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Ghost Stories in Category: Pets / Animals: Page 1

Aleshanee Was Talking To The Privious Cat by blosomes

As written in my profile, I had a cat which past off having a cat flu. My current cat is a second one, I couldn't think of another name so I named her the same name as the previous one, Aleshanee. They looked like twins but came to me in different timing, same grey coat, same amazing emerald green e...

Odds And Spiritual by blosomes

Caution, if you do not like tarantulas or have phobias against them, kindly skip this story, otherwise read on, because it is kind of spooky. (Sorry mods, I just need to share this story) I keep tarantulas and I breed "Baboons" which are tarantulas from Africa, no, nothing personal or against an...

Finding Their Way Home by MFoutch

This ghost story entails the start of trauma and sadness regarding some of my best feathered friends. My husband and I moved to our current home in 2022. My dream once owning our own home was to start a little homestead with a garden. After we went through our first winter, the following spring I ...

Black Panther, Trying To Get My Foot by Garm99

Before I lived where I do now, I use to live in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Alabama, specifically in Crestwood, on south hall RD. The house was not really old and had been built in 1963 or there about. From what I remember we really did not have any other kids in the neighborhood it was full of...

What Did The Dog See? by Midd23

This is incident happened to me when I was about 17 years old, around 1980, give or take. Timelines start running together as one grows older, but the details of this story are as fresh as the afternoon it happened. My father, being in the military, was stationed at the large Air Force Base in San...

Hello Kitties by lady-glow

They were my children's furry playmates, companions of their games and patient listeners to bed time stories. We adopted Poem from the SPCA. A sweet calico turtle shell girl of gentle nature and soft meows. Friendly and motherly, she would lick the face of any cat that came close to her, somehow ...

"yorkshire Terrier" by kim0307b

East or West, there is a story that says dogs always see something that is invisible to our eyes. Among them, I would like to talk about a strange thing that happened to me 23 years ago. The location is Jeju Island, western region. This is an anecdote I experienced in an area called "Moseul...

The Evil Ghostly Dog by Amchi1986

Friends, today the story I am going to tell you is about a very horrible incident which my maternal uncle experienced many years later, after his confrontation with the supernatural world, once again. Now let me tell you about this hair raising incident more in detail. My uncle was once returning ...

Pets Seeing Ghosts Part 2 by JoJorocks

This is the continuation to my previous story "pets seeing ghosts". As I stated, these are compilations of experiences where our pets sense paranormal stuff. Sorry for my very long inactivity due to my busy schedule. Here are the stories; Third experience. This happened last 2021. Christmas seaso...

Love You Boy by Tweed

My cat and best bud Leo passed away on the 1st of May. Leo's history is a bit sketchy. He came to us as an older stray in about 2018. Had signs of abuse, both behaviourally and physically. He'd been neutered but no microchip, which is very odd in these modern times especially for a purebred. Long...

Shadow Dog With Red Eyes by ketchup65625

My whole life I've loved scary movies and I have a brother a few years older than me, so its safe to say I was watching them at WAY too young an age. Combined with the fact that I had a very over active imagination, I was scared of everything. The grudge was hiding in my closet, the clown from IT wa...

Annoying Phantom Cats by PaulCratin

I have enjoyed reading Phantom Cat stories here. My personal experience has been somewhat disturbing. Phantom Cats are not new to me, but I never called them that before now. I have felt them for many years, and occasionally seen one out of the corner of my eye. At first, they were more surprising ...

Pets Seeing Ghosts by JoJorocks

Have you ever wondered if pets can also see ghosts or sense the paranormal? Are you thinking that houseplants or ornamental fungi also were seeing ghosts and also wondering what their reaction would be? I will tell a collection of incidents where our tiny companions sense something odd. First st...

Mouse Apparition Pushing A Protective Shield by CantunSEEit

This story is from our current home that we purchased September 2020. This home was built in the early 1990s; it's partially remodeled. It has newer fake wood floors that look good, but they SNAP and CRACK all the time, day and night because they were installed improperly. The first couple of weeks ...

