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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 187

Who Tickled Me? by Veragon

Last year 2018 at night, I was sleeping when suddenly I felt someone tickling my foot. It felt like a real thing tickling my right foot. In detailed it felt like a hand's fingers doing that (usually how it's being done). My foot was being tickled more than 2 or 3 times I guess. Unfortunately I could...

Kid In The Hall by sherm784

As I always like to do when I'm stuck in a boring meeting at work, I looked across the courtyard windows to watch what the people in other offices are doing for work and what their setups look like compared to ours. It's a little bit voyeuristic, but passes the time. The other day I noticed one ...

Fairy Lights by valkricry

As most of you who have read my submissions know, I've had a lot of experiences with the paranormal. I'm not saying that as a form of bragging or to impress, it's just a statement of fact. However, until recently, I thought I had not encountered the most commonly claimed; that of seeing orbs. Not in...

The Friendly Old Lady by The_Morrighan

I've been reading all your stories for a long time so thank you for sharing your experiences. Here's one of mine, short but interesting I hope: I was on holiday from University and visiting my Uncle's farm in Lancashire in the UK. Bare in mind that it is next to a very small rural village wher...

Was She Rimmi's Mother? by Pratyusha

I am a 19 year old girl. My native language is not English so please avoid my mistakes while reading. And I swear every word below is true. It was first time for me to stay away from my family in hostel. I was actually excited about it. I was happy there, I made some friends in my hostel. On my fl...

Dream Home Nightmare by oraclemache

A few years ago my ex husband and I moved our new little family into a cute 3 bedroom little house. It was painted blue, and therefore has since been called the blue house. The 1st week there we were in our living room watching television, when a massive shadow went up the wall behind us, onto the c...

Haunted Townhouses At Lacey by Don-H

When I left the Army, I tried to make a go of it in the state I got out in (Washington) but I soon realized that this was a mistake. This was a very expensive place to live in and the only property I could afford to rent that would allow me to keep my dog was in the town of Lacey (effectively a sub...

An Unpleasant Haunting by Filmbuff1234

I like to think I'm quite open to the supernatural. I have experienced more spirits than most people my age and I have always been open to the unknown. I attribute it to my house. I moved in there at the age of 6 (roughly). I encountered things that might seem tame compared to other stories - bu...

School's Hell by Filmbuff1234

My old Primary school was definitely haunted. There were rumours it was built on a burial ground - but I am unable to confirm that is true. However, some very strange events happened there. Now if I wasn't here to witness what happened - I wouldn't believe this story - so I don't blame you if yo...

The Mexican Shining by Filmbuff1234

I come from the UK but this story was when I was on holiday in Cancun, Mexico. This encounter was actually why I came across this site because I was looking into Mexican spirits. I have previously done stories about a haunted house I live in and a haunted school. I decided I was going to write a...

Communicated With A Poltergeist by Filmbuff1234

I've always had a fascination with ghosts. Why they're here. Why they won't move on. Whether they exist. I have visited several haunted locations in Britain including Dover Castle (where I saw my first ghost which I will speak about some other time) and Tower of London (no contact). I have also been...

My Dad's Childhood Home by Filmbuff1234

My dad's old house when he was young was seriously haunted. My auntie discovered recently it was built on an ancient burial ground (anyone seen Poltergeist) and everyone experienced something freaky. My Grandad is a sceptic by the way. He thinks ghostly stuff is made up and he for some reason di...

Witching Hour by Filmbuff1234

In my story where I encountered a Poltergeist, I spoke about a before and after-school club - how I encountered a lot there. This really sticks out in my head because I still can't even begin to understand what happened to this day. Outside of the before and after-school club is a church and grav...

Little Girl's Voice Comforting Me by Gh0st_Knight

Around April 2017 I was dating a girl, let's call her Saya. Saya and I had a special relationship, we instantly clicked and became very close, however she was depressed and got ill regularly, maybe because of her anaemia or her cancer that we'd later find out. She always said she had a sixth sense a...

