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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 194
I Am Not Insane by sane_psychopath
Honestly, I've never really been interested in paranormal activity until now. I read books about murder and crimes, but never GHOST stories. Let's just say, I never thought much of it. I'm part of a religious family that believes in angels and demons... Etc. But not like... This. You see, ever...
A Different Kind Of Work Experience by Baikeru
It's been five years since I last posted an update on here. Quite a bit has happened in that time. I'll start with a brief update to my last post. As I said in the last post, in 2014 I moved from Texas to Ohio. I'd said that a room in our house was feeling odd to us and was cold and we felt uneasy i...
He Brought Her To Me by Suzy2
As we continue to live in this "unique" time, my hope for you all is to be safe. Crazy times! I have mentioned before that I lost my dad a bit over 10 years ago and my mom passed July 2. She suffered from dementia for about 5 years but the last 3 of her life was devastating. It's been the longest ...
Rusty Trying To Reach Me? by Dee-J
It has been quite a while since I last submitted a story. But then again I haven't had any over the real encounters in a few years either. Honestly, I started not to even submit this story because I felt that it wasn't all that significant, but what happened was pretty interesting nonetheless. It...
Yanks, Tanks And Diggers by XBFALCON74
G'day, all! It's been a very, very long time since I've used this site, to the point I'd almost forgotten I had an account on here. In the years since I posted my first story I've had quite the number of experiences, so I figure I'd try to break them down into sections. This section will de...
Man In The Driveway by LadyMonticello
My son & his beautiful wife were looking for their first home. He wanted as much acreage as he could get. So we found this home that sits so far off the road that you cannot even see it. The owner had passed away and this house had sat vacant for at least 10 years. It was the right price so we were ...
My Indian by AugustaM
I would like to begin this story with a bit of a disclaimer regarding the title and my use of the term "Indian" - I use it here as this story involves a dear friend of mine and it is the term used by her people and her perspective, I feel, is integral to the scenario. If the term is offensive to som...
Black Mass by Twilight1011
It's been quite some time now, since I have posted another one of my experiences here, so I figured it's finally time that I write this one, which I have been wanting to share for awhile now, before I forget too many details about it. I can't remember exactly if it was this past Spring, or the en...
Spitting Phenomenon And More by Maryann73
When I was 12 years old in the early 1970's, I experienced a very strange happening that I don't share with too many people I know because I'd sound crazy. I was in my bedroom and brushing my long hair while looking in a large mirror above my dresser. I heard a hissing sound and saw something comi...
Freaky Experience by wrh1969
This story happened when I was around 11 years old; on Oahu in Hawaii. My family and I lived in base housing on Wheeler Air Force Base. One day I was riding my skateboard around the neighborhood and I noticed a crowd of kids and a military police car in front of a house. As I approached the house ...
Scared The Hell Out Of Me by spookyONE69
Most of us today are working from home. Some, on site but not as many than the usual. Everybody is afraid to go out because of the pandemic but sometimes, we have no choice and we need to earn money so we need to go to work. With that being said, I am one of them. I am working in a BPO company somew...
Of Sandalwood And The Ghost Month - Part 2 by Jubeele
The Hungry Ghost Festival falls on the fifteen day of the seventh lunar month. It is actually a festival based on the virtues of devotion, duty and compassion. Legend has it that the filial piety showed by a Buddhist monk moved the King of Hell so much, that his mother's suffering was eased in purga...
Couple In The Cloud by CantunSEEit
It all began while living in Olympia, Washington, around 1966, when I was approximately 6 years old. My family of five lived in a mobile home that was very small and my Mother had to sleep in the living room. My older brother and I shared a room. On many occasions early in the morning, such as 2 o...
Young Man On Guard Rail by CantunSEEit
I had no paranormal encounters that stood out between the years of 1968 and 2010, until this encounter. December 2010, about two weeks before Christmas, was getting off work at 6pm, after working a 12-hour shift. I got on the I-5 freeway, heading south, towards the first Olympia City Center exit, do...
