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Ghost stories from California, United States: Page 1

Haunted In The Desert by Kathyfugatt

Back in 2006, I decided to move out of the Inland Empire. It proved to be a mistake due to numerous issues. I found a decent home that was Spanish style built in 1993. In the City of Adelanto in the high Desert. Shortly after moving in odd things began happening. My black and white cat, Sylvia,...

Timothy's Story by xxANARCHISTSxx

Ever since I was about four years old, I have believed that there is a little boy named Timothy that lives in my house. At first it was just an excuse I used whenever things went missing, but as I got older, I realized it was much more than that. I started to become more and more interested in the p...

The Ghost Nurse I Met That Night by Wandering24fox

I was 11 years old and it was hours after surgery, I woke up. Of course, I was in pain so I stayed in the hospital for some days. I had a hard time breathing because there was nothing to blow my nose with so I tried to call a nurse. After all, I needed tissues but since it was nighttime there were r...

Grandma's Creepy Closet by Mikey85

Growing up, my Grandma lived in the apartment upstairs in the same complex where my family and I lived. It was an old building with only twelve apartments in total. She resided in apartment 2874, while we lived in 2868. Since before I was born, Grandma had been living alone. However, she had thi...

My Baby Son And The Open Closet Doors by TranscendingTales

May 9, 2023, at 12:40 a.m. In the dead of night, I retreated into my quarters after securing the doors. As I was updating one of my ongoing stories on my Kindle, I left my wife to tend to our baby boy, who is not even three months old; he will be three months old on May 22, 2023. My wife put my so...

Night Gown by Stardar77

In 1992, at the age of 16 I had moved in with my Aunt for a short while. It was during that stay, that I experienced my second paranormal encounter. The first time I saw the little girl, I was not alone. My aunt was also witness. While talking amongst ourselves, we happen to notice a young girl st...

The Hollywood Roosevelt & Lost Luggage by Josh941

I will start off with an apology because it's quite a lengthy story with a fair bit of background information. This story may not seem as spectacular in comparison to some of the others, but as it might just be my first ever paranormal encounter I just had to share it and get some of your thoughts...

Warn Bobby by Wyvernshade

When I was about 10 years old, my mother and a next-door neighbor named Margaret Lowery, in Palo Alto (alleged to be a medium) were on the Ouija together one night. We'd often go over to our neighbor Margaret's house to do this, and my older brother would also attend, and several of his friends as w...

Recycled Spirits/the Old Refrigerator Of Doom And Stuff! by AnotherSecurityGuard

Did you like the title? I thought that it was clever. This "ghost story" or whatever you want to call it has some laughs in it - particularly at my expense. There's definitely some spookiness to it though, too, so don't worry. It won't keep you up at night, though. Unless you spend your nights tryin...

Spirits Are Very Real by scott4402

My name is Randall, It was the spring or early summer of 1973. I was fifteen years old at the time, living in the coastal town of Pacifica in central California, with my three siblings, my father and his new Hawaiian girlfriend that also had several children. The three youngest lived with us. ...

Thing That Follows Me by ClutchCain

Recently on November 1st 2021 at about 6am I woke up from a nightmare. I usually only have nightmares and I know that the thing that haunts me is around when I get woken up from a nightmare. Usually I feel like I am being strangled or my bed shakes. But this time I woke up in a cold sweat and saw th...

Spirit Voice On The Beach 2 by Berggraf38

This is a short, but very interesting update to my previous experience at Arroyo Burro Beach in Santa Barbara California 'Spirit voice on the beach'. Please read that experience if you haven't yet. I have researched known ghosts of Santa Barbara several times over the years to try to find the gho...

Grim Reaper Smelled Me by Saltlick

I travel once in a while for my job. I had flown to California and was back at the hotel after work. At about 3am I woke up to the grim reaper standing at the foot of my bed. He was very tall, in a hooded black as night cloak. I could kind of see some shape of a skull underneath the hood. He walke...