Magic Earbuds by victorimunoz

What I am going to tell happened to me in November 2018. I am a student and after high school has finished, I go home, eat lunch, and I quickly go to the library with some friends for doing school work. I am a fan of music, it is truly one of my favorite things in the world so of course, I always ca...

The Haunting Of Dover Castle by Filmbuff1234

Anyone who comes from the UK is aware Dover Castle is infamously haunted by several ghosts. It was used as a bombing shelter in WW2 and a hospital then too. It was also used by Dukes I think (can't remember years since I've been). It's now open to public and serves as a museum of sorts. The most...

An Unforgettable Encounter by Ashuavee

This is not my experience,it's my father's experience. The story goes back to the time when he was in college approximately 30 to 32 years ago. He had a gang of his gregarious friends who roamed about the length of the place they resided. They were really young at that time, so obviously one likes ...

Visit From Grandad/dreams? Part 2 by MNgirl97

This is part 2 of a story I submitted called "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" It is important to read that story first and then return to this one! I posted the story "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" sometime spring of 2018, without having told my grandma of this experience (who had been widowed of cours...

Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit by JamesF

I was born in Michigan and recall back in November, 1975, when the ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a violent storm in Lake Superior. All hands were lost during the sinking and no bodies were ever recovered because the ship sank so suddenly. The sinking was about 15 miles from Whitefish Poi...

The Ghost Who Came To Rehearsal by IntuitiveStarfish

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my story. It is my first time posting here. I've experienced many unexplainable things but this is one that has stayed with me. In a scenic Minnesota city, near where I went to college, there is a theatre that is storied to be haunted by a mischie...

A Spirit Led Me To New York, To His Old Apartment by Nylaca

I visited New York for the first time in January, while on tour (I'm a musician). On the third night I had a dream about someone who was well known in entertainment, who had long been crossed over... (no they weren't a musician) The dream: I was standing in Times Square by myself, in the snow ...

Mum Says Goodbye by Ray1

I have been reading the amazing stories on this site for a year now and thought I would like to tell mine. Apologies in advance as I am not a great story teller, but here goes: My mother passed away at the young age of 39. She would always tell myself and 2 other siblings that she didn't want to li...

Attending His Own Funeral? by JRGurganus1998

It's been about 3 years since I've posted up here, but I rarely have any paranormal experiences. This is the first one I've had in a long time. To start, I'll introduce myself. My name's John Gurganus and I'm 20 years old. I'm from North Carolina. This took place at my local church, Memorial Baptist...

Entities by wysteria1

I'm an avid reader and this will be the first out of many stories I plan on sharing with you guys. I come from Mindanao, the second biggest island in the Philippines. Growing up in a rural area, stories like mine is not uncommon. This particular story happened to me last January this year. My gre...

Something Followed Me by FrauFluff

In 2017 my mom, dad and I, went to a family gathering in Graal-Muritz (a small german city on the coast of the Baltic sea). We visited my mom's aunt, who lived in the house my grand-grand-parents built in the early 20th Century. My story begins on the start of our trip. We arrived at the house ...

Dream About Death Attracted A Spirit? by MNgirl97

This experience happened to me last night (4/26/2019) at around 3 a.m., and is the most frightening experience I've had by far. It started as a seemingly normal dream. In the dream it was a dark and rainy afternoon and I was wondering around a very small city exploring the buildings. Eventually, ...

Fort Benning/harmony Church by AT1984

Previous to this incident, I had never experienced seeing any "ghosts" or apparitions. I attended Infantry Basic Training/Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning, GA in the Harmony Church area, from January through March of 1981. The barracks were two-story WWII-era buildings. Anyone who has...

Ghost Short Film by Superhero

This story happened in 2014, a story regarding my personal experience when I shot a horror short film during my college days. I and my group of friends were active in film making (we're still active now). We decided to make a horror short film. I'm the director of the film and it was my first film. ...

Strange Incidents In My Apartment by Stubbornsunshine

I've been reading YGS for a bit now, and finally have courage to share my own experiences. This happened in 2013. I wrote this while I was going through it, so it would be fresh in my mind, and not affected by memory. I lived here with 3 flatmates. I apologise for how long this post is. I'd been...