He Came Out Of The Mirror by CantunSEEit
JANUARY 13 2013, Sunday, watching Seahawks playoff game with Atlanta. I work at 6 pm tonight so I am propped up on my bed, only slept my usual 6.40am to 10. 14 am. I always wake at 10.14? To my right side is my wife's side of the bed than maybe 3 feet to the 7 feet long hall to master bath. Both si...
No Eyes All Tongue by CantunSEEit
May 2013 I worked a 12 hour night shift 4 on 4 off at this time, it varied, at a high pace manufacturing company in Lacey WA. I usually slept on the couch in the living room, usually watch stock market or any paranormal channel to try and fall asleep. I always leave seat reclined at my head and have...
Black Clouds Showing Off by CantunSEEit
No time frame on these. These happened before I kept records. Same house. All in daylight hours. Sorry for purge of stories, this should be shared. The first time I encountered a black broiling cloud I was going to put clothes in dryer. Washer and dryer are at beginning of hallway on left side an...
Another Holiday Visit by MrsRamsay
I stopped by today to read some stories and felt compelled to share a couple small moments of significance that, were I to share with my husband, would just get laughed at. It's not that he doesn't believe me, but I think he just doesn't want "ghost guy stuff" as he calls it to gain too much of a pr...
Doesn't Like Me Smoking by CantunSEEit
Same house only wrote NOVEMBER. Kind of knew this guy in the back of the neighborhood who would stop by rarely. Very loud talker always hacking and coughing mid 60s. If you sat with him sometimes he would slap his hand on the table and say LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, loudly. My wife would mimic hi...
The Knott Family by Jessbcr25
This is my second experience I've ever had in my 30 years of living... My first one I posted about three years ago, I was 4 or 5 and I was 14 on this second. It was maybe a week before Christmas break in the eighth grade. We were all about exchanging gifts among friends at school but I didn't w...
Grandmother's Legacy by wabisabi
I have been hearing stories of eerie experiences from my maternal grandmother ever since I was little. Theirs was a fairly large family. Grandmother had 7 kids in total - 5 girls and 2 boys. Grandfather was a police officer in Assam in 1940s, 50s and 60s and would be transferred and posted in differ...
The Demon by Jessbcr25
This will be my third experience I've ever had. Just a few more. It's hard to count because I keep remembering just one more then another. This was in 2009, I was 19 hanging out couch surfing friends' houses at this age. I'll rename this particular friend, Miles. He lived in what my dad used to...
The Pool Incident by Jessbcr25
I seem to be on a roll here but it's still early and I have time. This is my third experience I've ever had. My last story I have mistaken that as my third but I forgot this one until the end. I was around 15 and it was the summer time. I had a friend two years younger than me and I often went...
Elephant by The_Morrighan
I have many little vignettes to submit but here is an encounter that happened about two days ago. My apologies in advance as I tend towards brevity in my accounts. Please do feel free to ask questions. Let's begin at the beginning. I live in Wakefield, Yorkshire and in my spare time I volunteer w...
Haunted Area? by bewhatmay
I have moved around quite a bit in my life and only noticed occasional flicker with the light and nothing else. Those times I would not think twice of it and the idea never came to me that it could have been something paranormal to it. Only when we moved into a home with our family as adults ther...
Good Ghost by jhollowell
During my early years of growing up, ages 6 to 12, my family lived on the campus of a boys reformatory school on the outskirts of Rocky Mount, NC. My dad was a councilor there. We live in a small 2 bedroom house. My mom and dad in one room. I and my 2 sisters in the other. On many nights I had wit...
Van Horn, Texas: Disembodied Voices & Sounds by BatCatOwl
*My following account was brought to life in Episode 3 of Blood Moon Podcast. The day after Christmas in 2009, my wife and I took a road trip from California to Texas. After a full day of driving, we stayed over night at a hotel where my wife made reservations. The hotel was located in a small to...
Sleep Paralysis Or Is It Something More? Help Needed by CaitlinMirren
I have been experiencing this for at least two years now. I moved back in to my old childhood home with my boyfriend and things were good. He started having vivid dreams of a demon and started having night terrors, something he said he hasn't ever experienced until he moved in with me. In the dream ...
