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Ghost stories from Nevada, United States: Page 1

7 Times Pull My Feet, Still Happening Today by x21bafraid

I will make my story short so you are not reading all day. My brother passed away in July 2020. After he passed away, say about a month later I was visited in my dream by what appeared to be him. He said, "Bruce come see where I am at, its a great place", and started to pull my feet. I said, "...

New Store? It's Haunted by Dergato

I worked on the 3700 block 0f Las Vegas Boulevard for about 4 and a half years. I didn't work for the casino itself, but a third party vendor. We faced the fountains. Vegas always tears down and builds again. There really isn't anything old in the city, but that does not mean once it's gone it's...

The White Lady Of Burger King Isn't Alone Anymore by Cman710

So here's the part II I promised you and it's been a long time coming. That said so much has happened in the past several months this Part II just kept getting longer. So I'm going to start by saying that by now, there isn't a single person who has worked night shift that doesn't have a story. ...

To The Little Girl At Bonnie Springs, I'm Sorry by Cman710

TRIGGER WARNING: Violent child death. This - is probably the most disturbing story I've ever shared in my entire life. I don't know where to begin so I'll just start at the beginning. Bonnie Springs operated here in Vegas until early this year. And it was notoriously haunted. The past two year...

The White Lady Of Burger King by Cman710

It's been a while. For a while things had calmed down in my life with the supernatural, but as of the last couple of years all kinds of bizarre events are happening. I thought some would make great stories to share with you, but I'm starting with an ongoing saga of what we have dubbed "The White ...

Haunted Schools by RakesTalisman

I was always sensitive when I was younger. I knew that we were surrounded by spirits and could sense when they were near. My High school was situated near an old one room school house that had been closed for somewhere around 50 years. The stories I was able to gather from the older inhabitants of t...

Grandmother Mary by Alphagirl7199

I was a young girl, maybe 9- 10 years old. I had been going to this elementary school in Las Vegas where we had a small fundraising carnival going on. My father had taken us to make up for not seeing us for almost a month. My little sister and I were all over the place having fun and playing the g...

My Mom's First Paranormal Encounter by LaDaisy

At the time that this story first came in place, I was only a baby. So really, this story is from my mother's experience. Whenever I ask my mom if she's had any paranormal encounters, she always brings up this memory. Her first encounter was when my father was at work and it was just her and me ...

My Mcdonalds Is Haunted by Cman710

Despite seeing ghosts all my life I've actually had a peaceful life since I moved from my house. Until about six months ago. Three months after I started a new job. To put it bluntly, I have never seen a more active poltergeist in my life. I work at a McDonalds in a Walmart in Vegas. It's sup...

The Terrifying Experience I Can't Remember by zaqxswcde

Even to this day, I still find this experience to be the strangest thing I've ever experienced. I don't remember how old I was, but I was pretty young. I don't remember many things from this experience, but my mother described me as always being scared, looking around as if something was there, and ...

Baby Linda by Lizzy52

It was the year 1968, my mom had a little girl her name was Linda, it was only me and my older sister which was 6, I was 5. We live in the projects, old government apartments. Baby Linda was 2, it was on a Saturday night around 10 p.m. Me and my sister share a bedroom we had two twin beds. My bed ...

Metallic Shadow Person? by Jessicqqqq

Sorry this story won't be as long as my previous ones! I just had a situation happen that's not that scary, but I'm confused about and I'm just a little concerned since I was followed around for 6 months. It happened at work about an hour ago. I work at a call center and everyone has their own co...

My First Smudging Experience by Jessicqqqq

Recently I helped my friend (let's call her Marie) sage her house! She brought in her sister who's a drug addict, but she came with something attached. Do you remember how I told you about that black glob in a previous story? Once again it decided to make an appearance into my life. I'm starting to ...

Red Eyes In The Closet by Raygen

This is my first post ever. I have told very few people about this experience. When I was 14 I lived in the country about 20 miles outside of a small town. I loved it. One night I was in bed on the verge of sleep (You know, when you are about there but you know you are still somewhat awake). I d...

