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Ghost stories from South Africa: Page 1
Our Family Entity by SashB
Seasons Greetings YGS family. I hope all are having a funfilled and blessed festive season. I however am at work and enjoying every moment of it. Today I am writing about a few experiences I have had whilst growing up. I honestly do believe that this had to do with my now late mum. You would h...
What Is 10:36 And Angel Numbers by SashB
Today I am back, and I have more of a question for you all, as I feel there are many of you on this platform who may be able to provide me and answer or even clarity. So as many of you may have read from my previous posts that I have lost both my parents. I was close to my dad as I am an only gi...
Dancing Orbs by SashB
Thank you for reading and commenting on my previous stories. Today is just a Lazy Durban day, and I thought what better way to pass time, so here I am. Prior to my parents passing I had never seen orbs, but I did read and watch movies about it. It was my Mum's 13th day prayer (In Hindu traditi...
My Parents Bedroom by SashB
I currently reside in my family home with my husband and 3 sons. I have fond memories of our home as a little child. There are also many memories which I wish I could tuck away in a little box and store it at the back of my brain never to be found again. We moved into this home in 1988. I was on...
All In A Dream by SashB
I am back. Just at work, not so busy and I decided to share an experience I had after my mum passed away. As per my previous experience, I did share that my mum was obviously trying to be there for me after she was gone. This I found a little strange and would love to know your thoughts. So here it ...
Beautiful Scent I Think It Was My Mum by SashB
I am back to share after a while. I have been rather silent, just reading. I would like to share a personal experience with you all. This happened soon after my mum passed away in 2014. It was a rather sudden passing as she had been sick but not to the point where we thought we would lose her. My mu...
House With Bad Vibes Or Something More Sinister by tiktokangelscpt
After my last car accident story, we came back to Cape Town and moved into our own house in Table View in May 1998. The very first night I felt very unwell. I had nightmares and sleep paralysis, and I couldn't sleep by the window in my room or in the living room. Many things disappeared and reappe...
Toilet Terror by tiktokangelscpt
Atbara Street, Eindhoven, Cape Town, South Africa. 15 September 2018 @ 00:05am Hi Evenings Everyone I really hope you liked the story of my experience of the Drain chaser. Before we moved to Dunoon we were staying in a RDP House (Reconstruction and Development Programme). Which has only...
From Wedding To Funeral In 24hrs by tiktokangelscpt
19 October 1995, my family and I were travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg South Africa. We were on our way to my cousin's wedding and I was supposed to be a flower girl in it. At 02.00am, just outside Bloemfontein, a car in the other lane pulled out from behind a truck and head on collided ...
Drain Chaser by tiktokangelscpt
Good Evenings to all on YGS and I really missed you guys and gals. My account got hacked, and so I've had to start a fresh. This is my 1st story to you from one of my experiences. Hope you all like... Dunoon Cape Town 15th December 2021 03:15am My story began with a true tragic event which ...
Was It My Guardian Angel? by SashB
Today I am going to share an experience I had in 2021. My family and I had Covid, and I had to be admitted to hospital. It was really scary for me because it was my dad's 3-year death anniversary on the day of my admittance. I was really scared as I am diabetic and hypertensive. I had been running h...
A Dream Or Reality Part 2 by SashB
Today I am sharing what has recently happened to me. Last year I would always wonder why I was always sick and we were having constant financial issues to the point that we won't have food to eat. I became so fed up that I had given up hope, I just stopped praying. This was until I came upon a v...
Grandmotherly Touch by MsTea
This one happened in Durban, 2018. My grandma had planned a five day vacation for her, my brother, my niece and I in Winkelspruit. We were driving up from the Eastern Cape on a Thursday and returning the following Thursday, but the morning of our departure, whilst on the road, we received a call...
Naughty Ghost Child? by MsTea
This is my first post, but have many more to share. Been reading for a while now, but this recent occurrence made me sign up. It happened on the 17th of this month (February), to be exact. My "friend" and I were at home. It was past 10 to 11pm and I was already in bed. My friend, was preparing fo...
