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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter H: Page 8
Hideous White Face by lydia07
You might not believe the story but I promise you that it is real. It started when I went to my nan's for a week while my mom and dad went on holiday. I was just getting into bed when I heard a strange tapping sound at my window. I'm 11 and I get scared really easy so I wasn't sure whether I should ...
Hiding Behind Innocence by JustAnotherPerson
It has been several months since the last time I have posted an encounter on this website. One would view it as a good thing if it has been awhile, and I do, until now. I believe my last post took place when I was either 17 or 18. I would like to say that I have since graduated from high school, ...
Hiding Under The Covers by Jasumi
An event occurred last year that I am still contemplating. I have always experienced some degree of paranormal activity (hearing voices, living in a haunted home, being touched by phantoms...), but this one was very different and almost surreal. It happened as I awoke one morning. Despite my suspic...
High School Experience by Baikeru
I left this out of Story 2 on purpose Backtrack to 2003. I am a sophomore in high school. For P. E., instead of having us do "physical education", Coach Flowers (quite the intimidating football coach name) had us go to the track and just hang out. It was basically a free period where we didn't ha...
High School Haunting by metalhed16
I grew up in Calgary Alberta, Canada. I'm sure you all know that by now. When I was in high school, I went to one of the older ones in the downtown area of the city. I didn't really notice anything until my senior year, in my first semester. Yes I did, on occasion experience things in past years goi...
High Street "Nobody" by ProdigiousMirth
There it was again. The rapping at the window in the spare room. It happens every night at the same time, without fail. At first I thought it was a practical joke. I laughed at it, recalling the fright of it to my mother over breakfast in the morning. When it happened the next night I was annoyed. ...
High Vibration Spiritual Energy Portal by The_Lost_Voyage_11
This is something I'm still trying to make sense of and like a huge jigsaw puzzle, I continue to get more and more pieces to help me form a bigger picture. To give some background it involves an abandoned building near the small town I live near. The building is part of a sprawling complex that c...
High-heeled Leather Shoes by Lalat
Before I tell you my story, first let me clear things up. I am not paranormal sensitive in ANYWAY. I'm LOGICAL. Not a big fan of religion. In fact I consider myself to be a ghost "repellant" (if you want to know why e-mail me). I wouldn't know that I'm in a haunted place unless someone told me. B...
Highlander by fourthgeneration
For those of you who have seen the movie "Highlander" and the way in which the immortal characters in that movie can sense one another's presence before they can actually see one another, this is the best way I can think of to describe what would happen to me between the ages of 20 and 25. I would b...
Highlands Haunting by RunningToMeetTheMoon
When I was 20 I moved into my first apartment, which was in an older home in the Highlands area of Louisville. It was a beautiful home, and the rent was super affordable for the area. Despite sensing a feeling of a presence during the walk through I was still excited to move in. It didn't take long ...
Highway Cemetery by Alex88
This story happened in the Year of 2009. I had a newly purchased motorcycle and since then I started going on long rides as well as midnight road trips to Antipolo back to Quezon City just to chill out in the overlooking view of the city. One weekend a family friend invited me to come over for a...
Highway Ghost by TheLightBeforeDawn
My name is Sierra. I live right next to a major highway. One of my chores is to take the dog for a walk. A couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog down the highway when I heard a huge screech of tyres and a scream that lingered in the air before fading away with the sound of the tyres. Now, as soon...
Highway Nightmare by rishav2011
My uncle runs an optical fibre laying company for cellular service providers. For this purpose he has to travel all through the nation in order to pick up tenders and do the concerned job. This story which I am about to tell happened last year during the month of December near a village in the state...
Highway Trouble! by nalchen
Wanted to get this story in here the very next day it happened, but I had taken a good 20 odd days to analyze the mysterious appearance and disappearance of a man, that in all means I believe, is a ghost. After visiting my cousin in Raleigh, North Carolina, I decided to go on a road trip via the...
