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Ghost stories from New Jersey, United States: Page 1

Ghost Disappears Thru Closet Door by pastryguy

At the time, I was 14, and did a great amount of babysitting. One of the families I babysat for were very close neighbors that lived diagonally across the street from my house; Edith and Frank. They were foster parents of 4 children at the time. It was Monday, June 17, 1968, again, I was 14 at th...

There Is Another World by Paul1

I have read almost all of these Ghost Stories and I felt the need to comment for all readers. I am also educated in certain fields that take into account the reality of God and the Heavenly courts. We are here on earth in a physical form but spirits do exists. Some are not good, most that try to con...

Former Skeptic Incident 9/26/2021 by Scoops

It has been along time since there has been any incidents in my home. Since my last entry many years ago things have been really quiet. It's almost like everything just stopped. Since my last entry there has been many changes in my life. Marriage, job, new family members, dogs... Something happened ...

Someone Sitting Next To Me by chartygirl

I lived alone in a two bedroom mobile home located in the woods. I lived there for about 4 years and nothing ever happened to me. I went to bed one night and I started to feel someone sitting next to me like in the middle but edge of the bed. Nothing was there. Then things started to get worse. On...

The Girl In White by M00nchxld_

It's been a while. As I've said before in my story "There's something in your room" I've had many paranormal experiences. I believe I should speak of another, especially as it's a recent recurring event. I'm sure many of you have heard of the Dead Girl game. If you haven't, it's a game where you ...

There's Something In Your Room by M00nchxld_

This happened to me and a friend in November of 2017. My friend lives up the block from me, our school is up the block from her. Normally, I would wait for her outside house, but that morning I really had to use the bathroom. She let me into her house and told me that there is something weird going ...

The Nun Chased Me Away by thething45

Hey everyone. I would like to state that after reading other posts from folks on this site that I will NEVER AGAIN try to use a Ouija board ever again. I'm still curious about them but, as goofy as I can be, I won't push my luck on them:) My girlfriend (now wife) started college back in 2001. Sh...

Red Eyes! by ledoux69

I'd like to say, that I am pretty disturbed about my subject and since the internet has come about, I have been looking for some kind of answer to explain what I saw and to this day no one seems to have an answer! I see that some people (very few) have seen almost exactly what I saw but, that is whe...

Update On My Hauntings by Alliedragoncat

I've now experienced sleep paralysis more... I have also communicated with one of the spirits I saw during one of those states. He is the large, black mannequin. He is pitch black, with only white eyes showing. He's tall. Tall enough to reach the doorframe of my closet, where he usually stays. He...

Ghosts Come & Go by JuggaloJohn

This is my 2nd posting. This is a common thing in the house and has taken place more often than not. Sitting in the living room, out of the peripheral of my eyes, I often see shadow figures that walk towards the front door of the house from the rear of the house. Also, they come in from the front do...

My Eyes Don't Lie by JuggaloJohn

I grew up in a suburban neighborhood where the houses were built brand new. The land was farmland before they built the houses and belonged to the Rancocas Indians before that. When I was a child, I would say around 5 or 6 years old, I had my first ghost encounter. It was Christmas Eve, I was sl...

Old Home by emmymarien

At the home I was born in, as a child we lived with my grandparents. When my parents were married, my grandparents gifted them the house for their wedding and moved out. My mother grew up in the house and said that all her life she had an eerie feeling in the house. I have no idea when the house was...

It Follows...always by humz101

I don't have anyone to turn to. Everyone who experienced the following events with me, laugh it off as nothing, or disregard the events as a whole. It started off when my grandparents first purchased their house, the year I was born, well, a few months before to be exact. Due to my parents not be...

Friendly Nudge During Late Night Feeding by thething45

This is one of the more helpful experiences I've had with our friends on the other side. My son was born in September of 2011. At the time we were living on the 2nd floor of a two family home in an industrial area of Hillside, NJ. I never for a second expected to leave all of the childcare r...