The House On The Corner by Rosama45

My sister and I went to walk our little dog around the block. There are 6 houses on our side of the street, ours being the second one from the corner of Maclay and Gladstone. We exited our home and as we walked up the driveway (there is an incline out our front door to the sidewalk), I turned to my ...

Strange Experience In The Parking Lot by unforgiven1

I've been thinking about posting this story for awhile now but I am worried about not being able to explain it well enough. I used to be very frightened about this but now that I am older I'm curious if anyone else has had an experience like mine. This took place around 16 years ago, before I move...

Menacing Entity by Mimi30

My husband and I moved every 4 years with our children due to our military duties. The last 3 assignments were Los Angeles to Cape Canaveral, Florida then back to LA. We found a newly built 2-story back unit suitable for us and quickly moved in. About a month and a half there, at 7 months pregnant...

Normal House, Far From Normal Night by callum21

This is the first time that I've posted anything online about this event in my life. I've told some close friends about it--my mother as well--but only the people involved with the owners of the house trusted me in what happened. This is the only event in my life that I have no explanation for. A...

My Husband And The Ghost? by BrendaDances

I am not sure how to explain this experience, or what do to about it all, but I really need help in stopping what ever is happening from destroying my marriage. I have gone over this story a couple of times and tried my best to remove anything that was too graphic because I want to be taken seriousl...

Momma Is With Us! by DSSM1975

It was the middle of February of 2013. My best friend's mom had passed away in her own bedroom, in her own bed. It wasn't but 2 months later I needed a place to stay so I rented the now spare room of my friend's house. After staying over 9 months, my friend had come home with what they call a "sel...

A Surprise Call by ccmerlin

I got a call from my dad telling me my grandfather was in the hospital up north and was not doing well. They were going to cut off his leg to try to save him, but it did not look hopeful. They didn't want me to come see him, and I couldn't talk to him so I sadly expected a call soon informing me tha...

Strange Coincidence Or Something Else? by VeronicaMarie

In 2007 I was going through a very rough time, due to a severe anxiety disorder that I have. One day I was trying to distract myself from the obsessive worry and went online to look at wallets, as mine was falling apart. I've always loved those little inexpensive brocade wallets and billfolds with t...

The Beautiful Lady In White by Cappy

I had been visiting the Queen Mary in long beach frequently. My girlfriend at the time was an entertainer and we use to go to their cocktail lodge after her performances. This was back in 1984/85. I've wanted to share this story for many many years. It wasn't until years later when I was watching a ...

Felt Like A Message From My Mom by VeronicaMarie

My mom died in March of 2010. Around Christmas time that year, I was online gift shopping, but started feeling mopey thinking about how Christmas wouldn't be the same without her, and my heart wasn't in it. A few hours later I took the bins down the driveway for pickup the next day. As I was walking...

Things I Can't Seem To Explain 2 -it Hasn't Stopped by lookin4answers

It has officially been 12 years since I posted last. Since then I have moved a handful of times, 4 additional cities, and even became a mother... And like the title says, it hasn't stopped. The last 4 years have probably been the most active. I became a single mother of a 1 year old and moved in...

Whispers I Can't Explain by VeronicaMarie

There may be a logical explanation for this... Like my laptop simply picking up on some other electronic device's frequency somewhere... But right now I am stumped. Two nights ago I was on the laptop, wasting time watching a youtube video, and it ended, and I paused the screen so as to stop ano...

It Comes At Night by Haven

For as long as I can remember, I have been bothered by something at night time. Nothing sexual, just my bed moving, my sheets pulled off, my hair being touched, breathing and hearing whispering next to me. I even got hit with a water bottle cap once as I was trying to sleep. It stops for a while and...

Pacheco Pass' Ghost In Black Robes by ccmerlin

Years ago driving back from Sacramento to Monterey I went over Pacheco Pass, and I saw a small car broken down on the side as I was coming down the hill. There were kids in the back seat playing under a sheet, and there was a lady on the passenger side with the door open. I felt bad for not stoppi...

Were These Demonic Signs In My Life? by Santino

It all started when I was 11, me and my family were in the front yard no one was in the house. We were playing basketball and I suddenly stared at my sister's window and suddenly I saw a fist from inside the house behind my sister's window smash her window. Then suddenly everyone stopped playing bas...