The Black Glob by Jessicqqqq

Hey guys! This is going to be my second story on here. I'm going to give you a little background. I live in Vegas (I don't know if location has anything to do with this). So I moved back into my parents' place a month ago. Ever since then, I've been hanging out with one of my friends who's very pron...

Cemetery Rescue by DandK

I had some interesting paranormal experiences growing up in the Las Vegas area. One is kind of funny and while it may or may not have a paranormal component, I thought it would be a good one to share. When I was 18 in the early 80's, a friend and I had been spending the evening downtown (that mea...

Warning From My Guardian Angel by DandK

About 27 years ago, I had to leave town for work for about a week. Before I left, I talked to my grandmother on the phone and she told me to call her when I got back and she'd have me over for pot roast (we lived in the same town) since we hadn't visited in a while. When I returned from travel, I...

Spirit Cat Visits by C2C

I've had a couple incidents of a ghost cat jumping into bed with me. It was always when I was just starting to fall asleep or just slowly waking up, but it would jolt me awake and I'd lie there enjoying the moment. The first time was a cat I had when I was very young, my first pet. I think I was...

A Body And A Black Dog by The_Puffin

This takes place around 1998 or 1999 in Reno, Nevada. I moved there from southern California about four years prior and had been hopping between various apartment complexes. My stepfather worked as a maintenance worker at this specific place. Tanamara Apartments were only half built at the time and ...

Tall Dark And Scary by kaykay3313

My story takes place in a small town in Nevada called Tonopah. My story is 100% real. I wouldn't lie to you, I just thought you may like to hear this story. Tonopah is a small town in the middle of the desert. It was very prevalent with gold back in the old days but as soon as it was mined out a...

The Green Imp - A Demon Tale by Czech-Mate

This story takes place in 1975, at the time I was only 5 years old, but this event has been burned into my memory and don't believe I shall ever forget it. My parents and I had taken a road trip to California to see my mother's aunt and uncle who lived in Fresno. This trip crosses long stretches ...

An Empty House? by C2C

I'm new to the board and have had very few experiences, but one particularly comes to mind as inexplicable. I am female and was 45 years old. This occurred in 2003. I was looking for a home to buy, and the realtor gave me a key to an empty house I wanted to look at. It's a small town where every...

Strange Presence In My House by 6ix2wo

I feel weird writing a submission however I have no one to really talk to. Anyway, my dad bought his house back in 2008 and the first time I notcied something strange was within that first year. Long story short me and the cat I got were in the old computer room. The door was wide open with my d...

Visit To Summerlin Nevada by rxxxone777

4-2-2015 I went to Summerlin on a business trip, stayed in room 5233 at jw Summerlin. After a dinner meeting I decided to go to bed, it was around 10:30, I know early for Vegas. I watched a little tv until around 11- 11:30. I decide to go to sleep so I turned the tv off and turned off all the lig...

Terror In A Vegas Household 2 by Cman710

I wouldn't quite call the stories in this one "terror", but as the rules say a continuation must hold the same title, I don't want to break the rules. So, as I promised, I'm going to discuss a little more about the haunted house I spent most of my childhood in. For those just joining me, I live i...

Terror In A Vegas Household by Cman710

I moved out of a house about a year ago now that, I am convinced was haunted by multiple spirits. I had several experiences in the home, but I will summarize some of the scarier, and downright creepy ones. When I was around seven or eight, I had my first distinct memory of the haunting. My aunt a...

Las Vegas School Sightings by Cman710

I'm glad to have found this site. I have several experiences I would love to share, starting with my experiences within schools here. I live in Las Vegas, and while I was in high school we were required to take PE for our freshman and sophomore years. Now, let's get this straight, I'm not a clean...

Voices Of People by GamerZ

This is a story I do not often tell. I promise, sincerely, that this has scarred me for life and although I have looked into psychological explanations for what I heard and natural explanations for what occurred, they remain unsatisfactory. When I was a child, I was scared of the dark. I swore to...

Thought It Was A Panic Attack by 420seahawk

Everyone my name is Jon and I have never been so curious about anything religious for I am an atheist, but last night on march 17 2014 in Las Vegas NV I started to have only my second panic attack ever. The first one coming 2 weeks ago where I was pacing back and forth on the living room carpet wher...

