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Ghost stories from New York, United States: Page 1

More Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat were living in one of the hotel rooms. There's a long metal heating pipe that sticks out of the floor and horizontally stretches across the side wall of the room. Next to where the pipe sticks out, there's a little hole in the floor. When you look down the hole it's pitc...

Haunted Hotel Encounters by MOONxCHILD1985

My husband and I and our cat live in a hotel. As I mentioned in my other stories, the hotel used be an asylum for the criminally insane and the basement was a morgue way back in the day. Out of all the rooms we lived in there was one room in particular that had the most paranormal activity and it wa...

Multiple Haunting Experiences Almost Everyday by MOONxCHILD1985

Long Beach Hotel, Long Beach, NY 1/8/24 9:40 pm My husband and I and our cat are residents at the Long Beach Hotel. One day my cat and I heard a knock on my door in room 325. I called out "who is it?" but nobody answered. I walked towards the door and saw no shadow underneath the door, heard no ...

Staying At Grandpa's House by The_Lost_Voyage_11

When I was a boy, one of my favorite places to spend at least part of the weekend was with my grandpa! He was my mom's father and lived in a bigger town less than 10 miles away from us in upstate NY. I have fond memories of family reunions and spending time as kids up there. He had an old toy box of...

Past Christmas Visitation by The_Lost_Voyage_11

This story is a short one from my past. A personal encounter that has stuck with me throughout the years and I recently talked about during my last Christmas trip to see my family. It's amazing what comes up when we sit around and talk about the past, with my family, inevitably ghost stories always ...

The Old Family Hill by The_Lost_Voyage_11

The story I'm submitting here was partially inspired by a recent poster who described the feelings of dread and anxiety, of being watched by something or someone unseen lurking in the shadows of a haunted home. It was also inspired by my recent trip home to see family, wherein the subject of family ...

The Ghost In My Basement Tried To Speak To Me by Cole_Harris

Hey there folks! I keep meaning to post more of my experiences to this site. I just didn't expect to be posting experience I had last night. Then again, I didn't expect to HAVE an experience last night. If you've read my profile, then you know that my area has A LOT of history. So it's a no brain...

My Friend Came Over To My Haunted House by Cole_Harris

I debated adding this, but I can't seem to stop thinking about it so... Just to catch you guys up real quick. The area I live in is one of the oldest in my country. The city I live just over the bridge from dates back to the late 1600s. The history of the region as a whole is rather blood soaked....

We Summoned Something: A Strange Experience by The_Lost_Voyage_11

The following is a story I've been meaning to convey for sometime and due to a recent submission by another poster, who's story in part has a similar occurrence, prompts me to relate my experience. This happened when I was a teen many years back in upstate NY where I grew up. I had a rather bizar...

Returning To This Site After Almost 2 Years Of Absence by Cole_Harris

It's been over a year since I last visited this site. And reading back through my old posts, I'v realized I've missed one or two of my childhood experiences... So I'm going to correct that, and start posting again... But let's rewind things a bit. I've been gone so long, I feel like I need to reintr...

Strange Encounter With An Entity by M00nchxld_

I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on an event. Recently (past 6 months) I have been experiencing a strange interaction with a spiritual entity. Experiences have ranged from hearing a monotone bird-like whistle at early times in the morning while I'm outside (5:30). If I choose to ign...

Strange Series Of Events At Work by Rachel9997

This happened a few days ago at my workplace. I was working this opening shift with the same co-worker I always do. I got there first and went into the break room to put my stuff down. As I was putting my bag down on the table, I started to get this distinct feeling that I wasn't alone. Not necessar...

Who Pressed The Button? by RCRuskin

My dad passed away less than a week ago, relative to the time I'm writing this. Cancer is the official cause of death, but given he'd not eaten for 9 days and not had anything to drink for 2 days prior to his death, the rational part of me says to go with starvation. Yesterday, I saw something weird...

Has This Pair Of Earrings Provoked A Haunting? - 2 by Rachel9997

Since I first noticed the paranormal activity taking place in my house and at my workplace, I've had a few more encounters. In my last post with this title, I referenced something I termed "the draft" which may or may not be the manifestation of my grandma since everything started after I began we...