My Three Hauntings by VickieDW

There were three hauntings I have had in my life that stand out and to me are worth telling. The first was when I was child living in Van Nuys, California on Sherman Way. The house we lived in was an old house that was on 3.5 acres right in the middle of Van Nuys, with an apartment building on o...

I Believe Her by Haven

My good friend Gloria takes care of her 93 year old mother who has Alzheimer's and dementia. I have met Carmen (her mom) and have witnessed some of her "episodes", they seem to be getting worse. Lately, Carmen's health has been failing due to her not wanting to eat or spitting out her medicine. ...

Meeting Ghost Of Live Person by nightrider66

I am a new member, but not new to ghost experiences. I need some feed back about my recent experiences. A little about myself. I have always had experiences with spirits, ghosts and nightmares and I can still remember each one since I was a little girl. More about that later. I am 53 now and ...

Rattles & Drums by LottiTheSeer

At the end of October 2018 I began having some bizarre experiences at night. As I lay in bed my feet would get grabbed, shaken or slapped. I would also be touched on other areas of my body including being shaken by the shoulder and groped sexually. This activity occurred for about two weeks and then...

Garage Door And Smoke Alarms by jsbsf

My mother died on April 28, 2012. About a week after her death, I believe it was on May 7, we heard a noise and I looked out the window. It was dark outside, and I saw light coming out from the garage downstairs. So, I knew the garage door was opening. My husband and I went downstairs and observe...

Voices At A School Playground by Lalaland

I remember this experience like it was yesterday. About 25 years ago when I was only 7, my family and I visited my cousin and her family in Sacramento on a Saturday. They lived in an apartment right next to a cemetery with an elementary school right behind the apartment complex. This was definitely ...

The Shadows In The House by Janebunny

When I was very young my family moved into a two story brown house and I was very excited. It had three rooms all upstairs and a second living room but we used that as a different room. When you walk upstairs you would see the bathroom first, then you walk down the hall the first door to your left w...

'my House Is Haunted' by Kiddino

My Name is Larry Cedeno and I live in South San Francisco California. I live 3.1 miles from the town of Colma, known worldwide as the "City Of Souls," it's the smallest city in San Mateo County with over 1,509 residents and 1.5 million "souls." At this time, there are sixteen cemeteries in colma, in...

Serenading Guitar by Cherubim

It was the summer of '72 on a hot summer night. I was rather lonely that night because I couldn't find my friends that I usually hang out with. It was dark outside and I was laying on my bed reading a book. I lost track of the time and began to get sleepy, so I put my book away and turned off the li...

A Haunting by Surferwoman

One day I bought a 3 bedroom house for my son and myself to live in. I was divorced and raising my son alone. At the time my son was about 8 years old. The house was nice with a pool. I used one bedroom for my office. It had a hall and 2 bathrooms. After about a month or so, I started hearing the to...

Boot Steps by Dar77

Christmas 1993, I went to stay with my then best friend; Teri. She and her parents had been given a place to stay for a bit. It was a house down the old highway in Nevada City California. This house still had everything from its previous tenants, even a fridge that had been unplugged for who knows h...

My California Ghost Stories by HawaiiFemme

Story 1 When my sister was about 9 years old, she was alone in my room praying her rosary. Suddenly, she heard the sound of books from my bookcase falling to the floor although none actually did and the room turned red. She ran out of my room and unfortunately, that was the last time she ever pra...

More Than A Coincidence by Cherubim

I've often wondered about coincidences... Are they really? Someone once told me there are no accidents or coincidences. This made me reflect on past memories. One my mind keeps going back to is of my aunt. We were only 9 years apart so she insisted that I call her by her first name. She was so much ...

The Lady At The Santa Barbara Mission by Bigwilly

I grew up in California, and as a young child I was told by my Grandmother I had the gift. I was not quite sure what she meant being about 7 years old at the time. Some background on my grandmother she was 50% Cherokee and into what we would call white magic. We might also say a medicine woman. She ...