Shadows, Beams, And A Final Goodbye by Drowning_Sadness

Before I begin writing about my experiences let me warn you that this will be long because it is the first time I'm putting a lot of this out there. I was about 14 when all of this begin. A little background: my mom was diagnosed with recurring cancer about 8-9 months after my dad left us so we ...

The Lola by abelievermetalfan

If you've ever talked to someone who served in the military, then you know that we all have a story or 50 to tell. You will also know that military members can relate to just about every story told to us in some way or another, either from personal experience, or by proxy (a friend's, cousin's, brot...

Hat Man by zzsgranny

I think I've finally scrounged up enough courage to put this account to the jury of readers here on YGS. These experiences have confused and befuddled me for years. Being somewhat logical in searching for answers to events, I'm torn between what my logical mind is stating and what my senses have def...

Hauntings At Emerson by DRDd

As mentioned in my first story, I saw the lady in white here; however, this house was haunted by multiple ghosts. The first thing I remember happening here started in the end of fall in Sparks about 2011. I was sitting in my room around 8 pm and I heard a tapping on my window, followed by silenc...

Demon Or Angered Spirit? by XypherXamerChain

It was when I was 12 or 13 years old when I had my latest experience. I was living in a house filled with mold in the walls and roof. My mother was in the hospital because of it and my father was always working, so I was always home alone. Well, with freedom, comes abuse. My dad is a huge re...

Things That Make Ya Go 'hmmm' by zzsgranny

Out of all the strange things I've experienced lately, this account goes to the top of the list of "What the hell was that?" Haha! A couple of weeks ago, February 23rd to be exact, as usual I was running a little late leaving for work. It was nearly 6am and still darkish. We live in a gated retir...

Get Your Knee Out Of My Back, You Ghost by ChildOfTheLotus

It's been years since I have posted a story, and I have only really experienced two new spiritual encounters to my memory. Neither of these two experiences were as odd as the ones I have had before, but I will post them. This one happened just last night (as od early December 2012), and I will post ...

Lightning That Wasn't There by ChildOfTheLotus

Firstly, I'm sorry this is story is much more boring than my other ones. I just felt like I needed to share it, boring or not. I really felt something strong. Not every story is incredible. About five months ago (October of 2012), I had another odd experience. Down the street from my home at the ...

3 O'clock Paralysis by swood11

I'm a 16 year old girl. I went over to this house that my brother and his girlfriend are house sitting, and they told me that its haunted. I was kind of sketched out considering I've had a lot of experiences with ghosts. I fell asleep on the couch and then got moved into the Parents room, we all sle...

Work Place Ghosties by zzsgranny

I work for a popular grocery chain here in the Western USA. Ultimately, we're owned by a much larger corporation that operates many different chains. In Las Vegas, the grocery industry is very competitive, and many times larger chains have been forced to close some of their stores and sell them to o...

A Haunted Childhood by HomicidalLust

Note, some of this comes from what my sister and mother have told me. When I was four years old my family, which consisted of my mom, my father, and my little sister who was almost three, moved into a beautiful two story house in the suburbs of Las Vegas, Nevada. This must have been wonderful for...

That Year With The Hounds by Jabbajones

I have always been interested in the paranormal, and have had a few experiences. I am always excited when I experience something I believe to be "unusual", but quick to analyze or try to explain it. The following chain of events took place two years ago over a one year period. My friend Tom h...

Experiences Throughout My Life by AddyFails

I don't really have any experience with any actual "ghost" that I could see or knew was there, but I have had some really weird experiences that have freaked me out my whole life. I guess this is just a collection of weird things that have happened to me, in no real order until the end when I talk a...

My Furry Friend And The Signs From Beyond by acuteangles

Mika was the cat I had through a large majority of my childhood. She was the most beautiful (but ornery) Siamese-Himalayan mix and my mom named her Makalu, after the famous peak in the Himalayas (probably because it was the only word she knew that had anything to do with the Himalayas or that region...