I Caught More Spirits On Video! by Cole_Harris
It's been a while since I posted to this site. So, I thought I'd post an update. Things died down a few weeks after our renovations ended. I managed to settle into my new room, and I've been working towards my goal of becoming a cartoonist/animator. Everything was perfectly fine until about two ...
The Haunted Church Basement by GabriellSelena
I'm one that loves scary stories and stuff, even after my experience I still find it interesting. I'm a 16 year old girl going to school, not thinking much about the school being haunted. Due to a part of my school burning down, there was an arrangement that some forms would have school in the Churc...
Shadow Figure, Cloud Of Smoke, Floating by Halston
One night I was sleeping and felt like I was floating in the ocean and like I was sleeping and at the same time fully awake. I saw a dark cloud of smoke above me moving up to the ceiling and some shadow figures moving so fast my eyes couldn't really follow them. I was so tired and it was sooo hard...
Her Squeak Toy by CantunSEEit
My mother had passed away in 1999. I Inherited her beautiful dog (we will call her GEM for this story.) She was black with curly long hair, possibly golden retriever mix. She was friendly and was a kind spirit, and I let her wander the neighborhood. Gem loved chewy squeak toys and we laughed seeing ...
The Ghosts Of Gettysburg by Amena
I've always thought that my experiences in Doha, Qatar, were long dead and buried. I thought that after moving to the United States I'd be rid of all the paranormal phenomenon that haunted the lives of my children and myself. But recently something strange happened. We are in the process of lookin...
Strong Ghost by Tweed
For those who don't know I'm a pianist. Earlier this year I learned the basics of how to tune a piano. Because of safety concerns this year it's not been practical to get my tuner over. We had a leaking pipe which needed urgent attention this year. It wasn't hard to keep a safe distance from the plu...
Knock Knock, Push Push by JoeEspinoza
Here is my story. I have two cousins who tell me that they hear things around their house, they have felt things as well. Sometimes it's hard to believe this stuff if you never live it. They have knocked on their door and done some other stuff. I really didn't believe them until I went to their hous...
When Evil Is Your Salvation by valkricry
I'm going to start this back in January 2019. That isn't the true beginning of it, but when it became very apparent that something was not right with me, and I was becoming more depressed. Normally, I can pinpoint a reason for any down mood and work my way back from it, but this time was different. ...
Old And New by triden07
Sorry guys, this is a bit of a read. I had to go to SBAH (that is a state hospital in Pretoria) to take my son, T, for tests. As a refresher, T was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in 2016 (since it's genetic and you are born with it, but it took doctors in this country 9 years and a coma to figure...
Cloaked Apparition And Bathroom Terror by OPP211103
IN BRIEF: EXPERIENCE WITH THE GHOST OF A BURN VICTIM Hello guys I hope you're having a great day, this is the first story that I am sharing on this site, so please excuse any shortcomings that you may find. I have been a fanatic of the paranormal ever since I can remember, and although I have not...
Haunted Ring by BravelyKegger
This event took place about 3 years ago, my mother had just purchased a ring from a new age store called Earth Bound, and shortly after she experienced very weird things. One night my mother was sleeping in her bed when she woke up and noticed a girl standing at the end of the room next to her clo...
There's Something In Your Room by M00nchxld_
This happened to me and a friend in November of 2017. My friend lives up the block from me, our school is up the block from her. Normally, I would wait for her outside house, but that morning I really had to use the bathroom. She let me into her house and told me that there is something weird going ...
The Key To A Better Day by dlerium81
I have had many unexplainable phenomena happen to and around me over the years. This particular extraordinary event occurred in November of 2007, Norfolk, VA, USA. My husband and I were living in a small 1950's home that we were in the process of renovating until the day we sold it and I was around ...
A Ghost In My Home by fisherman1992millwood
I have had some paranormal activity since I purchased my Home in 2015, but lately it has gotten more active but only during the night. Some nights I am awakened by a Voice saying things that I can not understand but a couple weeks ago the voice said plainly, 'I want milk', I turned the light on and ...
