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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 135
Strange Paranormal Events by jordyoatsvall
This event occurred when I was between the ages of five and six. My mother and I lived in a new mobile home out in the country in southeast Missouri in the small town of East Prairie. I was in my bedroom floor playing a game and my mother was in the bathroom sink looking in the mirror in the bat...
Voices And Ouija by barely_here
This isn't just ONE story here, this is a background of what all I have experienced. While I have never seen anything (other than the "something in the corner of my eye" thing), I mainly hear voices. Sometimes quietly, sometimes too, too loud. They always either say my name (Brianne and/or Bri) or t...
The House On Wallace by lpd09
I wanted to share some things that happened to me when I was a teenager. We lived on Wallace Street in Taylor, Texas. My dad died when I was 15, so I moved into the home with my mom. I should tell you, I didn't consider most of these things to be possibly paranormal until recently. I usually came up...
A Ghost In The Kitchen by ponyfan4life
My girlfriend and I just recently bought a home in Richardson, TX about 7 months ago. This home was built in 1971. We have done some nice updates like a new wood floor and a new fence, things of that nature. We have enjoyed our new home and the pride of ownership that comes with a home purchase. Lat...
Visit From My Cat And Loud Radio by JSebax
I still hesitate before submitting this story. I am not sure whether it is a haunting, or even anything paranormal, but it's definitely one the weird things that has happened to me of late. I had to put down my 14-year old cat last January 11th. Stage 4 kidney failure. Almost a month later, on...
Ada Started Crying by missy-ryton
In November 2012 me, my husband and two sons had a beautiful house in the north east of England in a town called Peterlee. It was the ideal home and we all loved it. Unfortunately, due to the recession my husband's shop was closed and we had no choice but to move back to our home town of Seaham so h...
A Haunting In My Dining Room? by Chocolat
This event happened when I was quite young, so I have a little recollection of it, and my mother does as well. I grew up in a fairly nice 2-story, 4 bedroom, two and a half bathroom house in a suburban city just an hour or two away from San Francisco. In fact, I'm still living in that house. I ha...
Ghost At Home by bizzle90
Firstly thank you for reading this story. I am 23 years old and currently serve in the forces; however, I still live with the parents at the moment. My story begins roughly the year 2000 and also 2005 until today as both incidents occurred in both houses I lived/live in thus far. My father, who ...
The Dark Entity Or A Witch? by amberv
I have seen and been around things paranormal and none of them scared me as bad as this did. I was living in Baxter Springs, KS at the time (a really small town). It was a few days before Thanksgiving of 2004, and I had family that came from out town. My younger cousin, which I will call her b, ...
Toy Room by SkitZoe
My family and I use to live in a two story house. The whole neighborhood, full of new homes, use to be acres and acres of peach orchards. Who would have thought that a new home can have someone or something going about the their house? One would think only old homes have these paranormal activities....
Strange Bright Figure by KC24X
This happened in my old house in Essex. It was a pretty freaky house anyway before this happened, because you never felt like you were on your own in there. So this weird thing took place in my bedroom when I was about 4-5 years old. It was quite late and I remember needing a drink and it was on...
Clitheroe Castle by barrymiller
On Saturday evening I went to a highly enjoyable and mind opening ghost tour that commenced at around 20:30 and ended at 02:00. This was my first experience of anything of this nature. My fascination for ghosts and the paranormal has always been there from an early age but the evening was met with m...
Am I Following By A Ghost? by wohoho2
I would like to share a story that was happened to me. First of all, I want to apologize that my English is not very good. I hope you all will understand what I am talking about. My case happened on about 6-7 years ago when I was around 23. One day in the evening (around 7pm) while I was sleeping...
Mysterious Figures And Strange Sounds by Samanta
It was a Friday. After school I went round my friend's house, we watched a film. It finished at around 5:30 pm and it was dark already, so I went home. I live about 15 minutes away from my friend. When I was walking home, someone was walking behind me most of the time. I wanted to turn around but I ...