Ghost Of Ray Griffin, The Experience by adamchris

While walking home from El Torito Cafe with my friend, I experienced something I have never felt before. We where walking under the billboard on Boulder Highway and Wagon Wheel Drive. My friend was about 1 1/2 feet ahead of me when I saw a blur. It came from the ground on my left side behind me. ...

Chilly, Silly Ghostie by zzsgranny

I thought I'd submit one for the "workplace ghostie" thing we have going on. I honestly don't know if it's paranormal or not, but one thing's sure: it ain't normal! At the time this event took place, I was the bakery/deli manager with a "major" grocery chain here in Las Vegas. Shortly after coming ...

The Loss Of My Best Friend And Paranormal Experiences by MaggieS

My experiences with the paranormal all started as a child when I lived in England. The earliest thing I can recall is having a dream about someone leading me to the rivers edge in our garden and showing me dead bodies floating down the river in old time period clothing. This dream would occur consta...

My Teen Haunted House by LeilaniZ

I knew from the beginning that my parents wouldn't believe us. We were sitting together quivering in a chair, wondering what would happen next. We kept closing our eyes and holding each other tight, from whatever was mocking us in that house. It all started from the first night I spend in that ho...

Faces In The Daycare Window by SugarySweetGirl

This is the second story I have and is more frightning (imo) to me. It happened, once again, when I was in High School. Four friends (Melonie, Lauren, Freddie and Ash, my best friend) and I were being bad kids and ditching one of our classes. There was a day care right across the street that wa...

Doppleganger Of My Brother by ChildOfTheLotus

This is another one of my experiences that took place when I was 8. I was living in my childhood home (mentioned in other stories) and I shared a bedroom with my brother who was 5 or 6 at the time. We had a bunk bed and I had the bottom bunk while he took the top. I started having sleep problems aro...

Maria by zzsgranny

In one of my earlier stories, I mentioned a trip that I and my kids and grand-daughter made, back to my home state of Ohio. While there, we visited the gravesite of a young girl who'd been murdered by my fraternal grandmother's uncle, in 1832. All my life, I'd felt compelled to pay my respects to th...

My First Paranormal Expierences by SugarySweetGirl

This is my first ghost story entry and I am so excited to share it with you. I haven't had many expierences, but the ones I have were, in my opinion, very interesting. Okay, it was about ten or twelve years ago, I'm not sure. I hadn't graduated from High School yet, so it was somewhere between '...

Growling At The Abandoned House by Helloweirdoworldfriken

I live in this neighborhood and it's a real calm place. The thing is that I recently have been told that the house that I hang out in the last guy commited suicide. It has a real shady tree out in front, so that's why I hang out. So, I'm sitting under this nice shady tree with the brances surrou...

Scent Of A... Ghost? by zzsgranny

I don't know when I actually started smelling ghosts. I do remember, when I was a kid, I would smell all kinds of things that no one else did. Onions cooking, flowers in the dead of winter, unfamiliar perfumes (my mother never used perfume, allergy), and sometimes I'd wake in the middle of the night...

The Black Butterfly by Taylor

Let me start off by saying that I did not feel threatened by the "butterfly" that I saw, and am posting this story because I wish to see if anyone has any ideas on what it could of been and if it was a spirit, why it would take said shape. About a month ago, I was just finishing up my nightly Sc...

Haunted Childhood Home: Doppelganger Type Entity by PrettyInPain

I lived and grew up in the same house from when I was two to seventeen years of age. I have had many experiences in this house that I absolutely believe to be paranormal. Previously, I believed that the experiences were caused by the fact that there was (and still is) a younger woman running a senio...

New House, New Room, Strange Happenings by kittykaat

Last summer I moved into a new home. From the very beginning, I always felt like someone was watching me. My family and I are not the first residents here, possibly the 2nd or 3rd. I'm 13 years old and I have always had strange little things happen to me since I was little, I never considered it to ...

Regina Music Box And The Grandmother Ghost by cdkonvicka

Several months ago, I purchased a Regina Disc Music Box from a woman in Sacramento CA. The music box had been in her family for many years and her great aunt was the original owner. The woman never had any kids, so she had no family member to pass it down to. After I purchased it and brought it home...