Has This Pair Of Earrings Provoked A Haunting? by Rachel9997

It initially just seemed like a series of coincidences until I took a closer look at the timing of everything. It started about a month ago with objects around me, that were in no danger of falling, just falling. I watched a loaf of bread fall off of a counter in my kitchen from a perfectly secu...

Hunchback Ghost (s) by Markle

My first experience occurred about 3 years ago, when I was 24. I was working at a facility for mentally disabled individuals where one of the residents had previously died. The people who worked the overnight shifts at my job used to tell stories about seeing the resident's ghost. I personally did n...

Sister Phones Me After Killed In Car Accident by Aros

In December of 1990 I was living in New York City trying to make it in the rock music industry. The last time I saw my sister, D'Lea (pronounced "Duh-Lee"), was the year before when she visited us. One morning as I was getting ready for my day job I received the phone call no brother ever wants to r...

I Caught More Spirits On Video! by Cole_Harris

It's been a while since I posted to this site. So, I thought I'd post an update. Things died down a few weeks after our renovations ended. I managed to settle into my new room, and I've been working towards my goal of becoming a cartoonist/animator. Everything was perfectly fine until about two ...

Spitting Phenomenon And More by Maryann73

When I was 12 years old in the early 1970's, I experienced a very strange happening that I don't share with too many people I know because I'd sound crazy. I was in my bedroom and brushing my long hair while looking in a large mirror above my dresser. I heard a hissing sound and saw something comi...

Can Spirit Answer Through My Vocal Cords? by sherm784

2020 has been a very hard year for the world and I have been more in tune with my religious side than before. I'm probably not alone in that there are nights when I just can't sleep, bothered by the uncertainty of it all and how alone quarantine has made me feel. I work a job that has gone completel...

Ghosts Making Themselves Known by Phyllis

After I graduated college, my friends and I were a bit tapped out (we had little money) but we lived in Buffalo where there were many very old apartments that rented rather cheaply. A friend and his new wife were looking for someplace to live and I accompanied them to look at an apartment they were ...

The House On North Street 2 by The_Lost_Voyage_11

This continues the story I started regarding a haunted house in my family which was titled "The House on North Street". If you'd like to get the whole story and haven't read that first installment yet, you may want to before reading this 2nd part, it'll definitely make more sense! Most of this ti...

The House On North Street by The_Lost_Voyage_11

The following is a story I have been wanting to tell for years. I have been on this site reading its multitudes of stories for some time, but this is the first time I am submitting my own. This story centers around a home that was in my family for years and the experiences encountered there occurred...

Need Help Identifying Dark Black Wolf Looking Sprit by Edp445

Last night was REALLY creepy. It started off normal, and I went upstairs. I was going into the bathroom before I went to bed, but then I felt that I needed to shut the door as fast as I could. I was breathing heavily and I don't know why. I was in the bathroom and felt like an idiot because my paren...

My Cat Is Acting Strange by Cole_Harris

I've had my cat since he was a kitten (around 15 years). He's always been a little strange, but he has never acted like this. He was born without front teeth (he had canines, but nothing else), his tongue would always stick out, and he was more likely to act like a dog then a cat. A few weeks ago...

I Saw A Nun Walking Down The Street by Cole_Harris

I've been doing a lot of thinking. I live in New York, and everything is shut down because of the Pandemic. Last night, I remembered something that happened to me when I was really young. Probably about 6 or 7 years old. I was watching the Memorial Day parade that my town puts on every year. I re...

I May Be Being Contacted By An Old Friend by nillabean

Four years ago my friend died unexpectedly and for a while I sensed a spirit with me and was almost being contacted by him. A couple months after he died I experienced sleep paralysis and lucid dreams involving him and I was in a place very important to him when it happened. I tied these things to h...

Something Doesn't Want Me To Eat My Skittles by Cole_Harris

A background for my experiences: The house was built in 1902. It was constructed by the same man who built the house next door. The house next door was the man's personal home. Before our home was built, the family next door used our lot as a dumping ground. If you dig down a foot, you'll come ac...