Black Shadow With White Glowing Eyes by Emmee

On Wednesday 24, 2018, it was like any other night for me. I was on my laptop writing a heartbreak story and I was also on my phone texting some of my friends. My room had no lights on, so it was really dark. At six pm I looked up from my laptop for some odd reason, and saw a black shadow with white...

His Face Was Stretched by thething45

This particular incident requires a little family back story, so please stay with me and my apologies for any missing details. My mother's family suffered a great loss during the civil war in El Salvador. Many have heard of the death squads that targeted civilians. My grandfather was a victim. I...

Truly Haunted House by LHLynn

I had just bought a new copy of Pink Floyd "The Wall." My friend and I were listening to it for the first time in my room. The room was about 8x10, with the stereo in the back of the room. The speakers were mounted on shelves in the back corner of the room. In the beginning of the album you hear an ...

Seeing A Ghost For The First Time by Abigails413

I remember this very vividly because until this day it sends chills down my spine. You see, my childhood home was very haunted but I didn't become aware of this until I turned 9 and in the 3rd grade. In order to explain what happened clearly, I have to let you know how the house was set up and wha...

Am I Just Crazy? by Alliedragoncat

Ever since I was a child I have somehow been connected to paranormal activity. My grandmother, who passed when I was a baby, came to me often in dreams and to comfort me when I was sad. She made me feel safe. This isn't about that however. Over recent years, I have had a spirit / entity follow me...

The Helping Ghost by themanthemyththelegend

This happened in June of 2016 when I was a sophomore in high school. I met this girl, I don't want to say her full name so we'll call her T. Towards the beginning of the year me and T had began to get close, she started getting comfortable around me and we had gotten so close that we became best ...

First Time Seeing Shadows by thething45

This is one of the earliest memories that I can recall, and some of the finer details escape me but I can still see the actual event and moment in my mind very clearly. This happened in the 1985 or 1986. Up until the time I was 8 years old my family lived in an apartment complex in Elizabeth, NJ...

Dreams Of Death by StrangersBesideUs

Oh where do I begin. You might call me crazy but I feel like my dreams talk to me. Especially when it comes to death. It all started with my father. June of 2009 I had a dream of a funeral home. My father was in a coffin dressed in the same clothes we buried him in. My sister and mother were cryin...

Strange Happenings In The New Home by Jazolinlea

Our house is around 35 years old, we are the third owners, but only the second to occupy the home. For unknown reasons the second homeowners owned the home for 10 years, kept it well maintained but never stayed on (nor rented) the property. The original owners died in the home of natural causes, but...

Possible Ghost Following Me by jersey4ever

This all starts when I was in high school. I use to live in Upstate New York in a house that was built by my great-grandparents a long time ago. Living there, I kind of always felt like I was being watched. I would also suffer from sleep paralysis almost nightly. Nothing else would happen. I eventua...

A Beautiful Ghost by dropanything123

I asked my grandpa once if he's seen a ghost before. He let me sit on the couch and told me this story: He said "When I was in high school we had a famous ghost story about a girl who roams our school library when she catches you alone. She would start appearing as a student and you would hear he...

The Room With The Man In It by banaapudding

Along time ago when I was about twelve years old I went to New Jersey to spend the summer with family. I have a HUGE family and our roots are deep and spirits was always a conversation that I grew up hearing about. A lot of the members in my family also can see them and some claim that they can comm...

Home Sweet Home? by Kaedriana

I moved into the house I currently live in when I was eleven years old. I've been having ghostly experiences ever since I was very young, but when I moved into this house that I live in now, I've had much more experiences. I'm here to talk to about some of my experiences. The first experience tha...

Our Full Moon Visitor by pspalko

Back in the beginning of May 2015, my husband and me decided to take in the full moon and try out our new fire pit in our backyard. As always, I usually have my phone easily accessible to take pictures and I wanted to get a good one of the roaring fire. What I noticed thereafter blew me away. While ...

Signs From My Favorite Deceased People by hallen1930

Ever since I was little, I had always wanted to meet my great-grandmother and Elvis Presley. But unfortunately both had passed away long before I was born. But recently I started talking to them. I am not a psychic medium but it helps me a lot to go outside and just talk to them whether I need their...

