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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 129

Entity With The Covered Face by Basilissa

The incident I want to write about happened almost exactly six years ago. I spent part of the summer with my relatives in the UK and in August I flew back to Poland, at the other end of Europe. When I reached my parents' home I was dog tired after a night spent in planes and on the airport in betwee...

My Mother's Study by EchoStrung

So, it's been quite some time since I submitted my first story to this site, but I have always been lurking. I've decided it's time to document another one of my experiences. I lived in the same house in West Palm Beach with my parents from the age of 2 to about the age of 23. One semi-common occu...

The Creepy Smile Part 1 by _Hunter_

Let me introduce my surroundings of the place where I live. Firstly, I'm near an isolated forest-like place and our family has (name changed) my dad Sam, my mom Carol, my brother Mac and me. I live in an old 19th century type home. Typical, with 1 living room, then 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms and kitche...

The Creepy Smile Part 2 by _Hunter_

Please read my first part before reading this one. As I went to Mac's place, my dad asked why I had left the house and that to so freaked out. I told everything and they said it must be my imagination because of all those video games and stuff. I told them to come now. They saw I was pretty freak...

Tragic End By The Quija? by spiritwaiting

This is my second experience with a Ouija board. I had just married my husband, and it was during Halloween. It took place at his grandmother's house, during a family gathering. I was 16 at this time, I know I was young. Three of his female cousins and one aunt (she is our age) as well decided t...

A Ghost Sleeps Inside Me by Rich73

One day, earlier this year, I awoke after just a little sleep. I was somewhat groggy but otherwise fully awake. I felt something on my bed, and it moved around a little. I was sleeping on the edge of the bed, and whatever it was, was in the middle somewhere. I looked and didn't see anything. I went ...

That Was Odd by BadJuuJuu

Last July, early in the afternoon, I was sitting outside with my dogs. It was a bright, sunny day, not terribly hot yet, just a pleasant day. I was sitting in my chair, relaxing in the shade, Riley was sitting watching the woods for deer, Sassy was just laying in the sun. It was a quiet day, much to...

Our Tiny Haunted Apartment by spiritwaiting

In our little two bedroom apartment, in 2007 we had four kids and ourselves. It wasn't what you would call spacious or cozy in the least, but we made do with what little we had. When we first moved in, the feel to it was stuffy. Not because of the size, but it felt crowded. I felt as though there...

Haunted House On Colonial by HauntedinArkansas

When myself and my wife first started dating, she lived with her parents in a rent house because they were building a house. I have always been a skeptic, and even until this day I am one that has to see it to believe it. My wife would tell me stories of the house they lived in was haunted, well I w...

Haunted Mobile Home by HauntedinArkansas

When me and my wife were first married, we bought a mobile home. I was still going to college and my wife was the only one bringing in a paycheck at the time so we didn't have many options in buying a home. A few years went by before we noticed anything strange happening. I am a very neat person,...

Skeletons Floating And Staring by shedvl357

About a month ago I fell asleep on the couch and about 3 in the morning I woke up from a flash of light. I found a skeleton floating parallel to me just staring. I closed my eyes and shook my head to make sure I was really awake, opened my eyes again and there were 2 more skeletons floating in the r...

Shadow Man In The Doorway by Queequeg

I have always been a rational, scientific person and extremely skeptical of the so called paranormal, but I had an experience when I was 12 or 13 that I knew was odd at the time but just assumed it was the worst, most realistic dream I've ever had. I'm now 44 and am thinking differently about it aft...

Marius's Unwelcome House Guest by triden07

As a courtesy to readers not familiar with my stories, I live in a house with one spirit linked to the land, a little boy named Adam. As well as 2 guardian spirits, one is my maternal grandmother, the other, a very close friend of mine called Charlie. In this instance, Charlie was with me and very a...

Grampa Is Still There by RedWolf

A few months ago my nephew's father in-law Dan died in his sleep. Out of respect for the family I will be changing names. After my nephew Tim was discharged from the military he could not find a job. So he, his wife Carrie and 2 young daughters, not quite 2 year old Grace and newborn Sara, moved ...

