Crying At Night by Raz

My experience was back in 2013 when I was visiting Bangladesh for the first time in 27 years since moving to the UK. I was staying in my cousin's house in the village area. The house was a very large house with five large bedrooms,kitchen,two toilets and a living room on the ground floor with a ...

Baby Crying? Or Was It Her? by harsha95

This is my first story. I am not much of a writer though, but very excited to write down my first experience. So, I live in Mumbai and I had this experience near my balcony. I stay in a society which is like 60 years old. I stay on the first floor and I am the only one who sleeps in the balcony. ...

Baby Doll Noise by MeganSierra

This happened a few months back in January of 2011. This story is more on the wacky side than anything else. My mother and I are very open to the paranormal, and can sense ghosts. I can feel a ghost's presence, emotions, and occasionally I'll get a sense of what they look like even if I don't actua...

Baby Girl Is Sensitive by PunkysMama

This is a very minor event that occurred last week, but I need to give the (slightly long) backstory so that you can understand my reaction to the event that occurred with my almost 1 ½ year old daughter. I purchased my very first home on October 16th of 2015. I fell in love with my house the fi...

Baby in the House by accuevas

This happened to me on friday, march 2, 2007. I was sleeping in my room with my door opened, as well as the hallway door, which wasn't very long. I woke up and saw my little 1 year old sister, natalie, standing near the sofa. I got up to get her. I was close to the door of the living room when I hea...

Baby Kicking My Car Seat by DanielJZ

I have been actively reading everyone's stories here and have decided to submit my own. It's nothing crazy but still really freaked me out and you will see why. This happened around May 2016 when I was dating my now wife N. N and I had just finished our dinner/movie date and I had just dropped ...

Baby Linda by Lizzy52

It was the year 1968, my mom had a little girl her name was Linda, it was only me and my older sister which was 6, I was 5. We live in the projects, old government apartments. Baby Linda was 2, it was on a Saturday night around 10 p.m. Me and my sister share a bedroom we had two twin beds. My bed ...

Baby Noises by black_blood_bella

So about a couple of days ago, maybe weeks now, my baby cousin Payton died. She was born a couple of weeks before. Now, this was kind of expected because of the shape she was in. Late birth, diagnosed with leukemia, they had to feed her through a tube that they placed in her nose because she couldn'...

Baby Sister by asher25

Me and my sister have an 11 year age gap. So when she was 2 years old and I was already 13 it was then that she to started to learn how to go up and down the stairs. One night, when I came home from school I was feeling woozy and my head was aching so after we ate dinner I quickly went up to my room...

Baby Sitting Of The Ghost Father by topak2004

This story is one I have heard from my aunt many times whilst all the family are together and having a chit chat reminiscing of the past. She always tells this story. Her husband died during an operation. He was having brain surgery. He died leaving my aunt and 2 children, a 4 year old son and a...

Baby's First Ghost by Hankules

n my lifetime I've seen ghosts approximately 7 times. Of those times there only 2 experiences that I have doubts about, this is simply because I can't trust my own recollections. I've heard many people speak of seeing ghosts when they were children. Of the many cases I hear of concerning this sub...

Baby's Guardian Angel? by Lottiesmum

I'd just like someone else's opinion on how to make sense of what I believe I saw. My baby daughter is 7 months old and last night we got an early night. At approximately 11:30 pm my daughter was awakening, so I opened my eyes as I wasn't asleep properly, and saw what was a man in a dark suit wit...

Babyland, A Lawn Full Of Memories by DC

In 1990, our school decided to give their students a field trip. It would be an "educational experience" as one teacher put it; all the 1st and 2nd graders were going to "Babyland." When I heard about the opportunity going to Babyland, I was so excited. My mother was pregnant at the time and I thoug...

Babysitting Horror by rockstar09

I was staying with my mom for a few weeks in Canada, along with a couple cousins, aunts, and just friends. Well one night they told me they wanted to get a little break from the chaos and all so they asked me if I'd babysit the kids for an hour or two. I accepted and they left. I put cartoons on for...

Babysitting My Cousin by KMGx3

I have only had a few experiences but this one took place a couple of weeks ago when I was babysitting my cousin. It was 10:30 A.M and I decided to take my little 2 year old cousin to the park, to tire her out for a nap. We were there for almost 2 hours when I figured it was time to leave. Me: Sh...