Reality Or Dreams? by SashB
Today I am posting a few occurrences that took place starting since 2008 It may be a little sensitive to some but please forgive me. To begin with I am going to give you a little background insight about my culture and religion. I am a South African Indian. I am a Hindi speaking Hindu. I have n...
Big Fright In Several Places by Firegirl14
I, my twin brothers and a brother younger than I, and his friend were at the church tombola event at Sea View's Dutch Reformed Church in the 1970s. My mother sent us to our house, which was just across the street! When we walked to the back door, the curtains were see-through, we saw my grandm...
Scary Experience At A Cousins House by KS
I have 2 older sisters, and we were younger we were staying over at a cousin's home for around a month during our school vacation break. I was around 8-10 years old at the time, and my sisters in their late teens. The 3 of us were sharing a bed in the guest bedroom which did not have a working light...
The Drain Chaser by VANGYVANJA
Good Evenings to all on YGS I really missed you guys and gals. Dunoon Cape Town 15th December 2021 03:15am My story is based on a true tragic event which leads up to what we've experienced. Quite a few years ago there was a murder of a young teenage boy here in Dunoon. Now for all of ...
"toilet Terror" by VANGYVANJA
Atbara Street, Eindhoven, Cape Town. 15 September 2018 @ 00.05am My partner and I used to live with his daddy and 5 other siblings. Now this is an Rdp house (Reconstruction and Development Programme) which has only 1 room bathroom and lounge. They built on an extra 3 rooms. So the 2 younger sibl...
Muizenberg Police Museum In Cape Town by James10
About 4 years ago I was in the dungeons at Muizenberg Police museum which is alleged to be haunted by myself, I thought. I was reading a story that was posted on the wall outside one of the dungeon's door about a relationship between a slave at the Cape and a Burgher, with my back to another dungeon...
Strange Visitors by annie16
It's been over two years since I last submitted an experience. Since then, so much has happened. Within a 3 month period, to the day, I lost my older sister, her husband (my brother-in-law) and my niece. All were natural although very sudden deaths. Suffice it to say, it was an extremely emotional p...
Updates On Usual Encounters by Rajine
My regular incidents have become more of an annoyance than anything else. If you have read my previous stories I mentioned hearing what sounds like a baby crying directly outside of my bedroom window, well it's still continuing and I cannot really figure out why it just started out of no where, and ...
Old And New by triden07
Sorry guys, this is a bit of a read. I had to go to SBAH (that is a state hospital in Pretoria) to take my son, T, for tests. As a refresher, T was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in 2016 (since it's genetic and you are born with it, but it took doctors in this country 9 years and a coma to figure...
Mystifying Morning by Melda
I had a rather strange, almost eerie, experience during January/February this year. I'm hoping that somebody can provide me with a logical explanation because try as I might, I don't seem to be able to come up with one. I go through phases of insomnia, quite regularly, and by approximately 03:45 on...
Strange Stuff At New House by dido
Been a while... Hope everyone is well during this pandemic.:) My husband, our 15 month old baby and our 5 dogs (all poms) moved into our new house in May 2020. This house was built in 1986 and was in really good condition. We started looking for houses after having too many security issues at ...
A Series Of Creepy Events by Rajine
You would think that even though we are in a world wide pandemic and for us here in South Africa being under a nation wide lock down I'd have more time to be able to submit stories and comment on this site, but sadly even at home there's way too much to do, here I shall cover on a few random inciden...
Personal Experiences Of My Mother And Myself by Rajine
In my second previous story I related about how my parents heard what sounded like a woman screaming in the bushes, in this next post I will also relate other accounts that my mum experienced and also a very personal incident that happened to me as an adult. This all happened in the house where I...
My Experiences With Black Magic by Rajine
Where I come from we do believe that there are people around us that are capable of doing stuff to harm us, cause rifts in our family, drop us down financially and lastly even cause death in some cases. In this submission I will write about some of the experiences I've had and even a close brush wit...