Confirmation And Decisions by jess_theturtle
I haven't made a post in about 5 years due to the inability to access my account. My last post was about paranormal experience in my house as a 16 year old that has definitely been confirmed. Around the age of 20, one morning I had went to visit a friend, Chris. At the time I had been on drug...
Astral Projection 2 Stories by Moonlitpath
Recently I've been very interested in astral projection. Taking all the precautions and extensive research etc. I have met my spirit guides, I'm very in tune with the paranormal. One night after work (I work swing shifts) it was about 4 or 5 am for some reason I think wow this is a great idea to t...
Halloween Terror On Captain Ellis Lane by virulentpeach
It was Halloween night and I was a small child of 8 years old, preparing to go trick-or-treating with a group of neighborhood children. I was going with my friend Jenny, her friends Haley and Allie, and Jenny's older brother who would be supervising us. We had just gotten our costumes finished and w...
Strange Hotel Experience by Alma1980
This happened during a visit to Santiago de Chile, some twenty years ago. I stayed at a hotel in a part of town called Barrio Brasil. My room was not fancy nor bad. Just a cheap stay for a couple of days. I got the keys, left my bag and headed out on town. I got back in the evening and went to b...
It's Either Me Or The Orb! by LittlePigLittlePig
This story begins the week of moving into my new place in Phoenix, with odd little sounds and whatnot, finishing with my favorite experience: the tale of the orb. If you are bored with stories about little sounds and voices, I recommend jumping right to the end paragraph. Upon the first or secon...
Oma's Denial Of A House Guest 2, (my Dad's Radio?) by Kindly_refrain
In a story I posted a few years ago, namely,"Oma's Denial Of A House Guest", ( I detailed odd sounds and the somewhat regular appearance of a shadow man in my mother's house. At the end of the account I finished, saying that the new ...
Menacing Entity by Mimi30
My husband and I moved every 4 years with our children due to our military duties. The last 3 assignments were Los Angeles to Cape Canaveral, Florida then back to LA. We found a newly built 2-story back unit suitable for us and quickly moved in. About a month and a half there, at 7 months pregnant...
Strange Experience In The Parking Lot by unforgiven1
I've been thinking about posting this story for awhile now but I am worried about not being able to explain it well enough. I used to be very frightened about this but now that I am older I'm curious if anyone else has had an experience like mine. This took place around 16 years ago, before I move...
Ghost Angered By New Decor? by User3246
I've mentioned in previous stories about our family home being haunted, mostly passively, however in the past few months activity seems to be picking up again rapidly. My family have always joked about ghosts in the home, my dad usually humours us but is mostly skeptic, however even he has admitte...
Screamed Awake by CantunSEEit
2 separate occasions. 2 different States. 1st encounter In my Washington State home I was sleeping on my couch after getting off the night shift. It's mid morning, and I am screamed awake. Just my name. Amazingly loud. When I caught my senses I was already almost standing and moving away from th...
Weird Things In My Bedroom by Gh0st_Knight
To those who read my story about the little girl's voice comforting me, this is a sort of sequel. I'd been experiencing weird things in my bedroom at night, at the time me and my brother shared a bedroom. In the summer he always complained to leave the door open so it wouldn't get stuffy. One ni...
The Fourth Floor Girls Hostel by ssexyca
This story will be a short one, it happened to me and friends when we were living in the school dorm. Just to give you an idea of how our dorm room looks like; imagine a square, each corner has a semi-bunk bed (similar to a bunk bed, but instead of two beds, below are a desk and a dresser), and the ...
Something That Followed? by mayank_holmes
Dear YGS readers, I am Mayank and I live in Patna, India. It feels so good to write here again after such a long gap. I am writing this story to share an extraordinary incident that took place in December, 2018. I was in the final year of my undergraduate degree program, and the exams for my penulti...
Is A Ghost After Our Son? by Oceana
I recently gave birth to my son. He is a very healthy baby. I set him up a nursery on the ground floor so he can sleep in there without me having to trek up and down stairs with him. I gave him my old baby stuff, so I didn't have to bring possible covid near him. My boyfriend wanted to sleep in the...