Spirits That Find Us by Katie212

When my husband moved in with us after we married. We experienced an entity that we were told was a woman who scratches males. He would wake up to long scratches on his back or in weird spots on his body. Other events would happen like running water when nobody was in that room, or someone running u...

Brother Showing Me Early Signs by Ashleypo

For starters I'm going to say that this is my very first story here on this website. I love reading other people's ghosts stories here so I'm excited to share one of my own! Recently on March 30th, 2020, my oldest brother Ronnie passed away so suddenly. We have all been devastated since we've rec...

Hide And Seek And The Little Boy by friendlyclown

(All names in this account have been changed for privacy reasons) My cousins have this huge property in a rural area, basically in the middle of nowhere. They have a huge farmhouse, a barn, stables, everything. Every year, for Thanksgiving, we (my family and I, along with other relatives) drive ...

Our Apartment by Katie212

When I was 15 years old, I experienced this and told anyone who was within five feet of me. Some people laughed it off as fatigue due to my extremely busy lifestyle; I was a gymnast, a dancer, and my life was filled with travel and sleep-away camp. Other people who did believe me were afraid to come...

50 King Street by phillipkafka

Some say that truth is stranger than fiction. Back in our early twenties, Jerry and I found a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan's West Village. We had been friends for a number of years, and as aspiring actors could not afford to rent alone. We would be subleasing from an artist named Lee Gatch....

Baldur by RedWolf

It's been over a year since I've been on here, submitting a story. Tissue warning. This is probably the hardest story I have written. Since my last story I had been seeing an entity I thought was my grandfather or my father in-law. I soon realized that it could be neither because I wasn't getting...

A Party That Never Ends by cocoloco1234

I'm back after such a long absence. Hello everyone on YGS! It's been years! Last time I published a story here I was a teenager and I never really came back to write other stories, even though I've had a few more experiences since then. This story is more just a small little thing that happened. ...

Second Time, Second House by MT196955

On my birthday of 2019, September 5th, my girlfriend and I were leaving early for Colorado. We went to bed about 9:30 and about 20 minutes after shutting off the TV and light, neither of us even close to sleep yet, all of a sudden there was a loud crack on the footboard of our bed. About 3 years...

Journey Of A Million Mothers by Elle310

Earth is a spiritual realm, and the membrane between planes of energy thin and permeable. Energy bodies move fluidly between worlds. I'm constructed in a way that I experience these energies through all of my senses. Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient. My experiences are rarely by choice. ...

I Think We Saw A Ghost At The Amityville Haunted House by Jellyjally

I posted this somewhere else but thought I'd post it here too. I've wanted to tell other people about this but I feel like nobody will believe me, which is why I thought about sharing this here. This happened during summer break after my freshman year of high school in 2017. I and my mom went to go ...

Musical Ghost by friendlyclown

I play the piano, as do my father and brother. We have a baby grand piano in our living room, which is right off our foyer. The foyer has the staircase leading upstairs, which is where my bedroom is. Last night, I can't be sure if I was awake or not, but I heard a piano key be pressed down, then som...

Hearing Mom's Voice And Baby Crying When No One Is There by friendlyclown

Over the years that I have lived in my current house, a few paranormal things have approached me. Before I was born, I had a sister that passed due to complications with her blood. I live in a very religious house, and my relatives always tell me she is always watching over me. Occasionally, when I ...

Paranormal Entity In Upstate Ny by JohnBurve45

It was a normal Monday evening and I met up with my friend how I usually do. However, instead of playing video games we had decided to go out and explore an old abandoned building near one of our houses. We had been there before in the past so we knew our way around pretty well. Once we got there ...

Shadow People? by Julielion1173

Before I begin I want to elaborate a bit on myself so you may see my story objectively and not stigmatize my previous experiences that led me there. In 2016, when I was 16 years of age, I had been hospitalized for overworking myself in school. I was part of the AP U.S. History class in which we ...