Don't Play In The Woods by 7Holy7Soldier7

My story takes place in a small town in central Arkansas. During the summer of 2012, I was hanging out with a couple of my friends in town. The day was very uneventful and boring, and my friends and I don't handle boring very well. We decided to hop in my truck and go for a drive and see if we could...

Lesson Learned From A Ghost by YogExper

This is not my story. It is a friend of mine who had experienced this and I am writing it as narrated by him. In Mumbai people are always ready for trekking and exploring places around them as they want to run away from the hectic life of Mumbai, as is my friend (Prasad). Prasad and his 5 frie...

D Is For Doppelganger by CDubber

As would be expected, a lot has happened since I was last on here, which looks to be 2 years ago! In due time I'll explain my absence, but for now I'll start with what is troubling me the most. I have been with my partner (whom we'll call Michael for privacy reasons) for nearly a year now and th...

Humanoid And The Candle Thrower by CDubber

Since my last story my mother and I have moved to a nice modern flat a block away from our old house. Here's me thinking "Ah, a nice new house. This surely won't be haunted!" Well, I was wrong. Though I can say activity has definitely decreased since living here, I believe we have some residents her...

Camp Roberts' Ghost In Bldg 6038 by fitnatic33

I'm in the National Guard and currently on ADOS orders in BLDG 6038 Operations at Camp Roberts, CA. I have had unexplained paranormal situations happen to me in barracks 6312 before, but that's not what I'm going to speak of today. I have been working in the Operations Building for about 6 month...

Haunted Childhood Home by salad

I lived in Denver, Colorado, as a child and the things I witnessed scarred me for life. There was always a baby crying in the basement and the basement was filled with rocks of sand. To get to the basement you had to go through a closet and pull down the stairs. There was also a figure of a tall...

Disappearing Old Man by makyla6666

I had just gotten ready for bed when I heard dragging on my floor. I looked down from my bed and saw a shadow. I was really freaked out. I looked at the chair across my bed and an old man was staring at me. I cried myself asleep. Later that night around 3:00am, my brother ran in my room and woke...

Was She Haunted? And Did It Hate Me? by LouisianaBelle

This experience begins in April 2010. I just entered a new relationship and things seemed to be fine. One night I slept at my friend's house. We were in her guest room and all of a sudden I froze because I heard the sound of a baby crying downstairs, there were no babies in the house. She asked,...

Who's Jumping In My Bed? by LouisianaBelle

This experience happened in September 2011. One day I was sitting in my living room just watching television and I felt small shakes. I stopped for a minute and thought it could have been anything. Then I noticed they got a little more harder and kind of like a rhythm. It clicked, "My daughter is ju...

Not Scary, Just Unexplainable by mad_minute

Recently I visited my grandmother with a few family members. We stayed at her house for about a week. While we were staying with her there were a few strange occurrences. The biggest thing I feel I should stress that these aren't threatening or scary. Just phenomena that none of us who experienced t...

Nice To Meet You, Granddad by CDubber

Side note: Since this story took place I have sadly become estranged from my father's side of the family, so this was a short yet meaningful experience. I was staying at my fraternal grandmother and father's house for a short period in January this year. Sadly my grandfather had passed away year...

And Then... There Was No One by Sree

I am a regular reader of this site. Some of the incidents written down here have truly spooked me out so I avoid reading them at night! Now the incident I am about to tell you is something that my friend Ishika had told me. It's a bit long but please bear with me. Vizag a busy city of Andhra Prad...

Milk Experience by Anonymous2

I was in school those days. I was in 8th standard. I had an excellent academic record those days. I had no problems in life before then. I had a great family, a good position in school and friends. I had a scheduled life, I had a schedule of when to sleep, when to wake up, when to read, when to play...

A Mysterious Voice by TVishal

I am not kind of person, who believes in ghosts or dead spirits, but earlier something was happened, which will always remain a mystery for me. I am from Ludhiana and this happened when I went to meet my relatives live in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh. One night, there were only five members in the ent...