Hearing Voices After Doing Evp: Evp Psychosis by jerseyguy77

EVP PSYCHOSIS: A True and Personal Account of Hearing Voices after Experiments with EVP (A Danger of Experimenting with the Electronic Voice Phenomenon) By B. Edwards "Your power is in not believing us" - an evil spirit 1. I certainly know how strange this account will sound to most,...

Malicious Entity Is After Me by ophiuxhus

Before I begin, I'm going to give a bit of a back story so this all makes more sense. It all started a few months ago when I had asked a close friend of mine if she believed in the paranormal, as I was very interested in it at the time. She said yes, so I asked if she had any experiences. Reluctantl...

An In-between Introduction by PhilaVeeg

I live in south Jersey and have been reading stories on here for the past couple weeks. I finally decided to post one of my own, though I only have two, after seeing a couple similar ones and just because it's fun to share the most awesome thing that's ever happened to me. My husband and I let ou...

A Night I Will Never Forget! by Plthrill25

When I was 16 years old my father passed away and this caused me to waiver in my faith; I was born and raised Catholic. I wasn't really a practicing Catholic but I had my beliefs. Well, at that time I questioned why would he take my father away from me, so I was mad. I was 17 years old, just got...

The Shadow Games by HumzaShl

I remember when I was 10-12 my uncles would tell me ghost stories, but to be honest I never really believed them. Something happened though which made me question reality and what I was taught as a kid. I was sitting on a Ipad and in front of me was a stack of clothes. The lights in the room wer...

Mysterious Ghost Following Me by Alexthecat

Before I begin, if you have not read my previous entries, please do so as it might make this entry easier to understand. The link to my first story is http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=22769 and the link to my second story is http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story....

Mysterious Hauntings In My House - 2 by Alexthecat

Before I begin, if you have not read my previous entry, please do so as it may help you understand this entry more. The link to it is http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=22769. This particular incident is shorter than the last one, but I feel it may be connected. It happen...

Mysterious Haunting In My House by Alexthecat

Before I start my story I just want to say, I am a very big sceptic and am not one the usually "believe." Contradictory to this, my life has been full of strange and unexplainable experiences. Every time something like this happens, I look for any possible way for it to be scientifically explained. ...

The Night A Lady In White Came To Visit by VickyPollard

Over the course of my childhood, I came to experience a lot of strange occurrences while living in my home. Things would go missing, only to be found later in very strange places, doors seemingly locking themselves during the night, footsteps being heard when no one else was home, faint voices being...

Max Is Watching by mheitmeyer

For everyone that has had a pet at any part of their life, you know of that bond you get with them. Especially if it is/was a dog or cat. They come to be like another sibling almost. Your best friend. You fear loosing them. You fear coming home from school or work, and your best bud is not sitting o...

Evp Warning - My Story by jerseyguy77

Hey everyone, my name is Brian, I'm 38 and from South Jersey near AC. Just thought I'd share a little of the story of what my life has been like recently and to give you an example of the dangers of EVP. I was studying the paranormal for awhile and was dabbling in EVP in my own home for a couple...

My Ghost Friend by GluQ123

I think the last time I seen the ghost was about 8 years ago when I was 9 years old. I remember the time I spent with him (male ghost) very clearly. I lived by a small park in New Jersey for about 2 years of my life, before we move to our new home in Bensalem. The story begins when I was almost ...

Phantom Voice by Jawsh

I'm not sure if this falls under the paranormal category but I couldn't explain what it was that happened so I'm posting it here. About five or so years ago I was home alone because my family went to some gathering or something like that and I didn't really feel like going. They left around 7 PM ...

Static People by Jawsh

I honestly am not too sure on how to start this. I'm new to this sorta thing and I'm not the best at giving great detail. I just want to get this out there in hopes that someone else possibly had a similar experience. Anyways I'm rambling, sorry. This story takes place when I was just a little ki...