Babysitting Night by Emili

One Saturday night, I was babysitting this little boy. I told him it was time to go to bed and put him in his room. As soon as I placed him in the bed, he started bawling, so I said I'll stay in there until he falls asleep. He wouldn't stop talking, then he just stopped and stared at the window. He ...

Babysitting Nightmare by Murraymints

One night I was asked to babysit for my mums friend. She had already told me that Ghostly happenings happen in her house so I was a bit frightened but kind of thought that nothing would happen. As I was babysitting and also had to stay over which I was bit scared about. Anyways I was staying and...

Babysitting Sucks Because Of Ghosts by scaredycat123

I used to absolutely love babe sitting until 2006. It was March just past my birthday and I was so happy because after being out of work for 3 months I finally got another babe sitting job from my neighbour down the street. I had to watch their 3 kids, Angie [aged 12], Tanya [aged 7], and Dylan [age...

Bachelors Grove Truly Haunted And Cursed by Penguinducky

So a few reasons why I will never return to Bachelors Grove... I used to go there all the time with my friends and we would get the creepy feeling now and again but no concrete evidence to report. Afterwards odd stuff and some minor bad luck would happen to me for example car trouble, cat got a uri...

Back Again by Navya_siddharth

Hope the true story I am going to share is selected to be posted and will be there on the internet forever for the people who are curious about the phenomenon of reincarnation. I am from India and I am a small part of a huge clan that consists of uncles, aunties, grand uncles (three of the five hav...

Back And Forth Through The Hallway by Dantheman

The is my first post here on this site. My name is Dan, and I am 18 years old. My story begins with me home alone on a Wednesday night. My parents usually go out so I'm used to being home alone. I remember I was watching TV when I heard the distinct sounds of someone walking through the hall...

Back And Forth Through The Hallway 2 by Dantheman

If any of you have read my other story, this is a follow up on that one. Unlike last time I did not know any of the history of my house. Out of curiosity I did go to the library, and asked my parents, and neighbors. I told my parents what I heard, but of course like all parents they didn't believe ...

Back At Home by Nightgoddess

To start my story I must explain something that is important. I moved out of my father's house but recently moved back in due to the economy problems and my dad losing his job. This takes place when I moved back in. I moved back into my dad's home in mid April and over dinner he explained to me th...

Back For More? Or Has Alway Been Here? by Kendall

So if you've read An Old Visitor? You would know what has happened lately. From scratching to whispering which is mainly common for people experiencing a haunting. But things have happened since I was a child. Hearing heavy unsettling footsteps down my hallway were already frightening enough as a ...

Back From The Dead by Amchi1986

I am going to tell you is about a very strange experience which my uncle (father's brother) had many years back. He was working in a morgue (where dead bodies are kept) as attendant. It was nearing night and my uncle had to deliver a dead body to its family. So, he along with his two friends loaded ...

Back from the Dead? by asje

Here's a strange thing that happened the day before yesterday. A shop owner, across the street from where I live, had a heart attack. He was sitting on a bench in front of his store with some friends when he suddenly grabbed his chest and collapsed. Awaiting the ambulance, bystanders tried to revive...

Back In Time by Pasindu

This story I am about to tell you that happened to me over 13 years back. I was in Qatar for my industrial degree and I never had anyone there as a friend or a family to look after me. I was living in a small room, I even had to use a common toilet until I made some friends after about three weeks ...

Back Off: Psychic Attack by valkricry

This isn't your traditional ghost story, but it is of the paranormal. It took place shortly after I turned 16 and was working at an indoor amusement park/shopping mall called Old Chicago, which is now defunct. One night I had, what my mother called a prophetic dream, a warning. In it a man I did...

Back Stage Horror by doppy

My heart was pounding, I was so nervous, the lines ran through my head, it was like living a nighhtmare. And no I am not talking about being on stage in my underwear. I was just finishing my last rehearsal for a show I was in when I saw my first ghost. I loved the thought of paranoral studies. E...

Back To School by whitebuffalo

One of my closest friends asked me a question here lately about visions that he had been having. Some of the pictures confused me a might, so I asked for another family members opinion on them. What came out of it was a lesson. A beautiful one at that. I learn best by two methods. One being LIVING t...

Back To The Cemetery, Please by BettinaMarie

Near my home is a huge, old, lovely Cemetery. Big trees provide shade over beautifully carved headstones. Many of them have military and Masonic symbols, and the oldest dates of decease are from the 1910's. It is a nice, quiet place to be. During the day it is open for the public. I used to take my ...