Hilarity In The Presence Of Fear by BriBri
This tale is a recounting of another experience I had this past Halloween. So for those of you that haven't read any of my stories yet I am a tad bit sensitive to spirits. I'm so used to paranormal activity that I'm actually very casual about it, unless it's necessarily violent. Even then I'll still...
Himiko by zoajet
Let me first start off by giving some background information. I an 18 now and this happen a long time ago. I always believed in spirits. I was 7 when this happen. I had not used any Ouija board at this age. This story takes place at my school at first. I was at my school after school with my fri...
Hinthorn Chapel Chaos by Benji
My friends "Nathan," "Kayla" and I discussed going to a reportedly haunted graveyard close to my hometown of Hudson, Illinois one August night. When we finally decided to go for it, we met up at my house that evening, gathered everything we thought we needed and headed out in Nathan's car. On the wa...
His Bite by Jessenia
So this basically happened when I was in South Korea as an exchange student for a year. It's the only paranormal experience I had whilst I was there but boy will I remember it for life. I decided to live alone whilst I was there instead of living with other people in a share house or the uni dor...
His Coffee Just Vanished by Jennilou87
This evening, something weird happened. I made my fiancé, Gino, and myself a cup of coffee. I brought them through to our bedroom and put his on the small table on his side of our bed. About half an hour later, Gino turns to me and asks if I drank his coffee. I told him I hadn't and he showe...
His Face Was Stretched by thething45
This particular incident requires a little family back story, so please stay with me and my apologies for any missing details. My mother's family suffered a great loss during the civil war in El Salvador. Many have heard of the death squads that targeted civilians. My grandfather was a victim. I...
His Favorite by Haven
I believe what they say about young children and animals seeing things we adults cannot always see. This incident was validation to me that this is true. My dad past away when my youngest daughter was only 4. They had a really special bond, my dad adored my little girl and spoiled her rotten. Sh...
His Fire Burns Dark by LouSlips
The building our business resides in, had felt lighter after that night. A white light ceremony had been performed and many spirits which had seemed unable to leave were free to cross over. The following morning, the smell of flowers was unmistakable, and the building seemed brighter. But two weeks...
His Grandpa's Room by Jasmin314
First of all I just want to say that I cannot believe I forgot about this. My pregnancy was pretty much a blur to me and I can't really remember much that happened during my pregnancy. What I remember most was the beginning of the pregnancy. This story takes place in my ex-boyfriend's house. I wa...
His Last Words To Me by delrosarioallen
This is not actually a scary story for me... It happened when I was in high school... I have a best friend in high school, his name is Danny. We were classmates back then and team mates in our school. We can say that we are like the "DUO" in our basketball team in our school... We share a lot of ...
His Message To Me, Tingling Electricity Through My Hair by Surya
It must have been 10pm before I went to bed after playing Battlefield with my son for about 3 hours. For the last two weeks or so I have managed to sleep with the lights off, but the last three nights the light has been left on regardless of who is at home. Friday and Saturday I left the light o...
His Mom Came To Help by Haven
A few months before my father passed away, he told my mother that his dead mom had come to visit him. He explained to my mom that she looked so real that for a few minutes he forgot that she was gone and asked what she was doing there and how she got there. He said my grandma told him that she was t...
His Name Is George by Mannerizms
I am going to give you a brief description of my home I grew up in for those who may not have been told before. I lived in rural backwoods Maine all my life until moving to Tucson; we had 2.3 acres of land and it was covered in trees and old accident leftovers (i.e. Shoes, bumpers, glass, etc.). Now...
His Name Is Vic by Melda
Where to start? The beginning of course is always the best place. That being so, unfortunately, you'll have to bear with me to find out how I eventually came to know that his name is Vic. And yes, Vic is a ghost. As I have never kept a journal, I can only give approximate dates regarding my experie...
His Present And Past Mother by luisma
This story did not happen to me personally but to my grandma. I come from a big family, my grandparents had in total 13 children and my grandmother has always been sensitive to the abstract world. One of her younger sons died at a young age about 23-24 and it deeply affected everybody, I was too yo...