The Night Gown by Dar77

I was 16 years old when this happened and living with my Aunt. I recall my first encounter with the little girl took place in broad daylight and while conversing with my Aunt. The two of us were standing there looking out the picture window, overlooking the vacant lot and immersed in conversation ...

The Skeleton In The Purple Car by triplevirgo

When I was maybe four years old, I was staring out of my family's living room window that led to the street. I don't really know why I was looking out the window but I remember it feeling like I was staring for quite some time. Out of nowhere a skeleton (no not someone dressed as a skeleton) pulled ...

Keeps Coming Back by Haven

For the last couple of nights I've been hearing noises in my bedroom at night. The noises sound like there is someone walking around in the bedroom and when I'm asleep. I get woken by a rustling noise, like someone is crumbling paper or moving a plastic bag. I thought maybe it could be a mouse even ...

Jealous Ghost by Rozita000

This is about my brother, he is 34, good looking, athletic and very kind but he has been having a ghost problem for the past 4 years. We are not sure how it started or why! There are things that get misplaced and he was grabbed by his feet and shaken at midnight, one night. It shook him so hard tha...

Shape-shifter by ero94

I'm not too sure what to name this experience, so I went ahead and chose shape shifter and you will see why as I continue my story. I was riding my bike really late at night, on my way to my girlfriend's house for some late night fun. I had just left my house and was about 1 minute away from it wh...

I Bought A Haunted House by trentinray

We just bought a house at the end of March and we have been having some odd things happening. A couple days after we moved in my kids windows were open the next morning after we know we shut them before bed. The screens were still in place and the back gate leading to their windows was still latched...

What Does She Want With Me? by ELINOEL96

My name is Elijah. I live in a house with two other roommates whom I consider to be like family. Ever since I could remember, I've been able to feel shadows. The figures that follow you, whether good or evil, I could sense them so intensely that I could describe how they look, without actually...

Tore Us Apart by Haven

A few years ago, my oldest daughter was preparing to take her First Communion. The church required that parents and godparents attend a two day retreat. It was during this retreat that my children's father reconnected with God. He was touched by everything he lived that day. I remember seeing him l...

My Room With The Woman by ClutchCain

As a kid in I grew up in two houses. One was with my mom and the other was with my dad. I always felt more at home with my dad because my mom's house had a bad energy. But while at my dads we had a spirit in our house and we called him The Little Guy. TLG was harmless but he would always catch someo...

A Spirit Led Me To New York, To His Old Apartment by Nylaca

I visited New York for the first time in January, while on tour (I'm a musician). On the third night I had a dream about someone who was well known in entertainment, who had long been crossed over... (no they weren't a musician) The dream: I was standing in Times Square by myself, in the snow ...

What Was Making That Noise? by chuckz_21

I lived with my mom at her house for 20 years and I have had quite experiences there and so have others. I do not live there anymore but I still remember everything I experienced while living there. This one in particular I thought was the scariest. I had my girlfriend living with me, who is now my...

Delightful Experience by chuckz_21

This happened to me about 6 years ago, me and few friends were hanging out and decided to go to a ditch (just plain land that had a few tracks). To get there we had to go under the street through I guess a tunnel or so (I don't know what they are actually called). There is a ramp you have to go up t...

The One Who Was Spying On Us by chuckz_21

I use to work inside a warehouse and I had three incidents when I saw someone who actually wasn't there. The first time I saw someone I thought it was our boss who was real pain in the butt. The managers inside the warehouse would wear a red vest, he is Caucasian, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...

The Back Room by Fairyhead

When I was a preschooler, we moved to a shadowy house surrounded by a creek. Bay trees grew close, hugging the house and making the rooms darker. The front of the house contained a main living room with a wood stove and two bedrooms that were very small. Down a small step was the kitchen. Off of tha...

Ghostly Revenge by Poobah

This house was located in Ontario California. We bought it a few months before my first son was born. I worked in an electronic assembly company. My co workers and I would tease a lady named Pearl who also worked there about her chain smoking. I quit work when my son was born in July. One of my ...