I Have A New Friend? by ifihadyoux

This story won't be very long because there isn't much to tell but it was a pretty clear encounter that I might be dealing with more than I think I am dealing with. Allow me to explain. Those who have been reading my stories know that there is a man who likes to say hey and never make me breakfast. ...

Stick It To The Man by ifihadyoux

For those who have been following this whole ordeal, this is the same "man" that has been coming and going out of my house and my life. For those who are scratching their heads, feel free to catch up with my previous stories. The "man" has been quiet for some time now and I thought nothing of it unt...

Grandfather Continues To Watch Over Family by phatdragon

While this happened when I was very young, I don't believe it was the product of a little boy's vivid imagination due to the facts that the phenomenon repeated itself many times, and I didn't think it was a ghost. When I was about four, my family moved back to the US for a few months before reloc...

Unseen But Felt by Paradise777

I'd like to start by saying that I have lived in my apartment for almost 14 years with my boyfriend. We live above a Harley Davidson Bike Shop that my landlord runs downstairs. There are two apartments upstairs and we rent one of them. Soon after I moved in I started feeling the bed shaking. In ...

Bad Vibes by ifihadyoux

If you have not read any of my previous encounters, except for the very first one I published, then you might not get some references I am about to make. You may still read the story however, so please enjoy. Warning: Story contains information about wiccan/pagan ritual and may not be suitable o...

Hello Woods by ifihadyoux

I am here to share a short encounter of what happened since Halloween night. This might sound confusing so please bear with me. I am a "coming home" Wiccan, meaning I am new to the religion. Long story as to why I changed but I won't get into that. I met with a local coven who was having classes on ...

What Is Happening? by ifihadyoux

For the past few weeks I have been seeing shadows out of the corners of my eye and tried to write it off as something that my mind is making up so I don't psych myself out. However what happened last night left me scared and it makes me more than happy I am leaving to another state for a week. Pleas...

Spirits In The Bedroom by dstan0228

I have bad dreams. Often. As a 12 year old, it wasn't unusual. But I'm 24 now. Although I hadn't had any problems for the last two years, after moving into my own place a month ago, they started again. At first, it was just nightmares. I'd wake up, remind myself I was OK, then fall back asleep. ...

The Man And The Kid? by Angel160621

I'm looking into advice to help with our problem we are having. I know there is a ghost in our home. We just moved in last December. I have grown up around ghosts my whole life and I can feel when There is a presence in a home and I know for sure something is here. I guess to start out I'll tel...

The Clown From The Halloween Store by HauntedKatStories

So, this year I went shopping for Halloween decorations. I went to this store called 'Spirit Halloween.' My mom said her friends recommended it. When we went inside, there was a lot of cool, realistic Halloween scares. There was one that I really liked. It was a bloody clown, and when you step on th...

Odd Occurrences Growing Up by meqanrose670

I have a few stories to tell, and will be posting more as I've just found this site. I will start with the house I grew up in. There are many odd occurrences I remember from this house. It wasn't haunted; however, I feel at times things are attracted to me, and something there was attracted to me. ...

Is It A Negative Spirit Or Good? by TravisP1995

I have just signed up for this website because I keep encountering a confusing unexplained feeling and seeing unusual things. It started first when I was 16 years old. I was dating my ex-girlfriend and I told her I wanted rosary beads. She gave me a pair of red rosary beads that were blessed in ...

Haunted Basement by XxVikkixX93

During one summer it was me my older sister and my cousin Eric. He had come down for the summer and the basement was our little hangout at the time. We were just downstairs in the basement playing cards and talking then out of no where everybody had gotten quiet and I did not know why. A second ...

Ouija Is Not A Game by KennedyM

I have always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a child. I would scare myself half to death by watching shows on television about ghosts and demons and I would always be reading books about them as well. I have been fascinated by the Ouija board for as long as I can remember. It al...

Rustic Ridge Apartment by NJGHS

I had a couple experiences at one of the apartments I lived in when I was 8. (Back story of the apartment: apparently a miner hung himself in the apartment.) The first story is that I was sleeping in the master bedroom and then I woke up to a tug on my hair. When I opened my eyes it was a figure...