His Spirit Lives On by PerfectlyDisturbed
Just to start off, I am a huge fan on this website. I found this place by searching for real ghost encounters on Google. Anyway, I have been reading a whole bunch of amazing stories on here for the past few days and it inspired me to share mine. Note that this is my first time sharing an experience....
His Test by ulvenNixie
It is really hard for me to remember the exact time this experience took place. I believe it was during my junior year of high school because I was dating my cousin's friend who would end up being my fiancé a short time later. It was a terrible relationship for a lot of reasons that I don't need to...
Hispanic Woman And Lost Child by Koopa
A friend and I decided that we wanted to go fishing for catfish along the Mississippi River but we went late night. We thought that the best time to get there would be after 9pm and my youngest brother had apparently decided to tag along. The location was along the Mississippi river in South St. Pau...
Historic Haunt by Linjahaha
Way back in 1972, I was involved in a Summer Co-ed Work/Job Training Program that was set up through the High School, Willoughby South High, that I attended. I secured a position at the historic Garfield Home Museum in Mentor, Ohio, as a tour guide. I had been to that museum a couple times growing ...
Historic Seaside Town Haunted House by bella333
I live and grew up in a famous, historic seaside town. It is beautiful doted with historic sea captain's homes from the 17th and 18th century. I recently bought a home that was built in 1760. It was renovated about two years ago. I am the first to live in the unit that was renovated as we bought it ...
Historical House by Reallifeexp
As I mentioned in another story, I once did a co-op at a historical site. This tale is about a house on that site. It was an original house built there. Basically it was like a barn. You go up the steps to the front door and inside is a big space with a bigger loft/floor upstairs. This happened a lo...
Historical Inn by Reallifeexp
I did a co-op at a popular attraction one fall in late 1990's. I would do the tours while the woman baked fresh breads and cookies for orders and for the guests. It was truly an amazing experience there were two levels in this particular building. It was a Halfway House for travellers travelling bet...
History Of The House by CrystalJewel
I remember being five years of age, moving into a large, beautiful ivy-covered house with my parents which dated back to the First World War. Of course, due to my age at that current time, I didn't really take in the house's history, I just heard of what the house was built on, which was a First Wor...
History Through The Rear View Mirror by otteer
This incident took place about 10 years ago. My son and I decided to go for a drive on a hot sunny day. We chose to drive down to our local marina, located on the Puget Sound in a town whose first inhabitants landed in the late 1700's. The town is located in a low lying spot at the bottom of what wa...
Hit By A Ball Of Light by mattfitz
This story happened to me when I was fifteen years old, about eleven to twelve years ago but still plays on my mind. I was with three of my friends one night. My parents were not home as they had gone for the weekend. We smoked a joint outside and had come inside to play some funny mind games and ...
Hit By A Car? by Hetti
I live on a small side street just off a really big main road. To get to school every morning I have to walk up this main road a little bit and then catch a bus from there. I do this every morning. A few times I have seen a little boy in a really old fashioned school uniform, with little shorts a...
Hit With A Book In The Dark by Lacy-Dawn
I think I was about 13 years old when the following event happened to me. It was on a winter night and I had just gotten into bed and covered myself with my heavy blanket. I had my door shut as I always had so my cats wouldn't wake me up at night by walking all over me. I was just laying there on m...
Hitch Hiker Lady by Birdie
In November of 2005, my then 2 month old daughter had come down with a common cold and had it for about 2 days and she wasn't feeling too well, so I went to sleep along side her at around 10:00 PM. I was worried about her and debated if I should take her to the hospital, the nearest one being about ...
Hitchhiker Haunting At Wee Hours by rahul_shelar16
I work at a MNC company which is situated around 35 kilometres away from my home. So I commute by my bike with another of my colleagues who used to accompany me 5 kilometers away onwards from my home. The road by which I was traveling was being newly constructed for about 5-7 kms. I had my first shi...