Back To The Flat by triden07

On the weekend of the 14th of January the kids and I moved out of the house and back in to the flat (the same flat we had lived when they were still babies, and where my grandfather had manifested and terrorised my mother about 2 years ago) The first night there Tim and Elaine slept over (they h...

Back To Where I Am by blosomes

I was back in São Paulo during this summer. Too much had happened and too busy to even relax in my own house. How glad to be back where I had spent most of my life time. Good and bad memories and most of the time a little bitter sweet. I woke up one morning in my own bed. Henrique was at the wi...

Backseat Driver by TwitchyMind

Hey guys! I'm really happy that I stumbled upon this site. This is my first entry. I have so many stories to share and they collect more and more every day. I'm excited to learn about what everyone else has experienced as well I wanted to share one of my experiences on a car ride home alone one n...

Bad Dream and Sulfur Smell by theTRU1

I was recently deployed to Iraq for a 18 month tour, and didn't mind too much because that was my second time there. Through out my tour we went on different missions and such. Months into the deployment we began to relax and were getting used to the fact of not being home. I had went to church o...

Bad Dream Or Sleep Paralysis? by Rattler27

I recently stumbled on this website and I'd like to get your take on an experience I had two years ago. First a little back ground. I'm a twenty-seven year old construction worker. I've never done drugs and at the time of the story I had and still have stopped drinking alcohol. I'm what my mot...

Bad Dreams Or Worse? by LG1986

I have been reading stories from this site for awhile now and have finally mustered up enough courage to write about something that's been happening to me. I want to start off by saying I am not 100% sure that this is actually paranormal or something more explainable, but at this point I just want s...

Bad Energy And Nightmare by TMel

My boyfriend and I just had a strange experience last night. I must start by saying that my boyfriend is very sensitive in sensing and seeing spirits (mostly in orb forms - floating balls or blobs of different colors). Last night I was particularly tired. We were both laying in bed and I fell as...

Bad Energy In The House by Zookeeper

I am in my mid twenties and want to share my experiences I've had in my life. This first one is the one that I felt most uncomfortable with. When I was 12 years old my dad and mom got divorced and I and my brother had to visit my dad every two weeks for a couple of days. He moved to a house with ...

Bad Experiences at Night by sillypinkfly

Since I was 14, I have had dreams with unseen entities in them. My dreams are so real, taking place in houses I lived or live in, or rooms I've slept in. I can never see these "things" but know exactly where they are in my dreams and can hear them. Sometimes they talk, though I can never remember wh...

Bad Feelings And Weird Noises by seb94

I have got a few weird things that I'm wondering about. I'll start with my friend's experiences in her home. Her house is pretty old, and we don't know the history. The thing is they've been doing some renovations lately, and I've heard that can stir up some activity. I don't know I've just hear...

Bad Feelings And Weird Noises 2 by seb94

Here's an update on the experiences I've been having at my friend's house. I spent the night there last night which I really regret now. It started off normal laughing and chatting in her room, watching TV and snacking on chips. Then we agreed we were tired and she switched off the light and tur...

Bad Feelings In Aunt S's House by triden07

This is sort of a follow up on the story "Two Houses He Has Never Been". On Friday, 23 November 2012, I went to my aunt's house to go and pick up a photo of my Gran. It is the only picture that my mom and my aunt have knowledge of, since she was exceptionally camera shy and it was apparently a ba...

Bad Hair Day by JoieAckerman

This event happened when I was in high school. My school is located in a province and of course, they said that it was once a cemetery/hospital; therefore, ghost stories were well known/spread there but we have never confirmed if these were true. This was way back 2007 during my Senior year, our gra...

Bad Memories At Nana's House by AussieChick95

Everything I'm about to tell you is completely true and yet to this day even I question myself about it. So here it goes... When I was 6 years old, my parents went away for their anniversary and my little brother and myself stayed at my Nana's house. My grandfather had passed away a few years bef...

Bad Ouija Board by ashleyoertel

This happened maybe about six months ago, when my 13 (now 14) year old sister and 3 of her friends stayed at our house for the night. My sister, Heather and her friends Jana, Chloe and Shannon all thought it would be fun to do a Ouija board. I've always been interested in the paranormal, though it d...