A Shriek Of A Woman In The Woods by Rajine
Greetings to all readers I am happy to say that after I had gotten a slap on my leg, nothing else has been happening at home. Things seemed to have calmed down for now. The next story I am about to relate happened to my mother just after she had gotten married some 35 odd years back, the topic o...
Slapped By An Unseen Hand by Rajine
Firstly I'd like to wish everyone on Your Ghost Stories a very happy new year, I hope its going to be a year filled with boundless opportunities and happiness for everyone. I haven't been around for a while as it's been very hectic lately, but this incident I am about to relate is the most recent. I...
Family Guest 2 by tellanizer2
I wish to start off this story by saying that this is a follow up on a previous story I had published on this website in 2011-11-01. I have unfortunately lost all my login details and the password help function wasn't successful. Thus, I have created a new account. For those who wish to read my prev...
A Father's Goodbye by Lallie
My mother and her father never had a good relationship. Her dad was orphaned at a young age and then adopted by 'not-so-nice' people. He later married my grandmother and soon had my mother. Unfortunately, he was involved in a motorbike accident at a very young age, while my mother was still a baby. ...
The Little Girl In The Garden by Lallie
When I was about twelve years old, we had been living in the same house for about three years. This is also where I had my first direct experience. To give a little background, my room was at the end of a hallway, on the left hand side. You could see the small front garden from my bedroom window as ...
Small Green Man Inside Classroom by Estelle
I was born in Port Elizabeth and lived with my mom and siblings in Holland Park until the age of 8. We were all enrolled in the local primary school around the corner from our house. The school had those temporary classrooms back in 1989 when I was in Grade 1. One evening after a function at the...
The Friendly Cemetary Ghost by Jaxxxanator
Just a bit of a back story to understand the context. I lost my dad when I was 12 and my "gift" emerged soon after. I am now a 30yr old woman and have learnt to understand my gift better, since is so far the strongest form of communication for spirits to contact me- specially family. I also can "fee...
My Mum's Tragic Stroke by SashB
I am new to this site however I have been reading for many years now, and I must say that my Sunday is never complete without a good read on this site. I will be posting my experiences, however it will not be in order as it happened so please forgive me for that. I come from a middle class Indian ho...
A Haunting In Drakensberg by crazypaws
In September of 2010, I went on a group tour in South Africa. There were about 20 people in our group, from all over the world. Our guide was a local man with many years of experience. About a week into our trip, we were arriving at Drakensberg, a beautiful mountainous area. We were staying on a pri...
Lost Love by triden07
Since my divorce in 2010, I have only really been in one real relationship. This guy was unlike anyone I had ever known before. We had our little fights and I really did not like where he worked. But despite those things we really cared about each other. Unfortunately things didn't last, and soon I ...
Black Figures In Our New House by triden07
I haven't written anything in quite some time. Partly because we sold the house where little Adam is, and my experiences have been very scarce since the move. We bought a small 3 bedroom house in a little town called Heidelberg. The area is so nice and quiet, not as noisy as Kempton Park. And con...
The Miners House by morbiddaisies
As mentioned in my other story 'Evil in the Store Room', there has been other encounters and experiences on the same property. My grandparents bought this old miners house when they were in their twenties and newly married. My granddad worked in the mines. They bought this house for very cheap. ...
Evil In The Store Room by morbiddaisies
I lived with my grandparents for a period of time when I was younger as my parents often moved around due to my fathers work was irregular. My grandparents house was an old mining house and had a separate garage further aways from the house. Behind the garage was this 4 by 4 store room that used to ...
A Visitor Last Night by annie16
This was so weird and I really can't explain it. Things have been a little tense at home this last week and a lot has been going on in terms of really bad things happening to very special people in my life. Last night I went to bed alone and was awoken by someone shaking my foot, I was sleeping ...
Pressure, Tugging, And The Unsightly Bruise by Aporetic
Not too long ago I posted a comment that I'd thankfully never experienced anything spooky - except for the disembodied voices that may be seen as such - but that's since changed. The first thing I do when I get out of bed in the morning, unless I urgently need to use the toilet, is check up on m...