The Strange Night by Jb66
Before I go into the story, hello to everyone! I haven't posted a story in a very long time, the reason behind this is things have settled down a lot in our house. But as you will figure out in this story, there's still the occasional odd experience, or more like A LOT of them. Things have decided t...
Kahlua's Story by Kahluas-Mom
On New Years Eve 2020, we had to put our little Kahlua to sleep. I lost my mind for the next three days with grief. On 1/3/2021 in the morning I heard her bark off in the distance. My husband did not hear it, I then heard her bark 2 more times. I was overcome with grief and guilt feeling that I had ...
Shadow Figure In My Grandmother's Old Home by rolltide8925
I was recently reminded of this story while reading other posts about similar happenings. My grandmother moved into her parents' home when my grandfather passed away and after my mother's previous home burned. My mother then moved into my grandmother's home right next door. My grandparents had...
Loopy Nightmares And Out Of Body Experience by shiz98
Yesterday night, it was pretty late when I went to bed - around 3:15 am. Few months ago I started this habit of sleeping late due to work, and sometimes for binge watching Netflix. Suddenly I felt like a weird vibration going around in my body. Kind of like "buzz" sound in my head. I started feelin...
Romantic And Sexual Relationship With A Spirit by CosmicEnigma
This is a subject I have had a very hard time communicating to others and I have yet to find an outlet where it would be met with positive attention. I am somewhat embarrassed but I need to get some of it off my chest and just talk, and I need guidance from anyone whose had or heard of similar exper...
First Story by nchristensen
---Note--- these are taken from my social media account and I'll be posting a few of them. I've lived in my house for 3 or 4 years now (time flies) and I know that there are 2 spirits in my house that are not harmful. For a while I thought it was just spirits that are more memories, if that make...
Almost Missed Them by CantunSEEit
1st story; It's about 11. 00 AM, I am rinsing breakfast dishes and loading dishwasher. Dishwasher is left of the sink and next to Island that separates kitchen and living room. Both rooms are vaulted with good lighting. I started to put something in dishwasher and looked up into living room to see a...
My Husband's Doppelganger? by Piperasc
I often feel like someone is standing over me as I sleep, my legs get shaky and light. If that makes sense. I always have. Sometimes I can almost feel who it is (my gramma, uncle, mom, etc.), other times I have this fear. One night I rolled over towards my husband as his back was towards me. My ha...
The Thing In The Back Bedroom by RoseyWren
Apologies for the long read and if it gets scrambled it's because I'm still get scared. I've always known something was weird about the back bedroom at my dad's house, I lived there from being a month old until I was in my 20s, It was for the most part me, my dad and my two brothers as my mum an...
Beside Me by meinmein
Just another boring Sunday night, I decided to download some game apps. From scrolling in the app store I found some ghost app, and downloaded it. I am just curious and tried it. At first I am confident, and just laugh. In the map, the red dot is located in the upper west. I am quite terrified becau...
Refuse To Move On by Sublimefeline
Since I've moved to the Pacific Northwest my psychic ability has expanded HUGELY! It was acutely tested when we stayed at an Historical Hotel in Hood River. The Hotel was built in 1888 & is haunted by the woman who originally owned it, I'll call her Jane. The 1st time we stayed Jane walked dow...
The Cheeky Ghosts. by RoseyWren
I've posted before about my experiences at my Dad's house while growing up, but this is what happened at my mum, mostly to her. After my parents split up when I was in Year 4 my mum moved into a house, an 8 minute walk away from my dads. Which was good for us to walk between both houses without o...
A Series Of... Paranormal Events? by Aeropostale
My name is Jen. I'm 23 years old and I have always been sensitive to spirits or things of that... Sort. I have many other stories from when I was a kid but I'll save those for another time. Within the last few years, I have experienced multiple, minor things. My boyfriend lived in base housing on ...
The Grumpy Ghost Who Doesn't Like Men. by RoseyWren
I've done a piece on my dad's house and one about my mum's house, now it's my first house, my first home for me and my family. (and a tiny bit about our second home) I moved into a house around 7 doors down from my dad, it was a two up two down house. Stairs from the front door, tiny square land...