Phantom Bat by SilenceRecited

This event happened in one of my childhood homes in the town of Newburgh, NY. I was about 10-12 years old so it was the early 2000's. One night I was having trouble sleeping, as I often did. My twin sized bed was up against the wall and I had a wooden dresser next to the bed, at the foot of it. ...

Army Man In The Office? by sherm784

As I've mentioned in previous stories I work in the garment district of New York City, and have had experiences where I've seen something out the corner of my eye or in one of the neighboring office windows that shouldn't be there. A very jarring one of those occurences happened recently. We'd been ...

The Shadow And The Closet by IntuitiveStarfish

Greetings again, you wonderful believers and skeptics. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my first entry. This is one is more recent. This week actually. I am rather intuitive and a complete believer that there are spirits and things out there in the world that can not be explained. M...

Kid In The Hall by sherm784

As I always like to do when I'm stuck in a boring meeting at work, I looked across the courtyard windows to watch what the people in other offices are doing for work and what their setups look like compared to ours. It's a little bit voyeuristic, but passes the time. The other day I noticed one ...

Pizza Hut Ghost by Jerms

I mentioned in one of my previous stories that I am a delivery driver for a Pizza Hut in NY. Today I am going to tell you of the experiences I have had while working in the restaurant. These are short, quick encounters with sentence long stories. Lights throughout the store will flicker at rando...

The Lady In The Glass Case by dlsaullo

"The myths about the Galloway "Lady in the Glass Case" memorial in Lake View Cemetery in Jamestown grow bigger with each passing generation. Speculation ranges from the untimely death of a young bride, to the '50s version of the untimely death on a prom date, to a forbidden love between a rich heire...

Trolled By A Ghost? by sherm784

I saw the Rock Isn't dead story and I wanted to share a kind of cool one I had along those lines. I had gone out with a girl the night before and had a fairly unmemorable date other than talking about an upcoming wedding I was planning to attend. I drank possibly one too many beers after the...

Who/what Slammed The Door? by Isee1111

This story isn't full of any "wow" factor but it really happened. My parents told me this and they don't make up stories. It was July 1963 and they had just moved into a brand new house. New construction and they were the first owners. It was a 2-story house with the bedrooms upstairs. It was th...

Ghost Girl Caught On Camera? by Zidagar

I was visiting my girlfriend in PA one time, and she tells me of this haunted church about a half hour's drive from her house in the town of Burlington. Being interested in the paranormal, I am excited to go. The church is surrounded by a cemetery and has two floors and was decommissioned 30 years a...

Weird Summer by RedWolf

I couldn't think of a title so I used this one which does fit:D. On Friday July 13th I had major back surgery. My back had to be reconstructed. I am now fused from T-8 all the way down to my Sacral area. The surgery took about 9 hours with 2 surgeons. Problem was they couldn't wake me up in reco...

The Cereal Box by Cole_Harris

Recently, I've been thinking about all of the paranormal experiences that I have had in my home. As far as I can remember, there are only one or two that I have not shared with you. One of them, I'm not even sure can be considered a paranormal experience. The one I am about to share with you howe...

He Read My Facebook Posts by sherm784

A friend from college recently passed. I'm a relatively young guy mid-30s and haven't really experienced a loss like this before. This was someone who I hung out with pretty consistently at one point in my life, so it hit me more than I thought. These days there are a lot of new ways to remember...

My Dresser Has Something Bad In It by Skylar123

So I got my dresser a year ago from my now ex sister in law, she and my brother are wiccans and I did not think anything of it, to each their own. It's a beautiful dresser made of a dark hardwood anyways back to my story. My mom hates coming in the back of the trailer it gives her the "heebeegee...

Boy Made Of Light by CuriousDee

The incident I'm about to share happened to my son about 5 years ago when he was 9 - 10 years old. It is not scary, but in my opinion, amazing nonetheless and dear to my heart. A little bit of background first... My son (I'll call him Peter to protect his privacy) had a few experiences in regards...

