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Ghost Stories in Category: Misc: Page 18

Working In My Sleep by rookdygin

Still tired from this one and need to write down the details to help get it out of my head. For most of the month my wife has been feeling 'depressed'. It started as her just being extremely tired but got worse as April progressed. Neither of us could figure out what was wrong so on Friday night ...

Warning Signs And Peculiar Visitors by Auburnla

It was the spring of 2001, and quite frankly, I was in a job that I hated at a local community college. My immediate supervisor was a red-faced, shrewish man who watched my every move and fabricated myths about my conduct out of sheer spite. At the time, I could not know that within 5 years the plac...

What Or Who Could It Have Been? by mzih8u

I have never really told anyone this as it's pretty strange so I will try and recount what happened to me as best as I can. I have always had pretty vivid dreams but I will go through a stage where I won't dream or do not remember them but then back through a stage when I will constantly have str...

Skeleton Ghost And The Man With An Axe by miri_chan

This is my first submitted story and the first two encounters I had. (This will be fairly short, sorry) The first time I saw a 'ghost' I was about 3 or 4 years old, so I don't remember that much. All I remember is I was sleeping and I woke up in the middle of the night. My mom and some of her fr...

Dreams Come True And So Do Nightmares by blank

Last weekend was all set to head towards my grandma's place, all the hustle and bustle was for my cousin sister's first holy communion we had to attend. My sister and my dad left Friday evening and I had to wait until Saturday to take my mother along with me. Finally we were all set to go and hit th...

Swirling And Screaming by neu

I'm not sure if this would fall under the category of sleep paralysis or other such diagnoses, because though all of the following incidents have happened while I was in bed, they don't match the descriptions of any other accounts I've read, nor did they happen when I was just waking or falling asle...

It Has All Changed by wicca

I recently told you all about my life in my true life experiences called "Strange things all my life", I received a lot of lovely comments but I never thought my own brother read it? I always thought he didn't believe in such things but he had his own strange story to tell me? For most of his li...

My Wiccan Girlfriend & The Black Hooded Thing by RollaMoMan

I have something that maybe someone could shed some light on for me. Over a year ago a large black hooded figure with red eyes was seen by my wiccan girlfriend a lot outside. By her accounts it would knock on the door right after I'd leave for work in the morning. Well it got into the house and has ...

Shadow Men And The End Of The World by gm_de_chaos

I've seen strange things my entire life; ranging from possessed statues to ghostly women, but my most memorable experience was the first time I met the shadow men. I woke up from my bed and instantly knew it was a dream. I often had night terrors as a child so I quickly learned to lucid dream in...

Where Is The Ring? by courtneyOMGG

This story happened over a period of 3 days. I currently have a boyfriend, who I have been with for 5 months now. When we first started dating, he gave me his silver ring to wear, just so I always have a part of him with me, kind of cheesy huh! Anyway, as it is a bit big for my fingers, I only...

Dreaming Together Of The Shadow Man by 4d

Back in 1994 I had begun a relationship with the love of my life. She would hang at my house and I would cruise at hers always during the day. Our parents were pretty trusting of us so they allowed us to spend nights sleeping over each other homes, but not in the same room. The first night she staye...

Our Guardian Angel by princess2

I've heard of people having experiences with guardian angels. But up until now I don't remember ever having any experiences before. One cold winter day me and my sister decided to go visit our cousin, who lived about ten miles from us. We were on a two lane country road that was both steep and c...

I Tried To Be Sneaky by whitebuffalo

I recently quit smoking as an anniversary present to myself. My thought process is that I will be able to dance like a teenager at my 50th anniversary (fat chance!). A few nights ago one of my teenagers and I had a bit of a riff over her wanting to get on the computer at 11:30. Her homework was n...

The Nightmares That Refuse To Go Away by kryptonitee

A while ago I was with my friends and we were babysitting my friend's twin brothers. We will refer to this friend as A. A put his brothers to bed, at around 10. It was almost 12 midnight and his parents weren't home, and B's mom wasn't there. (B is my best friend, and she is A's cousin.) So we were ...