The House On Dwight Street by _tayjadzia_

When I was young, from about three to ten years old, I lived in a house on Dwight St. In Jersey City, NJ. My parents rented the home from our landlord who lived down the street. Boy, did I hate that house. I had my own room until my younger sister moved in with me and whenever it got dark outside...

The Warm Presence by spidergirl16

I was only thirteen and in eighth grade when this happened. I was going through a lot of depression, so one night I was crying. I was listening to sad music and I was freezing. I was crying about how no one cared at all about me and how I just hated my life but suddenly a warm presence surrounds my ...

Do I Have Anything To Worry About? by jesspress

Last night I was sitting on my bed working on my computer and about 11:16 pm I felt a presence in my room and felt compelled to look up. By my closed door, which was in front and to the right side of my bed, I saw a large misshapen black smoke. It seemed to be about 5 feet high (although did not sta...

Contacted By A Spirit? by robbied42

Until about a few months ago I never really believed that ghosts or any other type of paranormal existed. I have had strange things happen such as hearing footsteps, hearing as if someone is knocking on a wall, and even hearing objects fall for no reason in the middle of the night. But when small th...

The Shadow In My Bed by mellomel21

When I was only about two or three years old, I was sleeping in my crib peacefully, in my bedroom that I always found suspicious. All the sudden I was awakened from my quiet slumber to see a shadow hovering above me, trying to grab me. I could not really make out a face, but the lady was very tal...

Lifesaver? by cardoso2127

I'm not one to really believe in ghosts but there were a few unexplained experiences that I had in the house I grew up in that I can't put a finger on. When I was about 10-12 years old, I needed to climb a pile of clutter that reached the ceiling in our garage. I started by climbing on top of my ...

Shadow Man In The Doorway by Queequeg

I have always been a rational, scientific person and extremely skeptical of the so called paranormal, but I had an experience when I was 12 or 13 that I knew was odd at the time but just assumed it was the worst, most realistic dream I've ever had. I'm now 44 and am thinking differently about it aft...

The House At The End Of The Street by Radish23

I've lived in a couple of places where strange things have happened. The most recent was my last apartment that I lived in for a year, back in 2001. It was an small, old apartment building located at the end of a dead end street. I moved in with my dad, my brother and my boyfriend at the time. Ev...

Daddy's Little Girl by Key_Lay

So about a year ago I met my current girlfriend Stephanie and we clicked almost immediately after meeting each other, we shared many common interest and we enjoyed the company of each other. As we grew closer she started telling me a little bit about her life story. She was adopted at the age of 6 a...

The Phantom City by Lunahenry

My Sister, Pattie, used to live in South Jersey for many years. This is Pattie's Story. My husband, Mark, and I were in the habit of taking "coffee rides" (he would have coffee and I would have tea, then take a long drive to drink at our leisure, while enjoying the sights along the way). It was...

Tragic House by Lunahenry

This is a true story recently relayed to me by my sister. The names have been changed for privacy concerns. Here is her story: You wouldn't know it by it's appearance, but there is a certain house, located in close proximity to my son "Dave" and his wife "Erica's" home, that seems to possess s...

Psychic? by Feliciaaxox

As a kid I remember how my dog died. It died when it was paralyzed in our laundry room. Every day in the afternoon the week after she died I would go in the laundry room and call my mom in because I saw my dog. I would see her for a brief time then it would leave until the next day. Then after my gr...

A Visit From My Father by DAP

My father passed away in December 2010 after months with lung cancer. When he was sick in the hospital in Florida my brother and I would fly back and forth taking care of mom's needs and seeing dad as much as we can. The last time I left the hospital I kissed him goodbye and watched him as I walked ...

New House... New Ghost? by CrimsonMoon

So let me start by saying, I have never experienced anything supernatural prior to this. In fact, I would call myself a supernatural skeptic. Last week, my husband and I bought a new house (new to us, anyway, originally built in the 1950's). Our first couple of nights there, we both thought we s...