Calm After The Storm by Aporetic
I used to be a terrible sceptic, but that all changed after my daddy's passing in 2013 - and for some reason, there's been a significant spike in my experiences since - especially these last few months. 20 August 2018 I had a heartbreaking argument with a friend who ended up 'cursing' me afte...
Not My Time Yet? by Aporetic
I often wonder why spirits 'choose to show themselves' at particular times - ranging from the mundane (my burned pies account, 'Daddy's Chirpies') to possible life-threatening experiences (valkricry's 'Big Brother Is Watching'). Why not all the time; especially in perilous situations? Is it perhaps ...
Daddy's Chirpies by Aporetic
I had planned on submitting the experience of how my Yoda's whispers from the other side was instrumental in me adopting my new fur kid, Pirate, but I decided to give the trees a break from the tissue issues LOL. This narrative is my most recent experience. Though the setting is a religious one, it ...
A Ghost Or Spirit Who Took The Form Of My Aunt by Rajine
Greetings to all on YGS. The story I'm about to relate didn't happen to me directly, however it did occur at my house. My entire family (aunts,uncles,parents and cousins) would all gather every weekend at each other's houses for get togethers. For us it was a weekly tradition we as kids looked f...
Treasured Memories by Aporetic
I was so pleased to discover the YGS website, and after reading several stories I felt encouraged and safe to share mine. Safe, because from the comments, I saw a community of people who wouldn't think me crazy when I told them about my experiences (as has been the case when I shared with friends an...
Dark Energy by Jaxxxanator
Huge fan of this site! To give some context for my story I will try and summarise related facts. Since my dad passed away, at the age of 12 I was gifted with the sight. Have had many spiritual encounters (mostly my dad and family members) but have had other encounters to (will publish one particul...
My Experiences With The Unexplainable by RoLeLu
I am a young adult from South Africa and I have had many unexplainable experiences over my 20+ years of life. In this story I will mention some of my experiences and leave it to the reader to decide whether or not they believe me; either way I don't really care. I first experienced the "paranormal" ...
The Entity In Our House by JLH
I grew up in a suburb in Natal (South Africa) by the name of Westville. It is a small suburb where everyone knows their neighbours and during the years that I was raised (I am now 43) most of the mothers were housewives. The only history I am aware of is that Indians used to reside there and have ri...
House Puppy 2 by annie16
Just an update. On Friday night, 8 June, I went to bed quite late. My hubby and step-son were still out as my husband was preparing for a classic car race on Saturday. When they finally got home around 23h30, I was still awake but fell asleep very quickly. Around 00h15 and 00h30, I woke up to the fe...
House Puppy by annie16
We moved into a new house 3 years ago. A month or so ago, I was making coffee when I caught a glimpse of a white dog running past me into the passage. I though it was my dog as she tends to sneak into the house when I'm not looking. I called out to her and started searching but couldn't find her. I ...
Wandering Malevolent Spirit In My Home by Rajine
Good day to all YGS readers and commentators. The incident that I'm about to share happened some time last year. All my experiences won't be posted in order so please bear with me as I submit stories at random that has happened in my life until date. This story starts of with the same weird dream...
The Funny-looking Man by Serenflipppity
I've been time hopping with my experiences and sharing them with YGS readers as I recall them, starting with the experience that turned me from sceptic to believer "Friends In Strange Places" The trigger that also awakened several mem...
Exploding Planchette by annie16
I have posted a few stories on this site and in my first, I clearly stated that I have had 4 distinct experiences. However, today as I was reading through some of the stories, an incident popped into my head that happened many, many moons ago when I was around 13 years old (it could have been earlie...
Things Are Heating Up by Bee_Beans
In one of my previous posts, I mentioned how we usually don't have any kind of serious activity in our house and, when we do, it is usually neutral or positive. Well, lately things have been heating up a bit. A few nights ago I was struggling to fall asleep so decided to do some meditation exerci...