Goldfield Hotel Investigation Captures by deathandrosesparanormal

While editing our footage of the Investigation at the Goldfield Hotel in Nevada. I came across more than I was hoping for at the hotel. I will share a few Infrared Video Stills with you all shortly. This was one of the most exciting investigations for me. When we all first entered the hotel, we i...

Tall White Woman by DRDd

Throughout all of my life, every house I have lived in was haunted in some way, even the one I live in right now. But the most recent or vivid experiences I've had are more... Off putting. The first thing that I remember that happened when I moved from Incline Village to Sparks happened when I was h...

Notes Between Friends by zzsgranny

In light of recent discussions on this site, I would like to present some timely correspondence between a friend and myself. I ask that the moderators please leave the messages in their original form, as I feel it lends credence. Please note that permission has been granted by all whose names appear...

The Spirit Of My Fiance by Keiligh

I lost my fiance on July 9th, 2010. We were teenage sweethearts and he asked me to marry him when we were only dating a few months. He was the first man to tell me "I love you", the first man I made love to and the love of my life. We drifted apart out of unfortunate circumstances and came back toge...

It Knew My Name by zonnielove

I Iive in Henderson Nevada it's about 12 miles from the strip. I was using the bathroom in my master bath. I was the only one home when I heard something whisper my full name Dusin Brown, followed by a sound that sounded like an old school computer turning off or on. I only have one laptop and it wa...

Ghost Guardian? 2 by Noelle11

This is the second and darker part of my first story, about the spirit I knew nothing about who appeared one day to help me. The reason I think my guardian came was because of this: My dad wasn't the best person, and for a while he had an angry ghost stalking him. I don't know if it was related, b...

What Should I Do About A Spirit Such As This? by RAVERshadow27

I don't know what really is going on. The people I've spoken too, ironically were wiccans... But they all keep saying that the thing following me is a Succubus or Incubus... Whichever means 'female'... Long story put as short as I can cut it. 2-3 years of the 'I feel I'm being watched' presence. I'v...

Ghost Guardian? by Noelle11

I am a serious 17 years old, so don't get put off because I'm young. A couple years back I was going through some tough stuff, right after I found out my father was dying. This is a two part story, because it had two sides to it. I'll post the second side later. This is the good side. There was a d...

My Haunted Work-place 2 by myronwilleatyou

Unfortunately, I came to discover that not only the basement floor of where I work is haunted. If you read my other story, you already know that I work part-time filing at an attorney's office. It is newly built and there are near to zero explanations for the occurrences I experience there. Just ye...

My Haunted Work-place by myronwilleatyou

So I have a part-time job in an attorney's office filing papers. I go to work with my grandmother on Sundays, when no one else is at work with her besides my brother and mom. It's a relatively new building and everything there is new anyways, (like the lighting, computers, etc.) so these things sho...

Is There A Spirit In My House? by myronwilleatyou

I feel I have the right to believe that there is a spirit in my house. Many strange things have happened, but there are a couple that particularly stand out. From reading other stories on this site, I have learned that children are sensitive to paranormal visitors (or something along those lines......

People In The Dark, Please Help by Lost_Wanderer

My friend is in need of help with an issue of her that she has been experiencing for a full month now and I figured someone here could help. She sees people when all is dark in the middle of the night. This started about a month ago when she was out. She was having a bad day and needed to clear ...

The Signs Are There If We Pay Attention by zzsgranny

I am very fortunate to be the Granny of two beautiful little girls: Zoe 5years old, and Emily soon to be 7 months old. They are the lights of my life and I share their antics to whoever will listen! One person I would love to be able to share with is my Dad, but unfortunately, he passed away several...

My Hall Ghost by KayWinds

I'm pretty sure that there's a ghost in my hallway. Now, before I talk about the ghost, it's important to know the layout of my house: my parents sleep upstairs and I sleep downstairs. There is a short hallway downstairs, with my room, a bathroom, and a second room I use as my study/music room. My b...