Hitler's Eagles Nest by Taynevada
This is a story that my mom told me from when she was in the military about 15 years ago. All the troops were taken to Hitler's castle, called the Eagles Nest and they got to stay the night in the rooms there. My mom said that everyone else was at this party thing except for her and her few roommate...
Hobo Ghost by boogoosttella124
A year ago I was with my sister and her friends walking down our dirt road when I saw this hobo sitting on the ground with his back against a tree. It's not unusual to see a hobo in our county, but not down our road. So I whispered to my sister,"There's is a hobo over there." She responded, "What ...
Hockey Boy by BellaPhantom12199
This happened a year ago when me and my family had just moved in to our new house. I just got finished carrying my stuff in to my room. As I let my cats out of their cage (they were one at the time) I opened the door to let them out and to explore our new house. I was sitting in my room listening to...
Hokkus - Cat Spirit by Nuka
Our dear cat Hokkus died five years ago when I was 14. I never got the chance to say goodbye to her because it happened when I was in school. It was a big loss and I cried as I missed her so much. About year after Hokkus passed away, she came back. I was sleeping when I was suddenly woken up. I f...
Hold The Door by Primordial-Trimurti
Actually, this is my second story to be published here, the first one was in my other account. Unfortunately, that account was 3 years ago and I did not open that account since then. It's probably lost in the deep web (let's hope this account won't get lost). Short introduction, I live in the Phi...
Holding Me Down by xLadyTastyx
I've always believed in ghosts and although I have always had a strong belief about them since the tender age of about 3, I never thought that I would ever encounter ghosts in my lifetime. Although in my house in Kennington (London), as a child I had experienced ghostly encounters where I would leav...
Holiday Camp EVP Session by MagicCam
We own a static caravan on the south coast. It is a holiday camp and holiday campers arrive regularly. For something to do there is a Country club house on sight that is supposedly haunted. One day me and two other friends done a few EVP sessions. First off I was on my own and I started talking. ...
Holiday Encounter by KEELYC
Three years ago whilst on a family holiday in Spain I believe I had my first paranormal experience. We had rented a home for the week we were staying in Spain. The house was amazing, the front room was just the right size, not too big but not too small either, it had a homely feel to it. The room...
Holiday Experience by Temilicious
It's been a while since anything has happened to me, hence the silence, but there is something I experienced over the December holidays, but because I have been so busy at school (decided to go back & study this year) , I haven't had time to post it, until tonight. It's nothing scary or exciting ju...
Holiday From Hell by CF
Me and my family decided to go to Europe a few months ago. When we arrived at our apartment, the weather was dark and stormy, with a light rain pouring down. However, we brought all our luggage inside the apartment and saw a bookshelf groaning with the weight of tons of old fashioned books all w...
Holiday Haunting In Donegal by kirgeek
My dad is from Donegal, a rural county in the republic of Ireland, and my family have gone over every summer since I was born. Normally it is a fun, family filled affair, all of my aunties and uncles and many cousins join us and we spend a fortnight or so on the beach and enjoying the "Mary from Don...
Holiday In Wales by TinyTinker
My parents, my brother, my husband, our two children and I were staying in a holiday cottage in North Wales - it was a 16th Century Drovers Inn that had been converted to a holiday let. We arrived and I took my then 14-month-old daughter upstairs to change her. The building looked very old and t...
Holiday Season Experience by KimSouthO
It was freezing outside, Christmas just around the corner. We had just celebrated Thanksgiving; I can not say I was happy about the holidays. My parents had recently separated, my mom, sister and I moved into one of the many apartments we would inhabit for the next few years, and life felt to be at ...
Holiday To Remember by XxelliesxX
When I was 12 my mum went into hospital for a small operation (hysterectomy) which went horribly wrong it left her stuck in hospital for around a year and now she still has some problems, during that year there was a 2 week gap in which she could take me on holiday so she decided to take me to Tener...
Holiday Visitor by Oceana
Last year at Christmas, I went to Colorado for a holiday. I own a house over there so I stayed in that for the duration of the holiday. I got there on the 20th of December, at midnight so immediately I went to bed. In the morning I was woken up by this rapid banging on the front door. I opened it a...