Who Or What Was It? by shavaughn

When I was about five years old I saw what I thought was a ghost for the first time. I lived with my parents (now divorced) in Coco, Florida. I don't know why but I was a very fearful child. I'm still scared of the dark at thirty two years old. My dad wasn't home and my mom was asleep on the cou...

My Experience by tonycourchaine35

We live in a small town of about 10, 943 people in Marinette, WI. I have been noticing strange noises and sights. This has been going on for years now. Pictures would fall off the wall, lights will turn on, and we used to have a clock radio in our bathroom for music while we take a shower that w...

A Ghostly Man by warby1

Back in the 1990s I lived on Beech Avenue in Oldham Lancashire in the UK. When I moved into the house with my wife and four young daughters, things seemed to be working out quite well for us. But after a while strange things started to happen every morning. The house alarm would go off at 5am and it...

Childhood Stories by LeRouxGirl

What I am about to relate is a compilation of stories/events that happened to me/my family members back in the mid 80's to early 2000's. I come from a very large family, ten children altogether but the eldest three are half-siblings from my father. We lived in a rural area of KY with an unpaved,...

Paranormal Activity In The 70's by reincarnation

I have experienced strange phenomena throughout my whole life. I was born in 1962 in San Diego. My parents had always been into paranormal and supernatural phenomena. When I was about 13 years old they got a Ouija board. They used it right away and had much fun doing so. I don't know exactly wha...

Is Anybody There? by ForestShepherd

For a long time at my mother's home many of us have experienced the entity in the home. Curious to see if it was all superstition or not I invited a friend over one night and we did a walk through the house with a voice recorder. We preceded to head for the stairs leading toward the laundry room...

Spirit Playing With My Stuffed Toys by spiritwaiting

This event occurred about 6 months after I settled into the house in Del-City, Oklahoma. I was I believe 11 years old at this time. It happened about a year before the garage incident, written in another posting. My room was arranged with stuffed animals galore. I had them in particular spots, ra...

Dark Figure by Doijio

I don't really know how to start a story but whenever I walk or hangout with friends there is always a dark figure that follows me. It's size is about 6 ft 3 and it hangs when it is there. I am not very frightened by the figure but it seems very helpful to me. One night I was walking around my n...

Orange Entity by OminousBlackSoul

I had my first ghostly encounter when I was 13, When I was 7-12 I would always go to my aunts house on the weekends and we would have a good time together. She had one puppy called Teddy and it was my main reason to go to her house. When I was 11 my aunt got a boyfriend and on 2 more years she moved...

The Mysterious Woman by Santosh12

This is my second story and I will be telling you about one of my maternal grandmother's experiences. The particular experience made her a total believer in supernatural forces. When my Grandmother was a young girl, she was a bit rebellious by nature. My great grandfather also loved her very muc...

The Case Of The Flying Beer Can by Obsidian0666

This is another story about my husband who is ghost sensitive, as I am not. Wayne went to visit his friend in Sault Ste. Marie and they did what every good urban explorer does and broke the law and went exploring an old church and abandoned mill that are "supposed" to be closed to the public due ...

Our Little Haunted House by Groovieghoulie

I was 14 years old, living with my mom in rural West Viriginia. My Father had passed away that year from lung cancer, he was a coal miner and like many men in that profession, he developed black lung and lung cancer. He was only 59 when he passed. The house my parents bought was a strange little two...

Shadow In My Bedroom And Someone Outside My Door by girlymadness

Shadow in My Bedroom: This happened when I was really young. I'm not sure how old I was but it was before I started school. I was so young that it was probably one of my first memories because it was so vivid that I still remember it even today, years later. One night I was asleep in my room wit...

They Follow Me by RevengeWillBeSweet

Ever since I was 17 years old I've been having strange paranormal experiences. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't so naive as to think it couldn't possibly be me, such as a mental issue. I was evaluated by two separate therapists who deemed me mentally healthy. I was not using drugs, taking any medicat...

My Great-aunt's Visits by Bagpuss33

In 1997, my great-aunt got very ill. I was 17 at the time. She lived a mere 300 hundred meters away through my local housing estate with my gran and grandad. I went over to visit when she first got poorly, but found I couldn't go and see her when she was near the end which, to this day, I hold d...