Black Silhouette, Scares The Life Out Of Me by LucieRebecca
To start off with my names Lucie. I am 20 years old and live in the Black-Country (near Birmingham) in the UK. I have always stopped at my best friend's house (her name is Lauren) from when I was 13 years old and for the first 5 years nothing bad, strange or weird happened. But when we turned 18...
That One Strange Day by ignitingmemories
I'm 25, a single mother of two, Aliyah and Jesca. My oldest is Aliyah. I had her at the age of 19 which makes her 6 soon to be 7 in two more months. And the youngest is Jesca, she's two. I didn't want to be disturbed that day, so I dropped my children off at my mother's house and came straight h...
Trying To Hurt Me Or Protect Me? 2 by xxmercedzxx
Things started back in December around my birthday. I was lying in the extra bedroom on my stomach playing my favorite video game when I felt something tug on my pant leg. I thought my pants had just gotten caught on something, so I brushed it off like it was nothing. A few minutes later, I felt ...
Being Attacked While Sleeping by ali99
Every house that I have lived in has been haunted. I have never really had any major issues before about a month ago. I have lived in the same house for about eleven years now, ever since I was four years old. This house is extremely haunted and I am afraid something is attacking me in my sleep. ...
Demons Connecting With Me? by shaylamariah
So it all started last summer when I moved into my new bedroom in the house I have lived in for about 13 years of my life and I have never encountered anything like this before. At night, it seemed to be that my little chihuahua would growl but it was low and I thought, "Well, maybe he just hear...
Desert Mischief by Maus
I have had only a handful of experiences during the course of my 38 years that can be labeled as unusual, unsettling, or potentially supernatural. Most of these experiences have faded, and become brittle over the years. Any sense of import I may have pinned to them has been diluted with the usual li...
The Bellevue Haunt by Krom1987
Recently I posted my first paranormal experience that affected my life ever since, and it's posted on here titled "Playing With Fire". I'm explaining that to you if you want to know where my paranormal experiences started, and that this is a different experience altogether, hopefully unrelated to th...
Our Dearly Beloved Kitty by chelley2909
Our beloved cat Kitty was put to sleep as I cradled her in my arms on 2/1/2014 at 9:08 pm. She had been sick for a couple of months with a stomach disease which she deteriorated really fast. Before making the most hardest decision of my life, I decided to seek a second opinion with another vet.....
An Experience That Led Me To Believe In Ghosts by Jacktea21
I was never a firm believer in ghosts or supernatural beings. I still kind of am not so fond of the thought but I'm willing to accept it more now after an experience I had about 3 years ago. I have a cabin in St. Helen and me and my family spent many years there, basically where I grew up. I was...
It Followed Us by dido
I will start with some of the incidents that have been most memorable to me. My mom and dad have been divorced since I was 3, so it was just my mom, sister and I who lived together. I must have been about 12 when we moved into a rented ground floor flat (apartment). At first everything was great...
Boston Experience by Chalice84
Back in 2008, myself and my family took a trip to the states on holiday. After five days in New York we took the train to Boston and rented an apartment in an old brownstone building (probably one of the oldest in the city) near the park. The apartment itself was originally one big room but at some ...
What Did He Want From Me? by lindsayharjo
This was a couple year's ago it's been bothering me since. This story, just the thought of what I saw, brings me to tears. I had just separated with my boyfriend at the time and had found out I was 2 month's pregnant. My friend and her brother were at my house and we got bored so we decided to go...
You're Not Alone by this_chic_makayla
So all my life I have believed there was something out there that wasn't human. Since I was a kid weird things have happened that I can't exactly explain. When I was a kid I lived in a small blue apartment with my mom, stepdad, and older brother. Bu this time I was only about five and my brother...
A Night In The Big House by ossurr
My family has a string of lake houses in northern Wisconsin that we visit a lot in the summer. There are 4 houses and 3 of them are very old. I know for sure that the big house (the biggest house) is over 150 years old. The property overall has been through plenty, with tornadoes and new houses or r...
The Thing In My Yard by gemini_syndrome
It has been a long time since this happened when I was 11 years old and I am still not too sure of what that thing was. Okay, so I walked back into my bedroom after watching some 'Monsters and Mysteries' downstairs (Highway 666 for those of you who have seen it) and I am always extremely paranoid...