Bad Ouija Experience by newhunter30

I am going to give you a short background of the things leading up to this experience. Myself, my friend, and his girlfriend all shared a condo together. I moved in after they did and they were always telling me of things that were going on in it (we all believe in the paranormal). I moved in and...

Bad Spirits by illah18

I am not a good story teller and not so good in English. I hope everybody understands my story. My family rented a house for two years near our real house. My father didn't want to transfer there because its money to waste. We are 6 in the family and my mother has a friend who wants us to rent her n...

Bad Tarot Card Experience by stargazer_44

As far back as I can remember (around three and four) I've had experiences with the supernatural. My dad isn't a strong believer but my mother and her father are very religious and are constantly warning my siblings and me about the spirit side. Even though my father isn't really a believer, my sibl...

Bad Vibes by ifihadyoux

If you have not read any of my previous encounters, except for the very first one I published, then you might not get some references I am about to make. You may still read the story however, so please enjoy. Warning: Story contains information about wiccan/pagan ritual and may not be suitable o...

Bad Workplace by paul sweeney

I have recently changed jobs but before that happened, I was working at this place for about 3 and a half years. Now, I have heard a lot of stories about the building I worked in and they haven't been very nice, for instance, it used to be a farm run by a man who supposedly killed and tortured peopl...

Badass Grandmother by Sanguirina

Through the years growing up in Heidal, Norway, a small town loaded with its history of powerplays of old days and encounters after death, I have heard a small share of the stories told from generations to generations. In my first submittion " Some Kind Of A Door Was Opened That Night" I mention...

Baguio by japanluver98

My dad told me of this true story that happened to him... My dad always told me that in Baguio, Philippines, there were white ladies appearing in the dark at night... As in ghosts. He was dropping my mom off at work, and I was 2 years old at the time. Anyways, this isn't a long story. So he was d...

Baguio Experience (the Way She Looked At Me) by wayseeker89

A lot of my friends keep on telling me if I am really up to some thrills and chills? I gotta go to Baguio. I am not really a 100% believer but I am kind of a bit interested of experiencing one at least. This story happened a month ago, I had completely forgotten what my friends told me about the...

Baguio Hauntings by zetroc

Today is Tuesday & I just got back home from a 3 days 2 nights stay in Baguio, I was there from Saturday until Monday afternoon and would just like to share a little story that happened in our staycation house. It was Saturday morning around 2am when I and a girl friend of mine decided to go to s...

Baguio: Ghosts In The House by grampa_hann

This is my first post though I've been registered here for months. I've had experiences with ghosts since my younger days. What I will share now is what I experienced a couple of weeks ago, and my niece's experience last year. My Experience: My wife and kids are in this new house. About a coup...

Baguio's Chills by Angelli

I learned this story from my cousin. She visited Baguio last year. She told me that Baguio is not only famous and beautiful but also chilly. My cousin Angella visited a very luxurious hotel. I know the name of the hotel but I will not tell since the hotel might lose its publicity. One day when An...

Bailey Says Goodbye by ToySoldier13

I do realize the policy about submitting dreams, but I feel this one was of a distinctly paranormal nature, and feel inclined to submit it. I want to start off by saying that I've suffered from autism and crippling depression my whole life - so when I refer to this cat as my best friend, I sincer...

Bainskloof Ghosts by anneke8

In South-Africa, in the Western Cape, there is a mountain called Bainskloof. Bainskloof has a very steep pass for trafic, called Bainskloof Pass. On the one side of the pass is the mountain, on the other side, only a very very steep cliff, with the Bainskloof river at the bottom. Many accidents happ...

Baking In The Kitchen by kec92

An exact weej after my tenth birthday my great grandmother passed away. Her battle with Alzheimer's finally at an end. By then it was getting around late January. We were all outside my aunt and great grandmother's house. When I being the youngest was demanding by my older brother to go get him a dr...

Baldur by RedWolf

It's been over a year since I've been on here, submitting a story. Tissue warning. This is probably the hardest story I have written. Since my last story I had been seeing an entity I thought was my grandfather or my father in-law. I soon realized that it could be neither because I wasn't getting...

Ball by clarencetuvera

In 2001, right after the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Administration assumed office in Malacanang Palace in Manila, a couple of us Information Officers from attached agencies of the former Office of the Press Secretary were detailed to our tour of duty at the palace's Press office. Our group comprised ...