Ready Or Not, Here I Come by Nephylim
In a previous post of mine I wrote about an experience that took place on the farm my mother is living on. Very little has taken place on the property until recently. In February I took my son out to visit my mother as we do at least twice a month. He was happily running around the place, smashin...
Mystery Man With No Face by Rajine
This is a recent story that happened to me two days ago as I was walking home from work. I haven't told anyone about it as it didn't and still doesn't scare me. So two days ago as I was walking home from work, as my usual habit I see people from my neighbourhood and I usually stop and talk to th...
My Father's Healing Hands? by Serenflipppity
I'd been thinking about my own experiences (few, far between and very recently started) and how and when I was going to submit them to YGS (having submitted my first March 30th, 2018) when I realised - hold on a minute, I've had other experiences before - shortly after my father died - at least I th...
Friends In Strange Places by Serenflipppity
I never believed in this paranormal hocus pocus nonsense, especially when my friend, Carmen, would tell me my gran had popped in to check up on me, so I'd better be good. I'd tell her to bugger off with her crappy jokes and she would shrug her shoulders and tell me she's just a messenger. I didn't w...
Seeing A Spirit From A Young Age by Ricksor1987
I have read and explored some of the stories on this site and decided I would share my own. I have never been a spiritual or deeply religious person, but I cannot reconcile the experiences I have had in my own life. I am now 30 years old and still intrigued by the experiences I had in my childhood. ...
Silhouettes And Shivers by Fergie
Surprise, surprise! We had only been at Nicky's home for a couple of hours when I had my first 'experience'. All members of our little family were still present. But let me start at the beginning. Nicky, our eldest daughter, had once more asked me to baby/house-sit for her. She, and a long-tim...
Oom Whitey by Zizzo
So we used to stay on the second floor of a flat which consists of three floors in a place called Westbury in Johannesburg. Which is one bad place. Anyway we moved out a couple of years ago. At our flat there was an old homeless man, who's name was Whitey. Not sure if that was his name but we all ca...
Old Man by Zizzo
For those that know Johannesburg, Florida, there are a lot of town houses and complexes that are rather old. In saying that there are people that lived there for a long time and also died there as well. My brother after just getting married bought a two bedroomed flat in Florida. Beautiful flat but ...
Scary House by Kate0001
My husband and I moved into a house in Simons Town, Western Cape in 2011. He worked abroad and I was alone at home most of the time, thinking back on visiting the house the 1st time with the estate agent, I should have trusted my sixth sense and walked out the door then and there. This is a do...
Loco & Speed - The Not So Imaginary Friends by Nephylim
In the house we rented previously we had a few unusual guests from time to time, mostly after our son was born. My wife and I would often catch glimpses of them as they moved around the house but we never felt any negativity from them, in fact, I got the distinct feeling of family popping in to see ...
A Coincidence Or Not? by annie16
On Saturday morning, 3 March 2018, I had to say goodbye to my ex mother-in-law at 86 years old. She was a very special person in my life and I loved her to bits. Her demise was sudden and a huge shock. Her sons are both overseas so although she was in an Old Age home her care was mostly left to me. ...
Visits From Beyond The Veil by Fergie
For those of you who are not familiar with my writing, please allow me to give you a little update. Many of my experiences centre around our late daughter, Angel. She passed away in 2012, in hospital, after a mammoth four year battle with a rare form of cancer. On occasion, she still visits her e...
Shattered Glass And A Creepy Little Girl by triden07
It has been a while since I have posted anything, just goes to show how quiet things were. Until now... My story takes place on the night of Wednesday 21 February 2018 (though it could have been in the wee early hours of Thursday 22 February 2018). Just a side note, since the house swop last year...
The Skeptic And The Playful Ghost by Bee_Beans
As I have mentioned in my previous stories we have had many paranormal experiences in our current house but they have mostly been positive/neutral. One of my favourite encounters happened to a friend of ours in our house. We are VERY close with J. He lives a few streets away from us and is at our...