A Haunted Mountain by Zidagar

I often hang out with a friend who was my roommate in college. I've written about our experiences at college under another account on here, but this time is about a mountain we go to sometimes. His uncle owns an entire mountain in the Catskills and it's a beautiful area and we often go hunting th...

A Ghost Ran Across The Road by Zidagar

I was at my job delivering pizzas on a Saturday night, I had just delivered a pizza and was on my way back to the restaurant. It was about 10:15 pm so it was dark. I had just passed the town's graveyard on the left, and it is a very large graveyard at that. I had never thought about it that much as ...

Unseen Entity Calling Out "mom" by wolfhunterxx

It has been a few years since I last submitted a story to this website. However, in 2016, I had a personal experience that I feel is worth sharing. This incident occurred in the spring / summer of 2016 while I was on vacation from work, visiting my mother, my grandmother, my sister, and her boyf...

Astral Projection And Mom's Message by CuriousDee

First, a big thank you to Miracles for the help and encouragement regarding sharing this experience. This isn't a typical ghost story, but I hope you'll find it interesting regardless... A little background; I started astral projecting almost 5 years ago. The first time it happened was completely...

Temporary Blindness by CuriousDee

I remembered this incident after talking with my brother about our grandparents' house recently. Technically, they are my step-grandparents, but I'm sure some of you will agree that "blood isn't always thicker than water". My grandmother is a wonderfully fierce, Italian firecracker crammed into ...

A Passover Guest? by sherm784

Here's a good one. I was born and raised Jewish and celebrate Passover as per tradition. For those not familiar to the story. Jewish people do not eat bread or any bread products for 8 days each April due to the suffering of their ancestors. I had been so busy this week that I had forgotten to c...

One Last Cuddle by CuriousDee

I was inspired to share my story by a few accounts I've read here on YGS regarding deceased pet visitations. So with that being said, here is the story of Scrappy. I was 20 when I got Scrappy. I had been wanting a dog after moving out of my parents house about a year prior. I wasn't sure what br...

Abandoned Office Building Ghosts by sherm784

We work in the garment district of midtown Manhattan, where many generations of office workers have come and gone and accidents have happened over the years. Directly across from my boss's office is an abandoned floor space which has not tenants since we moved in here 5 years ago. Every once in ...

School Hallway by stringer

My 13 year old daughter had a short term illness when she was 4 years old shortly after my father (her grandfather) had died. I was holding her in a family room chair and she started giggling and pointing up at a step into the kitchen. I asked her what she was laughing about and she replied, "It's P...

The Black Mist by CuriousDee

I have already posted a few stories involving the house I grew up in and the resident spirit nicknamed "George". My two brothers and father still live there. The following incident was experienced by my brothers about 3 years ago. A quick description of the house location and layout: The hous...

Cali by RedWolf

Tissue warning: I wrote a story awhile back about how after I had to euthanize a dog a message was sent me in a dream what my next dog would be. If you care to read it you can find it at www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=18144. It was heartbreaking to lose Niko as he was only ab...

The Kids Are In School by CuriousDee

I have posted a few stories regarding my childhood house which is still active (my father and 2 brothers still live there). This incident involved my mother and father back in the early 1990's and creeps me out to this day. My parents' house (I still call it that, however my mother passed away i...

Heard A Coworker's Voice In My Head by sherm784

One of the phenomena I've heard of is that of "projection" or a living person's voice or essence being present when the person is not there. I had something similar to that happen. One of my colleagues at work is an older Indian lady of Guyanese decent. Let's call her Mary. She speaks softly, pe...

It Wasn't Me, It Was George by CuriousDee

I've given a little background on my childhood home and the ongoing activity in my first story. This is an experience that scared and baffled me for years. It still does. The house I grew up in was active since day one of my family moving in (and still is). Immediately after moving in, my father ...

Active Childhood House, Still Going Strong by CuriousDee

I grew up in an active house (I'm not a fan of the term haunted, probably because of the negative feedback after sharing with others). Many times the experiences happened to my mother and father. I've heard plenty from my parents, but also conversations where they didn't know I was eavesdropping. I ...