House In The Woods by Phantom380

This took place many years ago. I won't state exactly how many but it may or may not have been in the spring of 1945. (My grandson showed me this site and let me use his account to tell my story.) Growing up in rural New Jersey there was a crumbling neighborhood in my town that was set back in the o...

Lingering Souls In The Old Beach House by Phantom380

This story is a 100% true account of my paranormal encounters and those of my family and I with ghosts that manifest themselves very clearly. Growing up, my family shared a very old beach-house on the Jersey Shore (it's nothing like the show so don't even go there) with a nice old woman named Doroth...

Ouija Board Regret by hjairag

Two weeks ago, my friends Ryan, Jose and I played with a Ouija board. The board belonged to Ryan. When Ryan and Jose came to visit me in my apartment in New Jersey, they had the Ouija board with them and we decided to play. Ryan has played with this board before and, hence, he was the one who wa...

Bedshaking Video by ddlm

Happening now year 2012, This was Mothers Day morning. Could only capture using Phone video. She has capeze shells in her room that you hear as the bed is shaking foot-to-head direction, which hits the headboard then the shells. Turn up the volume so you can hear well as we are wispering somewha...

Ghost Following Me by Destiiny822

It all started when we moved into our previous house everything was going fine until I started to notice something was there. No one in my family ever felt anything besides me and it wasn't a good feeling. I had this habit of falling asleep in the living room and countless times I would wake up to m...

Graveyard Entities by GodlyGirl

I just started experiencing whatever is going on, and it is really scaring me. A few weeks ago, my sister and I went to the local graveyard to test out this ghost radar I got in the appmarket for my droid. (That's my phone if you didn't know) I didn't think it would really work. It's just a circle w...

Ghost Maiden Steve by Tabby-Cat

About a year ago, I slept in the bedroom in front of the kitchen and I slept well in there with my sister. To understand what I'm telling you, you need to understand the layout of my house. The kitchen is in front of my old bedroom and it doesn't have a door, so if I sleep with the door open, I can ...

My First Haunted House Experience by drkn56n

A few years ago, at the age of 21, I moved out of my parents' house and in with an aunt of mine. She lived in a more rural area than what I was accustomed to. I'm not sure how old the house was but it definitely had to be over 30 years old. It was large, 4 bed, 2.5 bath town house right across from ...

Fast-food Ghost by drkn56n

When I was 19 years old, I got a job at a local fast food joint. I worked the morning shift than would attend college at night. My manager and I would meet up at the same time every morning, 8am, he would unlock the doors, let us in, than lock the store back up behind us. I would start preparing all...

An Alarming Development by GhoulishCop

As a former security guard for the old Abraham & Strauss stores, from time to time we'd have to perform a complete check of the alarm system. That entailed two guards staying overnight in the store, one to walk the floor setting off each alarm, the other to be in the control room recording that the ...

Heavy Footsteps by GhoulishCop

Having recently purchased my home back then it was still in a state of disarray. The sunroom was crammed with boxes and appliances and plastic sheeting covered doorways to keep dust travel to a minimum. I was working fast to get the house ready because my fiancé would soon be moving in. However, I ...

My Twin Could See It Too by Whispering

I was a child of eight years when I had my first experience with a ghost. I shared a room with my twin, and some nights I had a hard time falling asleep. Well, this one night, I looked at the doorway of the bedroom and I saw it. You know when it's dark and from a distance a person who stands in fron...

Former Skeptic's Journal 2 by Scoops

It's been a long while since I posted here, and I've been keeping a journal like Miracles and Granny suggested. If you want my background, feel free to read up on my other entries. Here is a continuation of my journal entries from where I left off the last time I submitted. I included mood and time ...

A Very Bad Girl by cutiestangelrockxbab

I live in a house in NJ that was built in the 1970s. My family and I have always believed that our house was haunted due to several occurrences that have happened over the course of the last 10 years. From hearing footsteps (when we're all in bed) to feeling taps on our shoulders and backs, to inexp...

Odd Happenings by Thisisit0910

My name is Tarah, and I'm going to tell you of the things that have happened over the course of today and yesterday. Yesterday, I was in my room, and my record player turned on out of nowhere. There was a record in it, but it wasn't playing music, it was just making the static noise from the end ...