Paranormal Experiences At My Grandma's House by kittenglasses

When I was born, I lived with my dad, mom and grandma in my grandma's house in Chowchilla, CA. This town is notorious for gangs, shootings, and plenty of "crazies" as the locals called them. This story is not about them, but I figured I should establish that first. I will be writing in this account ...

Peek-a-boo by ceciline

I lived with my parents at the time that this happened. We had a nice home, I loved the kitchen. We had a bar separating the kitchen from the living room, and I would sit there everyday and do my homework there. I'm also a total night owl. So I went into the kitchen one night, really late. I was ma...

Money Mysteriously Disappears by SweetEmma

For the last 2 years something has been happening to me that I can not seem to quite understand. I get scared every time it happens because I do not know why it has continuously happen to me. Lately my money has been disappearing so mysteriously and it is not someone taking it it's more of a somethi...

A Voice? by ilikecocacola

This story took place on October 31, 2017. This night was one of the most creepiest nights in my life, it was about almost 2 years ago. Before I get into the story I'll give you some history on my house. Before my grandmother got the place an old man lived here, I don't remember his name but the sto...

Random Happenings by Haven

I have a few experiences that happened to me that I would like to share here and see what you guys think. I lived in Seattle for a few years when I was a teenager, my dad moved us to Seattle after his brother died in a car accident. My uncle left behind his widow, 6 kids and his business that co...

Patio Door Face And The Shadow Figure by KankokuMochi

I remember when I was a senior in high school, I was preparing for college. When I wasn't doing that, I would be spending time with my family. We were just playing the Wii and chatting about life when my mom sent me to get her purse and when I asked her where was it, she told me it was in the Di...

The Voices That I Thought Was Thiers by KankokuMochi

I remember when I was in my first year of college, I woke up around 3 AM in the morning. Let me give you an idea of the placement of the master bedroom to my room. My room was just perpendicular to the Master bedroom and parallel to the bathroom. But the main focus was the master bedroom and my ...

Big Black Dog by Haven

When I was around 15 or 16 years old, I was alone at home because my family had gone to a party. My mom was very hesitant to let me stay by myself because they were going to be out pretty late. I remember pleading with her and telling her I needed to get some homework done and I didn't feel well to ...

Something Cold by Haven

I have mentioned in other stories, or maybe in comments, that lately I've been feeling my bed move when I'm trying to fall asleep. I have even seen my sheets move when I am completely frozen still. I have done some research on the internet to see if this is probably some kind of medical condition. I...

Because I Talked To It, It Got Worse by AndrewSimpson

I've lived in the same house for many years. Each year something happens, sometimes scary sometimes annoying. In a full house of 9 people not everyone has had an experience. My two little brothers have never had an experience. One of little sisters told me she heard whispering once. My other two y...

Interference On Camera by KankokuMochi

Note this will be very short. So this just happened recently and as I am typing this, I feel like something is outside my house. Not only that, the cameras in the house keep rebooting and the displays keep going to black. So a little backstory, I'm a 20 years old and while I may be a person w...

No Kids Allowed by Haven

A few years ago when my children were about 7, 5 -1/2 and 4 they were spending the night at their dad's sister's house. Auntie Monica was babysitting that day, my then husband and I were going to a party and were not going to be back until very late so it was decided that the kids might as well just...

Grandma Visiting Me In My Dreams by pbandj

This is my first time publishing one of my stories on here although I've always been a fan of reading stories on this website for years. I'm going to try to explain everything as much as possible. So back in 2006 my family and I lost our grandma. It was extremely difficult for me because I had gro...

Supernatural Entity In My Home As A Child by Chris1989

For privacy reasons I will not share the exact location this took place, but I will state it occurred in a newly built house in Southern California. I currently still live in this house. This event took place in the late 1990's. One night when I was about 8 years old, I was sleeping in my sister's...

Is It Following? by Haven

This just happened to me last night: I was lying in bed with the lights off going through some emails on my phone when I hear a loud popping noise followed by something hard hitting the ceiling and then hitting me in the forehead. I sat up really fast and turned on the lamp, I sat there looking aro...