I Saw Ghosts As A Child by Chesscat

I grew up in a house which was haunted. Looking back (I'm now 43) I feel it was more of a portal than a haunting by one entity. My family consisted of my brother and I and our Mother and Father. My brother is slightly older than me, and I didn't know at the time, but learned many years later that he...

The Haunting Of My (other) House by Filmbuff1234

I have written about my less-than pleasant encounters in my Mum's house - now I'm going to write about my other house (owned by my dad). It's haunted by at least 4 entities - my deceased dog, a woman in a blue trench coat, a man with a top hat and what I can only describe as a black mist. My...

Mystery Water Puddles And 1 Flying Object by Floorguy12687

Every so often my girlfriend and I will find 2 or more water puddles. We live in the basement, basically a mother in law apartment. It was concrete and back in the 70s they laid sheet vinyl down. A few months after moving in I woke up one morning walked towards the kitchen and stepped in water! I ...

Church Happenings by wysteria1

This happened to me and my best friend, when we were both newly installed Altar Servers. It was Christmas Eve, December 24, 2009. We were both appointed to keep the charcoals burning to be used to burn incense. The charcoal holder was located at the back of the sacristy, the place where things used ...

Demonic Possession by wysteria1

This story is in line with the things I experienced being an Altar Server. This happened last September 2018. Me and my other Altar Server friends were hanging out in our local parish convent when our parish priest called us from the upstairs porch. He said he wanted us to go with him to Carmen (the...

Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences - Part 2 by the22centuryboi

It seems like forever since I wrote my first post. For anybody who wants to read my first post please check my profile. I would suggest you read that post before you read this. Assuming you guys have read the first post, I am going to continue from where I left off in the first post. The last pa...

The Girl On Our Staircase by Nemo_1981

Few years back, we moved into a new rented apartment in Navi Mumbai. It was a One+One apartment, that meant that our living room and kitchen was on ground floor, bedroom and bathroom on first floor with a staircase in between. Main entrance was in ground floor. A couple of months passed casually. ...

It All Started With A Possessed Table by Starr347

When I was in 6th grade (so like 12 years old), I was invited by one of the popular girls to her slumber party for her birthday, and I was very excited to go because it was my first year at a private Catholic school and I was still trying to make friends. Everyone was looking forward to one girl com...

Unexplained Phenomenons by reneemarie29

My husband and I moved into the apartment we currently reside in a little over two years ago. It's quite spacious and has updated amenities. There is a master bedroom with a full bath attached and a guest bedroom with a restroom just outside of it. We live on the top floor of a 3-story apartment bui...

My Room With The Woman by ClutchCain

As a kid in I grew up in two houses. One was with my mom and the other was with my dad. I always felt more at home with my dad because my mom's house had a bad energy. But while at my dads we had a spirit in our house and we called him The Little Guy. TLG was harmless but he would always catch someo...

Max And His Goodbye by ClutchCain

So this happened to my uncle and when he told me what had happened I was almost in shock. My uncle is a small musician and was traveling for a tour they were doing last year (2018). The tour was going very well and they were having a good time until they got to Germany. About 30 minutes befo...

Believer by Zaruje

I've always believed in the paranormal. My mother on the other hand, would never believe me when I would tell her things like "there's a woman who would always appear at the end of my bed" or "I could always hear someone laughing whenever I shower". She would always, always dismissed all these thing...

Shadow Person Looked Like Girlfriend by Peregrine879

I was preparing dinner tonight, before my girlfriend came to my place. In the corner of my eyes I saw her walk from my dining room down to my bathroom. As this figure who I thought was my girlfriend pass me I said hello. She turned or it did and looked at me and walked by. After a minute I went back...

The Rabbit In The Back Seat by oraclemache

Someone had shared an Easter bunny experience on this sight, an it reminded me of an experience my son had. He's not the only one. My son was in his teens. He was very troubled as he had just lost a brother to suicide and mom,me, lost her mind. He had left home and I spent a great deal of time i...