Well... That's Trippy by UnknownKarmic

Greetings... I've got something to share with you that might not be anything paranormal, but is certainly trippy. I've been reading stories off of this site for years and now, I finally have something to share... Here goes... The past three years or so has been extremely challenging for me includ...

The Haunted Clock by Hopkirk90

I once lived in a house where there was a big, old station clock on the wall in the kitchen. The house was rather eerie, but I will talk about the house ghost in another story. There was always a strange feeling in the kitchen; it seemed to emanate from the clock. Underneath the clock was a kitc...

When I Sleep Am I Susceptible? by StrangeAtNight

I am a 29 year old male and the past few years I have had some strange experiences when I go to sleep. I had unexplainable things happen to me since I was about 7 years old. Sometimes I have really great experiences and other times downright fearful. About 3-4 times a month or more or less... I am p...

Darker Then The Darkness by mlycourgos

One night I was in bed trying to fall asleep. My room was pitch black. For some reason I was focused on the top right corner of my room. It seemed darker than the rest of the room. I had this feeling of dread, and I knew something was going to appear and or happen. All of a sudden the darkness in th...

Demon Or Just Crazy? by AngelSeeker

Some of you have asked me about the demon experience so I'll post it for you. It was back in 2007 in Pennington, New Jersey. I was about 13 or 14 then, I can't remember the exact date. It was late around 1am or so I had just gone to the bathroom and then back to my room. I got in bed and snuggle...

I Dreamt I Spoke To A Ghost by Poko666

My name is Graeme and I tried to post a story before about a friend who was having ghost trouble but it didn't get published, but that's okay because I have more to put towards that story. The story was that my friend was hearing footsteps in her hallway during the night, and she had an incident wh...

Pushed Out Of Bed And Unplugged Alarm Clock by Yoda1

This happened to me this morning... (3/16/09) I usually set my alarm for 5:15 AM and hit the snooze button a couple of times before I get up to get ready for work. This morning I had something strange happen? The alarm went off at its usual time, I went through my normal routine and hit the s...

Walking In The Hallway by christyg

I'm not even sure where to begin! I think that there may be something following my son and me, but I'm not too sure. When my son was 4 years old, we went to a cottage on an island with my friend. My son woke up in the middle of the night screaming that he could see a "little man" wearing coveral...

Evil Looking Little Boy by roykafeb

I moved into the house that I live in 3 years ago. When we started doing some renovating, we started noticing strange things going on that really could not be explained. A juice jug flew off of the counter about 3 feet but did not break open. When we filled in the hole to the old cellar entrance tha...

Ghost Chair by Lilypad5596

My friend and I volunteer at a ranch a couple miles down the road. We got there one day, following our daily routine with our other friends, such as feeding the pigs, chickens, ducks, bunnies and hamsters. As we continued our day with feeding the horses, and tacking them up, bringing out trail rides...

Meditation Amongst Other Things by kuehnau

As a general rule of thumb, I try to keep a bit of skepticism at the back of my mind. Any of you, who keep up with my comments will know that. But I do try to keep an open mind about things. I have a new short story for you today... After I moved out of my mother's home, I moved to Oklahoma with ...

Physically Attacked By An Evil Entity 2 by Scarlytt

As I had previously written many strange things have happened to me especially in the house I lived in when I was 17, the boyfriend I had then I'm still with now so if you want to ask him any questions about events including him then feel free! A quick sum up of my house back then, it's a 2 flo...

Life Is Full Of Surprises by DixieChick101

This was some years back, about 3 to be accurate. I have always had dreams that have some truth to them. Only the truth is realized usually later on but not on this night. I was asleep and dreaming, although I could have sworn I was awake when I dreaming. I dreamt I was standing in a wid...

Some Of My Ghostly Experiences by moonlight

I have to say I have never actually seen a spirit. I have experienced many times hearing my name being called, and no one around to have said it. There was this house I lived in as a Kid. I never experienced anything but my mom and sister did. They saw an old man and woman. My mom said she woke up a...