Am I Seeing My Brother? by Haven

Earlier this year I received a call from my sister telling me Luis, our brother, had passed away. Luis had been sick for a while; he was getting dialysis a couple of times per week so I believe he had kidney problems. He passed away in January 2018, he would have been 51 in April, when he was younge...

Paranormal Experiences Related To Mind-altering Drug Usage? by alexandrapr369

I stayed living in Puerto Rico for maybe 5 more years after my experiences from my last post stopped. And even the first 3 years that I moved here to San Francisco, CA I did not experience anything paranormal. Until I noticed that, after I started having a regular meditation practice and also got a ...

Knock At My Door by Mo121769

Since I have been living at this motel in Ontario, I have had knocks at my door at different times at Midnight and 2am. When I look through the perp hole, there's no one there. The knock is always the same way. It's a weak knock that can be identified as either a child or a woman's. It never hap...

The Fan by bearyscary

So roommate A and I entered our dorm room around 9:15 PM right, the lights were off, the room was cold, you know, how it usually is. Except something was different. There was a faint whirring near roommate A's bed. Upon walking over, we realized the fan was on and my mind immediately went to roommat...

Phone Message by Haven

My father passed away in May 2006 due to complication with Diabetes. He had been fighting an infection in one of his feet for several months, he went to see a lot of doctors in the hopes that they would be able to save his leg. Unfortunately, they were not able to save his leg and it ended up being ...

Ghost App by trinity98

I know what you're thinking! "Ghost app? Bunch of baloney!" I thought the same when I first heard of it and even more when I first used it (I started using this app about 2 years ago so around the end of 2015 or begging 2016) but the more I used it the more the responses became more relevant to my q...

Mimicker by trinity98

Back in 2013-2014 my dad moved in his girlfriend months after my mom died. She is a very selfish lady, she wasn't terrible to me but she still allowed us to live like that to benefit herself, so I am not a very big fan of her. Her and my dad are both addicts so it was easy for my dad to brush her of...

Santa Barbara Trip by alisaprune

I worked in Santa Monica at a salon on Wilshire Blvd. While I was there a manager from a different location was getting married. The stylists from the salon wanted to go to their boss' wedding. The salon was in Santa Barbara, about 1 hour and 45 minutes away. The owner of both salons decided to pu...

Mambo by jsapair

Back in the mid-70's a buddy of mine bought some remote, high elevation acreage in Butte County, CA. It had been a Christmas tree farm at one time. One year he gave me permission to cut a tree on his property. It was getting dark and I came across a huge Douglas fir or pine tree stump that had a cer...

Spirit In My Bedroom? Somebody Help Me? by hellokitty123

I'll make this as short as possible. The signs: * Whenever I go to sleep I feel that something is poking me? Poking my whole body? It's very softly. Something also touches my hair too. This has been happening for maybe 2 years. I get really scared sometimes so I go sleep in the living room somet...

It Watches by trinity98

I have had multiple experiences with the paranormal before my mother died. However once she died and it seemed the activity picked up with the darker entity that I call the black figure. My first memory that I can remember of the figure is when I was about 4 or 5 (back when my mother was alive). I...

Spirit Voice On Beach by Berggraf38

This is my first time writing on this site. I've been reading for almost a year since I had a few paranormal experiences after my dad passed away almost a year ago. I'll save those for later though. I'm going to start with an earlier experience, one that happened 20 years ago when I was was 22. I've...

Military Men Of The Queen Mary by southcaliguy

My name is George, and this so happens to be my first time writing/telling my story to the public in any fashion outside of family members and close friends. I have nothing to hide so feel free to ask any questions you may have after reading this. My experience takes place aboard The Queen Mary in L...

Random Sounds by svvar

I was inspired and brought to nostalgia by a comment I read on a story by another member. It made me reflect and rethink on the house that I lived in growing up with my parents... I thought, hey maybe all these little things are something? Maybe not. I mentioned before that I have heard experien...