Holiday Visits From Loved Ones by Gamma
My late grandmother died 3 years ago, and when I found out I went into what I guess could be best described as Auto-Pilot. I got so depressed that I wouldn't leave the house or talk to anyone. It went on for over a month. Then, 2 days before my birthday, I woke up in the middle of the night because ...
Hollenbeck Park Ghost by sabrina_25
A little history. When my dad was young I'm not sure exactly what age I'm guessing about 8 or 9, he would be lying in bed ready to go to sleep and from any dark, shadowy corner a woman dressed in all black with a veil over her head would float over next to him kneel and whisper in his ear. He never...
Hollyweird by ghostseer
I drove through Hollyweird (Hollywood) in record time, and finally found a parking spot. If you have ever been to the area around the Sunset Strip, you know how congested with oddness it is. As soon as I got out of my car, I saw the dwarf astride a pink stingray bike. He had on a Viking helmet wi...
Hollywood Forever by Ghoster2K
Friday, October 31, 2003 While I was in Los Angeles in October of 2003, beginning my celebrity grave hunting adventures at the famous Hollywood Forever Cemetery, I had a rather strange experience. As I was walking toward the Abbey Of The Psalms Mausoleum, a feeling of dread came over me. I could th...
Home by spookyonfire
I have quite had a few spare times to share another story but I almost always don't know which experience I'd share next. This will be my second story but unlike some from this page I won't be doing my stories in chronological order because I'd rather share what comes to mind during the few times th...
Home Alone by emiley
When I was 10, I spent the night at my grandma, Crystals. She went to pick up my sister up and I was getting in the shower when I realized that I hadn't gotten my clothes set out. So I went back to my room and my radio was turned off, I knew that I had kept it on, so I turned it back on and went to ...
Home Alone - The Shuffles Return by unknown_madness
The following story would make more sense if you first read my previous story "Shuffles in the Kitchen." My story is the most recent out of all the ones I have published. It happened only about two or three days ago. It was half term and the weekend so I had a lie in in the morning and came down ...
Home Alone And Never Again by honeybird22
You know how you always look forward to staying at home alone with no family to bother you? But what happens if you see something that scares the living daylights out of you? Well, that definitely happened to me. Every Thursday night my brother, sister and father go out and play music at a restau...
Home Alone Experience by MissEmoVampire
My family can see Ghosts and Spirits and I always hoped that I could see a Ghost or Spirit. Before my encounter I believed in Paranormal Activity but my own experience was freaky. This experience happened on 25th February 2012 at 9pm. I was home alone sitting in my room reading, when suddenly a c...
Home Alone Horrors by JennyTee
I've experienced a few strange things before and I felt the urge to finally post something. I've been reading stories on this site for a while and only just begun to comment. This happened when I was a teen, and I've never forgotten it. A lot of strange things happened in that house. First of all...
Home Alone on a Freaky Friday by Ghostlover
Hi, some of you may of read my other story Haunted Hotel, well here is one of my other experiences. On one stormy friday night, at about 8:30 pm, when I was about 16, my mom and dad had to work over time and my sister was sleeping at a friend's house. My brother was at my cousin's house. I was home...
Home Alone, So Who Touched Me? by levitator
This story took place sometime around September. My Dad asks me if I can drive the following day to Subic Pampanga for us to pick up my elder sister at the airport. As he is asking me to drive on a Saturday morning, I replied yes. I got to bed early because we have to leave at 4AM. I set up an a...
Home Haunted Home by PagalLadka
Hey I am here to share my story which is taking place in my house from 2 months. I shifted from Mumbai, India to Kolkata, India on July 2013 but something abnormal, maybe paranormal events started taking place in my house from 2 months. My home has 2 bedrooms, 1 balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom. M...
Home Hauntings by Tamsa
I'm not sure if I ever actually got my story submitted to this site, but thought I'd give it a shot. I have already had one ghost team to my home last year who were hobbying it and didn't do much follow up with me though they apparently did find something. I suspect something frightened them away ba...