Bedroom Door Opens On Its Own by DHoward247

My 9 year old daughter has been having a creepy feeling in my living room for the past 3 months. I recently found some of my grandmother's belongings and decorated my home with them. My grandmother died when I was 17. Today my daughter came running out of my house to her brothers' bus stop telling m...

Linked Events? by GodlyGirl

I don't exactly know where to start. I'll give a bit of background first. My name is Kennedy, I'm from the United States, and I'm a 13 honors student. My parents are split up, and I have a step-dad with my mom and 2 brothers, ages 1 and a half and 4, and my dad has a girlfriend with 2 girls ages 6 a...

Haunted By A Ghost Or My Imagination? by happyferret12

I think the first time anything happened was two years ago. Now, nothing new happened. Nothing changed. We didn't move, no one died, and no one sinned. Could someone have activated some resting ghost? Or is that the stuff of movies? Anyway, I've always had a strange disposition towards scary, so tha...

The Reed Organ, And The Charred Arm by SumGuy2

So, I love collecting antiques, and vintage items. I was at goodwill, and bought a 1969 Magnus Reed Organ. When I brought it home, it looked like it had ash on it, and dirt on it (like it was taken from a fire). I wiped it off and began to examine it for safety to make sure it is safe to play. It is...

The Ghost From The Camera by SumGuy2

Just earlier today, I was at an antique store, and purchased a gaf SS 250 XL camcorder. It is from 1977, and uses Super 8 film. So when I got home, I did some research on it, and got some information on it. I went downstairs to watch TV. Suddenly, I felt as if I was being watched. All of the sudden,...

The Black Man That Loves To See Me Suffer by MoniqueNicole620

Hey guys... Well I've never been pinned to my bed, and god forbid because it must be a horrible experience but I have been followed for a long time now. I'm 21 years old and from New Jersey. I moved here not so long ago, but before that lived in long island. All my life well around 12 13 have fe...

Ghost Dog And Other Spirits by joeschmo420

So a little background I'm 21 years old I've been living in this house for going on 10 years now. I would say since around 2005 is when I first started noticing things. The first encounter was the ghost dog (I named him Buddy). My brother moved out in July of 2005, when he left I decided to switch...

My Huber House Encounter by warhammer2000

My name is Harry; I am a self-employed carpenter from Aberdeen, New Jersey. I am and have been fascinated by ghosts since I was a kid, but in the last few years I have been experiencing some strange occurrences while at work and wanted to join a local group I could share them with without getting lo...

The House That Haunts Me by brooke1129

Where do I even begin? When I was only eight years old, my family moved into a house that was built in the late 1800's. I thought it was a beautiful house and I still do to this day, but the things that happened inside of this beautiful house, are almost unexplainable. It all started when my ...

"Trust Me" Was Written In My Mirror by greenday7777

I'm really looking for some input, comments, ideas concerning what happened last Saturday. Let me preface my story by saying we live in a brand new condo and have lived here for a little over a year. When we first moved here, my one cat was reacting to something she sensed upstairs. I was alone at t...

My Knight In Shining Armor by Victoria_Sky

I was raised around my mothers side of the family and I was extremely close to her dad, I loved him and he was my everything. He was the one who saved me from everything, who spoiled me and as he stated I was his PRINCESS. He played with my hair to put to sleep and he would sing to me. My sophmore...

What Did We Contact? by werewolfluv

So a few days ago I went to Toys-r-us and bought a Ouija board. The night I planned to use it I fell asleep. So I waited until a Friday to use it. When I first tried it nothing happened so I was like I wasted $23 on a board that won't work. Annoyed, I tossed it into the box and put it under my bed. ...

Whose Hand Was On My Shoulder And What Flew In Front Of Me? by werewolfluv

This happened about an hour before I got up for school. I woke up at five in the morning and I rolled back over to get a few more minutes of sleep. When all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up thinking my mom wanted me to get up earlier. So I whispered "what". There was nobody ther...

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