Strange Humming And Odd Feelings by Addy64

I have read quite a few interesting stories of paranormal on this site and would like to share a few odd experiences myself and perhaps someone may have had the same experience also? Back in October 1982, my best friend and I were just out front the steps of my parent's home, which had huge hedges o...

She Won't Let Me Sleep by Minivinny

When I was much younger I lived in an older house across town, I would often sit and look outside the window that was next to my front door. In broad daylight I would clearly hear three knocks on the door. Course there was no one there, or even anyone who could play a prank since I was watching the ...

Physically Attacked By An Evil Entity by Scarlytt

I'm sorry if this is a bit long but I remember it as if it was yesterday and want to get as much detail in as possible. Id always had a few issues with people who claim to have seen ghosts or things like that, I always thought it may well be true but so many people make things up I found it hard...

Stuff Falls Out Of Nowhere by ghost_wacher_1

My name is Aaron. We live in a very old town called Milford center Ohio, it was built in 1799. Our house was built about 1850. Recently there have been some weird things happening. I have told my parent's. My dad does not believe but my mom does. I have done some recordings in my room and heard ...

Dead Woman In The Wall by Venkman

This is a story my student told me. It is essentially not a ghost encounter but it's on the same scale of the paranormal and I truly believe it. About myself, I am foreign expat who works and lives in Beijing, China. I have been to many countries around the globe, especially in Asia; I like to visit...

Premonition Or Angel Of Death by ZUKISMOM

I was around 13 years old at the time, and had been devastated the year before with the loss of by beloved father to cancer. I had always been very sensitive to the paranormal and could see and hear things that I mostly kept to myself. After dad had passed I pretty much shut down and had no use ...

My Angel by Miss_laura

From a very early age I have been terrified of the dark, not because of the things I can't see, but of the things I can see. Forms of humans and creatures sitting in the shadows, forms of faces sitting so clearly at the end of my bed waiting for me to fall asleep. I had always assumed that most youn...

Bloody Walls by kuehnau

As I have said previously, besides the two stories which I had had personal experiences in, I am sadly out of any more personal material. Instead I have been relaying stories I have been told by close and personal friends or family. While visiting an uncle in Milwaukee we had gotten into a discussi...

Gliding Black Blur by courtneyOMGG

This has happened twice, but I will tell you guys the two separate incidents. The first time happened 5 days ago. I was sitting right here, at my computer in my room. I will give you a layout of my room. When your standing in the doorway, right in front of you is my bed, to the left is my bookca...

My Admirer by linamoo79

It was November 8th 2002 and I had just moved with my son to Oregon to live with my aunt who was very ill to help her. My friend and I were walking down the sidewalk in town and noticed some people getting into a car on the curb; we were talking to each other and didn't look up to see faces. After a...

Dwarf's Curse by Amanthul

This is my second experience in our house in the province. It is somehow connected to my other story, "Shadows Lurking in the Kitchen." This happened when I was 11 years old. My mother always wakes up at dawn, finishing all her chores even before everyone gets up. These chores include watering h...

Little Lady Says Goodbye by ZUKISMOM

I have worked in an ER on midnights for about 10yrs now and there are some seriously strange things I have seen and heard. One stand out the most was a sweet little elderly lady I had as a patient. She came from a nursing home and was well into her 90's. Now we see a lot of Patients and people die ...

Dark Angel by patricial

I was wondering if anyone has heard of a Dark or Black Angel? Last May my neighbour aged 80 shot himself to death in his shed. He had bad Vertigo, and just decided to take his own life. My 4 year old son could see the shed from the front door, and window. My Son said that he saw a Dark Angel...

A Message For My Friend by _Izanne_

I'm not sure what to make of this, so please tell me what you think... When I was 14, my best friend's (let's call her Tasha) boyfriend died 24 hours after he had been in a car accident. About four or five months before he died, we were at some school event where Tasha's boyfriend had to wear a t...

Quick Trip To Mississippi by DPez

I'm currently in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend whose serving in the U.S. Air force. It's hard being away from each other, and it really consumes my mind. I often find myself thinking about him at night when I'm trying to fall asleep (sappy, I know, but it's true and an important not...