Gift Or Curse? by Bee_Beans
I mentioned in my previous post (My Mum's Attachment) that I have certain gifts. I said I would discuss them in a subsequent post. I would really like your opinions and advice on these 'gifts' as I sometimes feel that they are more curses than gifts. As I have said, I was raised in a Jehovah's Wi...
My Mum's Attachment by Bee_Beans
I think my mum has something attached to her. I have always been a sensitive person and have certain 'gifts' that I believe would be stronger if I were not raised in a Jehovah's Witness household. My gifts include sensitivity to energies (both human and paranormal), some kind of precognition and ...
My Son And The Skull by Bee_Beans
About a year ago I posted a story entitled Something Tried to Attack My Son. This story also involves my son, L. After the terrifying experience in 2012, we were lucky enough to have a fairly quiet time (in the negative paranormal sense). We have had strange occurrences but these have mostly been...
My First Experience With A Ghost by Skattebol
After my parents were married, they bought themselves a nice house in a small town outside of Johannesburg, where they soon had my brother and me. Growing up, my grandparents on my father's side and my mother were all very open to the possibility of the paranormal being real, so I often heard all so...
House Sitting 2 by Fergie
This seems to be an annual event now, or maybe even bi-annual, as I found myself house sitting once more. Nicky, our eldest daughter, had accompanied her long-time friend to a seaside resort on our sub-tropical East Coast. Both were celebrating their birthdays, both are Sagittarians. The first f...
His Name Is Vic by Melda
Where to start? The beginning of course is always the best place. That being so, unfortunately, you'll have to bear with me to find out how I eventually came to know that his name is Vic. And yes, Vic is a ghost. As I have never kept a journal, I can only give approximate dates regarding my experie...
The Lady Never Left The House by Meldel
My sister Sandy was pregnant with their first baby and for that reason she and her hubby decided to move from their small apartment. They purchased their first home, a modest three bedroom house. Shortly after they moved in they made some renovations. A wall between the living room and dining r...
The Stunned Nun by Meldel
I had an aunt named Dolly. The name suited her, as she was small and petite. When Dolly was about eighteen years old she got engaged to a young man named Tom. Tom's father was very fond of Dolly and he was thrilled at the idea that Dolly would be his daughter-in-law. A few months into their en...
My Brother Was Innocent by Meldel
Shortly after my brother and his wife were married they rented an apartment on the 2nd floor. When their first child was six months old they did not want to take any chances with the little one accidently crawling out the door and falling from the balcony to the ground below. The summer had just ...
Vincent's Midnight Encounter by Meldel
My cousin Vincent enjoyed life to the fullest. He was a very jovial kind of person who always saw the humorous side of every incident. He could turn a bad story into something that would leave everyone around him in stitches! Vincent didn't believe in ghosts and if told about a ghostly encounter...
Hostel Terror by ghostmachine
In 1984 my parents sent me to RSA ahead of our emigration out of Zimbabwe, to a boarding school in the Eastern Transvaal. This would be the first year (1984) that English would be integrated into a current Afrikaans school... Grades 8 & 9. It was a agricultural orientated school set in the high moun...
He Couldn't Run That Fast! by Meldel
My parents were married for about two years at the time of this incident. The two-bedroom house they stayed in used to belong to my mother's step-father who left it to her in his will. It was known as a semi-detached house. The piece of land next to the house was large enough to build a second hou...
Lifted Off His Feet by Meldel
This happened to my Dad some years back. The house my parents were living in was a two bedroom house. There was a small patch of grass in the front of the house and the veranda was just two steps from the front gate. When visitors arrived during the day, they always walked to the back of the house a...
Family Incidents by Fergie
A few months back I wrote about my experiences while house-sitting at our eldest daughter's home. While I was away, my husband, Ray, had an incident of his own. Ray was sitting in our lounge one night, watching DVDs on the TV. He was seated in his Lazyboy, right opposite the TV, with only the lou...
The Thing Scaring My Sister by Johnnyaffiplaas
I am the oldest of 3 children, we grew up on a farm in North West, South Africa. It's a lovely farm, lots of things to do, trees to climb, places to hide and wide open fields to run in. Back then, when my dad bought the farm, I was 6, my sister was 4, and baby brother was about a year old. Th...