More Odd Events At The Nursing Home by Arwen1957
As I have told in other postings, I have worked at the same place for close to 20 years. I have seen and heard many strange things over time. I want to write a short description of some of them. One that happens the most often is the little boy that is seen around the home from time to time by bo...
Seance With Friends by brendanbueno
Two nights ago, I had a couple of friends over for a night of margaritas and music. Just a fun night with my girls. I have this friend Emily, who is a wild one, and she suggested we do a seance in my living room. I thought she was crazy, and didn't really feel like participating. However, I fell ...
To Infinity And Beyond by Griff84
This is a collection of events that took place between 2003 and 2006 in the house of one of my close friends, who happened to be my sister's boyfriend for a time. His name is Neil. The house was a typical town style house, with small entrance porch from the front door, through a second wooden do...
Xai-xai Beach Cabin by triden07
This past December I once again visited with my parents in Mozambique. Differences this time were my aunt was not invited and I had undergone a big operation at the end of November and was not allowed to drive so my parents came to pick myself and my kids up. Due to the fact that I had a lot of pain...
Ghost Face Picture From Hammond, La by KennethWeeks
It was mid to late July of 2012. My best friend and I were working as production assistants for the movie Christmas Angel. All of which was filmed in Hammond, Louisiana. One of the sets was an abandoned two story building next to an inn. This building gave us the creeps right off of the bat. On...
Ghost In The Road by chickybaby
The Summer of 1988 was probably the pinnacle of the paranormal activity experienced by my family. We had been experiencing inexplicable occurrences in our house for several years. I am no expert in these matters, but the activity seemed more like demonic or poltergeist activity. The activity inc...
Shadow Man Or My Imagination? by Shab45
I live in the UK but my family are originally from Mauritius. My father was born and brought up in Vacoas, and his childhood home has been in the family since my great-grandfather built it in the early 1900s. As a child I remember my father telling my that when my grandfather was dying, he'd often s...
Karabasan...or Not? by Didos89
First of all, I would like to apologize, if my English is not as good as yours. I am a Turkish woman, who was born in Switzerland. So English is not my first or even second language, but somewhere between third and fourth. And sadly, I cannot correct it to 100%. I am sorry for this. The story I a...
Karabasan...or Not? Part 2 by Didos89
When I turned 20 years old, things became more... Complicated. Even though I told my mother that something was not right, she did not believe me. She told me to pray to ALLAH (I am a Muslima), and all would be fine. Well, I prayed every night before going to bed, but it would not work at all. Maybe ...
Somewhat Intentional Exorcism? by Didos89
Maybe, you should read first my other stories, before you start with this one. I am not sure where I should start with my conclusion of these past few years. When we first moved into this home, we received a small plant as a gift from the friend of my mother. Honestly, I do dislike that woman. Sh...
Strange Happenings In My Youth by Didos89
It all started with that black figure in my person (please, firstly read my first story "Karabasan or Not?"). My room was always a bit darker than the rooms of my mother and younger sister. It was colder and, may I say... Scarier? Every time when I entered my room all was silent and the air was ...
The Scary Road by traycandii
All of my life I've had paranormal happenings, so much that people even associate me with ghosts, demons, so on... Even some tell me I have a gift, psychic ability... Which brings me to wonder if this story I have is something psychic. This very happening has had me confused for months now, I ju...
Columbia Dr., August, Ks by spete1959
In 2008, I started a remodel project on a house I was going to rent. During the first few weeks of restoration is when all hell broke loose and I should have picked up and left then but instead I went into a full blown spiritual warfare, not understanding that this would change my life forever. ...
Newcut Road Hoodied Figure 'ghost' Sighting by amesmonde
In the early hours of New Years' Day 1996/1997, I had finished work in a nightclub and a friend of mine picked me up, probably around 2 a.m. Neither of us had been drinking and I should point out I reserve judgment on the paranormal. It was a crisp night and was lightly snowing on a bypass called Ne...