My Ongoing Story by tlogan122812

It started when I was little. I can remember 6-7 year old. I use to chew gum and right before bedtime I'd chew my gum and watch whatever cartoon was on TV in my bedroom. My mom would tell me to throw my gum away and brush my teeth. I wouldn't throw it away (mind you I'm like 6 or 7) I'd put it at th...

Tore Us Apart by Haven

A few years ago, my oldest daughter was preparing to take her First Communion. The church required that parents and godparents attend a two day retreat. It was during this retreat that my children's father reconnected with God. He was touched by everything he lived that day. I remember seeing him l...

Three Generations Of A Haunting by Aikia_Gruesome

I'm not sure where to even start, really. My story is really my family's story, starting with my great-grandparents and ending when my mother, stepfather, and I moved out of the house where everything happened. I suppose the best place to start, is with the beginning, some time in the 40's. My g...

Sleeping Terror by Tori-Frost

This took place when I was a child, living with my grandparents home was also with my mother and uncle all under one roof. Now mind you, when I was a kid I was used to the feelings and seeing of entities as long as they were nice. Most where thankfully kind and understanding. When I was young I...

St. Elmo's Fire by Sokol

Ever since I was young, I was always told stories of the "Santelmo" or St. Elmo's fire. Often described as a ball of bluish or white flame, curiously, it is not hot in anyway. Some say it is the spirits of men who have died near a body of water or during heavy rains, others say it's the souls of chi...

What Does She Want With Me? by ELINOEL96

My name is Elijah. I live in a house with two other roommates whom I consider to be like family. Ever since I could remember, I've been able to feel shadows. The figures that follow you, whether good or evil, I could sense them so intensely that I could describe how they look, without actually...

Bite Marks On My Daughter's Arm by Butterfly babe

I am a mother of a 13 year old daughter. Every night for about 8 days now she wakes up at 5:18 am crying. Last night she woke up shaking and crying. She said her arm hurt, she was nauseous and dizzy. Upon inspection of her arm there were 3 clearly defined bite marks. The teeth marks were on her ...

Black Figures In Our New House by triden07

I haven't written anything in quite some time. Partly because we sold the house where little Adam is, and my experiences have been very scarce since the move. We bought a small 3 bedroom house in a little town called Heidelberg. The area is so nice and quiet, not as noisy as Kempton Park. And con...

I Bought A Haunted House by trentinray

We just bought a house at the end of March and we have been having some odd things happening. A couple days after we moved in my kids windows were open the next morning after we know we shut them before bed. The screens were still in place and the back gate leading to their windows was still latched...

The Shadow And The Closet by IntuitiveStarfish

Greetings again, you wonderful believers and skeptics. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my first entry. This is one is more recent. This week actually. I am rather intuitive and a complete believer that there are spirits and things out there in the world that can not be explained. M...

The Giant Pig In The Woods by wysteria1

Hey, it's me again. I have another story to share, though some of you may find it quite impossible, but it's true. It wasn't just me who witnessed it. Almost all my family saw it. Also, this is quite a long read so please bear with me. Here in the Philippines, we have these creatures known as "as...

Aswang - Life Changing Experience by StaceyK

This story is about my grandmother. This happened several years before I was born. I heard about this story while my mom and her sisters were bonding together reminiscing about their childhood particularly about my grandma. She is the same grandma in my previous story "Displaced Entities." When m...

Creepy Footsteps by janiso

I was lying in bed last Tuesday week the 30th April 2019. It was 7.15 a.m. I heard what sounded like dog footsteps (dog toenails clicking on wood) walking along the wooden verandah behind my bed, which is up against the Eastern bedroom wall. I thought it was my daughter's dog Pepper, as my daughter ...

A Ride To Remember by Eerie69

To begin with my story, I am a banker somewhere in Taguig (Mckinley Hills). I live in Makati, taking my motorcycle everyday to work. That day, everything was just normal. I always take the route OsmeƱa Hwy - Gate 3 - Lawton and then Mckinley Hills; it was just a 30mins ride as I drive like there ...