Aulita - Love, Brave, And Nature - Pocong In The Garden by Hassan

Have you read my Aulita story? Well, this is another frightening story from Aulita, and it happened in 2003 - definitely before the funeral event. I want to retell back some facts about Aulita. It's a formal organization in my former boarding school and it had purposes, such as love for nature and b...

Two Entities by ghostboy001

This is my first story so bear with me. My story starts around the time I was 8. I was outside on my lawn and to be specific my back lawn is huge big enough for an older kid to play baseball on. I was out near one of the sheds when I looked over and saw a man skinny, muscular and about quite tall. W...

Shadows Lurking In The Kitchen by Amanthul

This is my personal experience when I was 7. Thinking of it now, I realize that what the elders in our province used to say may be true after all, children of pure innocence can see the unseen. Our house is a 3-bedroom bungalow where I shared a room with my sister. My bed was located about six st...

Unexplained Breathing Sounds by Domino

I wonder how the account of what I have experienced will compare to the other stories on this site. In comparison, it probably lacks both novelty and an element of drama. But I would still love to get some ideas from you, the readers. There seems to be few other opportunities around for presenting y...

Black Magic - What Happened Before And After by Loganz_sis

As my name obviously states I am Logan's sis, I thought it would be interesting to post my stories related to the original 'Black Magic' posted by Logan on this site. There are two incidents that happened before and after the night that Logan and our caretaker found the 'hex bag' in our house. ...

Someone Or Something Following Me by Nasha

I suppose I will start my story when I was 7 I lived in a country town in New Zealand called Carta ton. This is not were it all started but I think it was when the seed was planted. THE SEED: when I was seven I felt as though I had to sleep a certain way sort of like "showing off" sleeping in ve...

Trance State, My Ex - Boyfriend And Steve by Six

I had mentioned in my previous post that I come from a religious family but I and my family are aware of other beings that may not be mentioned in the Book. I want to start off by saying I cast no judgment and I have absolutely zero negative feelings towards pagans, or witchcraft, Wicca, ect. I dabb...

Leave Me Alone Robin! by tricia889

For years now, I have had nightmares about a female ghost who is very hateful and enjoys terrorizing me. I have actually written about this previously. This is another nightmare but slightly different then the previous ones because I found out her name... I was in Reno for the super bowl this ye...

In Love With A Ghost by Kirby

It has been death, and a love of it. I've only familiarized myself with it all too much. Not only does it depress me, but a deep fascination grips me as well. I have researched the paranormal in every way. By reading books, researching online, practicing rituals, watching television shows, and visit...

Black Magic by logan

As mentioned in my earlier story, I do believe in the other side of life. This story is about black magic/Voodoo. This actually happened to my mom. In 2007, one morning in March my mom woke up as usual around 6 am and got about her work. She finished brushing her teeth and was coming out of the b...

The Power To Sense And Feel Before Something Occurs by csuegar

It was about 10:00 last night when I was trying to fall asleep but, for some odd reason I was tossing and turning most of the night,, I thought I heard something, I told myself to stop that I have to go to sleep. I had to get up very early to get my husband off to work and I also watch my granddaugh...

Between Two Worlds? by libertybelle

When my first son was born, everything seemed fine. In fact, he appeared to progress normally until he turned about three, when his development slowed down to a crawl. No matter what I said to the military pediatricians, first at one duty station, then at another, I was consistently brushed off a...

The Mirror Above My Bunk by troyarn

In 1990 I was a corporal in the Marine Corps counting down the last six months of my tour of duty at Camp Butler, on the island of Okinawa. Being an NCO, I managed to get my own room. Although made for two people, the room was small. When you entered, there was a wall locker then a bunk on either si...

Demon In Baby's Crib by Annabella

First of all I would like to start off by saying that I don't believe in wandering spirits from dead people. When human beings die they just return into the arms of the lord. I think it would be very unfair for someone who died tragically to be punished by god to wander around and relive the pain ov...