Is My Dog Still With Me? by Stephyk94
I haven't written anything in a very long time as nothing unusual has really happened. I have three wonderful dogs and I love them so much. But sadly on 25th June 2013 I had to put my beautiful Collie cross Labrador, Cassie, to sleep due to old age and she couldn't walk and she just got really ill t...
The Ghost I Never See by lawluck1
I guess I should start with I was an abused child. When I say abused, it was bad. I was raped, sold for drugs, and locked in a toy box for the better part of two years. The reason I tell you this is I was told spirits latch on to trauma victims. So my story, in order for it to make sense or at l...
The Hand? by Ivytree
We moved into this house around 10 months ago, the house is old and was built around 1850. For the first five months nothing happened. Although, sometimes I would feel uneasy upstairs. I wouldn't like having my back turned so I would go to a place were I could see everything happening around me. ...
Magic Door In Pub Or Ghost by 101crazy
So to start off, I want to point out this experience didn't happen to me but happened to my mum now I can't quite remember when it was, but I know that it was at least 2 years ago. It was a late night sometime in the week, around Wednesday, Thursday and when this account happened it freaked me ou...
Knocking On Window Saying Let Me In by MohammedAdam
This is a personal experience. I am now 17 years old, I was 12/13 at the time of the incident. I was sleeping in the spare bedroom as I couldn't sleep in my own bedroom due to the attic being built. Around 3am I heard a knock on the window. I ignored it thinking it was my imagination. Two minutes...
Demon Hound by FoxDancer
I have seen things before and have been able to see these things since a kid. I have seen scary demons, spirits, guardians, you name it. But I have NEVER seen anything like this thing, or felt something that only can be described as a hole, like an invading wrongness. Usually I do not fear them, eve...
Cemetery Walker by CheezyYogurt
This is a story my dad told to me at the supper table. My dad isn't one to make things up or lie, so I believe every word he said. My dad is a photographer who was hired to take pictures at a school in Lindsay. He headed up to the school well before dawn, it was still dark. My dad is driving, and...
Shadow In The Dark? by iklein
This experience of mine happened last November of 2013, day before my 24th birthday, and just a few days after the Super Typhoon Yolanda hit the Visayan part of the country. Me and my husband were staying at his brother's house at Talisay City, Cebu so yeah I was at the area where it hit that ti...
Demonic Ghost Maybe? Help Out Please by gage1xlsz
Recently, my dad told me a story about a ghost he encountered 5 years ago. First I'll tell you a little about everyone (including my own) experiences with this ghost. Everyone always felt an uneasy, angry aura about the house. We always argued with each other, and I always felt myself thinking a...
Being Pulled Out Of My Body And Other Experiences by TheLightBeforeDawn
This is a bit of a complicated one, and I would greatly appreciate any feed back on it. I've moved up to northern Canada (I know, I move a lot) into a very spiritually active house which I actually didn't to know about before I moved here, but that's beside the point. So I've seen and heard a lo...
Disturbia, Is That Just A Song? by katshatina
It still remains unknown to me. Last year, my family and I used to live in a villa in Sydney. I have had this experience 3 times. The weird thing was that "the unknown" used to live in my older sisters room but surprisingly did no harm to her. The first experience was, one night my sister co...
Unknown Lady: Nearly Missed Otherwise Have Had An Encounter by sand33p
I'm new to this site and this is my first experience. I'm going to start this off with I am a 16 year old boy and still sleep with the covers over my head out of fear (as I watch too much horror movies). I have never felt so close to hell like I did that night. (Going in flashback) It was 20th De...
The Locker Room by girlie
This isn't much of a ghost story, more of a very creepy and possibly more to it story. I will do my best to describe the layout of the girls locker room at my old middle school. The main door was in the gym, and when you opened the door there was a hallway directly in front of you. It was about ...
From The Beginning by nikki2marie
I have lived in Alaska all of my life. My family mainly lives in California. My cousin that I barely knew died last night. I have always had weird feelings like I'm being watched or someone is always with me. I had gone to a shrink even and did many tests because I thought I was going crazy. But to ...
Hot-spring Hotel, And My Mom's Story by x77
I am Taiwanese, my English is not very well, if the words fail to express what is meant, please pardon me. My story happened 3 years ago, it is in Chinese new year, my parents and I went to a hot-spring hotel to enjoy the vacation. The structure of our room is interesting, it is a mezzanine, t...