One Final Visit by RCRuskin

2018 has not been that great a year for us in Upstate New York so far. The big blizzards at the start of the year, and barely halfway through February and mom broke her arm and needs a joint replacement surgery. She's Orthodox Christian, and as dad says 'there is no ox so stubborn as an Orthodox.' I...

My Niece's Dinner Show by Cole_Harris

Before I can begin this next experience, I have to give a little bit of background. If only to give some sort of perspective to our circumstances when this happened. At the time of this experience, I was attending a local college. I was living with my parents and attending classes part time. About h...

Odd Sensations And Strange Experiences With Cats by FangCat101

Starting not so long ago over the late summer, I have been feeling as though I am watched, and chills go up my spine nowadays in warm rooms of my home. I feel drafts when no windows are open, and my cat keeps staring at nothing and bounding away down the hallway. Plus, my cat goes crazy when in the ...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door 2 by Cole_Harris

This isn't so much a direct "sequel" to my previous story (The White Figure in Front of My Door), so much as an experience that happened a few months afterwards, in the same location with similar circumstances. I will admit, that part of this does involve a dream. However, I wanted to post this e...

The White Figure In Front Of My Door by Cole_Harris

My name is Cole. I live in one of the oldest houses in my town. While I often experience minor things such as footsteps, toilet lids closing, and the occasional sense of being watched, there is however, a few events that very clearly stick out in my memory. One of them occurred when I was in middle ...

Spirits Following Her - 2 by fallenangel028

In part I of this story, I described a spirit that may have followed my stepmom from her old house to the house my Dad currently resides in. The activity has died down some since my stepmom passed away, but there has still been some interesting stuff happening. I still have ominous feelings when ...

Her Grandma Coming To Visit? by sherm784

My girl's grandma died early last year. They were very close. My girl is the type that gets anxiety and talks a lot of BS to keep her from going nuts. A couple times when we went out she mentioned she thought her grandma was watching over her when she got her job and she was going to come haunt me i...

A Ghost Getting Exercise by RCRuskin

Halloween has come and gone, with its tradition of telling ghost tales, both real experiences as on this site, and made up tales, such as the wrapping paper joke I recall from Boy Scouts. (Directions to our camp site included 'turn on to the one lane sand.') While discussing this site and variou...

A Benevolent Dungeons And Dragons Loving Ghost by pinkthunder

Just a little disclaimer, I have a very active imagination. Which is why I'm posting this, to get an outsider's perspective. My mother and I are avid believers in the paranormal and she believes I have clairsentience. According to my mom, "clairvoyance" or similar things run in the family. My aun...

My Mom's Wake - A Funeral Home Experience by peteinesc

My Mom passed away after a long illness last year. In the end she told us that she had had enough and her quality of life had eroded to the point of it not being worth it all. She hoped that we all understood and the whole family was heart broken but agreed and understood with respect her decision. ...

They Knew I Was Sick by RedWolf

Labor day weekend I was not feeling well at all. I had a feeling of dread the week before. I am not like that so I knew it was a feeling coming from someone/thing projecting this feeling on me. When I really started to feel unwell my dogs and puppies at first just started checking on me. Then they w...

My 9/11 Ghost- Part 3 by sherm784

I wrote about two other experiences in years past that may or may not have been connected to victims of the 9/11 attacks. You can check my past stories for those. I live in a different apartment now, slightly further downtown. I am sure at least a few people who lived in this urban housing devel...

Glowing Yellow Eyes by tomandcarrielester

I had yellow round glowing (like a light), what my son and I can only describe as eyes staring at us. The dog was on the enclosed porch going ballistic, when my son and I had to go calm her. It was the middle of the night and the dog was so ferocious, she seemed as if she wanted to tear through th...

Was It Chester? by sherm784

I had a huge scare at work today. I was in the middle of a business call when I clearly heard someone whisper my name right behind my ear. I sit right in front of an older coworker. It clearly was not his voice; it was a very urgent and hushed whisper. I asked out loud who whispered my name but both...