Strange Happenings, Obes, Shadow People by Andromeda33

This all started a few years back when we lived in a different home but same area. My, then, 5 year old son kept experiencing night terrors. They were so extreme that when he'd be experiencing one, there was nothing I could do except comfort him and wait for it to end. Night terrors are very dif...

The Midwives' House by Madisonamy28

At the age of 4 I moved into a house with my father and sister who was 6 years of age at the time. My parents had just split and we found a beautiful old house. My father bought it and we moved in within a week. After about a month of living there, strange things started happening. One night my ...

My Brother's Double by Lady_Bug81

In my first post, I wrote about seeing an unknown entity mimic my mother; in my second post I'm writing about the entity taking on the form of my older brother. One day when I was a teenager, I was at home and I was reading a really good book that I didn't want to put down, but my bladder was ab...

Seeing My Little Sisters Before They Were Born by AJ1KENOBI

This happened when I was about 9 on my ancestral family property in the central north east Kimberly desert region. I am the eldest of 4 siblings. Before I begin, I need to explain that I am Indigenous Australian. My Grandparents were taking the family to show us our Peoples' traditional land. It...

Laughing Shadow by JaimeMGJ

I just started on this site and even though I have had many things happen to me, I'll start with the one that has scared me the most. First, just a little history. I was in Mexico, living in a town that was founded 102 years ago, and before that was only forest. I also found out that it was a rou...

All My Life by CharlaC

I didn't know what else to name my story because it is exactly as it is: I've experienced things all my life. I've been reluctant to say anything to anyone before. Done research on this sort of thing because wanted to understand a little more about what I've seen, and then I found this website and b...

Security Forces Post by CharlaC

I've already submitted a story about how I've experienced things my whole life. I didn't go into a lot of detail about all of my experiences and only listed off some of the more interesting ones. And I still experience these things and have a lot of stories to tell, but I will give one that I have e...

Those Angry Eyes by Rajen

I am Rajena and I am from India. I am currently doing my Masters in United States. And before I start, I would like to thank the admin for having such a wonderful website that let's us share real life experiences. So, it has been an interesting stay in the United States so far and I love the peo...

Town Called Pondy by maitreyee

In my second post I had mentioned about Puducherry and its resident ghosts and spirits. First a little about Puducherry or Pondy. Pondy is a large town or small city situated 200 kms south of Chennai in Tamil Nadu. It is Union Territory and was ruled by French until its merger into India. The city o...

Scariest Foot Pursuit Ever by daveslod

September 12, 1989 I was on routine patrol in Blackford County, Indiana. I was on Lake Blue Water Road outside the city of Montpelier when I pulled into the parking lot of the Erie (real name) stone quarry. I observed someone standing near the building, I ordered the person to stop and not move. The...

Hand Behind Head by Caitliiin

Earlier today, I was walking past one of my best friends' house. He was standing at the window pulling the finger at me (being his usual self) when I saw a hand from behind his head and it looked like it was about to grab or slap his face. I turned away at this point and quickly walked away, as I wa...

Mysterious 'knocking' At My Parents' House by Udon555

This event happened at my parent's house when I was either 16 or 17. My parent's house has always been 'strange', even to this day. Ever since my brother and I were small, I remember weird events happening every now and again. It was when I hit my teen years did the events become more 'creepy' and...

School Experience by Julestoye

My experiences centred around the time I was in junior school about 20 years ago. I loved my school but a lot of stories went around the school about the large school stage being haunted. The stage was a large platform (with a small hatch near the front) with curtains either side which led to a corr...

Paralysis by kunwarkh

I am 21, from Delhi, India, currently pursuing my Chartered Accountancy and working with one of the top accounting firms of the world. In my life I have had three paranormal experiences. The one I am going to tell you about through this post happened just over a year ago. I live with my mother a...