Graveyard by ghost2002
My mom, her big sister and her small sister were sleeping as grandma (their mother) was out of town. They were sleeping and the neighbor's daughter had come as she was pregnant. Suddenly at the stroke of '12' there were loud noises on the road, they (my mom and others) thought that she had gave b...
A Blast From The Past by curiousDevu
This story is from monsoon '13, I don't remember the exact month except that it rained continuously and heavily, the skies were overcast and the rain pounded the roof and the windows. I had taken a day off from college, a fake sick leave like Ferris Bueller but unlike the beautiful spring day in Chi...
New Home, Welcoming Happenings by spiritwaiting
Recently within the last month I have moved into a new home. Its an older home and quite large for our family of six. The first initial look I had a great feeling about it, very welcoming, warm, and the lived in feeling (which I love). I am a stay at home mom and housewife, so I am home just abo...
Creepy Events In Childhood Home by ramona
First of all I would like to say that I've always been a very sensitive person. My first encounter with the dead happened when I was a baby. Before I was born my parents moved into an old house previously owned by an old lady. The old lady lived there by herself and the house was in two stories ...
Personifying Ghost by vigneswaran
I am a 17 year old boy and my cousin is 14 years old. We being teens did a lot of crazy stuff that includes ouija board. We were trying it in his house due to fear my cousin just removed his finger from the indicator, suddenly I felt a chill so closed the ouija and went to my house. After 2 weeks...
Cowboy Ghost Watching Me When I Sleep? by Dianthus
My mum she said she used to have psychic dreams. When I was in 6th grade, so 4-5 year ago, my grandfather died. A few weeks after he died I felt like I wasn't alone on my room. I just said I was imagining stuff. My bed sheet was like someone had sat on it. Then I hear some noises like when you tu...
When Freinds Become Lost They Let You Know by paranormalpalmerian
Today marks the 2 year mark of my best friend's death. I thought I might share a little experience on what has been happening the past few weeks. My friend's name was Natalie she had a goofy, bubbly personality, never wanted to hurt anyone, when she passed away on March, 3 2012. I didn't know how to...
Ghosts Seem To Follow Me Anywhere I Go by ahmanduuuh
This "story" is not going to be about a specific one time, in fact it isn't about a specific location. I'm going to cover my experiences in my parent's old house and some experiences in my grandmother's current home, as well as other locations. I'll start with my parent's old home, since it is th...
Tall Monster One-time Sighting by Kayli
Several years ago I saw some sort of monster hovering over my bed one night, but not since. Usually when I see something along the lines of the supernatural, I can tell if it is malicious or not, but I didn't have any kind of feeling one way or the other this time. I also could not determine gender,...
I Met My Husband Because Of A Bet. Or Did I? by RedWolf
This is not your ordinary ghost story. Nor is it a ordinary love story. It's a bit of both. In the fall of '82 I was working in a machine shop at minimum wage making drill bits. My brothers' friend had been laid off so he made a bet with me. I had to type up and mail out 25 resumes by a certain ...
Fallen Angel Experience? by rk2
This happened a few years ago, yet this situation has puzzled me even until now. At that time, I was extremely interested in the supernatural. Almost obsessed. I would continuously watch videos or use the internet to find out more about ghosts. Even if I was doing something else, I would be drawn ba...
Is It A Entity? by Paranormal_Activity
Ever since I was 5 and I moved into a new house I had a weird feeling. It was like a presence of something there, and watching you. I normally shrugged it off. When I was 8 whenever I had a shower it felt like something was watching me it was unknown of what. When I was 9 I started waking up with...
The Teleporting Black Thing by minediggergirl21
I promise you all that this story is true and happened about 5-6 years ago when I was about 9. Please excuse any spelling errors too. My friend Laila was turning 10 and had invited me, Imogen and Sonya to her slumber party. It was two nights and three days long. In Laila's house was her, her mum...