Balls Of Light, Black Creatures & Events by moonlight_21

This is my first time writing on this website. For some background information about myself, I have seen ghosts since I was very young. I didn't for a while because I tried to block them out; due to having people tell me that it wasn't possible. I opened myself up again, I am glad I did, though some...

Bambi Needed To Pee Badly... And So She Did by clarencetuvera

This happened during my tour of duty as an Information Officer for the Office of the Press Secretary in Malacanang Palace in Manila. As I said in my previous story, The Ball, there were several of us Information Officer from attached bureaus and agencies of the former office of the Press Secretary ...

Band Of Runners by Spockie

I had a lot of paranormal things happen in my life when I was a child up until I got married and moved away. Not so many things happen to me anymore, and I believe it is because the place where I grew up (not only the house but the whole area), was a sort of paranormal hot spot; a portal, if you wil...

Band Practice by TiffT

At the age of seventeen, I was much like any other teenager. I loved hanging out with friends, music and had dreams of grandeur. At that time, I wanted nothing more than to learn bass guitar and start a rock band. It was just the right mix of cool, a teen rock band demanded attention but the bass ga...

Bandana Of A Thing by saxichan_2002

While sitting in the kitchen, eating Steak and Shake, I look up to see 2 bandanas that are tied to the pantry cabinet doors blowing like wind is moving them up from an undercurrent. My husband is around the corner where he can't see this happening, blowing his nose. I figure it's the a.c. Or wind so...

Bang From The Cupboard And Something Stranger by Archangel

August 2011 If anyone knows that I can feel ghosts around me, (NOT SEE THEM MIND), they can probably explain this: I was sleeping in my room, it was around 12:00-1:00 when I felt a strange presence I sat up and looked around. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Feeling a little scared, I we...

Bang In The Night by beccataz

My first encounter happened a long time ago. To begin with my Grandfather had given me this old antique doll that belonged to my great grandmother. I used to keep it as a door stop (I know not really respectful) I would sit it down and I would wake up in the morning and it would be standing. I ev...

Bang, Bang, Who's Banging On The Wall? by lanapoll96

This story is about my girlfriend's house once again. A few weeks ago, when I stayed over at her house at the weekend as usual, we were sat downstairs at about 2am and we began to hear a banging sound, like someone hammering something onto a wall. We were sat in her living room. They have two...

Banging Heard An Figures Seen On My Backyard by LukeW2012Xx

I am Luke and I am from the UK. I live in a quiet area thirteen miles away from Derby and I am going to share with you one of several strange situations which have occured in my house. For my first story, I will talk about the stuff me and my brother have witnessed/heard this year. I am not 100% sur...

Banging Noises - Remodeling Mayhem by Serbiansorbet

When I was about 12 my mom bought this FABULOUS house in Ballwin. It was everything we wanted and had plenty of room for our growing family. Except for the occasional freaky moments my family was fine. I had some bizarre experiences in the house but I just kept chalking it up to new surroundings...

Banging On Dorm Room Wall by blayzeamyotte

I was out with some friends last night and returned around 2.30-3.00am. I went into my dorm to get ready to sleep. I heard a loud banging on the wall, I heard it around 6 or 7 times and then it stopped. On the other side of the wall where I heard the banging is my brothers room. I looked in on him b...

Banging On The Wall, Door And Other Weird Things by hayley

This is going to be my second story for me to post. I have another story posted. It is called Child with Red Eyes. And possibly for you to understand this story, you may need to read my first one. Thanks! I live in Tennessee. And I have been dealing with the paranormal in my house lately. Well,...

Banging on the Walls by luvparanormal

As you all know, I have been telling you about a few things that have happened to me in the past and some recently. I have to say that the majority of the time, I am not scared except for the time that I had someone watch me while I slept (which I'm sure you all have read). Usually I try to find a m...

Banging Spirit by feefoo222

This is my first story here. I got inspired with one of the stories here and decided to submit mine. When I was 9 or 10 years old, my family travelled to France. In Paris. As a kid I was very excited. We booked 2 rooms one for my parents and younger brother and the other for my sister and me. My sis...

Bangkok Ghosts by ChangYai

Bangkok, Thailand I was walking down Sukhumvit Road last night between Soi 23, and Soi 4 Nana. This is the red light entertainment area. I have been wandering up and down the street since ten pm after getting dumped by my girlfriend of 2 years. I just wanted to get drunk and talk to a pretty girl...