Two Incredible Saves by RedWolf

Most of you know I have a bad back but not to what extent. I have three screws that are loosening and you can actually see them if I have a tight shirt or if I lift my shirt. One is actually broken, these screws are about 1/4 inch thick. I have bad scoliosis, one of my ribs is touching one of the ve...

Figures & Anxiety by brighteyez

It was February 20, 2017, when my husband and I got a phone call from my mother-in-law letting us know that my husband's grandmother passed away. She was diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer in early 2016, she had had the same cancer 20 years ago but it came back. The worst thing that added on to ...

Mothers Final Visit? by buzz073042

I recently lost my Mom, who passed away last October 15, 2016. We were very close in life, so I was not totally shocked or surprised by her visit after her physical death. In April, 2017, while watching television, a sudden bright, amber flash, similar at first to a huge strike of a match, appeare...

Ghost Of A Little Girl by ChuckFL

I grew up in a home in Long Island, NY that my parents purchased from two older women that lived there for many years. I was about 5 years old at the time, and like so many young children, I would get scared and run through the house to my parents bedroom in the middle of the night to sleep with my ...

My Therapist's Office by sherm784

I go to a shrink in midtown and every time I'm in her office I see human shapes in my mind floating up and down when she is talking. They are usually around the size of her head but sometimes I perceive them to have other facial features that don't resemble hers. Sometimes I think it is because ...

The Cloaked Woman by Imcr7

This happened about 15 years ago and is something that has puzzled both myself and my two friends who witnessed what we saw to this day. It was on my 10th or 11th birthday and it was late August. I live in a normal suburban development just outside of Buffalo, NY. Before I tell the story, please...

I Think I Got Tickled By A Ghost by TheParanormal_Cat

Every day now, I feel like I'm being constantly watched. I'm not sure why, and maybe it's just my cat. But, sometimes when I'm alone, I feel a light finger stroke my foot. If I'm standing up, it happens somewhere on my rib cage. It's kind of creepy that this happens, because I have heard a voice a f...

Happenings In Churches by RCRuskin

Two churches, actually, both in New York State. Over this past weekend, I attended a seminar/retreat/presentation at church discussing the development of worship, and the speaker mentioned as an important point, we should always be aware that in church we are in Heaven with all our loved ones around...

Changing The Weather by sherm784

In 2012 I was working on New York's Times Square, doing a promotional event for about a week. Working out there and around so many people you see everything and anything. But one experience stood out and remains the strangest thing I have ever seen. My last day of work on the promotion was the d...

The Letter V by RedWolf

I have to start by using filler. So here goes, my father in-law had 2 sisters Esther and Virginia, whom family and friends called V.He also had a brother named George who died when my oldest child was a toddler. His siblings were all born in Italy near Naples. He was the only one born here in the St...

The Man Who Wasn't There by sherm784

I work in a modern office building in Midtown, for a busy staffing agency where there are people coming in and out all day. But one day, there was a man who came in that did not have an appointment on the books. In fact, it seems no one saw him at all. This afternoon, a young Hispanic lady c...

A Super Bowl Party? by RCRuskin

Going to start with an apology for the silly title, but the experience was a bit silly. I finally went to visit that cemetery turned city park across the street from me. It's been an unusually warm winter in the part of Upstate New York where I live. I also brought along my tablet, on which I instal...

Mixed Signals by RedWolf

On January 23rd my mother in law was in a pretty bad accident. A 91 year old woman in a Lexus SUV had a stop sign and was almost in the middle of my mother in-laws lane. She backed up and my mother in-law assumed she would stay there and continued on. Personally I would have my foot on the brake in ...

Paranormal Encounter With Multiple Entity's by JoeO213

I was with my good friend, now best friend of 8 years. We went out to go for a walk to our other friends house to pick something up. We had left my house around 2 A.M. While we were walking it was very quiet and dark, almost "too quiet and dark" no street lights or anything on, also we were surround...

Unfamiliar Voices And Other Odd Things by Enlightened1959

First of all I thought I submitted this in early December and it was titled "Voices". Since it still hasn't posted, I have remembered more things about the house and added to the story and have resubmitted it under this new name so if you start to read this same story, I apologize for submitting it ...

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