Someone Was Calling Me by idkwho1234

This is about my first ever paranormal encounter. This incident took place in December 2015. I am originally from Malaysia but this incident took place in Perth, Australia while I was visiting my uncle. I was around 13 then and I had gone to Australia with my grandparents and cousin to visit my uncl...

I Am Thirsty by Eerie69

Last year in the summertime is when this unexplained event happened. It was holy week that time, year 2018. I and my closest friend decided to go in Baguio City, Philippines instead on going to the beach. We had this long VL (Vacation Leave), Chong and Go (not their real names) would like to go in P...

I Was Young And Dumb And Casted A Spell by loneybone

I was a teenager deeply "in love" and I had a boyfriend at the time who was long distance and promised me many things. He was not very communicative and always held a lot of what he felt or had to say inside. We spoke often and we talked about a future together and it was looking good so far. We...

Ghosts Watching Over Us by Filmbuff1234

The other day my dad and stepmum were telling me about something that had happened last year. My old neighbour Theresa is a medium. She came over to my dad and asked him if he had any visitors, and that she had a lot of visitors. My dad shrugged and said that he occasionally has a friend over eve...

What On Earth Did I See?! by quakebox

Prelude: Hi everyone I want to share my story it's not much but might be interesting. In the year 2010 I was divorced and transitioning to marry again, so meanwhile I prepared the flat it was in South Surra area, Zahra sub area, right besides the 360 mall. I lived in the apartment alone until I fin...

My Grandmother's Ghosts by TheFaeFolk

My grandmother's house had quite a few spirits that hung around, most of which were benevolent. I was a very sensitive and easily frightened child and so my mother had built a psychic wall for my mind against spiritual manifestations. I don't remember any of the direct encounters I've had with gho...

Goodbye Through Free Falling by brierose444

A day before my birthday, my ex boyfriend from middle school/high school passed away suddenly. He was murdered for reasons we still don't know, or at least the media doesn't. (The murderer has been arrested). When I found out, I was shaken but not completely surprised as I heard he had gotten into d...

Shape-shifter by ero94

I'm not too sure what to name this experience, so I went ahead and chose shape shifter and you will see why as I continue my story. I was riding my bike really late at night, on my way to my girlfriend's house for some late night fun. I had just left my house and was about 1 minute away from it wh...

A Vist By Three by adove

This happened when I was 12 years old in Saint Petersburg Florida. My Father was over seas at the time so my Mother decided that we would all stay with her mother for a while. So she packed up us five kids and we went to live our Grandmother. The time with our Grandmother was not always an easy one....

Levitating Spoon by lilpeachyghost

This is a strange experience from my fiance's point-of-view. I did get to somewhat experience it too as I was in the same room but I only heard it; I didn't get to see it with my own eyes which is a shame because I'd love to get to see something so odd happening like this. The experience goes li...

Sobs In The Middle Of The Night by thisdriven

I have occasionally read stories on YGS for the past few years. I am 21 and was raised in a moderately religious Hindu family. I have heard several stories from my mother and grandmother but my father's side of the family and I have remained strong skeptics. I, personally, have been waiting for some...

Where's My Head At? by Eerie69

This story of mine happened in Batangas, Philippines just this year February 17, 2019. Have you ever asked yourself are they really true? How stuff in your kitchen will strangely move on it's own? Or strange footsteps or strange sounds you hear during the evening? Perhaps, like in the Harry Potter...

Haunted Childhood House by CamillaHenriksen

The house that I grew up in, is kind of like a farm house. It has the main house (which me, my mom, my dad and brother lived in), a barn, and another house (which my grandmother and grandfather lived in). It was in build in 1927, so it was an old house. We moved in in 2000. From the moment we mov...

Still Not Used To Living With A Ghost by Suzy_99

I'm new here. This is about my ghost experiences which have been going on for several months now. I don't remember how it first started but I started feeling pressure and weight on my bed. In several spots. As if someone is moving around. There's a slight dent formed on where it's there. Duri...