Brothers' House And The Scaredy Cat by RoseyWren
This story will be shorter than my other stories. This is about my brothers' house, I will mention what I've experienced there and what he has experienced. For the sake of this post Brother who owns the house will be called Rufus and my other brother will be called Mingus 😂 Rufus is ver...
The Lady In Red Dress by Piscesian
This haunting happened back when I was 14-15 years old, around 1998. I'm finally able to tell this story because my parents had moved out to a new neighborhood. I couldn't bring myself to share this event because in the back of my mind, I was worried if the ghost would haunt my parents since they li...
Red Eyed Children by JoJorocks
Greetings, everyone. I've been a reader of this website since 2013. Though this is the first time I finally posted my experience regarding paranormal. I have lots of stories to share. But this is my first story that I will share. Sorry for some wrong English words since English is not my primary lan...
Death, Dreams And Small Premonition by MsRevz80
I want to say a big hello to you all! I haven't been able to log in for quite a while but I have been reading the experiences every so often. So glad to have this knowledgeable community to refer to over the last decade or so - with that being said, I am hoping to get some of your insight into the f...
A Sister's Love by ntzehn
My mother told me this story when I was in my teens. I loved hearing stories of the experiences my parents had with my dad being in the Army. But she told me this one was a little spooky and that it involved my older sister. In 1963 my father got stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a big chan...
Why I Started To Believe In Ghosts by occulting_
This is a story about the house I have lived in ever since I was born, and one of the experiences that occurred inside of it. So, one of the first experiences that I can remember was when I was a kid, I can't remember exactly how old I was only that I was very short, so short that to look at adults'...
That Sound by Sean22
I am from West Bengal, India. I am 30 years old. I live in a little town not very far from Kolkata with my parents. We love traveling very much. Specially, my mom is very fond of traveling. She doesn't want to waste a single holiday time without making a trip to some nice tourist spot. Generally, we...
The Nun by BiancaB
I'm currently waiting for my sister to arrive for a visit, and it reminded me of a time I was with her and experienced something I cannot explain. We live in a small town in South Australia. One evening we decided to take our dog to a walk from our parent's house, around the block to where our g...
The House In Beech Bluff by dimetime99
I've had a few experiences with the unexplained but this is, by far, the worst paranormal experience I've ever had. (I apologize for the terrible opening) LOL! Many years ago, I moved in with a good friend whose house was way out in the sticks of this weird gravel road. My friend did tell me that ...
Soviet Sanitarium by Dreyk
Moving into our new downtown high rise flat was a serious pain, seriously... It took over a month from the time we purchased the apartment, to when we could even start moving our belongings in. Then, we had to wait several more weeks for specific fixtures to arrive and get installed. The city was ob...
Tucking Her In by CantunSEEit
It was the Christmas Holiday season, and one morning when I was just getting home from work and my wife was getting ready to leave for work, she told me that something was tucking her in very gently at night, and thought maybe it was a loved one that had passed. I was surprised and kind of forgot ab...
The Singing Child by occulting_
I'm back again! With my second ghost story I experienced which just added more into me believing the paranormal. This story happened in the same bedroom I am currently typing this up in, exactly in the spot I am in. One night before going to bed I was listening to music on my very old MP3 player w...
Ghost Gold by Jubeele
My ex, Damon (from Shadows Over Sentosa), was born in Sicily and came to Australia when he was very young. When he was in his mid-twenties, his mother wanted him to accompany her to visit the graves of his grandparents and father there. At the time, the idea held no appeal for him, as he was busy pr...
Updates On Usual Encounters by Rajine
My regular incidents have become more of an annoyance than anything else. If you have read my previous stories I mentioned hearing what sounds like a baby crying directly outside of my bedroom window, well it's still continuing and I cannot really figure out why it just started out of no where, and ...
Sister Phones Me After Killed In Car Accident by Aros
In December of 1990 I was living in New York City trying to make it in the rock music industry. The last time I saw my sister, D'Lea (pronounced "Duh-Lee"), was the year before when she visited us. One morning as I was getting ready for my day job I received the phone call no brother ever wants to r...