Possible Ghost Of My Cat Widget That Passed Away by Lilcat21310

Hey guys, I feel the need to share this story so I'll give you details about Widget before I start. She was a really old cat that my mother got around a year before she found out she pregnant with me. She was a all black cat that we sadly had to put down at age 20 around a year ago (my sister and I ...

We Call Him Steven by Mel-D72

We moved into my husband's house a little over 3 years ago. He's always had cats and I've always had dogs and cats. He had a cat many years ago who passed (we miss Thumbs. He was a sleek black and white tuxedo). I've seen a cat sitting in the back window before when my cat was outside and before we ...

Kahlua's Story by Kahluas-Mom

On New Years Eve 2020, we had to put our little Kahlua to sleep. I lost my mind for the next three days with grief. On 1/3/2021 in the morning I heard her bark off in the distance. My husband did not hear it, I then heard her bark 2 more times. I was overcome with grief and guilt feeling that I had ...

Her Squeak Toy by CantunSEEit

My mother had passed away in 1999. I Inherited her beautiful dog (we will call her GEM for this story.) She was black with curly long hair, possibly golden retriever mix. She was friendly and was a kind spirit, and I let her wander the neighborhood. Gem loved chewy squeak toys and we laughed seeing ...

Dark Shadow In The Hall And Cat's Reaction by 8-bitDemigod

We've only had my cat, Luna, for about six months now ever since we found her as a kitten in the backyard. Due to the general erratic cat behavior and the adolescent need to act the fool it's difficult to tell if she notices anything out of the ordinary around the house. That is until this morning. ...

That's Not My Dog by t_bev

I was hesitant to share this story at first. I've always believed it was a paranormal experience; but when telling the story to others, it's hard not to brush it off as "just a dog" or "just my imagination". But I wasn't the only one to experience this and I've seen so many others have similar stori...

One Last Walk For Shandy by LightMight

Shandy was my late husband's Fox Terrier. In May, soon after my husband passed away, we noticed that Shandy wasn't quite as happy-go-lucky as he used to be. Shandy had always been energetic and playful, even though he was considered an older dog. Usually he loved playing fetch in the back yard with ...

Need Help Identifying Dark Black Wolf Looking Sprit by Edp445

Last night was REALLY creepy. It started off normal, and I went upstairs. I was going into the bathroom before I went to bed, but then I felt that I needed to shut the door as fast as I could. I was breathing heavily and I don't know why. I was in the bathroom and felt like an idiot because my paren...

The Dog Man On The Porch by FarEndofSpectrum

Before the incident I should provide you with some context. I live in Bangladesh. I am an eighteen years old guy. I am also atheist/ agnostic. When this story took place, I was seven years old and in second grade. I lived with my father, mother and my sister. My father is a teacher of a cadet col...

9 Lives by blckwdnsdy

I was recently talking with a friend about our own experiences with things "out-of-the-norm". We always speak about these things, trying to logically explain them and it helps. We are both persons who believe in such things and who had experienced such things, but we always try to think rational bef...

I Didn't Do It... I Swear! by RogueDawg

Dear reader, I thank you in advance for taking the time to read through my account. It's been very long since I last posted an experience here. Hence today, when I recalled an incident, I thought, I should not wait another second and just put it all out here, before it manages to slip out...

Baldur by RedWolf

It's been over a year since I've been on here, submitting a story. Tissue warning. This is probably the hardest story I have written. Since my last story I had been seeing an entity I thought was my grandfather or my father in-law. I soon realized that it could be neither because I wasn't getting...

Katie My Dear With The Bow Come Home by i-have-a-crush-on-firestar

This story is about my beloved cat, Katie, she was a darling, she wore an velvet pink bow collar, and an pink velvet harness with an bell, (no I did NOT walk her, I just put it on her when she went outside, just in case she got lost and her collar fell off, so people knew she had an lovely home) I h...

Furry Face by Tweed

We have one cat, no children. Two stark details I managed to neglect whilst typing this up. Two details that could save a lot of time. Was just after New Years, perhaps the 2nd of Jan. Late at night, say midnight, I was getting ready to turn in. As per the usual I was straightening the rugs out b...