Blackberry Vinegar And The Bread Knife by magicmerlot

This is something that happened to me last week (12th September) and far from being frightened I had a little smile on my face the whole time. When I was a little boy, my grandma (we always called her mama) used to make an old wive's remedy for colds and fever called blackberry vinegar. We had th...

13 Year Old Attacked By Laughing Spirit by JustMeAgain31

This all happened in the last four Days. Bear with me as while the incidents were short, they were rather malicious. I moved from Kansas City, Kansas to Riverside, MO after an insurance problem forced us to move to another state, so my son Ricky would be covered for some medication he needed. In ...

The White-out by Fergie

A good few years ago, maybe twenty or more, my husband and I experienced something which has us baffled to this day. We have no idea if it was paranormal or not - only that it was extremely weird, and so far, nobody can give us a reasonable explanation for. Therefore, I am throwing it out there, in ...

The White Candle by auntylulu96

By Aunty Lu Lu, Year 1965, at the age of 4 to 5 years old. This is my first time sharing my stories. For the half of the centuries of my life, I had encountered many unnatural incidents in my life, so I'd like to share them with you. I was born and raised in a Kampong, opposite Sembawang park (An...

Blood Vein Jade by auntylulu96

By Aunty Lu Lu. Year 1977 (16 years old) My Ah Mm was talking about Taiwan jade and china malau (Red jade), colour that she had seem but one that caught my attention was the jade bangle with blood veins in it. Actually I don't really believe it unless I see with my own eye. A person have to w...

Tending To My Flowers by auntylulu96

Aunty Lu Lu. Year 2006 After dinner (6.30 to 7.30pm), I went out to the corridor to tend to my 20 over pots of plants, so pride of them, I loosen up the soil, and tidy up the dead leaf then I notice from corner of my right eye, I saw some one tall in white went very fast into my right side neighb...

Bathroom Ghosts by Nelly93

I have no idea what these two ghosts wanted, but if they could not even leave me alone in the bathroom, they must have wanted something. The first story took place, I think, in 2008 and the second one in 2013. Here comes the first one. This happened after my parents got a divorce. I think it ...

Over The Phone by larkascending39

I was home alone one day, working on my five essays that I needed to finish by the next day. I was down in my dad's office, which always feels off and smells weird, has varying temperatures... I hate going down there alone. Anyways. I was finishing up my analysis of Paul Revere's account of the B...

The Big Man by Kayla_Lynn

In a previous submission, Held Down By Unknown Force, I mentioned an encounter in a comment about seeing a man in my grandmother's living room. I said that I would share it, so here we go. This took place perhaps about a year ago, give or take. My ex-boyfriend and I had just returned to my grandm...

A Night Out by Ladybug-

This happened the summer of 2006. My friend and I had the whole Saturday hanging out, shopping and sightseeing. We live in a small town not far from the border of Arizona and New Mexico. In the evening, we went back to my house to eat dinner. My husband at the time had cooked dinner. He had made...

Night Terrors Ended By Grand Dad's Passing by Hinkamus

I write this with a curiosity as to what others reactions will be, for I have read the comments and so many are quite harsh - don't worry I won't be offended. However, I have always wondered if more people are of the opinion that night terror are not just dreams gone wrong. When I was about nine ...

Black Long Hair by Pcv007

What's a horror flick without long black hair and a scary girl in a white dress. Cliche? Well, I wish my experience was a bad dream or a fake scene for a movie. My story starts off when I was at my mom's house. We were chatting about dreams and how weird it is when you know you're dreaming and yo...

My Father's House by thedeathofme

When ever I told my father that something strange would happen, he would shake it off, make an excuse. Up until recently my father has convinced me that he doesn't believe in anything paranormal. I've experienced several things over the years but nothing that scared me. I often hear footsteps and kn...

Devil Dog? by Ariana102

This is my first story! Please write no mean comments like I'm lying because I really want to know what it was! Anyway, I'm going to tell you my mother's story that is linked to mine. When my mum was about 11, she was in her bed all cuddled up because she had school the next day. She told me that...