The First Time I Met My Daddy by monkeylemur82

My name is Leslie. I am 27 years old and I live in Las Vegas. I moved here when I was 10 years old from Ohio, with my mother, step-dad and two little brothers. The experience that I am about to tell all of you happened to me a few weeks after I turned 13. A little background to the story; my biologi...

No More Spirits, But When There Were by sparkle25

I have posted a few stories in the past 2-3 years. If you have not read them I suggest you do so (if they are still available). I have seen, heard, and felt Spirits in my household and in my next door neighbor's home as well. I am happy to report that it's been a year since I have had any weird thin...

My Cousin Julie's House In The Summer Of 2006 by Aurther302

Me and my cousin Josh were staying up late at my cousin Julie's house (josh's aunt. She was away helping her brother move from one military base to another) playing elder's Scrolls 4: Oblivion at about 11pm during the summer of 2006. Her German Rottweiler Oden was asleep at my feet and her dog Lokca...

The Ghost Of The Past by Altec

My last story I wrote on here was an experience of what had happened in the past when I was little. I left off at the end this... (Another was when I moved to Vegas and lived in some old military homes on base. My brother had been complaining up and down that he was choked one night in his bedroo...

Windy In Las Vegas by zzsgranny

I came across this story that I wrote a few months ago and forgot to submit. The site was full at the time, and, well, I forgot! This is October 19, 2009. The wind has been blowing quite strongly here in the desert for the last 24 hours or so which is not very unusual at this time of the year. Ho...

My Ghosties Like Christmas by zzsgranny

This story has its beginning in 2008, shortly after a visit to Ohio in May of that year. There was a lot of activity at my house during the summer and fall, some of which I have posted. The following is an account of happenings after that. I tend to get very home-sick during the Holidays, so my husb...

My Ghostie Friends by zzsgranny

When I was a child, I would often hear my name called. It always sounded like my Mom. But when I asked her what she needed, of course her answer would be that she didn't call me. I slept with my bed against the wall and usually with my back against it, as I was sure that there were "things" under my...

Party In The Shower by luckysmc

Now I was never a believer of spirits/demons before until the first incident happened in my life. Back in 1992, when my dad returned from Desert Storm we were transferred to Las Vegas, NV. When I was 10 years old, my family and I lived in this apartment complex. One afternoon, when I got home...

Pictures In Nevada's Towns by cmpshn81

My son, some of his friends and I recently went to a place called the American Flats just outside of Virginia City, Nevada. I had heard stories of this place and wanted to go see what all the hub bub was about. Upon arrival along with the history and the decrepit look of the place, you definitely go...

He Wanted To Be There, Too by zzsgranny

I'm so happy to announce the birth of my second grandchild on October 26th. Her name is Emily Michelle, and she is perfect. She looks just like my daughter! My daughter had a c-section, so my youngest son and I were on the way to the hospital at around 6:15, or so. Since we would not be able to smo...

Sleep Paralysis And A Little Boy by ChildOfTheLotus

I don't know if I would really call this a ghostly encounter, more along the lines of sleep paralysis, but it was definitely odd, something that hasn't quite happened to me before. I used to have visions often as a teenager, but things have seemed to calm once I reached 18. Every once in a while I w...

My Daughter's Dad by zzsgranny

My daughter's father was killed in a motorcycle accident three weeks before she was born. He has visited me in dreams when something, good or bad, was about to happen that would have an impact on her. Here are a couple of the most significant. We grew up in a small town in Ohio. Everyone kne...

What Is My Son Seeing? by ChildOfTheLotus

If you've read any of my other stories, you know that I live in my childhood home now, with my husband and son (my daughter will be born this January). This series of incidents involves my son. Sorry it is going to be rather long, but it is a few things that happened in a short amount of time. The o...

That Black Thing by ChildOfTheLotus

This is my very first experience with the paranormal. Sorry if this is kind of short, but it was a rather quick happening. I was four years old when this happened and I was playing outside of the house that I currently live in. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I think it involved m...

People In The Car Windshield by ChildOfTheLotus

I was living in a trailer park with my husband, right before we got married. I was about 5 or 6 months pregnant with my son at the time this happened. Just to note, nobody died in this trailer. I lived in a very small town at the time (before finally moving back to my childhood home), less than 2000...