Dog With Heterochromia Sees Ghosts by Ranaychristine19

A little back story first. I talked to a native Indian a while ago while I had my Rottweiler Husky x with Heterochromia (two different colored eyes) and he told me how his tribe believes beings and animals with Heterochromia can see the living world as well as the ghost world. I thought that was ver...

Black Panther Spirit In My Home by marlagx

I live in the city in an old Queen Anne style house that is quite large, built in 1902. There is a staircase in the back near the kitchen that I believe the servants used that go up to the third floor. The front staircase just goes to the second floor. Approximately three years ago, as I was walki...

Animal Guardians by Templar1179

Shorty I was on duty as a security officer for a financial call center when I noticed a cat that was killed and was laying in the front yard of the property. He appeared to have been hit by a car. After laying him to rest (and a good half hour of bawling my eyes out), I was inside a vacant off...

Paw Prints From Heaven by DMinerva

In 2008 my beloved Pomeranian dog, Angel passed away. She was 11 and had cancer. She went very peacefully with no apparent pain. She was the sweetest Pomeranian. She was a pretty cream color, very beautiful dog inside and out. When she passed the vet took a paw print impression of her paw and put it...

Little Miss Tauri by spiritwaiting

First I want to apologize for being absent from this site. For years this was like a second home. Hopefully it will be again. I will start from the beginning. I had begun to really want a female companion for my baby Tuck. He's a Mastiff/Pitt mix and quite big and I had noticed he looked lonely w...

Gretel And Moe by Lealeigh

I have read many stories on this site where people have said that their departed pets have returned to comfort them. Eleven years ago both of my cats, Gretel and Moe, were killed by my sister's dog. I was staying with her while I was moving into a new house. A long time passed during which I was i...

Demonic? Principalities? And A Lost Cc - A Year Later by MaggieMay_Not

I know it's been a year and I vanished suddenly, but I have a very good reason. If you all remember I'd picked up/was under attack by, a very malevolent entity. My mentor, a man sent to me by my brother, instructed and assisted me to free myself. The rituals/prayers/cleansing were very intense, ever...

Phantom Bat by SilenceRecited

This event happened in one of my childhood homes in the town of Newburgh, NY. I was about 10-12 years old so it was the early 2000's. One night I was having trouble sleeping, as I often did. My twin sized bed was up against the wall and I had a wooden dresser next to the bed, at the foot of it. ...

Kitten Ghost by Bastet

This is a recent experience I wanted to share with you; it is probably not a very scary one, but maybe who ever had similar experiences will find it interesting and could relate. It happened quite recently - I had just came back from my office work - I left early as I had a very strong headache (wha...

Glowing Blue Eyes by Rose345

I experienced a lot of paranormal activities during my teenage years. This one in particular happened to me when my mother's friend was babysitting me. I stayed at their house in the country (Possibly Meridian, Texas if memory serves me right). It was a one story house out in the country, there was ...

Premonition Of Dog's Death? by Natters

I currently live in Leicester, UK in a house share. For part of the week (usually weekends) my housemate looks after Pippin - a 16 and a half (yes, what an age!) little Terrier cross dog for his friends. Even though I have only lived there since March, I have taken to this little dog and his mischie...

Spirit Of Roo by adove

I was about eighteen and we had recently moved to Boston Massachusetts. I was stressed out about it, I didn't want move to a larger city. There were more people than I was used to making it crowded and somewhat suffocating at times. To cope I clung to my Cat Roo. We called him that because He stood ...

Leo The Lion by Tweed

On Friday the 16th of November (be good if it were Friday the 13th wouldn't it) a cat started meowing in our driveway. This was most strange. It was one of the clan from the neighbourhood who frequent our yard. This cat has been here for years, very timid, only see a flash of him and he's gone. He's...

The Ghost Border Collie That Haunts Our Family by LauraTitanic

Around ten years ago, my older sister walked into our kitchen and saw a black and white border collie dog sitting in the middle of the floor looking at her. She recounts the dog was only there for a couple of seconds and then vanished into thin air. Growing up in a haunted flat, we all became stra...

Talking Black Cat by beingtrish

YGS readers, hi! I've been an avid reader since I can remember and wanted to share this story (with permission of my step dad) that he experienced when he was a kid in his hometown in Mexico. My stepdad grew up in a small town in Michoacan, Mexico. He was about 10 years old when this happened. It...