Weird Dairy Ghost by Star5141

I am a riding instructor. I live on a farm that has been in my family for three generations. I have lived there all my life. Originally bought by my grandfather after World War One (I think), the farm had Polish people working on it. They came here and lived in sheds and old air raid shelter-typ...

Friend Or Foe? by thedeathofme

I'll start off with telling you about my great grandmother. We all called her Nana Betty and she lived in a small bungalow. Four years ago in winter she fell ill and was rushed to hospital. Sadly she passed away, but not peacefully. My family and I were determined to bring justice and soon we wo...

Ghost Smoke by kyotesknwlkr

It was in the 1970s, I was young, with two sons. We were living in a rented house close to an air force base. The house was small. It was three bedrooms, we only used two. The kitchen was tiny, as the house was shaped like a box - two bedrooms on one side, one bedroom and bathroom on the other side,...

My Life Part 2 by freaky123

Some history of me first. I have never believed this kind of spiritual happenings, ghosts, demons, etc. But few years back I lived with my father in small town here in Finland (everything is small here). Anyway we had a house it was pretty big for two of us. It had 4 floors: separated apartment,...

The Thing In Black by andreahelp

A friend and I were driving in South Clinton, TN, it was around November, in 2001. We were the only ones on the road at that time, seeing it was after midnight on a week night. We saw what we thought was a very tall man walking on the left side of the road. The way this man moved was very strang...

Doppleganger Encounter by grench

My name's Aaron and this happened to my girlfriend less than an hour ago. I found this site whilst looking up doppelganger stuff on Google immediately after the encounter. I'm more or less hoping I can get some information on the phenomena. I was sitting on the couch playing xbox (which sits loo...

Before I Was Born: My First Paranormal Experience by Santos

You could say that my very first paranormal experience was when while I was still a baby... Inside my mother's womb. Mom and Dad had been married for only a year when my Mom's father -- the grandfather I never got to know -- had a heart attack and died on the spot. Since Mom was the eldest c...

What Exactly Happened That Day? by Trishspooky

To start with, am Triya and am from Mauritius. I am from a Hindu family, so there are lots of rituals to be performed when there is a wedding. This incident happened during my cousin's marriage, when I was only 8 years old. Normally, a Hindu marriage lasts for 4 days in Mauritius. On the 4th day,...

My Experiences Including An Odd Recording And by -Holly-

This is my first time posting my experiences online so please bear with me if it's too long/short etc. I have had a few experiences in my life so far, I wouldn't say I'm 'sensitive' to this kind of thing, but I do tend to see things a lot. My first experience was when I was 8 years old at my dad...

Haunted Camera At Hever Castle by B4Freya

A decade ago--before the wave of paranormal shows on US TV started to "train" us all in how to investigate hauntings and analyze photographs for things like orbs--I visited friends in London. We took a trip to Kent and toured Hever Castle and the surrounding gardens. Hever Castle is the childhood ho...

Khush 08-04-12 by RoMaNzQ

I am a huge fan of this site and I have been reading posts and stories for years. I guess this is why I chose this site to publicly speak out about a very endearing experience I had a year ago. So here goes. I still remember the day as though it were yesterday. I had bought a beautiful Lab/Boer B...

First Investigation by Nephylim

So, I am sure most of you have read my past experiences I have posted on this site. Since joining this site my interest in the paranormal has been rekindled and, as a result, I have joined a paranormal investigation team. We have recently been investigating a house in a small complex in my home t...

I Saw The House Ghosts by Lolly1

I was very young when I had my fist paranormal experience. It happened at my nan's and granddad's house, I would say I was about 6-8 years old (I can't remember exactly). I was staying at their house for about a week and they live in a bungalow. They share a bedroom and I share with my brother and s...

Mom Could Always Make Me Smile by babygoatpuller

I lost my mom very suddenly to a massive heart attack in August of 2009. She was a wonderful, kind and loving woman and raised us six kids on her own and had a major role in helping to raise a couple of grandchildren including my own daughter. I missed her terribly and found myself forever wondering...

Black Figures And White Eyes by TheLastRavenMocker

I have seen things all around me that no one else can ever see but me for as long as I remember. For most of my life the things I have always seen have been black shadow-like figures. Well, I shouldn't say shadow-like, cause they are always solid black. All of them... Except for two. I used to only ...