The Night Before My Brother's Birthday by csuegar

My brother's birthday just passed-it was the 23rd of January and he passed on July2nd 2007. The night before his birthday sometime between 8:00-8:30 I was sitting at my computer going through my emails and my youngest daughter was sitting in the living room watching TV. My computer is in my dining r...

Scratches On Our Body's by Leroux

Some Information that might be needed: My friend and I are both females. She is 21 while I am almost 16. She lives nearly across the county (in Seattle) while I am near Chicago. We have never done anything that involves any rituals. I am Christian while she isn't sure about a religion at this point....

He Saw Something by jennifertorres

We all know that my husband has had things happen but would never admit them to me. Well let me tell you... HE HAS! I am so excited, of course I didn't tell him that I would post them on here because, and well I have to take baby steps with that one. Ok, this is what he told me. Last night (Sunday)...

Mothers Always Know by libertybelle

I've come to the conclusion that Macbeth is innocent of the charge of having murdered sleep. No, the real culprit is the Army, as I discovered on my younger son's first deployment to Iraq. I rediscovered it on the second, but it's the third that almost did for me--and a lot of others, too. Mark h...

My Spirit Teacher - Raven Walker by AmberMoonPriestess

All my life I have spent every summer in Montana at the pow-wow. I learned the way of the Warrior but it was the summer I turned 18 that I first learned of the Spirit Warriors and met my first teacher. It wasn't until later I discovered my teacher had been dead for almost 200 years. I was sitting...

The Ghost Boy In The Snow by owlsong

This happened when I was nine years old, but I still remember it as though it happened yesterday. (Please pardon the overused cliché) It was the middle of January, and we were having the worst snowstorm recorded where I lived. Needless to say, all of the schools in the district were closed. Aro...

Is My Piano Haunted? by discomuffin

I am in an advanced computer class at my school, and my friend and I have decided to do a movie on ghosts. I'm here to ask if I actually have a ghost in my house. We are planning to stay up late, recording our data of ghosts in a room where my piano is. Here are some experiences of what has happened...

Tour Of Jerusalem And Bethlehem by rookdygin

This is actually two stories in one. They happened on a port visit to Israel. (For those who don't know I am retired Navy.) The first experience happened to my friend and Liberty Partner (we had to leave the ship and return in pairs for safety reasons) we had purchased tickets for us to go on a ...

Trash Cans Mystery by girlie

About 3 or 4 years ago I went to Bible school with a friend. I had to bring $5 with me. My friend's mom took the $5 and put it on the counter. When it was time to go, my friend's mom went to go get the $5 from the counter, but it wasn't there. My friend and I both knew it wasn't one of us who took i...

Violent Nightmares That Won't Stop 2 by JrGhostHunter

You are all familiar with my "ghost friend," right? Yeah, figures. Well, every once in a while, I blink or close my eyes and an image comes to mind. Usually this is when I am relaxed or trying to sleep. Lately, it's been a flash of red to green then a heat flows through my body, like fire. Yester...

Lamp Chain Swinging Back And Forth by witnesser241

The Story I am writing about happened in November. I can not remember the exact date but it was very unusual. My mother and I were lying on the couch watching TV when the lamp right beside me on the stand flickered. Now that's not what the freaky part was. The lamp is one of those where you have ...

The Two Men And The Dancing Boots by Angelofmusic

From as far back as I can remember there have always been the two men in my dreams. No matter what I dream about these two men are in it. One is dark, Italian looking. Very tall with dark brown eyes and caramel skin. He has slicked-back black hair and a tiny strand hangs over his face. He wears old ...

My Uncle's Guardian Angel by Isabelle261

My mother's side of the family is very religious. Many of my relatives have premonitions and visions, especially my late grandmother. My mother started to get them when she was young, but then prayed that she did not want them and has not had them since. This story is about my uncle, my mom's brothe...

The Shelter by SarahS

It was 1987. I moved from Indiana to California. I was 21 years old. I had my son with me. I was no longer married. I came out to California so that I could get away from the strong religious background I grew up in. I was raised Jehovah's Witness. I never adhered to the religion. No offense to Jeho...