Heard Clearly My Husband Call For Me But He Didnt by Angeee10

My husband and I were at the car wash and went inside to wait for our car to get done. My husband went to the bathroom and I was sitting around the corner a ways. After a couple minutes, I heard him yell "babe"...I turned my head a tad in that direction as I wasn't sure if I really heard him. He...

My Uncle's Mean Friend by MaggieMay_Not

I hadn't intended to share another story right now, as I have 'Window View' waiting for approval. Two coming out at once seemed excessive, but for some odd reason I'm feeling a nudge. First a bit of history. My father's family were caretakers of a very old cemetery in Kentucky for all of his grow...

Phantom Vehicle by junemoonchild69

In August of 2006, I saw a "phantom vehicle" on Big Tujunga Canyon Road (Angeles Crest National Forest) in Sunland, California. It was late evening around 10:00 pm. My friend (who lives there) and I stopped by his home so he could pick up some of his belongings. We parked my Jeep in a small space on...

The Queen Mary Kids? by SucculentMania

I am curious skeptic, it has always been a source of entertainment to watch paranormal shows like "Ghost Hunters" and the Saginaw, Michigan films made by "Prozak" (although I find Prozak's films to be a bit more difficult to debunk in certain cases). A California native, I have heard many times that...

Freedom by LuciaJacinta

I was a young mother in 2004. I loved my husband and children and just enjoyed the day to day routine of raising kids. We were living in Northern California at the time in a cute little home and I was happy. My oldest just started first grade. I had a three year old and a new baby. Life was busy...

Crazy Encounters by meghanh14

My name is Meghan and I am from a small town in Southern, California known as Moorpark. Now, I have had a few encounters with I guess would be considered the paranormal. Two of which will stay with me forever. The first one occured in my childhood home. I was sleeping on the couch with my brothe...

The Dead Mans Ghost? by Avery

So its been a while since anything has happened in the house I'm currently in. In the late 1980's or early 1990's (before I moved in, and before I was born), a man died in the back bedroom. We have lived in this house for the past 3 years, next January will be 4 years, and things have only just star...

My Origin Of The Paranormal by ethereal_friend

I wasn't sure where to begin and because I will be posting all my experiences on this website I wanted to make sort of like a "background" post explaining my most earliest experience so those that may have more insight can see what could be called the start of my paranormal experiences and those who...

I Thought They Were Just Trying To Scare Me 2 by Girlfriend85

After my first story I had been so freaked out I had my cousin come stay with me. I didn't feel comfortable being there alone during the weekends when my roommates were away. This one night she and I were in my room upstairs doing our nails and shooting the s***. As she was talking I heard someone...

I Thought They Were Just Trying To Scare Me by Girlfriend85

Back in 2005 I had rented out a room in a 2 story home. My 2 roommates were cousins from Palm Springs and they were often gone during the weekends because they would be in PS with their family. (The house was in San Diego). The night I moved in they came to my room to introduce themselves and we got...

Strange Growling Sound by Hokustar

I would like to share my gratitude to finding this sight. I enjoyed reading other peoples experiences and would like to share one of mine. I have to first share that growing up, I was not brought up with religion or spiritualism. I will say that now, I am spiritual as I have come into my own spir...

A Poltergeist That Hated Blondes by EmmalineTexas

My story started in 1982. My Dad had been in the military for 32 years and then had worked for NASA before he retired. Because of his military service, he and my Mom were eligible to travel anywhere in the world by military transport if there was available room and pay a nominal fee for any meals wh...

Time Slip One December Morning by EmmalineTexas

In my 20's I worked for NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. You know the place with the gigantic blimp hangars? Yep, that's the one. It was a great job with a rotten commute. It took about an hour to go under 25 miles to work. I'm the workaholic type personality so I left even ea...

Father Knows Best by MaggieMay_Not

In my first story, My Mother's Poodle, I was age eleven. This time I'll share one from my twelfth year. I grew up in Pittsburg, Ca. I have four brothers and no sisters. My father and mother were and are still together - 59 years strong. For fun, on weekends our entire family used to go for hikes up ...

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