Paul...the Friendly Ghost by Supernatural_lover1
I am 13 years old, my name is Caitlin. My story isn't really a scary story, its more of like just normal experience with a spirit. I moved into this house June 2013. It's an older house. My mom is a single parent, so we had to get something cheap. My mom knows our landlord. I have to stay alone from...
Expect The Unexpected With Shadow People by KibaxChan
MY EXPERIENCES I've had several experiences with shadow people, but I don't think that they have ever been the same exact entity twice. My experiences range from neutral to malevolent, but I have never crossed paths with a benevolent shadow being. I have been an empath since birth, but my sensitivi...
Something Tried To Strangle Mom by instant_crush
I have read quite a few stories on this site and after reading the comments, concluded that I can share my experience on this site without getting any negative remarks. So, my dad's in a transferable service and so we move from one place to other every three-four years. Anyway, when I was 14 year...
Real Ghost Within A Scare Attraction by Distelvlinder
This has happened to me a few years ago. I was working in a scare attraction in The Netherlands. This required working in the dark for days in a row and not seeing any daylight in the winter periods. Many people say this is the explanation of my experience, together with the sounds and music that su...
Sweet Aromas At Night by Argette
I live in a house that is 118 years old. It has had 6-7 owners. The master bedroom, which was added 40 years ago, is over the kitchen. Previously, this space was a lumber room or attic. Every so often - probably at least a half dozen times a year - I wake up to the aroma of baking or cooking. It ...
Shadows, Beams, And A Final Goodbye by Drowning_Sadness
Before I begin writing about my experiences let me warn you that this will be long because it is the first time I'm putting a lot of this out there. I was about 14 when all of this begin. A little background: my mom was diagnosed with recurring cancer about 8-9 months after my dad left us so we ...
Im So Worried, What Do I Do? by ashxoxo20
From the time I was little growing up in an old house my mother and father bought, my bed would just shake at random. I'd see this dark shadow past my window at night and sometimes even a little girl standing in the corner of my room. When I turned 17 I met this guy and got into a relationship w...
Ghost Walking Inside Drainage Tube by AmityAngel
After lurking around this site ever since the same age this happened, I have finally decided to write out what happened to me 10 years ago. The following experience is my very first personal paranormal encounter, though not the only one. When I was in 3rd grade, I lived in the city of Spring, Tex...
Weird Things Happening In My Bedroom by mdib96
My story does include a dream however this is not what I am particularly here for but it was involved in my experience. Next to where I sleep I have a bedside table which has pictures of passed relatives and a small sculpture from my grandparents house which I was given when they passed. Next to the...
My Cat Is Terrified Of My Bedroom by ShadeSlovanika
So I just bought a house not too long ago, back in November and I moved in. I've been pagan since I was about twelve so when strange things started happening around my new place in January I didn't really think much of it. I'm used to the ideas of spirits and ghosts that are still lost on our plain....
Dark Haired Girl by sensitive_storm
I don't know exactly when I stared seeing and feeling the spirits of the dead, but the first time I remember it happening I would have been around 12 years old. It started a few weeks after we moved house, I started feeling uneasy when I was on the landing and the stairs. I didn't tell my mum how I ...
Bang, Bang, Who's Banging On The Wall? by lanapoll96
This story is about my girlfriend's house once again. A few weeks ago, when I stayed over at her house at the weekend as usual, we were sat downstairs at about 2am and we began to hear a banging sound, like someone hammering something onto a wall. We were sat in her living room. They have two...
Scratches by ashuff
I have a ten year old daughter who has been hearing and seeing things for quite some time now. When she was eight she had finally told me and her dad everything she had and has been experiencing. Some have been dark and others just seeking help. For the last twelve months everything has been well, h...
The Spirit In My Bedroom 2 by Mussi14
In late December 2013, I was home for the holidays, and I was in my bedroom when my dog started acting strangely, as if she was staring at something. She didn't seem scared or aggressive, just as if a stranger had entered the room. I didn't think much of it and fell asleep again. Later that night, I...
Poltergeist Activity And Random Noises by Ashwini45
This is the first time I'm submitting a story on the internet, so please be patient and kind enough to ignore any mistakes I might make. This is taking place in my home currently and I don't know why or how it started, I investigated a little and it has all the characteristics of a poltergeist exper...