Home Horror Still Continues by sheetal
I've posted one story titled as 'New home horror experienced by mom' Where I've mentioned how one spirit was troubling to my mom and we blessed our house and she is no more seen by mom. But today I am writing this story because we are feeling she is not left our house or may be some another negative...
Home Made Ouija Board by Mercury_Lyn
This happened over a year ago. It was my last week of school of my sophomore year. I don't remember the date exactly just that it was the first week of June 2009. I live in a 110 year old Victorian Mansion in Pennsylvania. And ever since my two older sisters, mother, step father and nephew have live...
Home Made Ouija Board Took Time To Burn by CryingRose
Hey there! Finally I have got this site to get rid of my incident which I have had with the ouija board last year. It happened in 2011.07.21, we were four friends (lets name them A, B, C and myself Me). We were at B's house enjoying our weekend where suddenly B mentioned that she always felt that s...
Home Now by MaryLilac
In 1983, I was babysitting for a young family during my junior year in college. They lived in a historical Tulsa neighborhood, in a large Georgian style two and a half story home built in the late 1890's. One particular night, I put the kids to bed around 9:00. I settled in on the couch, upstair...
Home Sweet Hell by kahleah
This all started when I was only 4-5 years old. I used to hear scratching and bumps in my room and would have horrible nightmares, running into my grandparents' room in tears begging them not to make me go back into my room but of course they didn't believe me. The years went on and every once in a ...
Home Sweet Home by bebe78
Here is the background... My parents have lived in the same house for 32 years. They are the second owners, the man who built the home for his family also died (in the house) of Lou Geriggs Disease. I am 30 years old and have had unexplained experiences as far back as I can remember. One that re...
Home Sweet Home by Anjoubelle
Normally I am not one to be easily scared. Rather, I prefer to play practical jokes on others, scaring them senseless used to be a great pass time but unfortunately one single experience has drastically changed my point of view, now days, I tend to avoid anything to do with the paranormal. My fami...
Home Sweet Home? by Kaedriana
I moved into the house I currently live in when I was eleven years old. I've been having ghostly experiences ever since I was very young, but when I moved into this house that I live in now, I've had much more experiences. I'm here to talk to about some of my experiences. The first experience tha...
Home's Guardian Spirit by sameeca
This tale takes place in my friend's house, who is only a few doors down from my parents (formally my own) home which I wrote about before, entitled 'House upon the Gallows'. It's a similar lay out, kitchen/diner downstairs and double doors (not a feature in my parents place) leading into the living...
Homemade Ouija Board by brooke1378
So on August 18, 2016, me and my friends were texting back and forth about random things, like we always did everyday. Then somehow in our conversation the topic of ghosts and demons came up. One thing in particular regarding ghosts and demons... Ouija Boards. So we started joking around and sharing...
Homestead Family Hauntings by Iron_Maiden_88
The good thing about the hauntings at the farm house was that they were all passed on family members doing it. There was never a menacing or foreboding feeling when you stepped in the door and you never felt unsafe when you were alone. It's like they were watching over me and my siblings. Which lead...
Hometown Experience by Tsanok
I was born and raised in a family that doesn't really believe in the paranormal. We are quiet religious but was also brought up by my old folks telling stories that consist of the explainable and much to say (for me) "impossible" ghost stories. I do live near the famous White House in Baguio in whic...
Homey Spirits by rjay99
My story is from a few years ago when I lived in my old home. I'd never experienced anything even slightly paranormal before so I was a little unnerved when strange things started to happen. The house was only 3 years old and we were renting it. So as far as I know nothing traumatic had ever hap...
Homolovi by shelbyloree
When I was 16, I signed up for a week long dig at the Homolovi Ruins through EarthWatch. My aunt had sent me the magazine and since Indiana Jones was my hero (or so I thought, turns out it was just a crush), I was going to become an archaeologist too. I did receive my BA in cultural anthropology yea...