Don't Joke About Ghosts Or Spirits by Carlyxo

I moved into this house with my mother back in June of '08. We're renting, and when we moved in all I could think was "This place isn't haunted.", because that was the feeling I got. Am I a sensitive? No. I just guessed, because my dad's house has a couple ghosts, and they let you know they are ther...

What Was On The Railroad Tracks? by texicana76

I've posted this story once before on another website, so those of you familiar with ghost story websites might recognize this one. This happened to my husband back in 2007 on Halloween night of all days. My husband called me to tell me as soon as it happened and it's been boggling his mind ever...

Visions In School by imyoproblm

I go to a middle school located in California. I have been having visions that occur at any time of the school day. No matter what I am doing, it could be eating, running, taking a nap or using the computer out of the blue things around me start to fades out. I then see what is going to happen in th...

Just A Few Vague Encounters 2 by Samantha_Kyles

Hey, there! This is my second story. I finally decided to stop being lazy and start writing this; besides, I'm bored and don't feel like doing my homework. First, I'll go back to last year. It was around January... My best friend, Brittani, and I were (and are, still) very interested in the paran...

Essence Of An Evil Aura by NightGhost

I was living in Minnesota at the time. I was out and about in the world, minding my own business. Harmlessly walking down the sidewalk of my apartment complex. Some shaggy looking dude basically ran me down to talk to me. He wouldn't shut up so I listened to the creep as he said he was some head hon...

Imaginary Friend Tom by JaimeLuv

This isn't something that I have a lot of specific details about. I didn't even remember this until recently. I was reading a comment on one of my other submissions where a remark was made about me being sensitive to the spirit in our house while my roommate was not and thought this might be somethi...

The Unknown Growl by Tre

I have been trying to astral project and so far succeeded twice. But this time I was interrupted by some type of animals noise and it ruined my focus. It was 2:30p.m just the Thursday before Christmas break I decided to try to project again. I lay down, focused my mind and cleared it only to hear t...

Déjà Vu? by zenith_vsp

I am not a guy that is easily fooled into things or by things. I look at things in a logical sense, and often try to debunk them. For the past 18 months, I have been having these weird dreams in which I myself just standing in a place that I have never seen before staring at people doing what ev...

Nephi Canyon by shandi

This is my dad's story and when he told it to me Christmas Eve (yes my weird family shares ghost stories on all major holidays, it is never planned just sort of happens). This story took place in Nephi Canyon and is actually two separate experiences. One morning while driving through the canyon on ...

Man In Black by mulder81

Over the holidays I remembered this strange incident way back when I was younger. I worked at a gas station when I was 19, in 1979; it was an isolated place just outside of town next to the freeway. So many times it could get busy and other times it is just as desolate as it looked. I worked part...

The Door Opener by Elahie

This story is about a door opener also known as ligaru. The door opener is actually not a ghost but a person that is involved in witchcraft (high science). I am only going to refer to it as a spirit for this story. On the 9th of December 2008, that was the day before my school's cross-country, I ...

The Mala Beads by Surya

I married into a Braham Hindu family. As you know Brahmins are priests, I always thought myself privileged being married into a family like that. There was a temple in the in-laws house, the temple I was privileged enough to clean, light the candles. My ex deceased father-in-law asked me one Satur...

Jingles Of The Bell by Surya

In my story the bell, I had been hearing bells for a good three weeks. I thought it was that cat but when I looked around the home Inca (out cat's names) was nowhere in sight. I am not the only to have heard this bell. My youngest son has heard it as well. However, I am not sure if he hears it now. ...

The Man by marchelle

This story was actually told by our priest in the church where I go. When our priest went to Dubai for a visit to a friend who is also a priest he told this story to him which he read in a newspaper there in Dubai. I don't have the exact date or location of this story but I still think it's nice to ...

Is Something In Our House? by leentjehk

Just to get started a little something about me, I'm a sixteen year old girl from the Netherlands. Lately, weird things are happening in our house; sometimes I feel a very cold breeze going by my cheek, our cats avoid places in the house like some places in my room (like the middle of the floor!)...