Black Suit, Top Hat Ghost? by Justwanttotellsomeone
I was about 6 or 7 when this happened. It was a very bright morning and I had just woken up. When I looked to my side I saw a tall man in a black suit and a top hat. I have a very clear vision of him except for his face, he looked perfectly normal, if you were to see him on the street you wouldn't t...
The 4th Floor by AussieRedDog
Hey gang, back after a long break. I have a story I want to share. I'm going back only a few years ago to 2017. I had just been travelling through Canada backpacking when I eventually found myself a bit short on money so I decided to look for work and found one, oddly enough, as a cleaner in Victori...
Ghost At The Internet Shop by JoJorocks
A brief explanation of what computer shop is. A computer shop or internet shop is a place where you can rent a PC to browse the internet or play video games. It is a nook and cranny on every street in our country. The youth and the young at heart flock to it every day after school or work. This i...
Mysterious Disappearance Of 100$ Bills by mitch2021
It started way back 2018. And first it started missing from my wallet. I like to carry cash just in case and the 100$ bills are the ones that disappeared. My husband and I bought a safe. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE COMBINATION, and MY HUSBAND AND I AGREED TO THIS. MY HUSBAND WHO WORKS AND THE MA...
Table Tipping Aftermath 2 by Kindly_refrain
Just over two years ago I submitted an account ( that was an update to another of my accounts ( dealing with a haunted fire hall and then the subsequent haunting of one...
Father Points Out Missing Life Insurance Policy After Death by Aros
It was 1991 and my father was killed in a car accident just 6 months after my sister was also killed in a car accident (My first story was published on that recently). This time of my life understandably was much like being surrounded in a persistent fog. I was staying with my mom at the time and we...
The Lady In The Room by dhewitt1
As I sit here by candlelight, at my sturdy, hard mahogany wooden writing desk, I write this strange encounter, which I can only describe as a mysterious Lady. My Wife's sister was admitted to local hospital for pneumonia just after the New Year's celebrations. My wife and I visited her every even...
The Ghost At The Abbey by occulting_
I'm back with another story, this one takes place in 2018, when I went on my first proper ghost hunt to a haunted old mansion that used to be an abbey but is now turned into a museum. So firstly, for context the place has either had many various deaths occur there or there's records of certain spiri...
She Kept On Teaching by Sammy27
There is another story on here that originated out of my little Podunk town of Ware Shoals, but this one is a lot more recent. Our schools did some rearranging in 2014 and the tiny two story building next to our high school that had been the junior high for many years was transformed into our new di...
The Girl In White by M00nchxld_
It's been a while. As I've said before in my story "There's something in your room" I've had many paranormal experiences. I believe I should speak of another, especially as it's a recent recurring event. I'm sure many of you have heard of the Dead Girl game. If you haven't, it's a game where you ...
Creepy Gollum by RoseyWren
This is an ongoing story really, I've lived in this house for around 5/6 months now, nothing notable has happened, bangings around the house that I've just passed off as being the neighbours when my children aren't home or the children if they are home, even if they're in the same room as me, easier...
Strange Visitors by annie16
It's been over two years since I last submitted an experience. Since then, so much has happened. Within a 3 month period, to the day, I lost my older sister, her husband (my brother-in-law) and my niece. All were natural although very sudden deaths. Suffice it to say, it was an extremely emotional p...
The White Face On The Celling by Insomnia_Shinsou
So a little background; my room is always cold but we just blamed it on the fact that I only have 1 vent leading to my room. But now that I think about it I believe that not the reason. I have always had an overactive imagination so when it comes to seeing things my parents dismiss it saying it's al...
Ghostly Hand Squeezes Mine As A Child by Aros
I have already posted two stories that occurred to me when I was an adult. This memory involves when I was a child, perhaps 4 years old or around there. Some of my earliest memories involve frightening imagery of shadow people moving about our house. I didn't know who or what they were, just that th...
Protective Spirit by ntzehn
This encounter was told to me by my sister, Anna. She had a friend named Julie that confided in her that strange things were happening in her home. Julie and her husband had moved in one year before. They had two children, Miles who was five and Sean who just turned one. Julie said that she an...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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