Mr. Riggs Walks 2 by MrRiggs

In November of 2017 I submitted a story to YGS regarding my departed Schnauzer, Mr. Riggs. He had returned from death to visit his home and family. Last heard from Halloween night of 2017, I thought him gone for good. Apparently I was wrong. There are indications that he has returned. This story ...

The Famous Cat Named Spaulding by Cuddlebear

If the title puzzles you it is a Groucho Marx reference, if that doesn't help catch the movie Animal Crackers (1930). In our soon to be 28 years of marriage we have shared our lives with a dozen furry roommates. Only two of them were "only children" and for both of them it only lasted a very shor...

Feathery And Furry Goodbyes by lady-glow

The following short stories are about three of my pets' visits after they passed away. I should start by making it clear that the first one took place during my childhood in Mexico but, given the fact that they are going to be very short, I have decided to include them together in the same narrative...

Big Black Dog by Haven

When I was around 15 or 16 years old, I was alone at home because my family had gone to a party. My mom was very hesitant to let me stay by myself because they were going to be out pretty late. I remember pleading with her and telling her I needed to get some homework done and I didn't feel well to ...

Mom's Stories: Mysterious Beasts by Amor

I haven't experienced anything worth noting for a long time and though I've always been curious about supernatural things, I'm not one to wish for it to happen. The most recent, I guess, was last February when overnight, a pair of footprints appeared right on the ceiling of the hotel room I was stay...

Shadow Cat by EGhost

For probably about a year now I have been encountering a shadow cat in my home (learned that name tonight, it may not be the correct term). Most of the time it seems like a random trick of the eye or convenient shadow. Other times its just feels too real, also my mother has seen it once or twice. ...

Weasley by Janellexx89

In January of this year we got a kitten we named Weasley to join my other cat Dil. Everything has been fine, he's a normal kitten playful, rowdy and gets into everything. But lately his demeanor has changed. I know he's sometimes scared of my boyfriend because my boyfriend is a little clumsy and has...

Beware Of Dog by Cups

This occurred sometime in late summer or early fall in 1998. I was a senior in high school, and my two best friends were sisters; one was a year older than me, Jane; the other, Kat, a year younger. Jane had gone off to college, leaving us two younger girls to make our own fun. We lived in a very rur...

Treasured Memories by Aporetic

I was so pleased to discover the YGS website, and after reading several stories I felt encouraged and safe to share mine. Safe, because from the comments, I saw a community of people who wouldn't think me crazy when I told them about my experiences (as has been the case when I shared with friends an...

Cat Said Goodbye Before Moving On? by jason1987

Morning everyone. Just reading some of your experiences suddenly made something click for me. I am a 30 year old man, originally from Oxford and now living Jersey, Channel Islands. This goes back approximately 20 years ago therefore it is rather difficult to remember all of the details, but I...

House Puppy 2 by annie16

Just an update. On Friday night, 8 June, I went to bed quite late. My hubby and step-son were still out as my husband was preparing for a classic car race on Saturday. When they finally got home around 23h30, I was still awake but fell asleep very quickly. Around 00h15 and 00h30, I woke up to the fe...

Demonic Bird by michelle97

During my freshman year of college in an all girl dorm, roommate and I lived in an interior room meaning there were no windows- so we kept a faint night light so we didn't kill ourselves if we went to the bathroom at night. Our beds were lofted with the desks underneath- we were high enough up that ...

House Puppy by annie16

We moved into a new house 3 years ago. A month or so ago, I was making coffee when I caught a glimpse of a white dog running past me into the passage. I though it was my dog as she tends to sneak into the house when I'm not looking. I called out to her and started searching but couldn't find her. I ...

Attacked By Ghost Cat? by Jazz2Jess

I've lived in the same house for 19 years and for almost that long we have had a ghost cat that kneads on the bed sporadically. I've had houseguests that have also experienced the same sensation. Lately, however, my spouse and I have both been glimpsing small black shapes very briefly, maybe once...