Bangkok Haunting by cloudy

I will tell you about a few peculiar things that happened to me about a year ago. Me and my friend Maria decided to move in together as both of our earlier leases were just about to expire and we spend pretty much every waken hour together either way. We went house hunting and finally found an a...

Bangs On My Door by Sam-the-ghost

I live in a small town in Indiana, in a house that is one hundred twenty-two years old. In 2010, maybe around March through August in that year, every night at around 3:00 a.m., I would hear a very loud series of bangs on my door. It startled me a lot, but I realized that I could not stop whatever i...

Banshee And Other Encounters by rockergurl227

So all my life I have been a little sensitive. Feeling vibes in certain rooms, getting that "Gut" feeling about something. Even having dejavu occurring a lot. Just a lot of different experiences. The one thing I remember clearly as a child is hearing my name, as clear as day, usually followed by ask...

Banyan Tree by priya-

Year - 2003 Place - village [population - about 500], state- Maharashtra Alleged haunted place - approx. 1.5 km from village, between highway and main route to village. Every year, I used to visit my maternal grandparents during Diwali vacations [winter vacations]. It used to be full of fun sp...

Baphomet Tattoo Gone Wrong/ Otherworldly Entities by Bjonestown

About 2.5 years ago I got a tattoo of the baphomet on my arm. I'd always liked the symbolism and subscribed to the meaning of dualism and always took it as the most pure embodiment of the human condition. A few months later I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and felt into a deep bout of alcoholis...

Barbie Legs (help) by Sempiternal

This is but one of countless experiences of which I've bore witness. Being a Wiccan Initiate, it is vital that I keep the psychic door propped wide open (not that I could close it anyway). Being in the Four Corners area (New Mexico), paranormal occurrences are not so paranormal. But this is a strang...

Barking and Noises by Briannaps2

On July 1st, 2007, I went to my cousin's birthday party with my dad, as my mom and my brother went to the zoo with my grandma. I am 10 and at the party we played softball. Then after the party, my dad dropped me off at my house (my parents are split up). My mom wasn't home yet so I stayed at home...

Barking Dog, Siren And A Plea For Help by Anbre

So, I have been reading a lot on this site but have never submitted my own story and why I believe paranormal things can be real. This might be long but I want to get it all out now. My first experience happened about 13 years ago. I was 11ish at the time. I used to live in Southern California an...

Barn Ghost by Hope

I never once heard a person say they didn't believe in ghosts. But I couldn't help from noticing I was one of them. I was going out to the barn with my husband. He told me he had to go feed the bulls their night snack. And I had to go feed the cats. It was about 9:00 p.m. and we usually come out at ...

Barn Ghost 2 by Hope

You may of read Barn Ghost. People told me to keep on writing if anything happens. Well last night, April 10, 2007, I woke up to a cry "HELP ME HELP ME!". I jumped out of bed. My sons ran in by me. "Mom what happened?" Eathen asked. He is 11 years old. Andy who is now 9, was hugging me. "Who is that...

Barn Ghost 3 by Hope

You may of read Barn Ghost 1 and 2, but last night the little girl returned! Come and join me as you hear the next thriller about my experience with this little girl. BARN GHOST 3! It was 3:45pm and the kids were just getting done with school. Around 4:30pm they got home. Eathen and Andy ran righ...

Barn Ghost 4 by Hope

You may of read Barn Ghost 1 or 2 or even 3. You may have gotten a comment on your story from me. Thank you for trying to help with my other problems but this is when the ghost tries to talk with me and my family. Last Friday night both of my boys were at a friend's house. My husband and I though...

Barney Is Here And My Hyper Excited Ghostie by EmeraldAngel

Most of you people know my situation with a shadow person I call Jamie. Well I've finally returned home from visiting my family in El Paso and returned home. I was nervous about the thought of returning and silently prayed to God for protection and cried like a baby. My mom didn't notice, being angr...

Barnstorm Kashmir by Sam

During this summer vacation -- back in Kashmir -- every morning we would get up to hear the latest lowdown about Abdullah, the ghost in our neighbor's newly built home. My sis would religiously narrate the Jinn's slate of activities from the previous day. She would in turn get the dope straight from...

Baron And The Red-faced Man by Seraphina

Here's a personal experience I had just before my freshman year in college. I'd almost forgotten about it, and because it was so long ago (I'm a retired great-grandma now) I may have forgotten some details. I took my parents' explanation for this incident as the truth, and never did research to ...

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