Thing On The Porch by ChildOfTheLotus

This story is actually a little bit complicated to tell. First, I have to explain that I used to have dreams about my guardian spirit. At different times, he would guide me through problems in my life, give me strength or explain things that I couldn't understand while I slept. I have only lived in ...

An Incubus Or Just A Dream? by ChildOfTheLotus

This took place when I was 16 years old. I had gone to bed exhausted one night after having a day full of semester exams at my school. What I am about to describe is strange but true. I have no reason to lie about it. When this first started happening, I was so confused I thought, "I must be sti...

The Music Room Spirits by ChildOfTheLotus

This happened to me when I was five or six years old (I'm now 20). It's the first experience that I have had with a HUMAN entity (or entities in this case), and only the third paranormal experience I had ever had in my life. Before you decide to comment saying that I don't know what I'm talking abou...

Ghost That Stalk Me? by RosePetal

I am not sure if these were ghost encounters or not. When I was seven I was staying over at a friend's house for the night. She said she couldn't sleep, so she asked if we could sleep in her mom's room, we did. After we went there and fell asleep, I suddenly woke up. I looked over to my right, and t...

The Wolves Of Mourning by NiramLuap

This event happened to me last year, when tragedy struck our family. I'll try and make it short, but I feel I have to give this story some background to do it any justice. I am a happy part of a huge extended family here in California. I grew up on the east coast, away from this part of my family...

Past Encounters by Altec

When I was little between the ages of 4 to 7yrs I lived in South Carolina in a house I don't ever want to see again. I was not the only one that saw things, for my mother too even if she won't admit it to people not related to us. The house was just like every other, yet I was too young to understan...

My Demon's Origin by Ghost6R

So for those of you that have read my story PROTECTED BY A DEMON, I think I might know where she came from. Spring and Summer of 06 Las Vegas, NV A couple of years ago before I joined the army when I first graduated from high school I moved in with a friend. This house was his parent's but th...

The White Entity by jordash95

This is a story of the night my great grandmothers step granddaughter took her own life. Her name was Kelly; she worshiped satin and overdosed on pills to die. The night we heard of the misfortunate event, we all gathered at my grandmother's home. There was an almost unbearable feeling of dread as ...

The Second Floor by jordash95

One night around 1 AM, when I was about eight years old, my mom woke me from sleeping on the couch. She was pale and seemed to be very frightened. "Go to the car while I grab my gun." (she had a license.) I followed my mother's instructions. Now, keep in mind, when we left, the back door was shut an...

The Christmas Orb Of Light by StrangeAtNight

Christmas Eve 1987... I was 7 years old and was looking outside my suburban 5th storey apartment window for Santa Claus in the night sky. I was so excited about Christmas that I couldn't sleep. I was panning the night sky looking at the stars when I saw a very bright one that stood out. It was so br...

When I Sleep Am I Susceptible? by StrangeAtNight

I am a 29 year old male and the past few years I have had some strange experiences when I go to sleep. I had unexplainable things happen to me since I was about 7 years old. Sometimes I have really great experiences and other times downright fearful. About 3-4 times a month or more or less... I am p...

Leave Me Alone Robin! by tricia889

For years now, I have had nightmares about a female ghost who is very hateful and enjoys terrorizing me. I have actually written about this previously. This is another nightmare but slightly different then the previous ones because I found out her name... I was in Reno for the super bowl this ye...

Tapped By Unknown And Called By My Name by TygerDall

This was an interesting time in my life. One I tried to keep from my family. In 2000, I had just moved to Northern Nevada, due to the fact that I had found an awesome place to make money (or so I thought IRS tax problems now). This place had recently been renovated to compensate for a fire th...

Hauntings In Vegas by Giovanna425

I was visiting my best girlfriend in Vegas last year and she has a gorgeous mansion in Henderson, Nevada, ten minutes from the strip. The first night, I woke up to the feeling of being watched. But more than that, I was sleeping but "saw" a dark shadowed man leaning over me. I figured it was a dream...

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