Aurora Communicated With Me? by roylynx

Since some of you mentioned that spirits can communicate with us through our thoughts, I would like to share the following which had happened quite long ago. I am trying my best to be specific but still I may miss some details. If I do feel free to ask me. Here we go. I was daydreaming on my sofa...

One Last Cuddle by CuriousDee

I was inspired to share my story by a few accounts I've read here on YGS regarding deceased pet visitations. So with that being said, here is the story of Scrappy. I was 20 when I got Scrappy. I had been wanting a dog after moving out of my parents house about a year prior. I wasn't sure what br...

My Dog Saw Something I Didn't by Lydia_Deetz

I have submitted here before some short stories about some of the smaller things that would happen in my childhood home. But until this point I could, at times, convince myself it was just my imagination or there was some reasonable explanation behind all the little things I noticed. However after t...

Cali by RedWolf

Tissue warning: I wrote a story awhile back about how after I had to euthanize a dog a message was sent me in a dream what my next dog would be. If you care to read it you can find it at www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=18144. It was heartbreaking to lose Niko as he was only ab...

Two Dogs by Joshyboy95

My name is Joshua and I am from south Yorkshire England. I am 23 years old and was around 20 years old at the time this sighting occurred. Having watched a lot of ghost stories and other chilling videos on YouTube and other channels due to having been bed ridden for the past 12 days due to a ...

Something Scratched My Friend, Cat And Mirror by Oceana

Quite recently I was at home with my new cat, Alissia and my best friend, Eddison. We were sitting watching a video on my phone when the cat started meowing really loudly from upstairs. Eddison offered to go and see what was up with Alissia. He said there was nothing up so I put it down to settling ...

My Unusual Mountain Guide by Amor

I was in college when I joined a mountaineering club. We planned a trip to hike a mountain that's said to be mysterious among locals in a neighboring province where my college was. There were reports of strange lights at night near the peak and sort of partying noises, despite having no power up ...

Running Up The Stairs by believeandsee

I was 11 when this story took place. I no longer live in that house and haven't experienced anything paranormal ever since. This story is about my sister Cas' dog, Lilo, who got hit by a car behind our house. Nothing strange had ever happened at that house until Lilo passed. I've had about two e...

My Cat Visiting by LauralouCornishgirl

I'll start by telling you a little about my cat. Toffee wasn't really our cat to start with, he belonged to an elderly lady 2 doors away in my street, he used to be jittery and nervous when passing through my back garden during the summer either 2009/10 (we'd moved in May 2009) any way I broke the i...

I Don't Have A Pet, But I Keep Hearing Paws by OktaviaObinger

I know this sounds weird, and it's not specially horrifying. But, one night I was watching a movie at the living room, lights off and wrapped in a blanket. Startled by an unusual sound, I paused the movie. I know that I heard paws against the tiles of the floor, like when a dog is calmly walking aro...

Dream Of Dog The Night She Passed by nicole4186

I'll start toward the beginning. It was 2014 and we lived with our 2 dogs at the time, an 8 year old Bichon Frise and a 6/7? Year old Mini Poodle mix. The Bichon was experiencing health problems very prone to the breed and we knew it was her time to go. It was a very difficult time for the whole fam...

Doodle Says Goodbye by RANDYM

To my friends at YGS This is not a scary ghost story but a "reaching across the veil story" This last Friday (Nov.10) after 4 months from discovering a bad heart murmur in my dog Tinker, (aka, Doodle, Mutt Thing) The time had come to end her suffering and extreme difficulty in breathing. As ...

Mr. Riggs Walks by MrRiggs

On March 2, 2004 I adopted a nearly 3 year old male Miniature Schnauzer (dog) named Mugsy. He was to be a replacement for my recently passed Schnauzer, also known as Mugsy. The matching names seemed to be coincidence. That they both walked with an occasional catch in their right hip seemed to be som...

My Mom's Poodle by MaggieMay_Not

Although I have experienced paranormal events - great and small - all my life, I've never written them, or discussed them openly unless I felt compelled and safe to do so. People don't treat the topic lightly and some get very upset. If it meets the approval of the readers here I will share some of ...