On-the-job Training by exo1485

This story I'm going to tell happened December 2011. I am an intern at one of the hotel in Makati (I'm not going to tell what hotel but I'm going to tell the location for you to guess... This is located at Chino Roces Ave. Makati, near the Walter Mart and a school. I don't know if the hotel is newly...

York Ghost Story by Breaghboo

My husband and I live in Scotland but we love visiting York for all its ancient history, brilliant old pubs, and its ghost stories. We have been many times, but on one of our more recent visits we were delighted to discover a new tourist attraction, the haunted house off Stonegate. This house h...

Lost Love by triden07

Since my divorce in 2010, I have only really been in one real relationship. This guy was unlike anyone I had ever known before. We had our little fights and I really did not like where he worked. But despite those things we really cared about each other. Unfortunately things didn't last, and soon I ...

Shiver With Fear / Supernatural Forces by jlmellings

It all happened along time ago when I was about 8 years of age living in an old house with my family in Staffordshire late 1970's. I shared a bedroom with one of my oldest brothers and when I was trying to sleep at night I heard strange noises, i.e. - Footsteps and Something in the Loft. I knew th...

My Guardian Angel? by kai046

Greetings YGS members. I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and inspired me to share my own experiences. But first, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 29 year old Filipino American working in a publishing company here in the Philippines. The story that I am about to share isn...

I Don't Believe, He Does by nightbreed

My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year, and we decided to move in together back in March. Things were fine at first, we get along well and have a good relationship. It was around mid April, maybe the 13th would be my best estimation, that my boyfriend (I'll call him H from no...

Bruises After Dream by Vixenne

The night before last, I had a dream a guy was forcibly holding me down by my arms and I kept struggling to no avail. The next morning, of course I didn't suspect it to of been anything other than a dream, but when I looked at my arm below my wrist I noticed a bruise and when I pressed it just barel...

The Church Cemetery by 8-bitDemigod

For the longest time whenever I and my best friend John would go out anywhere for extended periods of time we would have some kind of odd random occurrence. Two examples of this would be 1. While we were out for a walk a pickup truck went flying past us doing about 45 mph missing it's left front whe...

Ghosties! Here We Meet Again by sweetsunshine1800

Hey,guys. It's been 3 years since I last posted. You know life gets you in its race. But I'm back with recent Stories that happened to my life from 2015 until now. Now there's a lot, so be prepared and take some popcorns and drinks as this is going to be a ride. So, after Ranchi, me and my dad m...

Three Nights At The Haunted Hotel Room by Ayush_Milan_333

As the title suggests, this story is about the three night stay of my maternal uncle at a haunted hotel room where he risked his life and witnessed some paranormal encounters. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of YGS readers. As, this is my first post here, in this website, So I re...

Ghostly Apparitions by zetroc

First off, thank you so much for all the wonderful stories that I'd been reading for almost every day on this page & thought of submitting an experience of my own. These stories happened way back between the years of 2000 - 2009 when we are still residing in our old house in Manila. Our house use...

Someone Looking Out For Me? by crazypaws

I've been reading stories on this site for quite some years, and now I feel like it's time for me to share my own experiences. Growing up, my family (mom, dad, brother and I) regularly went on bike rides on Sundays, we'd ride for many miles whenever the weather was good. I didn't always enjoy tho...

Horrifying Face On Wall by West_15

This happened when I was about 10-11 years old in my bedroom. One night I suddenly woke up to a presence in my room. I immediately looked to my wall where there was a face on my wall. It was very clear and it's hard to describe; it wasn't a person it didn't look exactly like a person you would see o...

The People Who Lived In The Corner by Thelittleboxes

When I was a kid I grew up in one, completely average house, there was no history of tragedy, in fact, we were it's second owners and the previous family had no negative experiences. I remember that growing up that I didn't like being left alone in the sitting room. I didn't object much because my...

My Neighbor's House by Shizuka_Hio

May 30, 2019 I was at Mrs.Linda's house today, because she called me to help her with things she need to do. So I walked to her house which is right across the street and I knock on her door and I let myself in announcing that it was me, so she wouldn't feel threatened. I went to her bedroom ...