Urmila's Haunted Home by Ashwini45
Urmila and I have been best friends since college (that would be since '84). Her house is haunted since as long as I could remember and as I just posted a story, I couldn't help but remember the incident that took place at her house. It's a two-storied Indian bungalow. It's a huge and a beautifu...
Dark Figure In Our House 2 by missbsb8
First of all I would like to say thank you to the people who wrote a comment on my last posting. It really helped me a lot. My family is slowly beginning to believe me when I tell them about what I see/hear. Now they even tell me that they have heard noises, but they still think I'm a little cra...
A Monster In My Room? by Merope
I am a 20 year old female living in Ontario, Canada. The incident that I'm going to relate took place 10 years ago but it has been bothering me ever since and when I found this site I decided to share my story and see if anyone has any opinions. Of course, as it was an entire decade ago, this is...
Sleep Paralysis Or My Mom? by rweath1989
My mom died from cancer when I was 14. When I graduated high school I immediately started using drugs and alcohol after four years of suffering with my dad's mistress and now wife. She's nuts. Anyway I had my son in 2010. Since then I've still been self medicating with alcohol. Until February 18...
That Place Was Filled With Ghosts by MyselfandH
I am very sensitive to the paranormal and experience it on a daily, hourly basis. This is just one of my experiences. Where it all began really. I had had many small, seemingly insignificant experiences before this, but since this I've never been the same really. Now I am heavily non-religious, ...
Can I Please Change Rooms? by Bambi
I live with my mother and grandmother in a 3 storey Heritage House in Sydney, Australia so, I assume it's pretty old. Before my family moved in it was recently renovated, they extended it and added two extra rooms, one of which I am currently in. The house, to me at least, has always had an uneasy f...
Family Ghost? Part 1 by Bambi
When my grandfather was a boy growing up in Fiji in the mid-late 1950's, he and his siblings experienced some strange occurrences on our family land. They lived in a 1 storey house on the estate and every day they had to go down to the river to get buckets of fresh water. Every now and then my grand...
Family Ghost? Part 2 by Bambi
This is a story my mother told me after the strange incidents that happened in my old room. As mentioned in my previous post, I live in a 3 storey Heritage House in Sydney, Australia. It's old and almost every member of my family has lived here at one point or another, and they ALL have their own st...
Living With Spiritual Sight by adqkid
This will be a few incidents that I've had with the spiritual. Only one I can honestly say scared me but all of them left me bewildered and seeking answers. As the App. Foretold: I downloaded a ghost hunting app on my phone. Everybody told me that it was just a joke. While at work I often would ...
Ouija Board Experience - Zaza, Elbk, A? by char13
I'd like to mention that my friends and I did ALOT of research on Ouija boards before we used it. I DO NOT RECOMMEND USING AN OUIJA BOARD, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE LITTLE TO NO KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THEM. This is my story about an Ouija board experience that happened over the weekend. I was having a sle...
Oh How My Powers Grow by triden07
Hallo to all my YGS friends! As a courtesy to new readers to my posts, I live in a house containing three spirits. One is a little boy named Adam, who died in the room he now sees as his sanctuary. The second is my Maternal Grandmother, who is a guardian spirit to her daughters (every generation sin...
Three Knocks by Jane01
The event I will talk about is not mine, but instead of my maternal grandparents. I have never met my grandfather, he died before I was born so this was told to me by my mother. This happened when my mother was still a child. My grandfather was working in a dispensary and sometimes came home at ...
Sleep Paralysis And Hieroglyphics? by Tedpeck1978
I recently woke up exactly 4 am laying flat on my back, which is strange as I never sleep on my back (even my wife confirmed that for me). I was unable to move for 10 - 15 seconds and my body kind of felt like it was twitching/convulsing. I was seeing what looked like hieroglyphics everywhere I look...
A House We Once Rented by clark200666
Alright, we just moved out from this house so I guess it's time to share the paranormal experiences my family experienced. This house is, well, not that really old. It's more or less 25 years old. It's rented to us and we stayed there for 7 years, and in those years there are some weird stuffs that ...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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