Final Visit by monkeynavigated

I was staying at my parent's house in Augusta for Christmas in '05. It was a grand old house that I had grown up in, built around the turn of the 20th century. My parents are old fashioned and insisted my fiancé and I sleep separately, even though we lived together in Atlanta. Since he is very ta...

Enormous Black Deer by SoniaMary0023

A couple years back my best friend and I were sitting on our back porch smoking a cigarette and talking about nonsense. While we were talking I stopped what I was saying and was staring at this huge black deer with the biggest antlers I have ever seen. I thought it was something I was imagining unti...

Something Spoke by roylynx

My friend had adopted a yellow parakeet. For years the parakeet had been squeaking and talking simple words, it will address itself "Passarinho", little bird. Every time my friend comes home it will go "passarinho com fome" (hungry little bird). Weeks ago my friend's parakeet died, it caught dece...

House Sitting by Fergie

For the second time within a month, I was asked to do house sitting duty at our eldest daughter's home. No problem. She lives in a secure townhouse complex in the Johannesburg region where she presides as chairlady. Her second in command, (I shall call her Kay) would look in on me on a regular basis...

Peanut And Pa by AugustaM

Animals have always been a big deal to my family - we grow up with them as brothers and sisters, when we are grown they are our kids, they are family. I grew up with Annie, a nine pound white pound rescue miniature poodle that my mother and grandmother brought home when I was eighteen months old to ...

A Nightmare With Animals Or Hallucination?! by Dibyosaurus

I have felt the presence of spirits of animals or I have heard their sounds but I have never seen the ghosts of animals. This puts me in a state of confusion that am I really hallucinating animal spirits or did I actually felt their presence. First incident that occurred was when my family had to s...

Aurora Came Home by roylynx

It was just the night before, I was cuddling my black fluff (Henrique my cat), patting him so that he is comfortable enough that he fell asleep on my lap. I and my sister were sitting on the living room sofa watching our favorite movie on DVD as you can guess from the title, E.T. (the famous phrase ...

Black Dog Of Arrochsr by Thefox

My name is James, I am 43, I live in little town on the west coast of Scotland, last year my girlfriend of 29 years and I decided to get married. We wanted a very quiet honeymoon so we booked a log cabin in a very serene little town called Arrochar up north. The first night was Halloween 2016, my ...

I Think My Cat Still Visits Me by kentucky_believer

A few days from the day I'm writing this (February 25th) marks the one year anniversary of the passing my beloved Bermin cat, Petra. Petra was homeless and wondering a busy highway when my mom and I saw her and took her home; I was seventeen or eighteen at the time. For six years, I had this beautif...

I Once Saw The Ghost Of My Dog by Theghostsightinggirl01

When I was 13 (year was 2014), I once saw the ghost of my 12 year old corgi dog. Her name was Abbey. I grew up with Abbey but in 2013, she passed away of a heart attack. One night, I was just about to go to bed. I was walking to my light switch in my room to turn off my lights. My parents were alrea...

Susie The Black Shadow by SpookyCat_

This is my mom's experience, but she has given me permission to tell it. When my mom was pregnant with me my dad surprised her with a rat terrier puppy. They named her Susie and she was always right by my moms side. She went with us on camping trips, to relatives houses and to the beach. She was...

Ghostly Cat by lilpeachyghost

In September of this year, my fiance and I adopted a beautiful female kitten. She's black, white, and ginger. I believe she's a Calico and Rag Doll mix. She has the most playful and loving personalities in a cat I've ever seen and is basically just a little bundle of pure joy. Anyway, after a few...

Phantom Cat/jaguar by sheld999

This story took place when I was 5-6 years old. It was weekend and summer, I was outside playing with a friend of mine (who I no longer talk to). The day was quiet and still. Warmish breeze. I was outside with mate playing then I stopped for some reason. I then went to the gate by the footpath. To w...

Strange Figure Of Animal/creature by sheld999

This sighting took place not too long ago. From memory it was a Thursday night at around 11pm - 12am (nz time) So let's begin with what happen before the sighting took place. Me and my mate, who is 3 years younger than me, were walking around the town playing Pokemon go (yes at night as there less p...