Death Or Shadow by bluejean

I was 13 years of age when I experienced my first ghost. I was at my grandma's house about to celebrate by uncle's birthday. Let it be known that it was during the day around 1:30 pm. My aunt had gone to go buy food to celebrate my uncle's birthday. When she arrived at my grandma's house I went ...

We Call Him The Man by lillyn19

This is my first time posting my story. I've had quite a few experiences growing up and the one I'm going to share here is the one that scared me the most. We call him "The Man", because when he's been seen he's a very tall, blacker than black, solid "shadow" man. My family and I believe he's the on...

Ghost Story In Bali - Ubud by xiao88

I moved to Bali Island, the Island of Gods, just about two months ago. If you have ever read my other stories, you'd know that I lived in China until recently. Last July I graduated, and the company had difficulties giving working visa for a new graduate like me due to new regulations, etc (Chin...

Unexplainable Things Happening In Our Home by mommy7195

In the last few days things seem to be getting weird around our home. The Sunday after Friday the 13th, my 15yr old daughter was asleep in her room when a little stuffed bear she got from the fair a few weeks before hand started to just make noises for no reason. It was on her dresser nowhere near h...

What Did I See In My House? by destiinyy

A few years ago when I first moved to my current city, something really weird happened. My parents were at work, and I was walking around outside, trying to get used to the new neighborhood. I was making my way back home and my house came into view. The front door was wide open, and I know for a...

My Uncle's Visits by spiritwaiting

I'm not sure exactly where to start with this experience, but here goes. It was 2007, and my mother was still grieving the death of my uncle. She had many questions, unanswered, and I was never allowed a proper goodbye. I did not attend the funeral, due to my living a state away with my grandpare...

The Ghost In The Corner by ashtonmichele

I live in a small house in Georgia. The house a circle shape, and the kitchen is in the dead center of the house to where you can see all the hallways and the living and dining room. The only hallway you can't see is the hall to the front door past my mom's bedroom. There have been multiple exper...

The Ghost Who Follows by WRB

I'm 16 and I wanted to write this to get it out there and to see if anyone can help me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Okay so to set the stage I'll explain how my living situation works. I originally live in San Antonio, Texas. I am a Sophomore and started online courses in order to gr...

Grandpa's Funeral Spirit by Acacia

This is my first time to actually write this out however I have told what happened at my Grandpa's funeral to other family members. It's not spectacular or even scary, but it is genuine. My paternal Grandpa died when I was 14 years old after a 2 year battle with cancer. When he finally passed the...

Tortured Spirits? by andrewland

This happened in a hilltop schoolhouse in a small village in the country. My best friend lived there with his parents on the top floor. The bottom floor was the school. I knew this friend for about 10 years before this event. He told me numerous stories of paranormal events at his house, some of...

Old Wardrobe Door by charpam893

When I was around the age of 16/17 I lived with my parents in Moulton, Northampton. The bungalow was built in the 1940's so was about 60/70 years old. The attic was turned into one big bedroom that my parents slept in, which was creepy enough, even during the day. I had the bedroom that was right...

Unholy Church by Kayla_Lynn

This account takes place a few years back when I was living with my father and stepmother over the summer in Lima, Ohio. I've mentioned in a previous submission that we were homeless and part of a program that sheltered two homeless families, we'll call it the Family Circle. In the Family Circle...

My Encounters At The Daffodale House Estate B And B by daffodaleestate

I have recently closed my own business and sought out work with some folks who own a B&B in Monticello Florida. I had met them when I had a booth at the "Flea Across Florida." They (the owners of the Bed and Breakfast - Daffodale House Estate B&B) were quite warm and interesting and so I called and ...

Strange Occurrences At My Parents' House by SanguineConscripte

From the age of about four until I left for college, I lived with my parents in a house surrounded by woods. It wasn't that far back from the road, but just far enough that it was considered to be "in the woods". That alone was kind of creepy, but at least it was explainable. I should mention that m...

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