Honey I'm Home by serenitylopez
This story is pretty damn lame compared to some of the ones that I have read on this site but anyway, here goes! I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years now. He lives in a very old house in Streatham, South London and surprisingly I have never found it to be at all creepy. It's a house w...
Hood Figure With The All White Face by TraumatizedbySin
Here is a story I've only shared with a few people as the times I have I was often made fun of or looked at as if I was mental, except for my wife as she was sort of a witness. When I was younger, before I got married, I was on the phone at my parent's house with my future wife. My parents have ...
Hooded Apparition by robynhoodwinker
I was about 31 years old and about 5 months pregnant, not drinking or drugging, in May of 1985, visiting my Mom and Dad in New Mexico. They lived in a brand new 2 story Spanish style home at the north end of Albuquerque. Everyone had retired to sleep and I was dozing off in the guest room on a daybe...
Hooded Black Figure by hmb2002
This actually happened to my brother. He was upstairs playing the wii in our house, and he started to walk out of the room. He looked to the left and saw a black figure standing by his room. The figure looked like it was wearing a hooded robe. He walked over to a wall that separates the steps from t...
Hooded Black Figure 2 by hmb2002
Hey everybody. Before you read this, you probably should read hooded black figure if you haven't yet. My brother has seen this figure once again. Just last weekend, we drove into town to buy groceries. Mom and dad drove separately, so that we would have more room to put things. I wasn't feeling well...
Hooded Black Figure 3 by hmb2002
This happened literally 2 minutes ago and it freaked me out so much I had to tell you guys about it. So, I was downstairs at the flower shop my mom owns, and I saw my brother sitting at a desk playing games on my laptop. I handed him his phone because he asked me to grab it for him. I went upsta...
Hooded Cloaked White Figures by xDistrubedx
I should start off that I am fifteen and a half years old. I'm female. My name is Emma. I couldn't get to bed tonight this night because I have had enough of this. I am so scared. I guess I will start from the beginning (sum it up for you just so you have a better understanding of who I am). I "...
Hooded Figure In My Doorway, My Brother Calls A Watcher by Lduff
I'm from what you call a psychic or gifted family. My gift is I am a very sensitive empathy. Lately more and more unexplainable things have been happening. I've been seeing a figure just standing in my doorway. It stands about 7ft tall and is in a thick charcoal gray robe. I couldn't see its face. W...
Hooded Figure Watching Me by TraciiE_LEwiiS
On October 11, 2008, I went to bed after watching a horror movie called Somebody Help Me (with Omarion and Marques Houston starring in it). The movie ended around midnight and soon afterwards I fell straight to sleep in my room. Then about 2 hours later, I felt I was half dreaming and half awake ...
Hooded Figure With Red Eyes by 5FDP
When I was younger, around 12 years old, my cousins moved in with me due to some family issues. They were all younger than me but there was about six of us including my sister. We decided it would be fun to try the old "Bloody Mary" legend. I never believed in that stuff nor did I know much about th...
Hooded Figure, White Face, No Eyes by haunted1
The first time that I saw the hooded figure described in my title I was driving late at night near Annapolis, VA. The details of that encounter I placed in a comment on someone else's story. Sorry about that, I didn't really know my way around the site all that well. I concluded that story by tellin...
Hooded Figure? by Teresa324
I was laying in bed one night after work. I am a single mother of twin girls. I hadn't fallen asleep just yet, but had my back to the door that led into my childrens' room, they were asleep when I last walked through the house before laying down. I was thinking about work the next day, when all of a...
Hooded Figures by KitteeChaos
When I was about 16 I started getting sleep paralysis. At first it was nothing more than not being able to move upon waking or falling asleep and I only got it once and never got it again until a couple years later. When I was 18 I got a job decorating cakes at a grocery store, and my schedule was...
Hooded Lady by Dina
I don't remember when exactly this happened. I must have been about 6 or 7. My older brother and I were home alone and watching TV in the dark. I got an uncomfortable feeling and kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. It was to the left where the entrance to our formal sitting room used t...
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