The Mysterious Dog by mayank_holmes

Greetings to all YGS readers. My name is Mayank and I hail from Patna,India. This happens to be my fourth narration and I hope you would bare with me just as you had done before. The story that I am narrating is the latest and the very second paranormal incident that I have experienced until date. ...

Ghost Cat Visit by Ciderrider

I have been reading the stories on the site for some time now and really enjoy the depth and detail from the members. I just wanted to post a strange experience that both my wife and I experienced. Many years ago I was in the Army and was back in London on leave. My girlfriend, who would end up bein...

Demonic Encounter? by moondog

Late one night my insomnia got the better of me and after hours of tossing and turning I gave up and came downstairs to make coffee. My dog decided she would take this rare opportunity to go for a late night walk and I thought since it was a cool evening maybe it would do us both good. I decided to ...

Visited By Mama Cat Of Our Adopted Kittens by jewel_brite

Our black and white cat Lovey was hit by a car near our home. We saw her still moving in the street, but by the time we parked in the driveway and rushed to her, she had passed. It was so distressing and from the look on her face, she had died in great pain. One week later, through a good friend, we...

Dead Pet by Bunnybaby

This story is not particularly scary as the spirit is a loved one, but it is interesting I believe. About a year and a half ago, my beloved pet rabbit died. He was my baby, never in a cage, and usually either wanting to cuddle with me or play with me. He had a very sweet personality, sometimes im...

Prissy by Squeak_the_bat

I have only had one paranormal experience in my life, when I was in my early twenties and living with my aunt in California. This had to have been somewhere between twelve and fifteen years ago, I don't remember exactly. My aunt's cat Prissy (short for Priscilla), who had been a beloved pet and ...

An In-between Introduction by PhilaVeeg

I live in south Jersey and have been reading stories on here for the past couple weeks. I finally decided to post one of my own, though I only have two, after seeing a couple similar ones and just because it's fun to share the most awesome thing that's ever happened to me. My husband and I let ou...

A Dog Of A Guardian Angel? by Mac_Barbie93

I've been in India since the past few days. In Mumbai, or Bombay to be precise, visiting my grandmother who lives here. There's something about this city that intrigues me. They call it the city that never sleeps, and I have to certainly agree. A friend and me have been going for walks in the ev...

Red-eyed Dog by Venator_ignotarum

It was somewhere around a decade ago, though I can't recall the exact year anymore. If I had to guess, I'd say somewhere between 2004-2006, but I couldn't say for certain anymore. It was cold, I remember, though whether it was fall or winter escapes me. I was home alone, in the basement of my pa...

Black Panthers by bev

I and my older sister had strange occurrence when I was 6 and sister 10. We lived in Portland Oregon. We slept on an army cot together in the dining room of a small house, our brother slept on the couch. I'm now 62 and sister 66. One night we had gotten up to use the bathroom. We both were seein...

Gigi Is Back? by GoldenDragon1984

Just to share some memories and a great moment about our great canine friend. Last week, my friend's greyhound, Gigi, had passed away. It was 19 years old and had come to Japan with my friend 10 years ago from UK. My friend and Gigi had grown up together and they are very close to each other....

The Cat Ghost By My Door by Sonic

It's possible that I simply have strong imagination but this is my story, and I'm not sure what the cause is or why I feel like this but if anyone has any theories or answers feel free to suggest them. On a night during the weekend, I got done from watching this movie called the "Spirit of the Py...

Spirit Cat Visits by C2C

I've had a couple incidents of a ghost cat jumping into bed with me. It was always when I was just starting to fall asleep or just slowly waking up, but it would jolt me awake and I'd lie there enjoying the moment. The first time was a cat I had when I was very young, my first pet. I think I was...

A Body And A Black Dog by The_Puffin

This takes place around 1998 or 1999 in Reno, Nevada. I moved there from southern California about four years prior and had been hopping between various apartment complexes. My stepfather worked as a maintenance worker at this specific place. Tanamara Apartments were only half built at the time and ...

The Furballs And I by valkricry

In the summer of 1972, when I was 14, I was put on a Greyhound bus and traveled from Chicago to San Francisco for my brother K's wedding, as the family representative. My mother said it was to make up for my missing my eighth grade graduation and class trip because of moving (AGAIN!), my dad said so...

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