Amelia by spookie1
This started happening a week ago (Today is Monday 26th of June 2017) and I still think about it constantly. That girl still lingers in my mind, and I just can't forget her. Before I begin I would just like to give an early warning, this might sound like a short story from a book, and I know ther...
Tiny Flat, Big Presence by KatsWhiskers
I live in a small flat in Cape Town, not an old flat, I believe it used to be a garage. I have been experiencing strange occurrences my whole life, but now that I have moved out of my parent's house it seems to have increased. It could be because I am able to just be myself, I have always been sensi...
The Man Bites Mommy's Pants by Melda
After all my supernatural childhood experiences, I really should have known better. We moved to a small city, Kimberley, in 1975 when my eldest child was seven weeks old. One of my husband's numerous business transfers! We bought a very old house, built in the late 1940s, which had been beaut...
Pop by Melda
Fergie's latest submission "House Sitting" spurred me on to recount these events. Throughout my life I have had very vivid dreams which on many occasions have actually become reality. I also tend to get flash images of people and events. When I see people, for whatever reason, they seem to appear...
House Sitting by Fergie
For the second time within a month, I was asked to do house sitting duty at our eldest daughter's home. No problem. She lives in a secure townhouse complex in the Johannesburg region where she presides as chairlady. Her second in command, (I shall call her Kay) would look in on me on a regular basis...
Creepy Events At My Neighbour's House by Melda
This specific neighbour passed away during 2005/2006 at the age of 72. We had been neighbors for close on 20 years at the time of her passing. She and her family lived directly across the road from me. I used to call her Em, although that was not the name she was normally known by, simply my name fo...
My Last Investigation (with My Team) by Nephylim
Team: Founder/Lead Investigator - Nate Researcher - Lyza Investigator - Wynand Co-Founder/Investigator/Sensitive - Me *names of clients changed We were contacted by two sisters (Sherri and Nici) in their late 20's as they were experiencing some disturbing activity in the house they had rec...
Dirty Dancer by Nephylim
This occurrence took place in February 2017. In order for it to make sense to anyone reading it, I have to explain how I came to be where it happened. About 2 years ago my mother moved in to a cottage/cabin out on a "farm". It's more a of a plot of land really, with a main house built by the owne...
A Loving Father by Nephylim
Greetings All. Sorry for the long story, but there is a lot to tell. It's been quite some time since I last posted an experience on YGS but I've got some interesting (and heart warming) experiences to share. At the time of my last posts, a friend, Nathaniel (or Nate for short) and I had starte...
My Son Who Refuses To Believe by Melda
Firstly, I realise there is a great possibility that this story will not be published. It basically relates to one rather uninteresting incident and my sceptical son. My second born, Kevin, who now lives in Missisauga, Canada, is a total unbeliever in virtually anything spiritual and this makes m...
My Ghost "friend" by KatsWhiskers
I am a young lady from South Africa. All my life I have been sensitive to things that aren't there. It puts me on edge. I am sure that there is a ghost that goes where I go because things seem to occur regardless of where I am. At first I thought the ghost just hung around my family but it continued...
The Negativity House by KatsWhiskers
I have always been sensitive to noticing ghosts and the paranormal, so is my grandmother. When I was around 13 years (2007) old my mom got engaged to a doctor in Pretoria, so we packed up our stuff and moved there to stay in his house. The house was a house that his father built and the doctor conti...
Primary School Scare by Hexotericka
Back in the early 1990s my primary school in Benoni, Gauteng province, like virtually every other school out there, had its fair share of ghost stories. Nothing really stuck around for more than six months, however, since older stories would be changed considerably or replaced by something brand new...
Unwanted by MickyB
A couple of years ago I lived in a town called Carletonville in South-Africa with my parents, brothers, aunt and her son. We moved into this house and everything was perfectly fine for the first while. My aunt was home alone with her little boy, sitting in the lounge, and across from her on a ro...
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