White Owls: Ghostly? Spiritual Beings? by ghostseer

White Owls... I was never curious before. Now...? I am overwhelmed with emotion!. To be honest with you, I never gave it much thought (in the past) as to why they follow me. No matter where I go, they are always there-watching me. I am talking about white owls! These are incredible WHITE owls, so...

Something Tried To Snatch My Baby by Mers

It happened just recently, Monday night, December 8th. We are in the process of moving. I was so tired from packing that I laid down with my infant daughter around 10 pm. My daughter is 4 months and she is a preemie so she doesn't crawl yet. Around 3 in the morning I was awakened by the sound of...

Knocking On The Window by sherrera1980

I think this occurred shortly before I saw that "white blur" (a posting I submitted not long ago) also in the house in which I grew up; my parents still live there. So I need to set this up first: During the day, if you stand in font of the kitchen sink, you see the exterior of a bedroom on the ri...

Weird Two by nich

This happened on the year 1995, Baguio city Philippines, summer capital of my hometown. This city was just healing from 1990 earthquake that damaged the city itself and killed a lot of people. My 6 friends and I were walking home after a long day practicing for a dance competition to be held days ...

This One Scared Me A Little by dreamshappen

I think I'm a little bit haunted. Things happen a lot to me that I do not like to talk about. But this is one of them that you might acknowledge to be creepy. One night I decided to listen to myself so I took my mp3 player and recorded myself to see what I get. About 7 minutes into my slumber I ...

My Paranormal Experiences by chocolateliquor

I found this site through Google in search of real life accounts of paranormal experiences because I've been writing a novel about fictional letters from fictional people about their paranormal experiences. I wanted the novel to sound much more real and not fabricated and stale. So far, reading all ...

Dolly by stubbington

As young children, I and younger sister Annie used to share a bedroom. We lived in a detached house in the outskirts of Stubbington and our parents had just left to go to a party. I, being 11, and Annie, being 8, were sitting on our beds playing 'I Spy.' Our babysitter shouted upstairs that it was t...

Ghost Or Not? by Pangie

I'm 15 years old and have lived in Poland for over two years now. At first it was lonely but I slowly got good friends and have learned good polish. What I'm about to tell you I'm confused about because this has never happened before! About two weeks I got sick and stayed home for two days. Thos...

Burn by black_blood_bella

Four years ago, there was a boy at our school named Remmy. Remmy liked fire. Long story short, he was expelled from the school for trying to set fire to the gym... A lot of people liked to tease Remmy; you would have described him as one of the "nerds" or the "freaks". I stood up for Remmy a lot, ev...

Strange Experiences by dinoz0r

This morning I awoke at around 7:30 to find my bed trembling slightly. I could feel the vibration as I sat up and leaned on my arm. I checked my bed to make sure there was nothing on it that was vibrating, i.e. My phone. I also checked on the other side of the wall, which is the bathroom but nothing...

First Ghost Encounter Experience by secondsight

In my teenage years, 13-17 years old, I'd feel a tingling sensation through my body, especially in my hands and fingertips. When I'd be by myself in my bedroom, and had my music on too loud, I'd think "oh I'll turn it down in a minute I'm busy". I'd get the feeling in my hands, and sense someone in ...

Two Months Of Weird Experiences by Spidey_fan

I have always believed in ghosts and stuff, and got the occasional feeling of being watched in my room, but about two months ago I started to have weird experiences. I would say this is the first time I had ever seen something like this. I was on holiday, and I woke up about three in the morning...

Evp Experience by mulder81

I have been interested in EVP ever since I heard of it in the late eighties. I then became a member of AA-EVP when Sarah Estep ran it. I had called her a couple of time with ideas, and she was very helpful. So I got equipment together during the summer of 1991, and got set up with a program. I used ...

All In Time by essiej

My Great Grandma, Eunice, was a beautiful woman. When Eunice died, my Mama lost a great teacher (that's what Mama said). She died at Thanksgiving dinner, at my Uncle's house, sitting at her place at the table, during the Blessing of the Meal. That was about ten years ago. My Uncle called my Mama...

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