Checking Us by miyuki23

It happened just last week when my family and I went to my husband's house for a vacation. I have never met my father-in-law as he already died a few years before I met my husband. In my in-law's house, we normally stay in my mom-in-law's room whenever we visit them. There is a small picture of ...

My Holocaust Museum Experience In Washington Dc by Glaziola-Nacht

April 20th 2016 (My 9th Grade Year): I had taken the train from Frederick, Maryland with my entire German 1 Class to Union Station in Washington DC. My German teacher had this tradition where every other year in April she'd take her German classes to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, I just ...

Blue Pale Figure by Spookyshub

Greetings to all I'm from Delhi, India. I'd like to share my experience with y'all today, this is my personal experience and this happened few months ago. Probably in December. Let's hop in. I'd like you to provide little details of my house for your better understanding, my house is 3bhk with a ...

At The Kids' Camp by majarlika012

This story happened last Friday (May 31, 2019) to my mother and sister. There was a Kids' Summer Camp in our church last May 30-31. Participants are from Middler class to Early Teens class (ages 9 to 13 years old). Mama's experience: She was washing the fish and pork at the small kitchen sin...

Mobile Legends by hkgoca

*Hello! I'm a big fan of YourGhostStories site, I've been reading stories her for three years and this is my first time sharing my own story. Hope you enjoy! One night after dinner (7PM), I got bored from scrolling through my social media feeds so I decided to turn on the TV while my Dad was also...

Baguio Hauntings by zetroc

Today is Tuesday & I just got back home from a 3 days 2 nights stay in Baguio, I was there from Saturday until Monday afternoon and would just like to share a little story that happened in our staycation house. It was Saturday morning around 2am when I and a girl friend of mine decided to go to s...

Roseman Bridge by Iowahaunting

On June 1, 2019, at approximately 7:00 PM, I was returning to Indiana from a vacation that I had taken to Wyoming and South Dakota. My all time favorite movie is the Bridges of Madison County. For years I had said that I was going to visit the house and the bridge that were the focal points in the...

Generational Paranormal? by LightMight

I'm new to this site, and would like to share some of my recent experiences about my new home. Last May, my husband and I decided to purchase a home in the historical downtown area of the city we live in. Our home is a charming, 3 story (6 bedroom/3 bathroom) house, that is due to turn 100 years ...

The Imitation Ghost by sisterspooky

I want to start by saying that my friend and I are deeply interested in the supernatural and regularly read submissions here. Never would I have thought that I, too, would be submitting my own. Let it be known that I usually wake my Mum up on weekends. So on the morning of May 26th, I go to her r...

Mini-tornado by LightMight

This experience took place in the late 1980's, while I was working as a secretary at a business firm in Los Angeles, California. I had been working at that location for awhile, and was rather comfortable with my daily work routine, albeit somewhat dull and tedious. The office environment was very pr...

Kashi Milli by Rownin

Back when I was 18 years old, during summer vacation I was alone in my house. My family were out of state for quite long so, I was made responsible to look after the house. I was alone and the creepy silence of the house made me little uncomfortable to stay alone especially during the night. So I de...

Hug From A Spirit by ANGIELJ09041968

I live in Savannah, Ga. I'm a single mom of five. I often give my bed up to avoid the fights between my boys. This particular night I was sleeping on the couch, I encountered what appeared to be a male whatever it was behind me on the couch. He wrapped both of his arms around me as if he was huggi...

My Partner Saw A Ghost Figure Of Me by Fran2442

My partner messaged me this morning saying he woke up to grab his phone and saw me at the bottom of his bed, as if I had just woke up. I was crying apologizing to him and he said he couldn't hear me, so I used my pointer finger to write it in the air, spelling out I'm sorry and then, as I was crying...

My First Real Experience by Dennis191

**Note: You will find some odd remarks/responses described in the story to some words/phrases/sentences, because... Well you in the USA would find it odd if someone talked to you in Hungarian. Well same applies to me as I found it odd that someone/something in Hungary talked to me in English.** O...

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